GermsIt is definitely a punk rock album but not a good one. I don't think I needed to listen to this and I don't have a need to listen to it again.
It is definitely a punk rock album but not a good one. I don't think I needed to listen to this and I don't have a need to listen to it again.
This is Björk's second album on this list. Björk found a way to make another shitty album but this time with no instruments. Please for the love of God skip this one.
The album was not that good and progressively got worse.
Thr singer sounds like Bob Dylan. This is not a compliment. The album was 28 minutes too long.
I struggled through this album. There were times I absolutely just wantes her to stop singing. Her voice just got more annoying as it went on. There aren't really any redeeming songs on this album.
Fun album. I recognized most of the songs.
Did not care for this album. There was one well known song.
I am sure that many people held hands to this album and that it was probably controversial at the time it was released.
I knew some of the songs. It was a good live show.
The hits are located at the beginning of the album.
I did not care this album. I was not familiar with the band or any of the songs. It definitely had an 80s sound to it, but the songs sounded much different from each other.
I did not enjoy this album.
It is an alright album. I do not believe I have heard any of these songs previously. Not sure I would willfully choose to listen to the album again, but I would listen to it again if it were playing.
Interesting album. I was familiar with one song, but not really the band. It was a decent album.
I am not sure this album knows what it wants to be. Jazz? Pop? Disco? Who knows? This album was not good.
Not surprising, almost all of these songs are absolute hits. What is surprising is Michael not only banged a carny to lose his virginity but he didn't die from some disease.
I was only familiar with one song. I am kind of indifferent on the album as a whole.
This album was alright and contains social commentary. I don't think it is their best work.
Definitely a lot of funk. One really well know song. Most of the songs did not have lyrics. The Sex Machine joke writes itself. Also, I thought that Sex Machine was going to be the song Love was not.
There were some good beats
Fun album with some jams
Has some really good hits and it is a good album.
I am not a big Bob Dylan. This album did change my feelings about him.
I was only familiar of a couple of these songs. I more familiar with the stories of Marilyn removing his bottom ribs. The album was good.
Several hits are on this album. Other songs I had not heard before and they were also good.
I was not familiar with any of the songs, but I don't have any kids so that makes sense.
I did not know any of the songs and I did not care for any of the songs. I could have died without hearing this album.
A weird album
Not a good album. I wanted to skip most of the songs.
Some familiar songs.
I don't care much for jazz. Then the album goes to a folk song for some reason then back to jazz. There's no need to listen to it again.
Some well known songs. I would list to it again.
There is a group of people that do not like The Eagles. I am not part of that group. All of the hits are on Side A. Still a solid album.
Interesting and weird album
It is an alright album but not really memorable.
I like classical music. I like some Metallica. I like the concept of mixing the two. It is a live album so the songs are elongated with crowd cheering etc. I am not a fan of live albums. This is album was over two hours and just ugh.
A several years ago my mom randomly met Alice Cooper in a Dillards. Then they ran into each other again at Applebee's. Anyways, the album was good. Some well known songs.
Definitely a lot of funk. I don't think I need to listen to it again. I didn't hate it. Also why so many live albums? (No pun intended)
It had some really good songs. It was a fun album. First time I have heard this from start to finish
I was not familiar with this band or its songs. Pretty good album.
Why so many live albums? Why would I want the acoustic version of their songs? I do not think it improved the songs. I don't hate this album, but I don't need to listen to this version of the songs again.
Weird album. No need to listen to again.
Just an alright album. I did not find it memorable.
A fun album with several hits
I am not a big Neil Young fan but the album was better than I expected.
Not really memorable at all. Definitely has a 90s vibe.
I once watched the synced up version of the Wizard of Oz and this album. It was fun. This good by itself too.
Good songs. No need for the live album version
A lot of familiar songs but they aren't really that great of songs.
A good album
Weird. I do not really like that this type of music.
Some well known songs. It was a good album for the most part
This is most likely the first of many country albums. I disliked this album approximately 10 seconds into the album. The only good thing about this album is that it is only 35 minutes long
A fun album. Some well known songs. Others I had not heard before.
Definitely an 80s feel but not really good 80s. I was not familiar with any of the songs. No need to listen to again.
I was not familiar with any of the songs. It was a good listen.
A different sound for ABBA but the same result. Good stuff.
Good album. One really well known song.
I was not familiar with this band or any of the songs. Comparing a woman to horse and cleaning her stable was certainly an interesting choice. I am sure that worked endlessly. No need to listen to again.
So depending on which version of this "album" you choose to listen to, it will either be 2 discs or 5. This is completely unnecessary even at 2 discs. The music is not good enough to warrant such a tactic. There are some very good and memorable songs, but they are hidden amongst bad songs on the "album" that is over two hours long. I am not smiling politely....that's a Simpson's reference.
This is a good album. It has some classics. The other songs are ok.
I didn't dislike this album but I didn't really enjoy it. I do not think I need to listen to it again. I was familiar with zero of the songs.
I am unsure on this album. It wasn't great and a lot of the songs sounded the same. Had an unexpected cover of America. No need to willfully listen to this again but I wouldn't ask for it to stop if it were playing.
This was an alright album. Can't Buy A Thrill was better
This album epitomizes the South and I don't care for it. I skipped through almost every song because I am not going to listen to an album that is almost 2 hours long of music I don't like.
This was a good album and I would listen to it again.
This was the first time I have listened to an entire Sex Pistols album. It was a good album but I am not sure I would go out of my way to listen to it again.
It is definitely a punk rock album but not a good one. I don't think I needed to listen to this and I don't have a need to listen to it again.
Lots of classic songs on this album. It is a very solid first album from Led Zeppelin. I am not sure I had heard this full album from start to finish previously, but it is a great album.
It was a good album
Not sure why this album is on the list. Was it the start of EDM? It was alright. It could have been a shorter album too. There is no need to ever listen to it again.
This was a really fun album and I enjoyed listening to it.
Interesting album. I have not heard any of the songs before and I was not familiar with the band. It was alright.
I am not sure why I needed to listen to this. No need to listen to but thankfully it was a short album.
I dont think I have listened to that much Sonic Youth previously. Some of the songs were enjoyable. Others were not memorable.
A lot of classics on this album. Starts off great and finishes. This is The End didn't need to be 11 minutes long.
I think this the first time I have willfully listened to Morrissey. It is an alright album.
I did not care for this album and I do not care for country music.
It was a good album. Not Fleetwood's best album.
I am not a Neil Young fan. This album did not help improve my feelings about him. Also, I don't need an album full of jam sessions.
I was not familiar with this album and didn't really care for it. There have been better versions of The House of Rising Sun.
A good soul album. One really well known song.
I was familiar with almost all of the songs. Good times great oldies.
So it definitely has the late 60s psychedelic and drug influenced vibe. Kinda meh overall. One really well know song.
James Brown has some good songs. This album does not have really that many good songs.
Not sure why this album is on the list. It was better than others but not inspiring in any way.
I did not get into this album. It had some beats but I would not describe them as good beats. I started skipping through the songs.
Ugh. I just don't care for this music.
The White Stripes are alright. This album has some hits but doesn't carry the whole way through. There were some songs that I was familiar with but did not know it was a White Stripes song
There are some really well known songs that carry the album.
It was an easy listen. I am not sure I would wilfully listen to it again though.
Nothing noteworthy about this album
It is just an ok album. Not really noteworthy.
I have never heard of this band before. A little eccentric but not bad.
Classic. Great songs. Great beats. I would definitely listen to again.
Meh. I do not care for the way Bob Dylan sings. I am not sure the whole album was a available but that is ok.
The album was alright. It wasn't really memorable.
I knew of this band before but only really knew one song. The Sweet Dreams song is enough to carry the entire album.
It was a good album. I knew a couple of the songs.
Interesting album. I did not know any of the songs.
It is alright but not really memorable. I probably won't listen to this again.
An absolutely great album. Some really well known songs but the other lesser known songs are great too
I don't think I have realized this before l, but most of Metallica's are so long. Does every song need to be 7 to 9 minutes long? According to me this album did not have any iconic songs.
I have never been a big Morrissey fan. Just alright but I don't need to listen to this album again
The album is ok. It is not memorable in any way. I was not familiar with any of the songs.
There are a couple Byrds songs that I know. None are on this album. I did not find it enjoyable. A very western feel to it and that does not help the album.
I had not heard of this band or any the songs on this album. It is an ok album. Nothing memorable about it.
Some really well known songs. I will probably not listen to this album again though
It was an alright album. Nothing really well known.
45 songs? Was this necessary? Nope. Each song was pretty short so that helped. Some were good. Others kind of meh.
Not a huge fan of reggae but it was a decent album.
I got bored listening to this. Some songs had a good beat and tune but others just kind of got lost.
Interesting album. It was decent.
This was just bad
It was definitely a lot funk
She can sing. I didn't care for the music.
This is a different type of Bowie album. It is still really good.
This is better than some of the albums on this list. Some of the songs get caught in your head.
One really well known song. The rest were a little eccentric.
Is it punk? Is it country? It surely isn't good.
Decent album. I knew a couple of the songs.
Ugh. It is certainly a country album.
Decent album. It has a funk feel to it. None of the songs are really memorable.
Definitely is a 90s album. It is a decent album. The only song I knew was a cover song.
There are some well known songs and it was a good listen.
I have never heard of this band before and it wasn't necessary. I am not sure they are even saying words in their songs.
I am not sure what this album wanted to be. I has rock, country, funk, and blues. Some of it was good. Some of it not so good.
Definitely a lot funk but I was not familiar with any songs. Some of the songs were good. Others not so much.
It is an alright album just not memorable.
It was definitely an 80s album. I was not familiar with any of the songs. I am not going seek this album out again, but it is not a bad album.
I am not a big fan of jazz. I get that it takes an incredible amount of talent but not my cup of tea
She can really sing. There are many well known songs on the album.
Interesting album. I was not familiar with any of the music. I will probably never listen to it again but I didn't hate it.
A fun album with several well known songs.
I was not familiar with Scott Walker. It is an right album.
I was not really familiar with any of these Pink Floyd songs. It was not their best work.
Not sure why this is on the list. Their other album was better.
Two well known songs. I have never been a fan of Money For Nothing.
I was not familiar with any of the songs. I was familiar with the band. Some decent songs. Some songs were just meh.
I was not familiar with the band or any of the songs prior to listening to this album. I don't see a reason to listen to it again.
A well known album. Almost all of the songs a hits.
I was not familiar with the artist or any of the songs. However this was a good album and had good beats.
Turns out I dont care Nine Inch Nails. One well known song. I don't feel the need to listen to this album again.
I was not familiar with any of the songs and I was not familiar with the band. It is an alright album. Really no need to listen to it again.
An unremarkable album. There is no need to listen to it
I just didn't get into it. It was an odd album.
There are a lot of good songs but live albums have there own issues that take away from the album
Not a great album but I tolerated it.
I did not care for it.
It was alright. I recognized some of the songs that have been sampled in rap music. I am sure plenty of babies were conceived to this album.
Great album. A lot of classics. I had heard the entire album before and I will continue to listen to it.
I was not familiar with any of the songs but it definitely sounds like 60s rock.
Not great. Not terrible. No need to listen to it again. Babies were most likely made to this album.
It is all electronic sound. I am not sure I needed to hear this album. It was just alright.
It was alright. Not really memorable.
It was ok just not memorable and no need to listen to again.
It is just alright. I did not really care for it. The songs were inconsistent in style. Remove the folk songs and it would get a higher rating.
The album got worse as it went on. It is not good. No need to listen.
I appreciated the Latin music.
I am familiar with Van Morrison. I knew a couple of the songs. Overall just alright.
Decent album.
It is just ok. Nothing really memorable about it.
Great album. I had listened to it before but it had been awhile. Still a lot really good songs. The first half of the album is better than the second half.
First time listening to this album completely or really any full album by the Boss. I knew some of the songs and some were good. The rest were kind of meh.
The music on this album is all over the place. Sabotage is a fantastic song and is in its own league. The rest of the songs are just ok.
Definitely a 90s album. It was a decent album. Not sure why they felt the need to do a cover of the James Bond classic "We have all the time in the world."
I did not care for this album. The songs were not that good and it was not memorable.
It was alright. Nothing really noteworthy. I had didn't hate it. A lot of just speaking the lyrics.
It was a good album. I still really dislike the Mercedes Benz song.
I knew one song - There she goes. It is a good song. The rest is just meh and I just wanted it to be done and it is a short album.
A great album with a lot of well known songs. The message still rings strong today.
I did not care for this album. I don't need to listen to it again. The piano portions were alright.
There are many great songs on this album most on disc 1. However, it did not need to be two discs. Disc two suffers and only a couple of songs are noteworthy.
I was not familiar with this album. It was not memorable in any way, but I didn't hate it.
Definitely a lot of jazz flute. Some well known songs. Other songs are just ok. I don't think I would choose to listen to the full album again.
Ugh. I made it through it but nothing was noteworthy. No need to listen.
I did not know any of the songs and there is probably a good reason for that because they aren't good.
I struggle with jazz. The musicians are talented, but it is not something I actively seek out. I don't necessarily enjoy or dislike it. Supposedly Miles Davis is the epitome of cool, but all I can think of regarding him is the "peeing my pants" line from Billy Madison.
Sure it is Elvis but that doesn't make it good. It isn't even his best songs. I didn't really enjoy this set of songs.
What a disaster. It starts off bad then gets a little better only to spiral back down. I did not care for this album. It was not enjoyable. I skipped a couple of songs because I was over the album by that point.
A decent album. I was not familiar with really any of the songs but they had a 90s feel to them. This album did not have any of really well known songs.
Decent album. One well known song. It definitely had a 70s vibe to it.
I have heard of the band before but not familiar with their music. It is indie rock with hints of country. I did not need to hear this album.
I had never heard of this band before. There were a couple of songs that were good but there were some weird ones. A live album didn't help it.
The album leads off with its best song. The Immigrant song sets the tone for the album, but none of the other songs live up to it, and leaves you a little disappointed. A lot more bluesy songs on this album.
Decent album but bit inconsistent. The best song is also the name of the band.
The album is all electronic music. It is not quite wub wub but it is close. It is probably best described as the beginning of EDM. I wouldn't willfully listen to it again but it wasn't horrible.
There are some classics on this album. First time hearing the album all the way through. It was an easy listen.
Lots of classics on this album. Some unknowns as well. It started off really strong and finishes really strong. It lags a little in the middle. It was a good album.
The album is pretty much unremarkable.
Eh. No need to listen to it.
This album is a little weird. I was not familiar with the Pixies before this album. Definitely does not have an 80s feel to it. This surprised me.
It was a good album. I have heard this album before and still enjoy it. There are two mega hits on it.
I am surprised that this is a 1978 album because I feel the sound was mostly unique for the time. Overall it was alright.
Eh. Not sure why this is on the list.
Duran Duran epitomizes 80s music. Two very well known songs. The other songs are alright.
One really well known song. The rest were alright.
It is alright. Not really memorable.
Layla is the best song on the album but is also long. The other songs are alright but a bit of a jam session which makes the song longer than necessary.
I didn't hate the album but I wanted it to be over before it was over. The music is kind of like house music but not full on EDM.
The album was alright. It was a lot of sampling and mixing. I didn't feel the need to skip any songs, but I don't have a need to listen to it again.
I really didn't care for it. I wanted the album to over but I did not skip any songs.
One really well known song. The rest were just alright.
The album was not that good and progressively got worse.
There are a lot of hits on the album. However there are other songs that aren't that good. Still overall a good album.
Pinball Wizard is the best song and naturally the most well known. There are some weird songs on this album. I have seen bits and pieces of the motion picture before but I did not watch it for this listening. I am not sure I will watch it or listen to this album again.
Just alright. Not really noteworthy.
There are no redeeming qualities to this album. It is awful. Do not listen.
The dial didn't move one way or the other on this. It is ok.
I recognized one song. It is definitely an 80s album. I doubt I will listen to it again.
The album is not good. You can't really hear the lyrics but that is probably a plus. Thankfully it was not a long album.
It was alright. I was not familiar with any of the songs.
I just don't care for Leonard Cohen. I wanted the album to end much earlier than it did. I was not really entertained by any of the songs.
I am not a big Bob Dylan fan. There were a couple of songs that I recognized but that does not mean I like those songs. I suffered through it. Do yourself a favor and just sit this one out.
Just beats and essentially DJ music. It wasn't bad. Not an entire album of this is necessary.
Weird album and it was kind of all over rhe place. It wasn't that good.
A fun album with a bunch a hits. I enjoyed it. I would listen to it again.
Interesting album. Not much singing or really any lyrics.
I don't know what this album is. It is early 80s but not full blown 80s music. It has hints of disco and jazz. I did not care for it.
Superstition is the best song on this album and it is not even close. The remaining songs were alright but there is a drop off.
A decent album. One really well known song. The other songs each had a different style.
One really well known song. There is a weird Iron Man cover. I don't mind the Cardigans but after listening to an entire album, I was glad it ended.
One really known song. The rest of the album was alright but not really noteworthy.
A great album. Many well known songs. There isn't a weak song on the album. I have heard the album before and will listen to it again.
I did not need to listen to this. The music itself is unremarkable. I didn't skip any songs, but I tolerated it.
This is just a bad album. None of it was memorable or groundbreaking or interesting. Thankfully it was only 41 minutes long. No need to listen.
This album should really be a 3.7. It is good, but I cannot say that any one song is an absolute hit. I was familiar with some of the songs.
Psycho Killer is an absolute hit. The rest of the songs are alright. It is better than a 3 but not a 4.
I recognized a couple of songs. It was just alright. I didn't skip any of the songs.
I have never heard of John Martyn. This album was not memorable and just ok.
Some absolute hits. It is hard not to enjoy Aretha.
It was alright. Nothing really memorable.
Best described as Spanish Jazz. Nothing about it was memorable.
A couple of big hits. The other songs are good enough to carry it. The is probably a little less than a 4 but more than a 3.
Not that great of an album and I didn't really care for it.
This album is purely instrumental and that is not a thing bad. I enjoyed it. The main song is recognizable because it is the theme song to The Exorcist.
Still not a huge Bruce Springsteen fan. I recognized several of the songs. It is just an alright album.
It is not that good of an album. None of the songs are memorable. It is not the worst album but I don't know why this made the list. No need to listen to it.
It's a Christmas album. Enjoyable for Christmas.
I was not familiar with the band or any of the songs. It is definitely 80s music, with some funk and with hints of indie music. It was alright.
A really fun album. It is old school hip hop so it's great.
It is an ok album. Nothing is really memorable on it. The group's best song (Come On Eileen) apparently is on another album. You can skip this one.
I am not a big Depeche Mode fan. There were known songs on this album. The album has some of the snythesizer sound of the 80s but I just don't find it entertaining. Thankfully it was not that long of an album.
I did not care for the album. It is just a bunch of mixing but not good. I was not familiar with the group or any of the songs. No need to listen.
I am familiar with Apples. i am familiar with Princess Fiona. And I am familiar with Fiona Apple. I knew one song, Criminal, and I was unfamiliar with the rest of the songs. The album as a whole is just ok.
A relatively short album. I don't think I was familiar with any of the songs but that makes sense because I don't travel the trails and I am not a gunslinger.
It is a punk rock album. It is good. I did not know any of the songs.
The album is ok. I recognized You've Got Friend but not this version, You make me feel like a natural woman and a couple of others sounded familiar. There is no desire to listen to this album again.
Seriously why all the fuss about Bruce Springsteen? He is a mediocre song writer and this album is worse than his previous albums. I was not familiar with any of the songs and I am fine with that. It was a struggle.
This album was rubbish. I did not know any of the songs and nothing was memorable. No need to listen to again.
It is a funk and soul album and was relatively short. It was alright but nothing memorable.
It is a jazz album that is 72 minutes long. I struggle with jazz, mainly because I am not cool enough. Also the songs were not that good.
It samples other songs and mixes other sounds and lyrics. It was decent. I don't think that any of the songs were that memorable. I did not feel the need to skip any songs and I did not wish any of the songs to end.
It is a punk rock album. I was not familiar with the band or any of the songs. It was alright.
I was familiar with a couple of songs. The album overall held my attention. I didn't skip any songs but not sure I would seek this album out to listen to it again.
Outkast is great and I enjoy their music. The double album was an interesting choice given that the albums are so different. Both albums are good and have fantastic songs. However, if you listen to both discs back to back it is well over two hours.
This album has some really well known songs, some songs that are campy and some song that are odd. Beatles albums are difficult to rate because a lot of their music is iconic but looking back on it, is it that good of music?
It is ok. Nothing noteworthy. Better than the other Leonard Cohen albums that have been on the list so far. I am not sure why there have been 3 Leonard Cohen albums on the list. There are some songs that have the 80s sound, the rest sound like normal Leonard Cohen songs.
Rehab is the only song I knew. The rest of the songs were just alright.
It has that 80s sound. It was a little eccentric but it was a relatively short album.
I am not a big Green Day fan. I am not sure I have actually heard this album all the way through before. There are several well known songs on the album but that doesn't mean they are good songs.
This album kind of goes all over the place especially with the Old Man River rendition and then Greensleeves. The songs are good though. I enjoyed it.
I was not familiar with this artist before. The album was a little long and the songs were long 6-9 minutes long. The songs turned into a jam session. I am not sure I would seek this album out again.
It is a punk rock album. I don't really care for punk rock. I don't see myself listening to this album again.
Meh. It is an indie album. It was unremarkable. No need to listen to it again.
It is an 80s album. I was not familiar with the album or any of its songs. I do not believe I was familiar with the group either.
Ugh. I did not need to hear this album before I died. I did not care for it. I suffered through it.
Meh. At least it was a short album. Nothing else is noteworthy about the album
The album was ok. It wasn't fully indie music but it was close. I was not familiar with the artist or any of the songs.
I did not care for the album. It is an indie album. I was not familiar with the band or any of the songs. Nothing about the songs are noteworthy.
It was a good album with a lot of well known songs. It was enjoyable and I would listen to it again.
I maybe recognized three songs, but one for sure. The album is alright. Despite what I said during my Philosophy 100 class in the summer of 2005, I am not a b ColdPlay fan. I was really only a fan of Clocks. My statement was a mistake and not true. I ended up dropping that class rather than face the shame, plus the teacher really just taught in drawings and nothing made much sense.
All of the hits are in the second half of the album. It was a fun listen.
The album is alright. Interesting cover of Goldfinger.
This was a weird album. Not much singing and the music itself was kinda meh. I realize it is based off of classical music but I think I prefer the classical music.
The album was alright. Nothing was really remarkable and I do not believe I was familiar with any of the songs.
Some songs were familiar. It is a blues/rock album. It was alright.
The songs were pretty good. This is not the band's best album.
This is a bad album. It is indie music and not good. It is kinda emo music too. No need to listen.
This is the second Beastie Boys' album on this list. The first was Ill Communication. This a better album than that album. The album has a lot of sampling and the lyrics are good.
I did not care for it. The songs were not that good. The lyrics were not that good. I made it through it.
It is an entire instrumental album. It is best described a synthesized jazz. It was just ok. The first song on the album sounded somewhat familiar but I can't place it.
A wonderful album. I have heard it many times before and I will listen to it again. The songs are great and fun. This album changed hip-hop/rap completely.
A great album. The songs are memorable and Ice T nails it. I really enjoyed it. This is a rap album so it does not have Ice T's must controversial song Cop Killer because that is by his heavy metal group. I am not sure if there will be more Ice T on the list. I hope so.
An indie album that was uninspiring. Some of the songs needed to end a little earlier than they did. I also had to skip some songs. I was perfectly fine not knowing this album existed let alone listening to it.
I have listened to this album before and it still a great album. Ice Cube's lyrics and rhythm has also been great. Today Was A Good Day is the most well known song on the album. I remember when there was a quest to figure out the exact date of the good day, November 30, 1988 had the strongest argument. Yet Ice Cube said there is no specific date just elements that make up a good day.
Has some well known songs and it was a quick listen. It was an alright album.
A lot of well known songs and the whole album has an 80s feel to it. It was a good listen. I probably would not choose this album to listen to again but I would listen if it was chosen.
I did not recognize the artist or any of the songs. It was uninspiring. No need to listen to it again.
It is definitely a jazz album. It was relatively short. It was ok.
I suffered through it. I did not skip any songs. I would not recommend and I would listen to it again.
This is this fourth Beatles album on this list. If I could change the ratings I previously gave those other albums I would. They (With the Beatles, The White Album, Sgt Peppers) all received a 4 but those probably needed to be adjusted down. Half ratings would have been useful. This album is better than those other albums so 4.5, but I will round down and give it a 4. Nonetheless, this album has 17 songs and clocks in under an hour. This is a benefit. The album starts out strong. Then there are some eccentric songs. Peaks with Here Comes The Sun. Then the remaining songs are alright. They are familiar and I have heard them before. There aren't that many campy songs on this album.
The album was uninspiring and unnoteworthy. No need to listen.
It's folk music. I did not care for it. Not sure why this made the list. No need to listen to it.
A funk and soul album that came out in the 90s. I was not familiar with the album or the artist. It was alright although I do not think I will be returning to it. There are better funk and soul artists that I would listen to if I ever felt the need.
I did not care for the album. I was somewhat familiar with Rod Stewart before but I never listened to a whole album before and there is not reason to. No need to listen to this album again.
I just do not care for indie rock. I do not know what the big deal of this album is either. It is not the worst album on the list but there is no need to listen to it again.
The album has an 80s sound and the lyrics aren't that great. The songs are a little eccentric. Thankfully the album was relatively short. It is better than some of other 2s on this list. No need to listen to it again.
It is electronic music. I am not familiar with a lot of electronic music artists so I was not familiar with this album or any of the songs. It sounded like something that would have been released in the late 90s though. Still no need to listen to it again.
The entire album is ambient music. Unlike with Tubular Bells, I was not familiar with any of the music. It waa alright, but I don't think I will listen to it again.
The album has that 80s sound. It was an alright album. I did not skip any of the songs but I wouldn't pick this album to listen to again.
I did not care for the album. I was not familiar with the band or any of the songs. The songs were uninspiring and I did not need to listen to this album. No need to listen to again.
It was a folk album. I did not care for Velvet Underground and I did not care this album even though it is a solo album. Lyrically unnoteworthy. Nothing about it was good. I ending up skipping through some of the songs because I just wanted it to end.
I am not a big U2 fan. There are 3 well known songs on this album and they are all at the beginning. The rest of the album is just ok. I still would not say I would listen to this whole album again but it is better than some.
This album should get about a 3.6 but it gets rounded down to a 3. You can actually understand Ozzy on this album. It doesn't have any of the super well known songs of Black Sabbath. I probably wouldn't pick this album to listen to again, but I would listen if it was on.
The album is 94 minutes long. Three minutes in and I was already dreading it. I do not care for jazz even though this is not really pure jazz but that does not help it. Parts of it were alright, however, I did start skipping around in the songs. I am not sure why one song needs to be 20 plus minutes long. I have no desire to ever listen to this again.
The album is garbage. I realize Syd was in Pink Floyd but that doesn't make his music good. The album is best described a psychedelic folk music. It takes two separate genres that aren't good to create another genre that is worse. Maybe that is the noteworthy part of the album.
I am familiar with Iggy Pop but I was not familiar with any of the songs. The album was ok. It is not surprising that David Bowie produced it as it sounds similar to some of Bowie's music. Although nothing is really noteworthy about it.
I am familiar with Missy Elliott and I was familiar with some of the songs. I don't think I had ever heard this entire album previously. The beats were good. The lyrics were alright. I probably would not choose to listen to this entire album again, maybe just a couple of songs.
I did not know that this album even came out in 2020 but a lot was going on that year. This album came out after Georg Floyd was murdered. The music reflects the emotion, however, the music itself is not memorable at least not in the way other protest albums have been.
A completely unremarkable album. I was not familiar with the band or any of the songs. It is best described as folk music. It have no desire to listen to this album again.
It is a heavy metal album. I typically do not care for heavy metal. I listened to each song but some of them carried on a little too long so I skipped to the end of it. I see no need to listen to this album again. None of the songs were noteworthy.
I had never heard of Jane Weaver previously. The album has a psychedelic, an electronic and pop feeI. There is not many recent albums that are psychedelic and electronic. Overall it is uninspiring and leaves really no impression. I have no need to ever listen to it again.
It's a jazz album. There is no singing just instruments. It is better than some of the previous jazz albums on this list but I would still not listen to it again.
Not quite R&B. Not quite Soul. Not quite good.
Why is this album on the list? I have no answers. It is folk music which isn't good, but includes some synthesized music, so classic 80s there. At least it did not venture into country music like some folk music does. Still no reason listen to the album.
I had no idea that this album existed. The album is best described as electronic R&B and was unremarkable. None of the songs really moved the dial and some were a little long. I have no desire to listen to this album again.
I like Simon and Garfunkel even though I typically do not like folk music. I was familiar with a majority of these songs. There were some that I did not know. The album is relatively short which was a little surprising.i probably would not listen to the entire album again but I would listen to certain songs.
Not sure why this made it to this list. I was not familiar with the group or the album and there is a good reason for that, it is bad music. Nothing noteworthy. Just no need for you to listen.
The album was interesting. I did not understand what was being said most of the time but that is alright. I do not think I will listen to the album again but I did not skip any songs and did not feel the need to skip any songs.
The title of the album says it all. It is ambient music. In no way is ambient music noteworthy. It is just there. No need for an entire album of it. No need to hear this ambient music before you die.
The album as a whole was alright. There are two well known songs on the album. Time After Time is tbe best song. The reat definitely have that 80s sound.
It's country and I suffered through it. Thankfully it was less than 40 mins.
I knew several of the songs on this album and many of the songs were popular. It is unquestionable that Adele can sing and the songs are memorable. This album is better than some of the albums that have received 3s and while I do not think it is a solid 4, I will round up. I am not sure I would listen to this whole album again though.
Ugh. The album is only 35 minutes long, but towards the end it just needed to stop. I was not familiar with any of songs or the artist. It was folk music. I will not be listening to the album again.
It was an ok album. A little eccentric. A couple songs were recognizable, however, it is not an album I would listen to again.
I know two songs by the Gorillaz before listening to this album. Clint Eastwood from this album and Feel Good Inc. from the second album. After listening to this album Clint Eastwood is still the one that stands out. None of the other songs are as good as it. The songs are generally uninspiring. I dont have a need to listen to this whole album again. Probably should be a 2.7 but I will round up.
There are a couple of good songs. Like A Prayer was good and the best song. Express Yourself was alright. Love Song is with Prince, so it's good. Then the rest are just unmemorable. I didn't hate it. I didn't skip any songs. Better than some albums that have received 3s, not as good as others, but not a 4. Probably won't ever listen to this album again though.
I am surprised it took me this long to get a Rolling Stones album. I was not familiar with the album by name and surprisingly I was not familiar with many of the songs. After listening to the album, I cannot say that I have desire to go back and listen to it again, nor can I point to one song and say that someone should listen to this particular song.This album does not have any of the mega hits that the Stones are known for, which is fine but something to note. The album had more several country songs in addition to the blues and rock and roll songs. The second half of the album is better than the first. The album is a little long, close to 70 minutes. The album is better than some of the 3s that I have given. It should probably be a high 3, but I will round it up.
The album is good and it solid. I had heard several of the songs previously.
It is an ok album. Nothing really noteworthy about it and it is unmemorable overall. There are better Pink Floyd albums.
The album is long at over 70 minutes. It is difficult to describe the music as it is not traditional soul, funk or R&B. The best way is to simply say it is not good. The music was not memorable. I was waiting for each song to end. The one noteworthy thing is that the mixing was done well as one song went right into the next song.
The album is long. It is in a completely different language, Arabic, I think. The music itself sounded like pop music and it was upbeat. The version of Imagine was interesting and unexpected. I don't think I will be revisiting this album.
It is reggae music but with some synthesizers. It did not really move the dial one way or the other. I didn't hate it. I didn't love it. It was just ok. I am not going revisit the album or really any songs on the album. It is not a 3 but it is better than a 2. I will round down.
I was familiar with the group before I listened to this album, but I had never listened to a full album of theirs. The album was alright. "I'm Only Happy When It Rains" is the best song. I don't think I would listen to this whole album again.
It's an 80s album and definitely sounds like an 80s album. Nothing was really memorable about it. I cannot really recall a song that needs to be listened to again. Not quite a 3 but I will round up.
The album was not good and it was folk music. Nothing was memorable or noteworthy. Go ahead and skip this one.
It was a weird album. It was a Irish folk music but as a punk album. I did not care for it.
Grove is in the Heart is a great song. I had no idea it was by this group or that it would be on this album. Without that song the album would be a 2. Overall the album is just there and generally is unremarlable besides Grove Is In The Heart.
I was only familiar of James Taylor for his brief appearance on the Simpsons. His music was described as bittersweet folk rock. I will describe it as bad. I did not know that Fire and Rain was the name of the song which he sang in the Simpsons episode. I once took the lyric of "Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines" and changed it to "Sweet Dreams and Pie Machines." Anyways pie is good. This album is not and thankfully it was short and thankfully I don't have to listen to it again.
It is a punk rock album. I was not familiar with any of the songs. I don't think I know any other music by The Saints. The album was relatively short and it was alright.
There is no doubting that Pearl Jam is a popular band. I would not describe myself as a Pearl Jam fan or really a fan of grunge music, but I had a pulse in the 90s so I know the music and I was familiar with a lot of the songs on the album. The album was just under an hour. I don't think I will listen to the whole album again, but some of the songs will get replayed and they aren't bad. The album is better than other albums that have received 3s so this will get a 4.
This album was all over the place. The style of music changed from song to song. There are little to no words and the songs themself are eccentric. Now I looked up the intent of the album, and it was supposed to be music for a movie that does not exist. Knowing that, it explains the different tones of the songs and is inventive in that way. Not sure I would want to see the movie though. I enjoy movie scores and I will relisten to them; however, at no point in time did I think that I absolutely needed to hear this album. I won't be listening again.
The album was alright. It was a mixture of jazz and pop. The jazz wasn't that good. It is better than a 2 but not quite a 3. However, I will round up because I did not skip any of the songs.
I cannot say for certain when my first exposure to Skynyrd was but Tuesday's Gone had to be close because of Happy Gilmore. Also, one time in 8th grade, we had to vote on our class song. I nominated Tuesday's Gone. It lost to Higher by Creed by a count of 9-2. Probably the most difficult review Tuesday's Gone has ever received. This album has a lot of well known songs that I will listen to again. The middle of the album isn't as good as the rest. Freebird certainly does not need to be a 10 minute jam session. Also several of the songs have a southern twang to them which I don't care for. I rounded down.
It was an uninspiring and not that entertaining of an album. It is all in French. Some of the music was ok. No need to listen.
The album was alright.i was expecting it be really folksy and it was not. It sounded like early Beatles music. It was tolerable. Nothing great. It was short and I didn't feel the need to skip any songs.
The album is not good or really enjoyable. I did not know this album existed nor that this artist existed. It is all electronic music and with weird vocals. Nothing is memorable. It is about 50 minutes long. Glad it was done. I did not skip any songs so that's a plus. I will round up.
The album was pretty good. Relatively short. I am familiar with Fats Domino so I knew what to expect. I did not want to skip any of the songs. I cannot pick one song and say definitely listen to this but all were pretty good. I will round up.
I was little surprised that this album was from '91 because the sound of the album is distinguishable from other hip-hop at that time. It sounds like older hip-hop as the beats are not as complex and the lyrics slower too. It was a good album. Not sure I would listen to the whole thing again. It is not a 4 but it is better than a 3. I will round up.
The album was mostly country which I did not care for at all. There were a couple of songs that were not country and were alright. I would not listen to this album again and I would not recommend it to anyone.
The album was alright. Only one song sounded familiar. There are better Frank Sinatra albums and songs. I do not think I would willfully listen to this album again, but if it was playing I would listen.
It is a short album but is not memorable in any way. One song is over 18 minutes which is half the album. I did not skip any songs but I wasn't entertained. I will not be listening to it again.
This album has all of the 80s sounds, essentially no lyrics, techno. I suppose it could be considered a precursor to EDM. I did not dance. Nothing is really memorable about the album. I have no need to listen to it again.
Well it is country and some of the songs have a touch of Mariachi music but there is no singing in Spanish. I would prefer it to be all Mariachi music. I suffered through it. There is no need to listen to it again or really in the first place.
The group before Neil Young was added. Very folksy music and several of the songs are recognizable; however, I am not sure I would request to hear any of the songs again. The cover of Everyone's Talking was probably the best song but the original is still better. I didn't hate it but it was just there. It is a mid 2 but I will round down.
It is indie rock. The album is just there as none of the music really moved the dial, but that's indie rock. It has a little bit of a grunge feeling to it too but that adds up given the 1992 release. I have no desire to listen to the album again.
Some of the songs were familiar, Call Me Al is probably the most well known song. I have actually heard this entire album previously. I like Simon and Garfunkel and Paul Simon by himself can be good too. There is nothing wrong with the album, but I just don't see myself picking to listen to this album again.
The album is just kinda there. I didn't hate it. It wasn't the worst jazz album and better than some of the others on this list. Relatively short. Nothing about it is noteworthy. No need to revisit.
I was not familiar of Tracy Chapman by name. When I was listening to the first half of album, I was thinking that she sounded like a mid-90s artist. Turns out I was thinking that she sounded just like herself because she sings Give Me One Reason. That song is not on the album, but some of the album has a 90s feel to it. It definitely does not have a 80s sound. The album itself is alright. It is relatively short and I didn't skip any of the songs. I don't think the album warrants another listen. It is not quite a 3, but I will round up.
I have already covered my feelings about Bob Dylan. The album is better than some of the other Bob Dylan albums that I have listened to. The album is about 50 minutes. Some of the songs themselves were a little too long. I don't need multiple 7 minute songs. I cannot say that any of the songs are memorable. It is better than a 2 and is not really a 3. I will surprisingly round up and give a 3.
Do you want sitar covers of the Stones and the Doors? Do you want other music that contains synthesizers and just the sitar? If you answered "yes" to either of these questions, then this is the perfect album for you. If you answered "no" then go ahead and skip this album. I have no desire to listen to this again and I didn't need to listen to it. It is better than some of the albums that have received a 1 but not worth a 2.
I did not know Fiona Apple released an album in 2020. In fact I did not know that she recorded any other music than Criminal. Well apparently she did. Most of the album is eccentric and not neccesarily eccentric in a good way. There some some songs that are a bit "traditional" and those are the better songs. There is nothing that is really noteworthy about the album. One consistent problem is the outtros are too and the song won't end. End the song and on to the next. Anyways no need to listen to this album maybe one or two songs.
I do not think I was familiar with Paul Weller before this album.The album was alright. The dial did not move much throughout the album. I didn't hate it, but I also never reached a point that I thought I needed to relisten to any of the songs again.
Stevie Wonder is great. This album is good and has plenty of hits. Since it is two discs, it is over an hour and 40 minutes. There are some songs that are little long and others that are just kinda meh. Disc 1 is better than Disc 2 and almost all of the hits are located on Disc 1. Disc 2 has some good songs and a couple that were recognizable. You can definitely hear how his music has influenced other artists. I don't think I would listen to both discs again back to back, but listening to disc 1 only is more likely.
A totally unremarkable album. I was bored throughout and I was glad it was over. I did not skip any songs, so that is a plus.
There are a lot of recognizable songs on this album. Some of the songs are good. Others not so good. The music is close to folk music but isn't necessarily folk music. Light rock or something similar. The album is saved by the recognizable songs otherwise it would be a solid 2.
Oh boy is this album bad. After the first couple of songs my thought was "This is dog shit." Then the album continued and it improved but only slightly. Thankfully the album was only about 50 minutes. I do not know what was so special about this album. Now it is absolutely better than some of the albums that have received a 1, but even though I would describe it as dog shit, it is still lesser than a 2. No need to listen to this album.
This is a weird psychedelic album. I did not care for it. The first song on the album did not hook me and it did not improve. Go ahead and skip this one.
A couple of songs were recognizable. It is best to describe this as indie music with synthesizers. The album was tolerable and relatively short which helps. Be than a two but not really a 3. I will round down to a 2.
Definitely has that 80s feel. Synthesizers galore. Three very well known songs that carry the entire album. The rest of the album is largely forgettable. I don't think I would listen to the entire album again, but I will listen to hits again.
Over an hour worth of beats and electronic music. The real surprise is that I did not skip any songs.
Eh. I have never been a big fan of Beck. I didn't hate the music. I just didn't care for it. The sound, the lyrics and just the overall presentation is unmemorable. It is better than a 2. Not really a 3. I will round down.
Lots of well known songs. It is good music. I am not sure I would listen to the whole album again, but if it was playing I wouldn't object.
I didn't really care for the album. I made it through it without skipping any songs. I was not previously aware of the album or the artist. I am not quite sure how to describe the music. It really isn't punk or grunge but there are elements of those genres. It certainly is indie music. I am not sure why this is on the list. No need to listen to it or revisit any of the songs again.
I don't know what to make of this album. It isn't good. It felt more like a score to a movie but a movie that does not exist. There were a couple of songs that were bad and I absolutely wanted to skip them. Someone of the other songs were way too long.
This was a good album. Several well known songs. The songs did not lack and the album was relatively short
It pretty good album. I am not the biggest LL Cool J fan but this album does have his best overall song. I would definitely listen to some of the songs again
This album is over 90 minutes long. I started skipping through songs. I struggle with southern rock and I certainly don't need a double album of it. A lot of times it sounded like a knock off of Skynyrd. I understand the irony of the Skynyrd comment given the George Wallace song. I just do not care for this much southern rock. It is better than some of the other 1s on this list but it not really a 2.
This was a good and entertaining album. I knew a couple of songs. It was relatively short but that's a positive. I would listen to it again.
It is a jazz album. I don't need or want an hour worth of jazz music.
This album was a struggle to listen to. For starters with the lyrics just are not good and the singing is bad. The music itself is inconsistent and all over the place. At times it sounded like indie music. Others house music. The common theme -- annoying. I was not familiar with the band and thought it was some obscure 90s band. Turns out they started in '76. Nonetheless, I still cannot name one of their songs. Skip it.
I did not particularly care for the album but I did not skip any songs and I did not feel the need to skip any songs. It was relatively short which is good. The music has a soul feel to it. It is better than a two and not really a three. I will round down.
I get it, the band has Iggy Pop. However somehow in this 36 minute long album, I still wished the album would end. I didn't skip any songs but still just enough to be annoying.
Sure it is almost entirely in Spanish but the album easy to listen to. Overall it was just alright. I don't really remember any of the songs particularly.
The album was alright. I wouldn't say any song in particular is memorable or really remarkable. I did not feel the need to skip any songs. I will round up.
The sound of this album does not seem like it would be a 90s album. It is not that good of an album. I have no desire to listen to this again. Nothing was memorable about it.
The album is 30 minutes long and I struggled to get through it. I was familiar with this group but only because of For What It's Worth. Unfortunately that song is not on this album. The album does not have a consistent feel. It goes from folk to rock to soul and back. I did not care for it, but I will round up.
This is 40 plus minutes a jam session that gets a very obscure at points. I do not understand the allure to this album. The album is 6 songs long so that means most of the songs are way too long. No need to listen to the album.
Ugh. This was not much an album. It was not memorable and not really singing the lyrics but more of speaking the lyrics. The covers were weird and not good at all. Did this album get added simply because it is Johnny Cash? Yes. Is it dog shit? Yes.
It was a fun album. A couple of the songs were well known. I would listen to this album again. There were a couple of piano parts that got a little annoying but it was only slightly.
The album was interesting as several of the songs had a retro feel to it. By retro feel, I mean it sounded like the song was from the '50s. Other songs had a country feel to it so I did not care for that. It wasn't a bad album and probably a little better than a 2 but I will round down.
The album is unremarkable.
The album is grunge music. Some of the songs were familiar. The problem with grunge is always the vocals. I do not care for the singing on grunge albums and this holds true on this album. Vocals aside the music is decent. The album is between a two and a three. I will round down.
I don't know how to describe the music I just listened to. The album is technically about an hour long but I skipped through some songs. Nothing about it was memorable or good. At times it felt like a good beat was going to be put down and then it wasn't. Then there was just speaking which are not lyrics. Skip it and do not even consider listening to it.
The album was alright. A couple of well known songs. Some of the songs were pretty eccentric and the music on certain tracks was not great. I still don't think I will listen to this album again.
The album was about an hour long. None of the songs were memorable or really that good. I tolerated it and did not skip any songs.
It is indie music. Nothing was really memorable about the album. Some of the songs were to long and I wanted the album to end earlier than it did. I ended up skipping through some of the songs. It is better than some of the other albums that have received a one but I will round down.
This is Björk's second album on this list. Björk found a way to make another shitty album but this time with no instruments. Please for the love of God skip this one.
It was alright. Has a real '70s feel to it. I did not skip any songs although I am confused on why there are 3 Steely Dan albums on this list.
The album is mainly rock but has elements of punk but there hints of '50s music. It is about 45 minutes long was some unnecessarily long songs -one 10 and one 7 minutes. I was not familiar with the band. The album is better than a 2 and really a 3. I will round down.
Absolutely an amazing album. This deserves way more than five stars. If I could give more stars I would. All of the songs are fantastic and none of lack in any way. If this list had more Prince music, it would actually be legitimate.
I was not familiar with the artist or any of the songs. The album was pretty good. It had that early rap and hip hop feel while maintaining that 80s feel. At times the music reminded me of Michael Jackson and Prince. It wasn't a bad album. I doubt I revisit it or listen to any of the songs again.
A really fun album. It changed the entire hip hop game. The rhymes seem simplistic by today's standards but that doesn't take from the album. The album does not have some of Run DMC's mega hits but it is still a good album. I would listen to it again.
The music was just there and at points it got a little long. The music itself is difficult to describe. It has a lot of horns. I didn't get into this album. I won't be revisiting it. I will round up.
What an awful album. I suffered through it.
This album is close to 2 hours which is way too long for an album. The songs themselves are not that good either. There were some good parts of the music but those were overextended and the lyrics were crap. Some of the music was just weird too. I started skipping songs. It is better than a one not really a two. I will round down.
Eh it's a jazz album but with some electronic jazz. Thankfully it was not that long of an album.
Orbital 2 Electric Bugaloo gets a 2. It is techno music. Overall it was unremarkable. It is was alright as background music. There is no need for me to revisit the album.
The music was largely unremarkable. It wasn't that long of an album which was helpful. There were some songs that were a little weird. No need to revisit the album.
A classic blues album. It was good. I don't think I would listen to the whole album again but I would definitely revisit some of the songs again.
I struggled through this album. There were times I absolutely just wantes her to stop singing. Her voice just got more annoying as it went on. There aren't really any redeeming songs on this album.
The album was kind of there. Nothing really remarkable or noteworthy about it. I didn't skip any of the songs. I didn't hate it. Probably better than a 2 not really a 3. I will round down.
I was not familiar with the artist or any of the songs. One of the last songs was annoying and I did not care for it. The album as a whole was ok. I did not skip any of the songs. I have no desire to listen to this album again.
This album was spectacular. So many great songs. I listened to it again right after I listened to it a first time. Then I went back and listened to a couple of the songs again. For how good this album is I am surprised that more of the songs were not mega hits. I will definitely listen to it again. Also this album lead to a great Super Nintendo game Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen.
It is an hour and twenty jam session. None of the songs sounded familiar and I couldn't tell you that you need to listen to a particular song. The album is just alright.
I am familiar with Sheryl Crow and I was familiar with a couple of songs. I do not ever say "I need to listen to Sheryl Crow." The album was relatively short which is good and I did not feel the need to skip any songs. Overall it is just kinda of meh. It is less than a 3 but more than a 2. I will round up.
I had never heard of this band nor any of the songs. The album is relatively short. It is rock music, but the music tries to be like the Beatles at points. The music is eccentric. I don't think I need to listen to any of the songs again. It is better than a two but not quite a three. I will round up.
It was a good album. Fun to listen to and relatively short. Many of the songs sounded familiar, although several of the songs sounded the same.
It is a hip hop album. Overall it is pretty good. There were a couple of songs that were a little weird. I would probably listen to it again and I would check out other work by the artist.
I was not familiar with this band. None of the songs really stand out in terms of if I would recommend them to anyone. Overall the album was alright. At times it got close to indie music and a little bit of country but that was rare.
It is a jazz album. Some of the jazz sounded somewhat familiar. I didn't feel the need to skip any songs. It was just under 40 minutes so that is a plus.
Anita can really sing and there is no questioning that. However, the issue is that the music did not really appeal to me. No songs really stick out as a must listen. Although I will not listen to it ever again, I will round up.
The album was fun. The beats were old school hip hop and the lyrics were funny and made me laugh. The album is about an hour long, but I did not skip any songs. It is not quite a 4 but I will round up.
It is some jazz music with a guy speaking for about 75 minutes. It needed to end sooner. I skipped through some songs
The album was alright. It was eccentric at points. The brass and woodwinds were interesting. I did get bored in the middle of it. I don't think I was familiar with any of the songs and I don't think I will be revisiting it. Better than a 2 but not really a three.
The album is entirely instrumental. It was good instrumental music. I wouldn't describe any of the music as iconic or really memorable. It was alright. I wouldn't pick to listen to this again but I didn't mind it.
It was an alright album. One song was really well known. The rest were just kind of there. I did not skip any songs.
I don't particularly care for live albums; however, Cheap Trick has some really well known songs and they are on this album. It was relatively short. I would prefer the non-live album versions but still was good.
The singing was annoying and the songs were not great. There is no need to listen to this album.
The album was just alright. It was not noteworthy in anyway. I did not skip any songs. Thankfully it was a short album. It is better than a two so I will round up.
The album was not great. There were a couple of songs that were 8 minutes long. These did not need to be this long. I do not want to listen to this album again. It was not straight country but there are hints of it. It is not the worst album on the list. It ia probably better than a 1 but not really a 2. I will round down.
This album is a lot of fun. The super hits are all at the beginning of the album; however that is does not mean that the other songs are pushovers. It is a great album. This is the third Prince album on the list. I would say that it is behind Purple Rain and Sign O the Times. I will listen to the album again.
Another great album by Queen. The songs each have their own feel but they work well together. The mega hit is at the end of the album. I will listen to it again.
The album was alright. It not really a punk album but whatever a step below punk is. It was relatively short which was good. I did not recognize any of the songs, nor was I familiar with the band. I did not skip any songs. I do not think I will relisten to the album.
It is jazz album but not traditional jazz. It is has a little funk and disco to it. It was an easy listen. I dont think I will listen to it again. I didn't want to skip any songs and it helped that it was only 40 minutes. I will round up to a 3.
The album was just meh. It did not have The Verve's most well known song. The songs were uninspiring and unmemorable. There is no need to listen.
I was not familiar with any of the songs. The album for the most part was alright, but it got a little eccentric a parts. Still I did not skip any songs and it was a relatively short album. Unlikely that I relisten to any of the songs again. I will round up.
I am torn by this album. Not because it is that good or that I have some fond memory associated with it. I am torn on what to rate it. It is not particularly memorable. The 8-9 minute songs were unnecessary. I didn't skip any songs, but I am going to recommend it to anyone. It is certainly better than some albums that received a two but not really a 3.
I am not a Santana fan. This album did have some of the his more well known music. It wasn't a bad album. I don't think I will revisit the album.
This album has a lot of their hits which are located at the beginning. It was a relatively short album. A couple songs carried on a little to long. I would listen to it again.
What a weird album. Some of the songs were entertaining. I had never heard of Nick Caves before. He sounded like Leonard Cohen a little bit. There is a 15 minute song on this album and that is completely unnecessary. I don't see myself listening to any of the songs again.
It is indie music. I didn't absolutely hate the album, but I did not care for it. I would not recommend the album nor any of the songs to anyone. The music is just there and is unremarkable.
This album had a lot of funk. It was enjoyable for the most part. I didn't hate it and I didn't skip any songs.
The album was ok. A couple of songs were familiar, but I am not sure why there were several versions of the same song. It was a little repetitive and a little long because of it. It is better than a 2 ans not quite a 3. I will roundup.
It is techno music or a precursor to EDM. Unnecessary to have an entire album of this music. EDM can be tolerable but I don't need nearly 80 minutes of it. This is somewhere between a 1 and a 2. I did not hate it, but I did skip through most of the songs. Some of the songs were tolerable but not as an entire album. I will round down.
There are several songs that are really well known. Tom Sawyer is their best song. I did not wear any New Balances while listening to it. I would listen to it again.
An album that epitomizes the Stones. It was a relatively short album but a lot happens in these 40 minutes. Give Me Shelter and You Can't Always Get What You Want are the mega hits and book end the entire album. These songs by themselves warrant a high rating. The songs in the middle are good for the most part. Love in Vain is ok. Country Honk is the worst song on the album and shouldn't exist. Live with Me is good and a nice pick up after the previous two songs. Let It Bleed is alright carries on a little too long. Midnight Rambler was really good, it is the second longest song on the album, and carries on a little too long too. The blues was fun though. You Got The Silver was alright and is just kind of there. Monkey Man is good and nice song after the previous one. I am not sure I would listen to the entire album from start to finish again, but I definitely will listen to some of the songs again.
I was not familiar with Kate Bush until Running Up That Hill was played during Stranger Things. Everyone then proceeded to cream their jeans over that song and Kate Bush. Running Up That Hill is featured on this album. The album is definitely an 80s album with a hint of Irish music. I didn't skip any songs. Not sure I would listen to the entire album again.
A pretty good album. Ray Charles does his thing. I don't think I was familiar with any of the songs before listening. It was relatively short. I don't think I would choose to listen to the entire album again but it is definitely better than some of the other albums on this list.
This album is old school hip hop and funk. It has the sampling of other songs with the record scratching and everything. Then they add their own lyrics to it. The song to Stevie Wonder was fun. There are other songs that were later used in rap songs. I liked the album and listened to it again right after I finished it.
It is a punk rock album. The lyrics are really eccentric. It was kinda of meh overall but that is all punk rock albums. It was relatively short, but there were 14 songs. I will not be revisiting the album.
The album is just kinda of there. It didn't really move the dial one way or another. The genre of music is hard to describe but probably closest to alternative rock. It is not indie music. It is not punk. It is late 90s rock, if that is a genre. I didn't hate ir. Some songs were catchy while listening to it but mostly unmemorable.
The album was alright. Stay With Me was recognizable. Some of the songs were for the most part pretty short as the album was only 35 minutes. Apparently Rod Stewart is a member of Faces. I still dont think I would listen to this album again but it wasn't a bad album.
I was familiar with a couple of songs. I did not skip any songs. I am not sure I would listen to this album again in its entirety. Overall the album was alright.
It was a short album. It was very folksy. I did not care for it.
The album had some songs that were recognizable. I do not mind R.E.M. they have some decent songs and there are some decent songs on this album. I don't think I will listen to the entire album again, but I will listen to some of the songs again. It is better than a 3, but not really a 4. I will round down.
I struggled with the album. I was bored and I was not entertained. The music was all over the place. Some of it was folksy. Some of it is was rock or rock that was common for the time period. Lyrically nothing of note. It was only 45 minutes, but I wanted it to be over a lot sooner. All of the songs are too long. It is unnecessary to have a 10 minute plus song, let alone two. The album is probably better than a one, but not really a two. I am rounding down. If the style had been consistent and the songs not so long, then it would have been a two, but I had to listen to some crap songs.
I was familiar with TLC. Overall it was good and a lot of the songs were recognizable. The most surprising song was the cover of Prince's "If I was Your Girlfriend." I didn't know that they covered that song, it is a good cover. Not sure why they needed to keep saying the name of the album in multiple songs. The album was just under an hour and it felt a little long.
Another Beatles album. This is number five. Seriously is the whole discography on this list? Not everything that the Beatles did was great. Never have I thought to myself, "Oh boy! Let's listen to an entire Beatles Album!" This album is no different, but at least the songs are concise and the album is short. Naturally, a lot of the songs are recognizable, but does that mean I needed to listen to the entire albu? The songs weren't as eccentric as other Beatles albums, save for a couple, but there were quite a few campy songs - I am looking at you, Yellow Submarine. Eleanor Rigby is the best song hands down. A Beatles song here and there is fine, and I will probably listen to some of these songs again, but the entire album is not necessary.
The album was ok. I was not familiar with the band or any of the songs. The music is hard to describe as it is electronic music nor is it really pop music. It is a short album that was very helpful. It is better than a two but not really a three. I will round up.
The album was good. Seven Nation Army is the most recognizable song. I still like that song even though it has been way over played. I do not care for it when fans "sing" the the main tune. I did not care the last song on the album.
It wasnt EDM as it actually had lyrics, but it felt like it. I did not skip any songs. It was ok. I did not skip any songs. I will not listen to it again. It is better than a 2 but not really a 3. I will round down
Surprise! This album is all ambient music and it is totallly unnecessary. I recognized one song as it was used as the beat for Ugly Boy by Die Antwoord. Not sure why this album made the list. Definitely did not need to be an hour and 20 minutes. There is no need to listen to it again.
The album wasn't great. I was not familiar with any of the songs nor of the band. It is best described as punk music. It was totally forgettable. Probably a little lower than a 2, but I will round up.
The album has a lot of hits. The first half of the album is great. The second half of the album drops off a bit. The album is not quite a 5 so I will round down.
The album is entirely forgettable. It is a little over 40 minutes long. I had no idea that this group existed. I didn't hate it. I have no need to listen to it again. It is better than a 2, not really a 3, but I will round up.
The album is largely forgettable. Sultans of Swing is the best song on the album and the most recognizable. It is the only reason this album is not getting a 2.
The album is unnoteworthy. No need to listen. Not really a 2, but I will round up.
I did not need a lesson on playing a sitar. I also did not need to listen to this album. The only bright part was that it was 25 minutes long.
Another Neil Young album. This one was a bit different but the same result....I did not care for it. I am rounding up mainly because it is better than a one but not a two.
The album was just meh. It was not really noteworthy.
The album was a little long and didn't need to be over an hour long. A couple of the songs were recognizable. Mr. Blue Sky was the that I was most familiar with. The music for the most part isn't bad and definitely matching the sound lf other pop 70s music. It is probably a little better than a 3 but not really a 4.
The concept was interesting - reggae music but instead of drums a horn section. The individual songs went on for too long. I don't think I will revisit this group but it was interesting.
There is better Eric Clapton music. The album was alright. A couple of songs were recognizable. I don't think I will listen to it again. I will round up to a three.
It's techno music. An entire album of it is unnecessary.
It is funk music. Some of the song were recognizable. It was a relatively short album.i do not see myself listening to ghe entire album again.
The album was pretty good. The album as a whole was a little long. This is due to some songs being entirely too long themselves, the need to end the song earlier and useless skits. I am not sure I would listen to the entire album again but there are some songs that are worth a revisit. It is better than a 3 but not really a 4. I will round down.
Absolute trash. This isn't music. It is random noise and is an unorganized mess. Several songs were skipped. Burn it down.
It was a pretty good album. I was familiar with the main song. I am sure I would listen to the album again but I didn't skip any of it.
It was a pretty good album. I knew a couple of the songs. This was album was on par with the first Black Sabbath album. Better than a 3, not really a 4.
This is the third Talking Heads album on this list. Not sure why their albums keep making the list. There were a couple of songs that were recognizable. Like the other albums, it was alright, no need to listen to again.
I was not familiar with this singer. The songs are inconsistent and kind of all over the place. The version of Hallelujah was the best song. Overall the album isn't that good.
It is Indian music, so naturally the sitar is present. The music was not overbearing. I have no need to listen to it again.
I do not care for Wilco. It is all indie music. None of it was memorable. It is not recommended listening. I did not skip any songs. It is probably less than a 2 but I will round up.
The album was ok. I knew a couple of songs. I have no need to listen to it again. It is mainly rock. It is just there. The album better is than a 2. Not really a 3. I will round up.
This album is Ok. I was familiar with one song. I feel like the reason this album is on list is mainly for Nothing Compares 2 U. It is a good song; however Prince's version is way better. Some of the songs are a bit long and uninspiring. I wouldn't listen to the album again. Even though Nothing Compares 2 U is good, the rest not so much. It might be slightly better than a 2 but I will round down.
The title track obviously carries the album and likely the reason the album is on the list. It is a great song, but it is long as it is close to 8 minutes long. I was familiar with Vincent but I thought it had a different title. The album is folk music and pretty short. Besides the two known songs, the rest of the songs are unnoteworthy. I don't think I will listen to the album again.
It is best to describe this as rock, but little bit of jazz and piano. It was alright. I was familiar with one of the songs. I don't think I would listen to the whole album again. It is better than a 2 but not quite a 3. I will roind down.
There is some rock, blues and folk music. I was familiar with Everybody's Talkin', but I did not know he wrote and sang it first. The album is relatively short. I don't care for folks music. I will not be revisiting this album.
It is a psychedelic rock album. It was alright. I was familiar with Time of the Season. The album was short.
A great album. A lot of the songs were recognizable and it was fun to listen to it. I will listen to it again.
The album was interesting. It was a mix of what seemed to be tribal music and reggae. It was not really memorable. I did not skip any songs. It is better than a one, but not really a two. I will round down.
Well it is a death metal album. I cannot understand a word they are saying. Somehow this album has 28 songs but the album is only 33 minutes long. That's the only highlight. The band really tightened it up but perhaps they needed to think about the songs some more. Perhaps they should have thought more in general. I could not tell the difference between the songs. This is not my cup of tea. Holy shit it is bad. If I could give a lower score I would. I skipped through songs.
The album has several well known songs although I have never heard this entire album before. The album was alright. I don't think I will listen to the entire album again.
It was a decent album. I was not expecting this much blues music from The Doors. A couple of songs were recognizable. Riders on the Storm did not need to be 7 minutes long. The album wasn't that long though.
Country music in a prison is still country music. I knew some of the songs but I did not enjoy the songs. I have no need to revisit the album or really any of the songs again. It is better than some of the albums on the list. It is better than a one but not really a two. I will round down.
It is 80s music. None of the songs are particularly memorable and I do not think I was familiar with any of them either. Over it was alright. Better than a two not really a 3 but I will round up.
Green Day the group that introduced faux punk music to everyone. Many of the songs were familiar and definitely overplayed in all aspects movies, TV, radio, etc. As I have stated before I am not a big Green Day fan. I am not sure I had actually listened to the entire album previously. Overall it is alright. It is better than American Idiot. It is better than a 3 but not really a 4. I will round up.
This is the best Black Sabbath album on the list. I had not heard this whole album in its entirety before. Several of the songs are classics and are great. Although War Pigs does not need to be 7 minutes long. Paranoid is the best song on the album.
The album is eccentric and not memorable. No need to revisit. It is only 40 minutes long but it goes on too long. It doesn't accomplish anything. It is better than a one but not really a 2. I will round up.
What a boring album. It was only 45 minutes, but half way through I thought to myself it needed to be over. It was not. The lyrics remind me of indie music, but there is more electronica to the music. Uninspiring and unmemorable.
The album is alright. It is carried by Mr. Brightside and Somebody Told Me. Without those songs this album would be lower. The rest of the album is just ok. I had never listened to the entire album before and I don't see myself listening to it again.
This aIbum came out in 2014. It is essentially 80s indie music with hints of Bruce Springsteen and some Tom Petty. It isn't great. I made it through it and there is no need relisten to it.
A very weird album. I had never heard of the album before and I do not think I have heard of the band either. I have no idea why this album is on the list. It is not really rock and roll, punk, or psychedelic rock at least how I describe those genres. There was really no reason to listen to it to begin with and no reason to revisit it.
Bob Dylan cannot sing. It is truly awful. Why this not recognized more? Therefore, no album of his is a must listen. He may be a serviceable song writer, but this album didn't have that either. A couple of the songs were recognizable but only when sung by a different artist. The album was 50 minutes and that is about 48 minutes too long. I suffered through it. It is better than a one but not really a two. I am rounding down.
I was not familiar with this band prior to listening. I judged the album by it's cover and name. I did not have high hopes but I listened. The lyrics are a mess and nonsensical. The music itself was generally ok but it also got a little eccentric an unnecessary. I didn't skip any songs so that's a plus but the album didn't need to be an hour long. No need to listen to again. It is better than a 1 but not really a 2. I will round up but it was a close call.
Another good album from Led Zeppelin. A lot of songs that I have heard before. This is not as bluesy as Led Zeppelin III. The drum solo on Moby Dick did not need to be that long.
The album is pretty good and has several well known songs. It is long and it does not need to be this long. Some of the songs could be cut down by several minutes or even in half. The second disc is different from the first disc and isn't as good as the first.
The album is alright. It is long and several of the songs are unnecessary. Jesus Walks carries the entire album. If that song was not on the album it would have gotten a lower ranking.
I did not care for the album. I was familiar with the group. The lyrics are not good. Musically the guitars are overpowering and become distracting. There is no need to revisit this album.
It is EDM music. A couple of the songs had really good beats. I don't need an entire album of this music but thankfully it was relatively short. I did not skip any songs.
Really just one well known song and that one song is good. The rest are just ok.
The album is almost entirely just instruments. Very little lyrics, but when there were lyrics they were not good. The album is only 42 minutes and 6 songs, so all of the songs are too long. Overall it was just ok. The songs did not go anywhere. It is best describe it as punk rock.
It is a grunge album, but it is not overpowering. I did not skip any of the songs. The music itself is good and it doesn't get annoying. The lyrics are just there. The dial did not move much on this album.
It has been quite some time since I have listened to this entire album. I used to listen to it quite a bit. However, it is not Eminem's best album. A lot of memorable songs, but the skits are not necessary.
I was not familiar with this band or any of the songs. It was just ok. Totally unremarkable
I am not really a fan of Incubus. The album had some songs that were recognizable, but they aren't that good of songs. I don't need to listen to the album again.
Despite its name, I did not dislike this album. Ray Charles definitely makes each song his own. The album has Georgia on it so that helps it.
Several of the songs are well known. While it is folk music, Simon & Garfunkel do it in a way that isn't awful. I probably wouldn't listen to the entire album again, but I would listen to certain songs again.
I was familiar with some of the songs. The album really wasn't that good and it reached a point when it needed to end. I may revisit one or two of the songs again, but that is unlikely.
I don't think I have ever listened to an entire Offspring album before and I really have no desire to listen to an entire one again. This album had a couple of songs that are very well known and songs that I will probably listen to again, but I have no desire to listen to the album again. Thankfully it is relatively short. It is not a 3 but I will round up mainly because of the well.known songs.
The album isn't that good. It is eccentric and doesn't really have a purpose or a way. It is not really a 2 but I will round up.
The album is just ok. I was not familiar with any of the songs and I wouldn't choose to listen to any of them again. It is pop music but 2017 pop music at that.
The album is best described as rock, I guess. I had never heard of this band or any of the songs previously. It really isn't that good but it isn't awful. No need to revisit.
I have never really cared for Sigur Ros. This album did not change my feelings abut them. It is just meh. The music is eccentric. It is better than a 1. Not really a 2.
It's a great album. I had not listened to the whole thing previously, but I had heard some of the songs before. This isn't a full-fledged Wu-Tang album but several of the members make an appearance. I would listen to it again. The only reason this is not getting 5 is because I found the samurai movie audio unnecessary.
The album is entirely forgettable. It is music from a Bollywood movie. It is not sitar heavy but it isn't great. It is relatively short. I will round up.
A relatively short album. Several of the songs were recognizable. It is that has that 60s sound of folk and pop. California Dreamin is the best song on the album.
There are some really good songs on this album. Juicy and Big Poppa are the best songs. The sole reason this is not a 5 is because it was 72 minutes long and that felt like it should have ended earlier.
The album was pretty good. Some well known songs. Dave Navarro is good at guitar. The album isn't too long but the last four songs could have each been shorter. Three Days didn't need to be 10 minutes long, then the next two didn't need to be 8 and 7 minutes respectfully. Lyrically the songs are just ok. It is between a 2 and a 3 but I will round up.
It was psychedelic rock album. Big whoop.
It is a jazz album but wasn't overbearing. It was pleasant and relatively short.
Seriously why are there so many Leonard Cohen albums on this list? The man cannot sing. Speaking the words in a dramatic fashion or just speaking them is not singing. I get why he does it - he cannot sing. He can write a song just not perform it. I will round up to a 2 but it is a close call.
I didn't really know what to expect with this album given that Dennis was a member of the Beach Boys. It was alright. Not bad. Not great. Just kind of there. I have no desire to listen to it again though.
A truly weird and awful album. Songs had to be skipped.
The album is 35 minutes which is perfect. I knew a couple of the songs. The album is classic Aerosmith: loud guitars, loud/screaming vocals, and some underwhelming songs. The album started off fairly strong and got weaker. It is better than a 3, but not quite a 4. I will round down.
The album is meh. The only noteworthy song is Come On Eileen. Just listen to that song and save yourself the time.
The album is alright. The beats are good. The lyrics and rapping are unremarkable. It is better than a 2, but not really a 3. I'll round down
The best thing about this album is that it was only 27 minutes long. Outside of that it was not that good of an album. It still has that 50s sound. Sure there are harmonies but they still annoying. It may have been good to listen to at the regular sock hop, but I do not need to revisit it.
Ugh. I struggled with this. There is an organ and all the singing sounds whiny. The Weight is the song that is most well known and even with that it needed to end. At times it felt like Randy Newman was singing. It is probably better than a one but I will round down.
It's a funk album. It is not noteworthy.
Wu-Tang is forever. It is a nice change of peace. It is raw, angry and great. The intermission interview didn't need to be included but still a great album.
The album is alright. A couple of songs were recognizable. Some songs that I had not heard before and were pretty good. Some were just a bit too long and just unnoteworthy. There a couple songs were Missy is just making noise. There is a shoutout to Timbaland on every song.
The best thing about this album is that it was only 37 minutes long. You cannot understand the lyrics. The music itself is just eh. It is not good. No reason to relisten.
Holy shit this was bad. I feel like I am at rock bottom after listening to this.
A couple of the songs were recognizable. I wasn't completely annoyed the entire time listening to this album. It was better than some of his other ones. I will round up but it was a close call.
It is a punk rock album. I do not care for the screaming. The music itself is alright. Lyrics are meh. It was 37 minutes long which is good. I do not have a desire to relisten to this album again. It is better than a 2 but not really a 3. I will round up but it is a close call.
Ugh. It is folk musjlic/indie music. I did not care for it. Thankfully it was only about 40 minutes. It is just meh. No reason to revisit. It is not really a 2 but better than 1.
The album gets a lot of things right. First the songs on do not drag on, as the album is not even 35 minutes long. Second this album influenced a lot of other of songs and artists. While none of the songs have lyrics, I found myself singing the lyrics from the other songs. Third, the organ was an interesting touch but they pulled it off. It is a close call but I will round up.
It definitely has some 80s feel to it. I had never heard of this band before and I am fine with that. I didn't care for it but I didn't skip any songs. No need to revisit. It is better than a one but I am rounding down.
Its funk and soul. One song was recognizable. It was alright. I don't think I need to listen to an entire album of it as some of the songs dragged on a little bit too long.
The album was meh. There were some songs that were alright. Then there were songs that were not great and went on for way too long.
It is not quite a grunge album as it is a little bit too upbeat. It is wasn't a bad album but I do not think I will revisit it.
The album was alright. A couple of well known songs and it did not drag on. A lot of the songs sounded very similar. It may have the genre as indie but It is not full blown indie which is helpful. It is better than a 3 not really a 4 but it is a close call. I will round down.
Kanye is not a great person and like other artists on this list, the album is reviewed separately from the cesspool of the person. There are several well known songs on the album. Some I had not heard before. Some that I don't need to hear again. Several of them just drag on too long. The beats are mostly great. The lyrics are ok.
The album started off with two good songs then what followed was not as good. This album did not feel like a full-fledged indie album but some of the songs definitely have that feel. I would listen to a select few of the songs again.
Forty straight minutes of bongos. I am sure this had a big influence on conga lines and Carnival festivals. It is better than other albums that got a one on this list but it is not really a 2. I will round down.
Eh. It is just there. Nothing great about it. I listened to it while grocery shopping so I guess it better than grocery store music. However, if one does not hear the grocery store music, how can one know that this album was better? No need to listen to this again.
The album is short. I have no need to revisit it again. This a step up from the 40 minutes of bongos that I listened to earlier in the week. It is certainly better than a 1 but I do not think it is really a 2. When compared to the other albums that received a 2, it doesn't really fit that category. I will round down.
It is a 15 minute punk album and it is not good. I don't need to hear it again.
This really felt like at 80s album with the electronic sounds. It must have had an influence. I have no desire to listen to it again.
A couple of songs were familiar. Did this album change house music and mixing? Most likely. Do I need to listen to 73 minutes of it? I do not.
This was a good album. I was familar with several of the songs. She can definitely sing. I don't have a desire to listen to the full album again though. It is better than a 3 but not really a 4. I will round down.
This is bad. It has some of the 80s tone to it but it isn't good. Thankfully it is only 45 minutes but it is not memorable. It is not the worst album on this list but it is not a 2.
This is the first time I have heard this album. It is a good album. The beats are good. The lyrics are pretty good. I wouldn't say that the songs are memorable to the degree that I want to listen to it again.
Ooooooohhooohhh it is a bad album. This is unfortunately my second listen of this album. My sister had this CD and I chose to listen to it in the car. I skipped a lot of songs then and I should have skipped songs this time too. Two notes: the Bone Thugs beats were interesting. I realize there is a Prince cover, but it does not save the album and not a good cover.
This album is definitely 80s. Take Me On is the biggest hit. I enjoyed it for the most part and it was relatively short. I still don't see myself revisiting this album though. Close to being a 4.
So here is an album of mainly covers with way more screaming than originals. I did not hate this album and I prefer the originals to the covers but the album was alright.
It is a punk album. It is ok. I have no desire to revisit.
It is an old school hip hop album. The beats are pretty good. The lyrics are alright and are not aggressive as rap music. It was a little long at an hour.
It's indie music. It didn't make my ears bleed but I may need to go to an audiologist. Not the worst album on the list but it is not really a two.
It was a piano concert. It was pleasant.
Eh. It had that 80s feel to it but not in a good way.
I suffered through it. There was maybe one song that was tolerable. The rest just didn't need to be made.
It surprises me every time when I find out that Sonic Youth was around in the 80s. I literally cannot name a Sonic Youth song off the top of my head but I always think they were part of the grunge/punk movement of the early 90s. Anyways this album is entirely to long. All the songs definitely could have be shortened significantly. The music itself was alright if you remove all of the distortion. I am not listening to it again.
It is definitely an 80s album but with no well known songs. I tolerated it.
A terrible album name. The album wasn't great. It was better than a 1 but not really a 2. I will round up.
The album is alright. I don't see myself revisiting any of the songs again. I skipped through some. The beats were alright but not the best hip hop.
The album is very eccentric. It is not good. No need to listen to again. Not sure why 3 Kinks albums made it to this list. That was also unnecessary. It is better than a 1. Not really a 2 but I will round up.
Great, an Indie album from the 90s. Its only benefit is that is less than 45 minutes long. It has the whiny annoying singer, bad lyrics, and the music itself is meh. It is not the worst album on the list but it is not a 2. I will round down.
It was a punk rock album. It wasn't bad. It wasn't good. Better than a 2 not really a 3. I will round up because it was relatively short and I didn't skip any songs.
I was familiar with some of the songs. The album is entirely too long. Several of the songs carry on way too long. I don't care for the lead singer's voice. The songs themselves are ok but very unlikely that I revisit the album. I will roundup to a 3
Ice Cube leaves NWA and follows up with a great album and then influenced the genre again. I had not heard this full album before just a couple of songs. Not all the songs are Ice Cube rapping at a faster pace and being angry. A couple of the songs have a mellower beat. It is a different change of pace. Lyrically Ice Cube continues to address social and political issues in his unique way. Also the skits are unnecessary but those are on most rap albums. i enjoyed the album and I would listen to it again.
It was just kinda meh.
Ugh I dont get it. It was indie music. It was an hour long. It just needed to end. It is better than a one not really a two. I am rounding down
I had never heard of this group or any of its songs. It was a pretty good hip hop album. It was a little long. The beats were good the lyrics were alright.
It's a Bruce Springsteen album. It wasn't great. It wasn't totally awful. I have no desire to listen to it again.
I understand why this album and this type of music is attractive to some people. It is not for me, but I did not skip any of the songs. I was familiar with several of the songs but the first time I listened to the whole album. The screaming is never necessary. I cannot relate to the lyrics either and they are not good. I have no desire to revisit the album. It is better than some of the ones on this list. I will round up to a 2 but it is close.
The album is entirely unremarkable. I did not hate it. I did not love it. It was just there. I suppose better than 2 not really a 3. I will round down.
At times the music was good. At other times not great. And at other times it sounded like circus music. The music is eccentric. The album felt like it was from a Bond film. I certainly don't want to listen to it again, but it is better than a one.
Another Kinks album. This is number 4. Like the other albums it is eccentric and not memorable. No need to listen to again. It was relatively short. It is between a 2 and 3. I guess I will round up for no reason in particular.
Thr singer sounds like Bob Dylan. This is not a compliment. The album was 28 minutes too long.
A former co-worker of mine apparently loved this band so much that he got a tattoo of LCD Soundsystem. I didn't even have to listen to a song to know that the tattoo was a questionable choice at best. Having now listened to this album, all preconceived judgments have been confirmed. Some of music is best described as electronic/dance and then midway through the album's the tone changes and becomes indie rock. All of the songs are way too long. There are 12 songs and this album is 78 minutes long. The first couple of songs had pretty good beats and the lyrics were worthless. Then the beats became meh, the lyrics got worse, and my ears wanted to bleed. This is not the worst album on this list, there are certainly way worst albums, but this album needed to lose several tracks and then the other songs needed to be shortened.
It wasn't that good. From a hip-hop perspective the beats are basically nonexistent. There is a mix of R&B in it rather than just hip-hop. Nothing is memorable. I understand the purpose of the vignettes but I don't care for them on albums and that is not exclusive to this album. It is a short album which helps. I don't think I am going to revisit it.
What was this album? It is not memorable. It is not trash, but it is not entertaining. It is not good. I did not care for it. I am rounding down.
Despite never listening to this entire album before, I was certainly familiar with a lot of the songs. Some of the songs are still alright. I am still confused at what Linkin Park wants to be as a band. Metal, Rock, trying to rap, Pop, Angst, Emo, Vamp?, something else entirely. While I do not believe any of these songs were in a Transformers movie, Linkin Park will always remind me of those movies. In fact this album is a lot like a Transformers movie: First, the idea of seems great. Second, it can be entertaining if you aren't watching or listening for substance, plot, continuity, tone, execution, or effort. Third, if you just want explosions and loud noises while nothing makes sense and causes confusions by the choices then the album is alright. I have no desire to revisit this album, but it was short and I didn't skip any songs.
I do not understand all the love for Radiohead. It was a boring album. It was only about 50 minutes long and it could have benefited from ending earlier. The album remained consistent in that none of the songs were really that good. There wasn't a song that made me want to listen to it again. It was better than Kid A, but only marginally so.
I knew several of the songs and they are really good songs. There are a couple of songs that I did not know. A few of them were too long. I enjoyed the album though.
It's country. It hurts my ears.
This is 6th Beatles album on this list. The album was alright and better than some of the other Beatles albums. It was short and there were several songs that I was familar with. There not many campy songs which is good.
It is ambient music and noise. There isn't really much singing as he just speaks the lyrics. Lyrically, it tries way to hard to be obscure. It is way took long as there was no need for a double album or for it to be 70 minutes long. I skipped songs as I just had enough. No need to revisit or listen to again.
It was blues album in the sense that the music was bluesy. It was not in English so I couldn't really understand the lyrics. It wasn't bad.
This an early Stones' album. Apparently the UK version and the US version have different songs. The biggest difference is that the US version has Paint It Black and the UK version does not. The other well known song is Under My Thumb. The album as a whole does not come across as a typical Stones album or at least not in terms of the rock and roll music. I am only giving this album a 4 because of Paint It Black. Otherwise it would be a 3.
The Humpty Dance is by far the best song on the album. The rest of the album is pretty good although I do not really have a desire to revisit the entire album. Tupac started here and thankfully had a much better career afterwards.
Holy shit this was bad. Several songs were skipped. None were good.
I was not familiar with this album before I listened to it. I was familiar with a couple of the songs though. Killer Queen was the mega hit from this album but the rest of the songs were solid. I listened to this album twice and I would definitely listen to it again.
I had never heard of this group previously nor did I know any of the songs. It was not that good and did not care for it. It is pretty much indie music. No songs were skipped but I do not need to revisit any of the songs. It really isn't a two but I will round up.
It's another Brit Pop album. It isn't great. It's unnoteworthy. Not the worst album on this list. No need to listen to it again.
Another good S&G album. This one had two very well known songs America and Mrs. Robinson. It was a short album and there was a track titled "Voices of Old People" and I am not sure why it was included. It is probably a 3.5 but I will round down.
Ugh Elvis. What a struggle to listen to because the originals are vastly superior. I understand he helped bring Rock 'n Roll to the mainstream but that's only because most if not all of the songs were originally written by black people and America is racist. I would much rather listen to all of the originals except the country songs can be thrown away. This album was difficult to listen to and his voice is annoying. It's awful. Find the original versions of the songs and listen to those instead.
It is a meh album. I have no desire to listen to any of the songs again. It got a little long. One song could have been cut in half entirely at least and the others tightened up. I didn't skip any songs.
Nothing great. Annoying. I made it through. I am rounding up because it is better than 1 but not really a 2.
Another album by PJ Harvey. I am not sure why there are at least 4 albums of hers on this list. It is just ok. It wasn't horrific and I did not skip and songs but I have no desire to listen to any of these songs again.
The album was alright. It's Punk rock. I have no desire to listen to it again but I didn't hate it. I didn't skip any songs.
It is heavy metal. Which means everything is very loud. Now it is not death metal so you can actually understand the lyrics. There is very minimal screaming. However, the songs are all a little to long as they have longer lead-ins and out-tros. I was familiar with "I am the law." I didn't hate it but I wouldn't listen to it again. I didn't skip any songs. It is not really a 3 but i will round up.
It was pretty good. There were any of Stevie's mega hits and in fact I don't think I was familiar with any of the songs; however, it was still alright.
It was a pretty good album and I enjoyed it. I had heard some of the songs before and I will definitely revisit some of the songs. It is entirely in Spanish and it is still good to listen to. It is better than a 3 and not really a 4 but I will round up.
It is all techno music. Some of it is good but I don't need an entire album of it. It most likely influenced other bands such Daft Punk. I would not listen to the entire album again. I would maybe listen to one or two of the songs again. I will round up
Lots of hits on the album. The last half of the album is better than the first half. Dirty Diana and Man in Mirror are standouts above the other hita. Speed Demon and Liberian Girl are just ok. Smooth Criminal is good but Alien Ant Farm's cover is better. I would listen to this album again. Thriller is probably a better album but it is close.
This was a really good album. I am not sure I had actually listened to the album from beginning to end previously but I had heard many of the songs. The beats are great as are the lyrics. I would definitely listen to it again.
It was alright. I was familiar with the title song Moondance. It was a decent album. I don't think I will revisit it, but it was just kind of there.
The album was alright, just kinda there. I dont think I recognized any of the songs. It is better than a 2 but not really a 3. I will round up.
It's a DJ album. There are some good beats and mixes but an hour of it is not necessary. I will round up.
It was a bad album. I skipped through some songs. It was also entirely way too long and pretentious
Holy shit 3 hours of awful pretentious music. Nope. I listened to about 50 minutes and decided that was enough for me. It was not going to get any better.
It is a country album. Not good. No need to listen to it again.
This was an absolute struggle. I had heard a couple of the songs before but I had no idea that this album 71 minutes. I am sure what Kid Rock was going for but it doesn't matter because it is bad.
What an annoying album. Everything about it was just not good. Skip it
I listened to it. The screaming is just not necessary and it is not what I think makes a good album and it is usually the issue with most heavy metal music. The guitar work and the drumming was pretty good and by itself was mostly listenable. The album definitely could have been shorter and I skipped through some songs.
It was an ok album. It was a punk album with some reggae tones. It was a relatively short album which helped it. I have no desire to listen to it again.
It was a fun album. It was relatively short and I would listen to it again.
It was an alright album. I was not familiar with the band or any of the songs.
This was a fun album. Some of the music sounded familiar. I really only know Tito Puente from when he was hired to teach at Springfield Elementary but lost the job once Mr. Burns stole the school's oil. Tito got his revenge not by shooting Mr. Burns but by setting his soul afire by a slanderous mambo
This was a bad album. I somehow only skipped a couple of songs.
I enjoyed it. I was familiar with the title song. It was good.
I knew several of the songs. A lot of the songs were good If they weren't the live verison. However, like most live albums the songs turn into a long jam session. It did not need to be this long. I would listen to some of the songs again, but I would just listen to Machine Head which is the studio album. There is no reason for both albums to be on this list. This album doesn't need to be revisited.
It is French industrial rock. I have no idea what they are saying. I made it through it. Rammstein is better.
It is a hip hop album. I was not familiar with any of the songs. It was a pretty good album. Not sure I would seek it out to listen to again but if it was playing I would listen.
It was an eccentric album. I did not particularly get into this album. A couple of the songs were familiar. It was relatively short. No need to revisit
Ugh. It was annoying. The 17 minute song was definitely not needed and it just became noise. It was not good. I am rounding down.
I was familiar with a lot of the songs. A couple I had never heard before. I enjoyed it. I would listen to the album again. A couple of the songs needed to be shortened. The full version ofn "I Heard It on the Grapevine" definitely can be shortened significantly.
It was a good album and I enjoyed it. The album was relatively short. I would listen to it again.
The album was just alright. Nothing great about it, but nothing bad about it. Not really a three, but I will round up.
It was a good album. Somebody To Love and White Rabbit are all timers. The album was good as a whole. I enjoyed it for the most part. It ia better than a 3 and really a solid 4 but I will round up.
A couple of the songs sounded familiar. A couple of the songs reminded me of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Overall a pretty good album.
Another Neil Young album. It isn't a great album. I made it through but I did not care for it. I didn't skip any of the songs though.
It was an alright album. Killing Me Softly is the best song on the album and it is a very good song. The rest of the songs were alright but I don't really have a need to listen to them again.
The album was alright. Pretty eccentric. I Can See For Miles was the biggest hit. Not really classic Who. No desire to listen to it again.
The album had a lot of funk. A couple of the songs were recognizable. It was a relatively short album. It was alright.
This album was not great. Constant Carving sounded familiar. I did not particularly care for this album. It was only 42 minutes but that in itself seemed a little long. I did not skip any songs but that is mainly because I was playing Tetris. My Tetris playing did decrease during the listening of the album. It was better than a one but not really a two. I will round down.
It's country and it is twangy. It's a one.
I was familiar with a lot of the songs. I had not heard the entire album before. It was a fun album. The most of the songs are catchy. The first half of the album is better than second half. I would probably listen to it again, but I don't think I would pick the album. It is better than a 3, not really a 4, but I will round up.
I didn't love it. Didn't hate it. It was just kind of there. No desire to revisit it.
The album was long. All over the place, inconsistent and not good. It is probably better than a one but not much.
It was a short and pretty good album. Nothing really memorable but I enjoyed it while listening.
I was familiar with a lot of these songs although I had not listened to the entire album previously. The album has some absolute hits. I did not know this was their debut album. They really knocked it out of the park. I dont know if I want to listen to the entire album again. I enjoyed it, but there are some songs that were just ok. It could have also been a little shorter.
I don't believe I was familiar with any of these songs previously. There is no reason for a double album. This is the second Nick Cave album on this list and this one was better than that one.
I was familiar with Lovesong. The rest of the album was way too long. I do not need several 8 minute songs. It wasn't that good. No need to revisit.
Ugh. It's Willie, I get it, but I dont have to like it. At least it wasn't full on country. Ray Charles' verison of Georgia On My Mind is better. There are a lot of covers but the originals are better. It was o.k. I will round up to a 2.
A couple of songs were recognizable. It was easy to listen to and relatively short. I do not see myself listening to the entire album again. I'll round up
This is the 5th Leonard Cohen album on this list. It is unnecessary. As previously noted, he cannot sing. The writing is meh. I did not skip any songs but the album is just over 40 minutes. It wasn't the worst on the list. I will round up to a 2.
A good album. A couple of the songs run a little long. The second half of the album is better than the first half. It is not quite a 4 but I will round up because of the second half had some well known songs.
I didn't really get into this album. There is a lot of screaming. I am familiar with some System of ta Down but I don't think I knew any of the songs. I don't think i will revisit.
The album was alright. It was catchy at times. I don't think I remember any of the songs. I will round up.
I recognized a couple of the songs. The album was alright and I would listen to some of the songs again.
Relatively short album. Lyrics are just kinda meh. I didn't hate it and didn't skip any songs. It is better than a 2, not really a 3. I will round up.
Ugh. It's an indie album. I didn't skip any songs but I didn't really care for it. I will round up
The album was alright. I recognized some of the songs. I would listen to those songs again but probably not the entire album.
The album is unmemorable. I don't believe I had ever heard the artist before. The music zeemed inconsistent. It wasn't great and was over an hour long. The songs themselves weren't particularly long but there was a lot of them.
I was familiar with several of the songs. I enjoyed album. I would listen to it again
The album was pretty good. I recognized a couple of the songs which i would listen to again.
I wasn't really familiar with any of tbe songs. He still can't really sing. It is probably better than a one but I will round down.
It was alright. I knew some of the songs. I am indifferent to Janis Joplin but thankfully Mercedes Benz was not on this album because that song is excruciating. I was surprised that I wasn't overly annoyed with the album.
It definitely had an 80s feel to it. It wasn't a great album, but it wasn't awful. It was better than a 2 but not really a 3. I will round up.
It is a live album. Ace of Spades is still the best song. Then several songs that sound similar but are not as good. I didn't need to hear it. I tolerated it.
I knew a couple of songs. Cult of Personality was the biggest hit. I didn't really get into it.
It is was alright hip hop album but not the best. It is better than 2 not really a 3. I will round up.
It was a little eccentric and doesn't have any of Devo's mega hits. It was relatively short. I will round up.
It wasn't a great album. It is certainly better than a one but I wouldn't say it is a two. I will round down.
It was a fun album and a lot of well known songs. I would listen to it again.
Holy shit this is a bad album and represents the awfulness that is late 90s pop. Why the hell is this album even on the list, when other good albums have been completely left off? I hated this album when it came out and I didn't listen to it completely then. It did not get any better with time. Also why is there a reggae style song? Songs were skipped. Pure shit. Please avoid.
It is a weird album and I did not care for it. I don't know this album is on the list or why people like Tom Waits. The album is better than a one but not really a two. A couple of songs were alright but Waits cannot sing. I am going to round down to a one but it is better than some of the other ones.
It was an interesting album but didn't particularly enjoy it. It is rock but it is not really indie or alternative but there are those elements. It was relatively short which was good.
It was a decent album. I enjoyed it for the most part. It was better than a 3 but not really a 4.
It is electronic music. One song was recognizable. It is better than a one. Not really a two. I will round up.
It wasn't that great of an album. I tolerated it but didn't really get into it. No need to revisit the album. It is best to describe the album as alternative as it was not full blown indie. Thankfully it was a short album.
It was a good album but I still don't need an hour of Metallica. I knew some of the songs and I would listen to those songs again. The songs themselves are all way too long.
Several well known songs. I enjoyed it. I would listen to it again.
Stop with the Radiohead albums. They are not good. I was bored and annoyed the entire time. The songs aren't memorable and are bad. I suffered through it. Radiohead is at least consistent in releasing bad albums. No need to revisit.
Oh it's bad. It's noise. It's indie music. Don't listen.
It was alright. All the songs were covers. It wasn't really classic Stones but that is understandable for their first album.
The album was alright. The songs are consistent in tone and feel. I wouldn't say there is any one song that stood out over the others. I probably wouldn't pick this album to listen to again though. It is better than a 2 not really a 3, but I will round up.
Several really well known songs. Old school hip-hop that definitely changed the the entire genre. I enjoyed listening to it and I would listen it to again.
It was a fun album and several well known songs. I don't think I have listened to the entire album previously and I enjoyed it. It was a little on the long side though.
It is an R&B album. It was alright. I think i only recognized Cruisin, but not this version. Better than a 2 not really 3.
It is a punk rock. It is not that good. I found it annoying. The Gloria cover was bad. I never really got into it.
It is Qawwali music. It was alright. I have no idea what they are saying. I wouldn't pick this album to listen to again but I tolerated better than others. I will round up.
It is an hour of electronic music. I don't not need an hour of electronic music.
It was a good album. Outside of the title track not a lot of super well known hits. It was relatively short. It is better than a 3 not really a 4. I will round down.
It's country and I suffered through it.
I was expecting this to be a lot worse than what it was. It was not screaming music in which I couldn't understand it. It was heavy metal, a little heavier than Metallica. I don't think I would listen to it again though.
I didn't care for it. It is better than 1 not really a 2. I will round down.
First time hearing this entire album, but I had heard some of the songs before. It was a good album and I enjoyed it. I would listen to it again. It was better than a 4 but not really a 5 so I rounded down.
Ugh exhausting. It is a short album but one song is almost half the album. The songs before the Title song are just meh. The Title song is entirely way too long and everything about it is completely unnecessary. The only reason this album is not getting a 1 is because the Simpsons have a great bit involving the Title song.
It was OK. I didn't really get into it or understand what she was singing. Parts of it sounded familiar. I have no desire to revisit this.
It is not interesting. It is boring. It's not really hip hop or jazz. Tries to be funk at other points. It is better than a one but I will round down.
This was a better Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds album than the previous albums on this list. I stand by my comments that Nick Cave cannot really sing and he just speaks lyrics. Also they managed to release and album that was not a double album and was not 70 plus minutes long. It is better than a two, and not really a 3.
The first half of the album is great. I really enjoyed it. The second half the album does drop off some. The last song needs to be skipped. It gets into screaming music which is completely unnecessary. It is certainly better than a 4 but not a 5.
The whole thing is uninspiring and unnoteworthy. I made it through without skipping any songs.
It is OK. It is definitely an 80s album. Not sure if I really recognized any of the songs but some sounded familiar. I wouldn't seek this album out again, but i didn't skip any songs. The album is better than a 2 but not really a 3.
Seriously a fifth Brian Eno album?! Why?! I get it, it is ambient music. It was only 40 minutes long and I couldn't take it any longer so I skipped through songs. Just no.
I did not care for the album. I was bored and I did not find the music or the lyrics good in any way. It was a relatively short album. I did not need to revisit this album. It is better than a one, but not really a two. I will round up only because I did not skip songs.
Sure it is not super twangy country but it is still country. Avoid it.
Sympathy of the Devil is a fantastic song and the best song on the album. This album gets a little more country and I did not particularly care for it. It wasn't awful but not super enjoyable. I don't feel the need to revisit it outside of Sympathy for the Devil.
This is the 3rd Velvet Underground album. I am still trying to figure out why. I did not really care for it. It was not a super long album which is helpful. There is nothing to revisit.
Eh it was just there. It wasn't awful. A 2 is generous
I enjoyed it. It definitely has that East Coast rap feel to it. I had not heard this album before and I was not overly familiar with the songs, but I knew a few. I did not find the beats that memorable but the rapping is good.
I don't need an entire Randy Newman album. The entire time I was just thinking about how Buzz Lightyear finally learned that he couldn't really fly.
Ugh. Indie music. It went on for way too long. No need revisit and shouldn't have visited in the first place
Very weird. Some of the lyrics were humorous. The lead singer cannot sing. It is not good. The only upside is the album was 30 minutes. I have no desire to listen to this album again or other songs by the Meat Puppets. It is better than a one but not really a two.
It is Reggae music. It was pretty good. I wasn't particularly familiar with any of the songs. I wasn't moved by any of the songs and I don't have a desire to listen to the album again but it wasn't bad by any means.
It was funk and soul. It was alright but I don't have a need to revisit
It was alright. It had that 60s pop feel to it. Reminded me a lot of the Monkees in fact one of the songs is later sung by the Monkees (it's true they didn't even write their own songs). I will round up.
Eh. Why are there Blur albums on this list? Like the others nothing is good about this album.
Ugh. I did not care for it. I was not familiar with the band or the album or any of the songs. I will not be revisiting it. It was indie music but not full blown indie music. It is better than a 1 not really a 2.
I knew Smooth Operator. A couple of other songs sounded familiar. It was OK album. It wasn't bad but not particularly good.
Are you missing bongos in your life? Did you think the words to In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida needed to be removed and replaced with bongos? Do you have a fever and the only prescription is more bongos? Then listen to Bongo Rock.
This was not good. It was eccentric. Thankfully it was relatively short.i was better than a one but not quite a two. I will round up.
It's indie music. I don't need to listen to this. It wasn't good but it is better than some other indie albums. Still stay away from it.
House music. I don't need 70 minutes of this.
It was a good album. Several songs were recognizable. I would listen to some songs again but not the whole album.
What an awful album. I skipped multiple songs. This a knock off of Leonard Cohen singing bad songs but somehow worse. Bill Callahan is not only a bad head football coach, he is a bad singer.
I am not sure what this wanted to be. Was it supposed to be trying to be electronic dance music but it failed? Even if it had succeeded it would have been bad. No need to listen or revisit. It was not good. Not really 2 but I will begrudgingly round up.
I knew two songs - Beautiful Day and Elevate. Those were the only good songs on the album and the rest is completely unnoteworthy.
I knew a couple of the songs. It got really folksy and I did not care for it. No need to revisit.
It is a jazz album. It was alright but I don't think I would seek this album out again.
Ugh. Why are there two versions of Rolling? Why is this album 75 minutes long? There were a couple recognizable songs but not really good songs. I really did not care for it. It is better than a one but not really a two. I will round up.
The album was alright. I did not recognize any of the songs. The album was just there. Nothing overly impressive; however, it wasn't annoying either. It is better than a 2, but not really a 3. I will round up.
This was awful. It sounded like a group of people who have never played instruments before went into a room and tried them out. There is no reason for this to be on this list. If I could give a lower rating, I would.
The album was alright. It is very different than the hip hop/rap scene in the early 90s. It is not aggressive. It was a little long. I can't recall a specific song that was overly memorable but as a whole it was alright.
This was not good. Not the worst but not good. Barely a 2
It was alright. It had a couple of recognizable songs - Take It Easy and Witchy Woman. I would listen to those again but not the whole album. I will round up.
This is the 7th Beatles album. It should be the last one because apparently their entire discography is on this list. Several well known songs, but the prior comments about the Beatles remain. It really isn't that good of music by itself. The album is short which is good. The songs are still poppy and not too eccentric. I will round up because it is better than a two.
It was alright. Nothing really noteworthy. I don't believe I knew any of the songs. It was better than a 2, but not a 3. I will round up.
Not good.
It's electronic music and it is entirely way too long.
Tainted Love is the only well known song and it is really the only good song. The rest of the songs are very 80s and eccentric
A couple of well known songs. Dancing Queen was the best song on the album. It was alright. I wouldn't listen to the entire thing again though.
There were no songs that I recognized. It was alright, I guess, at points and at others, eccentric. No desire to revisit. Better than a 2 but not really a 3. I will round down
What a really weird album. It was not good but at times tolerable. I never really got into it. It is better than a not really a two. I will round up.
This album is really not good. I tolerated it and didn't skipped any songs; however, nothing was noteworthy about it. At times it is just random noise. It is better than a one, not really a two. I will round up.
It is reggae. Relatively short but overall unnoteworthy. It is better than a 2 but not really a 3. I will round up.
It is an entire unnoteworthy album. It was 50 minutes long and no need to revisit it. I didn't hate it but I have no desire to listen to it again or any of its songs again. Better than a 2 but not really a 3.
The first two songs were alright then it turned into pretty much indie music that I didn't care for.
It is indie music from the 80s and it sounds every bit of it.
Ugh. It is not good. I just don't care for it. It is whiney and the music is not good. It is better than a one but not really a two. I will round down.
It's honky tonk country
It was just kinda there. The dial didn't move much one way or the other. Some of the songs sounded somewhat familiar but I couldn't name any of them now. No desire to listen to this album again. Better than a 2 not really a 3. I suppose I will round up.
It was uninspiring. Really nothing memorable. The sound is typical of that era. It is better than a 2 not really a 3. I will round up I guess.
I don't know what to make of this album. I was not familiar with it or the artist. It is a little long at almost 70 minutes. It is not bad and I did not skip any songs. I liked orchestrated parts as it the album a much older feel to it. The lyrics were alright but unremarkable. I am not sure I would totally revisit the album though. I will round up.
The album was alright. I was not familiar with any of the songs previously.
It's bad. It is not good. I do not care if it influence other groups. I did not need to hear it. It is better than a 1 but not a 2. I will round down.
It was indie music and it was bad. Skip it.
A psychedelic rock album that had some trouble knowing what it wanted to sound like. It was short which is good.
It was alright. Several songs were recognizable.
Not sure why this is on this list. It is not awful. It is just there. Sounds like indie music at points but it isn't fully blown indie music.
It was pretty good. The beats were good. The lyrics were alright. I was not familiar with her previously.
This album was an absolute struggle. It is worse than the others. Stay away.
There is nothing noteworthy about the album. It is electronic music and not good. I tolerated it and didn't skip any songs. I will round up.
What an awful album. This has no reason being on this list.
This album is the epitome of the 90s. There are several well known songs. Looking back on it, the songs aren't great, but they were catchy. The filler songs are completely unnoteworthy. The album is better than a 3 and not really a 4. I will round up.
The album is just there. It does not have really any high or low points. The lyrics are not that great especially with songs such as Allergies and Cars are Cars. It is better than a two not really a three. I will round up.
I actually liked this album. I enjoyed the piano at the end. It is also only 30 minutes long. I will round up.
This was an eccentric album. The only good part of the album is when he did covers of other songs in Medley. The other songs are not good. I will round up to a two.
I typically don't care for death metal music. This was early death metal so it wasn't full on screaming. It was short and wasn't horrible. Not good but I tolerated it.
The album was OK. The beats were good. The rapping itself is not great. No need to revisit.
Another double album? It is 94 minutes long. It is entirely unnecessary. It is eccentric but not in a good way. I do not know how people would enjoy this. It is better than a 1 but not really a two. I will round up.
It's too screamy. I generally do not dislike the music portion of heavy metal. The screaming I can't understand and do not care for. It is better than some of the ones on this list but I am not going to round up.
I enjoyed the album. It is certainly better than a 3. Can't Hear Me Knocking is the best song on the album. Dead Flowers brings the album down which prevents rounding up.
A truly awful snd boring album that is entirely way too long.
Why? Why is this album included? It is not good. Is it because several other artists wrote songs for her to sing? It was a struggle. It didn't start off too bad but then it just got progressively weirder. Also no need for the super weird ten minute song at the end. Stay away.
Entirely too long. Ridiculous. Also, I understand he was a Beatle but he can be told to tighten up the songs. With all of that said, the songs are good, but they dont need to be a jam session. Some songs will be revisited but never the whole album. If this album had not been two hours and the songs tightened up it would have been much higher.
I don't know what to do with this album. It was not any good. It is totally unremarkable. Random noise and what lyrics there were nothing there. It is better than a one but not close to a 2. There are definitely worse albums on this list
It wasn't great. No need to revisit.
Eh. It's indie music and not good. I was happy when it was over. Better than a one, not really a two. I will round down
It's completely in German and I have no idea what they are saying. It is certainly eccentric as it is just random noises. There was no song that I would really consider revisiting. It is certainly not the worst album on the list but it is up there.
The album was alright. It wasn't bad but not great. I don't think I recognized any of the songs. I didn't hate any of the songs. It was a short album at just over 30 minutes. Better than a 2, not really a 3. I will round up.
It was a good album and I enjoyed it it. I had not heard it before but it appears the entire Wu Tang Clan shows up at one point or another. I will round up
Ugh. This is not a good album. It is bad. It is better than some of the albums that have received a one. It is certainly not on the level of other albums that have received a two. It was entirely way too long. I do not want to revisit any of the songs. It will get a one.
This was a good album. It reminded me a lot of Bowie's early stuff. I had not heard it before and it delivered. It isn't really a 4 but it is better than a 3 so I will round up
It was a decent album. I would categorize it as electronic funk. I was familiar with Genius of Love because of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.
This was not a good album. I do not need indie music let alone British Indie music.
Bittersweet Symphony is hands down the best song on the album. Unfortunately the rest of the album is nowhere as good. Totally unremarkable. I will round up to a 3 simply because of Bittersweet Symphony.
I enjoyed this album. It was eccentric at parts but I liked it. It was only 45 minutes and that warranted listening to it again. A couple of songs were familiar. I will round up.
At least it was short.
This is not good. I don't know what they are trying to accomplish but the music is all over the place and the lyrics or just speaking parts are garbage. It was just there. It is probably better than a one but it is not a two.
The album was interesting. I was not familiar with the band or really any song besides the cover of Helter Skelter. I don't think I would revisit the album but I can definitely hear how this influenced other bands. I will round up.
It is a short album. Nothing sounded really recognizable. It was not a bad album, but it was not a particularly good album. I do question why there are so many Byrds' albums on this list. They aren't that good. I guess , it is better than a two but not really a three.
The album was alright. I wasn't familiar with any song or the band. I didn't skip any songs and it was easy listening to it.
It was an interesting album. It was not hip hop, although it may have been better if it was. It was a longer album. A couple of songs sounded familiar. There is not much of a desire to listen to it again. I will round up but it is not really a three
I was familiar with several of the songs. However, there were a couple of songs that are not good. Mainly the screaming ones. Nevermind is a better album. This album is better than a 3. It is not really a 4 but I will round up.
It's a solid blues album.
Classic Frank. A couple of well known songs and ones that I will revisit. The album was relatively short. I don't think I will listen to whole thing again though.
It was not good as it was indie music. The only redeeming factor is that it was relatively short.
Several songs or at least parts of them sounded familiar. It wasn't bad. It wasn't great. I will round up.
A second Divine Comedy album? Why? It is not good. Unnoteworthy. Better than a one I guess not really a two.
Started off with screaming and it only marginally improved. I didn't skip any songs but they weren't any good. There were bits of songs that were alright but there is no reason for this album to be included. Better than some albums on the list but not many.
It's a blues album. It was good. I didn't skip any songs but probably wouldn't choose to listen to it again.
I was familiar with most of the songs on this album. The problem with it and it is a problem with most Metallica songs is that they are all too long. The album is over an hour long. Each song, even the good ones, could be cut by a minute at least. Tighten the songs up and it is a better album.
It's bad. Not good. Better than a one but ot by much. I was bored. Glad it's over.
It's unnoteworthy. I didn't skip any songs but I didn't really enjoy it
There are elements that are good. Then there are times when everything is unstructured and everyone was just playkng random shit. Every song is way too long. It was to the point when only one note was playing and the question is why? It adds nothing. Also enough with the bonus tracks. Just have it go to the next song. I will round up
Ugh. It was country and then tried to be rock. It didn't work.
It's punk music. It was short. It was tolerable. Probably no need to revisit, but it wasn't bad. I'll round up
It was good with a lot of well known hits. Although I am still reminded of Chief Wiggum singing along. It is relatively short album which means the songs were well produced and well edited. I would listen to it again.
One positive is that it was only about 30 minutes long. That's about it. The screaming is not necessary or welcomed. I am sure some love it because it is death metal and \"goes hard.\" I just don't see the appeal.
It's an alright album. It wasn't bad but not great. I didn't skip any songs. I will round up.
Another eccentric Tom Waits album. It is similar to his other albums. It is not as long as his other albums so for that reason I will round up. No need to revisit.
It was a punk album. It was alright. Nothing real memorable. I guess I will round up but that's mainly because if was short and I didn't skip any songs.
It was kind of meh. I tolerated it. It is just electronic music no words. Felt like I was New Tetris or Tetris Sphere for the Nintendo 64.
What a weird album. Relax was the only song I recognized. The Bruce Springsteen parody was interesting. Entirely way too long and no need to visit again.
The dial did not move much on this. I did not recognize and of the songs and I have no desire to revisit. It was only about 40 minutes which was a plus. I will round down.
It was a fun album. Relatively short but it was good. Several of the songs were familiar. It was 80s music but not overbearing 80s music. I would listen to it again. I will round up.
Meh. It had hints of decently sounding music and then hints of early indie music. It was not good but wasn't awful. No need to revisit
The album was good. Several songs well known songs. I enjoyed it. It is classic rock and delivers. Stairway to Heaven is a little long but overall still good. I would listen to this album again.
The album is entirely unremarkable. I just listened to it and I cannot really recall anything good or bad about it. It is just there. I do not have a desire to listen to this album again. It is on par with the other Morrissey albums on this list.
It was an OK album. I did not recognize any of the songs. No need to revisit. Unsure why this album made the list.
This is not a good album. It is very eccentric and I am not sure what she is trying to accomplish. There are parts where the music is good but then an odd decision is made it goes a completely direction. The lyrics are not good. I don't care for her voice. The album got "better" later on. I have no desire to listen to this album again or to listen to more music by this artist. It is better than a one, not really a two.
I didn't like it. I am not sure how to describe it. It is like they are trying way too hard to be something else than what they should be. I am not sure what they are trying to be or what they should be but I wasn't feeling this album. Thankfully it was relatively short. I do not need to listen to it again.
What a weird album. Some parts were actually listenable. Other parts were really bad such as instrument being played off key. Then it became just random noises. The lyrics are meh if they can be called that. I have no desire to revisit it. I will round down
There was one well known song. The rest of it was disco. The songs went on a little to long. It wasn't bad but I don't have a desire to revisit it.
It isn't a fully blown screaming album but there are certainly elements of it. The album was entirely too long. I did not enjoy it. There is no need to revisit.
It was alright. The dial didn't move much one way or the other. I have no desire to listen to this album again but I didn't hate it. It was just kind of there.
This is straight trash. It was 45 minutes too long. They can't sing and it's indie music. Avoid.
It sounded like other Rod Stewart albums. It is not good. His voice is annoying and some of the songs were annoying. Better than a one. Not really a two, but I will round up.
It's another disco album. A couple of songs were recognizable. It was alright but I am not going to listen to it again.
Completely unnoteworthy
Nope. It is screaming death metal.
I was not familiar with this artist or any of the songs. The album was good overall. I would listen to it again.
It was a pretty good album. I had not heard it before, I know it is classified as "grunge" but it came across as more punk than grunge,. There was only minor screaming on it so it was tolerable. I would not seek the album out to listen to it again but I would listen to it again.
Why are there so many Tom Waits albums on this list? One was more than enough. This one was actually better than the others. It is between a 2 and a 3. It is not a three even if you round up.
It was alright. One song was recognizable. I don't see myself listening to this album again but I will round up.
It was another Neil Young album. It wasn't awful but it wasn't particularly good. It is pretty whiney. I was familiar with a couple of songs. I do not see myself revisiting this album again.
Not really sure what I just listened to. When I saw the Country genre, I was expecting it to be awful. It was not awful, but it wasn't really good either. Just kind of there.
It is the epitome of 80s hair band. There were several songs that I knew. Overall I enjoyed the album. I felt though that many of the songs carried on a little too long. This lead to the album being over an hour long. By the end of it I was glad that it was over. It is better than a three but not really a four. I will round down.
It was a good album.I was familiar with several of the songs. She certainly can sing and it was a nice break from some of the other albums on this list. It is better than a 3 not a solid 4 but I will round up.
The album was indie music. It was not particularly good and I do not find myself revisiting the album at all. Some of the lyrics were humorous but then there was a song that was just full of slurs which made no sense.
It's a weird album. I just didn't get into it. It's British hiphop but it doesn't really come across well. The beats seemed simplistic and the lyrics were meh. I have no desire to listen to it again or explore more music by this group.
This is the third album of The Fall on this list. It started off alright. However, this was not sustainable and it became eccentric and not good. The covers were weird or at least I could tell they were using the music from other bands. I didn't skip any songs so that's a plus.
The album was alright. I knew a couple of the songs. It was mainly unremarkable though. He at least got the message to keep the album short and edit the songs down appropriately. I don't see myself revisiting the entire album though.
The album apparently is in the "indie" genre but it wasn't overtly indie music to me. There are elements of it but more rock if anything. With that said I cannot recall one song or part that is particularly noteworthy or to point to and say listen to this. It is better than a 2 but not really a 3.
The album was alright. It was the beginning of that 80s sound. I have had several Talking Heads albums and dthis is on par with the other ones.
It was not good. Some of it was tolerable, but most of it just needed to end. It is better than a one but it is not a two.
The album was not that good. It was loud and it was not screaming but not understandable. Not need to revisit.
I am only familiar with one Robbie Williams song and that is his cover of Beyond the Sea on Finding Nemo. Disappointingly this cover was not on the album and the music was nothing like that all. The album is best described as Brit Pop. It was not particularly good and I do not plan on listening to it again or other Robbie Williams music.
The album was alright. I did not know that Jack White went out on his own. It's rock music for the most part. I don't see myself seeking this out again but my ears didn't bleed on this one. I will round up.
It was not good. It felt like a Renaissance fair was taking place. I am not sure why this made the list at all. Not the worst album but not noteworthy.
Wildly inconsistent and the lyrics were bad. It was not enjoyable. No need to listen or even consider. It is better than 1 but not a 2. I will round down.
This album is 70 minutes long. It did not need to be this long. It isn't bad music but it isn't good. Best to describe it as punk. No need to listen to in the first place definite no need to revisit.
Holy shit why? Multiple people had to approve this album being recorded in the first place. Those people should find better jobs. I was over it by the second song. It did not get better.
Why? Why for the love of God is this album on this list? First, it is indie music but it isn't even semi-decent indie music if such a thing exists. Then it is country as well. Then the singer doesn't really sing but rather speaks the lyrics. Finally, they are trying way too hard to be clever with their lyrics.
It was not good, but not bad. Pretty unremarkable. No need to relisten.
An interesting album. I have never heard of the group or any of their songs. I can hear the beginning of that's sound. I doubt I would listen to this album again but I didn't skip any songs. I will round up.
Entirely unnoteworthy. It wasn't bad. I cannot really remember anything about it.
It was unnoteworthy. I tried to like it but I didn't. It was relatively short. I really only know Paper Planes and that song was not on this.
This is the 4th Elvis Costello album so far. He is not thay good. It was an OK album. It was poppy but he also got a little whiny. The music itself was good. The lyrics were not that good. It is better than a two but not really a three.
It was a punk album. It was alright. I don't really recall any of the songs. It was better than a 2, not really a 3. I will round up.
Totally unremarkable. It felt like an 80s album. No need to revisit
It was an 80s Cure album. I don't think I was familiar with any of the songs. It was alright but I probably won't listen to it again. I suppose I will round up.
Eh. The album was 33 minutes long and even that felt like a chore. A couple of songs sounded familiar but that's because they were covers apparently. Not desire to relisten to it. Should not have listened to it in the first place.
I enjoyed it but it didn't need to be 70 minutes long. Always fun to hear the individual Wu-Tang Clan members.
There are parts of this album that were good. Then the last couple of songs the tone of the album changed to more of an indie feel. Some of it sounded familiar but I can't be sure. No need to revisit.
It definitely had that 80s sound. I knew the song Cars. The album consists of more songs like similar to Cars. It was not particularly entertaining.
I knew the them song. I was surprised that this entire album made the cut. It is not a bad album, but certainly there have to be better funk/soul albums? There was already one Isaac Hayes album on this list. The album is certainly better than some of the other albums on this list. I don't see myself listening to this entire album again.
I had never heard of this artist or album before. It isn't awful but not great. It is merely there. It certainly sounds like a 90s album. The album is just there. Maybe little bit of Alanis Morissette.
It's not good. It was short but even then it was too long. It was really eccentric. Go ahead skip it.
It was alright. A couple of songs were recognizable. Nothing ground moving.
This was pretty much opera. Not my thing.
It is a short punk album. I had never heard of them before. It was alright. It got a little screaming but it was not terrible.
It was meh. It wasn't bad but wasn't good. It was a little screaming a points. Thankfully it was short so no songs were skipped. Probably better than a 2 but I will round down.
It was a good album. I know several songs. The album was a good length and I did not feel that any of the songs carried on for too long. The album is better than a 3 but not really a 4 but I will round up.
Not sure what this album wanted to be. It was indie music at points. Then it all of sudden was dubstep and then switched to 60sish music. I am sure it was intentional but it was a bad choice. It was not good. I don't have a reason to listen to any of the songs or the album again.
This is just noise. It is not unpleasant noise but I certainly wouldn't call it a masterpiece at any point. It certainly is not noteworthy. It is just there.
It was an interesting mix of Latin and hip hop. I can't remember any of the songs. It was alright but I don't think I would listen to it again. It was better than a 2 not really a 3. I will round up
It was technoish/electronica. It was alright. Apparently there are two albums but the second is more of compilation? I only listened to one album. Better than 2 not really a 3. I will round up.
It was not good. Not sure what they were trying to do. It was not the worst album on the list but it was barely tolerable
I don't care for live albums and I certainly do not care for live albums that are 75 minutes long. I have never been a huge Grateful Dead fan, maybe its the lack of drugs, but I doubt it. I skipped songs. It is better than a one but not a two; however, I will round down
I do not understand why this album is on this list. The last Portishead album was barely tolerable. The same is true for this one. It is not really a two but I will round up.
It was alright but naturally I could not understand a word that was being said. I won't revisit the album but I didn't skip any songs. I will round up.
It was alright. I didn't skip any songs. I cannot recall a specific song though which makes it difficult to say whether I would listen to it again. It was just kind there and the dial did not move much one way or the other.
It was a punk album. It was alright. The dial did not move much on it. It was relatively short at 37 minutes which was good.
I enjoyed it. I am familiar with The Roots but I have not listened to an entire album.of theirs before. There were a couple of songs that were just noise and not good. Also the album is about 70 minutes long.
It was a punk album but it was fun. Relatively short.
This is not good. The drums were good but that's it.
It was an interesting album. There were not any lyrics. It was electronic music and there was sampling or renditions of other songs. It was not bad, I didn't skip any songs, but not sure I would seek it out again.
I have heard this album before and I several of the songs are very well known. The album is relatively short at under 40 minutes. I would definitely listen to it again. was not good. I suffered through it.
I do not know what to do with this album. It was my first time listening to the entire thing. It is 80 minutes long so that is a knock against it. There are some really good and well known songs on the album. The other songs are not as good and feel like filler songs. I get it is supposed to be Rock Opera, but it is just a little much, Very similar to Tommy in that regard. I do not think I would listen to this entire album again. I will certainly listen to songs on this album again but not the whole thing. It is better than a 3 not really a 4.
It's a punk album. It is not good.
It had some well known songs. It was overall an alright album. Relatively short and I did not skip any songs.
It was a weird album for the Bee Gees. They were doing their typical funk music. It seemed like they were trying to emulate the Beatles or other pop music. I will round up but it was close.
This wasn't bad. It is Electronica music. Pretty much unnoteworthy but I will round up.
It was tolerable. I recognized some of the songs that were sampled. I have no desire to revisit the album. Not really a 2 but it is not a 3. I will round up.
The album is pretentious and it was unnecessary. I did not care for it. Totally unremarkable. It is better than a one but not really a 2. I will round down.
The album was short and unremarkable. None of the songs really stood out. It wasn't bad just not good.
It was just kind of there. It was tolerable. It was a longer album. It was better than a 2 but not really a 3.
The album was unnoteworthy. It was bad but it wasn't good.
Truly awful.
The album was not that good. Unnoteworthy. I tolerated it.
Was never a big Justin Timberlake fan. This album goes on way too long. I recognized a couple of songs that I had not thought about in close to 20 years. I was fine with not thinking about those songs. It is better than other albums on this list and no need to revisit.
This was a really fun album. I enjoyed it. A little quirky at parts but it didnt hurt the alhum. It's over the top. Some of the songs could have been cut down as they did go on a little too long. Better than a 3 not really a 4 but I will round up
I am somewhat familiar with Ceelo Green although I do not think I was familiar with any of these songs. It was a pretty decent album but the issue is that it was way too long. I don't see myself revisiting the album.
It was alright. Relatively short. Didn't move the dial much.
It was a good album. I am not sure I had heard the entire album previously but I was familiar with several of the songs. It is a little on the long side. Overall good but it is not 2Pac's best album. All Eyez on Me is better.
This album was not particularly good. It feels like it was the beginning of indie music. Unnecessarily loud and the lyrics are garbage. I have no desire to listen to it again. I am rounding up to a 2.
It was punk music. No song in particular stands out. It was alright and relatively short. For no reason in particular I will round up.
It was fine. Unnoteworthy. No need to revisit.
It was a very good album but it is entirely too long. There are two songs that are over 12 minutes each. This is unnecessary. The album finishes extremely strong with All Along the Watchtower and the best version of Voodoo Child. I enjoyed it but edit some of songs down and it would have gotten a five.
What is the purpose of this? It is almost 2 hours long. I made it to about 70 minutes and gave up. It wasn't necessarily horrible music but it was repetitive and completely unnoteworthy. There are definitely worse albums on this list. This album definitely has no business being on the list. I am rounding down.
It was a relatively short album. I knew at least a couple of songs. It was enjoyable but I don't see myself revisiting the entire album again.
It is a Radiohead album. It isn't particularly good. It is better than other albums. This album seemed better than the other Radiohead albums on this list. No need to revisit.
What an eccentric album. There were humorous parts. I have never heard of the band before and was not familiar with any of the songs. It was a short album which helped. I do not see myself listening to this album again.
It was interesting. It wasn't good. It wasn't bad. I won't listen to it again though.
It was a British rap album. I was not familiar with it. It wasn't bad. I cannot really remember any of it but I didn't skip any of it. I will round up.
It's electronic music. I do not mind it but I don't seek it out and I don't need to listen to an entire album. I am sure it impacted EDM but doesn't need to be on the list. I will generously round up
I really enjoyed it. I don't think I had listened to this entire album previously and there are some definite hits on it. Although, I have never really liked H to the Izzo. It is a little long at just over an hour. The rapping is top notch and it is different sound from the west coast rap. I am not sure this Jay-Z's best album though as I think that belongs to The Black Album. I would listen to it again. It is better than a 4 but I will not round up.
Why? It is bad album. I don't need a full album of DJ music and it wasn't even good mixed music. Skip it.
I do not need another DJ album mixing and sampling sounds. There is a place for it but not on this list. I don't mind it occasionally but I don't need a 50 minute album of it. Still better than some of the albums on this list.
Unforgettable and unremarkable.
It is definitely an 80s album with all of the synthesizers. I knew several of the songs. I would listen to some of the songs again but the entire album. I will round up.
Who knew that Fat Boy Slim had multiple albums? Who knew that two of these albums are so good that you needed to listen to them before you died? Anyone besides the editor of this book? I will generously round up.
It is generic 80s music. The dial did not move much. Nothing was recognizable and there is no desire to revisit this album, any song or this group again. There are certainly worse albums on this list, but it was tolerable. I will round up.
What an eccentric album. Some parts were humorous, but mostly the thought was why? I am not sure why this made it on the list. It was OK.
Thr album was definitely was not what I was expecting. It was not bad but it wasn't good. I have no idea what they were saying but even if I had I don't think it would have gotten a higher score. It was just kind of there. No need to revisit.
Why? Why so much electronic music? Some of the electronic music has been tolerable. This didn't even have any good parts. Entirely way too long. Completely unnoteworthy. When the Wikipedia page mentions that the album was included in this list in the first paragraph, the album should not have been included in the list. I am going to round down.
Unremarkable but it wasn't terrible. Never heard of the band before or any of the songs. I will not be revisiting
It was not what I expected. It was an OK album and was jazzy towards the end. Thankfully, it was short. No need to revist.
Unremarkable. It was way too long for what it is. Never heard of the band or any of the songs. They are trying to hard to be clever with their lyrics and the sound. It was boring. The style of songs are all over the place. Better than a one, but not really a two. I will round down.
This was not a good album. I am not sure why this group has three albums on this list. They had one good song on a completely different album. I do not get it. The album was entirely forgettable. It is better than a one but not really a 2. I will round up.
Four Nick Cave Albums? Why? It isn't good music. Some of the lyrics were somewhat humorous at times but nothing noteworthy. Definitely not good. I will round up.
Third Pet Shop album. This is the worst one yet. Under an hour but it was just kind of boring. I did not know any of the songs. I kept waiting for it to turn the corner and become good. It did not.
It was bad. Not sure how they describe this as rock. It was closer to folk music and the singing wasnt great. I struggled through it. It was short. I will round down.
I used to listen to this album a lot. It is better than Slim Shady LP. It is a long album though. The skits are not necessary. I have never liked them. The album starts off very strong and if it ended after Marshall Mathers plus Bitch Please II, it would be a five. I will round down.
Thankfully it was only about 50 minutes. There wasn't too much screaming. Now need to revisit.
This is the 5th Radiohead album on this list. Completely unnecessary. This is very similar to all of the other Radiohead albums. It is bad. Not the worst on the list but not any good. I will round down in order to be consistent with the other Radiohead albums. They are indistinguishable at this point.
It was a good album. I knew several songs and I enjoyed it. I would listen to it again. I will round up.
It is a very generic album. Totally unremarkable. It was a struggle. I skipped through songs. I have no idea why this album made the list. I am going to round down.
It is such a long album. Totally unremarkable and unnoteworthy. It was better than her previous album on this list but that does not take much. No desire to listen to it again. It is not a two but it is better than a one. I will round down.
All music no lyrics. It was about 45 minutes or so of jazz and funk music. It went on a little long. At no point was it bad. It was just there. I will round up.
I have the same problems with Jerry Lee Lewis that I have with Elvis. All of his songs are not his songs. They are from Little Richard and Ray Charles and other artists. In other words, black artists. He white washes the music, which did make the music popular, because of reasons. I prefer the original versions. I am not sure why the live album was included in this list. It was not that good of a live album. I will begrudgingly round up to a 3 even though the original artists' versions are superior. Also, I did not let Jerry's awfulness as a person impact this rating.
It was a good album. Although it does not have any of the mega hits, it was still fun to listen to. I still don't have any new balances. I will round up.
I had never heard of this band or any of these songs. I am not sure what to make of it. I didn't hate it. I didn't love it. It is just meh.
It was OK. The singer is annoying. Some of the music was good but overall unnoteworthy. No need to revisit.
This is the 5th Sonic Youth album. This is unnecessary. The album was not good. Parts were ok. Overall just a waste of time. No need to listen and certainly did not need to be on this list.
The album was alright. I did jot recognize any of the songs. I didn't skip any songs. It was just there. I guess I will round up.
It was alright. I recognized a couple of songs. I am not sure I would willfully choose to listen to it again. Relatively short. I will round up.
Is this album on this list because it was Björk group before she went solo? Yes. Is it also Björk best album? Yes but that is not saying much. Do you need to hear it? No. It was tolerable and it is punk music. It being just over 30 minutes helps.
This is the 4th Morrissey album on this list. That's unnecessary as none of them are that good. It was marginally better than some of the others. Still no need to listen.
This is the third album by the Pixies on this list. The other albums were unremarkable. The same is true for this album too. It was not good
Never had heard of it previously. It was unremarkable. No need to revisit.
I was surprised by how little singing there was. The album was alright. It didn't have any of their big hits. However, I have an inside joke about the Cisco Kid so that brought back.some laughs.
This is the fifth Elvis Costello album. It was ok. Wasn't bad but wasn't overly good. Just kind of there. Similar to his other albums.
Clocks was good. The other songs are not. It carried on way too long.
The album was alright. I recognized a couple of songs. It went on a little too long. Some songs were good others came across as pretentious. I will round up.
This is the 5th Tom Waits album on this list. Completely unnecessary. He didn't shit gold with every album or really any album. I just don't get it. Sure it is completely different from mainstream music but this many albums? I do the appreciate the humor and making fun of other styles of music but it is rough.
It's bad. The name of the band could have been cool if it was not country music.
It wasn't good. It got boring and at times I just wanted it to end. The album seemed to improve some but not much. No need to revisit and it is on par with the other XTC album on the list.
This was bad. It progressively got worse. It started out as indie music and then devolved into something worse. Stay away.
I really enjoyed the album. There are some absolute hits on the album. The start of the album is very strong but it does tail off towards the end. I would listen to the beginning of the album again.
This was a shit album. I remember when this album came out and it was bad then. Not sure why Madonna thought to go auto tune, maybe it is because she knew she couldn't sing. Also the American Pie cover was awful.
It was pretty good. It reminded me a lot of Public Enemy but it fell short compared to them. Socially conscious rap but it did go on a little too long. There were a couple of songs that were different styles but not as good. Overall I enjoyed it. Better than a 3 not really a 4. I will round down.
The album was not particularly good. I am not sure what it was trying to be, maybe indie music. A little pretentious. I guess I will round up because it was only 45 minutes.
The album is just kind of there. Unnoteworthy. Nothing that stands out. It wasn't bad but I have no desire to listen to it again.
It was just kind of there. It wasn't bad or good. It was relatively short. Not really a three but better than a two. I will round up
Six? Six, Elvis Costello albums. Why? It was alright. It wasn't the best. Relatively short but no need to listen to it again.
Ugh. This is the 6th Radiohead album. The other five have all received a one. Seriously, why? I know this is supposed to be one of their better albums, but it was consistent with their other albums. It is just annoying and I did not want to listen. But I did. I am rounding down.
Entirely way too long. It's pretentious and boring. I will round down.
This album was not good. They are certainly zeroes. Highly questionable if they were ever heroes. It has that indie music feel, you know the whiny feel but this time with electronic music. Not really a two but I will round up
I have never heard of this band or this album before. I only recognized the Beatles' at the end. It was a bad album and it was kind of long. No need to relisten. I do not even know how to describe the music. I will round up to a two, but do not listen to it.
It was a pretty good album. I think had heard most of it before. There were not any hits on it. I wouldn't complain if I heard it again. I will round up
It was alright. Not particularly noteworthy. I didn't skip any songs.
It was a decent album. I did not recognize any of the songs, but I listened to it without any issues. I would not have guessed that Deep Purple warranted three albums on the list though.
It was what I expected. Thankfully, it was less than 40 minutes long. Nothing stands out on this album. He can't really sing and I did not care for the music. I tolerated it.
Starts off as a German disco. Then the rest is just synthesizer music. It is not good. I will graciously round up.
I enjoyed the album. I was not really familiar with any of the songs previously but the beats and the rapping itself were solid. It is not quite a 4, but I will round up.
This album needed an editor badly. Shorten every song. It did not need to be this long. Tighten it up. I couldn't understand the lyrics. Surprised this artist got two albums on this list. I will round up but it is a close call.
This is the 8th David Bowie album on this list. It was good. It wasn't too long as it was under 40 minutes. I can't say any one song stood out but I would listen to it again. It is not really a 4, but I will round up.
It was bad. I did not care of it. Thankfully it was a short album. I didn't need to listen to it. It got a little screamy at points which is unnecessary. I will round down.
I was not familiar with SZA. I knew she existed but I did not know any of her songs. The album was alright. Nothing really stands out on it. I didn't skip any songs.
There was one song that I recognized. The rest was just kind of there. It wasn't bad but wasn't good. I will round down.
It is indie rock but it is not as insufferable compared to other indie music. Overall it is just kind of there. Wasn't great. Wasn't awful. Probably better than a 2 but not really a 3. I will round down.
Second album by this band. How? They aren't that good of a group. It was relatively short but nothing stood out. It wasn't bad but not great. This kinda there. Not really a 2, definitely not a 3. I will round down.
Its indie music. It was not great. I tolerated it but thankfully it was a short album. I did need to listen to any of it. Certainly there are worst albums to listen to but no need to consider this one. I will round down.
I was familiar with Rikki don't lose that number. The album was relatively short. It was not really objectionable, although I do question why there are four Steely Dan albums on this list.
It was indie music and carried on for too long. Nothing about it was particularly good.
I have never seen this movie. I did not particularly care for the album. It wasn't awful but it wasn't good. Nothing really moved the dial. Thankfully it was short.
This the second by The The on this list. It was pretty good. It was short, and so I did not know when it actually ended because more The The songs played afterwards which were also alright.
I was familiar with several of the songs. Although the lead singer has a whiny voice. It is better than a 3 not really a 4. I will round down.
It was alright. Nothing really stood out. It was not bad. Relatively short. It was an 80s album. Better than a two. Not really a three. I will round up.
Another Björk album? This is 4 in total. Her previous solo albums were bad. Her group album was barely tolerable. So why not add another? Turns out she still releases awful music in 2015
The music itself was good and I was familiar with a lot of songs. Live albums are unnecessary and too long. The studio albums asound better and are better produced. Peter Frampton will always remind me of the Simpsons. Someone already left the perfect review regarding that.
It was a decent album. Surprisingly I did not hate it. It was more of a punk album. None of the songs really stood out but I didn't skip any. It was a little too long.
It was French rapping. It was pretty good. I have no idea what they were saying. I would listen to it again. I will round up.
It was a jazz album. It wasn't bad. Relatively short. No particular song stood out, but overall I would listen again.
This is Neil Young's 7th album on this list that he has been apart of. This is too much. He cannot sing and his voice is annoying. Just everything is not good. Thankfully it was just over thirty minutes. Nothing really stood out. Not the worst album but difficult to give it a two. No need to return. Better to just avoid.
It did not have any of the hits. It was short and alright. Even though they don't write their own songs, I will not hold that against them. I will generously round up.
This is definitely an 80s album, but not that many synthesizers. I was not familiar with any of the songs. I believe I am familiar with the band as they sing It's My Life . It was not bad. It is relatively short at 45 minutes, however, several of the songs still could have been edited down. I would not object to listening to it again, but I would not willfully listen to it again. I will round up.
It was a good album. Several well known songs.The other songs are alright but not great. It didn't carry on too long. I would listen to it again. I will round up.
Forgettable music. It was not interesting. Sounded awful. Wanted it to end. No need to listen or ever consider again.
Third album by Beck on this list. It was ok. I was not familiar with any of the songs. I do not think I need to listen to it again. I did not hate it, but it was pretty unremarkable.
A second LCD Soundsystem album? Why? The first one was bad and this one is no better. Same story different album. Started off ok with electronic music and then devolved into indie music. Can't sing. The lyrics are awful. Everything is questionable. Stay away.
Holy shit a 5th Bjõrk?! The music is garbage. Stay away. Burn it down. It is definitely a 90s album but not a good one. It is better than some of her other albums that made the list, but that's about it. No need to listen.
This is the 9th David Bowie album on this list. This album is nearly as good as his other albums. It is certainly better than a lot of the other albums on this list. I didn't dislike it and would probably listen to it again but nothing really stood out.
It was alright. I can't say any particular song is a must listen. It was mainly blues and jazz. She can definitely sing. It was a little long. I will round up.
Awful. My ears hate me for listening to this. Stay away. I did not finish.
I enjoyed this jazz album. It didn't go on too long. Probably could have shortened some of the songs. It wasn't over-the-top or annoying. I would listen to it again. I will round up
It's bad. Nothing is noteworthy. Do not listen.
Ugh. It is still country music. The prison setting does not help. Not the worst but not a two.
It is a good album. A couple songs sounded familiar. I liked it, but It is way too long. I would listen to some of it again. It is better than a 3 not really a 4. I will round down.
This was not good. Way too long and just annoying. Why does Spiritualized have two albums on this list? Avoid it
It was better than the other two Kings of Leon albums on this list. It didn't drone on and I was familiar with several of the songs. I don't think I would revisit the entire album, but some of the songs are worthy of listening to again. I will round up.
It was alright. Relatively short. Could have been shorter. Didn't really that many hits. It is not really a 3 but I will round up.
It was not a good album. It definitely was not the worst album on this list. There were a couple of covers. I tolerated the album. Not really a 2 but better than a 1. I will round down
I recognized a couple of songs. The album was alright. It went on a little long. Better than a 3 not really a 4. I will round down.
It is not the worst album on this list. But it has almost no redeeming qualities. It is just noise. The vocals are bad. It is entirely too long. No need for it to be 60 minutes. Rounding down.
I did not care for it. It was reggae music but it wasn't good. The vocals threw me off. No need to listen.
I have never heard of this band before and I was not familiar of any of the songs. It was alright for psychedelic rock. Relatively short. The dial didn't move much here. It was ok. I won't seek it out again.
I knew one song. Overall the album was alright. It was relatively short and none of the songs drug on. I would listen to it again.
It was just there. Another unnoteworthy psychedelic album. No need to revisit.
The music itself wasn't bad. However, once the singing started it was not good. The lyrics were bad. I have no desire to listen again.
Not good. It was short but that's the only good part. It's country and folk.
I recognized many of the songs at the beginning of the album. Even though I recognized the songs, I would not say they are particularly good. I do not know the last time I had really even heard them. The rest of the album was not good at all. It was entirely way too long. The album is better than a two, but not really a three.
Why? It was not good. Thankfully it was short. No need to listen or even consider.
This album was a lot of fun. Many well known songs. There isn't a bad song on the album. I would definitely listen to it again.
It wasn't really good. It did drone on and there was nothing really noteworthy about it.
This definitely an 80s album. I had never heard of the artist or any of the songs. Nothing was particularly catchy. It was relative short but many of the songs were way too long.
It was difficult to get through it. Paper planes is the most recognizable song and carries the album. The others were ok. Not sure I want to listen to those other songs again.
The opening song was very familiar. Overall it was a good album. It was not over the top jazz, and it did not drone on. I do not think that I will revisit it, but it was fine to listen to. I would not complain if it was playing and I heard it again.
It was a decent album. I knew a couple of songs. It was not particularly a strong album. The second half struggles. It is not a 3 but I will round up.
The album was interesting. Nothing was recognizable and I had never heard of the band previously. It wasn't bad but I would revisit it. Better than a two but not really a three.
This was not good. Not sure what to describe the music as but I didn't need to even experience it.
It was a relatively short album. I knew several of the songs. None of the songs carried on too long. I would listen to it again.
I enjoyed the first 5 songs or so. It reminded me a lot Rammstein. Then it got really weird. I will round up because they covered Queen.
I was not familiar with the band nor any of the songs. It was pretty unremarkable and relatively short. It was just kind of there.
Awful. It sounded like dying cats.
It was alright. Had a not so good cover of Comfortably Numb. I will probably not listen to it again. I will round up.
It's bad but thankfully short.
This is not a good album. It is certainly eccentric. Fish Cakes.....Fish Cakes!
Eh. It is Randy Newman. No need to revisit.
I was familiar with one song, Get Free. That it is a good song, but it is the only good song on the entire album. Everything else sounds completely different and is not memorable.
This is entirely too long. No one needs a two disc album over 2 hours long of Electronica, drums and base music. Songs were skipped and didn't really finish it. Is some of it decent? Yes. Does each song need to be 10 minutes long? Absolutely not. Did it influence other music, who cares. Do you need to listen to it, nope. It is better than other 1albums on this list but everything drones on and is way too long.
A second album by this group? Why? I was generous with the first album by rounding up. But holy shit this was bad. I did not finish the album.
There were a couple of songs that were recognizable. Not really that good.of songs though. They didn't deserve a second album on the list. I will round down.
There were several well known songs. It was relatively short. The other songs were just there.
Completely unnoteworthy but it progressively got worse. I will round up for no reason in particular.
This album is 28 songs yet only 40 plus minutes long. The songs are not very good. They feel unfinished and incomplete, but even if they were longer I am not sure if it would have helped. I don't know what to do with it. It is between a 1 and a 2. I will round down
This is their second album on the list. Very questionable. It wasn't great but not awful. Pretty unremarkable.
It was just there. The dial did not much. I tolerated it.
It was not good. It was not the worst album on the list. I made it through it but it left no last impression. I guess I will give it a 2. It certainly could be lower.
Not sure what this album was or why it was on the list. It is mainly just noise. Not good or bad.
Not sure the purpose of this. I did not need 40 minutes of 70s synthesizer/ambient music. It was just there.
It is just dance music but this time early 90s dance. I mean each decade has it own electronic dance music. I can't say this was any good. I didn't need it. Not sure my there are so many electronic albums on this list. There are worst albums. I will be generous.
Entirely way too long. No need for a double album. Plus it was only 4 songs. It was very weird too. No need to listen.
It was not good. Very folksy. I finished it and did not skip any songs. Not sure how this was designated as "Rock." I will round down.
This is the seventh Bob Dylan album. As I have said before he can write songs and he can play music but the man cannot sing. It is awful. The album was a little long and listening to his voice made it that much more difficult. If someone who could actually sing sang this album it would have received a higher rating. I am being generous.
How did this group get a second album? It was bad and barely listenable. I managed to not skip any songs, but I should have.
It was a a pretty good album. It was my first time listening to the whole album. I had heard some of the songs before. I would listen to the album again.
It is a weird album. It has reggae music but not reggae themes or lyrics. It went on too long. I will generously round up only because one song mentioned James Bond movies.
It is a really fun album. I was familiar with several of the songs. The songs edited correctly and do not drone on. I would definitely listen to it again.
It was a decent album although I am not sure I recognized any of the songs. It was a pleasant listen. I will round up.
This is their third album on this list. It was alright. The dial did not move much on it. I didn't skip any songs. Unremarkable but I will round up.
This their second album on the list. It is just kind of there. It's a pu k album Relatively short but no desire to listen to it again.
This the third White Stripes album. It was very similar to others. A couple of well known songs. No need to revisit. The dial did not move much. I will round up.
This is not good. It is Indie techno. It is bad. Don't listen. Rounding up but I not sure I should.
This is the second album by Massive Attack on this list. Neither is warranted. The lyrics are bad. Different singers on the songs, most of whom cannot sing. The electronic beats are ok. There is not a consistent style to the songs. Each song needed to be edited down. The cover of Light my Fire was not good.
Umm well this certainly was shit. It is a 30 minute album. One song is over 10 minutes which was very difficult to hear and was pointless. Stay away.
This the third Van Morrison album. It's also a live album that is a double album over an hour an half long. It's bluesy and I like some of it. I am rounding down though.
It was alright. Paul's first solo album. A bit odd at points. Some well known songs. It was relatively short.
This is the third Kate Bush album on this list. It is a weird album. I didn't really care for it and no song stood out in particular.
This is the second Common album on this list. It was a little long. I had never heard it before and I don't think I was familiar with any of the songs. I didn't skip any songs, not sure I will revisit it though. I guess I will round up.
I don't know what to do with this. It wasn't overly good. It wasn't horrific. No desire to listen to it again though. I will round down.
I had heard some of these songs before. I didn't need to hear any of them again. It was just kinda bland. She really can't sing.
Do you want electronic music that has an accordion playing French music? If yes, listen. If no, then don't.
Thankfully, this album was short. That is the only good thing about it. The person cannot sing. It sounded like dying cats. The lyrics were eh. The music itself was not great. It is not the worst album on the list, but I definitely did not need to hear it. I will round down.
Totally unremarkable. It was relatively short. No need to revisit.
I knew several songs. I enjoyed it. The album did not carry on too long and most songs were appropriately edited. I would listen to it again.
This was a bit of a chore. I knew a song or two. It was a long album. I did not need to listen and I will not be revisiting it.
This is the 4th R.E.M. album. It is just there. Not really memorable. No need to revisit.
The album was short so it was over quickly. Nothing particularly noteworthy about it. No need to revisit it.