Snoop DoggWhat a debut album this must have been when it came out! Hit song after hit song with one of the best Rap producers ever. Can't get any better than Snoop Dogg, a legend.
What a debut album this must have been when it came out! Hit song after hit song with one of the best Rap producers ever. Can't get any better than Snoop Dogg, a legend.
Yikes! This was awful and feels like a joke is being played on the audience. The accent while rapping is awful and the singing is abysmal. The flow and lyrics are atrocious.
I've heard of Peter Gabriel and I'm sure I know some of his bigger hits, so I was quite excited to get this album. I was actually kind of disappointed when I listened to it. The music wasn't horrid or abrasive, I just couldn't easily get into it. Seeing that this was his first album, I'm still excited to check out the rest of his discography and maybe even give this one another try.
I have heard of this band but I am not familiar with any of their albums or songs. Another band that I was very psyched to check out. Sounds like classic thrash metal which I love and is one of my favorite genres. This album came out around the golden age of Thrash metal and its very apparent how much they are influenced by bands like Slayer and to a lesser extent Metallica. I can hear similarities in their riffs and the singer sounds a lot like the singer from Slayer to me. Also very similar lyrical themes that Slayer sang about. I loved this album a lot and I will be doing a deep dive of their discography to see what else they have produced over the years. \m/
I never have heard of this band before, but I will definitely be checking out more of their discography. I was impressed by how easy this was to listen to and enjoy. Very cool sound.
Nice, chill, relaxing vibes. I would listen to it again.
1st sounds not very good 2nd slightly better 3rd I like the best so far 4th is ok 5th kinda sucks skipped after listening 2/3s 6th eh ok song kind of forgetable 7th Not a fan of this album
Really nice listen
Not a huge fan of this album but I'd give some of his other work a listen to see if I like it.
Great album full of classic songs.
Had to immediately turn down the volume after the 1st song started. So far not off to a great start, didn't like the 2nd track. I'm more a fan of lyrics and singing which these songs so far don't have much of. Not to say that I don't enjoy instrumental songs, I just haven't been feeling this album so far. 2 Towers didn't need to be 7 minutes long, it feel like the same part repeated for 5 of those minutes. No progression at all, very boring. Fast forwarded through the last couple songs and wasn't impressed. Not my kind of style.
First half of the album were songs unknown to me and they were ok. The second half had some jams.
1st Song Soft Rock Similar vibes throughout. Not bad, easy listen. Definitely need to be in a certain mood to listen to this album, but it's alright.
Really good
Sounds like a very early version of Rammstein which is one of my favorite bands. Despite my low rating I will give this album a couple. Ote listens to see what sticks and songs I may like.
I really liked most of the tracks on the album. The song with Ne-Yo was garbage. Great album overall, will be giving it multiple listens.
Meh not a fan. Lyrics are garbled and hard to comprehend. Not a fan of the sound. One or two songs were decent.
Not very catchy or easy to pick up initially. Electronic isn't my favorite genre but I'm always willing to give it a chance. Not a fan of this album.
Classic 90's/early 2000's rap. Silly that every song starts with "This is a Missy Elliott exclusive". All of the biggest collab/guest rappers. Songs are meh, ok. Same lyrics/theme for most songs. Overall good initial message in the intro and at the end. Cool tributes to artists that are dead. I enjoyed listening to it but will not give it any more listens.
Not my favorite album of theirs but they are quintessential 80s rock/metal. Great band with a lot of classic songs.
1st one has a nice drum beat but annoying that same word repeated over and over. 2nd all over the place musically lot of sampling. I wasn't expecting a rap album if that what this is? 3rd song. Just sounds like a bunch of random stuff was sampled together. Not enjoying the vibe of this at all. Early 80s hip hop that just doesn't sound like its a serious composition.
Classic metal album with hit after hit. \m/
Oh hey I recognize the first song! Never knew who sang it though. 2nd song is pretty catchy too. So far so good. One of the first punk albums maybe? I like the sound and vibe of the different songs.
I like the music but not the singers voice or vocal style. Tainted love is a banger. I'm not a huge fan of 80s electronic music. It sounds dated and cheesy.
Music is okay. Not a fan of the mumbling rambling singing style so far. Reading about the guys life is sad and tragic and puts into prospective the music he created. While interesting, the music isn't my favorite and you definitely need to be in a certain mood to listen to it. War in Peace the album has come alive a bit, still going to keep listening. Back to a slow folksy sound that doesn't excite me much. War in Peace is probably my favorite track.
I recognize the first song although I'm not completely familiar with it. Cool vibes so far. I like it! I will definitely give this album another listen. Has lots of potential to be an album/band that I will enjoy that I did not know before this.
I'm generally not a fan of live albums so we will see what my impression is going on. Thought the 2nd song sounded familiar but wasn't quite what I was thinking of. Doobie Wah kind of reminded me of the Doobie Bros sound a bit. I like the sounds, will definitely give this album a second listen.
Essential Jimi Hendrix. A lot of his best songs are here on this album. My first 5/5.
Haunted goth sound, very early 80s. not a far four songs in but still willing to give it a chance. So far I'm not enjoying this album. May give some of their other albums a listen but this one wasn't one of my favorites.
Get it on (Bang on a Gong) is familiar song to me. I like the sound and style of the album. Definitely will give it a second listen. The band interview at the end talking about the album is such a cool concept that I wish more bands did and I'm sad that didn't take off.
Lot of pop culture references in the first song. Interesting sound. Very easy to listen to. Will probably give this another listen in the future.
Not much of a fan of live albums.
Fantastic album
Initial thoughts, not a fan of the mumbling rambling singing style. The music itself sounds nice. I am enjoying listening to this more and more. A decent album, I will give some of his other albums a listen for sure.
Initially I wasn't sure if I liked the sound but it slowly grew on me. Definitely sound like they heavily influenced flogging Molly and dropkick Murphy. Will listen again.
Not my favorite Beastie Boys album. I would rather listen to one of the others.
Normally I don't care for live albums but I enjoyed this recording a lot.
I strongly dislike the vocal style and music. Not something that I can enjoy listening to. Even if I was in a bad/depressed mood, I would rather listen to anything but this.
I am enjoying listening to this so far, the beats are satisfying. Some of the spoken samples can be a bit repetitive and take away from the music. Not a bad album overall.
She has a nice soothing voice. Easy music to relax and listen to. Enjoyed this album.
Very fast and chaotic start to an album. Tough to follow and a bit tiring to keep up with and listen. Difficult to enjoy listening to this.
The music is just okay, it doesn't do anything to excite me or want to listen to it again. Hungry like the wolf is the best song on the album.
I really love this album a lot and listen to it regularly. One of my favorite albums and bands of all time.
Slow and not very catchy so far. I don't think the music is bad just not my style. Boring and bland.
Not a fan so far. Just sounds like a lot of loud noises and jumbled yelling. Kind of grating on my ears. Just not enjoyable to listen to. May check out some of their other albums.
Decent album will listen to it again to get a better feel for everything.
Easy to listen to so far. Switched the style up, I like it. Not what I expected but I am enjoying it. Some talking parts that I'm not as interested in. I think he has a pretty average singing voice not exceptional but not bad and to me it adds to the appeal of their sound. Normal people doing a job and going home to be with loved ones.
Full of raw emotion and very powerful singing. Enjoying it quite a bit. Awesome recording, I loved every minute of it!
The First song was just ok. I like the start to the 2nd one so far. Easy to listen too and enjoyable. Definitely a Blues Jam!
She has a nice voice. Easy to listen to love songs. Very 80s sound. Overall not something that I would regularly listen to, but I'm happy to have listened to it and broaden my horizons.
Fun album easy to listen to.
Some jams on here.
Never gave this album a full listen before. I knew the hits that were on the radio often. I really enjoy 80/90s rap and this is quite a throwback. I am loving it.
1st time ever listening to Steely Dan. Easy to listen to, I want to re-listen to this album and their other work. Ok, so I have heard the Reelin' in the Years song, one of their bigger hits.
Not a fan of the music. Kind of reminded me of the band Garbage.
Very powerful and compelling story telling offering a different prespective of peoples struggles. I enjoyed listening to it. I would listen to more of her Music, but it isn't something that I would regularly listen to.
Boring, generic and there is nothing exciting or memorable about this album. Just not the type of music that I prefer.
So far I hate the vocal style of the lead singer. Lazy, talking, incomprehensible, jumble of words. The music itself is ok. Not something that I would listen to again, just not my thing.
Smashing Pumpkins were one of the first bands that I listened to and one of the first cds I ever bought. I enjoyed this album and it brought back a ton of nostalgia.
The style is interesting and different but I'm not a fan of the music itself so far. Their talk singing style is odd. Not my style.
The music is ok. It is easy to listen to. Not very exciting and it doesn't invoke anything in me. I may listen to it again.
The music is very loud and drowns out the singers voice which i want to hear more of. I may give it a second listen, it sounds like something I would enjoy but it didn't immediately get me excited listening to it.
Meh its different but definitely not my favorite type of music.
I normally love rap but I'm so far not enjoying this album thus far. I'm not a fan of the beats, the flow, or the weird vocal modifications. I really like the Bladerunners song. Love the El-P cameo. Too experimental for my tastes.
I really like this album so far. Easy to listen to, very catchy on the first listen. I've heard one of their bigger hits (Just What I Needed) before, but The Cars were not a band that I was explored previously. I will definitely be looking into some of their other albums. Moving in Stereo is a jam!
I am surprised with how much I am enjoying this album so far. Normally I'm not a huge electronic music guy, but I'm digging what I am hearing. Some of the songs in the latter half aren't as interesting to me.
First two songs were ok, some interesting samples were used. Porcelain is one of his biggest hits and a song that I enjoy. I also recognize South side. Ok a few more of these are familiar. A good mix of calm, relaxing, easy to listen to music and some upbeat jams.
He has a very calm soothing voice and a very good story teller. I enjoyed this album very much.
I have given it a chance so far and I'm just not really digging the music or her singing style. Human behavior was the standout track for me. I didn't hate it but just not for me.
Some classic songs. Overall though, the album was just ok.
Very cool, mellow, amazing story telling. Easy to relax and listen to and makes me think of enjoying a nice summer day.
Decent music, I will give them another listen and check out their other albums to make a long term judgement whether i like it or not.
Disco music huh, interesting to see how it holds up. Not bad so far, easy to groove to. I like the first song. The title song is a classic hit. Overall I enjoyed this album.
I go into this having listened to some of his work and struggled to enjoy it. I hope this experience will be different. Sounds like an interesting jam session, I am enjoying it more than I expected so far. I think the reason I like this album more so far is that it is mostly instrumental. I really liked the guitar solo on Son of Mr. Green Genes. Overall a fantastic album.
I liked the first song but did not like the second one. Third song was ok nothing memorable. The forth one is a little too slow for my liking. This album is so far unremarkable and boring. I'm eager for this to be over.
The first song sounds vaguely familiar. A legendary singer with an amazing voice. While I wouldn't listen to this regularly it is very beautiful and easy to listen to.
I didn't hate listening to the album but its not my favorite style of music or singing. Couldn't get into it.
The title track is such a classic, albeit a slightly overplayed/used song. A legendary singer and voice.
She has a beautiful voice. I probably wouldn't listen to it regularly but I enjoyed the album overall. Easy to listen to.
Initially I am not a fan of the beat on the first song. She has a good voice but it is drowned out by the loud accompanying music. Does have a very powerful and uplifting message.
I first listened to this album probably ten years ago or so from a friend who gave me a burned a copy of this cd. I really like the instrumentation and her vocal style. Triphop is a genre that I am interested in checking out more. Glory box and wandering star are my favorite two songs.
I don't have any strong feelings about this album one way or another. It was easy to listen to and enjoy. I would listen to it again.
I am enjoying the music so far. Normally I don't like live recordings but the quality is superb. It's refreshing listening to music that I wouldn't normally be exposed to.
The beginning of the first song was a bit disorienting in my headphones. The noise went from one ear to the other. I liked the rest of the song. The second song was just ok. I love the h20 gate poem. Easily my favorite song on here.
I had never heard of this artist before today. Very easy to listen to and she has a beautiful voice. I'd be interested in checking out her other work.
I know a few of his biggest hits but I am mostly unfamiliar with David Bowie's work. I am definitely interested in checking out some of his other albums. This one, however, did not retain my interest. The only song I recognized was "Heroes" but only because of the Rammstein cover. The music was ok, and the vocal style/recording on this one made it tough to understand him.
This is the second Bob Marley & The Wailers albums I have gotten. I really enjoyed the first one. Besides his biggest hits, I am mostly unfamiliar with his songs. I am really enjoying this album as well. The lyrics are so powerful and enlightening.
The first song is a classic, 5/5. Second song is good, 3/5. Third song is ok, a little long, 2/5. Fourth one I am familiar with and enjoy, 4/5. Fifth Song is alright, 3/5. Sixth song is another classic, 5/5. The last song is alright, 3/5. Overall a fantastic album!
I enjoyed the mix of jazz and modern r&b in the first song. The second song was a bit underwhelming. Sounds like classic 90's R&B music. Not a favored genre of mine or one that I'm very familiar with. It is easy to listen it and I don't hate it.
I have never heard of this artist before today. So far the music is alright, nothing that jumps out or is spectacular. I might be interested in listening to some of their other albums as well as this one a second time.
Respect is a timeless classic. Aretha is a legendary singer with a truly powerful voice that rings with emotion. I loved listening to this album, as I wasn't familiar with most of the songs on it.
The sound of this record is very dated and doesn't hold up at all. The rapping was mediocre and I wasn't a fan of her voice. I did not enjoy this album.
I have never heard of this artist before today. I am pleasantly enjoying this album and am eager to check out some of their other work. Very easy to listen to and catchy. The lyrics were positive and uplifting.
Slow, boring, fucking awful. The first "song" sounds like the same 3 notes played over and over again for 6 minutes. I kept listening in hopes for something in the "music" to pick up and enjoy but eventually gave up. The second song I lasted for 4 minutes of the repeated moaning and vague hints of music in the background. 3rd song sounded like the 1st and second song mixed together and I got frustrated and stopped listening all together. Play this music on the plane if you want to sleep the whole trip. Terrible.
The music was ok, but a bit too experimental for my tastes. Wouldn't listen to this again. Normally I'm a fan of longer songs, but it was tough getting through parts of the first two songs.
I was very excited to listen to Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds as they are relatively unknown to me. I enjoyed the music very much and will definitely be giving it multiple replays to figure out which songs I like the best.
This album is very weird so far, it almost feels like a comedy skit. I am not really enjoying it. Kendrick Lamar's verses are a bright spot so far. Not my thing.
Legendary producer and pioneer of Gangsta Rap of the 90's. Great album overall although most of the skits I did not enjoy. The middle songs were also a bit lacking. Nothin' But A G Thang is easily top 5 best Rap songs of all time.
Before today, I have heard of The Grateful Dead but I'm not sure I could name any of their biggest hits. I am excited to listen a "new" band. I love this album and the whole folksy style. Very easy to relax and listen to. I am eager to listen to the rest of their discography.
I initially like the sound of the first song but then the singing started and I don't like his voice at all. The lyrics are interesting and though provoking. The singing on the second song was a bit better and easier to listen to. 3rd song sounds like a demented Oompa Loompa song. This is a very weird and experimental album. Not sure if its my thing, so far I am not a fan. The random kazoos? in the songs are interesting. I enjoy the more serious songs but overall this album is not something that I would listen to again.
The music is alright but I'm not a fan of her voice. It's not bad just not for me. I'm glad I listened to it but I probably wouldn't play it again.
What an awesome album, Johnny Cash is a fantastic performer and musician. I was completely enthralled by his excellent story telling and sense of humor. I loved this album.
The music itself was not bad but i dislike the 80s style of singing. The first song was probably my favorite. Just not my favored type of music.
I am really enjoying this project as it is exposing me to music from other countries and cultures that I would normally never come across. I enjoyed the music even though I didn't understand the language it was being sung in. Very cool!
This is my second Elliott Smith album. I gave the first one a 2/5. I am enjoying this one a little bit more. Easy to listen to and have on in the background. Overall I like it better than the other album I had.
Smooth and easy to listen to jazz music. I enjoyed this album. Nothing specifically stood out enough to make it spectacularly outstanding. If I wanted to put something on in the background I'd totally listen this to.
In places here and there it sounds like music that I would normally enjoy from this era. And yet it never reached the point where I was fully into it. Not very catchy or enjoyable to listen to as a whole. I recognized the song The Weight and even that song id probably only give a 3/5. Slightly disappointed but I will still give their other albums a listen.
I'm not a fan of this genre of music. I feel that is sounds cheesy and dreadful. I can appreciate that others may enjoy it. But it feels very dated to me.
Imagine is a classic and timeless song easily 5/5. I am unfamiliar with the rest of the album. I enjoyed the second song. So far I'm feeling this album is a solid 3/5. Easy to listen to but not spectacular enough for me to give it any more than 3 stars. I'd listen again though to see if my opinion changes.
RHCP is an awesome band whose songs I listen to regularly. While sometimes their songs cover some heavy topics, I enjoy the easy to listen, chill sound that they have cultivated over the years. Reminds me of the good times of summer. Multiple huge hits on this album although towards the end I am less familiar with some of those songs, they were still great songs on their own.
I have never heard of this band before so I didn't know what to expect. Unfortunately im not much of a fan of this type of electronic (?) Music. It was cool how they blended previous songs into the next songs in certain spots. The super repetitive lyrics on book a flight x 20 was frustrating to listen to. This was not my ideal album.
Adele has such a beautiful and powerful voice, and even though I'm not usually a fan of pop music, I can appreciate her talent. Hello and Send My Love are 5/5 songs to me. Send My Love always brings back fond memories of when I was in England and Scotland for vacation. This is one of the songs that kept playing on the radio and I always associate that song with that trip. Wonderful album overall.
Never heard of them before but the parallels between them and the Beatles are pretty clear. So far the Beatles are the better band, but I am enjoying this album so far. Overall decent music.
Jethro Tull is another band that I have heard of but know very little about. I'm excited to check this album out. Not quite what I was expecting, but enjoyable nonetheless. I don't know if its something that I would listen to regularly, but I'm glad that I have at least once. The flute solos are actually kind of cool and makes their sound unique.
Another band that I have never heard of before today. Good classic music, easy to listen to and enjoy. I'd listen to their other albums. This one was merely ok, I may listen to it again but I'm happy to have heard it at least once.
A legendary and once in a lifetime musician. I loved this album so much. Bunch of hits on it.
I enjoyed this album a lot and it was a nice change of pace from the others on the list I've gotten so far. Blueberry Hill is the only song that I previously knew of and it is a great song. The recording isn't perfect but that can be forgiven with how long ago it was performed. Excited to hear more of his discography.
I am familiar with Tom Waits and his distinctive and unique voice. His stream of consciousness spoken word poetry style is his trademark. Before I started this I thought there would be no way that I would rate it above a 3, but I am pleasantly surprised as the album progressed. Funny sense of humor and eclectic word choices made for a fun listen. Would I add this album to my normal music playlist, probably not. But I am happy having had listened to it.
This is the second album that I've gotten of Steely Dan. I am enjoying this one more than the first one. I think that I have heard "Rikki Don't Lose That Number" before. This is some nice classic rock. I'm excited to listen to more of their discography.
I grew up on 90's grunge and it is by far my favorite genre of music. Of the big 4 (AIC, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Sound Garden), I'd rank AIC as my 3rd favorite. I like the dual vocals of Layne Staley and Jerry Cantrell. It's a shame that the same addictions that fuelled such powerful lyrics and themes of their songs ultimately led to the deaths of multiple figures in the grunge scene. This album is packed with hit after hit. I would say that this is their best album.
Aggressive, in your face, 90s Gangsta Rap! It Was a Good Day is probably a top 10 all time rap song for me. Interesting and helps empathizing hearing the politically intense lyrics and different points of view of the struggles of others. Overall I think his rhyming style is a bit basic. He has fantastic delivery and has been very influential in rap. Legendary Rapper.
Meh very eclectic and all over the place. Not a fan of what I've heard so far. Very avant-garde. Not for me. It's not so bad that I was able to get through the whole album without skipping/fast forwarding.
I definitely want to give jazz more of a listen and decide how I feel about it. This album was nice to listen to in the car, but it didn't really grab my attention in a pleasing way. I will give more of his discography a listen and form a better opinion. Enjoyable.
I have heard of this band but I am not familiar with any of their albums or songs. Another band that I was very psyched to check out. Sounds like classic thrash metal which I love and is one of my favorite genres. This album came out around the golden age of Thrash metal and its very apparent how much they are influenced by bands like Slayer and to a lesser extent Metallica. I can hear similarities in their riffs and the singer sounds a lot like the singer from Slayer to me. Also very similar lyrical themes that Slayer sang about. I loved this album a lot and I will be doing a deep dive of their discography to see what else they have produced over the years. \m/
I will admit that I was not excited when this album came up. I may be biased but I really dislike this genre and vocal styleand the cure is no different. I gave this album a listen but its just not music that I can enjoy. To each their own.
I think this is the second Neil Young album that I've gotten so far. I'm not a huge fan of the sound of his voice, however he does make some enjoyable music. He's the quintessential folk rock artist.
Classic 90s political and social activism rap. Not one my favorite of the rap groups, but I'm definitely wanting to explore their discography and learn more about them.
While I don't like him personally, it's impossible to deny that Kanye West is a legendary and very influential rapper and music producer. I enjoyed this album a lot and I will continue to listen to his music and try to separate the art from the person.
I enjoyed the spacey and out of this world sound of their music. However I couldn't stand how whiny the main singer's voice was. It was ok for a couple of the songs, but it got old quickly. I may still check out their other work?
I know the big popular hits of theirs but I am less familiar with the rest of their work. I was very eager to check them out. Along with "its the end of the world", I have heard "the one i love". The third song that I really enjoyed that was previously unknown to me was "finest worksong". I'm excited to listen to more of their albums.
I like some folk music but this didn't really grab my attention or pull my interest, it was just there. Never heard of this band before. Just meh overall
I am unfamiliar with this band and not sure what to expect. Sounds like classic 60s Psychedelic music. Hey Grandma is my favorite song so far. Not bad overall.
Admittedly I am not a huge David Bowie fan, I do appreciate some his bigger hits. This is the second album of his that I have gotten. I liked the title track, it was eclectic and all over the place but a fun listen. Not a fan of the second song. Overall just not my favorite style of music, I can understand how others would enjoy it.
I'm eager to check out this Roots album, I've heard of them but am unfamiliar with their discography. The beats haven't been very catchy but the lyricism has been top notch. Rock You 3/5. Sacrifice 3.5/5. Rolling With Heat 3.5/5. Thought @ Work 3.5/5. The Seed (2.0) 3/5. Break You Off 4/5. Water 3/5. Quills 4/5. Pussy Galore 4/5. Complexity 3.5/5. Something in the Way 2/5. Rhymes and Ammo 3/5. Thirsty! 2/5.
This is the second album I've gotten of PJ Harvey's and I was not impressed with the first one. Hopefully this one is better. Meh I don't like this album or band at all.. I don't like the singer's voice and the music is slow and boring.
I've grown to love Fleetwood Mac thanks to my wife. Rumours is probably a top 5 classic album of all time for me. This album definitely has a different and unique sound to their previous work. I am enjoying this new approach they took, very cool. Oh wow this is a double album, hope it remains consistently good the whole way. Halfway through and it's been great.
I haven't heard of the Smiths before today. I really really dislike the 80s haunted hollow sounding vocals. The music was eh ok, just not my thing.
A bit biased going into this seeing the band's name and the decade of release. So far it's more of the same bland 80's vocals and bad synths. Thankfully it isn't a long album but so far I have not been enjoying it. Just a bit too slow and soft for me. I'm not a fan of the mixing at all, the music drowns out the singer throughout and the distortion from the guitars is unpleasant to my ears. The songs sounded very repetitive and similar and they felt blended together. Almost made it through the whole album but I just couldn't do it.
A classic album from a legendary and influential rock band. Not much else to say.
I enjoy QOTSA's music although I have never listened to their self-titled debut album. The music is good but I believe they are still figuring out their iconic sound. This sounds like the prototype version. I'll give this one another listen to see what I think.
I'll admit that I was a bit biased going into this with my feelings towards Bono and U2. Overall the first couple songs were really catchy but the rest of the album was just ok. I didn't hate listening to this as much as I had expected. I wouldn't add it to my regular rotation of music I listen to but I enjoyed the experience enough to maybe later down the line giving this another listen.
I know her most famous hits but I have not listened to an entire dolly Parton album before today. I do know that she is an amazing and generous person. I love her voice and the songs are fascinating. I hope more of her albums are on this list as I feel like this might not be her best album overall. Enjoyable none the less.
I had never heard of the band before today and it took me until the 4th or 5th song to fully realize that the lead singer is also from the band Arctic Monkeys. I really enjoyed the sound and delivery of the music. I definitely want to check this out again and their other discography if there is any.
Queen is one of the best bands of all time and Bohemian Rhapsody is the greatest rock song ever made. Some of their less popular songs are featured on here and its refreshing to hear them with how prevalent their biggest hits are played. Freddie Mercury also had one of the best voices of lead singers and had one of the best stage presences ever.
Never heard of this group before. I found them utterly dull, bland, and unremarkable. The singer's voice was monotone and without much emotion. Did not enjoy this album at all.
The first song being purely instrumental, I did enjoy it. The following two songs the vocals are just awful and detract from the music. I had to skip Just a Second as it was grating on my nerves. I like Giggy Smile/Picnic on a Frozen River. (at least the 2nd half of it). So I do enjoy the instrumental songs even if they get a bit weird. Tough to rate this one. It's a Bit of Pain has some really jarring and annoying sounds.
Eh, I didn't care much for the first song. I'm not a fan of Dylan's mumbley vocal style. The music itself is cool but his voice is just distracting. Sorry Bob, I'm not much of a fan besides maybe some of your biggest hits.
One of the reasons I am loving this challenge, is the exposure to music from other cultures, across the world. It is very exciting to get something that I am unfamiliar with. Overall I am enjoying this album and will definitely give it another listen down the line.
I do enjoy instrumental music, but nothing from this album has caught my full attentionThe music was just merely ok, not something that I would seek out or actively choose to listen to. As a background while doing something else it serves a fine purpose.
I just couldn't get into this album or artist. The beats were good but the lyrics and themes are dated and hard to understand.
The Offspring is a fantastic band with lots of memorable jams. I really enjoy this album and it invokes fond memories from my child hood and young adolescence growing up in the 90s.
I am unfamiliar with Blondie besides they biggest hit "One Way Or Another", which is such a classic song. "Heart of Glass" is another song that I recognize and that I appreciate. Overall the album is alright, I'm happy to have listened to it, but I don't think I will add it to my regular listening rotation.
I have not heard of "X" before, but I'm interested to find out what they are about. So far nothing jumps out as hey I really like this sound, but it's inoffensive and is decent. May check it out again but overall meh its alright.
It was fun and felt like going back in a time machine to a time when hip hop was light and fun. I enjoyed the experience. Scorpio is probably the only song I disliked, the robotic voice was annoying to listen to.
Meh nothing special about this album and it's kind of boring and bland. Not for me.
This group is pretty off the wall but oddly enough I am enjoying this album and definitely will check it out again.
I've heard the song rehab before but off the top of my head I couldn't name another song of hers. I think she did a duet with Tony Bennet? I really enjoyed the music itself but her voice isn't my cup of tea and its very hard to make out what she is singing about. I was looking forward to this album but I ended up feeling disappointed.
I really enjoyed this album a ton, having never heard of her before. She has an incredible voice. I loved the slight outtakes that happened during a couple of the songs, her wit and sense of humor shone through. I will definitely be listening to this album again and checking out her other discography.
I really enjoy NIN's music and I'm happy to see them on this list. I've listened to this album and the others many many times. Mr Self Destruct 2/5 Piggy 3/5 Heresy 5/5 March of the Pigs 3/5 Closer 5/5 Ruiner 3/5 The Becoming 3/5 I Do Not Want This 3/5 Big Man With a Gun 2/5 A Warm Place 3/5 Eraser 3/5 Reptile 5/5 The Downward Spiral 3/5 Hurt I prefer the quiet version so much more, the weird fuzziness? is frustrating to listen to. The quiet version is easily a 5/5 though. Overall I'd say this is a 4/5 album, lot of cool tracks on it.
Not very good at all.
Boring and extremely forgettable music. The beginning started off ok but as the album plodded along it lost my attention frequently. I hate the singers voice/vocal style. This music just is not for me.
The music was alright, I enjoyed it for the most part. I won't regularly listen to it, but it was a nice change of pace of what I usually enjoy musicwise.
Glad to hear that they made different music than the disco which they are greatly known for. While the lyrics and themes were simple, the tunes were catchy and easy to listen to and enjoy. While not an album id listen to regularly, I can appreciate the artistry.
They are a legendary duo from a time in music that long since evolved and changed. The lyrics are a bit outdated but the songs themselves are beautiful.
I've heard of Muddy Waters, but I'm unsure if I could name some of his songs off the top of my head. I really enjoyed this recording and I definitely want to check out his other discography.
This is the second album I've gotten of Tom Wait's. He is such a weird, eclectic, unique musician. While I enjoyed it at face value, this is not something that I would regularly listen to.
This is the second album that I have gotten and both have been quite enjoyable. A new artist that I like that I probably would have never heard of if not for this 1001 albums music project. Thanks for the recommendations.
Cool classic 90s rap music. I enjoyed the lyrics, flow, and beats. I will definitely check out more of their discography.
I had heard of this group before but I couldn't name any of their songs. I was excited to check them out and the album got off to a decent start but I quickly lost interest and discovered that their music isn't my thing. I don't think that it is awful, just not my favorite type of music.
This is the second album of The Pogues that I have listened to and I really enjoyed this album. A big per-cursor to bands like Flogging Molly and Dropkick Murphy. Awesome Irish Folk music.
I was excited to check out this album, as I have heard of the legendary performer James Brown. My first impression was that the music was just alright. I didn't hate it but I was expecting to enjoy it a lot more and maybe include a hit or two that I had heard of but didn't realize was one of his songs. I am going to give this another listen to fairly judge it.
Easy to listen to and enjoy, albeit a bit generic sounding at times. I recognized the song "Hard to Handle". I would re-listen to this album.
An iconic and legendary voice and performer. This album was really cool to listen to. It was nice to listen to some of his lesser known songs.
Relaxing, calming, energetic beats. I'm not a huge electronic music fan but this is something that I can enjoy.
Sorry Depeche Mode fans, I hate the shitty Emo/Goth sound of 80s synth pop music. Sounds like amateur whiny basement/garage made garbage.
I've heard of Peter Gabriel and I'm sure I know some of his bigger hits, so I was quite excited to get this album. I was actually kind of disappointed when I listened to it. The music wasn't horrid or abrasive, I just couldn't easily get into it. Seeing that this was his first album, I'm still excited to check out the rest of his discography and maybe even give this one another try.
A classic album from beginning to end, full of great songs. Not much more needs to be said.
I have never heard of them before. Interesting, spacy/airy jazz feel to this album. Not bad overall, at times it got a bit hectic and unorganized. I'd listen to their other discography.
I did not enjoy this album at all. It was very bland and boring.
Very weird eclectic mix sound lyrics and music. Not sure I'm a fan of the overall product but it was a short yet interesting listen.
I've heard of this band before but I've never had the chance to listen to any of their music so I was excited for the experience. The music itself was pleasant. The language barrier did make it a little tough to connect with the singer initially but with subsequent listens I think I could dig the sound. One of my favorite bands is rammstein and I only know a few words in German so that doesn't prevent me from enjoying music I don't understand.
A big departure from his normal sound, it didn't quite resonate with me like his other music has. Slow, melancholy, and hard to enjoy. Not a fan.
I think this album has some potential. I think I'd give it a second listen through. At some points the music got irritatingly high pitched and the music sometimes drowned out the singers voice. Otherwise pretty decent music overall.
Listening to this, I felt quite underwhelmed by the music. Mrs. Robinson is a classic song, but the rest didn't grab my attention much. I will stick to their big hits, maybe give their other albums a try.
Probably one of the best debut rap albums of all time. This album has as many classic hits on it as he has bullet holes in him. There are a few duds here and there but it gets back on track with another banger right away.
Very interesting songs, pleasant to listen to. The lime with the coconut song was oddly catchy. I would listen to his stuff again and further explore his discography.
Pretty underwhelming and not some of his best work. I'll stick with the classic albums and songs of his.
Loud, aggravating noises and a horrid singing style turned me off from this album. This is the second album of theirs I've gotten and this is by far the worst of the two. Just not my thing, I didnt have the desire to finish the album.
I definitely want to give this album a second listen as I think it has some potential. The song Psycho killer I've heard before and is so catchy and easily the best song on the album.
Even though I knew I wasn't a big fan of hair/glam metal, this album was a major letdown. Boring, mundane, mediocre, slow, and nothing to really draw you in to any of the songs. While "Pour Some Sugar on Me" is by far the best song on the album, it has been so overplayed over the years that I'm not terribly interested in listening to it for the 1000th time.
Not a huge fan of this album at all.
I have never heard of this band before. While I can see some potential and the early formation of the early 90s sound, I am not a fan of this album much at all.
While a bit of a dated relic of an album, I think it holds up quite well with the other albums of its time. I enjoyed this album quite a bit and I'd listen to it again.
Pioneers of the hip hop and rap genre, many artists owe them thanks for their contributions to music. I really liked the positive/uplifting message and subject matter of the lyrics. While the raps are a bit cheesy here and there, they are still meaningful and done with skillful flow. I'm not a huge fan of the beats. I'd listen to this album again.
I definitely want to give this album a second listen. I think it would be something that I enjoy.
I love this album so much, it is probably one of my favorite of all time. I enjoy EVERY song on this for different reasons. While I don't listen to it as often as I used to, I still hold this album very close to my heart. Classic album from one of my favorite genres and decades of music!
Eclectic, a little eccentric, different styles here and there. Short songs so it's easy to listen to. Everyone should know the song "Corona". I may check this album out again. 45 songs though o.O
Not a real big fan of the cheesy music that sounds more like parody and a meme than an actual serious band. Even rock lobster isn't enough for me to give this album anything more than a 2.
Never heard of this band before and I think this album has some potential. I will definitely give this a second listen. Decent Physadelic rock.
I only know Fiona apple from her biggest hit "criminal" and I wasn't sure what to expect. I am pleasantly surprised by this album, the story telling is interesting and kept me captive in a good way.
The music was just okay, nothing exceptionally interesting stood out. I wouldn't say that it was terrible, just not something I'm interested in.
I enjoyed this album way more than I expected. The electronic/spacey sound was pleasant to listen to. The vocals/style aren't my favorite. Even with the classic song "Cars" on here, I don't think I can give this any more than a 2.
I've heard of this group before but I never delved into their discography before. Typically this isn't the normal type of music that I enjoy but overall I was pleasantly surprised. I'd listen to it again but I don't think I'd add them to my regular listening rotation.
Interesting album and easy to listen to. Time of the season is a classic song and easily the best of the album. Cool story telling and lyrics.
I definitely want to give this album more listens to fully judge how I feel about it but my initial reaction is I liked what I heard. Excited to explore more of his discography too.
I don't know too much about Elvis Costello before this and I was pleasantly surprised by how much i enjoyed this album. Excited to listen to more of his discography.
Old school cool and classic love songs.
Interesting variety of sounds and styles, sounds experimental and grungy. Going to check this album out again.
Never heard of this group before. I'm not a huge electronic music fan. I wish I could get into it more but I didn't enjoy this album. Its just not for me and unfortunately I couldn't finish listening to it.
Classic, easy to listen to, relaxing, jazz music. Love this album. I've heard the song "Take Five" before and it's the best one of the album.
Not my favorite Stevie Wonder record, but still has the great musicianship he is known for.
Not the type of music I typically enjoy. Overall, I did not really enjoy this album.
The music itself is bland sounding alt rock and I'm not a fan of the singer's voice or vocal style. Not something I'd probably listen to again.
Definitely not something I expected from the Kinks. They definitely branched out from their normal style and subject matter to do a cool history concept album. I enjoyed it.
I disliked the boring repetitive blame beats and attempt at music. Not a fan at all.
Not surprised that this band never really took off, but I'm glad that the Gorillaz got all the attention they deserve. Other than Song 2, which is an iconic 90's song, the rest of the album is quite bland, monotone, lifeless, and simple. Not a fan at all.
Cool, funky, makes your move music. I'll probably listen to this again. Shining Star is a big hit that I recognize.
I only know their biggest hits and was excited to listen to more of their songs. This album was awesome! Welcome the British Invasion!
Not a fan of the style of music nor the singing style. Indie rock is just not my thing.
Not much to this album that was memorable. The music was meh ok. They halve decent voices but nothing exciting comes from this album.
I'm going to give this one a second listen eventually, I think there is some potential amongst the oddity of this music.
I believe this is the 2nd Bjork album I have gotten and I tried to give her music a chance but I just couldn't get into it. I dislike her childlike voice. The music itself is meh ok.
So this is a nice nostalgia throwback to 80's and early 90s rap. While it does feel a bit outdated, I can still appreciate it after all these years.
I've heard their biggest hit "Hate to Say I Told You So" but I was unfamiliar with the rest of their discography. Easy to listen to and enjoyable post punk music. Songs are quick and high energy. I'll give this album another listen.
Never heard of this band before today. Eh the music is ok, nothing that immediately jumps out or grabs my attention. It is quite slow in some parts and almost put me to sleep. I'll give there other stuff a chance but I don't think I found my new favorite band.
This was a fun experience from the beginning to the end. I might have heard of his name before but this definitely makes me eager to check out his other songs. I recognized "Buona Sera", but I'm not sure if it was from TV or movies or what.
I'm not a huge fan of punk music and this album didn't really change my opinion of the genre. Just not my thing.
I was actually looking forward to this album as I know of Madonna and her biggest hits but I never heard much of her other songs. Overall, I'm a bit disappointed and feel underwhelmed by her music despite how much of a pop icon she was in the 80s and 90s. Express Yourself shows how much she influenced Lady Gaga, it's crazy how similar the songs sound. I don't regret listening to this just not the type of music I enjoy.
Having listened to this album hundreds of times and them being one of my favorite heavy metal bands, I knew going in that I would give this album a 5. They are one of the forerunners of heavy metal music and their influence on music is vast and innumerable. Crazy riffs, interesting lyrics, a powerful voice, great drumming, this album and band has it all. \m/
Calm, relaxing, easy to listen to and jam along to music. It wouldn't be my first choice to listen to this often, but it was still enjoyable overall.
Starts off kind of slow but then it goes right into the hits and I'm jamming along to the music. Small pet peeve on how he pronounces "heard it through the grapevine", but a classic cover song nonetheless. Love me some CCR.
Music has changed so much since Elvis' time and its undeniable his influence on music. His iconic voice accompanying his provocative (for the time, now pretty mild) dance moves made him a legend. The songs on this album are mostly unexciting and bland. The few gems here do shine through.
I think Coldplay gets a bad rap and it's become a meme to hate them without even listening to their music, like Nickelback. The Scientist, Clocks, and In My Place are undeniable jams to me. The rest of the album is alright. I'm not familiar with their discography besides their big hits. I'd give this album and theirs others a listen. But I don't think they would get a play in my normal rotation.
I was largely unfamiliar with the songs on this album, and generally it takes me a few listens to really dig songs and pick up elements that I enjoy. Not so with this album, it was quite easy to pick up from the beginning and enjoy it throughout. Being one of the greatest rock bands in the world certainly helps.
I was pleasantly surprised by some of the songs on this album. Normally I don't enjoy slowly spoken lyrics but there were a few stand out songs. Pablo picaso was my favorite, it made me chuckle. The very first song was probably my 2nd favorite.
This is the 2nd or 3rd album I've gotten of theirs and I still am not a fan of them. I couldn't get through the entire album, their music is just not for me.
I think this is the first album I've gotten of theirs, and I am unfamiliar with this band. Just as I type this while listening, "There She Goes" comes on and I instantly recognize it. Overall the music is ok, it held my attention but nothing stood out as excellent.
I first heard of Nick Drake when my wife got one of his albums for this challenge and we listened to it together. We were both blown away by that album. I definitely want to give this one another listen to fully appreciate the music. On first listen, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Not a fan of this album and it was tough getting through it.
I'm really enjoying the music itself, but the vocals have been a bit difficult to listen to. I'm interested in listening to their other discography as I'm a fan of Industrial music.
A fantastic rap group with powerful hard hitting rhymes. C.r.e.a.m. is easily a top 10 of all time rap song. I definitely will be listening to more wu-tang clan in the future.
A very very lengthy album, mostly really good songs, with their 4 biggest hits, and a few duds too. The Smashing Pumpkins was the first band's cd that I ever bought as a kid. I particularly enjoy the sound of his nasally voice. Great album and band!
I think this one might have some potential but after a first listen I can only give it 2.5/5. I may eventually come back to it.
While the cover song interpretations were neat to listen to, I'm more interested in the original music. I love being exposed to musically sounds from other cultures and this album was interesting. I'd definitely listen to it again and seek out the rest of his discography.
The band name is pretty lame. I can understand why people might like this kind of music but for me it is too slow, boring, and quiet for my liking. Sorry not my thing.
I'm only familiar with their big hit(s) and was interested to see what they were about. What I got was an onslaught of loud random noises and stupid vocals. I haven't given a 1 for an album in awhile but I had to skip multiple songs because of how annoying they were. Not a fan.
Never heard of this group before and on the first song, the singer sounded a lot like Johnny Cash, but it was not him. Country is one of my least favorite genres, and while this is a whole lot better than modern country singers singing about tractors and beer and blue jeans from their mansions in the city/suburbs, I'm not a fan overall.
I was excited to see this album come up, I'm familiar with their biggest hits but the rest of their discography is unknown to me. I enjoyed this quite a bit and will give it another listen for sure.
A legendary singer/voice/story teller. I will definitely give this another listen.
Everyone has heard "More Than a Feeling", its a classic song. I was unfamiliar with the rest of their songs. Overall though I was disappointed after I finished the album. I don't know exactly what it was, but nothing really jumped out and piqued my interests. I definitely understand why other people really enjoy their music, objectively it isn't bad, just not what I like.
This is the second album that I've gotten from Brian Eno, and the first one I really really disliked. This one hasn't been much better so far. Sounds like random atmospheric noises and very experimental. This album is better than the first one of his that I listened to, but not by much. Not a fan.
Was close to almost liking the music but then it went into a direction that I didn't enjoy as much. Some jarring noises added that ruined it for me.
I like and am familiar with some of their bigger hits, but I never delved deeper into their discography. "how i could just kill a man" is a great song. The rawness of the beats and lyrics are refreshing. Unfortunately I didn't enjoy this album as much as I wanted to. They have made a huge impact on rap and music overall.
I really enjoyed this album and this is why I started this challenge, to be exposed to music from around the world.
Because it was so short, I gave this a second listen. My first opinion was I want whatever the lead singer is on, the lyrics are all over the place. I enjoyed the music overall, although I don't think I'd listen to this again after a second time.
I understand why people love Bowie and I'm glad to have listened to his last two albums because of this challenge. However this just isn't my style of music. I like some of his bigger well known hits but this album i didn't like how his voice sounds or was recorded. Sorry Bowie fans.
Country is one of my least favorite genres and music and this album didn't really change my mind much. I can see why people enjoy it but it's not for me. I gave it a chance.
A brilliant songwriter and musician. I am not a huge fan of his voice, but he is a fantastic story teller and lyricist. I will be giving this album more attention in the future.
This is the second or third album that I've gotten of The Stooges. I strongly disliked the other albums but this one has some promise and I enjoyed it way more than the others.
Oddly enough I liked this more than I thought I would. Punk music is very hit or miss for me. Probably will give this another listen.
Excited for this one as someone who knows their biggest hits but never fully explored their earlier work. I definitely want to give this another listen. First impression is a 3/5 but it could easily be a 4/5.
Not a fan of this at all, skipped through a few songs. Just not what I'm into musically.
I think I have discovered a hidden fondness for Reggae music. I love the vibes, lyrics, sounds, and voices. Sometimes it does blend together and sound similar, but it's something I found that I could listen for long periods of time.
I love being exposed to music from cultures from around the world. This is a fantastic example of something I never would have known existed or had sought out on my own without this project's help. Awesome stuff!
This is not my favorite album of theirs, for this list I would have used Countdown to Extinction, and for all I know it is also on this list. He definitely has a unique and distinctive voice, which I'm not always a fan of. Of the Big 4, they are my 3rd favorite.
I'm familiar with their biggest hits. Run Charlie Run surprised me, I was not expecting something like that. Papa is A Rolling Stone is a classic song, although I think I've always heard a condensed version of the song. I don't remember it being 12 minutes long. The album is short but sweet.
I think this is the 3rd of 4th David Bowie album that I've gotten. I still enjoy his biggest hits, but my initial impression of these albums has been eh it's ok music. I'm happy to have listened to it but I don't think it will join my normal rotation of music I play.
Cool as background/movie music but not something that I would regularly listen to.
I am quite familiar and fond of "Firestarter", "Smack My Bitch Up", "Breathe", and "Mindfields". While I[m not a huge fan of electronic music, this album gave me a lot of nostalgia and new songs that I had never heard before. I normally love rap, but the one rap song, "Diesel Power", felt a bit out of place with the music. I do enjoy a good genre crossover here and there but this one fell short. Overall a fantastic album, just short of 5 stars!
An iconic and dedicated performer whose influence is vast. Easy to listen and bop around to.
I couldn't make it through the entire album, I was bored out of my mind. This music sucks.
Not sure how to rate this album, I think I want to listen to it again to full assess it. For now 3/5 which is my baseline of I enjoyed it enough.
I think this is the third Neil Young album that I've gotten. I admire his talents as a singer/songwriter even if I'm not a particular fan of the sound of his voice. A legend!
Love this so much!
I am not familiar with Scott Walker, so I'm interested in what he has to offer. It was pleasant enough music that I didn't mind his, at times, corny style of singing in a faux grandiose act.
Just a jumble of noise and yelling/screaming. Not a fan.
Some of their biggest hits are on this album, songs that I'm familiar with are, "Free Bird, Simple Man, and Tuesday's Gone" which are all classics. "Gimme Three Steps" has a lot of listens but it was an alright song. The other songs on the album are a solid 3 for me, but with the big hits, that elevates this album to a 4 overall.
Running With the Devil - Easy 5/5 Eruption - A fun guitar solo 5/5 You Really Got Me - 5/5 Classic Cover Ain't Talkin' Bout Love - 5/5 Nice song I'm The One - 4/5 Not bad Jamie's Cryin' - 5/5 Love the Chorus Atomic Punk - 3/5 Eh not my favorite Feel Your Love Tonight - 4/5 Pretty Good Little Dreamer - 4/5 Not bad Ice Cream Man - 3/5 Decent On Fire - 3/5 Ok Overall, 4/5. Some hits, some decent songs, and some semi-duds.
The first song is not a great start, loud, abrasive, unintelligible lyrics, and fatiguing to listen to. Hoping it gets better. I don't mind the song "Kerosene", it's the highlight for me so far. "Bad Houses" wasn't terrible either. Meh I don't like giving 1's, but I quickly grew tired of this album and just want it to end.
Listening to this, I now know what English sounds like to someone who does not speak or understand the language. The music itself was ok but nothing really memorable jumped out at me.
Never heard of them before. It's very loud, aggressive, and frustrating to listen to at times. However there were a couple tracks on here that I think may have some potential. I'm going to give this a second listen through and see if those songs can salvage my overall opinion of this, which isn't very high.
I absolutely loved the first song on this album and I'm excited to check out other culture's music. Overall not bad, I'm happy to have listened to this but it was a little underwhelming after hearing the second track and on.
Decent album and rap.
I've not heard of this band before today. The music itself is decent but I don't think its something that I would regularly listen to. I can see why people might like this but to me its just not my favorite type of music.
This is the second Arcade Fire album I've gotten. I wasn't a huge fan of the first one but I am hoping that I enjoy this one more. I'm always looking for new music to listen to, and I haven't listened to the radio in years so I don't know too much about current music except what my already favorite bands are up to. Indie rock just isn't my thing sadly, I can appreciate the musicianship that went into writing and performing this album but it just doesn't grab my attention or make me feel anything in particular.
This is the second Pixies album that I've gotten and I only am really familiar with their "Where is My Mind" song. I am enjoying this album much more than the other, it still isn't something that I'd listen to regularly.
I think this is the 3rd or 4th Bowie album that I've gotten. I can truly appreciate his music and artistry, however its not something that I enjoy. I can listen to a song or two before I start zoning out.
Oh boy, Kanye West, he has had quite a tumultuous and controversial public life these past couple of years. It's getting harder and harder be able to separate the artist from the music. He is a narcissistic massive piece of shit who needs mental help and to be out of the spotlight for a while. His views are reprehensible and way out of line. I enjoyed his early work, the first couple of albums. This album is really awful and it just shows how much he has fallen off professionally and personally. Garbage person, garbage album.
Never heard of this band before. At the beginning were the familiar and comforting sounds of early 90's alt rock. My one initial complaint was that the music was the same volume or louder than the lead singer's and it drowned out the words. However as the album progressed, I really started enjoying this quite a bit. I'll definitely be giving this another listen and maybe even check out their other discography.
This is the second Elvis Costello album that I've gotten and I can definitely get into his music easily. Not bad at all, will probably give this another listen!
I loved this album. It was full of energy and I found myself dancing around in my chair to the music. Very cool listening to our culture's music.
This is my second Miles Davis album, the previous one getting a 5/5 from me, so I am very excited to listen to this one. Another album of excellent music, I loved it.
Never heard of this artist before, but seeing the genre of music, I was expecting to completely hate this album. But I was actually pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to listen to and enjoy. Sure there were some corny sounding country twangs here and there but the majority of the music and her voice were nice to hear.
I am familiar with the 2 big hits of this album but was not sure what to expect of for the rest. I enjoyed this album more than I thought I would.
This is the second album that I have listened to of theirs. While nothing specific jumped out at me, it was pleasant enough to listen to in the background while driving. I enjoyed this album a lot more than the first one I listened to. Reading the story of how one of the members just up and disappeared was more fascinating to me than the music.
The second album of his that I've gotten and I listened to it twice to give it a fair rating. I believe that I enjoyed this one more than the other. Nothing specifically jumped out but it was pleasant enough to listen to.
This was an easy 5/5. One of the best/most influential metal bands from the 80s/90s. I've listened to this album so many times. \m/
This is the second album of his that I've gotten. I was very close to giving his other album a 4/5. I really like his voice and he has some really interesting songs. Looking forward to listening to his albums again. Sadly know his career was ended short.
This is my second Pink Floyd album. I gave Dark Side of the Moon a 5/5. I like this album as well, with Disc 2 being vastly superior to Disc 1. If I could I would give this album a 4.5/5. Since I cannot, it must be a 4. Great band and wonderful music.
Phil Spector is a murderous monster. His contributions to music are hard to ignore. Being fair to the actual artists that are making the music, this is a fantastic Christmas album. Would I listen to this outside of the holidays? Hell no. Also, looking at the reviews, it seems as though the creator of the website purposely had this album come up around Christmas time? As a Christmas album: 5/5.
Smooth easy to relax to and enjoy music that made me move around. Very cool!
Country is probably one of my least favorite genres, but this comes from golden age of Country music where it was creative, unique, and told interesting stories. Modern country music is muddied with boring generic crap. I do really like the sound of her voice as well.
The second country album in a row that I've gotten. Not sure what I was expecting when I saw the band name and decade this was made, but it definitely wasn't early proto-countryrock. I actually enjoyed Emmylou Harris much more compared to this. This was crap from start to finish.
This is the second album of theirs that I have gotten. Being their debut album, I found myself enjoying this one just a bit less than the other one which had most of their biggest hits. This album is ok on its own, although his voice does get a bit whiny here and there. Decent music.
Even though I am not a huge fan of electronic music, I was very much looking forward to this album. I remember his hit songs and the cool music videos when I was younger. However I don't think the music holds up all that well. The samples being repeated over and over and over and over is annoying. I don't think it is quite deserving of a one as I usually reserved those that I had to skip songs or shut off immediately. Barely passing grade.
This is my second Bruce Springsteen album. Containing one of his most known songs that is highly misinterpreted and one of the unironically misused songs of all time. His music is alright, this album contains some of his biggest hits. I think he's a bit overrated as a musician. Not terrible but not something I would enjoy listening to often.
The beats sound very early 90s and don't hold up too well to modern standards, but Michael's voice carries the album. There are some flops on here, but the number of hits makes up for that. Overall a long, but good record.
I've heard of this band before, but I was unfamiliar with their music. I did not enjoy the singer's voice and the music itself blended together and just sounded like noise. No thanks.
I enjoy 2pac's big hits but this album was a huge let down and is not my favorite of his. I was disappointed that I didn't enjoy it more. Also I'm more of a Biggie fan. Dear Mama is the best song on here.
Surprisingly, I enjoyed this album quite a bit. I don't think I would listen to it regularly but I'm happy with what I heard. I really like the sound of her voice, and the 90s female punk/grunge sound that it brings. While listening to "Never Said" I started humming to myself Sly and the Family Stone "Everyday People" and it fit the music perfectly. Overall pretty good.
I'm familiar with some of their bigger songs, but admittedly electronic music isn't really my thing. However I was really looking forward to checking their music out and giving it a chance. However I am severely disappointed. I hate hate how repetitive the robotic voice samples are, it drove me crazy. I'd rather just have the music by itself. It is their debut album, so I would still give their other discography a chance if given the opportunity. Around the World is the best song on here.
I've listened to this album so many times and I love it! Probably in my top 10 of my favorite albums of all time.
I'm familiar with their bigger hits and listening to this album was quite a journey. I think they revolutionized music and they brought a very unique take to the world. It is a shame that Jim Morrison's flame burned out so quickly. There are so many what-ifs?
I am very familiar with the song "Cult of Personality", it is truly a great song. However, I was very disappointed with the rest of the album, it didn't match the energy or quality of that song. I may give this another chance later down the road, but my initial assessment is meh.
This is the third Sonic Youth album, and I hated the other two albums that I have gotten so far. So I am not very optimistic about this one, but I am going to try and keep an open mind about it. Overall some aspects of this album shined way more than their predecessors, however the album went on a bit too long. Everything started to blend together towards the end and I was getting ear fatigue. I might give this one a second chance as it has annoyed me the least of the three albums.
Very weird album but judging by the artist's name and album title this comes as no surprise. Despite its oddities, I am enjoying this album so far. While it's a very interesting and unique sound and I'm happy having experienced it once, I don't think this is something I'd listen to again.
I am vaguely familiar with Alice Cooper, I know one or two of his biggest hits. I am excited to check this album out! I would give this a 3.5, if I could give half stars. Not quite worthy of a 4/5, but very close! Very interesting music and lyrics.
Country is one of my least favorite genres of music. While this is classic country and a much better standard of music that today's iteration of Country, I still didn't enjoy it all that much.
I have grown to really enjoy the Eagles music. Hotel California- easy 5/5, legendary song New Kid in Town - 3/5 alright song Life in the Fast Lane- 5/5 Wasted Time - 3/5 Victim of Love - 4/5 Pretty Maids - 3/5 Try and Love - 4/5 The Last Resort - 3/5 Overall a great album!
This is my second album of theirs, and I think I have found a new metal band to listen to! Roots Bloody Roots, and Ratamahatta are my two favorites from this one. Excited to listen to more of their music. \m/
Very 80's sounding, average, not bad, not good. While often misunderstood, "Every Breath You Take" is the best song on this album. The Police are a band I have heard of but am largely unfamiliar with their discography. I'm interested in checking them out more.
I didn't recognize the band's name, but I did recognize one of their bigger hits, "Connection". Very catchy song. Overall, I enjoyed most of the music, some of the filler songs were kind of meh. But I listened to this twice and will check out their other stuff.
An absolute genius! I loved this.
This is my second Brian Eno album, and I greatly disliked the first one. I'm hoping to enjoy this one more. I wouldn't really consider this to be music that someone should listen to regularly. I don't enjoy experimental music like this, but I can appreciate them trying to think outside of the box.
My first Steve Winwood album. It was a nice change of pace, easy to listen to and enjoy. I am excited to listen to more of his discography in the future.
Not really a fan of this album or band. I gave it a chance, but I couldn’t connect with the singer. I couldn’t finish the album, sadly.
Not my favorite Ice Cube record ever, but this one still has some classic old school 90s Gangsta raps.
That album was awful. Her voice is annoying, the samples are over the top repetitive, and there isn't much substance to enjoy. Paper Planes is the only decent song on this whole thing.
A great album of classic British punk rock.
I enjoy their biggest hit and was really looking forward to checking out their discography. I hadn't done a complete deep dive of their work until today. I am disappointed and sad that I didn't enjoy this as much as I was hoping. There were a couple bright spots during the listen, but the majority of the music was not exciting enough for me. I will be re-visiting this album in the future to re-assess my initial opinion, and I will be checking out their other albums in total in the future.
Never heard of this band before, and I was a little skeptical that I would enjoy it after seeing the decade and type of music that it was. I hate hate 1980's pop/new wave with a passion, BUT this album was a huge surprise. I thoroughly enjoyed it song to song, there wasn't really one that I didn't like. Ok Prefab Sprout, ok.
Slipknot is one of my favorite bands, and listening to this brought back a lot of great memories. I definitely can understand why this kind of music isn't for everyone, but I love it.
I think System of A Down is a great band and I greatly enjoy their music. This album was awesome, I loved it.
It was refreshing to listen to an album that contain an artist's lesser known music. I definitely will be giving this another listen through.
I am vaguely familiar with his work, I couldn’t name any of his biggest hits, but i think I could recognize them by hearing them. This is definitely not my type of music. I can understand why someone might enjoy his work, but I do not. I am willing to check out more of his music in the future.
Delightfully weird and unique.
Not very pleasant to listen to and kind of annoying sound to it all. Not a fan of this music.
I was really excited for this one, I know their biggest hit "Sunshine of Your Love" is on this album, and that is a fantastic song with a legendary riff. However I was a bit disappointed. I will give this album another chance in the future.
Eh the music was ok, I may give it another listen in the future.
This is my third Bruce Springsteen album and by far this one is my favorite so far. I really loved this album and I will be listening to it again! I gave The Rising a 2/5, and Born in the U.S.A. a 3/5. Awesome stuff.
I thought the first song sounded nice, but the rest of the album is just not my type of music at all. I’m not much of an indie pop folk enthusiast.
I was genuinely surprised in how much I enjoyed this album. It isn’t what I would normally listen to but it was easy to listen to.
This being the 3rd or4th Iggy pop album that I have gotten and this is by far my favorite one so far and the only one that I would listen to again. Lust for life, passenger, and success were my favorite songs.
I never have heard of this band before, but I will definitely be checking out more of their discography. I was impressed by how easy this was to listen to and enjoy. Very cool sound.
Overall not bad music, it’s ok. I may give this another listen in the future.
Not the best punk music has to offer. I’m not much of a fan. It wasn’t awful, just not my thing.
this album was ok but a bit disappointing overall. They must have been on quite the drugs when they randomly put two words together for the song titles. Music was meh
I've heard of the title track, but otherwise am largely un-familiar with the rest of their music. I am loving the classic 70's rock sound they are putting out. Another surprise 5/5.
Fantastic music! I love the exposure to other culture's music that this challenge has brought me. Very cool
Paint it Black is one of their best songs hands down. The rest of album is decent bluesy rock that they are famous for. Very influential band.
I enjoyed the background music quite a bit. I did not appreciate the spoken word whisper style that the artist chose to use. Also the subject matter is gross and fucked up.
Money for Nothing is a classic song that perfectly encapsulates 1980’s rock and the emergence of MTV. I was unfamiliar with the rest of Dire Straits’ music. I thought this album was really good.
Celebrity Skin is definitely their biggest and most known hit song. I definitely want to give this album another listen. My initial impression is that the album is decent, although other than the title track expressly nothing stood out to me. A bit more poppy than I would care for given their origin and influences.
I am unashamed to say that "Dancing Queen" is a catchy and classic song. I honestly gave the rest of their music a chance, but I just couldn't get into it. Just not far me.
I'm not a huge fan of country, but this album somewhat changed my mind. I can definitely appreciate older country, as well as non-pop versions of current country. This album wasn't too bad, but I did get a bit fatigued towards the end, it all began to sound very similar.
This album started off well, but by the end I was getting a bit tired of the music. I wasn't a fan of the singer's voice. I was going to give it a 3/5 but I reconsidered and think a 2/5 is closer to my thoughts.
I was unfamiliar with Paul Weller and his music. I was pleasantly surprised by how easy this was to enjoy. I’ll definitely listen to it again in the future. Sunflower was probably one of my favorite songs.
I struggled being able to take the music seriously throughout this album. Overall I just wasn’t a fan. I love silly music and parody, weird Al is one of my favorite artists. But this was just too much cheese for me to enjoy.
This music was unknown to me before this project. I really enjoyed the 90s sound and I feel a great bit of nostalgia when I hear music from that era. I liked the singers voice/style and the music was catchy. Definitely will give this another listen.
This album is decent but in general isn’t my usual type of music. All I Wanna Do is a jam. I can respect her as an artist and believe she was very influential. I am happy to have listened to this album but I probably won’t revisit it.
Weird album art aside, I found this album to be good background music while I was reading. Nothing really stood out that grabbed my attention. Decent music overall, I may revisit them later on.
Classic Punk rock. "Kill The Poor", "California Uber Alles", and "Holiday in Cambodia" were some of my favorites.
Everything I dislike about this kind of 80's music. Whiny singing and lyrics mismatched with positive sounding upbeat music. I greatly dislike 80's electronic pop music. This just isn't my thing.
I would like this give this album another listen, it was decent overall. I think it was just on the cusp of me really enjoying it. Still, not bad and I'm expecting other Radiohead albums for this list. I am looking forward to checking out the rest of their music.
I'm going to try my hardest going into this album with a blank and unbiased opinion until I hear the music. I do not think that I am the target audience of Prince's music to be honest. I have heard the songs "Purple Rain" and a cover of "Darling Nikki" before, but not the original. Having listened to "Purple Rain" again, I think it's an ok song. I can understand why people would enjoy his music, and I think he was a super talented musician, his work is just not for me. I am willing to give other albums of his a chance, but I am not optimistic that I will enjoy them.
This made for excellent background music while I was reading. While I might not necessarily seek this out to actively listen to, I would gladly put it on again in the background for something easy to listen to. Not bad.
After listening to this list for a year, I have discovered that I am not a huge fan of Britpop. I like the lead singers later work with his band Gorillaz, but I just can’t get into his earlier stuff. It just doesn’t appeal to me but I understand why others enjoy it.
Criminal was her biggest hit to me and a fantastic song. I really love her voice, it's unique, full of emotion/expression, and sultry. The first half of the album was perfect, with the music falling off a little bit towards the end, at least after my first listen. I will definitely check out this record again.
I really enjoy this album, the guitar solos and riffs were fucking sick. At times the music made the singers lyrics incomprehensible which is a pet peeve of mine. This was awesome I look forward to checking out their discography.
This is my third Bob Dylan album, and by far this one is my favorite. "Like A Rolling Stone" is a timeless classic. I will definitely be checking this one out again.
A decent album that I listened to twice. I would listen to it again. It was easy and enjoyable but didn't stand out extraordinarily to me, otherwise I would have given it a 4/5.
Sounded pretty average to me. Not Bad, Not Great. Right in the middle. I may check out their other stuff.
A decent album that I would want to listen to again. Nothing stood out immediately after the first play through.
Decent album overall although the sound was a bit muted and the music was very similar throughout to the point that it was indistinguishable. I would be interested in checking out their other work.
Never heard of Keith Jarrett before, and I was impressed with his music. I wouldn't say that I'd listen to this music regularly, but it was enjoyable for what it is. Very cool to experience.
I was quite excited for this album, as I think Paul is the most talented of the Beatles. I am sad to say that I was underwhelmed and disappointed with this one. I may give it another listen in the future, but there wasn't anything that drew me into the music, like his other countless hits. Even the most known track didn't live up to the hype that I used to think of it. "Let It Roll" was my favorite song.
I really liked the funky jazz vibes this album was putting out. I also liked the singer's vocal style a lot. Having only known them for their hit song "Virtual Insanity", I was pleasantly surprised by their music. Would listen to again.
A legendary record by revolutionary musicians, pushing a powerful message for their people. The homophobia and misogyny doesn't hold up well. Not all of the songs on here are bangers, but the majority are classics. Highly influential group.
It’s a beautiful thing being able to easily listen to music from around the world. I love the unique styles and sounds that each culture comes up with.
I had never heard of this band before but I enjoyed their music quite a bit. Would definitely check out more by them.
I would consider myself a fan of their music , although I have never fully listened to their albums. This was a pretty good album and I would give it a 3.5 if I could. I’d definitely listen to this one again and look forward to checking out their other albums.
Bob Marley is a cultural icon and a fabulous musician. Thanks to this list, I have unlocked a heightened interest in reggae and music from around the world. Love it.
I am a huge fan of Hip-Hop and I am surprised that I haven't listened to much Jurassic 5. I have heard of this group before, but am not familiar with any of their big hits. That will change though as I will definitely be checking out their other work. Consider me a new fan of theirs.
A legendary act that I was highly anticipating listening to. I was a little disappointed overall but would give this one another listen. Also not my favorite version of “I heard it through the grapevine” that I’ve heard. Overall average album.
The recording was a bit rough at times to listen to as the equipment wasn’t as advanced at the time. Some decent cover songs and their originals weren’t too bad either. I am interested in them as a band.
This is the fourth!! Brian Eno album on this list and the other three I heavily criticized and disliked. I did not enjoy the experimental nature of his music. I was a bit pessimistic going in to listening to another of his albums, but I was pleasantly surprised by how much more I enjoyed this one. I think with another listen or two, I would possibly even upgrade this to a 4/5. This one was much better, Brian Eno.
This is the third album by The Kinks that I have gotten and my opinion of them hasn’t changed much. The music is decent but nothing extraordinary jumps out to me. I will keep listening to them if I get other albums but so far I’m less than impressed.
I was highly anticipating this album as I haven’t listened to Aerosmith in ages nor even a full album of theirs. Walk this way and sweet emotion are classic rock songs. The rest of the album was decent.
Despite my general dislike and hatred of 80s synthpop music, I enjoyed this one. It had some of their biggest hits and the other songs were pretty good.
I’m not a huge fan of electronic music but after listening to the first track, I thought this one had potential. But after that, everything went down hill and the music lost all cohesion. The beats were awful.
Pros: I love hearing music from around the world. This was definitely something that I would have never discovered on my own. The music itself was pretty good and the chanting was oddly calming. Cons: I definitely won’t listen to this again as I am not the target audience. I understand the cultural and religious importance this music has for many people.
A very eloquent and skillful writer and storyteller.
A fantastic rap collective, I really enjoyed this album a ton! They brought a very unique and distinct style to the rap genre that I can greatly appreciate.
What a debut album this must have been when it came out! Hit song after hit song with one of the best Rap producers ever. Can't get any better than Snoop Dogg, a legend.
Interesting that this album has the songs both in English and French. The English wasn’t too bad, the French was the best version of the two even though I don’t speak it. Decent music from a band I had never heard of before. Cool!
This is the second album of theirs that I have gotten, and I found both to be pretty mediocre and uninspiring. I'm not a fan of the music or the singer's voice/vocal style. Just not for me.
This is the third Elvis Costello album that I have gotten, and I would consider myself a new fan of his. If I could, I would give this album a 3.5/5. Very easy to listen to and enjoy.
This is the third PJ Harvey album that I have gotten, and hopefully the last. Obnoxiously and jarringly disjointed, the music simply is just not good. This is just not for me.
Really great live album. I enjoyed all the various solos throughout the performance. Very catchy songs. I might be misremembering the Allman Brothers, but I thought their music was going to be something completely different than it was, but in a good way. Awesome!
I didn’t know anything about this group before today. Unfortunately I just couldn’t get into any of the tracks. It just was not good. Not for me.
As always, I am so so happy when I see an album on this list come up, that's from another country. Really cool to experience other culture's music. This was very upbeat, positive, and easy to listen to.
I'm definitely going to give this one another listen, as grunge is one of my favorite genres of music and this album may a few listens to grow on me. A bit raw and unrefined was my initial opinion. But it was their debut album so maybe their other albums were better. I am unfamiliar with their work but I will definitely will be delving more into their discography.
This is my second album of Leonard Cohen's, and although I enjoyed the other one slightly more, this one was decent in it's own right. He is a very eloquent and poetic way of using words to tell stories. His method of saying the lyrics did get a bit tiresome here and there. I'll be looking forward to listening to more of his work.
Decent album overall with some very strong early 90's sounds.
Never heard of this group before, but overall I was disappointed with the music that I listened to. It sounded like a rough jam session that had no direction. The last few seconds of "The Talking Drum" was jarring to my ear drums and annoying. I may give their other stuff a listen, but so far I am unimpressed.
I'm willing to give this another listen, but I wasn't terribly impressed with this one. There were sections where it was very quiet and then very loud. Also it felt like something was missing during certain parts. Overall, eh it's okay.
A legendary and highly influential singer and songwriter. I loved this album and will listen to it again. Hoping more of her albums are on this list.
I previously had known their biggest two hits, "Sharp Dressed Man" and "La Grange", but I had never done a deep dive in their discography before now. This album could have gone either way, a 3 or a 4. If I could give half stars, it would definitely be a 3.5 or much closer to 4 than 3, so I will give this one the benefit of the doubt. I really enjoyed the guitar work on "I Need You Tonight" and that was my favorite track.
Easy 5/5. One of the biggest and most influential bands of a generation.
I didn’t have strong feelings either way when I was listening to this album. I would be willing to listen to it again though.
I was unfamiliar with this group before today, and I was surprised with how much that I enjoyed it! I definitely will check it out again. I love this project!
Simon & Garfunkel are just perfection. So many huge hits on this album. I loved listening to this.
Eminem is my favorite rapper of all time and this is one of his greatest masterpieces. His wordplay and rhymes are top notch. The artist features are all legends and compliment the songs well. The constant misogyny and homophobic slurs are harsh to listen to. He is the greatest rapper alive and well dedicated to his craft.
Kendrick Lamar is the prince of west coast hip hop. I’m familiar with his big hits, but haven’t listened to his full albums before this. I think I would grow to appreciate this even more with multiple listens, which I’m eager to do. His raps are fantastic, even though his mushy delivery makes it hard to understand the lines at times. He’s already made a huge name for himself and I’m excited to check out more.
Despite Pearl Jam being my 4th favorite out of the big 4 Grunge bands, I believe this might be their best album overall. I really enjoyed this one and I will eventually listen to all of their discography.
Holy shit KISS is a fucking awful band. Their music is generic and bland. None of them can fucking sing for shit. Completely forgettable music. Plus they are huge sellouts and have branded their name on every piece of garbage they could think of. I can't believe there was ever any controversy with this shitty band. Fuck off KISS, you're terrible and irrelevant.
Definitely not my favorite Led Zeppelin album, and probably one of the weakest ones. "Immigrant Song", "Since I've Been Loving You", and "Tangerine", are the three big hits and the rest is very hit or miss. Still they are a very influential and amazing band.
This is my third Leonard Cohen album in a very short time. Beautifully poetic and relaxing to listen to. I wouldn’t listen to him regularly, however I believe his music is very culturally important.
The first two songs were 4/5. Relaxing atmospheric sounds. The other three songs weren’t bad, I’d give them a 3/5. If I could do half stars I’d give this a 3.5/5
From what I could tell there was an important and positive message in the lyrics. The musical presentation was boring and repetitive. I like longer albums, but that wasn’t a strength for this one. I may give it another listen in the future.
The singer on the first three songs has an amazing voice. I was definitely not expecting the style change of “Pilgrim”, although it was a pleasant change. Overall I really appreciated the uniqueness of this album. I’m interested in checking out more.
Decent music overall, nothing jumped out definitively. My first impression is fairly neutral not bad not great. Just ok. I may give this one another listen and I'd still be open to listening to their other albums.
I was unfamiliar with Julian Cope before today. His music was kind of meh, just enough to keep me listening, but not enough to draw me in completely. Ok overall.
I have never heard of this band before and the opening couple of tracks held a lot of promise. The album slowed down a bit towards the end. I want to give this one another listen.
Decent soft rock that was easy to listen to while driving. Not something I would regularly listen to, but pleasant just the same. I’d give it 3.5 stars if I could.
A solid 4/5. Not my favorite Led Zeppelin album, but this one rocks. The first half was much better than the second.
I did not care for the vocals one bit. The ones on "Wardance" were especially jarring and annoying. The music had its moments where I could enjoy it. Overall: meh.
This is the third Stooges album that I have gotten, and by far this is my favorite. I listened to it twice.
Violet - 3/5 Miss World - 3/5 Plump - 3.5/5 Asking For It - 3.5/5 Jennifer's Body - 3/5 Doll Parts - 5/5 Credit in the Straight World - 3/5 Softer, Softest - 3/5 She Walks On Me - 3/5 I'm going to finish off this album, but at this point, I think it's going to be a solid 3/5. Not bad but not my favorite. I'd give it another listen.
Wow I can’t believe I’ve never heard of him before, but I was impressed by this album. While both are great, I’d consider east coast rap superior. I will definitely be checking out more of his albums.
I am a fan of Adele’s going into this. She has such a powerful, beautiful, amazing voice that conveys so much emotion. This album was magnificent. I hope that her other albums are on here as well.
Oddly enough I actually enjoyed this one. Very typical 80s sound by the book. Interesting mix of sounds on this one.
This one was a real tough one to rate, that I listened to it multiple times to form an opinion enough to give it a rating. I think it was pleasant to listen to and I would listen to it again. I don't think I'd add it to my regular rotation of music.
Another musician that I would have never known about, if not for this project. I enjoyed this a lot.
I am a big fan of Slipknot, and I've listened to this album countless times. Personally, I think it's one of my least favorite albums of theirs. Although there are some really great songs on this one, in previous listens I would skip around to them instead of listening to the whole thing. I'm happy to see them on the list.
Familiar with her biggest hits, but I never gave her albums a listen. I’m happy that I did. Very good music. I will be checking out her other albums.
Who would have thought that I would be listening to a Bollywood movie soundtrack? Very cool to be able to experience that. The music itself was interesting. I wouldn’t listen to it regularly, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
I'm only familiar with her because of her song that was featured on "Stranger Things". I think that song was hugely overrated and wasn't very good at all. I felt this way about this album too. I didn't make it through listening to the entire thing. I couldn't stand the sound of the her voice/the vocal effects used were annoying and the music just plain sucked. She barely escaped a 1/5.
I could see this group being an influence of 80's women fronted punk/pop-punk groups. Music was pretty good.
While I really enjoyed the two big hits on this album, I couldn't fully engage with the rest of the songs on here. I think that kind of music is just not for me. I think it was decent overall, but I'll stick to TLC's hits.
I listened to this one twice and I thought it was alright overall. The repeating of the lyrics was an interesting choice.
Having only heard their biggest hits (although we are talking enough to fill two or three albums), it was nice listening to the original full length albums. Awesome experience.
I can see how much influence they had on an entire genre of music. The music itself was interesting.
Eh this album was just merely ok. Nothing really stood out to me while listening to this.
This is the second album of The The, and I think it's safe to say that I don't think I would be a fan of theirs. Their music just isn't for me. It wasn't terrible, but just not something I am into.
Probably one of their best albums
I was a bit nervous when this one came up, having never heard of her before. But I was very happily surprised by how awesome this album was. A fantastic surprise.
I was surprised that I enjoyed this one so much as well. It takes two of my least favorite genres, punk and new wave and merges them together. For me, the result was perfect. Never heard of them before but I would definitely check out more of their songs.
I did my best to disregard any negative biases I might have had about U2 before listening to this album. Overall the hits were decent but the rest of the music was quite bland and generic sounding. Just not music that I typically enjoy.
I enjoyed this one way more than I thought I would. The beginning of “car wheels..” reminded me a bit of “Dani California” by the rhcp. I would listen to more of her albums.
I believe this type of music requires multiple listens to truly respect all of the layers of music here. My first impression was that this was decent and that I would listen again to form a stronger opinion.
It’s quite impressive that Dave Grohl wrote and performed all of the music for this album. I would consider myself a fan of the Foo Fighters. They have put out a ton of music so some of it does sound similar, but they have evolved over the years. This album isn’t my favorite but it has some good songs on it. Weenie beenie was abrasive to the point I had to skip it.
This is the second Joni Mitchell album that I've gotten. This one was alright, the other one is my favorite by far. I'm still looking forward to hearing more of her music. I enjoyed this one enough.
I had never heard of Ozomatli before today. But I liked what I heard. A very cool and unique blending of styles forms an enjoyable sound.
Somewhere between good and great. Nothing stood out, but the music itself was decent.
I'm familiar with his biggest hits but I never did a deep dive of his albums before. Very impressive skills of rapping/flow just goes to show how much of a legend Method Man is. Fantastic rap album!
Immediately recognized his quite distinct, if a little goofy sounding, voice for some of my favorite movies when I was growing up. I never checked out his other music before this, but I was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed this one. As an Ohioian, I was surprised to hear two sounds about my home state, a reminder that our river burned not once but twice.
I was unfamiliar with this band. The music was varied and pretty good.
I FUCKING HATE THE KILLERS. Their music is whiny and annoying, and was way overplayed on the radio. No thanks.
Some classic covers by a legendary musician! I wasn't quite a fan of the Respect one, but every other one was fantastic.
Easy to listen to and enjoy!
Meh. I had it on the in the background and immediately could tell that this wasn't something that I would enjoy. It wasn't awful enough for me to have to fast forward or skip songs, but this music is just not for me.
I don't normally enjoy folk rock music, but this one was pleasant to listen to. I liked the singer's soothing and melodic voice. I'd be into checking out more of his music.
For the most part, I've been really enjoying the diversity of genres and regions represented on this list. But there is an overabundance of mediocre Britpop. This was a big meh for me.
I was a fan of Garbage before this as they exude the classic alternative 90’s sound. Three of their big hits are on this one and it really made me reminisce. Very cool
Oddly enough I enjoyed this one. Weird in all the right ways.
I enjoyed this album quite a bit, surprisingly. I liked the sound of his voice. The music was pretty good.
Eh the music was simply just ok. I didn’t hate it but nothing really stood out to me.
The author of this list really likes Elvis Costello as this is the third or forth of his albums featured on here. I like Elvis’ uniqueness and weird but his music isn’t really my thing. I don’t mind it but it’s not my favorite.
I love experiencing other culture’s music for the first time. So cool!
I enjoyed this album. It was a fun mix of styles of rock and rap. The mixing on the second song was awful, the music completely drowned out the rapper, who I already had trouble understanding because he mumbled a lot. I don’t think I would listen to this regularly but I’m glad that I experienced it. I had fun but I am not a criminal.
Before this, I only knew a song or two of Paul Simon's solo work and primarily from his famous duo partner, Garfunkel. This is the second or third album of his that I have gotten, and I have really come to respect him as a singer/songwriter. Very cool album.
I was familiar with the song "Spinning Wheel" before this album came up on my list. I enjoyed the varied styles that this band devised for the album. Pretty cool.
I really like the first two songs, hates the third, and thought the rest of the album was very hit or miss. I’d check it out again just to see how my opinion would change. I think there is potential.
Techno/electronic music isn't one of my favorite genres overall. While I didn't mind the music, nothing really stood out to me as oh man I need to listen to that again. Not bad just not for me.
Very unique and interesting blend of styles and influences. The various songs were very hit or miss whether I enjoyed them or not. I would give this another listen overall.
When this album came out, I listened and to it a bunch and I am a fan of Green Day. I think they are used ironically, but the f bombs are still shocking to hear. If I could give this half stars, I’d give it a 4.5/5 or a 9/10. So many hit songs on here and the ones in between are pretty good too.
One of the biggest rock bands of the 80’s-90’s. I am familiar with the biggest hits of this album but I never listened to the whole thing. Overall the non-famous songs were good to ok. Axl Rose is a cunt.
This is the third Arcade Fire album that I have gotten on this list and I can confidently state that I am not a fan. Their work just isn’t my preferred kind of music. Although I think I liked this album the best of the three. Not for me but I can understand why others enjoy them.
This was an Interesting and ambitious concept overall for an album. I can’t say that it met it’s mark in the end. I was not a fan.
It was an ok album. Neil's voice is very hit of miss for me. His songwriting is top notch as always.
It was ok overall. I’d listen again.
The singers voice is awful, it sounds like a shitty impression of a Big Band singers voice from the 50’s. The music was also terrible.
I've never listened to a Cyndi Lauper album before so I was ready to dive right in. "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" is a classic 80's song, that I will always enjoy hearing. The rest of the album was alright.
I think this is the 2nd or 3rd Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds album that I've gotten. While I enjoy the theme song to "Peaky Blinders", overall I am a bit disappointed in what I've heard of their other music thus far. It's merely ok, a little soft and slow for my tastes.
I have a lot of positive memories and feelings from my mom listening to the Carpenters when I was younger, and hearing their songs always makes me think of her. "Close To You" is my favorite song by far. The covers were pretty cool too.
This is the second Orbital album that I have gotten in a short span of time. The music is ok, nothing I would regularly listen to, but decent enough.
Never heard of this group before and they will probably stay obscure to me. The “songs” are seemingly just random noises shuffled together. Not a fan, too experimental for my tastes.
I heard a lot of similar qualities to his and the genre of trip hop, for which I enjoy. I was happy and surprised that I enjoyed this so much. I definitely would listen again. The beats were really good and I liked her voice. A couple of the songs went a little tad long or weren’t my favorite. “Big deal” was one of the ones I least enjoyed.
I knew their biggest hits, but never listened to any of their albums before. Classic Punk Rock. Very cool, I hope they have other albums on this list.
Some really great songs on this album. I really enjoyed this one.
Really boring and forgettable music. Nothing special about this album jumps out at me. Zzzz
I really enjoyed the first song maybe because it was an instrumental. The rest of the album has been very hit or miss for me. The music is louder than than the singers voice at times which is a pet peeve of mine. Overall not bad but could be better.
This type of music is just not for me. Nothing about this appeals to me. Even their biggest song “come on eileen” is just an ok song to me.
Sounds like a terribly drunk and horny karaoke singer. He’s not very talented. Some of the songs got a chuckle out of me, but I disliked this album for the majority of its being played.
I can see why a lot of people would hate this album automatically upon first listen. It is loud, aggressive, brutal, primal, chaotic, fast, and extreme. I really like the music itself, but I really really hate this incomprehensible garbage vocal "style". It sounds so stupid. The title track, "Scum" was my favorite song on here.
One of the worst ways to start an album is a super loud scream that continues on and on and on. This album was dogshit.
I'd like to give this one another listen, I think it has some potential.
Awesome, I love hearing music from around the world.
An interesting concept album that falls short on the music end. The theme and execution of the concept was interesting but the music itself was average at best. Nothing crazy memorable song wise.
I was eager and highly anticipating this album and it lived up to my expectations. Alanis is probably my all time favorite female singer-songwriter. Her songs and music videos were a huge part of the culture when I was growing up so there is a huge sentimental value to her songs that I have. 5 huge hits on this album. Love it.
I'm familiar with his biggest hits, but I've never done a deep dive into his albums. This was a really great album and I'm looking forward to checking out more of his work. Also I didn't know that "Higher Ground" By RHCP was a cover song until now. I was wondering what they meant by "Stevie says" in the other song, but never made the connection. Very cool!
Never heard of this artist before. I think I might have liked the first song, but after that it all went downhill from there. It was loud, abrasive, repetitive, and incoherent. I couldn't get into it at all. I was unable to finish the album because it was tiring to listen to.
Very average and unexceptional Jazz music. Ok overall but nothing special.
One of the best singer/songwriters of a generation. Amazing music.
This is the second Kate Bush album that I have gotten. I was really underwhelmed by the first one and had my doubts going into this one. But I was very pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this album.
I really enjoyed this one. The mix of sounds were pleasing to the ears and got me moving my head back and forth. Very talented group of mc’s!
Meh way too experimental avant garde for my tastes. Very weird.
I really enjoyed the mix of traditional Indian instruments and electronic music. Some of the spoken word parts were a bit cheesy. Very cool!
A very cool album and nice departure from their previous sound as a band.
This is the second Chemical Brothers album that I've gotten and I've enjoyed this one even more than the first (which I gave 3/5). The beats were awesome and it was easy to get into the music. I will be checking out more of their work in the future.
I've gotten a few S&G albums and have loved every single one of them! They are very talented singers and songwriters! I love their music and style!
I know them by their most famous songs, but Rush is one of the bands that I have known about and have always wanted to listen to more of their music. I absolutely loved this album! I am so excited to continue going through their discography!
This one came out of nowhere and completely surprised me. I normally really hate 1980’s new wave music but this was a refreshing take on it. I enjoyed this one quite a bit and think it has a lot of potential. My first listen through, I liked the first batch of songs the best, but I will definitely be giving this one another listen.
I enjoyed this one quite a bit despite the language barrier. The music was engaging and easy to listen to. I don’t think I’d listen to this regularly , but it was a unique experience that I wont forget.
I really enjoyed this one. She has a wonderful voice and the music was captivating! Very cool album!
I am not ashamed to admit that I was a big fan of theirs when their music first came out. I was a teenager so I was naturally drawn to the high energy and rebellious nature of their music. Going into this I am suspecting that this music won't hold up very well at all. It's probably been 15 or 20 years since I've actively sought out to listen to their music. And my prediction totally holds up, the music is just not good. Sure the big hits might have brought back some fun memories and nostalgia, but the fake tough guy routine got stale real quick. The filler songs were awful. I'll give it 1 star for quality and 1 for nostalgia, but I won't be revisiting this album any time soon.
This one was kind of meh to me. Nothing really stood out or caught my interest. I don’t think it was terrible but it was just not for me overall.
I enjoyed this one quite a lot. A legendary and influential rock band for the ages.
This is the second morrissey album I have gotten and by far this one was much better than the first. Although not something I would listen to regularly, I actually had moments of enjoyment while listening to this one. Overall not bad but exceptionally great.
I enjoy Jazz music and this was a very good example of why. Very talented musicians!
Classic Bruce Springsteen right here. Very cool.
I struggled enjoying this one as I didn’t find it particularly engaging. It was slow and boring. I don’t think it was terrible but I don’t think this kind of music is for me. I can understand how other people could enjoy it.
Classic CCR! What an amazing record!
I love listening to music from around the world, it is one of my favorite aspects of this project!
I really enjoyed this album. Blues is a genre of music that I have little exposure to, but I’m growing the love. The riff in “Mannish Boy” is truly iconic, however I felt that it got a bit repetitive after awhile and the song didn’t feel like it went anywhere. Otherwise this was a solid album.
Very cool folk music! Loved it.
Overall, this album was ok. I'd give it another listen. This is the second Joni Mitchell album that I've gotten, and I loved the first one a lot more than this one. I think she is a very talented singer-songwriter.
Classic 80’s old school rap. This was very easy to listen to and enjoy for me. It was light, fun, and groovy. Very cool.
I would like to give this one another full listen as I think there is some potential. The songs were very hit or miss whether I enjoyed them or not. Overall not bad.
Decent old school country music albeit a bit silly and goofy at times. Not something that I would regularly listen to but I am see how people would enjoy it. Not bad
Exceptionally boring. Not my kind of music at all
I loved this album a lot. Fun to listen and move around to. Very cool
This is the second album of theirs that I have received. I thought the first one was fun and quirky. This album dialed that up to 11. I felt some Tom Waits vibes throughout this record. Overall I didn't enjoy this one as much as the first. A little too weird and over the top for me. Not something that I would ever be able to listen to over and over again.
I hated this so much that I could only struggle through 5 songs before turning it off. I absolutely hate the lazy don’t care to put any emotion into my voice “singing” that was offered here. The music itself was bland and unexciting. This was so awful that it could only be ranked a 1.
I had huge expectations going into this album and while it took a couple songs to get going, the album really hit its stride. I really enjoyed this the more and more it went on. very cool
Decent enough music but not something that I regularly enjoy or would listen to. Decent story telling.
This is my first experience listening to Stephen Stills outside of his most famous work with the supergroup of musicians. I definitely want to give this one another listen to fully evaluate the music. My first impression was that this was ok.
I am so happy that this music project exposes me to a wide variety of genres out there. I have decided that I don't enjoy the Shoegaze genre at all. It's just not for me, but I totally get other people enjoying it.
I loved this whole album from beginning to end. Ol' Blue eyes has such an iconic voice and the music behind him is amazing. This was awesome!
Admittedly I only know of Van Morrison by his most famous song, “brown eyed girl”, and nothing else. I instantly became a fan of his listening to this live album and I will be seeking out more of his discography. This was an amazing recording. I generally dislike live albums due to poor quality, but this exceeded my expectations.
The music itself was fine but the lyrics and subject matter were shallow and vapid. I couldn’t relate to anything she was talking about. But I don’t think I’m in the target demographic. I didn’t enjoy this at all but I understand why others might.
This is the second Peter Gabriel album that I've gotten and I'm still not ready to give up finding an album of his that I will really enjoy. So far I've had a hard time connecting to his music. I think he is a great musician overall, but so far I'm not sure his stuff is for me.
I think they are talented musicians that have crafted unique music. However I found it underwhelming and boring to listen to. Nothing exciting really drew me in. I didn’t hate it but it’s not something that I’d regularly choose to listen to.
This album was ok. Nothing really stood out.
I gave this one a fair shot but unfortunately I don’t think this kind of music is for me. I didn’t like her vocal style and the music itself does nothing to compliment her voice. I can understand why people would enjoy it, but I did not.
Mediocre psychedelic music from an unknown band that will remain forever in obscurity. The music just plain sucked. Nothing interesting happened and I found myself skipping through songs after a minute or two of listening. Not very good and I'll stick to the more well known names.
This one was interesting and definitely showed some potential. I think there were a few songs that I'd love to listen to again.
I enjoyed this album quite a bit! If I could give half stars, I'd easily rate it at 3.5/5.
This album was awesome!! Definitely going to give it a second listen. Epitaph was my favorite song.
A very cool and unique concept for a double album. Individually I would get each half 4’s out of 5. I did slightly prefer the speakerboxxx half, however the two biggest hits are from the love below half. The collaborators they had on here is quite impressive and a trip down memory lane. This was a very innovative record.
Pretty decent electronic music. This is not usually one of my go to genres of music but I enjoyed this enough to earn it another listen. Cool
I’m not a huge fan of indie music and this just falls into that category. I didn’t enjoy this one all that much. Not my thing
I think this one has some potential, and I will give it a re-listen. There aren't many purely symphonic albums on the list and I can appreciate no singing/lyrics and just getting lost in the music.
I think this group has some potential, but I don't think a live album gave the most ideal first impression. This album was hard to get into. I definitely want to check out some of their studio albums and see if my opinion of them changes.
What a fantastic album!! Perfect!
A fun album that brought back a ton of 90’s nostalgia. I would be happy to hear it again in certain situations, however it’s not an album that I would want to regularly listen to in my free time. Cool as dance music.
Although this is not something that I would regularly listen to, I enjoyed it for what it was. This was really well put together music that was easy to listen to.
I strongly dislike 80's new wave/synth pop music and this album was no different. I hate the hollow haunted moaning whiny goth vocal style of this era. It is so boring and frustrating to listen to. I understand why other people like this music, but it's not for me. While not on this album, their song "Don't You", is an absolute jam of a song and a classic from the 80's.
A fantastic album that I will be gladly listening to again! Legendary guitarist!
The type of punk rock that I prefer. Fast cars was my favorite song. I’d gladly listen to this one again.
The people that made this list really enjoy Brian Eno. I think this is his 5th album on here. I’m 50/50 with his work. This is one of the albums that I enjoyed. Very hit or miss.
Just not my style of music. Not very good.
An amazing record from an innovative group whose potential was cut way too short with Jim Morrison’s death. Very cool and unique!
I was going into this album not expecting to enjoy it but I was pleasantly surprised! This was a fun album and easy to get into. I don’t think I would regularly listen to it, however I’d play it again and check out their other work.
Not one of my favorite Tom waifs albums. There were a couple of songs that I enjoyed but overall the album fell short.
Freedom! Is a classic song however the majority of the rest of the album was slow and kind of dull. Just not my speed or taste.
Very chill and relaxing which makes it an album that’s very easy to listen to and enjoy. I’ve heard some of their hit songs but never did a deep dive on their discography. I will definitely be checking out more of their stuff!
The only song that I was familiar with theirs was "Strict Machine", which I enjoy. I liked the vibes from this album. Easy to listen to.
This album would easily be a 4/5 if not for the awful vocal style. The music itself is fantastic and I really liked it. This is the second or third album of theirs that I have gotten and this is by far my favorite. So close joy division.
Never heard of this artist before, but after listening to this album, I am already a huge fan. The beats are awesome and the raps are top notch. Very skilled rapper. Looking forward to checking out their other work!
A very eclectic mix of styles of music. Hit or miss, but I did enjoy a few songs here and there. Not bad.
An amazing songwriter and story teller, his music is timeless. I’m not a huge fan of his voice but I can overlook that with how awesome his music is.
Terrific! I listened to the whole 2 hour deluxe album and it was fantastic!
What a beautiful album from such a tortured soul. An incredible voice and masterful playing, it’s a shame that his career was short and relatively unknown.
This is not my style of music. Very challenging to enjoy while listening to this. There were some bright spots here and there but for the most part it was not something I’d want to listen to again.
I really enjoyed this album and I’m surprised that they never got popular. Though I suppose they were outshined by some of their contemporaries in the psychedelic rock. I’ll be checking out their other works for sure.
Not very good at all. I lasted about 15 or 20 minutes but I couldn’t continue listen anymore. The vocals conflicted with the backing music and didn’t seem in sync at all. This one was all off.
I think this one has some potential and I’m interested in revisiting it in the future. I laughed during the one sexual breakup? Song.
Absolutely fucking trash. Annoying and amateurish. I couldn’t get through a single song without skipping to the next one. Awful. atrocious.
One of the most prolific bands of all time, this album was a blast! So many great songs. Not quite a 5/5, but almost.
What a great album! So many fun songs. Awesome music.
I enjoyed this one a lot, she has a very beautiful voice! It did dominate the album and drowned out most of the background music. But she is very talented. Cool album!
Not my thing, but definitely very influential on the punk rock scene.
Boring and bland meh.
This was decent and it had some cool songs. I wouldn’t listen to this regularly but it had some potential.
I couldn’t really connect with the lyrics at all, and I don't know if there’s some deeper meaning to them. But at least I know how to spell shopping. The music itself is very outdated and doesn’t hold up well at all with the overproduced 80’s sound.
I couldn’t get into this one much. It was hard to distinguish the music and the vocals, it kind of merged into a jumbled noise.
How can I not rate an album by a fellow Hugh anything but a 5. This was a really great jazz album that I enjoyed on my car ride home from Michigan. Very talented artists!
Not my thing at all, although some of the tracks with Steve nye were a bit better than the rest. Otherwise completely unremarkable.
Nothing great or horrible about this album, just very average and unexceptional. Meh ok.
I’m not a huge fan of Prince’s, but I could find some songs that I enjoyed here and there. Overall it was ok
One of my favorite live albums of all time. The mtv unplugged series showcased some of the greatest acts of the time. I wish they still did them. What a great performance!
What a great talent that will always remain as a what if? Very cool!
One of my favorite albums of all time, my wife was the one to introduce it to me. I love how each band member contributes their own song, and it’s so easy to listen to and enjoy. This album is fantastic!!
A decent dance album. Not something I would regularly listen to, it had some bright spots.
A really cool album. I wasn’t expecting to know one of their songs, but “get free” must have been a major hit of theirs. I’ll definitely be coming back to this album and band.
I definitely want to give this some more listens as the influence on heavy rock music is very apparent. On my first listen, this was very cool.
Not completely unlistenable, but something about it just doesn’t mesh well. I wouldn’t listen to it again.
I struggled to enjoy this, it just was lacking the it factor for me. Not awful just not what I’m into.
What a great album!! The 2nd/3rd song were some of my least favorite tracks however the rest were very good.
Elvis and his band are quite prominent on this list and I view him as very hit or miss. I think of the albums of theirs I’ve gotten so far, this is one of the better ones. I think it would grow on me the more listens I give it.
Very cool and funky!!!
This was a fun album and it was easy to get into and enjoy. The singer has the typical 80’s rock and roll voice that compliments the music so well. I don’t think I would listen to this regularly, but I can appreciate some of the forefathers of hard rock and roll and their contributions to the genre.
This was ok.
Not my favorite Sabbath album, but they are the godfather's of heavy metal music, and one of my favorite bands. \m/
“Been caught stealing” is a jam but the rest of the music is just ok. I may give this a second listen.
A very cool mix of very different genres of music. "No Leaf Clover" is my absolute favorite song from this album. Very cool \m/
This one was very hit or miss and quirky. I wouldn’t listen to it regularly.
Pretty good for a first listen, I enjoyed this one.
Great rhymes and flow but the beats are fucking whack. It’s a shame because it doesn’t make me want to relisten to this.
This album got better and better as it went on. Initially I was only going to give it a 3 but on further listen I am giving it a 4. Solid raps.
Decent psychedelic music, I would give it a 3.5 if I could. The LBJ song was one of the best.
This was ok but it’s not really my thing. Kind of sounded like a mix of Elton John and disco music. The cover of “comfortably numb” was fucking awful and should be deleted.
I just couldn’t get through this album. It was mediocre.
This is the second or third album of theirs that I’ve gotten, and I want to give it another listen. I think there is some potential here.
This album has been very underwhelming and while there were some decent parts, overall it was mediocre.
Meh kind of mediocre and doesn’t seem to ever go anywhere, it is just repetitive.
This was so dreadfully boring I could only get through 4 songs. The singer’s voice is dull and unispired.
This was fucking awful. No cohesion at all, backing vocals are annoying as fuck, and it’s just loud for no reason. I made it through 4 songs before I had to turn it off. Garbage.
Oh hey it's the theme song from Vikings!! Overall this was ok, I'd maybe give the album another listen. 3.5
Really cool album
It was an ok album, not one of my favorites of his. Kind of went on for a bit too long.
The singer has a beautiful voice but the music is too slow and plodding for me to really enjoy. Not bad overall but could be better.
Meh not really my thing, just a jumble of sounds and noises.
It wasn't that bad, I was enjoying a couple of the songs here and there, even though it really isn't my type of music.
Eh it was ok
One of the big 4, it's fucking SLAYYYYERRRR! Two of their most iconic songs are on this album, "Angel of Death" and "Raining Blood". Fast, aggressive, angry, and shocking. The best kind of metal. \m/
My first time actually listening to anything by Sinead, and my opinion is it’s ok music. Generally not my thing
This album brings back a ton of good memories!
Normally this isn’t a genre that I’m into but I think there are some aspects of this artist that I want to revisit. There is some Potential here.
Starting off the album with a song that I’m familiar with grabbed my attention. A decent album overall.
Eh this was ok but definitely not my thing. Her voice can either be really beautiful yet annoying at times.
Yeah I’ll give this one another listen in the future.
I really liked this one, will definitely be revisiting it later.
One of the best rappers of his time, that was ended way too early. The King of 90’s gangsta rap.
This one wa surprising to me, I know some of their bigger songs, but this album was really good. I will definitely be checking out more REM in the future.
This one surprised me quite a bit I was expecting to not enjoy this due to it being disco/dance (at least in my mind). Savoir faire was my favorite track. I’d listen again
Ahh yes, 2000's Madonna, brings back some memories. Overall, I enjoyed this album. I wouldn't listen to it regularly, but I can appreciate the music. Favorite Tracks: Music, Amazing, and Don't Tell Me. Awful Track: Nobodys Perfect. Shit 2000's auto tune (thanks Cher) and horribly grating noises that don't resemble good songs.
A classic album that defined a decade of popular music. Very well written and sung.
Eh the music is ok but I’m not a huge fan of the singer’s voice.
Very cool and unique!! I love being exposed to music from around the world and from other cultures! Awesome!
Bland and unremarkable. Not very good.
I don't speak Spanish, but the music speaks for itself, and it is beautiful! This was an awesome album!
Sorry Bjork fans, I just don’t enjoy her music. I can appreciate the art and artist but it’s not something that I would want to regularly listen to.
A bit cheesy and out dated, this album really showed its years. I do appreciate that this was some of the precursor work to modern electronic music. I did really enjoy the beat that played through the title track until "Franz Schubert", although I HATE when they repeat the same phrase over and over again 100 times in a row. That was my major gripe with the Daft Punk album I got. I'd give this a 3.5 if I could.
Nas is a poet and gifted story teller. Truly a legend and forefather of modern rap. Amazing beats and lyricism on display here.
I think there is some potential here and I'd want to give this another listen or two and form a better opinion. But my initial listen is a 3/5.
I disliked this one from the start and just couldn't get through the entire album before turning it off. The mix sounded awful, and it's a huge pet peeve of mine when the music is so much louder that the singer the entire time. What's the point of even writing lyrics if they are unintelligible.
I had never heard of Scott Walker before, but I thoroughly enjoyed this album!
A beautiful masterpiece of classic rock music from absolute legends of their era! Hit after hit after hit. The best!
I really love this album by Metallica, there are a lot of great songs on here. One of the best metal bands during the 80's and 90's, I have a lot of fond memories of listening to their songs.
Decent rock music that I think holds some potential. First time listening to anything by them.
This was a fantastic album from start to finish!! Really cool sounds on display here.
I really enjoyed this album and will be checking out more of his work! Well written and sung!
I'm sure there is a popular Common song that I would recognize from hearing it (or maybe by name), but I would consider this my first real experience listening to his raps. I also recognized Kanye West's thumb print all over this album. I think this is really good overall but I definitely can't justify giving it a 5. I'm interested in checking out more Common though.
Meh I can see that they were trying various new sounds, but I don't think it worked very well. Not terrible, but not something that I enjoy or could get into.
I'm coming to discover that I'm not much of a fan of Blur, even though I do enjoy the singer's work in Gorillaz. Just overall not good at all, very bland.
Meh, this just wasn't my thing at all.
Meh this was underwhelming and completely bland. Not very good.
I believe that Kanye West as a person is deeply troubled and he has spouted some shitty and bizarre conspiratorial sentiments publicly. As a musician, producer, and rapper, I think his genius is vast. Taking his music and being able to objectively rate it without letting my personal opinions of him as a person is difficult for sure. Kanye as a person 1/5. Kanye as a musician 5/5.
I haven’t listened to much Jane’s addiction other than their big couple of songs. This album didn’t really move the needle for me.
This was completely rubbish and awful music. So incredibly boring.
I can really appreciate the beauty of his poetry. One of the things that I consider while rating albums is replayability. This isn’t something that I would normally listen to regularly. But I think it has a significance to it that is important to American culture. I really didn’t like the “Diamonds in the Mine” song, it was abrasive and annoying.
I remember when Electric feel and kids came out on the radio and they were huge hits then and they still hold up really well. I enjoyed this album quite a bit.
The masters of making hit after hit and being able to adapt to the times and change up their style and keeping it fresh.
One of the forefathers of 80's Thrash Metal. Their music definitely has an 80's quality to it, but it still stands the test of time. ROCK ON!
I think this is the third Yes album on the list that I've gotten, and of the three, this was the easiest one for me to get into. I really liked this one, and I definitely want to listen to it again.
I would give this 3.5 stars if I could, I think it has some potential and a couple of the tracks really stood out to me. Not bad overall
Meh this just wasn’t very good at all and I couldn’t get into it.
I think she has a terrific voice and is a talented pop star. The music was alright, although this isn’t a genre that I enjoy. I didn’t listen to the whole album as it was a bit too long for my taste.
I instantly recognized the lead singer’s voice from the many albums of his on this list. I’m not a huge fan of blur and while this album was better that any of those ones, I can’t give this one more than a 3. Depending on the song, I find his voice to be kind of annoying. The work of the Gorillaz is top tier but everything else is meh.
I enjoyed the last three songs the most, "Termination, Are you Happy", and the title song which is their biggest hit by far. As far as psychedelic rock goes they are average at best, not quite as good as the top bands.
Admittedly I'm not much a fan of Prince, nothing personal. I did enjoy this album a good deal, there were some standout songs.
Yeah I had to skip through this one and didn’t find anything compelling about this attempt at “music”. Loud and headache inducing. No value at all. Nein
It seems that the author of this project is a huge fan of Nick Cave and Damon Albarn with how many of their albums are on this list. I think both artists each deserve a single album on this list, but not 3,4,5+ albums. They have a unique sound and style that I can appreciate, but they are definitely not on the level of say a Beatles or Led Zeppelin who definitely deserve having multiple albums on this list.
Very cool album. Changes is probably my 2nd favorite Bowie song of all time. Awesome!
I think this might have some potential, and I will give it another listen through. "Kick Push" and "Day Dreamin'" were songs that I already know and am a fan of. The beginning of the album was ok but it got better as it went on.
Excellent classic rock!
Eh it was alright overall, nothing inspiring me enough to listen to it again.
Not his best work.
This was disappointing and shitty
I mean I didn’t hate it as much as I was anticipating, but still not for me.
Eh it was ok overall.
I’d give this a 3.5, I think it has some potential. I will have to give this another listen.
This was a tough album to rate. I think I would give it a 3.5 at best.
My first time actually listening to Steely Dan and it was quite enjoyable! I’ll be checking out more of their work.
I'd give this album a 3.5 if I could. While it does sound a bit dated by today's standard, "Faith" and "I Want Your Sex" are fantastic songs.
I have come to realize during this project that the shoegaze genre does not appeal to me at all. I think it’s kind of dreadfully boring.
I’d say this one has some potential. I’d give it a 3.5
Eh it was alright.
I swear I’ve heard the song Genesis before but I cannot recall from where. Overall it was a decent album. Electronic music is definitely a genre that I haven’t explored much that I would be willing to do so.
I think the underlying music is great, however a lot of the vocal samples used are tedious or completely take away from the music itself. Overall it’s ok.
Classic Punk Rock. Amazing!
Legendary singer and story teller. I love how these recordings show off his personality and sense of humor. What an amazing artist.
Classic metal album!
I was torn between rating this a 2 or a 3. I did like some of the songs, and it was a quick and easy album to listen to. So 3 it is, even though I probably won’t listen to it again.
I am familiar with their album “AM”, but not this one. Overall I liked it quite a bit and think it would be on near equal footing of AM which I really enjoy.
This was awesome.
Overall this was a fine album and I definitely respect him as an artist. Nothing really stood out to me as exceptional enjoyable however I would still give this a 3.5.
I’m pretty sure that I’ve had another Paul revere and the raiders album. This one was really good!
I’m not a huge fan of country music but i think this was one of the standouts of classic country music. She has a Very nice voice. I’m probably not going to listen to this one again but I can appreciate the art.
A solid 4 album from some of the best song writers of all time!
Nah this music isn't for me at all. Nothing of this album appeals to me.
I’d give this one a 3.5, it has some potential to be good for sure.
I’d give this a 3.5, not his best solo work but still some compelling songs none the less.
What a beautiful album from a legendary singer whose life was cut way too short.
Meh I couldn’t get into this one at all. Not for me.
Eh this was ok, a solid 3.
Meh not for me
I don’t know about this one, I couldn’t get into it. Whether I wasn’t in the right mood or what but this was a bit too slow for my taste and kind of dull to be honest.
This has some huge songs of his on this album, however as a whole I’m very hit or miss on some of these other songs on here.
I love getting albums from all over the world! This was fun and engaging to listen to.
Meh the music couldn’t grab my attention throughout this album. Not my thing.
The recording quality is a bit rough at times but I could enjoy different aspects of the music. This leads me to want to listen to their studio album and give the band a more accurate rating.
Eh it was alright overall. I did really enjoy the string music during the song "Strictly Confidential".
Eh it was ok. Not their best album for sure.
Mumbled incoherent nonsense accompanied with shitty music.
Cool flow and beats!
Pretty boring overall.
The music is fine, but the lead singer is completely tone deaf.
This was some kooky sounding music that had me thinking of the Munsters theme song lol. Overall it was ok.
I’d give this one a 3.5
I’d give this a 3.5 if I could. I knew of the chicken bones song well before listening to this album. I like the quirkiness of the lyrics.
After a second listen through, I’d give this one a 3.5. Pretty cool
This album was delightful.
Ive heard of Kings of Leon before and a couple of their bigger hits otherwise I was unfamiliar with their music. This was a bit of a disappointment for a first impression. I’d still listen to their other stuff and give it a chance.
I’ve listened to this album many times and it is perfect!
Yeah this was alright, an interesting concept mixing rap and bluesy music.
This was ok overall.
Repetitive and hard to differentiate between songs as they all sound the same. Not bad overall they just need some more variety.
This was a meme of outdated electronic music. The vocals are horribly bad and repetitive nonsense. Was a fun listen on a long car ride.
I believe that he is a talented song writer, but I cannot stand his voice on most of these songs. It just grates on my ear drums.
I loved this album! I know how famous he is as a musician but I never seeked out his music. He is such a fantastic story teller and he has a captivating voice. This album kept me fully engaged throughout. Very cool.
Complete and utter crap.
One of the early pioneers of heavy metal music. Thank you, Iron Maiden! \m/
This was pleasant and easy to listen to. I’d give it a 3.5 if I could.
This was ok although I didn’t really like the 4th song. Not bad.
Baby one more time is a classic 90’s pop song. All of the music is very dated. I don’t know if it’s looking too much into it, but it’s strange how one sided the love that is being sung about is. Also “born to make you happy” is a weird concept and sounds like she was born to be someone’s property (husband) and not her own woman. I don’t think it’s a good example for girls to strive to make other people happy above your own happiness. I don’t know…
This was pretty boring and the singers voice does nothing to bring the music alive.
I think this one has some pretty big potential, I will definitely be giving it another listen in the future.
Very cool and groovy music. La grange is a classic.
The songs “one” and “mysterious ways” are decent rock songs otherwise the rest of the album is ok. I’m not a huge u2 fan and this didn’t really change my opinion.
Dated sounded 80s music just doesn’t do anything for me.
This was a fun listening experience!! Always a pleasure hearing music from around the world!
Excellent Jazz music, loved it!
Meh I just couldn’t get into this at all. The spoken word samples were annoying as fuck. The beats were ok if not a bit generic.
I think she has a lovely voice and the music compliments it nicely!
This type of music just isn’t my thing. Although sweet dreams is such a classic song.
Yeah this was a rough one to listen to. The first couple songs were bad. A couple showed some promise but i wouldn’t listen to this one again.
I have never heard of this band before, but I thoroughly enjoyed this album from start to finish. I will definitely be giving it another listen and possibly exploring more of their discography.
Doing this project I have learned that for the most part I do not enjoy 80’s post-punk/new wave music. It’s just not my thing.
Nope not my thing. I did not enjoy this one bit, it all sounded very much the same. Bland and boring.
I think there is some talent here and the sounds aren’t bad I suppose, but halfway through I got bored and turned it off. Meh
This is a solid 3, some good here and there but not something that I would regularly listen to.
This was an easy 5 for me. What an amazing performer!! His band elevated his words so much! “Just for a thrill” was one of my favorites.
This was ok overall, not something I would actively seek out, but decent enough as background noise.
This is the kind of electronic music that I enjoy, a good mix.
This one was definitely a surprise to me as I had never heard of this band before and the album cover looked a bit cheesy. I enjoyed their song, to me it was a mix of sound of ac/dc and Led Zeppelinesque lyrics. I’ll definitely check out more of their stuff.
This album went back and forth from good songs to cheesy over the top bullshit. I liked the songs “something for the weekend”, “becoming more like Alfie”, and “songs of love”, otherwise the rest is crap.
“Our House” is a classic song and the rest of the album is decent enough.
I listen to this album on a semi-regular basis so I knew my rating from the start. One of the big 4 of the 90’s metal scene, these guys are legends. \m/
I definitely can tell that this was an early influence on the grunge genre but something about the sound isn’t complete. Decent overall
This one was too weird for my tastes, not a fan. I couldn’t get through the whole album due to just not feeling this one.
Boring, lazy, uninspired music where nothing exciting happens.
Took my two songs before it dawned on me that that was indeed Bjorks voice that I was hearing. Overall, I have been severely underwhelmed by her albums that have been on this list and this one didn’t change my opinion, which is meh.
The three big hits right off the bat and then generic filler for the rest. Even the hits don’t hold up very well in lol, sure they are catchy, but lyrically it is simple and repetitive. This is music that I wouldn’t seek out but if I came across a song I might let it play.
Eh there might be some potential here. My first impression was this is ok.
I’ve definitely hit a lull in getting music that I really appreciate and enjoy. This album wasn’t terrible but it didn’t motivate me to want to discover more of their music. It was background noise.
I don’t know much about Ryan Adam’s but his music was ok.
I like some of his later hit songs but I feel that this album falls very short. It is very clear he was influenced by Prince and later Jimi Hendrix. I didn’t think any of the songs on this album stood out and some were even annoying to listen to. Not his best work but it was his debut album so he still had room to grow as an artist.
Classic Tom Waits! Nothing can compare to this unique performer and his distinct voice.
Unfortunately Radiohead is a band that I just haven’t been able to ever get into, minus a few of their mega hit songs. I struggled connecting with the music.
Undeniably one of the best albums if not the best of the 80’s. An incredible performer and a powerful voice. The backing music compliments him nicely. King of pop music indeed.
This album started off fairly strong but I think it tapered off towards the end. It’s decent rock music but nothing that really draws me in fully.
Karma chameleon is a jam, otherwise this is music that I would never want to listen to on a regular basis.
I couldn’t get into this one, not my thing.
The first song is an atrocious attack on the ears and the rest of the album is mediocre at best. Not a fan.
Relax is a great song otherwise this album did nothing for me.
This one was ok, lovefool is the obvious standout song from this.
Classic Elvis. While I wouldn't listen to this regularly, this shows his range and talent.
Easy 4/5 for this prolific super group of three absurdly talented musicians. Very easy to listen to.
I only know of Dj Shadow because of his collaboration with Run THe Jewels and their song “Nobody Speak”. While I can acknowledge that this took a ton of time, devotion, and skill to put together, it’s not something I’d regularly listen to. I’d give his other albums a listen and see if that is more what I enjoy. I do think it deserve to be on the list as it’s an unique style.
I think he writes some beautifully poetic songs. It’s not something that I would regularly want to listen to though as it’s more spoken word and slow than the type of music I prefer.
It is so easy to instantly rate this a 4/5. Billy Joel is an absolute legend and his albums are masterpieces. A truly impressive musician and performer.
This was a fun album, I enjoyed it.
Not my style at all
This was not good at all, the music was eh but the singing style was lethargic at best. Meh.
This is truly a huge let down for me as I generally think positively about missy Elliot and I have some fond memories of her songs. “The Rain” is one of those songs that I remember. The features on this album nor timbalands beats could save this album for mediocrity.
This was ok. 3.5
Beck is one of those artists that on paper I wouldn't expect liking their music, but in reality he really knows how to make catchy and interesting songs!
One of the bigger hits of the 90’s was “bittersweet symphony”. This album was pretty good. 3.5
I enjoyed the beats.
Interesting music, not bad overall
Meh it was ok but quite boring
A unique style of music for sure!
This one started off a bit cheesy but it got really good as it went on. I enjoyed this, 3.5.
Take on me is a classic song but the rest was dismal mediocrity. Meh.
Classic bob dylan greatness
Meh not my thing
This was pretty good but one step below great. I enjoyed it for the most part. 3.5
Eh not my thing.
What a powerful voice which was cut way too short in life.
Classic jazz at its finest! What a masterpiece!
I’ve gotten at least one other pj Harvey album, and I definitely enjoyed this one a lot more. I was bouncing back and forth between a 3 or a 4 for this one. I’ll definitely give it another listen.
Quite enjoyable!
I loved the uniqueness of this album!
I think he was very influential in shaping rock and roll music. The songs were all good but I didn’t feel like there was anything special about this live performance that made me feel like it was necessary for this list.
Really good!
Very cool
I think there are some powerful messages here. The music itself is very hit or miss. But I think that this was important to include on this list.
He was a wonderful musician!
I think she has a beautiful voice and I do enjoy some of her bigger hits, however this album was sooo boring and tedious to get through.
I think they were highly influential to music and Lemmy is a rock star god. However I feel their music is good but not great. Ace of spades of course is a killer song.
This was cool! Outlaw country was the height of country music!
Meh nothing exciting or overly interesting or distinct about this album. Not terrible, but just generic.
One of most prolific bands ever to make music. Too many hit songs to count, each member is/was a genius musician in their own right. Amazing!
I would put a couple of these songs in a time capsule that encompasses the 90’s/00’s rap/rock alongside limp bizkit. For its time it was huge. It does not hold up very well 20 years later however. A lot of the filler songs are just awful. Teenage me loved this shit, but adult me doesn’t have any interest in listening to it. Plus his persona is fake and his political views are shit.
Eh this was ok but I don’t think I would want to listen to it again.
Interesting take on reggae music.
Awesome and funky!
Decent punk music! Enjoyable.
I love listening to music from other cultures across the world. This one was very close to a 5 for me.
Classic Bowie! Fame is probably my second favorite song of his.
The only point of reference I have for them is their song “strict machine” which I enjoy. This album was quite a let down. The first two songs were just awful. I liked the 3rd one but after that it went back to being meh.
This one was ok, maybe I was expecting more and to be completely blown away. I would give it a 3.5 if I could.
I think Neil young is a fantastic song writer and story teller. Unfortunately I don’t like the sound of his singing voice. 3.5/5
An over the top lounge singer that while cheesy, does a decent job of putting together a compelling album. I probably won’t listen to this again. A solid 3.
Important pioneer of modern electronic music.
4 for bob dylan
I enjoyed this one.
Eh this was ok probably wouldn’t listen again.
This was so disappointingly mundane and boring. Nothing exciting presents itself on this album.
Very cool! Definitely a band that is featured multiple times on this list that I never considered listening to before now and I will continue to check out their music.
I think she has a lovely voice, however her music on this album does nothing for me.
That was unlistenable and horrible.
Meh I just couldn’t get into this one.
I think there is some potential here, I’m going to give this album and their other discography a listen and form a better opinion. On first listen 3/5
One of the big 4 of 90’s thrash metal! Awesome band. \m/
Cool girl punk music!
The man who created and defined his own genre, the rock opera. I don’t think I would listen to this regularly but the impact he had on music was great.
I’ve heard of frank ocean but I’ve never listened to his music before. He is very talented, I enjoy this album.
I really enjoyed this one.
I had already liked a lot of their music going into this and this album was another great example of their uniqueness and musical innovation. Very cool seeing them on this list.
Not typically a genre that I regularly enjoy, this album sparked an interest in this band for me. Will check out more of them.
I believe in a thing called love is a catchy song that I like. The rest of the album not so much, this one was not very good at all. The singer’s voice is annoying.
This album was pretty cool overall.
One of the best!
I know they were very influential to some of my favorite bands, but I just can’t get into their music. Too unrefined and messy.
Eh this one was ok.
This was a fun and light album. I enjoyed it.
this was an awesome album, I really enjoyed it!
Meh I couldn’t get into this album and I thought it was quite boring.
Definitely a fantastic follow up to their debut album. Their first album is so far above anything else they put out though. Still very good album on its own.
This was a pleasant surprise for me. Normally it takes me a couple of listens to truly appreciate and enjoy albums, but this one make a great first impression to me. I’ll be listening to it again.
This is an easy 5/5, I would constantly listen to this album. Absolute perfection of rock and roll.
This one was ok. I enjoyed some of the songs but for the most part wasn’t blown away by anything.
Nina Simone is a legend and this is a classic album!
This was an ok album for it being country music. The song slow burn was catchy.
MEh I couldn’t get into this album
This album does not hold up at all. The nu-metal craze had a huge impact on music however it was a flash in the pan. Not very good except for the two big hits.
Quite boring and uneventful
This one was ok for a debut album. A lot of the songs were decent with the better known songs being standouts.
She has a nice voice and son of a preacher man is hands down her best song. Overall it was a decent album.
This was cool. Everyone knows their big hit single, but I had never listened to the album itself. Easy to listen to.
very good!
A certified legend
Incredibly dull and awful.
I enjoyed this one, it was easy to listen to.
Meh this just wasn’t very interesting or exciting.
This is a having to separate the artist from the music situation. This definitely isn’t my favorite mm album. I do enjoy his music overall.
Really cool
This album was fucking awful. Annoying and frustrating to listen to.
He struck gold with the title song of the album, however the rest of it is nothing special or exciting. Eh it was ok.
Another album from a different culture that is wonderful listening to.
From doing this project I firmly discovered that I really don’t care for this genre of music and this album is no different. Awful shitty music.
Awesome! First Isaac Hayes album I’ve listened to and I’m a fan.
Not a huge fan of this album, it just lacks..something. “What is life” was a jam.
I loved the explanation before each song and the music was beautiful!
I would give this one a 3.5 if I could. I think they are a prolific band, with multiple great songs. I just couldn’t justify giving them a 4 for this one.
Decent country music.
This was cool, I’d probably give it a 3.5.
Meh I wasn’t a fan of this one. Luckily it wasn’t a long album.
A classic
I really enjoy the trip hop genre of music and massive attack are one the better known artists. Very cool
I’ve listened to this album countless times and knew that this would be an easy 5/5 for me. \m/
Love it!
Classic early hip hop. Some of the filler/skits are skippable but otherwise a solid album.
This music sucks..
Awesome band!
I enjoyed this album quite a bit. The first half was better than the second but overall still very good.
Jimi Hendrix is a legend. This album has some timeless songs on it and some are just ok. His greatest hits are unmatched.
This had some interesting songs on here, enough to justify a 3.5 I think. Not bad
I can appreciate the influence this had on 90’s r&b but it’s just not for me. Not my type of music.
Classic 90’s hip hop with a powerful message. Love it.
Joni Mitchell was not a name I was familiar with before doing this project and she has quickly become one of my favorite singer songwriters. I love her music
I love rap and hip hop and this one just falls very flat for me. The first song was a very poor start at an album. It sounds like it was recorded underwater. Not good.
This album was decent
It’s undeniable that he made a huge impact from his boy band days and with his solo career. I’m definitely not the target audience for his music but I appreciate his talent. The two hit songs on this one are bops for sure.
I loved this!
Drugs, lots of drugs.
This was ok, I’d give it a 3.5.
Eh to me this isn't as bad as some others are claiming, however it isn't something that I would want to listen to regularly. Meh overall.
Not very good
I’d give this one a 3.5, there are quite of few big hits here that I was familiar with and the rest of the album was decent!
This album sounded fairly dated and was difficult to get into. Some hit songs but overall it doesn’t hold up well.
This was very boring.
I don’t get it. I couldn’t get into the music at all.
I’ve heard of Tori Amos but none of the songs on here sounded familiar. I couldn’t name you her biggest hits. Overall it was ok, but she definitely wouldn’t make my list of favorite female singer-song writers.
I’ve heard of black flag and Henry Rollins but I never listened to any of their music. Punk rock is hit or miss for me, with more than half leaning towards miss. This album was interesting. I definitely want to check out more of their music
What a beautiful voice!
I recognized the title song. this album is classic 60’s psychedelic music.
This album is fucking garbage.
This was lame as hell.
A classic soul album from a legend!
Typically post punk has been one of my least favorite genres. This one definitely exceeded my expectations and I would listen to it again. I’d give it a 3.5 if I could.
I’ve heard a couple of their songs (not on this album) and I like the music but not the singer/lyrics as much.
Eh this one was ok.
The intro song is amazing. The rest is hit or miss.
No real big hits on this album but it was a pleasant listen. Pretty good overall maybe a 3.5
I like some house music but this album just didn’t do it for me.
\m/ one of the pioneers of heavy rock/metal music. Legends.
Not a fan
This was interesting and I would give it a 3.5 if I could. I’d listen to again
Humpty Dance is a classic song while the rest of the tracks were very hit or mostly misses. Also TIL that 2pac got his start in this group.
I just couldn’t get into this album at all. The vibes were a lot more mellow and low compared to a song of theirs I like bohemian like you.
Decent folk music
A classic
I’ve give this one a 3.5. I think there is some potential here but overall I don’t think it has enough for me to enjoy it fully or to want to listen to it regularly. Use somebody and sex on fire are the hit songs they everyone knows and they are my two favorites.
Not a fan of this and did a double take when I heard him drop the n-word multiple times. Even if it’s satire that’s a word tough to hear.
Not something that I would want to listen to regularly but it had some interesting parts to it.
This was ok.
I enjoy Jack white’s music.
I’d probably give this one a 3.5. This is the 2nd album I’ve gotten of theirs and I think this one was much much better.
Very unique sound!
This was fairly interesting, I’d give it a 3.5
Doing this project, I’ve discovered that I’m not a fan of Kate Bush. Her music is boring.
This was ok but not something I’d want to listen to again.
I went about 200 or 300 albums in a row without giving a 1 rating for an album. The opening track was difficult to listen to as it was loud annoying noises and terrible vocals. I made it four songs in before I had to turn this one off. This was absolutely garbage.
This album had a lot of interesting musical styles, I'd listen to it again and would give it a 3.5.
This was ok but not something I'd want to listen to regularly. Went on a bit too long.
I have never heard of them before. I’d give them another listen for sure. Overall it was good. 3.5
Fucking garbage and it’s a tragedy that I got two albums from this artist in the span of a week.
One of the hottest rappers currently in the game. Very skilled lyricist.
This was ok. The review that mentioned this sounds like the soundtrack to a 90’s heist movie was spot on.
This album was so boring and bland. While looking up the artist I saw that one of his albums was “runaround sue”. I can’t remember coming across it on this list, but that album is so so much better than this turd.
I’d give it a 3.5, pretty good overall.
I love the calm relaxed vibes from Reggae music. It’s just so easy to listen to and enjoy. I love this album!
One the greatest rappers of all time and my absolute favorite.
This was pretty bad.
The eagles are a great band and have a mountain of hit songs. Their individual albums by themselves are hit or miss. Their greatest hits album is deservedly one of the best albums of all time.
New wave for the most part is not a genre that I genuinely enjoy. The music sounds very dated and corny as hell. There were definitely some songs that I could give a 3 or 3.5 but the rest is not very good.
Just not for me.
The music itself was ok but the dreadfully monotone delivery of the lyrics annoys the shit out of me. It’s the quickest way for me to be absolutely bored of your music when you express no emotion with your words.
Not my favorite rhcp album but it has some pretty big songs on here. The rest is ok though. A solid 3 or 3.5
I could not get into this album at all.
Meh I couldn’t get into this at all. The music and vocals do not match up well. The music is pretty boring.
I’d give this one a 3.5/5. Normally I dislike the dated 80’s synth sound with moaning/whiny vocals, but this album is much more tolerable than most from this era. Personal Jesus and enjoy the silence are classic songs.
It's not terrible, just not very exciting or interesting to listen to. The progress they made from this first album, to their rest is huge.
This was really cool, more Peter Gabriel please!
This was an ok album, some high and low points.
I love rap music but this was awful. I did not like his flow and the subject matter was juvenile and repetitive. I was on the fence whether to give it a 3 or 2, but the longer it went on the less and less I enjoyed it.
This was pretty good. 3.5/5
Eh this one was ok. I think I enjoyed it more than their other album on this list. Wouldn’t add it to my normal playlist of music I listen to.
Yeah this album is just not for me. It is quite boring, dated, and the vocal style is awful. Dreadful music.
I’ll give this a solid 3/5. Good classic country music before it became commercialized and generic. The concept of a cornbread moon put a smile on my face.
This was pleasant and decent country music. Not something that I would listen to regularly, but I enjoyed it for the most part.
This one was so weird and out there that it was impossible to enjoy. Then reading the background behind the album made it even more sad and depressing.
I think album gets off to a slow start but the hits start rolling and it’s great.
I really enjoyed this one a lot!
I’m 960ish albums in and this is easily in the bottom 2 of albums. Random noises, bad voiceovers, and ear piercing screeches does not make music. This was a steaming pile of horse, cattle, and pig shit combined.
This was decent, probably not something that I would listen to regularly, but it was pleasant enough.
This was a fantastic album and such an interesting and different style choice from his past and future work.
Very smooth and cool!
This is a very cool and relaxed album! I enjoyed the Indie feel of their sound.
Oddly enough Radiohead is one of those bands that I just never could get into or understand. Their music isn’t bad or anything, it’s just not exciting? Maybe it’s also his voice/vocal style that is a little stale sounding to me. Music is subjective of course and I can see why people adore them.
Not my favorite jazz album but still really cool!
This has a very raw punk/grunge sound to it and I love it.
Pretty meh sounding generic britpop. Particularly boring and forgetful music.
For me live albums are tough to judge. The quality of this recording was great. This album rocked!
A live recording of a jam band does not really work for an album. The Grateful Dead are very famous and I want to give them a decent chance. About 10 minutes into the first "song" I started to get a bit fatigued listening to it and then some discordant noises made me skip to the next one. The music itself was eh okay but I'd rather listen to planned out songs rather than 4 people randomly playing stuff independently. I'll give one of their studio albums a chance.
Meh this was fairly average, not too exciting.
Pharrell and co have been very influential in modern music but this album just isn’t good. I would have maybe expected their first album to be the one on this list.
This was unique and interesting, I’d give it a 3.5 probably. Different is cool
This was a fun album that is the epitome of 90’s rap! I’d give it a 3.5. Very cool. Also renegades of funk!
Just not a band/style of music that I enjoy.
Not really my style
Steven tyler is Very horny and sexual but a classic rock album nonetheless.
This started out pretty strong but lost some interest towards the end. Overall I liked some of it. Maybe a 3.5 or a flat 3/5
Boring bland lame low energy depressing not good
This was decent and has some potential, there were a few songs that I really liked. Definitely unique
Legends!! What a way to wrap up my 1001st album
The music itself is pretty good but the vocals and lyrics are odd and awful. The one song with dialogue was creepy as hell, sounded like a stalker.
This was interesting folksy sounding music, that I felt was decent. Not something that I would listen to regularly but it was definitely unique.
Soundtrack albums are tough to judge without the full context of the scenes that accompany the music. As a standalone album this was ok.
Not my preferred genre and not something that I would listen to regularly, but I can respect the old school country music artists. They were masterful story tellers and good at emoting.
One of the best to ever do it. Some really amazing cover songs here, he really made the songs his own.
Classic old school 90’s hip hop. Definitely a trailblazer of the genre.
This was designed to help people fall asleep quicker right? From the band name I was expecting something more punk or emo, either of which would have been more preferable to this. I can’t imagine people wanting to go see this horseshit live at a concert. Boring as hell. The vocals were barely perceptible and added nothing. Fucking awful.
The music itself was decent, the vocals were very hit or miss but at least it was unique in a good way.
Classic hair metal
One of the most prolific hit song making bands of all time.
I wasn’t really a fan of his flow/delivery and the beats were nothing special.
This was such an easy album to rate. An instant 5/5
A masterpiece! Chris Cornell’s powerful voice is sorely missed.
This was really cool and I definitely want to give it another listen.
Not very good and went on and on.
Yikes! This was awful and feels like a joke is being played on the audience. The accent while rapping is awful and the singing is abysmal. The flow and lyrics are atrocious.
Green Day were at the forefront of the 90's/00's pop punk surge. A ton of big hits on this album. It started off kind of slow but really got going. I remember my older cousins were obsessed with this album.
This was difficult to listen to and enjoy. A lot of the songs sound very similar and it just kind of coalesces into indistinguishable noise. Tough one.
I’ll give this one a solid 3. I don’t know if I would want to listen to it again but it was decent enough as a first listen through.
Another solid 3 that could go either way (2 or a 3.5). This was ok.
I would give this one a 3.5 and definitely would give it another listen. I think there is something here that I could appreciate.
I absolutely loved this one! The story telling and lyrics were compelling and the accompanying music strummed along perfectly. Now i probably wouldn’t listen to this one regularly, this is one of those albums that surprised me in how easy it was to enjoy.
This project has made it known that I really dislike the shoegaze genre and definitely don’t enjoy MBV’s music at all. The vocals are boring and awful and the accompanying music is dreadful. Not enjoyable at all.
Classic 90’s rap!
Very cool
A classic album! Saw him live in concert and had a great time.
Boring and unremarkable. It’s as if they all got drunk and someone pulled out a bad karaoke machine. Truly awful.
I’ll give this one a 3/5 although I don’t think this one should be on the list. I appreciate that nick cave and the bad seeds have a very unique sound, but I don’t think they deserve to have the 3 or 4 albums that are on this list. Give me their best album and I’d be happy. I admire their uniqueness.
Reading up on him, I see he is renowned for playing the organ. Honestly it was probably my least favorite part of this album, but the music is still very well done. Very cool
Definitely can see how this heavily influenced the future of punk music. Overall there are some good songs here. Pretty cool
I really enjoyed this one! Uncontrollable urge is a jam. This was fun.
I thoroughly enjoyed this one despite not liking another album of theirs that appeared on this list. Pretty cool
This album was merely okay. I think it started off pretty good with fire suite but fell off through the middle and end.
Portishead is pretty sweet
This one was very weird and out there, but I very much enjoyed it and even gave it a second listen through since it’s not a long album. Definitely unique.
I don't like this genre at all. This album went on for a very long time. For a very long time. For a very long time. For a very long time. For a very long time.
What a fantastic album from start to finish! Hats off to Alice cooper!
A Legend that died way too soon. His impact on music though short was massive. What a classic!
There is a ton of Elvis Costello on this list and while I think his sound and style is unique and deserves an album on this list, the four or five albums are not equal. This would probably be a 3.5 for me.
One of the greats of classic rock and roll. The songs are great and kicksss but they aren’t necessarily their best. It’s impossible to not know what song you are listening to because they love to repeat the title over and over again. Back in black is their best album over even though I feel like bon Scott was a better front man.
The Beatles are the greatest group of musicians to ever exist. Their ability of making catchy, enjoyable music is so far above anyone else. All 4 are very talented on their own and they are able to bring their talents together in a way that transcends music.
Radiohead is just one of those bands that I don’t understand or get. I’m not a big fan of the vocal style. Overall the music is ok. I do get why people like them, it’s just not for me.
Possibly a 3 or a 3.5. This was an ok album
A fun and refreshing album that’s on this list. I really really like this and enjoyed it!
I enjoyed this one quite a bit.
Meh not my thing. The music itself was sometimes ok but the awful vocals ruined most of the songs.
I’d give this a 3.5. Kind of long but there are some fun songs on here. Overall pretty good.
Easy 4/5 for this super group of talented musicians.
She definitely has a very unique voice and vocal style albeit it can be annoying and overpowering. Her voice takes away something from the song’s quality that is hard to replace or ignore. Hard to listen to.
Not very good and quite boring.
This album was pretty epic! The first song was probably my favorite and the second one while it had some highlights was my “least favorite”. This is more for my own memory but I listened this album at least 3 times while tanking WC for the first time on wow hardcore and no one died even though the healer dc’ed on the first pull and I almost died. Less than 20 hp. I will definitely check more out from this artist!
Albums like this are why I really enjoyed this project. Unless they are exceptionally bad, every world album has gotten a 4/5 from me. I love hearing music that I would have never known about had it not been for this. This one was very enjoyable!
I just couldn’t connect with this album at all. I don’t know if it’s the dated soon or what but I did not enjoy this one.
This was one of the few albums that I didn’t check the Wikipedia before listening. I enjoyed playing guess the bands origin. I was correct in saying Portuguese/brazilian. The music itself was unique but quite weird.
This one was ok and I think of the Smiths on this list, probably my favorite. 3 or 3.5
This album was amazing from start to finish.
I am surprised that I enjoyed this as much as I did. I’ll probably give this one a revisit.
This is one the big surprises from this project so far. Indie/Folk music for me is very hit or miss, and for the most part not my favorite genre of music. However something about the somberness of this album really resonated with me. I am obsessed with the song "Death to Everyone". I definitely felt an odd emotional connection with that song, it got me thinking about life and death.
They have put out so many classic rap songs. This album has a bunch of them!
Classic British punk!
Sympathy for the Devil is such an amazing song and easily is 5+++/5. The rest of the album was pretty fantastic too.
The first “song” set a horrible precedent for the rest of the album. I had to check if my ears were clogged and that the volume was up. Dead air for about 40 seconds followed by Barely perceptible sounds is terrible. The rest of the album was fucking trash.
A solid 3 for sure. It was merely ok but it’s not something I’d want to listen to again
I think it was interesting enough. I did not enjoy their rendition of “in the pines”. They made it worse. I wouldn’t listen to it again probably since country isn’t a favorite genre of mine but I think it was unique enough for this list. I don’t care for the ultra religious stuff though.
Classic beach boys music. The squeaky clean love songs are a bit dated by today’s standards but during their time were insanely popular. Very good if you are looking to experience old school music.
Willie Nelson is a legend and this album was fantastic! I definitely need more Willie Nelson in my life.
I’d give this one a 3.5, it was alright overall.
Reno Dakota was my favorite song. I listened to the first disc and it was ok overall. But I’m not going to listen to three hours of this band.
The beat on “jus’ a rascal” sounded familiar but I couldn’t place it. Sorry but that accent is horrible for rapping. The beats were good.
Sad but beautiful.
Eh it was alright. I probably wouldn't want to listen to it again though.
As much as I've loved world music in my journey throughout this project, something about this album seemed kind of off. It sounds phony.
Interesting enough
Not my usual cup of tea but it was pretty good. I still wouldn’t listen to it regularly.
Id maybe give this one a 2.5 but that would be a bit generous. Overall it was pretty boring.
this to me was a bit of a let down with how much I love The Beach Boys. It was alright but nothing special.
I enjoyed this more than I had expected. Not my typical favorite style of music. “M” reminded me of “about a girl” by nirvana. M was probably my favorite song.
Grime is an interesting take on hip hop/rap and I’m definitely intrigued enough to want to listen to more. I think this album/artist has potential for me to fully like it. I did skip through the skits. I do that for pretty much any rap album. They get pretty redundant after a first listen through.
This was ok.
I’d give this a 3.5, it was pretty interesting
I will give this one a 3.5. Message in a bottle is by far the best song on here. I’ll definitely listen to more of the police.
This was ok
This was pleasant to listen to. The vocalist reminded me a bit of Bo burnham oddly enough.
Sounds like a very long jam session that goes absolutely nowhere. Meh it was ok
This one is a bit long, however it has some undeniable huge pop hits. I think some of the reviews are being a bit harsh. I wouldn't regularly listen to this kind of music, but I can appreciate its cultural impact having lived through it. She has an amazing voice.
1st time listening to Lorde besides the song. “Royals”. This was very unique and interesting, I enjoyed it.
My final album of the book’s albums. I can’t believe it. This project has been amazing and I’m excited to pour through the user submitted ones next. I will also be continuing the spirit of this project by making a list of bands/albums that I want to listen to that are new or unfamiliar to me. This album was interesting. 3.5?