Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots
The Flaming LipsMoody tunes that are perfect for Autumn Sunday afternoon
Moody tunes that are perfect for Autumn Sunday afternoon
The album is good but comparing first track with any other song on the album is completly unfair. It speaks both for memorability and impact that Bittersweet Symphony has and how the rest songs struggle to even close to that level.
After reading about creating this album you feel like it should be more interesting than it is. Still for the time it was released it seems quite fresh and even today the music still holds up.
When I hear this album i can almost see the producer selling idea for this album as "negro music but comercially viable". Based on this album alone Adele will be forgotten in 20 years but i will cheer her on to create something unique and interesting in the future.
After 70 years the music once energizing and innovative sounds bland and simple. But the voice and singing of Sinatra is still great to this day. Unfortunetly on this album there is almost none of his greatest work. I wish I would hear his different album.
I felt like it should be bland and basic but girls won me over with their energy. You go girl!
Przeczytałem wytłumaczenie co muzycznie robił Pan Drake na tym albumie. I do teraz nie rozumiem co to wszystko oznacza. Ale nie muszę dużo wiedzieć, by zobaczyć pewne piękno w prostocie tej muzyki. Prostocie, która podbija wszystkie emocje. Końcowy efekt to album który porusza serce melancholią, a także uzewnętrznieniem swoich najwrażliwszych myśli. Patrząc na tragiczny koniec autora ciężko mi ocenić czy ta otwartość i wrażliwość wywodzi się z akceptacją i spokojem, czy rezygnacją i marazmem.
I mean It's fineeee
I forgot to write down notes and now I struggle with remembering anything about this album. I think this is also appropriate review of the whole expierience.
I think it's something that requires bpth time and effort to fully apreciate. I will come back to this one day and enjoy it properly I hope.
Great voice and few songs were really good but the overall album sounds like background music in a boring restaurant rather than part of the music history.
If it was a spice it would be a flour. I forgot all songs the next day.
I actually thought i should like it more. It was supposed to be for me, all moody and drug-influenced. But on the other hand it seems rather safe and lacking in energy. Should be a 5. I hope that those junkie-grandpas are doing more suitable drugs for them. I highly recommend cocaine for them.
This is one of few examples where letting a strange man take you on magical trip is a good idea. But to enjoy it to the fullest you have to let Bowie take lead. If you struggle and force it things will be just plain awkward.
Everything that the GoGo Sisters wanted to be. The PInnacle of Mall Pop. Still 4/5. Maybe i'm just not a huge fan of malls. Or Women.
Groovy. Every part of this music is given love and atention it deserves. Rarely listening to this albums i'm thinking about word perfection but this one made it happen.
The more I think about it the more angry I get. It is disgrace to British Rock Music and first album that made me think I wasted my time.
I've never heard album like this before (only samples and nothig more). But it was really good. I won't be going back for more but still I think it is entertaining and creative.
It's hard to put a realistic number on this album when you heard the Beatles. It's such a greate piece compared to some of the entries (unhonourable mention for the Libertines) but it's still far weaker than albums of the band. All I can do is give 4 and blame Yoko Ono like we all do.
It was fun but i would like more USA feel.