Urban Hymns
The Verve2 okay songs do not make up for this 1-hit wonder.
2 okay songs do not make up for this 1-hit wonder.
Steal from everyone to craft the perfect rock album.
2 okay songs do not make up for this 1-hit wonder.
Amazing at times and also bizarre and unsettling.
Honestly I feel like I'm being generous because some of this album was very cringe, did not age well. The stand out track is the timbaland feature.
Not a big fan. Generic 80s sounding pop with at times poor vocal performance. Maybe this was transformative at the time but for today, it's not great.
4 classic singles that still get a lot of play today, and for good reason. This is a great rock album.
Absolutely beautiful. Raw emotion.
Timeless classic. Objectively good. Doesn't get much better.
Kanye DNA. nearly 20 years later it's still solid.
Perfectly mediocre music for blue class British people.
Cool, experimental, futuristic sounding but from the 70s. Thanks, I'll never listen to it again.
Decent for a band about 25 years late to the party.
A generous review for the sake of the vocal and production for the time.
Honestly surprised I had only heard one song off this album. Solid, would listen again.
Enough great ideas for Nirvana to rip them off, not enough to get more than 3 stars.
Absolutely beautiful.
I feel nothing, it was okay.
Honestly grating, irritating. Tolerable for a few minutes. I can't imagine listening to this album regularly.
Brilliant. Short, sweet, with a little fun and variety.
Never considered myself an Oasis fan really, but all my favorite tracks by the band are straight off this album. There's a little filler but it's pretty much a flawless record. Maybe more like a 4.5, but I'm rounding up here. 5 stars.
You can die without hearing it if you want to, I promise it's okay.
I started off thinking I'd really like this album, but by the end it felt like one really long track of noise.
A classic. One of the best hip hop albums of all time.
It's a 3. If I had to listen to it more than once that score might go down. Ebbs and flows between beautiful, haunting, and grating.
Shut up and take your 4.
I'd like to formally apologize to the albums I've rated 1 or 2. This made me understand what an actual 1 sounds like. The fact that anyone might say this is one of the top 50 albums of the 1970s tells us how high these people actually were back then.
This is actually pretty mediocre. Not much to say.
I had no idea what to expect when I started listening to this, and I admit the start, along with the number of tracks and runtime had me concerned. I love this album. Perfect blending of styles. Punk/funk/folk, in short bursts that leave you wanting more before cutting to the next thought.
Didn't age well in some aspects but it's iconic.
Goofy shit. Some of the instrumentals are great and then they just slap obnoxious noise on top of it.
A lot of great ideas, but not something I'd listen to regularly.
I may be completely biased because Radiohead is my favorite band, but I think a 5 is justified. This band puts out a masterpiece, then undergoes a transformation and we get this. It's not for everybody, but it's certainly for me.
If I was in the room that night I'm sure it'd be a 5. What an amazing performance.
It's really something.
I enjoyed it but probably wouldn't listen again. There is something special about it though.
A well deserved 5. First time listening to the album in it's entirety, trying not to let the hype sway me. It's beautiful, it's timeless, you must listen.
This is the first Bob Dylan record I've listened to front to back. The vocal performance was a little irritating. I liked the bluesy tracks. I look forward to maybe hearing something older in his catalogue that makes me understand why people love him.
It's a 3.5. Off the wall, weird, surprisingly good.
It's okay! I don't have to love this just because people say this is the best rock band of all time. It's perfectly average to me, and I probably won't hear any of these songs again. They're not hits, and that's okay.
It's slightly above average and I guess a bit enjoyable.
Fantastic. Short, no filler. Except maybe that seagull track.
Had a few good moments I guess.
I just don't get the fanaticism around him. I can appreciate it for what it is, but I don't really want to listen to it again.
Debut album with most of the QOTSA sound. I'd never heard it before but it was better than I'd expected. That being said, it pales in comparison to some of their later works.
My first Leonard Cohen album. He has a great voice, but it's a bit boring.
This shit is depressing. Beautiful, haunting, sad.
Cut the vocals and it might be like a 4. Honestly atrocious. I think I hate The Fall?
Beautiful and relaxing. I took a little nap.
Can't believe I've never heard this before. Loved it. Not much to say beyond that. Kinda felt like being a band kid hearing a profound piece of classical music for the first time.
Fantastic album. It's hipster bullshit, and I like it.
2/5 for the tracks that are somewhat tolerable. That means the ones that have structure, the ones that aren't purely weird noises and tracks that abruptly end with no real resolution. I wouldn't encourage anyone to listen to this album in full.
It's okay. There's some hits I never much cared for and some mediocre stuff.
Fantastic. Feel good music.
Sounds like one big song, broken up by a brief cover.
An interesting turn off of what in my opinion is one of the greatest albums of all time. No standout singles but nothing bad either. It's good, I just won't find myself going back to it.
Heavy, edgy, political. The songs I could understand at least. It's not life changing, but it's good.
Another "shut up and take your 4 moment".