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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

Wild Wood

Paul Weller


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Wild Wood
Album Summary

Wild Wood is the second solo studio album by Paul Weller, released in September 1993. It made it to number 2 on the UK Albums Chart, and contained three UK hits: "Wild Wood", which reached number 14 on the UK charts, "Sunflower", which reached number 16, and "Hung Up", which reached number 11. In 2000 Q magazine placed it at number 77 in its list of the 100 Greatest British Albums Ever, and it was included in the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die. The original 1993 UK and European CD included 15 tracks. When issued in the US, and reissued in the UK in 1994, a 16th track was added. A two-disc deluxe edition was released on 22 October 2007. The title track, "Wild Wood", was released as a single in 1993, with "Ends of the Earth" as the B-side. It reached no. 14 on the UK charts in September 1993.Uncut magazine rated "Wild Wood" as Weller's ninth best ever song and the best of his solo career, with the Smiths' bassist Andy Rourke praising it as a "very easy, kicking-back sort of song".







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Mon May 24 2021

I know Weller’s background is legit, but this… it just sounds like dentist rock to me. If I was a dentist? I’d rock out so hard to this on the drive home from work in my Audi. Trust me, there are days where I wish I was a dentist! Alas, today is not one of those days.

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Mon Sep 05 2022

Two songs in, I had to pause and listen to a few tracks from The Jam. They’re a blind spot in my musical knowledge-base and I was thinking some context might be needed for this record. I always, somewhat incorrectly, assumed they were a punk band in the same vein as the Pistols or the Damned or Buzzcocks, so when I heard the first two tracks off of Wild Wood, and they sounded like Traffic, I was confused. Turns out my assumptions weren’t entirely correct, and I’ve made an ass out of me. With my new found knowledge of what The Jam actually sounded like, I returned to Wild Wood. I’ll give Paul Weller this: the production on this record is very intricate with great attention to detail. Keyboards kind pop up and percolate on the periphery of the stereo field…It’s nice to listen to. The MOR rock stylings of the songs, however, are not as nice to listen to. I’m not sure that was what people were craving in the early 90’s. Maybe things were different in Britain. It’s bad that I’m enjoying this album when Paul Weller isn’t singing. The instrumental sections of a lot of these songs get psychedelic, lock into a groove and they’re really finely crafted. Seriously, the best parts of this record happen when Paul Weller isn’t crooning like an off-brand Tom Jones. Oh, cool…Now it sounds like Cat Stevens. I kind of hate this record. …and we’re back into Traffic territory. What is it with the English and their obsession with making the most god awful blues rock? I’m out. RIYL: Traffic, but don’t feel like putting on a Traffic record; Bloody Mary’s and Brunch at the country club.

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Thu Aug 12 2021

Pas grand chose à dire sur cet album si ce n'est qu'il était extrêmement agréable. Lorsque je lance un album en soirée, il m'arrive très souvent de lancer une partie d'échecs pendant l'écoute. Ce fut le cas cette fois-ci. Je vous copie ci-dessous le déroulement de ladite partie qui fut au passage ma trois-mille-cent-soixante-et-unième : 1. e4 e5 2. d3 Nc6 3. a3 Nf6 4. h3 d5 5. exd5 Qxd5 6. Bg5 Be7 7. Bh4 Bf5 8. Nc3 Qd7 9. Nf3 O-O 10. Be2 Nd4 11. Nxe5 Qe6 12. Bg3 Bd6 13. Nc4 Bxg3 14. fxg3 Rfe8 15. O-O Nxe2+ 16. Nxe2 Qxe2 17. Rxf5 Qe6 18. Rf1 Rad8 19. Nd2 Qb6+ 20. Kh1 Nd5 21. c4 Ne3 22. Qf3 Nxf1 23. Rxf1 Re7 24. b4 Rde8 25. g4 Re1 26. Rxe1 Rxe1+ 27. Kh2 Qg1+ 28. Kg3 Re3 29. Qxe3 Qxe3+ 30. Kh2 Qxd2 0-1 Comme vous avez pu l'observer, j'ai commis plusieurs erreurs grossières mais la victoire est bonne à prendre à une période où je manque cruellement de confiance.

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Mon May 24 2021

That was boring, wasn't it? Such a thin sound, uninspired songwriting, strange attempts at a cod-funk sound that never works - and Weller really sounds tired on this, doesn't he? A couple of tracks aside, this feels like a dull man doing dull things

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Wed Mar 24 2021

Loved this so much. Went straight back for a second listen and a third the next day! Have heard of Paul Weller, but didn't recognise his music at all. My favourite Artist on here (so far) that I'd never listened to.

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Wed Aug 25 2021

Just a fantastic kick-back and play around guitar record. One minute you are jamming to a kick ass blues-style solo, and the next you are hearing beautiful confessions from the neck of a 6-string. You can tell this was an album Weller really wanted to make for himself, it's so different from anything he ever did with The Jam or Style Council. To me, this solidified his place as a rock legend. His lyrics and storytelling are Paul Simon and Joe Cocker level, and there's just so much instrumentation that goes into these songs that sound like they came straight out of the 70's. The whole album is a work of art, there truly isn't any bad song that I could name. Favorite Song: All The Pictures On The Wall Least Favorite: Foot Of The Mountain

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Thu Aug 12 2021

Cet album obtient la note de 4 uniquement car Elvis Costello s'est vu attribuer un 4 à une époque d'extreme faiblesse de ma part, pour un album bien moins impressionnant. Je vous resitue le contexte. Alors que je lançais l'album Brutal Youth de Elvis Costello, avec mes yeux innocents d'auditeurs ne comptant qu'une dizaine d'albums généré, je sentis tout d'un coup une presence derrière moi, dans le centre commercial de Auchan Lac. Je me retournais, et aperçu un homme portant un chapeau cachant ses yeux enlunnetés, ainsi qu'un long impermeable. Cet homme me fixait intensement, amis je ne pu discerner sa personnalité. Un peu apeuré, je décidais de partir m'asseoir quelques bancs plus loin. Ce mysterieux interlocuteur continua de me suivre, et ce jusqu'à ce que je finisse l'ecoute de l'album. C'est alors que tout s'accelera. Au moment où je saisis mon téléphone pour accorder le 3 que cet album moyen meritait, l'homme à l'imper se rapprocha de moi, et avant même que mon pocue ne presse la troisième etoile, il l'agrippa, et me susurra à l'oreille "Es-tu sûr? Tu veux rejoindre Ray Charles?". Sous la pression de cet homme effrayant, je dû m'astreindre à attribuer à Brutal Youth la note de 4/5, extrêmement généreuse au vu du contenu proposé.

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Tue Dec 07 2021

Mostly a dull affair. There's a couple decent, songs, emphasis on decent, but nothing to write home about. Music to eat unbuttered toast to with a glass of room temperature water on the side.

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Tue Jul 19 2022

If someone asked me for the most generic piece of 90’s rock music I could think of, I now know where to point them to

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Fri Mar 11 2022

Apparently, in the mid 1990s, while I was listening to Smashing Pumpkins’ 'Melancholy and the Infinite Sadness'- a really great album- I entirely missed the king of melancholy, Paul Weller, and this, his even greater album, 'Wild Wood.' Man, oh man, this LP opens (‘Sunflower’) with the cleanest, tightest little trio you’ve ever heard: Weller on guitar, Marco Nelson on bass, and the stupendous Steve White on drums. (And a super cool little bridge, to boot. Weller has a nifty way with chords.) This is the way an LP should be recorded and produced. Look, I’m a sucker for old school punk, often (sometimes purposefully) played without a lot of skill, and unfortunately often recorded poorly. Weller, by contrast, has all the passion of punk but delivers it with elegance, a quality virtually unknown among punk rockers. Weller offers variety and versatility throughout, mixing crisp rockers with gorgeous acoustics, and little bits of jazz-folk and British tinged R&B thrown in for good measure. In fact, it’s the little bits of synthesizers and horns and organs and background vocals and such sprinkled tastefully here and there (but never too much, no wasted time or energy, nothing unnecessary) that really give this LP an extra pop. That, and drummer Steve White, who is simply extraordinary. There is simply far too much music going on here to possibly cover in a brief review. I could listen to this LP for the rest of the day, and tomorrow, and the day after that, and keep discovering hidden treasures, spotting new stars winking in the sky. You like Led Zepplin’s acoustic stuff? It’s there on ‘Country.’ How about Tom Petty? ‘Has My Fire Really Gone Out?’ Traffic? Check out the flute and horns on the reprise of ‘Holy Man.’ God, I love this album! Paul Weller is a triple threat. #1. An excellent guitarist, and instrumentalist in general, not unlike Paul McCartney; again, elegant, tasteful. #2. A rich, strong, deep voice that I so love in rock music but don’t often hear. His versatility is admirable, singing tenderly one moment, and then erupting with fury the next. The listener never doubts for a moment that he believes what he’s singing. His vocal integrity is beyond reproach. And, he’s on pitch. And, his diction is so clear that it’s unnecessary to have a copy of the written lyrics on hand for clarification. And, #3, how about those wistful lyrics? Allow me to offer a smattering of lines I would be proud to claim as my own: (‘Wild Wood’) ‘Day by day your world fades away, waiting to feel all the dreams that say: Golden rain will bring you riches, all the good things you deserve now… You’re gonna find your way out of the wild, wild wood.’ (‘Country’) ‘I feel the time we’ve yet to reach is not within our own belief. But I feel sure the time’ll come… ‘ (‘Foot of the Mountain’) ‘Sometimes a great notion can lead you astray, so weak to devotion, so strong to desire… At the foot of the mountain, such a long way to climb. How will I ever get there? Though I know I must try.’ (‘Shadow of the Sun’) ‘… chasing dreams across the fields in the shadow of the sun.’ (‘Moon on Your Pyjamas’) ‘Was that a shooting star I saw? It’s rare for me to make a wish at all. Because I feel that I can only hope, these dangerous times, we are barely afloat. And I hope the world will heal itself, and our worn out souls along with it, so that you will get the chance to say that you have seen a better day. You’ve got the moon on your pyjamas and the stars in your eyes. Sweet child, you’re a dream in disguise. Angels on silver strings hang from above. Let love and laughter shine wherever you go. Through your new eyes I’ve come to see how beautiful my life can be. And I’ll keep this wish this time, I think. And blow it in with a kiss upon your head.’ (Thank you, reader, for indulging me on that last lyric. It was just too beautiful to edit.) God, I love this album! Did I mention that already? And in case there’s any doubt left… I really, really love this album. I even love the cover pic of Weller and his guitar in the dark foreground, but set against a background of colorful, healing lights offering him solace from the troubled thoughts that keep (refer to last track) ‘hanging him up.’ 5/5 x 5 more (because I love this album)

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Mon Feb 22 2021

Very enjoyable. Released in 1993, but the songs could have been released in 1973. It just has a sound that is not tied to the era it was released. It sure as hell ain't grunge.

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Mon Nov 15 2021

Why? Why was this generic, forgettable album made? This was the auditory equivalent of unsalted fries. I can't remember a favorite track because I can't even remember the names of any of the songs. Nothing is actively bad here, but that's almost worse. Four bar phrases with the same melody blend into a Godfather-length album. I'd rather rewatch the Corleone saga than sit through this ever again. Dreary sameness. I guess in theory I see how this could be someone's thing, but it's definitely not mine.

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Tue Apr 25 2023

Obviously this list was put together by a Brit, because what the fuck? Musically, equivalent to featuring Hootie and the Blowfish or Blues Traveler on the list, and equally inessential. I remember playing the first Weller solo album to a lifelong Jam fan, and he remarked it was as bad as finding out Hendrix was really Eric Clapton in blackface and a wig all along. This one isn't quite as bad, just boring - and being from the '90s CD era, chugs along forever without any quality control. I bet there's more of these on the list, yuk.. hopefully no Stereophonics or Shed 7

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Tue May 11 2021

I have never ever heard of this album or artist. Curious to listen! Update: digging the instrumentation but not pa-paw's lyrics. Some real boomer shit here. Update 2: Shadow Of The Sun is a cool jam, mostly because there's no lyrics in the back half. Final Update: Way too long, not very compelling most of the time.

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Sat Jul 02 2022

128th album and this is the first one I bailed on halfway through. I can't take the shitty lyrics and how songs feel like they'd be at home in a non-denominational suburban Christian mega church. Barf.

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Wed Oct 14 2020

Did not expect to love this, but wow. Will absolutely revisit.

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Mon Mar 29 2021

*i love him *he has a folk twang, blues additions, with the classic rock electric guitar *each song is very him, but completely different which i like

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Mon Aug 09 2021

Very "Jam" like without sounding exactly like The Jam. I really enjoyed this. Moon On Your Pyjamas was a really good song.

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Tue Sep 28 2021

Love! Been too long… What an opener with Sunflower and it just keeps going. Wildwood is another of my favourites. In fact the album is one of my favourites!

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Thu Jun 15 2023

Excellent - several standout tracks. The sound of a man discovering electric guitars are fun - the dawn of a new guitar hero.

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Tue Jun 27 2023

Nice combo of blues, some funk and soul. I'd call it remarkably soulful funky blues, but they are often fully distinct. There are soul songs, funk songs and blues songs and there are blended versions of two or three of the styles. It's really quite interesting. The longer I listen the more I love it.

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Fri Oct 27 2023

YES!!! How did I not know about this until it was 30 years old? This is AMAZING. I knew the name Paul Weller but don’t think I had ever heard his music. Time to go digging! Added, 5 stars

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Tue Feb 20 2024

A fantastic album. Musical and lyrical excellence. Always absolutely loved this album. Music straight from the soul. Sunflower - 5/5 😊 Can You Heal Us - 4/5 Wild Wood - 6/5 😎 All The Pictures - 4/5 Has My Fire - 5/5 👍 Country - 4/5 5th Season - 6/5 😃 The Weaver - 5/5 Foot of the Mountain - 5/5 Shadow of the Sun - 7/5 😜😎 Absolutely definitely a 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Sat Feb 24 2024

He's fucking great. 5 stars.

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Fri Jul 16 2021

4/5 - Solid for what it is but nothing remarkable

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Tue Sep 28 2021

So many British men in this list. “Blue eyed Soul” This album was fine, if a bit generic sounding. Themes of world peace, leaving the city to go live in the country. Just mostly getting tired of all men here.

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Mon Apr 05 2021

Got like four songs in and lost interest

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Thu Mar 14 2024

What a painfully average rock/blues-adjacent album. It sounds like muzak playing in the background of a JC Penny or a Hooters. Other than a few artistic gleams, overall generic. 2.4/5 -> 2/5.

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Fri Apr 26 2024

The first couple of songs showcased some nice vocals and component music, but as the album went on it was kind of all over the place and very boring. 2.4 stars

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Wed Jun 05 2024

Dear Mr. Dimery, I wanted to tell you about something with which you appear unfamiliar: Now, I know what you’re thinking, “hey wait, I know one of those!” And I wholeheartedly agree and concede that you are clearly very aware of the United Kingdom and its constituent … states? provinces? kingdoms? Also a few of its colonies that have regrettably and temporarily distanced themselves from their rightful owner. I do not dispute that. But what I wanted to point out is that there are at least 175 other names on that list with which you appear to be wholly ignorant. Maybe, instead of putting EVERY SINGLE 2.2-star and above album that was released between 1980 and 2010 from one of those countries on your list, you could put a 5-star album from each of those other countries? Just a thought. This book really needs to be done by a committee of individuals of different ages, races, sexes and nationalities. People are too affected by music they were exposed to from ages 16 to 26 to be unbiased when choosing albums everyone should hear. Or at least this dumbass was. What the fuck would make someone consider this an album everyone needs to hear before they die? I mean, it’s fine. If it were playing quietly in a Starbucks, it would be completely apropos. But to think people NEED to hear it? Good God. I don’t even know how to relate to a mind that would think that way. It’s too alien a concept for me to be able to even imagine holding. Anyway, Robert Dimery, you are a real honest to God dyed in the wool dumbfuck and this album is perfectly fine. It’s like if Jack Johnson came out 15 years earlier and was slightly less poppy and more British. Nothing bad about this album at all. Completely inoffensive. And I could have lived a thousand years without hearing it and been perfectly fine.

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Thu Aug 12 2021

Feels like it’s been a while since we’ve had an album this uninspiring, so that was at least one good thing to come out of this.

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Fri Oct 29 2021

Not a fan, sorry. Sounds like sub-par Eric Clapton

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Mon Feb 07 2022

No, just no. This boring crap is not worthy. This is just another beneficiary of the list maker’s UK bias. I fail to see how this makes the cut and yet Weezer’s debut album doesn’t. WTF?!?!

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Wed Mar 24 2021

[WHO IS THIS MAN? A perfect album. Not Crosby Stills and Nash perfect though. Perfect with an edge. So listenable] - This was my original review notes after first listen this morning. Listened again on the way home and still think it's great but not as great as that. Interesting how my first impression suffers from second listen scrutiny.

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Mon Feb 08 2021

Uy, voy a decir esta vez que este disco me gustó mucho, aunque quizá no sea buenisisisísimo. A mí me movió y es, creo, una buena mezcla de rock con country (muy acertado el título para la canción que suena más a ese género). No conocía a Paul Weller ni de nombre, pero sospecho que uno de mis hits de adolescente, Butch Walker, sí lo conoce. Disfruté la escucha, tres veces y me convencí de que estoy ante un disco al que quizá regrese varias veces y que me dan ganas de escuchar más de Weller. Sonidos suaves, ligeros, dulces, con uno que otro momento explosivo y de repente una que otra buena letra. Mis favs: "Sunflower", "Has My Fire Really Gone Out?", "5th Season" y "Shadow of the Sun". También destaco buenas canciones de apertura y cierre. 9/10

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Fri Apr 16 2021

Un disco muy cálido y agradable. Me gusta este Weller más maduro.

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Thu Apr 08 2021

I liked him a lot anyway but there were some real gems in here.

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Tue Sep 28 2021

Entonces esto es protopunk? Todos mis respetos.

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Fri Oct 01 2021

Great find for the exact type of music I really am into at the moment

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Sat Oct 23 2021

J’aime tomber sur de bon album comme ca que je n’avais jamais entendu ni meme entendu parler. Ca vaut vraiment la pein . 4.95

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Wed Jan 12 2022

Absolutely loved it, he has such a great voice.

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Tue Jan 25 2022

really cool album, 9/10 I like his style it sounds familiar tho, I should look him up to see what other stuff I know from him

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Fri Feb 04 2022

Look, I loved Weller well before the masses searched him out due to Oasis + Stanley Rd radio airplay. This has one of my favourite tracks on - and is just glorious to listen to from start to finish. Not a masterpiece, but in many ways perfect

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Fri Feb 25 2022

Yep, this impressed me alot more than I anticipated. Its a bit dad rock but turns out I quiet like that. The first song immediately got it turned up

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Tue Mar 01 2022

Really tough to devide whether it was a 4 or a 5 as its somewhere in between. There are plenty of fantastic songs here, Can You Heal Us (Holy Man), Sunflower, Wildwood, Country, Shadow Of The Sun and Hung Up. The instrumentation is really great, Paul Weller is a truely gifted songwriter and apart from a couple songs too many, this is really flawless. Personal enjoyment was also very positive here.

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Wed Apr 20 2022

Love this album filled with classics like wild wood and sunflower especially loved the drumming, and the acoustic guitar. My favorite track was wild wood

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Thu Apr 28 2022

Wonderful - so happy to be introduced to this artist!

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Fri May 13 2022

Great album, somewhat reminds me of Yusuf Stevens Best Track: Can You Heal Us (Holy Man)

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Tue May 17 2022

Boa vibe. Wild Wood e Country pode ser interessante revisitar.

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Fri Jul 29 2022

This was a great album, loved all the songs. It's pretty energetic and has a good rhythm all the way through. Solid rock album.

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Thu Aug 18 2022

All the pictures on the wall is a classic. Hadn’t heard it for over 20 years till this site brought me back

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Wed Aug 31 2022

Fantastic artist that I’m surprised I haven’t found out about earlier

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Mon Oct 03 2022

Glad to see a favourite in this list!

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Tue Feb 28 2023

It's probably his best solo album.

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Fri Mar 24 2023

He’s got a really interesting career trajectory Paul Weller. From his Punky teens and early 20s. His “pretentious” late 20s (I do still like the Style Council btw). Now we find his more mellow and “mature” mid-30s stuff and it works for me. He’s a great song writer and I like his tone. Good mix of acoustic tracks and upbeat blue-eyed-soul. Stuck between a 4 and a 5 but let’s stick this one in the top marks club.

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Mon Apr 03 2023

Phenomenal - how have I never heard of this man? Very chill bluesy type vibes.

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Fri Jul 07 2023

Paul Weller crafted an album that is indeed a nice journey to a wild wood, with ups and downs, drama, and personal struggles. I love how easily he mixes the soft and the harder tones. This albums definitely deserves its status as a classic.

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Wed Sep 27 2023

This is soulful, sometimes jazzy, rock. I’m digging it. Good music to play when hosting a social gathering at home. Not too lowkey, not too loud.

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Mon Dec 25 2023

that was fantastic. found everything immediately noteworthy and consistent. had a little of everything i love, and bluesy solos thrown in for good measure. wild wood was THE stand out track.

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Wed Dec 27 2023

Have never listened to Paul Weller at all...and I honestly couldn't tell you why. This is wonderful! Great marriage of blues and soul here, and it's certainly going to get me to listen to him a lot more now. What a great discovery here. Favorite tracks: Has My Fire Really Gone Out?, 5th Season

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Sun Jan 07 2024

What a gorgeous album. Rich, soulful and eclectic, with threads of rock, blues, funk, jazz, folk. It's a sound that draws from a myriad of influences but sounds pretty timeless. They don't make albums like this anymore. Paul Weller is one of the most talented and prolific artists of his generation. His gift for songcraft is on full display here, with incredibly eloquent lyrics, powerful but nuanced vocals, and top notch musicianship. You really get a strong sense that this is someone who loves and understands music deeply, and knows how to make every note hit perfectly and effortlessly. This album would be worth it solely for Weller's guitar work and vocals, but this album is just layer upon layer of pure magic. I'm calling it today, this is the best new-to-me album I have encountered on this whole project, and I've been at it for 918 days. Shut it down. Fave Songs (All songs, from most to least favorite): Moon on Your Pyjamas, Sunflower, Wild Wood, All the Pictures on the Wall, 5th Season, Shadow of the Sun, Hung Up, Foot of the Mountain, Country, Can You Heal Us (Holy Man), Holy Man (reprise), The Weaver, Has My Fire Really Gone Out?, Instrumental (Pt 1), Instrumental One (Pt 2, Country, Instrumental Two

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Mon Jan 29 2024

I knew of him, knew about his political persuasions but had not taken the time to listen to him fully. I loved this & am excited to have a ‘new’ musician in my daily arsenal.

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Wed Apr 03 2024

Really cool in a way that’s not easy to articulate. Tasteful instrumentation, feels timeless.

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Wed Feb 21 2024

I have no idea what part of it clicks so much, but I just love the sound of this album so much. Just amazing, will definitely try picking up a physical copy some day

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Wed May 01 2024

Had never heard of him… loved the album!

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Thu May 16 2024

Arguably Wellers benchmark album, a level to which many of his later works seemed to reach. A classic.

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Wed May 22 2024

One of my favorite surprises so far. Really enjoyed the atmosphere, instrumentation and his voice.

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Wed May 29 2024

i do not know this man and i loved this album thank you mr weller

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Wed Jun 19 2024

This one's got everything I want. It's a little jazzy, it's a little rocky, and it's got a weird spelling of Pajamas. Love it. Favorites were Sunflower, Country, and 5th Season

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Wed Jun 19 2024

The Jam delivered excellent rock records and The Style Council released excellent pop records. This is wonderful! The composition and recording are so damn good!

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Thu Jul 11 2024

I was not expecting to dig this as much as I am. Already listened twice and feel like this is one I'll come back to. No real complaints about it. 5/5

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Wed Oct 28 2020

I'd never heard of this before but it's kinda rockin, like dad rock style, bluesy and just pub rock really. Wiki says he was in a band called the Jam which I know i've heard but can't remember anything about. some of it sounds a bit like pink floyd but not as annoying. Either way would listen again 4/5.

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Wed Jan 20 2021

Got some Bruce Springsteen vibes, lots of nice chill rock grooves.

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Tue Mar 02 2021

this was good, i have no idea who paul weller is but these were yams.

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Thu Apr 29 2021

A pleasant surprise. May return to this one.

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Tue Mar 02 2021

Cool vibe. Early 90s sounds. Looks like oasis got a lot from this album

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Tue Mar 16 2021

pretty solid songwriting and catchy tunes

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Mon Feb 01 2021

By the end of this album, I loved this album. Closest to a 5 so far (besides the one 5 obviously)

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Tue Mar 09 2021

Veldig kult! Gitaren er helt klart frontfiguren her, og den er kul nok, men trommegroovene var ofte veldig mye bedre enn det jeg hadde forventet. Det var mye mer funkinspirert enn det wikipediaen gav inntrykk av. Trodde dette skulle bli en standard singer/songwriter type deal. Noen ganger blir den litt vel lik nyere Bob Dylan og Paul Simon, men det er ikke dumt i seg selv. Kanskje det er dette moderne s/s har utviklet seg til. Svak 4

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Wed Jun 30 2021

Really solid album. This is the kind of band I would love to see in a bar or smaller venue and just have a great time with some friends. Favorite tracks: “Can You Heal Us,” “Has My Fire Really Gone Out?,” “Foot of the Mountain,” and “Shadow of the Sun”

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Mon Feb 08 2021

La verdad lo escuché un poco distraído, pero me llamó 5th season lo suficiente para voltear a ver como se llamaba la canción. Creo que es lo que describiría como música "agradable", o sea no muy "wow, cuánto me mama", más bien como "no me molesta escuchar esto, tiene ondita", siento que es música que pondrían en el Toks a un volumen moderado y pues supongo que he ahí también el mood del día

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