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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

Station To Station

David Bowie


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Station To Station
Album Summary

Station to Station is the 10th studio album by English musician David Bowie, released on 23 January 1976 through RCA Records. Regarded as one of his most significant works, the album was the vehicle for Bowie's performance persona, the Thin White Duke. Co-produced by Bowie and Harry Maslin, Station to Station was mainly recorded at Cherokee Studios in Los Angeles, California, in late 1975, after Bowie completed shooting the film The Man Who Fell to Earth; the cover art featured a still from the film. During the sessions, Bowie was dependent on drugs, especially cocaine, and later said that he recalled almost nothing of the production. The commercial success of his previous release, Young Americans (1975), allowed Bowie greater freedom when he began recording his next album. The sessions established the lineup of guitarist Carlos Alomar, bassist George Murray and drummer Dennis Davis that Bowie would use for the rest of the decade, and also featured contributions by guitarist Earl Slick and pianist Roy Bittan. Musically, Station to Station was a transitional album for Bowie, developing the funk and soul of Young Americans while presenting a new direction influenced by electronic music and the German music genre of krautrock, particularly bands such as Neu! and Kraftwerk. The lyrics reflected Bowie's preoccupations with Friedrich Nietzsche, Aleister Crowley, mythology and religion. Preceded by the single "Golden Years", Station to Station was a commercial success, reaching the top five on the UK and US charts. After scrapping a soundtrack for The Man Who Fell to Earth, Bowie supported the album with the Isolar Tour in early 1976, during which he attracted controversy with statements suggesting support for fascism. At the end of the tour, he moved to Europe to remove himself from L.A.'s drug culture. The styles explored on Station to Station culminated in some of Bowie's most acclaimed work with the Berlin Trilogy over the next three years. Positively received by music critics on its release, Station to Station has appeared on several lists of the greatest albums of all time. It has been reissued multiple times and was remastered in 2016 as part of the Who Can I Be Now? (1974–1976) box set.







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Feb 21 2021
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This is the first Bowie album I listened to over and over again, because my girlfriend at that time owned it. For the next few years I bought all his new releases and then started buying up all the older ones in my twenties. It’s an epic album, especially listened to within the context of his everchanging output from Hunky Dory to Lodger. I think that the one song he didn’t write, Wild is the Wind, is maybe his greatest vocal performance of all time and by-far the most creative interpretation of that standard (at least until Esperanza Spalding’s).

Jun 08 2023
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10 Albums You Actually Need to Hear Before You Die Chapter 4 It’s too late to be late again: David Bowie’s “Station to Station” As I write this review, much of the northeastern United States is engulfed in a thick, noxious plume of smoke emanating from wildfires in Canada’s Quebec province. The sky is a hazed-out, sickly orange-brown, almost Martian in appearance. There is a constant smell of charred and burning wood in the air. It’s so dense that it clings to your nasal passages and throat, leaving its scent to linger in your head well after you’ve gone indoors to escape its tyranny. On a day like today, there’s no need to ask, “Is there life on Mars?” Instead, I’m wondering if we’re only a few short years from lifeforms on some other distant planet asking, “Is there life on Earth?” Are we close to becoming Thomas Jerome Newton, Bowie’s character in the film “The Man Who Fell to Earth”, who graces the cover of Station To Station? Will we soon be forced to travel great distances in order to find and retrieve the resources that we require to live? Will we have to adopt a lifestyle that is foreign and incomprehensible in order to survive? …and why does it feel like I’m the only one who can see it coming? While other people are out there acting normally, doing their jobs and taking a walk through the Canadian wildfire haze on their lunch break, I’m here trying to concentrate on work and not let the innate, internal animal instinct that screams “Danger!” overwhelm my psyche. I bet that’s how Thomas Jerome Newton’s people ended up in their predicament: they didn’t pay enough attention to the guttural instinct that was warning them that things were going off the rails, they just continued as though nothing was wrong. As I admire the once lush blue sky that has turned ghastly brown and Mars-like, the refrain at the end of the title track - repeating “it’s too late” over and over - feels like a devastating mantra. There’s an undercurrent of desolation, paranoia and uncertainty running through Station to Station. For Bowie, it was fueled by cocaine. For me, today, that desolate and paranoid uncertainty has me looking to the future, recognizing we live in a transitional period where it’s probably too late, but our lateness hasn’t fully caught up with us yet. Indeed, Station to Station was also a transitional record for Bowie: a bridge between the blue eyed soul of “Young Americans” and the experimental, synthetic rock and ambient soundscapes of “Low” and “Heroes”. On paper, with that description, you might not think it would be as engrossing and timeless as it is. At this moment, early June of 2023, in a world that literally looks desolate and with paranoia’s resonant frequency amplified in my mind, Station to Station is the perfect soundtrack for the end of the world.

Mar 19 2021
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Quick and fun 38 minutes. Let's rewind. I think the Thin White Duke era could be my favorite of Bowie's. Or does the preference always Ch-ch-changes?

Apr 02 2021
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On the whole I just find the whole album utterly tedious and most of the songs irritating. Opening track is ok, as is Stay, but I mean this relative to the other songs rather than being songs I want to go back to. This just isn’t for me. I feel 2 is harsh but I will never put this album on again and thems the rules

Jul 14 2021
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This is one of my favorite Bowie albums, and one of the few that doesn’t have a skipable track as far as I’m concerned. I think "Word on a Wing" and "Wild is the Wind" are among some of Bowie's best vocal performances of his career. “TVC15” is a fun outlier, with some crackerjack piano playing by E Street’s own Roy Bittan. "Golden Years" is a true classic, best track of them all. Even with the 10+ minute opener, I think this is one of Bowie's more accessible albums musically. The lyrics are another matter and can be rather opaque, especially on the title track. But I honestly think a lot of what Bowie does lyrically is for effect and we're better off going along for the ride than putting too much effort into deciphering them. Much has been made of Bowie's drug use at the time, to which I say look at the product. If this is the work of an artist whose sensibilities were at all blunted by drug use, it's hard to see. Fave songs: Word on a Wing, Golden Years, Wild is the Wind

Jan 13 2021
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Only six tracks, but an impressive degree of variety. I get a good sense of Bowie's eccentricity, especially from his concluding the album with a cover of "Wild is the Wind." I'm not sure I've ever listened to a David Bowie album in full (aside from Black Star), but there are a handful of tracks from Bowie that I've grown up knowing. "Golden Years" is one of those tracks. I'm looking forward to hearing more albums from Bowie that are, no doubt, on this list. Favorite tracks: Golden Years, Word on a Wing Album art: Very cool. Love the bold, red font. Bowie stepping into some space-age studio--looks about right to me.

Jan 15 2021
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Tied for my favorite Bowie record, but usually inches ahead of the others thanks to an all-killer tracklist that doesn't overstay its welcome. The hooks are here, the production is here, the experimentation is thankfully present but not drowning or too slow (I love Low but some cuts drag on). Bowie proves you can make a pop/post-punk/krautrock/dance record that appeals to normies and snobs alike.

Jan 13 2021
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David Bowie, known as the Thin White Duke at the time, delivers an album heaped with emotion but also devoid of it at the same time. The Duke addresses themes of religion and love throughout this short piece of work Bowies excessive cocaine use during these sessions is well documented, and is also addressed in both the title track and stay, lamenting "its not the side effects of the cocaine" Although this addiction resulted in bowie not capable of recalling any part of his recording of this album, it is clear the effect which it seems to take on the recordings themselves, which come across with an incredible energy that doesn't stay longer than it needs to. My favourite track would have to be either Word on a Wing, which is commonly viewed as bowies cry out to God during what he recalled as "one of the darkest periods of my life", or his astounding cover of Wild is the Wind, a cover which he was inspired to record after meeting Nina Simone just a few years prior. Overall, this album was an enjoyable experience, the instrumentals were fantastic, and Bowies voice, particularly on Wild is the Wind, was brilliant.

Apr 13 2021
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Very overrated album. Golden years is not that good of a song.

Jun 21 2024
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The songs are long, but the album feels short. What a treat, such a perfectly trimmed journey!

Oct 24 2023
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Station to Station is my favourite song of all time and this album is in my top 10 albums of all time. I LOVE IT!!! The phenomenal opener that is 10 minutes of pure art rock. Golden Years is such a beautiful funk-rock song. Word on a Wing and the album closer Wild is the Wind have a beautiful vocal performance and a very emotional songwriting. Stay is just pure rock and soooo fcking good. The only song I would say is not 100% perfect is TVC15 but still sooooo great... favourites: Station to Station, the Rest of the album least favs.: I REFUSE TO CHOOSE rating: strong 9 to light 10

Oct 12 2022
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An era perhaps best short lived given how Bowie was living at the time, but the grandeur of Station to Station is a masterstroke of The Thin White Duke which eventually led to The Berlin Trilogy. It's title track is one of the most powerful album openers in music and from there it's quality never falters. Few artist can claim multiple masterpieces, but this is definitely one of Bowie's.

Feb 21 2021
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David takes a short intermission, returns to the stage wearing a cocaine white suit and opens the second set with Station to Station. How many years ago was that? Fuck if I know but I remember it like it was yesterday. During that set Mick Ronson joined the band for Jean Genie. Bowie said he invited him when he bumped into him at the Four Seasons that day. Mick wasn't prepared and didn't even bring a guitar. He grabbed Earl Slick's guitar, strummed a bit and then just swung the guitar around rather than play it. On a day when I’m not a complete Bowie cheerleader I'd admit the extended opening of St 2 St didn’t age very well. But the rest is still magic. Golden Years was the “hit” and it along w TVC15 have aged quite nicely. The timing of this album selection couldn’t be better. I’ve been listening to Wild is the Wind every day for the last week or so since I’ve been learning to play it on guitar. Bowie's vocals are on Gldn Years and Wild is the Wind are among his best. Sorry for the long review Mike but I didn’t say a thing yesterday. And this is David

Feb 20 2021
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Everything was perfect about this album. Perfect run time, solid production, amazing vocal performance, a unique blend of 70s music styles, progressive in its own way, and kept me intrigued from beginning to end. Bowie is a fascinating person, I really look forward to his other albums. Masterpiece.

Jan 17 2021
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The funk is real on this one. The record that preceded the Berlin years (my favorite era of Bowie) and started his second renaissance into the public consciousness. It’s got everything, art rock, soul, funk, jazz elements, melodica for Christ sake. The birth of the Thin White Duke. It is said that Bowie sustained himself on cocaine and peppers during these sessions and was so fucked up that he didn’t remember recording this album. If I dropped this banger and didn’t remember it, I’d be pretty upset. Favorite song: Station to Station Least favorite song: Wild is the Wind (if I had to choose)

Mar 29 2021
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I’d never listened to this one top to bottom. So good. Might be my new favorite of his, but I definitely need to go through the catalog

Oct 27 2024
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The title track 'Station to Station' is my favourite song of all time. Additionally, Bowie is my favourite artist of all time. Therefore the album itself is also one of my favourites, in fact it's even in my Top 15, the second best Bowie album with only Low receving a higher spot. The entire album is just such a beautiful mix between Funk Rock, Soul, Art Rock and Piano Ballads with even the "worst" moments being at the top of Bowie's career. There is nothing to say against the album: songwriting, lyrics, production, ideas, experimentation, all of it is executed perfectly. It starts with the big one: 'Station to Station' starts with train imitating synths that slowly build up in a very Post-Punk fashion. It then forms itself into an operatic and anthemic "march-like" song that seems to pull together Art-Rock, Prog-Rock, Post-Punk as well as Krautrock and first hints of Funk that after an enormous and beautiful first half burst out into a Disco inspired Funk oddysey full of beautiful lyrics and deeply emotional deliveries. As I said, my favourite song ever (closly followed by 'Starless' by King Crimson). It follows the story of the Thin White Duke, a character that Bowie embodied at that time. A drug addict, full of fascist philosophy that seems to have lost touch with the real world and spirals into a deep dark of his own thoughts. It was the exact opposite of what Bowie has or wanted to be but his strong cocaine addiction that held on for years pulled him slowly into this exact person. Maybe it was a cry for help which many songs on this album seem to be but this is darkest and most grim of all of them. Even musically this is full of depth with the mix of repetitive themes and short breaks that help to both release tension and create new ones. I don't even know... This thing is the most perfect thing ever created. Maybe 'Starless' is objectively the best but for me this is. The album could've played this song 4 times in a row and it would not be boring or repetitive. I can't say it enough: Masterpiece, perfect, genre-bending, songwriter masterclass. The lead single 'Golden Years' goes deep into Soul territory with a very strong Funk additude and beautiful backing vocals in the chorus. The song shimmers with light and gold and seems to be an opposite of the previous song while still having very sentimental and thought provoking verses that tie the song together in such a cohesive and wonderful way. And even though it's the albums shortest song it features a lot of memorable moments that make a perfect follow-up to the title track. With 'Word on a Wing', the Blue-Eyed Soul gets the most prominent as of right now with a lot of piano in the forefront on which he delivers some of his strongest lyrics ever written. This is the other cry for help on the album and this time it seems to much, much more emotional about the lack of love he feels and the desire to reconnect with the world, held away by his own doings. The chorus is without a doubt the most heart-wrenching he's ever put out. One of the saddest and most emotional songs I have ever heard. I say it again: PERFECT! The second side returns to the Funk and Art Rock with a really groovy and energetic track which was written about a dream Iggy Pop had about his girlfriend being eaten by a TV which is a crazy starting point but the result doesn't fall short. It's so incredibly catchy that I don't think anyone can really dislike it and even though I think it's the "weakest" on the album because the end feels a tad bit streched, it's still so unbelivably amazing with all the arrangements and catchy play arounds both musically and of course lyrically. This is nothing short of another masterpiece. 'Stay' gets really Rock with a the Bluesy intro but there is more to it. Firstly, the percussion is just so incredibly fitting that it's genius that they thought about adding these Bongos (?). The mix of Funk Rock with Disco and Krautrock is absolutely amazing and catchy which is why it was a common song Bowie played throughout his career on live shows. Again, it's fun to listen to with a lot of energetic playing but has a certain beauty from the vocals as well as the lyrics that again return to the theme of love. Especially here, the mixing is done so incredibly well that while a lot of the stereo aspects are used, none of it feels imbalanced. Another perfect song, I'm sorry but it's just that good. The final song 'Wild Is the Wind' is very similar to 'Word on a Wing' in terms of style but also delivery. He was very influenced by the Nina Simone version of the song and it shows: This is probably his best vocal delivery ever (other options are: Life on Mars?, Teenage Wildlife, & Lady Grinning Soul). It's such a beautiful Soul song with all the inspirations from Jazz, Soul and Funk pulled together in a masterful finale that flows through your mind like only few songs do with such a finesse and Psychedelia. It's a perfect closing track and it's not even close. favourites: Station to Station, Word on a Wing, Wild is the Wind, Stay, Golden Years, TVC15 least favourites: / Rating: strong 10 for more ratings, reviews and takes

Sep 05 2024
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I'm currently in hospital after a kidney transplant and every single Bowie song makes the life I'm allowed to lead a little more worth living. I was not only given new life, but also content and joy

Jul 20 2024
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I didn't know I like Bowie until this listening project. I like Bowie. This record was terrific.

Jul 02 2024
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Listening to Bowie’s great albums in random order and at random intervals is tremendous fun to this first time listener. So far, they’re all such complete, almost hermetic objects that thoughts of his career progression flutter off before they barely begin to form in my head. To me, this sounds like he lands on an idea, a form, embodies it utterly, and moves on. His melodic and lyric knack is constant, but at the service of whatever he has alighted on. Station to Station is a majestic title. Contents are laid back, almost bar room ballad at times, but sheathed in this clean, futurist swoosh psychedelia. TVC15 is my favourite on this listen, though the cheeky quote of Good Morning Little Schoolgirl made me uneasy given the teenage fans Bowie allegedly slept with. Of course, I returned to Stay after writing that, and maybe that’s my favourite: streamlining funk, it seems to casually invent a decadent strand of eighties pop.

Jul 02 2024
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My original "favorite Bowie album" after voraciously devouring various compilations. Not a minute wasted here, his band is at the top of their game and the vocals on "Word On A Wing" and "Wild Is The Wind" are for all time. The best possible advertisement for cocaine abuse - if gawky 17yo me could have obtained sufficient quantities I would have done myself serious damage in tribute. Incredible

Apr 27 2024
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Yes, drugs are bad. But on the other hand; Station to Station by David Bowie.

Oct 13 2023
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I don’t want to waffle on too much about Station To Station other than to say it’s a delightful listen that doesn’t outstay its welcome. A perfect little album and a definite fast favourite.

Nov 05 2022
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David Bowie claims he couldn’t remember writing this album after a bender. That’s quite impressive seeing as the last bender I was on I couldn’t remember how many zinger boxes I’d consumed

Jun 29 2022
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Widely considered a transitional album that bridges Young Americans and the Berlin trilogy, I always viewed this as a natural evolution. Great musicians all around, although Earl Slick, Carlos Alomar and Roy Bittan are superb. Bowie shows the full range of his vocals. His cover of Wild is the Wind could be my favorite Bowie cover and perhaps favorite Bowie vocal. Bowie never embraced punk, but there are post-punk elements here before there was post-punk.

Feb 24 2022
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Wow. Can someone pack that much into six songs? It's funny that he was struggling with drugs a lot during this period because the music is so on point and solid. He has an incredible way, always and forever, of matching the feel of the music with the feel of the vocals (not just the lyrics but HOW the lyrics are used). I would have loved to see this played in its entirety live. Listening to this sent me on a spin of listening to Bowie albums, trying to decide if "Five Years" was indeed my favorite song. I got stuck on Hunky Dory, forgetting how perfect it is from beginning to end.

Nov 07 2021
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Great, great album! Bowie is a star. Somehow the songs seem much shorter than they are, everything is still compressed, and stuff happens. Oh damn ok, "Wild Is the Wind" slaps so fucking hard. Good shit. This aged well, and I think it will age even well'er. 5 Didn't enjoy "Golden Years" as much as everyone else it seems, very overrated imo. But the whole of the album makes up for it.

Sep 06 2021
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6 tracks. Just under 40 minutes. Every minute is great. Sometimes David Bowie's stuff is shamelessly artistic, but comes off a bit too kooky and inaccessible. Other times he makes something undeniably catchy, but without all that depth and substance. Here, he pulls off the best of both worlds. This album grooves - the bass lines are punchy and fun, and the guitar alternates between Chic rhythm and pink Floyd lead. Great album with lots of great moments

Aug 28 2021
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5 stars. Probably my favorite Bowie. Progressive, moody, thoughtful. And then there’s TVC15 now that’s just entertaining.

Feb 20 2021
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Absolute great Album, so versatile and creative, never boring

Dec 06 2020
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I’d never listened to this album in its entirety before but I will absolutely be revisiting it. Frequently. An eclectic mix featuring a spectacular rhythm section.

Sep 24 2020
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Everything has that grand piano feel. Really unexpectedly short. Very good and I finally get the station to station reference.

Nov 16 2020
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the opener of this album is weird i wasnt into the first half at all but the second half was so stupidly good i had to go back and check like did i miss something? was i not paying enough attention?? but no it really is just that split in quality. golden years is really good, easily the best song here imo. not a single second of wasted space which is kind of hard for a lot of 70s rock apparently. like damn a lot of songs just went on and on didnt they. its not even a bad thing just nice to get a song thats actually compressed down like that. anyway the ballads arent bad at all, i see a lot of people saying theyre the worst songs here but disagreed. theyre dramatic enough to work. also i still have trouble telling what the fuck hes saying but apparently this is just a concept album about how pathetic some fascist dude is. wild 9/10

Oct 23 2024
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DAVID BOWIE YIPPEEEE hes such a legend rip fr stay kind of sounds like song off the new geordie greep album (sry for making the comparisson)

Feb 05 2021
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I can't stop thinking about my girlfriend fucking other men.

Aug 13 2024
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I always thought I liked David Bowie, but this is the third album that has kinda fallen flat for me, so maybe I only like the familiar hits. It's a strange realisation!

Sep 09 2024
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I hate all David Bowie hits except maybe suffragette city as it’s not glitzy glam pop. I’ll never understand how we as a society take run of the mill pop and turn it into a profound artistic statement because we like the artist’s personality. However, I know he can be weird and I’m hoping this one is. 6 tracks, 38 minutes certainly tells some kind of story. This sounds like Beavis & Butthead transition music so far which is honestly far better than rebel rebel or anything of that nature. Aaaand here come the vocals. Rock opera. Ugh. There are moments where I believe this is cool. There are many others where the piano and disco kicks in. What the hell is this? Ah man. No good. Elton John piano licks without any of the fun. Is it too late to skip this? Wow guys, this disco song is slightly longer than normal AND the singer has a wacky haircut. This is equivalent to great literature. This sucks. Fuck. Riverboat music. Fat rich cottage goer tunes. I don’t think I can fairly listen to this. I just think he’s insufferable. The bad part is that there are cool ideas that I could see myself enjoying. Some of the vocal harmonies at times sound cool. Lots of sounds. There’s just a general poppiness that I can’t stand. Sounded like death grips for a second. Unfortunately it’s still me in the grip of a cruise ship based nightmare. Why is this crooning over a karaoke steely dan instrumental considered “must-hear”? Is this also Christian? Holy hell. Washed up musician having an evangelical breakdown whilst on barbiturates during a reunion show at a local casino “type beat”. Hail Satan and bring on more pedestrian tripe! Right on cue. Oh baby, the bow tie on the wedding singer is loose now. Everybody is a few loonie drinks in. Time for some more riverboat jingles. It would be fun, sort of like a massive artist, to see what I could pass off as quality based off my name alone. They have to have tried it. traaaaaaaansition. I actually don’t hate the saxophone. There’s something!!!! It’s weird and good. Stay?? Why don’t you go?? Hahahah. Man I’m good. This song has actually sent me into hysterics. These vocals can’t be real. NO. There’s no fucking way. You can’t like this. These vocals or satire. This is making fun of mid 70’s crooners right? HE CANT SING. This is one of those moments where I feel like I’m in the interstellar universe screaming at an oblivious public from behind a space/time continuum rift. This is not good and I refuse to hear arguments to the contrary. Valueless and one of the worst songs I’ve heard in many years. Thoroughly unlikeable from start to finish, this album is a mix between run of the mill and completely insufferable. Musical competency at points jumps it from zero, but the horrendous singing and pop cheese takes this thing beyond the gutter, into a vat of talentless disco-tinged slop that is gulped down by the ladle by buffoons because it has David Bowie’s face slapped on it. Worthless as a psychedelic experience, even worse as a musical one. HIGHLIGHTS: The silence following the final track.

Feb 24 2024
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Masterwork. Titanic. Glacial shift. A spell, an incantation.

Jan 18 2021
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disaffected jazzy krautrock pop by a man obsessed with cocaine. lovely tho fav track: stay

Jun 10 2024
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Every time I get a Bowie album generated, I think something like "he's got some good hits, but listening to an entire album might drag a bit." Every single time I'm wrong! Golden Years is a stand out for me here, but Station to Station, TVC15 and Wild is the Wind are all bangers. 4.5/5

Jun 17 2022
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A manifesto for that most unmanifestable of things: unorthodoxy. Never helps to overstate the lyrics with Bowie, but certain ideas resound: "run to the shadows", "I'm trying to fit into your scheme of things", "this age of grand illusion". He's interminably travelling on the opener, wild as the wind on the closer. It's all gauche, all different, all repudiating the idea of normal. Title track starts with a coda, moves to the bridge, follows that with an intro, ends with a different song. The guitar solo at the end of TVC-15 may melt brains. Everything on Stay is gauche and two beats off. Throughout, the white freak funk combines Eno and Clinton.

Feb 13 2021
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One day at David Bowie's house, Iggy Pop took a bunch of drugs and hallucinated that his girlfriend was being eaten by a TV, so naturally, Bowie turned it into a song. He was so coked out while making this album that he says he only has one memory of asking for a certain guitar riff, and nothing else. I think the lesson here is, if you're going to do drugs, you should either be as talented as David Bowie or have a friend with that level of talent that can turn your experience into a trippy song. Best track: TVC 15

Nov 17 2023
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Average Bowie album, I read he was checked out on this one.

Oct 24 2022
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I don't think this is peak David. There are a couple of memorable tracks but the rest are just competent. For Bowie completists.

Mar 04 2025
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After 5 Bowie albums (and counting) - can confirm it's not my style. I don't really get all the hype for his music.

Dec 13 2024
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Not my favourite Bowie album, too much self-indulgence in those long, long tracks. Some interesting bits but overall didn't do it for me.

Sep 23 2024
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I can see why people like Bowie. But for me this is pretty dull. Not bad. Just a bit dull.

Jul 18 2024
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#285. Yet another weak ass Bowie album. This one doesn't even have any of the hits to balance out the drivel 2/5: weaksauce

Jul 16 2024
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The most tolerable of Bowie's I've had so far, it's basically just a bad David Byrne impression.

Jun 25 2024
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Huh. So, normally I hate Bowie. A lot. This is….interesting, though….It’s still too untethered and blatantly coke-fueled for me, and would benefit greatly from some editing, but I like it more than the pseudo-intellectual experimentation of the Berlin Trilogy, and a lot more than the gaudy theatricality of his glam rock era. It has groove, it’s sonically varied like a normal pop record but still cohesive, and it’s a little more accessible, despite its experiments. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t bob my head throughout. In the end, though, Station to Station still always goes too far for me to be sold. Just when I’m digging a chorus or a beat, there’s a change-up or sound that just gets under my skin. I just think that’s the issue with Bowie for me in general. I truly hate his vocal choices, I hate his vaudevillian aesthetic, I hate how he builds a song. For all my ADHD-fueled love of hyperpop and noise rock, I hate how so many parts here just cut in out of absolutely nowhere throughout this record. I just can’t follow the logic of these songs. Every time I want Bowie to just stay focused, he explores a new avenue, and it always takes a good idea down a bad path. Unfortunately, red and green peppers, milk, and coke will not keep you on a focused path. For many, I’m sure that lack of focus is the exact thing they find appealing about Station to Station; for me, it’s the pressure point that brings the whole album down. I can see a version of Station to Station that was made with careful precision, tighter disco-inspired grooves, and songs that were contained to 4-minute runtimes, and I imagine truly adoring that version. That’s not what I have in my hands here, though. I’m pretty close to being okay with it, but I’m just not close enough to cross that line today. But it *is* the closest I’ve come to ever liking a Bowie record to any degree, and that has to mean something. (Yes, it means I’m experiencing Stockholm Syndrome thanks to this list insisting I listen to Bowie’s entire discography against my will.)

Feb 21 2024
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Что-то я совсем не вкурил (или, как в случае с Боуи, не внюхал) эту тему. Один хороший песняк - и тот оказался кавером. Вот вам и кокаиновый фанк.

Jun 19 2023
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Bowie has some amazing stuff and is certainly an artist that deserves multiple entries on a list like this... But "Station to Station" just doesn't cut it. It's a middling, transitional album in Bowie's extensive discography... not worth to be listed among the greatest!

Apr 06 2023
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Highlight: "Station to Station," "Word on a Wing," "Stay" Not much to add. I don't buy the hype. It's all over the place in genre and mood without track-to-track cohesion, and Bowie's awkward voice tramples everything in the mix no matter how big the arrangements. The lyrics are remarkably coherent and respectable for someone allegedly at the end of their rope in substance abuse. The lyrics are where this album has the most unity. The dabbling in soul and funk feels better than appropriative or gimmicky. At least another turning point for the guy we should be calling man of many faces over Dylan.

Feb 21 2023
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I know that I am in the minority here, but this album just didn't do it for me. I will say that I really did enjoy the song Wild Is The Wind.

Feb 19 2023
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Proof, if it was needed, that Bowie is more about the artist than the art

Jan 15 2021
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Listening to this album gives me anxiety. Musically very interesting tho obv

Mar 13 2025
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So it's been my intention to get more familiar with David Bowie's discography and I thought I had covered this one, but after checking my history, I guess not? Very sad about that because this is easily one of my favorites of his now. Love that transitory place it has between his earlier, funkier stuff and the krautrock he was about to explore more fully later on. Very happy to get to know this one.

Mar 11 2025
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Really vibed with this one… Bowie Forever!

Mar 08 2025
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My favorite Bowie album. Subsisting on a diet of red peppers, milk, and cocaine, Bowie was strung out to the point of requiring rescue (Iggy Pop would later come to the rescue, whisking David away to Berlin to sober up) and somehow recorded one of defining moments of his catalog.

Mar 07 2025
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Absolutely cool to listen to. The guitarist especially was having a lot of fun.

Mar 04 2025
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David Bowie's 1970s output has got to be up there with the greatest and most consistent decades in an artist's career. This period of music is so incredible that it's hard to put into words. I love this album whole heartidly, the title track being one of the greatest songs of all time. Station to Station My 2nd favourite Bowie song (First being Sound and Vision) just absolutely incredible from start to finish. The atmosphere, the evocative lyrics, and the dark and powerful performance turns this into one of the greatest songs of all time. Amazingly structured with a truly jawdropping switchup. One of many artistic peaks for Bowie. A fabulous rock opera. 5/5 Golden Years Fantastic funk on the track. A stylistical blend of sounds from previous Bowie projects. I love how many so different vocal stylings are used on the same track. Incredibily catchy. Lovely. 5/5 Word on a Wing Lush and layered instrumental. The distant guitar is haunting in the background. Vivid and dramatic. Delightfully weird in its structure. There are just so many parts to this song beautifully stitched together. Where it risks being inconherent it avoids it by geniusly navigating the pitfalls a song like this could easily fall into. Haunting performance by Mr. Bowie. Fantastic. 5/5 TVC15 I love the janky sound of the piano atop the clean bass for the intro. Strangely haunted by the background effects. They keep the song interesting by adding some layers to what could be a repetitive song. I love how the piano is played here. It remains a constant as the song evolves. Fantastic song. 5/5 Stay There's a lot of bounciness and feeling to the intro. Contrasts to the molasses and exhausted performance of the verse. Very entertaining guitar work. The chorus is dramatic and theatrical. Ends with an amazingly engaging and satisfying rock instrumental. I love how the drumming never takes center stage, yet remains a highlight with how it supports the guitar by filling space and emphasising its phrases. Another great tune. 5/5 Wild is the Wind Never heard any other version of this song. I am aware that it is a cover, but will not be able to comment on what it does differently to the original. I think it's a great way to end the album. I especially love Bowie's more subtle and down to earth vocal performance. I think the production of the track allows it to be solemn, bleak and cold while still remaining romantic. Great closer 5/5 I love this man's music so much there was no way this was not getting five stars. Station to Station is one of many absolutely stunning albums by Bowie, just truly magnificent front to back. It's a risky, but natural progression in his career, a different persona in the Thin White Duke who almost becomes an entire world himself. There's just a strange tone of quiet distress during the entire album, a sort of eerieness that truly adds a new element previously unseen in his work. Just knowing the nature of its production and what followed after just adds so much context to the album's weirdness. The execution on this is just marvelous. An absolute banger. Fave track. Station to Station Least fave track. N/A

Mar 03 2025
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One of the most perfect transition albums it walks the difference between Young Americans’ homage through deadpan and the Berlin Trilogy’s experimental. As such it is one of Bowies most musically accomplished albums and best works.

Feb 24 2025
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Cocaine is a hell of a drug. First of all — Randomizer, that's the wrong drug for my group's 420th album. But putting that aside... The whole day before I actually got to this album — hell, while I was listening to it and once I was done — that was the thought on my mind. I mean, truthfully, it's how I've always considered the album: "The one Bowie made mad on coke." Which— I'm coming to realize, I never really had any feelings connected towards that thought. At most, there was some mild amusement (granted from being so far removed from the reality of what making this album was actually like), but otherwise I never meant it in a good or bad way. It was simply just an objective fact. To be frank, if my hesitation going into this album came from anything, it was the inspirations and what the record after this was. Now, look, in regards to the latter, I can't speak on Neu!, but I've mostly liked what I've heard of Kraftwerk. Sure, I only found TRANS EUROPA EXPRESS to be "just fine..." But AUTOBAHN, though? Oh, now **that** was a great-ass record and title track. When it comes to LOW, on the other hand, while I don't remember being too wild about the first half of the record, I still liked the second enough to ultimately give the whole thing a 4. Going into this, however... I'unno. I suppose the stark album cover — while I love, by the way — influenced me a bit too much to get stuck on the negative aspects. How repetitive TRANS EUROPA EXPRESS could be; the influence LOW is claimed to have on post-punk... Combined with the vague memories I have of being bored listening to it for the first time a few years ago... And the fact that it's only six songs across 38 minutes (an average length of 6.333... minutes per song). I wasn't exactly expecting the best. That's not even mentioning how much of a **character** the Thin White Duke persona was... So imagine my surprise when not even halfway through the album I'm figuring this might just be my second favorite of the Bowie releases my group has gotten thus far. See, the thing I failed to remember walking into this album is the one that Bowie released the year before: YOUNG AMERICANS. STATION TO STATION is often seen as a bridge between it and LOW, and although I wasn't too crazy about YOUNG AMERICANS back when I first heard it... Yeah, that thing's plastic soul is still way more what's happening here than my worries that it would be mind-numbingly dark n' stark Neue Deutsche Welle. Goodness, Bowie wouldn't even get close to Germany 'til after this record dropped, when he moved to Berlin. From a pure musical standpoint, this comes close to rivaling HUNKY DORY, honestly and truly. The rock is so groovy and funky that it kicks all kinds of ass. Meanwhile, there's R&B-type songs, and the melodies on those can be damn pretty. These are songs so strong, I don't even mind how long they are; they're the kind of songs where I can just fall into whatever they're doing and float along. Even when they repeat themselves in parts — the repetition is **far** from being egregious like I was worried it'd be. And the extra cherry on top? Bowie's voice. As much as I love HUNKY DORY and ZIGGY STARDUST — and I do truly love them; ZIGGY's gonna bump this one down to number three when it shows up... Well, look, I'm someone who grew up on the cover of "Changes" in SHREK 2 that Bowie guested on. His voice there — **that's** what Bowie sounds like to me. The higher, younger voice singing "Life On Mars?" and "Suffragette City" is recognizably him and it's good, but in a blind taste, I'd probably lean more towards how he sounds here or on, I'unno, LET'S DANCE. So, jus', these great melodies, being sung by this Bowie voice? I am **all the way** for it. Man, I'm kinda really glad Elvis Presley rejected "Golden Years" (if that story's true). I'd love to hear how Elvis woulda sang it, but man, if it don't sound just so good comin' out of Bowie. My goodness. So if ain't another great example of why I shouldn't pay too much mind to preconceptions. You'll never truly know 'til you go station to station yourself, eh? And having my journey through the six, yeah, I'll absolutely slap this thing with a big ol' 5. Don't let the monochrome MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH still on the front fool you; this is legit shit. And he made all of this during the darkest days of his life? Goodness me. I'll say it again: cocaine is a hell of a drug. Cocaine is a hell of a drug. First of all — Randomizer, that's the wrong drug for my group's 420th album. But putting that aside... The whole day before I actually got to this album — hell, while I was listening to it and once I was done — that was the thought on my mind. I mean, truthfully, it's how I've always considered the album: "The one Bowie made mad on coke." Which— I'm coming to realize, I never really had any feelings connected towards that thought. At most, there was some mild amusement (granted from being so far removed from the reality of what making this album was actually like), but otherwise I never meant it in a good or bad way. It was simply just an objective fact. To be frank, if my hesitation going into this album came from anything, it was the inspirations and what the record after this was. Now, look, in regards to the latter, I can't speak on Neu!, but I've mostly liked what I've heard of Kraftwerk. Sure, I only found TRANS EUROPA EXPRESS to be "just fine..." But AUTOBAHN, though? Oh, now **that** was a great-ass record and title track. When it comes to LOW, on the other hand, while I don't remember being too wild about the first half of the record, I still liked the second enough to ultimately give the whole thing a 4. Going into this, however... I'unno. I suppose the stark album cover — while I love, by the way — influenced me a bit too much to get stuck on the negative aspects. How repetitive TRANS EUROPA EXPRESS could be; the influence LOW is claimed to have on post-punk... Combined with the vague memories I have of being bored listening to it for the first time a few years ago... And the fact that it's only six songs across 38 minutes (an average length of 6.333... minutes per song). I wasn't exactly expecting the best. That's not even mentioning how much of a **character** the Thin White Duke persona was... So imagine my surprise when not even halfway through the album I'm figuring this might just be my second favorite of the Bowie releases my group has gotten thus far. See, the thing I failed to remember walking into this album is the one that Bowie released the year before: YOUNG AMERICANS. STATION TO STATION is often seen as a bridge between it and LOW, and although I wasn't too crazy about YOUNG AMERICANS back when I first heard it... Yeah, that thing's plastic soul is still way more what's happening here than my worries that it would be mind-numbingly dark n' stark Neue Deutsche Welle. Goodness, Bowie wouldn't even get close to Germany 'til after this record dropped, when he moved to Berlin. From a pure musical standpoint, this comes close to rivaling HUNKY DORY, honestly and truly. The rock is so groovy and funky that it kicks all kinds of ass. Meanwhile, there's R&B-type songs, and the melodies on those can be damn pretty. These are songs so strong, I don't even mind how long they are; they're the kind of songs where I can just fall into whatever they're doing and float along. Even when they repeat themselves in parts — the repetition is **far** from being egregious like I was worried it'd be. And the extra cherry on top? Bowie's voice. As much as I love HUNKY DORY and ZIGGY STARDUST — and I do truly love them; ZIGGY's gonna bump this one down to number three when it shows up... Well, look, I'm someone who grew up on the cover of "Changes" in SHREK 2 that Bowie guested on. His voice there — **that's** what Bowie sounds like to me. The higher, younger voice singing "Life On Mars?" and "Suffragette City" is recognizably him and it's good, but in a blind taste, I'd probably lean more towards how he sounds here or on, I'unno, LET'S DANCE. So, jus', these great melodies, being sung by this Bowie voice? I am **all the way** for it. Man, I'm kinda really glad Elvis Presley rejected "Golden Years" (if that story's true). I'd love to hear how Elvis woulda sang it, but man, if it don't sound just so good comin' out of Bowie. My goodness. So if ain't another great example of why I shouldn't pay too much mind to preconceptions. You'll never truly know 'til you go station to station yourself, eh? And having my journey through the six, yeah, I'll absolutely slap this thing with a big ol' 5. Don't let the monochrome MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH still on the front fool you; this is legit shit. And he made all of this during the darkest days of his life? Goodness me. I'll say it again: cocaine is a hell of a drug.

Feb 24 2025
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Y'know, considering how the man was literally on all sorts of drugs throughout the making of this album, it's a damn miracle that it turned out this good. Solid 5 Stars.

Feb 24 2025
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I’m at a 5. This is the fifth David Bowie album we’ve gotten, and this is the third time I’ll be giving him a 5; big recovery from starting 0-2 with a 3 and a 4. This is also probably my favorite one we’ve gotten so far. I’d have to relisten to Low or Aladdin Sane to be absolutely certain, but considering those were both 4.5 bumped up to a 5, this one getting it right from the jump should say a lot. If this is David Bowie’s cocaine album, then he picked the correct direction to go while he was on that shit – this is even more rock/American than Aladdin Sane was. When the guitars are rolling on this one, it feels about as even with a ZZ Top or Thin Lizzy-style band, one driven by just kickass guitar & percussion, and letting everything else build around that. I hesitate to invoke Paul McCartney & Wings, but this got around that point a few times. For the record, I do recommend listening with headphones in, as opposed to like, stereo speakers or anything, just to get the full depth of the soundscape in your ears. It really does enhance the whole thing. That rings true for any album on the list, but I think it really did wonders here. Station to Station is a stellar opener – 3 minutes just to get to any vocals, sure, but the sound design and pacing of the whole intro is really well done, so it flies by. The entire stretch before the switch-up halfway in feels like the closest I’ve heard David Bowie to doing a full blown prog rock song, so that was rad. When it does switch up, while the repetition eventually creeps in… man, that’s a really good switch the first time you hear it. The whole energy of the track shifts, and enters a smooth groove that glides the rest of the way. Rather sad lyricism, but a great track. Golden Years is a bit lyrically confusing to me, but given that it was written for Elvis Presley of all people (I cannot IMAGINE what that room would’ve looked like), you can probably partially ignore them – it’s all in the charisma of the performance, and David Bowie certainly channels his best Elvis Presley for it. Really good pseudo rap flow to the whole thing too, and I thought it was cool as hell. Word on a Wing is a bit preachy, but I admire the honesty that seems to be present in Bowie’s vocals – the lyricism does eventually start to feel repetitive and tread water, but I think it’s still an enjoyable listen. Probably my weakest track on the album, though. That gets partially remedied by TVC15 – while it ABSOLUTELY suffers from “first minute = whole song” syndrome in a way that would normally make my ears suffer, there’s something fun in the groove of the whole thing that made me just accept it for being what it was, letting loose, and really just enjoying the feel of the track. That’s probably what Bowie was going for, and I’m glad I let myself feel it before giving up on it. Stay is TVC15 with an even funkier bend, and the entire soundscape is cool as hell, but those last 2 minutes are something really special that I think you can only really feel as a raw first listen one time. I do wish the second verse were better, just for my tastes, but paying attention to the lyrics at that point is like trying to find a rare bug on a roller coaster – ignore them and just enjoy the ride, you know? Wild Is the Wind is a good closer – I do feel like Bowie tried just a hint too hard to capture the sort of 50s/60s soul/crooner vibe, and the reverb effect on his vocals wasn’t helping out either, but he sounds pretty good regardless, especially on the higher notes in the last 2 minutes. The instrumentation on that, with all the blended guitar & effective drum breaks, really clicked for me. So, yeah, I have no real flaws – a few lull spots maybe, some occasional preachiness, and maybe a bit of repetition that pulls this down, but I think this is the sort of David Bowie album I’ve been waiting for. It’s his 70s rock / cocaine album, and I think it finds a groove that’s been missing from his other stuff for my ears (which has all still been really good); at 6 tracks, it’s concise with no filler, and it’s an awesome 40 minutes that blinks by once you get lost in that groove. Super easy 5 for me.

Feb 22 2025
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This album is brought to you in part by… cocaine! One of Bowie’s best albums take as a whole. Other than Golden Years, there’s not a song here that you’re probably adding to a playlist (although the title track and Wild Is The Wind are fantastic). It’s an album, like many in Bowie’s discography, that’s greater than the sum of its parts. It’s also one fueled by heavy cocaine use. Whatever, long live the Thin White Duke!

Feb 19 2025
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Un gran álbum en una época muy difícil de Bowie

Feb 18 2025
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Some of the most interesting albums on this list are made in some crucible of personal pain or interpersonal tension. Bowie was in a bad place in his head with his addiction to cocaine when this album was made, and the nihilism of that state of mind allowed him to push hard against the 3:30 pop song format. We get something very different than his prior releases. It's a standout record on all fronts, and mercifully he saved himself from the abyss of addiction. On "Stay", the guitars of Earl Slick and Carlos Alomar sound like two wild cats stalking one another in the jungle of a disco rhythm; "Station To Station" tells of two persons whose lines intersect, perhaps fleetingly, as though they were passengers on a train between two stations or transmissions between two radio towers; "TVC15" and "Golden Years" sound like light, radio-ready pop songs, but carry a dark tale inside. Bowie's passionate cover of "Wild Is The Wind", made famous by Nina Simone, pays great homage to her performance while being distinct from hers. This album truly is the precursor to his famous Berlin Trilogy--the outsider holding up a mirror to us so that we can see how beautifully strange we are.

Feb 18 2025
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Dude it's David Bowie, it's gonna be a 5/5. The guy was a genius. I'm glad to see this album on here and I think it's number five of Bowie for me? Keep them coming, I could have every Bowie album on this list and not be upset. 5/5

Feb 13 2025
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Easily my favorite Bowie album. I think every track is great. I bought this album for $1 at a swap meet in the late 80's. Listened to it for years and then gave it to my son in the late 10's. Masterpiece.

Feb 03 2025
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truly no skip, absolutely masterful, really fun to listen to. never gets boring

Feb 01 2025
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I always find it amazing how David Bowie's music can take me straight back to high school. It's like going back in time, when only music could ease the anxiety and the teenage blues, you know, before I was introduced to the alcohol industry.

Jan 29 2025
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Und immer wieder ein Push nach vorne. Großartig!

Jan 26 2025
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What an album! The opener alone is one of the best Bowie songs. Golden years and TVC15 on top make an absolute classic.

Jan 18 2025
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David Bowie - Station To Station Finally I got the chance to listen to a David Bowie album, and it did NOT disappoint. Only album i've heard from him was Blackstar, which is already a classic of his. And it seems that this is one of his classics too. I had the most fun when listening to this album. Honestly, words can't describe how good this album is, just listen it yourself and you'll get it. Overall, this is perfect. 1.- Station to Station = 10/10 2.- Golden Years = 10/10 3.- Word on a Wing = 9/10 4.- TVC15 = 9/10 5.- Stay = 10/10 6.- Wild Is the Wind = 10/10 FINAL SCORE: 9.7/10

Jan 16 2025
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who says cocaine never did any good?

Jan 16 2025
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One of my favourite Bowie album, his cover of Wild Is The Wind might be my favourite version of that song.

Jan 15 2025
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No notes. More cocaine & peppers maybe.

Jan 14 2025
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Awesome Bowie sound, as usual. I was only bummed because it was so short, so I listened to it twice. Five stars.

Jan 14 2025
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One of my favorite era's of Bowie is the Berlin trilogy, and this album that directly precedes that era tees it up marvelously. Clocking at just under 40 minutes, it shows Bowie ready to explore the groove-based avant garde with no fluff. Aside from Golden Years you have some of his finest work and you'll never hear it overplayed, except for in my living room. Come on over, there's tea on the stove & lagers in the fridge.

Jan 10 2025
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One of Bowie's best and my personal favourite. Essential

Jan 09 2025
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Always interesting. Great music.

Jan 09 2025
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Ah a beauty. This is one of my favourite Bowie albums and Station to Station might be my favourite Bowie track. Absolute belter. There's not a bad track on this album.

Jan 08 2025
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I’m not ashamed to admit how much I enjoyed Young Americans. I still go back to Fame pretty regularly. It has been a lot longer than I thought since I spoke about that record. But I’m never not in the mood to explore more Bowie. Young Americans was a pretty big shift for him musically. And thankfully it was a success. Many would consider this to be the definitive funk Bowie record. From a personal perspective, the man was in a very difficult point of his life to say the least. It’s probably a miracle this record was ever finished in the first place. During the middle of the decade, Bowie was going days without sleep and living entirely off a diet of red peppers, milk, and cocaine. And he claimed he remembered nothing of these recording sessions. From this rigorous lifestyle, the Thin White Duke was born. Fitting considering the man’s very sickly appearance at the time. As much as I enjoy the earlier moments of his career, the highlights from Young Americans and onward is the music from the man I like the most. And this album is really where he dials in what made that previous record work so well. This band, which he would continue to work with during the rest of the decade, might be the tightest band he’s ever had. Which is really saying something, considering what he was working with in the glam rock days. Much like every other genre he tacked, this is funk and soul with the Bowie spin on it. And that spin moves away from a traditional sound, and embraces more experimental krautrock ideas. Which I’m sure won’t come into play later. I think each side of this probably ends with its least impressive song. He always knew how to write compelling ballads, and Word on a Wing is a solid song, but nothing mind blowing. And for it being the only piece of music he didn’t write for this, Wild Is the Wind is a fantastic cover. Hard to beat Nina Simone, but I believe he does her justice. Those pieces are good, but they just can’t compare with the rest of the album, especially when you have songs like the title track or Stay. My rule of thumb is if you can get a good, honest stank face out of me, your song is probably great. And those two tracks are examples of how you write piano rock infused funk classics. The switch up at the middle of the titular cut is magnificent, and it’s such a stellar way to open the album. As I already said, this style of his music appeals to me so much more, and it’s honestly the essence of why I love David Bowie. I’m glad I covered this first, because it’s definitely the best place to start when exploring his more experimental stuff, at least before things get too weird. Rating: 9/10

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