Utter rubbish
It's not even Goldfrapps best album, How did it get on this list?
Mixed bag of some brilliant and some bang average stuff. However considering this album was made in 1989 you can see how it's influenced other bands and sounds for years.
Fantastic album.
Never really got this album. Tried listening a few times and it often ends up just being background music.
Decent metal album. At the time it probably felt fresh, now it feels quite dated.
Really well crafted album. I remember all the hype about it when it came out. Back then didn't particularly get it. Listening back all these years later I can now see why it Was so popular.
Never really been a fan of Willie's voice. So havnt previously taken time to listen to any of his albums. However about halfway through the first listen through I realised what a brilliant album this is. There are loads a lovely musical touches through the album that make it a great listen.
Great album. Loads or good tracks. Love the Synth organs sounds.
Great album. Although in recent years I've seen some re-appraisals by various music journalists saying it was never as good as people originally made out. I agree it was probably over hyped at the time, but it's still a classic
Have heard about this album so many times but never got around to listening to it. Turns out I've been missing out on a wonderful collections or songs/music
First couple of tracks just sounded like generic late 80s dance. As the album went on it found its place as one of the pioneers of the house/trance scene. It's difficult to review albums out of context as their originality and context is often lost in time. Superceded by acts that built on the pioneers of their time. Pacific 202 and Donkey Doctor were faves off this album.
Very good Christmad album.
Morrisseys big comeback after a few years away. Sounds like all the other Morrissey albums. Not convinced anything after Morrisseys solo Debut should be in this list. It's a good album but not essential listening.
Rap not really my thing. Certainly not gangsta rap. But this albums got a decent sound to it. Wonder how it would feel with different lyrics. Most of the stuff on this album sounds like the wild fantasies of a teenage boy. This will be a once and done album.
Decent album. Enjoyable laid back ballads and rock tracks.
Brilliant album. Not heard it in about 25 years. Forgot what I was missing
An album dominated by 2 of its opening 3 tracks. Sunday Bloody Sunday and New year's day. 40 years on they are still monumental. The rest of the album still holds it's own all these years later as well. Some of the bass lines on the album are pushed right to the front of production which drive the songs along. Refugee however reminds me of Adam and the Ants. Entertaining but a slightly odd fit to the rest of the album.
Fab psychedelic rock album.
The first and still my favourite Foo Fighters album
Great Beach boys album that is a step up in sound from their previous stuff and a hint at what might come with Pet Sounds.
Good album. Eddies Guitar comes through a bit to much in places. It can be too dominant in the mix. I'll Wait could be a phil collins song. But hit for teacher, Panama and Jump are all classics.
Album is OK although not particularly interesting. You can hear the influence it had on bands that came after.
Cracking Album.
One of the classic albums of the 90s. Everybody Hurts, sidewinder sleeps tonight, man on the moon and Nightswimming all highlights on brilliant album.
Fantastic Album. Had always like Johnny Cash, but hadn't heard any new stuff for years. Then Johnny released this album and it was like listening to something familiar but new all at the same time. For what is essentially a covers album to be included in this chart shows how good Cash and Rubins work on this album is.
Never really got this album. A Few decent tracks.
Once heck of an Album. It's either this or Joshua Tree for U2s best album.
Brilliant album. So many good tracks. It may not be as sophisticated as OK Computer or Kid A but if Radiohead hadn't released those this album would be held up higher as one of the great albums.
Morning mid 00s rock.
Decent blues album.
Feels dated, even for an album from the 70s. Couldn't make it all the way through.
Beautiful album. Norah's vocals range from delicate to raw.
Really not my thing. Couldn't make it through a full listen through.
Beautiful haunting album
Amazing album. Not a bad song on it
Awful awful noise. The disassociation between the vocals and the music has to be heard to be believe. Had the singer even heard the songs before attempting to sing on them? That's if u can call it singing. Possibly one of the worst voices I've ever heard on a record.
Really good album.
Fantastic album
Remember buying this album back when it came out. Not the sort of music that I normally buy but I really liked it. Still holds up 20 years later
Pretty dull album.
Just dull
Weird electronic punk. Some cool sounds.
As the years have gone on I've enjoyed Wings more and more.
Utterly boring.
One of the best live albums of all time.
Worth Listening to for Squires Bass playing alone.