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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.




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Album Summary

Suicide is the debut studio album from the American rock band Suicide. It was released in 1977 on Red Star Records and produced by Craig Leon and Marty Thau. The album was recorded in four days at Ultima Sound Studios in New York and featured Martin Rev's minimalist electronics and harsh, repetitive rhythms paired with Alan Vega's rock and roll-inspired vocals and depictions of urban life. Upon its initial release, Suicide was greeted with positive reception from the UK press, but received mixed reviews in the United States, where it failed to chart. However, the album would soon be regarded as a milestone in electronic and rock music. In 2013, Pitchfork named Suicide one of the greatest albums of the 1970s, while in 2012 and 2020, Rolling Stone ranked it as one of the 500 greatest albums of all time. The album also influenced artists in various genres, including Bruce Springsteen, the Fleshtones, Spacemen 3, and Peaches.







  • Rock
  • Punk
  • Electronica
  • Post Punk


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Fri Jan 22 2021

Album cover was cooler than any of the music. Tried to respect the experimentation aspect considering this was the 70's, but still not a fan. || I Would've given it a 2 but 'girl' and especially 'frankie teardrop' felt like something you would play on loop to drive someone mad. Certainly started to...

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Wed Apr 06 2022

I award this album no stars and may god have mercy on your soul

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Thu May 27 2021

At least it's better than dylan

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Wed Nov 10 2021

I give 5 stars to anyone who was able to get through this album. This was a tough listen and I usually like the weird shit. I get that it was probably ground-breaking when it came out because I really back in 1977 but I can't see how anyone can get any pleasure from listening to this.

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Wed Jul 28 2021

The first note of the first song had me intrigued but it quickly got really bad after that. This seems to be a pattern with bands I haven't heard of on this list. Anyway, this whole album was awful. "Girl" might be the worst song I've ever heard. "Frankie Teardrop" was kind of interesting but still terrible. Unnecessary screaming everywhere.

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Thu Jan 28 2021

Music That Makes You Feel Feral But In A Good Way

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Fri Feb 05 2021

I'm listening to the debut album by Suicide from 1977. I believe the album is called Suicide as well. I've been reading about this album and listening to the first song. So far it's right up my alley. "Musically, Suicide has been described as synth-punk, electronic rock, and synth-pop, while also being labeled electronic and minimalist." It's scratching the itch this morning. It's fun to hear some of the origins of the music I really enjoy. It's alien and pulsating and the words are spoken. Why have I never heard of this music? It goes to show that there will be always new music to discover in life. This doesn't sound like music that came out the same year Star Wars was released. It sounds very fresh and clearly the blueprint for a lot of the music I've loved over the years. I'm all in on this.

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Fri Dec 10 2021

This album is so ridiculously ahead of its time. It honestly blew me away. The music builds gradually allowing the listener to hear the layers of distorted and electronic music. The vocal delivery seems punk and spoken word influenced.

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Wed Nov 10 2021

Wow. This is... awful. The synth is annoying. The screaming is jarring. I mean, I totally get why this was ground-breaking for 1977, but it is just... annoying. I almost had to stop it at least twice, wondering if I wanted to continue. Yuck.

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Fri May 07 2021

Spectacular. Original. Menacing.

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Fri Feb 18 2022

Man, that first track was awesome. The second track was... Well, it was good too. Kinda experimental acid rock bust still good. Then the whole thing went off the rails. Every track to the end of the record was worse than the one that proceeded it. Half-baked song ideas with repetitive sentence fragments thrown on top of them masquerading as "experimental" when, in fact, they were just banged out with no actual craftsmanship applied. Two stars. One for each track that was actually half decent.

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Thu May 19 2022

Wow. Weird. But goddamn if it isn't tightly wound and experimenting in the right places.

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Wed Jun 01 2022

This is the debut album from the New York-based band Suicide which is composed of vocalist Alan Vega and instrumentalist Martin Rev. The music is described as synth-punk, no wave, electronic rock, synth-pop and minimalist. The music is basically a repetitive rhythm, a few synthesizers sounding like an organ, xylophone or some other instrument and lyrics which are minimal, repetitive and sometimes screamed. The one thing this music does do is create an atmosphere which is very eerie and haunting. Hypnotic is also a good descriptor. This album is considered an electronic music landmark and was highly influential to a lot of artists...I hear that. By the way, this album and music totally work for me. To experience this album and music, it really needs to be listened to. How can I convince anyone that repetitive drums with random noises and screams is great music? Maybe I will. "Ghost Rider" starts out like electronic music and punk had a baby with a driving beat, amped up synthesizer and Alan Vega using very few lyrics in a very repetitive way and in a lot a ways felt like trying to translate a Wiliam Gibson novel (aka cyberpunk) into music. Early 90's Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails were listening. "Cheree" has a Kraftwerk-Autobahn-type synthesizer sound, is a love song and adds a nice xylophone to the chorus. It is very hypnotic and somehow, it works. "Frankie Teardrop" may be the scariest song I've ever heard. It starts with a repetitive synth-sound which sounds like it's stuck. The song is about Frankie who has a family, loses his job, gets a gun and very bad things happen after that. It's a 10-minute long song with the last four minutes being bloodcurling screams and random and weird synthesizer sounds. Bruce Springsteen based a song on his "Nebraska " album on this song and Henry Rollins described it as the most intense song he's ever heard. I'd agree. This album is not for everyone but it is highly influential and definitely an artistic achievement.

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Fri Feb 19 2021

If only there was some sort of suicide prevention hotline that could have been called to stop this abomination from being made. RIP mum .

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Thu Jan 27 2022

The initial opening of Ghost Rider had me thinking this could be good, but fast went downhill from there. I did wonder if this could be one of those "so bad it's good" albums, guess that depends if your an experimental synth-punk sadist or not.

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Thu May 04 2023

My kids’ imaginary band, “Electric Cheeseball”, is better than this.

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Thu Aug 04 2022

1977!? Are you freaking kidding me? 1977! So far ahead of its time! Pretty sure I didn't appreciate Suicide the first time I heard them, but they've really grown on me. Very much an acquired taste - I bet there are a thousand horrified one star reviews! 🤣 Fave track - "Ghost Rider" or "Cheree" for more casual listening, "Frankie Teardrop" for a listening experience that breaks into your house and tools you up with a lead pipe.

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Wed Mar 23 2022

Made me want to throw the rope up. Does exactly what it says on the tin 👍🏾

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Sun Jun 19 2022

My Spotify friends probably think I'm a serial killer. All of them are out here vibing to their "summer vibes" playlist - Avril Lavigne, Harry Styles, whatever, and I've been on a 30 minute long binge of SUICIDE - SUICIDE. Look man, I understand that music taste is subjective but I seriously can't imagine anyone willingly listening to this in their free time. What enjoyment can you get from a guy mumbling random words from the bottom of a well over the Pac-Man theme song. "Frankie Teardrop" is the worst song I've ever heard in my life. I bet they really felt like they made art with that one. Yeah, let's sing about a guy killing his wife and then make goat sex noises for 3 minutes. It was supposed to be unnerving, but the only emotion I felt was annoyance. I think a Youtube comment I saw put it the best: "It’s like a bad horror movie that has a trash story and only relies on jumpscares lol" Do not check the Wikipedia page for "Johnny (Suicide song)". Currently listening to "10 hours of nails on chalkboard" to cleanse my ears.

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Fri Jan 22 2021

From the first few seconds I already liked it. We'll see how the rest is. Old school electronic combined with punk. Very cool album! Added to my collection.

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Wed Mar 10 2021

Love this, great organ sounds and atmosphere.

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Wed Feb 02 2022

Never heard of this, but it's been great. Dig the electronic components.

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Sun Sep 04 2022

I hit play and through the first song felt like someone slipped something into my drink. Then the second song. Then the third song? Every song filled with sinister echo and fuzz forcing me forward with an incessant, demanding beat. So this is what we’re doing?! What to think about this? I didn’t dislike it. The grooves are interesting. The runtime is a manageable 32 minutes. This album is blazing trails today - hard to believe it has been around since 1977! I can see why I should listen to this before I die. But do I like it? I started a second listen and was surprisingly into this. After the first listen I doubted I’d ever want to hear this again. Now after the second I’m tempted to play it again right away and I’m not entirely sure why… I can’t get this off my mind. This is one of the most unique things I’ve heard in a while. Or ever. I think I love it.

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Fri Sep 23 2022

This is one of my favorite albums. It's raw. And i think it rocks. Except for Frankie tear drop wtf Alan.

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Thu Nov 30 2023

Wow! Best of all 450 albums I already received in this list. Is what the late 70s and big part the 80s really felt like, not the 'back to the 80s' party bullshit but ununemployement, street mess, nuclear threat. The fascinating, repetitive rhythm in Cheree. The Velvet underground like song Johnny. And then the minimal, paranoid, manic songs Girl and Frankie Teardrop, pure beauty. Guess average will be low as you can't sing along or dance or have sex on it. But for those who also rated it with 5 stars: do listen to the Minny Pops album Drastic Measures, Drastic Movements and Young Marble Giants album Colossal Youth and more happiness is coming too you!

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Fri Jan 22 2021

Big fuzzy all-encompassing synth is right up my alley so this album felt like something I could really sink into and let swallow me up. Suicide seems more like an artistic experiment in music than a straight up and down band you throw on to groove too. I feel like its definitely an act you had to see live to truly appreciate. Yes Frankie Teardrop is pretty unlistenable but I would say pretty damn successful at conveying the feeling and putting you in the headspace of a family killer who’s in hell. “Cheree” is dark and sweet and I loved it. Gonna plug my favorite podcast here too, No Dogs in Space. Great punk history show that does deep dive series on a bunch of early punk bands including Suicide. Check it out for these dudes wild story.

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Fri Aug 20 2021

A classic- not for everyday listening but when I'm in the mood there is nothing else like it.

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Sun Sep 11 2022

A really enjoyable and interesting experimental synth album with legitimately innovative and pleasing tracks like "Cheree" and frightening tracks essential yet you must only listen to once like "Girl" or "Frankie Teardrop." Sounds a lot like a more advanced and sophisticated Silver Apples. As an art piece, I'd enjoy the whole experience. On repeated listens, I might skip a few. But really, the album is so short that even just skipping "Frankie Teardrop", the 21-minute remainder flies by, especially with how the subtle changes in each song keep each track interesting. Let's hear it for Frankie.

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Sun Sep 11 2022

Influential album, yadda yadda. Yeah, we all know this by now - but.. One noteworthy feature of this album is "Frankie Teardrop" - a demented little song of around ten minutes long - and probably one of the toughest listens from the album I've listened so far. Frankie kills his six month old baby and his wife with a gun at minute four. At that point - you have another six minutes of the song. At my many attempts over the years to get through the song, this was probably the first time I made it. Happy not to do it again. Which brings one to the point that this is a seminal record - nary a rudimentary drum machine - some occasional guitar and Alan Vega's echo-laden screaming and singing - a ghostly ethereal soundtrack from hell - truly one of the ballsiest and toughest punk album out there. Scarier than Iggy Pop on a drug binge - it's like what the Doors in a fever dream after a night in hell might sound like. Great great stuff, but a tough listen.

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Fri Jul 14 2023

This is brutalist architecture in musical form. And just like brutalist architecture in Building form, it might be trying to say something, but it sucks and nobody likes it.

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Sun Nov 12 2023

No. Just no. Nothing surprising here except for its inclusion on this list. Not brutal enough in execution be actually dangerous, not comprehensive enough to seem like anything more than a demo released before completion, and not lyrically deep enough to be more than high-school level nihilism rants. Maybe at the time it was revolutionary, but here it just seems boring and uninspired.

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Wed Apr 05 2023

At a complete loss for words. Who gave the whacked-out commies a synthesizer and a drum machine? Is it Post-Punk? Synth-Punk? Bloody madness? Either way, I really dig it. It gets a bit repetitive at times, but then when you pay attention to the lyrics things regain that fresh sense of “wtf is this?” Nothing. I repeat, NOTHING will prepare you for the sonic surprise attack awaiting you in “Frankie Teardrop”, which contains what is possibly the most blood-curdling scream ever put to wax. Just listen to it and see what I mean. Standout Songs: “Ghost Rider” “Rocket USA” “Franke Teardrop”

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Thu May 25 2023

First two are classics so no need to write about them. Cheree precursors about a dozen Spiritualized songs which I love. Such a singular sound, 45 years later basically nothing else sounds quite like it. People not getting this, or just not liking this, is totally understandable, but it absolutely should not be dismissed. Also it's not on here but Dream Baby Dream is an absolute stunner, and far less confrontational than anything here, it's very gentle.

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Sun Jun 25 2023

A simple formula but an effective one. I can't even imagine how intense a Suicide show at CBGB's would have felt like back in the day. These guys were fucking crazy for going the direction they went with electronic music and I admire their bravery. Only thing that I can think of that preceded them in this regard was maybe Silver Apples, but that wasn't nearly as abrasive. I am addicted to their stripped down sound. It is the genesis if so much that I love. Such an efficiency of sound, nothing is more punk than this.

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Fri Aug 25 2023

10/10 one of my all-time favorite punk albums (shit’s so punk it’s practically post-punk)

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Mon Aug 28 2023

Possibly the greatest album ever made. So minimal and yet layered. The songs are simple and effective. Frankie Teardrop is harrowing, and the 1970s' version of Sister Ray. Cheree adds a little light amongst the shade. Fabulous.

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Wed Oct 11 2023

Unsettling, desolate, sexual, political, sparse. This album is a landmark. The vibe of the droning keyboards, synths, and drum machine and the off kilter crooning, leads to something other worldly. It is very punk in its attitude, it’s minimalistic and it’s edgy. I imagine there are many who would pick this up and hate it because of how eerie and unnerving it can be, but also because of the simplicity of the lyrics. But it is rarely about the lyrics. The lyrics are just enough to convey the framework for a song, as is the case with Frankie Teardrop, but it’s the playing and the mood that is created that really tell the story. This is always a fascinating one to come back to and get completely blown away by again.

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Mon Oct 30 2023

UNBELIEVABLE! Such a unique sound! Love it. Standouts: Frankie Teardrop, Cheree, Ghost Rider, Rocket USA, Girl, Johnny, Che, I Remember. Cheree Remix 4.5/5

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Wed Feb 21 2024

Now this is more like it. To be fair I have come across this before in other charts and polls but it's so up my street it's untrue. My family are pleading with me to turn Frankie Teardrop off but I love the screaming. There were other albums and bands before them that tried to experiment (Velvet Underground for instance) but I've always been a sucka for an early synth.

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Wed Mar 06 2024

Really enjoyed this. Thoughtful with really experimental elements. Minimalist until the screaming kicks in. Clearly an influence on many sounds that followed.

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Fri Apr 19 2024

In my opinion this is one of the truly great albums to come out of the New York punk scene. Originally bought a UK version back in the 1970s with slightly different track listing, after reading a ridiculously dismissive review in a HiFi magazine. It's a really fine debut album, and I think every track is great, but particularly Frankie Teardrop and Ghost Rider. More recent re-releases of this album include Keep Your Dreams. All excellent stuff and pretty infuential on later synth bands.

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Wed Dec 08 2021

Intressant, lät inte som att det skulle ha kommit ut 1977.

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Fri Dec 17 2021

Not a big fan of these experimental punk albums but I appreciate their influence. Favorite Track: Relisten: No

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Tue Mar 26 2024

Kind of a shame be cause most tracks have a good foundation, however never once is anything built upon or fortified. It's pretty bad

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Wed Jun 07 2023

Suicide is right. Oh my god if this is the worst album in the world I wouldn’t be surprised. The one ☝️ okay thing is that it was only a half hour. One more second and I would have taken the artist literally. Good god.

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Wed Jun 14 2023

if this came out in 2023 it’d be considered garbage and ignored. but it’s 1977 so everything slightly weird is extremely important. hypnotic, brooding minimal beats with probably off the cuff lyrics. sounds like something a couple of kids made in a garage while pulling an all nighter (realizing later that they were grown ass adults when making this) it’s the kind of thing that sounds so fuckin dumb you think you’re probably too dumb to realize that it’s actually genius. these songs are literally just half baked ideas. one drum loop with a dinky little synth riff and some shitty vocals. i will say though Frankie Teardrop….by far one of the eeriest things i have ever heard in my life. but ya if you were influenced by this good for you i guess.

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Wed Dec 20 2023

It lives up to its name 1.5/5

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Thu Sep 30 2021

ну ваще кайф, просто рил щит, монотонно, грязно, прям как и вся моя жалкая жизёнка

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Wed Jun 08 2022

I am very excited to read the reviews on this one. Somehow I'm guessing that there's not going to be a lot of middle ground between love and hate. I'm one of the people that love this band, and this album in particular. Suicide was one of the bands that helped form the late 70s punk scene in New York. No one has ever sounded like them since. Suicide is a beautiful combination of idiosyncrasies that can never be replicated. The perfect people at the perfect time, with perfect ideas about music and perfectly shitty equipment 5/5

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Thu Aug 04 2022

Really enjoyed this, way ahead of it's time.

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Fri Oct 28 2022

Ghost Rider is quite possible the greatest rock and roll song of all time, the rest of the album is close behind

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Wed Mar 22 2023


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Mon Mar 27 2023

I wish I could hear it for the first time again and have my mind blown all over again.

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Wed Dec 20 2023

It's not a perfect album but goddamn if it isn't close. So much music I love sprung forth from this moment and these sounds.

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Thu Jan 18 2024

Intense; terrifying; puslating; wounded; insane; baby murdering; sexual; animalistic; haunted; progressive; political; toxic; amazing. Best Tracks: Ghost Rider; Rocket USA; Frankie Teardrop

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Sat Jan 20 2024

This is fantastic most of the people here are just stuck in their boring dad rock

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Fri Feb 09 2024

This was new to me. It was stark and hectic. I liked it

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Thu Mar 07 2024

The most essential punk album of all time.

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Thu Apr 11 2024

WHAT AN ALBUM. Imagine Elvis filtered through nightmares and you're about 50% of the way to getting it's (overused word but appropriate here) genius. Withered electronica giving 50s surf rock riffs, with an 'it could only work in this specific situation' vocal delivery. A dark and beautiful thing.

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Fri Apr 26 2024

A brilliant synth post punk masterpiece that has the centerpieces ominous and terrifying Frankie Teardrop.

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Mon Jun 24 2024

I’d heard of this band and album many times but had never checked them out until now. Upon listening to this album I can see how huge of an influence they were on so many artists after them! Minimal instrumentation, but a solid listen if you want to hear where so many synth-heavy bands who came after got their roots. (And yes, Frankie Teardrop is CHILLING)

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Fri Jul 26 2024

Jeg kendte Ghost Rider, men vidste ikke hvem der havde lavet den. Hele albummet har samme urolige “rytme” som Trentemøller lagde på Springsteens State Trooper. Endnu et album der retfærdigører at lytte så mange albums igennem. Det her er en af de “skjulte” perler. Det er mega cool, intenst, anderledes og nærmest nervepirrende at lytte til.

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Fri Feb 12 2021

Adding this. Going back for more too. I enjoyed the tones and just everything.

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Fri Feb 12 2021

subversive and understated and pretty fucking great. love the doors-y and drone-y minimalist stuff going on here. "frankie teardrop" is really just a breath of fresh air

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Fri May 28 2021

Instrumentals are amazing, some weird vocals. I wish it was a bit longer though.

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Wed Oct 27 2021

Hi ha discos que en el seu moment van resultar molt revolucionaris, punts d'inflexió d'algun génere o noves portes obertes a maneres d'escoltar i entendre la música... però que amb el pas del temps la seva originalitat s'ha anat apaivagant a poc a poc per nous discos i géneres que els han superat. L'estrena discogràfica de Suicide és un d'ells. Malgrat tot, a dia d'avui, sinó amb la mateixa rellevància que quan va sortir, encara es disfruta com un disc força interessant. 'Frankie Teardrop' és clarament el punt de ruptura principal, amb els més de 10 minuts d'inquietant i ominós minimalisme. L'estètica musical de tota l'obra, la seva atmòsfera opresiva, especialment brillant en temes com 'Girl' o 'Rocket USA' el fan un disc encara molt digne i captivador

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Sun Jan 23 2022

Heavy electronica, harsh sounds right from the beginning Aggressive textures with incessant ostinatos A bit alienating I liked the mellow melody in "Cheree"

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Thu Jan 27 2022

Entrancing distorted punk/garage rock with a stimulating sound. It's a bit repetitive but the band make it work. The vocals have been processed with a reverb/effect that makes the vibe almost psychedelic. You can imagine these tracks being played at a decadent house party or an indie/alternative rock club. Great album, I enjoyed it more than I expected.

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Mon Feb 14 2022

Absolute classic that I'm sure will have a pretty low rating on here.

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Fri Mar 18 2022

Not easy listening, but I thought this was very original. 7.5/10.

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Wed May 11 2022

Grata surpresa do uso de elementos eletrônicos envolvidos com a pegada “punk”.

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Fri May 13 2022

Sometimes it sounds scary but in a good way with all these random squeaks and gasps and howls.

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Fri May 20 2022

-The electronic drumbeats really keep the intensity going through the album -"Frankie Teardrop" is very Alice Cooper-esque. Or maybe Alice Cooper is very "Frankie Teardrop"-esque. Also the scream when Frankie kills himself is pretty crazy. (Spoiler alert)

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Fri May 27 2022

Minimal magic, and the prototype for all the synth duos to come, though few would be as confrontational. Every time I play this it gets better and easier to listen to.

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Fri Jul 01 2022

Oddly compelling album that's obviously ahead of it's time and massively influential on music styles that were to come; from punk and post punk to new wave to industrial to goth, the list goes on. And also dark and disturbing with uncomfortable subject matter. I can't imagine how audiences must have reacted to their legendary early New York shows. The album starts off strongly with the 1-2 punch of Ghost Rider and Rocket USA's spare rhythmic onslaught, bizarre deadpan lyric delivery and synth flourishes, one can here the seeds of industrial in general and NIN in particular. The band shows a more melodic sense on the next couple songs, but always keeping the listener on guard for the next twist. And that twist comes with a vengeance in the form of the 10 minute epic Frankie Teardrops which weaves a horrific tale of angst and murder that is truly frightening. A groundbreaking album in so many ways. 4.5 🌟

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Fri Jul 15 2022

Loved it. More of an art project than anything – something that I may revisit at some point but not really seek out. I can hear the influence and impact across several genres of music. Fav tracks: I kinda view this album as "Frankie Teardrop" and then all the other tracks. It kind of stands on it's own alone as piece, while the rest of the album is on a similar wavelength.

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Thu Aug 25 2022

One of the great albums of the year 1977, with some of the most eerie tracks you'll ever hear

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Thu Aug 25 2022

Enjoying this one. Sounds like it influenced a lot of music i like now so maybe that's why it strikes a chord. Cheree reminded me of a Brian Eno track featured in Hyper normalization by Adam Curtis. I really liked this album. It's ahead of it's time. Noticed a sample on track one from MIA'S born free

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Thu Sep 15 2022

C'est la définition de minimalisme? L'élément important de cet album est l'année; 1977. Bravo pour le désire de réinvention. Par contre on s'en va tellement à gauche, genre à 450 000 acres de ce qui se fait, que j'ai l'impression que le seul intérêt devient théorique. Il n'y a pas vraiment de plaisir dans cet album, du moins à la première écoute, sauf peut-être pour Che. En plus on dirait que l'album empire en avançant, ce qui rend le début plus accessible lorsque l'album recommence. Ça en est un peu weird. Mais définitivement, avec cet album, on s'en va vers des groupes comme Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark qui restent expérimentals, mais avec tout de même un certain soucis de conserver des mélodies (dépendamment de l'album). Ça semble un album qui a influencé un paquet de groupes électro, donc l'album a bien sa place dans cette liste. C'est le genre d'album que tu sors pour faire ton intellectuel. Ma note va plus pour son importance que mon réel plaisir lors de ma première écoute.

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Thu Sep 15 2022

Ça c’est différent. C’est pas de la musique de détente, mais ça inspire un paquet d’autres choses.

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Fri Sep 23 2022

we're all Frankies sometimes

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Fri Oct 14 2022

Frankie teardrop was mad but I liked it, kinda sums up the album

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Fri Nov 25 2022

Combative and moody. The goth-industrial starchild.

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Sun Nov 27 2022

Fuzzy, repetitive and dark. Minimalist sound with a rockabilly swagger and a recurring tension you could cut with a knife. Brilliant. Fave Songs: Ghost Rider, Rocket U.S.A., Johnny, Cheree, Che

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Wed Nov 30 2022

This is a wild album that I’m not entirely sure how I feel about yet. “Frankie Teardrop” is fucking intense and terrifying and bumps this up an extra star for me.

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