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Adam Green


Album Summary

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Gemstones is the third solo album by American musician Adam Green. It was released on January 10, 2005 in Europe and on February 22, 2005 in the United States. The album is characterised by the heavy presence of Wurlitzer piano, whereas its predecessor relied on a string section in its instrumentation.







  • Rock
  • Folk

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Jun 27 2024
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I found this to be pretty annoying. Like someone trying really hard to be clever. 2 stars.

Jun 29 2024
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The main issue with albums like this, is they're nice but boring. This is anything but, keeps my attention and plays with music styles and the lyrics lull you into nodding along before you realise what you're hearing. Very impressive, I liked it. 3.6

Jun 27 2024
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Wow this sucks. He's trying sooooo hard to be edgy and clever and it comes off as very cringy.

Jun 27 2024
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I'm a huge fan of anti-folk and folk-punk, so Adam Green kind of sits in a staple place in my heart.

Jun 28 2024
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This was actually a pretty cool listening experience. I knew his name but never heared a single note from him. Nice songs and funny lyrics, that was the key! Well done Adam.

Aug 09 2024
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I started listening to this with one ear while working, and was thinking "Meh..." The I started listening to the lyrics and it pushed it up to a solid 4 for me.

Aug 30 2024
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Rating: 7/10 Best songs: Gemstones, Over the sunrise, Carolina, Teddy boys

Jun 27 2024
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This is kinda catchy. Definitely consider the Smiths an influence, but has a distinctly US vibe. My feelings on hipsters mixing upbeat music & dark lyrics depends on my mood on the day I hear it. It's hard, because I can hear his high opinion of himself sitting like an oil slick on top of the music. Today I'm in a good mood so it gets a 3/5, but I could see myself on another day giving it a 1 or 2.

Jun 28 2024
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Kind of actively disliked this lyrically for the most part. Sort of absurdist stream of consciousness when it wasn't being casually dirty, but not in an interesting way. Musically solid enough if frequently kind of dull. The faster, harder driving numbers worked best for me.

Jun 29 2024
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Did enjoy it, for a while but got old fast

Jul 02 2024
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I know Adam Green only through his work with Kimia Dawson in the Moldy Peaches. This album was irreverent anti-folk and I found it pretty enjoyable. Its political commentary was very of its time and its vulgarity is not for everyone. However, it’s nice to be shaken out of one’s listening patterns every once in a while.

Jul 29 2024
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Anti-folk, alternative country. Ni fu ni fa.

Jun 27 2024
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What a weird album. I didn't hate it, but didn't love it. Neat to listen to, but probably never again.

Jun 28 2024
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Gemstones brings much silliness, in a fashion that reads as trying hard much of the time. On the other hand, craft also implies just-long-enough songs and packing-it-in. Head-raising moments keep the record interesting; The content and extent could hit or miss. More of the latter than I like.

Jul 10 2024
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Simplistic music that sounds a bit old fashioned and just a vehicle for lyrics. Words are a little Morrissey (but nothing like his vocal delivery), occasionally interesting, but with bland music it's ultimately not for me. I persevered up to track eight.

Jul 11 2024
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I’m sure some people see artistry when they listen to this LP, but all I’m getting is crass, vulgar nonsense. Feels like someone recorded some uninspiring guitar and let the local crank talk over it just for kicks.

Aug 14 2024
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A lot of absolute nonsense on this album.

Jun 28 2024
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What? No Moldy Peaches? He needs Kimya Dawson to temper him. A bit too clever for me. Short album, but each song felt unbearably long.

Jun 28 2024
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Holy crap.....I don't say this often but this was really aweful! On many levels, aweful. The music is boring and bland. The singing is boring and bland. But the icing on this rotten cake is the corniness of the lyrics. This is the guy at a party who thinks he is being funny and clever. Who thinks everyone loves him. The shining center of the gathering. While actually everyone is just trying to get away from him, running to the fridge for another beer. Unbearable.

Jun 29 2024
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There are boring albums and...this one. It seems like a great half-hour song with the same rhythms and arrangements of a singer who seems to be talking to his guitar.
