Paul's Boutique
Beastie Boysexcellent bbq music!
excellent bbq music!
I just tend to navigate away from lyrics that rub against the poems that resonate my Spirit. Nick Cave, though, has done a wonderful job. I mean, so much soul and he's really true to himself.
The more it’s on the better it gets. Can’t really expect a ton of “hooks” like the track “Heroes” it’s mainly expansive and orchestral, exploding a lot with Bowie’s energy, the classic vocal talking / singing.
Some cool Allman Bros guitars going on the first two tracks. So much going on! I think I’d need to listen to this one many, many times before I’d fully get the band’s vision. Well-done production and lots of risks taken especially when going into prog zone on Bess St.
Super danceable and fun but…hollow? The thing is I didn’t totally feel what they were throwing at me most of the time aside from a couple tracks … it’s possible my producer / composer ear is addicted to singles and “fresh / new” right now. I get the good feelings a bit and then it disappears as the song progress. It’s also very rainy today so that plays into the listening experience.
It was a long road to begin to feel ok with hearing the way Alanis sings…it worked after a while though and by the time I got to Right Through You I was mainly just hearing someone share their story. Pretty personal / intimate details about her life on most of the tracks. She kind of forces you into her world. It’s all good, in that regard. RIGHT THROUGH YOU “You scan the credits for your name…” wow, it hadn’t hit me yet that with streaming music we don’t usually see the credits / thank-you’s. His name still isn’t on there. The album itself doesn’t transition at all between songs, the different styles sometimes are pretty stark. Even though I got used to Alanis’ voice, I wouldn’t listen to this again unless someone else wanted to. There’s quite a few songs that I grew up hearing everywhere I went (including the music videos on MTV). I DO appreciate how much she shares…I could see my daughters checking these songs out when they get a little older. That’s when the content of the lyrics started to win me over a bit. Although sometimes the lyrics are really heavy, but I think they’re all justified.
it was a rainy Otis Redding day and I got all warmed up from it.
Wow. The only song I had heard in the 90s was “Feel the Pain” so I hadn’t heard their other material. I instantly connected to this anlbum after the first three. The group vocals on track 1 were a nice feel, the fuzz guitar on Kracked was SO good. They’re fantastic at the fuzz. The noise at the end on Tarpit, the exploding solo on Kracked at 1ish.
I absolutely appreciate the sound and feel of this whole album. A quote for Baaba Maal sums up my listening experience pretty well, although with a very Western experience I bet I’m missing a ton when I listen with my own ears…maybe not in some ways? “The spirit of the kora and the ngoni are different from the talking drum and the balafon, or the sabar and the djembe. The kora and ngoni are closer to human beings, because they are made from things that had life. The talking drum, the balafon, and the sabar are made from wood, and when you listen to them your mind goes out into the forest. When you make music and write songs, you have to know about the messages. From the messages, you know what the instruments are and how to put them together underneath the lyrics."
I like a lot of the songs on this album. The issue is, if I listen to the whole thing it gets on my nerves. I have to be in the right mood and then I listen to maybe 4-5 tracks total and then I’m loving it. So as an album this is going to get a low rating from me but the songs themselves, especially Porcelain and My Weakness, would get five stars.
Skipped “Brown Sugar” halfway through, just couldn’t handle the lyrics. The Stones are incredibly cool but that song is unfortunately super offensive. I grew up hearing it on the radio and even featured in commercials. Weird. Ok, maybe I’m not rock and roll enough but my favorite track on the album was “Moonlight Mile.” The piano and acoustic guitar just felt perfectly rustic like a comfortable home with a gentle breeze.
Ohhh this is my music wow. So much imagination, story, relevance. I only listen to this on occasion because it’s like…watching a movie.
This rocks. That’s all I can say. It just is rock and roll. I love it.
Reminds me of Laurie Anderson. I like Laurie Anderson way more, though. I know this band is classic and has a cult following but I couldn’t get into this album. There’s inspiration here but also a lot of stressful repetition.
Good background-y vibes, some of the lounge of Modern Kosmology reminds me of Jackson Browne for reason. All of the tracks fit pretty well together, production is great. Vocals are pleasing. Doesn’t evoke a ton in me but I don’t think that’s the point of this album. There’s a tad bit of monotony I felt after a while…it’s sort of drone-based so that’s totally ok.
A good sound typical of his era, reminds me of Tom Petty! Lacks the oomph or emotion that I want, maybe I’m just wanting to hear Petty?
“All About Love” was my favorite! Such a great album, good feelings all around. They’re doing their thing and it’s beautiful.
Loved this. Hadn’t heard the full album before.
Delicious and tasty.
Love this album so much! Gets better with time, too. I have to admit that it’s mostly a bunch of singles, the songs don’t all blend like a good “album” album.
This is a great way to channel montage moments even if you’re standing in your kitchen doing nothing!
This definitely has a sound. The beats were good, brings nostalgia and style. Only thing missing for me was like…I can’t explain it but the substance?
Enjoyed every single minute.
😩 I used to play these songs on guitar in high school. I can barely recognize them in these versions lol they’re cheesed out and sound like a midi keyboard band soundtrack to a video game.
The voice, piano, the production and all the balance throughout is so good. The words are full of the blues…
Duran Duran, their hits were those melancholic feels as a kid that were almost too much. Fun to hear their earlier material besides the singles. I liked having this on, it kept the day interesting, but I also didn’t really enjoy it all that much.
Couldn’t get into it, I like their sound but the lyrics … maybe I didn’t get the culture
Mango Pickle Down River! I liked that a lot.
Ahhhh. This is good.
Nope no no no. Stress. Seriously, though - I’m so glad this exists and the influence John Zorn and crew (his drummer is SO good!) is remarkable.
Storyteller / poet 100%. I can hear a little Lou Reed and Bob Dylan.
Buenos Noches from a lonely room, that feeling of just sauntering / slowly dancing to stuff like this. It’s not my genre but it’s loveably nostalgic.
I’m not sure, I think I might have to have been hearing this for the first time at a certain stage in my life. I like Take On Me but the rest of the tracks on the album aren’t quite hitting.
I like it, stays true and consistent with Frank Black’s vibe.
They had me at “…the jeweled forests of Venus…”
This is great, it just totally puts you in a relaxed and positive state.
What is there to say, this is the best album I’ve heard so far and it’s now under the timeless classics category.
Aged cheese isn’t always a delicacy.
Exactly what I needed just now! Jets flying by, loud outside. I closed the door, turned this up, felt good.
I love this album but there were some things that sort of annoyed sometimes like the (fake?) accent and some of the songs sounded the same. Gotta say though it brought me back to a good moment in my life!
Loved everything about this.
I like on song on here, but the only reason is nostalgia. The rest of it is like fake cheese...the tube variety.
excellent bbq music!
Brings me into the old living room where my Dad showed me this music.
Can't not give this 5 or more
I liked one song...but couldn't get past his voice.
I realized that I like a few of Elliott's songs but not all of them, was really surprised and feeling sort of like a heretic.
Reminds me of The Knife. I used to have a tough time with this genre but I'm loving travels and gives a specific feeling.
Can't handle how perfect this is.
Suprised that I enjoyed this so much, aside from the awkward memories from adolescent dances 😂
There's a few songs on this album I love but for the most part this is not an album I put on very often. Example: The honky-tonk piano on the title track and the way Win sings doesn't really match right for me. The debut album "funeral" was incredible, though! There are definitely songs that I dig though...just miss how they sounded when they were more raw and "alive"
It's a vibe! I only gave it three, mainly because it didn't have anything I'd want to hurry back to.
I appreciated the lyrical stories, personality, and the experience of listening to this. I definitely won't be returning to it, not my thing, which is why I give it only three stars, but it was an interesting listen!
Still good! Thought I'd be emberassed by it since this was my era, but I ended up feeling charged up.
So unexpectedly refreshing. Loved the meandering vocal melodies and atmosphere.
Adventurous but feels like too much...there's a niche here but it's not my thing.
This is pretty good, a little scary, but good music.
Why do I like Iggy so much?!
EVERYTHING is good on this album. I just can't fathom how those jam sessions must've been. They were good live too.
I just tend to navigate away from lyrics that rub against the poems that resonate my Spirit. Nick Cave, though, has done a wonderful job. I mean, so much soul and he's really true to himself.