Come Find Yourself
Fun Lovin' CriminalsSome good tunes here and there (1st one for example). Rest were shite-ish
Some good tunes here and there (1st one for example). Rest were shite-ish
Wasn't a total disaster like the previous ones. I think I could sit through it on some chill days if I'm in the mood
Finally something that was worth listening to unlike the previous shites. First few songs were quite good (lyrics and beat wise)
I will just post some of the lyrics. Nothing else needed: "Uh, black girl sippin' white wine Put my fist in her like a civil rights sign (WTF?!!) And grabbed it with a slight grind And held it 'til the right time Then she came like AAAAAHHH!"
Also Shite
The second song was really nice. The rest was on the shite side
Mostly Shite. But not the worst. So a healthy shite of reasonable color and shape. Can potentially see myself listening to it with some friends when we chilling and talking and stuff
Second song was alright. The rest were shite
There were some stuff there that I vibed to. Most of it was pure shite. Oh and my message to the person who came with the idea of adding that piece to song 11 at 1:25: You are untalented, lame, unfunny, dumb, uncreative, edgy wannabe, shite of an artist, and probably a cunt, and you should be ashamed of yourself for turning a semi-ok song to a shite song. (Yo if you're actually reading this, I don't mean this shit, just bantering! While I maintain my opinion that that piece was shite, I'm sure you are very talented! Love your work!)
The songs at the beginning were shite. The songs at the middle were also shite. The songs at the end, I didn't listen.
4 Just for the California one. The rest were also ok
Some nice stuff there! Good flow, good beat. Some stuff like "a visit to the gynecologist" were just so experimental that I don't classify them as songs so I didn't rate the album now,
Some good tunes here and there (1st one for example). Rest were shite-ish
I don't get it. Why most of the 60s & 70s albums are sooo mellow and chill like the band just had a gallon of cucumber and yogurt before fucking playing. Maybe not my thing, maybe just Shite. I dunno anymore.
Finally something up bit. Wasn't total shite.
Classic shite
heard the 1st song and was like yeah finally something abit more upbeat. pretty much took a direct train to shite town after that.
I could potentially like the music here but the hell was up with the singer?! He sounded abit like Jan-Willem in meetings to me. With a good singer I might have given it a 3 or 4.
Not really my type of music but I dunno why I liked it so much! It was chill and calming but in a nice way and not a shite way.
1 or 2 good tunes. Beats were shite.
Been a while since I heard them! They are so trash it's funny!
Imagine that besides "Imagine" (and 2 other tunes, maybe), the rest of the Imagine album was pure shite. Buuuuuut it was a ring for a week before ICLR.
Some ok tunes here and there. But mostly shite. And about song 13... I mean omg. I am busy with ICLR or I would have wrote an essay about how shite of piece of shite it was.
Was alright
Shite, top to bottom
All shite. But knowing you all and your shite taste, you probably gave this shite 4 or 5s. Well, doesn't matter.
About 30 seconds of a very nice beat, Which then, the artists kindly decided to follow it with 30 minutes of some of the softest, smelliest, ugliest, most disgusting shite I've heard. Good job! You stupid fucks!
Gave 2 only for the 1st song. The rest were standard
I think they would have been great live. With headset behind your desk at work :(
Fine whatever
Solid shite
Had taken a break from listening to these but I'm back! And this album was a reminder for why I took a break.
1st song was good.
I don't remember honestly
Was an alright noise. Like the ones where you sit in a cafe and you hear the noise from people talking shit. Good for working
Soft yellow shite
For working, it was actually not super bad. Better than half the pure shite that is sold as music here anyway. Good for you man!
The end of the first song: yeah dude you're not cool or edgy you dip shit. The end of the last song: I don't remember how long was it, I think it was between 7 to 10 minutes. To whoever fell asleep on the button in the studio during recording. I understand that life can be rough and exhausting sometimes. We've all been there. But.... doesn't excuse you to fall asleep mid recording and give this piece of shite of the soundtrack to the world. Sleep better and produce better music and not this shite.
yeah yeah ok
Fucking jazz again ...
The thing about jazz is when you listen to it, at the beginning, it sounds like pure shite. But if you are patient and you get to the middle of track, you slowly start to see that it is still pure shite. And finally when you get to the end, you see that you were wrong. It is more even more shite than you thought. The whole genre is pure shite ya'll sophisticated-wannabes!!!!
Down the hole song was kinda fun :D I'll give you a 3
bah blah blah
Just listened to the 1st song. I've heard enough
Was not worth my time