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Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven

Godspeed You! Black Emperor


Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven
Album Summary

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Lift Your Skinny Fists like Antennas to Heaven[a] is the second studio album by Canadian post-rock band Godspeed You! Black Emperor, released as a double album on 9 October 2000 on vinyl by Constellation and on CD by Kranky. The album consists of four 20-minute songs divided into movements, usually consisting of instrumental crescendos, with occasional use of field recordings. Though the band's output is politically-motivated, the overall tone is more hopeful than their prior work. Recording was conducted in February 2000 in Chemical Sound Studios, Toronto, and was derived from the band's live performances and guitarist Efrim Menuck's experience in film-making studies. Packaging contains liner notes dedicating the album to prisoners, a diagram illustrating each of the movement's sound, and William Schaff's artwork from the zine Notes to a Friend; Silently Listening No. 2. The album has received critical acclaim, with many critics finding the composition to be beautiful and sprawling, though comparisons to the band's prior discography were mixed. It has been listed on multiple year-end and decade-end lists. Lift Your Skinny Fists like Antennas to Heaven garnered critical acclaim. On Metacritic, it has a score of 84 based on 13 reviews, indicating "universal acclaim". Critics have regarded the album to be beautiful and sprawling. Alternative Press called it "a massive instrumental effort" that is "as skilled and musical as it is on-the-fly improvised and messy", and The Austin Chronicle calling it "cinematic" and "breathtaking in its grandiose beauty". Highlighting the album's uplifting nature and use of field recordings, The Village Voice called Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas the "best movie I've seen all year." Among more mixed reviews, Rolling Stone found the album one-note but commended its compositional ambition, and The Guardian noted occasional "passages of spellbinding beauty" but found the listening experience uneven.







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Mar 12 2025
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For me this album became a great example of how you sometimes just have to be in the exact right situation for any given piece of music to click. I didn’t appreciate this very much on my drive to work or while shopping at target but the end of sleep came on as I was driving down an empty street at night, leaving behind the last 3 years of my life and it really hit different. I love this list but it lives and dies by the randomized. Some days it misses but days like this it really transcends.

Mar 12 2025
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Fantastic post rock album by the masters themself. No other act knows how to go from some subtle introvert spare notes in slow tempo to all-in disrupting noise and tension and go back again. Great soundscapes and sounds: "cinematic" and "breathtaking in its grandiose beauty".

Mar 13 2025
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Static sounds exactly like getting plaque and tartar removed from your teeth. The rest is pretty good. 3

Mar 12 2025
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Was there an entire group of peripherally-metal types that all finished together recently? This shit, Karnivool, Nightwish, an early Stooges album possibly? All dropped in the last few days, and all slightly off the mark if you just wanna fucking rock. This band has a fucking dumb name, and they were one of those bands that infected heavy metal message boards in the mid-2000s. Every second insecure, scene tourist, I'm-more-than-just-a-metalhead type pretended they were fantastic. These guys, Skinny Puppy, Aphex Twin, Mogwai, Boris, Sun O)))))) etc etc you get the idea. Just boring post-rock stuff that does the exact same post-rock stuff as Mono or whatever. An hour of droning on, sounding exactly as you'd expect, thrilling... someone, I guess? It's like their main purpose as musicians is to give self-conscious heavy metal nerds something non-metal to say they like. Does anyone outside the "I like all kinds of music!" metal crowd listen to it? Anyway: not now cunts, I'm listening to ARMOURED SAINT. 2/5.

Mar 13 2025
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As far as artistic music goes this is up there with some of the more talented, unique albums. This felt closer to a movie score than a typical album. The ups and downs through the songs built tension and made it much more dramatic than a regular album. Overall it’s one of a kind and I can see why it’s considered so great. For me it’s more of an instrumental arrangement that is impressive but not something I’d listen to much. 5.5/10
