Oil of Every Pearl's Un-Insides
SOPHIEMore performance art than good music. 1.7
More performance art than good music. 1.7
My submission! Chose it before I realised most people's submissions would be folky as well! Love this due to the in depth but playful lyrics and the way each song takes you on a journey, also holds a place in my heart as first concert back after Covid.
Knew the singles very well due to radio overplay in the 90s and as such thought of them as a singles band, this kept me rapt all the way through however with several clear stand outs, can easily see this album becoming standard rotation.
Liked it whilst I was listening, after completion I realised I couldn't recall a single song. 2.8
really enjoyed that very funky and fresh
Vey high energy, keeps things just different enough to keep attention. Don't understand the lyrics but that's on me. 3.8
Bluesy nature elevates the country styling a little, however it still gets tiring quickly 1.7
liked this when it started, however every song is very similar so a bit tired by song 3. Still ethereal and good in smaller doses, best song: Drawn in the blood. 3.1
Interesting blend of 60s classic rock and 70s more prog rock. strums along nicely but doesn't massively stand out at any point 3.3
Not as good as his best album imo "camp" but still an incredibly mature sophisticated album which takes you on a journey. This one is more Soul focused.
It's like proto nu metal or skate metal, if you didn't grow up with this I really can't see any redeeming qualities to it whatsoever
This was actually painful, main singer seemed to want to be super quirky but was just boring.
Good fun album, does get a little tiring by the end 3.2
Not what I expected going from the album cover. Don't understand Spanish but the coolness shines through. The main list should have included more albums like this as it feels like a genuine discovery listening rather than 5 from the same band. 3.1
Well that could have been heard at any open mic night in the world and you would have forgotten it by the next artist. 1.8
Went in with as an open of a mind as possible and oh my god this is beyond terrible. Edgy music for 13 year old who hate their caring step parents.
Pleasant and fine. Far from a must listen, but nice.
Enjoyed this, had a raw feel to it .3.7
First album after the official list which is a genuine 5 star.
Wasn't familiar with this band, what incredibly high energy, will check out more of their stuff 4.4
Thought I would hate this, going off the band name, really liked the classically styled opener, then the vocals were a bit of a let down and I struggled to finish it, even with a few interesting highlights. 2.1
Fine disposable pop. Am sure it had the same writers as Girls Aloud/ 100 different acts from this era.
The main issue with albums like this, is they're nice but boring. This is anything but, keeps my attention and plays with music styles and the lyrics lull you into nodding along before you realise what you're hearing. Very impressive, I liked it. 3.6
Knew the singles very well due to radio overplay in the 90s and as such thought of them as a singles band, this kept me rapt all the way through however with several clear stand outs, can easily see this album becoming standard rotation.
I try and support UK hip hop but let's be honest this guys flows and lyrics just aren't that great. Do like the electro style beats on the album . 2.6
My submission! Chose it before I realised most people's submissions would be folky as well! Love this due to the in depth but playful lyrics and the way each song takes you on a journey, also holds a place in my heart as first concert back after Covid.
I'm a little torn on this one, Garbage always felt a little over pushed, however I was 15 when this came out and the hot goth girls were all into it so will always have a special place in my heart plus some great singalongable singles.
interesting and different. not a great listen though 2.4
Sounds like garage "hard rock" really didn't get on with but don't like the genre. 1.5
Interesting and weird
Nice fun album, doesn't make a huge splash but does do interesting things with electronica sounds alongside standard indie guitars. 3.2
Wasn't certain what I was expecting but very much enjoyed this. 4.3
The title song really sums up this band; an atmospheric opener with so much potential and ideas then it instantly breaks down into the most generic high school garage rock possible. 2.4
old style rock, would have appreciated it more if heard closer to the time I suspect. 2.5
Started off loving it as it was different and the main list really needed more albums like this, the Kate Bush cover not so good, but the rest of the album is ethereal and great. 4
Pretty cool
not normally my thing, but enjoyed this, particularly "Tin Man" & the title track
pretty good rock
Fine Indie rick, a little uninspiring 2.9
not so sure of the vocals but love it as it gets more prog and trippy
Seems like a comedy parody that I don't get
pretty nice
perhaps too chilled for me
bit boring to be honest
not normally a fan of screaming vocals but this is actually pretty good. 2.7
very reminiscent of Supertramp 3.4
really enjoyed that very funky and fresh
Something you appreciate rather than really groove out to.
little too much prog and not enough rock, fun though
Had only heard of this band referenced by US Tv shows, aggressively middle of the road
liked this a lot more than I thought I would. some really nice different indie
Enjoyed it, don't speak French so couldn't really appreciate but enjoyed a lot of tracks while they were playing
seems very mid 90's Eurodance, I guess by this point North America was just catching up, ok fun album.
a bit weak really
Didn't get on with it, an attempt to mix rock and electro, but, particularly the slower songs just don't work for me. 1.7
Enjoyed that
Short, high energy album, I enjoyed
High energy and fun, feels a little novelty. 3.3
Didn't expect that, dance with violins and folk vocals. different and great.
Liked it whilst I was listening, after completion I realised I couldn't recall a single song. 2.8
can see the appeal, not for me
A fan of some of his music, but found this difficult to get through
fun rock 2.9
inoffensive but uninspiring
Pretty fun, doesn't stand out 3.4
Never hit the heights of their first album again 2.9
The first song is named "stinkfist", looking through the other song names they're even worse. screams aimed at edgy 13 year olds as they didn't spend any effort on the actual music.
Seems like it would be cool driving music
Nice folk 2.7
Was trippy and experimental at the time for sure, drags a bit listening now.
Very much enjoyed, seems very ahead of it's time. 4.2
interesting and different, 2.3
There's some nice songs, it smacks of being what was in vogue at the time, but that shouldn't be held against it. It's good, but is far from standing out 2.9
So damn hipster-y, actually has a song just about watching the movie "xanadu" all this would be fine if the music was enjoyable, despite being upbeat it's also boring with grating vocals 1.5
Painfully hipster-y, nerd rap, video game samples, ukelele; I dislike a lot about this, 1 is a bit harsh but found myself either skipping or hoping every single song would end sooner. I got to "do you like how I dance, I have zirconium pants" and threw in the towel.
fun, high energy
Norwegian alt rock, high energy and surprisingly fun and consistent. Main list should have included more like this
ridiculously po faced and serious
great piece of music, emotional and enthralling at appropriate times
Every time I listen to Zappa, I think I should listen to more Zappa
enjoyed more than I thought I would, wouldn't relisten
fun rock i enjoyed more than i thought i would, does go a bit Nickleback at times 2.6
i'm sure it's great if you're 13
It's... different
First time I can honestly say I'm not out of touch, the kids are wrong. I suspect this is part of a sub culture I'm not aware of, terminally online who's only references are other terminally online.
Just discovered this guy recently, he's a guy the first time you listen you think "what the hell was that" but it stays in your memory making you listen again, then before you know it you've listened five times in a row. Anyway I love music which tells a story 4.5
Started out interesting and different, soon got tiring. Like a fever dream
Jazz Fusion
good rock 3.3
pretty basic rock
pretty nice at times, goes a bit Aerosmith 2.8
Background music for a teen drama 2.4
beautiful, very much enjoyed
I appear to have listened to the extended version. Was good though, was going to call it background music but it constantly grabbed my attention. 3.3
it's just not.. good. adding accordions and random instruments and styles in a "throw everything in and see what works" approach may grab some, but not for me.
fun rock, too many guitar solos for me though 2.8
Not groundbreaking in anyway, but very much enjoyed
Genuine surprise, very good album with loads of influences. 4.7
It's a bit too hipster-y for me
don't really "get" this band, pleasant enough 2.7
More performance art than good music. 1.7
Liked this, listened to it multiple times already. it goes a bit too country at times but overall really nice music 3.4
like the ultimate chill out album loved it
Doesn't excite me at all
Absolutely gorgeous, full album of this a bit much but hugely enjoyed
Normally dislike live albums, this captures energy so well though.
This album is the signifier for "Pretentious and wants to sound like they know more than most people". Can tell without looking that the submitter rated every single hip hop album low while claiming they're just so different to everyone else. In actuality for the music it's a bit of a dirge with grating vocals & accordions and such like appealing it to hipsters
beautiful and soft while mixed with electronica style. very much enjoyed
Hadn't heard of her previously, and thought this was a joke entry, however as soon as this started I could picture the hairstyles and dancing which this took place to. This had personality which crucially more modern pop just does not have. Had a smile on my face all the way through and isn't that what this is all about?
started rough and grew on me
How do you make country even worse? make it "swinging country"
nice, type of music you forget you are listening to while listening to it 2.3
Jazz just doesn't do it for me personally
it's fine, light rock songs I've heard 1000 times before
US Garage Punk
nice, enjoyed it 3.2
didn't really do it for me
liked it, it's very "theatre kids" though 3.7
sigh, how edgy
something actually interesting and challenging on this list?
nice background music
wasn't expecting that, started strong difficult to listen to a whole album, but fun skating music
nice music, don't get on with the singer's voice 1.8
Have a natural aversion to the emo-rock of this period. Every song sounds the same to me.
Not heard of this before, interesting and at the same time chill and challenging.
Was all ready to hate on this as thought she was just another bland disposable singer in heavy make up of which there are thousands at this point in time. First song caught my attention as at it's best it's subversive pop acknowledging and playing within the genre. Certain songs seem like they could be sung by any whichever generic blonde the music industry is currently pushing (after midnight). At certain points her own style shines through (My Kink is Karma) That said there are quite a few songs which are just standard pop songs with a bit of sex talk in them to appeal to teenagers who think they're edgy (Casual) Overall interesting and better than 99% of chart music in the last 10 years. 3.4
loved it thanks for introducing.
an album of guitar solos, not even joking.