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Game of Fools



Game of Fools
Album Summary

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Game of Fools is the second album of the hard rock band Koritni. The Album was released on 16 March 2009 by the record label Bad Reputation. Koritni is an Australian rock band from Sydney, descended from the band Green Dollar Colour. Early 2009, the band released their second album, Game of Fools, again mixed by Mike Fraser, the album is still in a hard rock vein that made them successful. Koritni is considered with bands like Airbourne or The Answer as the rebirth of hard rock.[6]







  • Hard Rock

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Apr 21 2024
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Liked this modern take on hard rock

Apr 22 2024
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lol I don't know what this is going to be but the cover SUCKS in a funny way. It kinda looks like it'll be heavy metal? Maybe from a non-English country? Greece? Ok, it's hard rock (close enough) and the singer sounds like Jimmy Barnes. They're Australian? Fuck, I never heard of them. I love Airbourne, so how did this escape me? Either way, pretty much up my alley. 4/5.

Apr 20 2024
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Hard rock is a kind of practice for the dust of Oz. Koritni lay down a respectable record here, one that stays on the road and is thus clean inasmuch as the jalopy holds together. The closing words from boozing skeletons are disarmingly encouraging: Sunlight falls on the hills outside the rotting house and friendship survives the land of the dead, I suppose.

Apr 21 2024
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Well executed hard rock, but I couldn't really find anything special in it. This is a sound that was more or less settled in the 1980s, and no particular innovation here 30 years on. Similarly the lyrics are perfectly functional and fit to purpose but pretty meathead.

Apr 21 2024
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Sounds just like anything else you can hear on the classic rock oldies station. Sounds a lot like Iron Maiden. Occasionally whiffs of Audioslave. I like those bands and this band sounds good. For 2009 it feels a bit derivative.

Apr 26 2024
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Pretty standard hard rock release, but that's not a bad thing at all. Definitely needed an injection of distorted guitar this week, and the usual arrangements and lyrics got my head bobbing and kept me entertained which is all I can ask for.

Apr 27 2024
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I find the album cover a little misleading. I was expecting metal, but all I got was some good ol' fashioned hardrock. Melodic, catchy and good to listen to! Also a little too smooth for my taste, but that didn't spoil the party.

May 06 2024
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I know they say not to judge an album by its cover, but I did and I was wrong. I was expecting some type of death-metal/grindcore/growly vocal type bullshit, but this was like 80's throwback hard rock. Still not quite my cup of tea but not half bad. 3 stars.

Apr 20 2024
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Some 2000's (that's now classic) rock band. Fine listening.

Apr 21 2024
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I don't think this is that bad, but rather I think other Albums kind of handled this sound just way better.

Apr 21 2024
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Eh..never heard of em. Super generic 80's "hard rock." Nothing stood out. Maybe they never "made it" out of Australia?

Oct 17 2024
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This is the sort of hard rock I can really get into, and get into it I did. There are certainly lots of other more well-known options for this kind of music but this served me well to rock out this afternoon. Fun and a very enjoyable listen!

Oct 17 2024
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This would've fit perfectly among my cassette tapes in college. I would've put it in my walkman for my commute to campus and play it every day. I loved this rocking good time.

Apr 20 2024
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8/10. I didn't hear anything revolutionary, but definitely a solid hard rock album. I liked roll the dice and tornado dreaming 2

Jun 08 2024
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Some solid hard rock, pleasant to listen to.

May 19 2024
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Good musicians and singer, but can't get rid of the feeling that I am listening to a 80's Glam Rock tribute band.

May 21 2024
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Good old fashioned guitar rock like Aerosmith and mainstream Guns’n’Roses, but lacking the killer memorable hooks of superstar hard rock.

Jul 25 2024
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This was a pretty wild album. From the album cover I assumed it was going to be kind of trash. Then when it started it and I had my bootcut jeans on and spiked my hair and rocked out. This is the perfect music for your dive bar. It’s not great but it has its moments where it’s plenty of fun. This gives Nickelback a run for their money. 6.4/10

Aug 18 2024
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80s hair metal lives on down under. This is nothing particularly special but was a fun listen. The run of enjoyable albums continues. Rating: 3.5 Playlist track: Game of Fools Date listened: 22/08/24

Aug 29 2024
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fun rock i enjoyed more than i thought i would, does go a bit Nickleback at times 2.6

Sep 28 2024
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Agree with everyone who says this album looks like it’s going to suck so hard because of this ridiculous album cover. But was pleasantly surprised to hear some quality hard rock that I can headbang a bit to. Rock on!

Oct 04 2024
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This was a perfectly serviceable, well-played hard rock album, although it seems late to the game without adding anything new to the genre.

Apr 27 2024
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Decent execution of the template 80's influenced Rock, but brought absolutely nothing new to my speakers.

May 22 2024
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This album is a fairly straightforward hard rock album with touches of hair metal and glam thrown in. The musicianship is fine and the singer has a great voice for the genre. The lyrics weren’t great however and this album came out 25-30 years too late. There is nothing unique about this album.
