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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

Silence Yourself



Silence Yourself
Album Summary

This album has been submitted by a user and is not included in any edition of the book.

Silence Yourself is the debut studio album by the English post-punk band Savages, released on 6 May 2013 on Matador Records and Pop Noire, a label owned by vocalist Jehnny Beth. It was nominated for the 2013 Mercury Prize. Critics made a parallel with British post-punk of the late 1970s, Magazine and Gang of Four. NME wrote that "French frontwoman Jehnny Beth has moulded herself into the demonic, possessed spawn of Ian Curtis and Siouxsie Sioux". Uncut retrospectively said about the music: "It is a bit Siouxsie, a bit Stranglers, a bit Magazine – and after a decade-odd of bands reviving the sounds and strategies of post-punk".







  • Post Punk

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Jun 14 2024
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Don't like punk and don't particularly like female singers but this shocked me. Absolutely brilliant and only the second album on this list that I've listened to twice in a row 👍

Jun 14 2024
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Husbands, Husbands, Husbands, Husbands Husbands, Husbands, Husbands, Husbands Husbands, Husbands, Husbands, Husbands Husbands, Husbands, Husbands, Husbands Husbands, Husbands, Husbands, Husbands Husbands, Husbands, Husbands, Husbands

Sep 01 2024
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Very good! It does sound like Siouxsie.

Jun 14 2024
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The new crop of post-punkers tend to create impossible - audio-only, that is, not Escher - spaces and Savages are no exception. Silence Yourself is bicameral, two half-albums fairly. The first has plenty of room to grow as the second turns personal. Anthems to shout along to, with a mix that cuts the texture open to expose the vocals. Quite an intense listen by the end.

Jun 14 2024
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Never heard of this and came in with no expectations (or maybe low expectations sheerly on the genre label: a lot of "post punk" is not to my tastes). But I liked it a lot. The influences come thick and diverse, but it manages to stay ahead of becoming just a pastiche or mash-up. The lyrics were a little too uniformly Dark and Serious.

Jun 14 2024
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They got the post punk thing down.

Jun 14 2024
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Heard of Savages but never actually listened to one of their albums before. And boy did I miss out! This is a really strong set of songs, delivered with such drive and energy. It's dark, it's weird, sometimes a bit too weird, but somehow it always comes back to great catchy hooks and riffs. I'm gonna save this one to my favorites list!

Jun 14 2024
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A fun vibe. It might have touch on some similar stuff to Riot Grrrl acts, and particularly seems quite similar to Siouxsie and The Banshees. But nice to hear with some modern takes on production and writing.

Jun 22 2024
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This was an excellent post-punk album. It is highly influenced by Siouxsie Sioux as well as Joy Division/New Order. The music is driving and expansive, but the vocal delivery really ties the whole thing together.

Aug 14 2024
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Rating: 8/10 Best songs: I am here, No face

Jun 25 2024
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Nothing wrong with using Siouxsie and the Banshees as a platform for developing singing style and muscular music. Or Joy Division! All good and darkly enjoyable.

Jul 15 2024
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The instrumentation here was perfect, just wish there had been some more variation in the vocals – the given riffs/melodies for each track were interesting and raw, but hearing the same word or phrase over them again and again put me off.

Jun 14 2024
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I really want to like post-punk, but I just can't. It was fine, but totally forgettable. The over-vibratto of her voice (like Gwen Stefani but an octave lower) was really grating after all the tracks were done; I wanted it to be over. Although I kinda liked Husbands.

Jun 14 2024
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Ah yes just what this list needs, more post-punk. It's totally fine. As usual with albums I don't really care for, I find a song I really like and go "NOW it's picking up!", and then I switch over to Spotify and see that the album in question has ended and that Spotify has just started a new, better album from a better artist.

Jun 14 2024
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Although I like the sound, the vocals me so nervous that I can't listen any longer.

Jun 14 2024
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This bored me, so I switched it off without thinking. Had to steer myself into actively listening. Didn't like it. 2/5.

Jul 03 2024
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Post-punk. No me ha gustado. Un 2.

Jul 30 2024
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Post-punk, about 30 years after post-punk. Does that make it post-post-punk? Rating: 2 Playlist track: Husbands Date listened: 29/07/24

Jun 14 2024
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The musicians are good, the voice however seemed dark or sectarian cult to me. Some musical endings are pure unnecessary stridency.
