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Savage Sinusoid



Savage Sinusoid
Album Summary

This album has been submitted by a user and is not included in any edition of the book.

Savage Sinusoid is the third album by Gautier Serre, under his alias Igorrr, released on Metal Blade Records on June 16, 2017. Igorrr signed with Metal Blade Records in early 2017. The album was preceded by the singles "ieuD", "Opus Brain", and "Cheval". Unlike previous albums, the album did not feature any samples. Travis Ryan from the band Cattle Decapitation guests on three tracks. Serre cited Taraf de Haïdouks, Cannibal Corpse and Aphex Twin as inspiration for the album.







  • Metal

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Aug 20 2024
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I've never had an album go from 1 star to 5 stars so quickly. I was OUT for most of the first track, and then the second tracked began and it all clicked for me. It's so weird that its Frenchness is apparent from the beginning. Only someone living with a strong social safety net is able to be this weird

Aug 20 2024
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Wow, what an interesting record. The sound is intriguing enough that I wanted to spin it again just to understand it better. I think based on that, it earns a 5.

Aug 22 2024
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This actually was a fun listen, will likely seek out more of this

Sep 09 2024
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I was not expecting something like this. It is a combination of black metal, dubstep, classical, and baroque music. It also works incredibly well. The transitions are drastic but not in a way that clashes and Igorrr manages to bring the old and new together in a coherent and novel way. I listened to this album twice, one right after the other, because I enjoyed it so much.

Sep 13 2024
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A wild ride! Starting off, I thought this would be rough (someone was yelling at me before they played a note) but it surprised me. I love the opera and the French touches. Very unique!

Sep 13 2024
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Why was it necessary to scream me as the opening of the album??? Oh, I see, it was to get me to pay attention. This was definitely worth the listen. Surprising to me!

Sep 13 2024
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Wow! There were times when I was quite reminded of "The Most Unwanted Song" by Komar & Melamid and Dave Soldier. Let's see, opera singer, check! accordion, check! constantly changing genres, check! Other times I thought of Stefon on SNL: "This albums got everything! klesmer, harpsichord, death metal drums, Satie-esque piano, classical guitar, electronia, Inception buttons, screaming maniacs... Sort of like that old weather joke, "Don't like the music playing here? Just wait 15 seconds!" This was the antidote to all those monotonous 90-minute albums in the project. I don't know what the hell is was, but by end I shouted "again!"

Aug 20 2024
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After several years this list is still exposing me to things I'd likely not hear otherwise. Certainly interesting, not exactly my thing, and throughout I was pondering whether this was really synthesizing its various styles or just mashing them up. Worth the listen though. An extra point for being so unabashed about its wierd ouerve.

Aug 20 2024
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This is something very special... Not quite sure what to think of it. Am I urged to listening to it again? Actually, yes.

Aug 22 2024
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Rating: 7/10 Best songs: Opus brain, Robert

Aug 30 2024
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This is an awesome kind of madness. It certainly challenges you from the outset, but it feels that the abundance of screams and panic in the early tracks is actually used in moderation with lots of other more open and orchestral pieces. Mix this with the occasional metal skrillex electronic vibe and this is something that is entirely unique. It is engaging and something that I came back to multiple times over a few days… I expect to explore this more.

Aug 20 2024
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I didn't hate it, but didn't really love it. Some really neat operatic elements that I dug, but overall it's likely something I'll never listen to again. Cool to discover, though.

Aug 20 2024
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Igorrr in this list is a brilliant placement; First exposure to the project conveys a distinctly non-album impression that emphasizes the pitfalls of the compositional approach. At length, the music succeeds where contemplation of Baroque music and its place in modern ears fails. Savage Sinusoid bets everything on the technology-afforded maximal. Unfortunately, the bricks of the final stretch are less than placed. Music is immediate; It also can create multiple layers of impression; This album tries pressing every button at once.

Aug 20 2024
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I've always thought metal was a genre ripe for electronic crossover, so it's cool to see an artist carry that experiment out with decent results. This LP does take a minute to get off the ground, but once it does the assortment of creative production techniques and wild instrumentation makes for a fun ride. My main gripes are that the scattered vocals are uniformly pretty bad and distracting, and that there needs to be a stronger sense of melody throughout – I for one am happy to listen to an hour of pure noise, but some stronger hooks and sense of musicality would've easily lifted this to a 4.

Aug 20 2024
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I like Igorrr, I don't know if I would have put him on this list, but I would have chosen Spirituality and Distortion over Savage Sinusoid if I did.

Aug 21 2024
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I have ADHD, I'm a lifelong, card-carrying metalhead and I like Mr Bungle... but this was too much for me. Kinda catchy in places, but veeeeeerrrrry small doses. 3/5.

Aug 22 2024
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Okay, that was at least a very original combination of electronic music and metal (as well as many other genres). And it's done in a way I've never quite heard before, or ever expected to hear for that matter. Kind of thrilling in that sense. It's funny, if you put Mike Patton on vocals over this I'd be fully on board, but vocals as is kind of hold it back for me. Glad to know this insanity exists though.

Aug 21 2024
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This has artistic merit for a unique vision. Doesn’t always stick together and certainly is often unpleasant to hear, but definitely worth inclusion for the genuine effort in mixing styles. I liked the Zappa-sequel jazzy “Houmous” and the almost traditional French “Cheval”.

Aug 22 2024
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It is classified as metal, but it sounds to me like agonizing cult noises, accompanied by good percussion and isolated chants that will probably please those who like these representations but it is not for me.

Aug 30 2024
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Very surprising. Contains things like accordions, speed accordions, Spanish classical guitars, acoustic guitars, pianos, and... 70s video games samples(?) along with the obligatory screaming. If I was asked to annotate what they're saying, I'd just make stuff up... and I'd be right.

Sep 12 2024
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French death metal with operatic singing and accordions. Interesting but largely unlistenable. Rating: 2 Playlist track: Cheval Date listened: 12/09/24

Aug 22 2024
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What a lot of rubbish. If could score a zero I would
