Hell yeah. An hour of atmospheric post rock baybeeee.
This album has been submitted by a user and is not included in any edition of the book.
F♯ A♯ ∞ (pronounced "F-sharp, A-sharp, Infinity") is the debut studio album by Canadian post-rock band Godspeed You! Black Emperor. It was first released on August 14, 1997, through Constellation Records on a single LP and on June 8, 1998, through Kranky on CD. The CD version and the LP version have substantial differences between them. Recorded at the Hotel2Tango in the Mile End of Montreal, the album, as became common for the band, is devoid of traditional lyrics and is mostly instrumental, featuring lengthy songs segmented into movements. It was initially released in limited quantities, and distributed through live performances and developed a cult following via word of mouth. In 1995, Mauro Pezzente moved into a loft with his then-girlfriend in Mile End, Montreal. Pezzente used the flat as a performance venue, dubbing it the Gallery Quiva. Around 1996, fumes from the mechanic's garage below the loft forced them to vacate it. Shortly after their departure, Efrim Menuck moved into the space and established Hotel2Tango, serving both as a recording studio and practice space. There, in 1997, the original recording of F♯ A♯ ∞ took place. By this time, the band had reached an unwieldy 15 members. In preparation of the album, they trimmed their numbers to ten. The culmination of material spanning back to 1993 resulted in two lengthy songs, each about 20 minutes in length. After the record's release, the band became interested in touring the United States. In order to make headway, they sent a copy of their album to the Chicago-based record label Kranky. Impressed by the recording, Kranky offered to re-release the album on compact disc. The re-worked version of the album included several new sections, resulting in three movements and slightly over an hour of music, nearly doubling the previous runtime. This new version was released in June 1998.
Hell yeah. An hour of atmospheric post rock baybeeee.
Crazy debut that is still strong over 25 years from release. I can’t imagine how different this sounded to late 90s listeners. Hell, it’s still quite unique today.
I already kind of liked the album off name alone, but what a ride this provided. Anytime those drums came in, I was sent
Cinematic and haunting. Deserves a place on the list.
No evidence yet but that Godspeed are genius. The debut's long, and was clearly assembled in parts. Digital division into three tracks is strange, as one hears the gaps, players changing, "hidden" tracks (where really all are hidden). The record's style and title and cover suggest place, and you get that, but there's also a journey, management of time making the end easy. Nice use of strings, too; They draw the sound away from rock as such, a great trick.
Hell yeah this belongs on the list, for ambience alone. I can see exactly why this influenced 28 Days Later, very post-apocalyptic.
Fuck, awesome inclusion.
this gave me the burst of creativity and focus that i needed
Cool album, thanks for suggesting
Strange, dark, beautiful.
A haunting, unique, cinematic journey from beginning to end. You're not going to pop it on at a party, but it'd be cool to drive around at night to! Most importantly I'm very happy to have been exposed to it, which is what this website is all about.
If there's a list of the best post-rock bands there are two Canadian bands that have to be included: Godspeed and Do Make Say Think, from Montreal and Toronto respectively. I do love DMST the most but GYBE have their charms. This debut by GYBE is dark and foreboding and I do think their subsequent Lift your skinny fists was better, but this was pretty rad back in the day.
7/10. You know, I scoffed at the review that said this album gave them a burst of creativity, but you know what, after listening to this today I mixed a new recipe for cocktail bitters, colored on sugar with a highlighter, and invented a Princess Bride themed drinking game, so maybe this is a creative booster.
Very interesting! For some reason it reminds me of David Lynch. It has sort of the same vibe to it as Twin Peaks and some of his movies. I will definitely listen to this again. It seems like the type of album that rewards repeat listens. 4 stars.
Oh yeah this is the good stuff. I'd only ever heard LYSFLATH before, and this delivers the goods just like that does. Excellently atmospheric, potent, haunting. Love it.
I don't think I'll want to listen to this again anytime soon but it's basically peak post rock. 9/10
Banger The percussion hit so hard in the first half of Providence Reminded me of my fav by Alon Mor; Lands of Delight
I knew this band name but I can't remember why. It's always encouraging that something this wierd can exist and even thrive. I don't know I'd pull this our every day but listening was a worthwhile experience.
Enjoyed this a lot in sections, other times it kind of faded into the background. But this sort of music usually takes a while to get into. Very good on a first listen and I'll bet I end up going back to this regularly
Although I like some post-rock - and in that cause longer songs - from time to time, these songs seem to be much more split up in distinct parts. It might be a creatieve choice, but in my opinion they would stand better as individual songs. On the other hand: The music is very good. Some good build-ups, lovely use of the violin. Very beautiful atmosphere
Thankful to whoever added this to the list, I've wanted to get into Godspeed for some time now but could never quite get Skinny Fists. I definitely feel one has to go into this LP expecting something symphonic – this is not easy listening by any means, and is better enjoyed as an art or performance piece. That being said, there are some great entertaining moments within the epic 15-30 min. long tracks that could exist as songs on their own, yet still contribute to the grand scale Godspeed builds across the entire LP. While I wasn't a huge fan of the 2-3 minute blocks of silence here and there, I have to concede it built a sense of dramatic tension and made sense in context. This isn't an LP one can take in as background music, and I appreciated that – having to sit down and appreciate the scale and detail of what's going on here was a great listening experience, and one I will likely revisit again.
Not my kind of music at all, but I did sort of enjoy parts of it. 3.5/5, but lowered to 3 since its re-listenability is low for me. Thanks for sharing; was an experience for sure and way better than a lot of albums on the actual 1,001 list!
This wasn't horrid but definitely not my thing. Just straight up rock got
Epitome of post rock and one of those uncomfortable albums/bands that do not leave you indifferent. Ideal soundtrack for the end of the world, this was GY!BE's calling card. Since they have created a unique and very meritorious discography
Unusual but enjoyable
I would have expected '...Skinny Fists...' in this list as it has been seen as their masterpiece. But to be honest, this album is just as good! Only 3 stars though, because it is just not my favorite kinda music.
While it’s very funny that according to Wikipedia this band is also known as God’s Pee, I found myself checking often how along I was on this or if it was even still playing. Which according to my rules is a two - not my thing but that’s okay
Interesting record, but somewhat very dense. Not my kind of music
One of the songs is nearly 30 minutes long. It's a no from me.
The car's on fire and there's no driver at the wheel
Wow. What a fine choice, and a perfect album to get as my first "extra" album after finishing the project. If this is any indication of the albums I'm going to hear from this point on, I am so ready. Minimalist, unsettling and hauntingly beautiful with a cinematic feel. This is a movie I would love to see.
I love atmospheric post-rock. This album will be added to my rotation and I am excited to explore their catalog further. This album is cinematic, expansive, and incredibly poignant. The emotional release is staggering.
Haunting prairie melodic punk
Lovely, atmospheric and bleak. I mean it's also got East Hastings, which thanks to 28 Days Later we know is up there with Goblin as the perfect soundtrack to a zombie apocalypse!
I’m a big post rock fan, (Mogwai was my pick) so this post rock masterpiece was always getting 5 stars. Really should be on the main list!
Brilliant. Thanks for the recommendation.
Maybe the best album to listen to while driving on a dark, deserted highway at night.
This one’s early in their career, before they re-watched the Japanese bousouzoku documentary and realized they’d misplaced the exclamation! mark. My response to this album is heavily influenced by my handmade limited edition vinyl copy, which includes interesting little artworks, a penny flattened by a train on the track, and a locked groove at the end of the album, so that it drones on softly into ∞, never stopping until you pick up the needle. I love that attention to detail. The music? Post-rock cowboys and trains, of course, right down to the dreamy steel guitar. What the West was built on, a waltzing homage to the emptiness of an aging and dead destiny just before the turn of the 21st century. Anyone remember that part where astronaut Dave enters the monolith as it orbits Jupiter? Yeah, this album sounds like that at one point. And then Dave evolves into a mosquito.
I wasn't sure how I was going to do with this album, but I found it very compelling. It managed to keep me involved the whole, long way through. Wow.
Apocalyptic. Dark. Almost film-score ish. The record plays some hope near the end, though it's not all sunshine, and has a bit of a militaristic feel to it. There's a lot of space, which can be good, but I think it hits dead air a few times. Makes me very interested to listen to the rest of their catalog.
One of those bands that music snobs love. Pretty sure I've heard their "lift your fists" album, but I'm otherwise not well-versed in their music. This one's really cool though, only three tracks and they're all varying degrees of foreboding and apocalyptic. The first was my favorite, for the spoken bit that opened it. Cool how each song is effectively a suite of music, meandering through different territories so it's not just 15-20 minutes of the same thing. Really, really dig this though, consider me a fan. Favorite tracks: Liked 'em all, but The Dead Flag Blues reigns supreme. Album art: Menacing, foreboding, and hard to see picture of what looks to be a highway sign and some lights over a highway. Very vague, has that found footage vibe, as does some of the music. I like it. 4.5/5
Almost exclusively instrumentals. I dig it!
I was listening to this just the other week. Great record.
I am not sure I know what to make of this... why, I can make a hat... or a broach... or a pterodactyl... This was actually quite interesting and I'm pretty sure I liked it.
These are some looooong songs! Beautifully built up, but loooooong.
Definitely too long. Great composition and entertaining, once the noisy intros are done...
Genre: Post-rock from 1997. The band in from Canada. I listened to the 63 minute CD release. Over the past couple months I have heard the album a few times. But, as I sit here listening to it now, it is like the first time I ever heard it.... It seems like it could be the soundtrack to a Stephen King book in the Gunslinger series... It is an album that is more about atmosphere than it is catchy tunes.... I think if I hear it a dozen more times, It could grow on me.... Standouts: Everything on the album and nothing at the same time. Rating: 3/5
Very different "rock". Designed to be atmospheric and there is definitely an Ennio Morricone vibe.
Rating: 6/10
Atmospheric post rock. Three 20-odd minute tracks that meander through your soul. Rating: 3.5 Playlist track: The Dead Flag Blues Date listened: 04/09/24
I appear to have listened to the extended version. Was good though, was going to call it background music but it constantly grabbed my attention. 3.3
Fascinating. There's probably 10 minutes of good ambient vibe and then 50 minutes of uninteresting recordings and noise. There's nothing that's particularly offputting, there's just so much to wade through in order to get to the few high points in the album.
This falls in the category of albums I’m glad I listened to and will never ever revisit. It was a solid hour of unsettling atmospheric ambient music and nothing I really need to hear again.
Wow, three tracks at an hour. That's impressive. I've seen their name before but haven't listened to any and I'm not sure I would. Not bad, but three long songs that are mostly ambient. Maybe I set my expectations wrong on this one but was thinking there would be a "band" presence. Not sure why, but hey I'm glad I got to listen to them finally.
This is some interesting prog art rock instrumental combo album. This is definitely a complex album and there were parts that I thought were peculiar while others I enjoyed listening to. This isn’t something I would revisit but it was definitely interesting. 5.0/10
Got a bit boring
For background noise
Hmmm... not sure I understand it.
Post-rock. Rollo sin sentido. Un 1.
I'm not sure how to rate this because I literally couldn't hear anything. Talk about minimalist