Wish You Were Here
Pink FloydThis is the band your uncle puts on at the end of a family BBQ when he wants to get deep about his divorce.
This is the band your uncle puts on at the end of a family BBQ when he wants to get deep about his divorce.
Very unsettled by this, it’s what I’d expect a murderer to have playing in the background whilst I’m strapped to a chair and he begins to systematically remove my face skin with a scalpel. Then he peels off and wears my face and mouths along to all the lyrics. Especially the song “sunny skies”
Listening to this gave me anxiety
Another Dylan master class for his second album more blues and less folk, less biblical and some really profound lyrics when everyone else was singing about taking girls to discos. For a point of reference 1963 was the same year Cliff Richard released “summer holiday”. This is why Bobby D was a groundbreaking artist, maybe not the most technically gifted musician but his lyrics are more like poetry and will go down in history as great feats of English literature. In my opinion this album goes beyond music.
R.E.M indeed. This is a snore fest.
This is the band your uncle puts on at the end of a family BBQ when he wants to get deep about his divorce.
Very good, will Certainly listen again
Interesting fact if you heat up earth using fire and consume it will give you wind.
Perfect for a Sunday morning before church
Not amazing, not shit, will always just be the band from billy elliot to me
If James Bond theme music was just about real life shit. This would be the theme music and I dig it
Only listened to half because will rushed me, it’s not as good as like Lilly Allen but yeah whatever 3
Yeah fair play this was pretty good especially after listen to it after Jaques Brel!
Bono! He’s not great he’s just popular! Syphilis is popular
Call that singing!? I can’t understand a word he’s saying. Lol jk! (Gotta love Spanish) also listen out for the horse half way through les Bon Bons
A lyrical masterpiece despite approx 25% being ripped from the bible.
Listening to this gave me anxiety
I guess this is what neo nazis listen to or something.
Wet wank, no thanks
One of the first ever supergroups and perhaps equally as talented as McBusted.
Obviously 5 stars. This is more than an album, this is one of the greatest experiences in life.
This sounds like all the left overs from a recording session. Starts off very shit get marginally better.
Just Painful, it was difficult to finish this album.
Pretty good until the ‘rap’ but I guess it was the 80’s rap was a new thing then. 3><4
Pretty good, some timeless classics on here for sure. I especially liked ‘witness’ sounds a bit like ska. And ‘she bop’ is about strumming one out. Nice.
Good musically, not sold on his boring voice, cannot be considered in the same breath as some of the greats, overall good, especially considering his head is a radio, very sad 😢
Obviously son of a preacher man is one of the best songs ever created, but also many other dreamy lyrics expertly delivered. No wonder they call her dusty this album is from 1969.
I didn’t love it, because it was Joni Mitchell I was tempted to score high, but maybe it’s not as high as I think
Just like ya mate made an album and now you feel like you have to listen to it. This never really got me going and there were also a couple of shite songs.
Imagine a night out with the bestie boys, you’d get up to all kinds of mischief. I particularly enjoyed ‘Egg man’ and the lyrics “Humpty Dumpty was a big fat egg” this song really spoke to me
Before listening to this album the only Curtis Mayfield song I really knew was ‘move on up’ and after listening to superfly I can confirm that ‘move on up’ is still his best song. A very good album I listened twice.
There is better versions of “this type of music” I don’t even know what genre this is? Old hippy shit? There is just no edge is there! Always singing about love and flowers and stuff like that. Atleast the beach boys sang about babes, I just feel like if you were in a bar speaking these lyrics to someone they would vomit in your face. And for that reason only 3 stars.
Exxcellent album. Bunch of goths
Track 1 ‘Djed’ sounds like and is spelt like it was written by an actual tortoise. Musically it’s fine but rest of this album is so blah! Two shitty stars from me. Millions now will never die - that is the exact opposite to my belief system so not only do I not like the music but i can tell me and the band will have fundamental disagreements in our individual philosophies. I did enjoy one track “along the banks of rivers”
It was fine but I probably won’t listen again.
‘Twas a fine album, but I probably won’t listen again too much. Low 3 from moi
37 minutes of straight up boner music.
Very unsettled by this, it’s what I’d expect a murderer to have playing in the background whilst I’m strapped to a chair and he begins to systematically remove my face skin with a scalpel. Then he peels off and wears my face and mouths along to all the lyrics. Especially the song “sunny skies”
Good fun, I’m trying to decided whether this would be better if I could understand Spanish or maybe because i don’t understand the lyrics it makes seem more profound. They are probably just singing about really mundane shit just like Taylor swift does.
Yes yes, very versatile album for 1976 and named after one of the greatest rock songs of all time and that song actually features as the first track on this album which is a great coincidence.
Another Dylan master class for his second album more blues and less folk, less biblical and some really profound lyrics when everyone else was singing about taking girls to discos. For a point of reference 1963 was the same year Cliff Richard released “summer holiday”. This is why Bobby D was a groundbreaking artist, maybe not the most technically gifted musician but his lyrics are more like poetry and will go down in history as great feats of English literature. In my opinion this album goes beyond music.
The only song I knew before this was that really uplifting one that always used in movies and adverts and tbh that still the only song I’ll give any of my time to. This album was fine but it’s not gonna be used to advertise planet earth 2 or have you reaching for your wallet to donated to the Red Cross in between back to back episodes of friends.
People always slag of Nick Cave and now I understand why. This is a pile of shite from start to finish, even the Kylie track is terrible. Whilst the macabre themes would usually appeal to me, unfortunately I desperately listened to all 59mins of this album hoping that surely one song would be alright but no! this was a waste of time to be honest and as far as I’m concerned Nick Cave now owes me 59 mins of my life back.
I enjoyed this album and more so on the second time of listening, my favourite track was ‘stillness is the move’. I would have no idea how to categorise this music genre but i’m a fan yeah. Not quite 4 stars but a high 3.
Coincidentally today smells like teen spirit was playing on the radio on my drive back from work and Steve Wright said that the first time he played it on the radio he knew that “music had changed”. And it was never the same since. Another amazing album. I don’t think anyone will not score this five stars.
Another deep drag of nostalgia and a trip down memory lane. I think no matter what decade this would be released in it would still be a great album. I prefer Californiacation to the later stadium Arcadium album and I would go so far as to say this is RHCP best collection of music.
Not amazing, freedom rider was my favourite. This just makes me realise that sometimes experimental folk music from the 70’s doesn’t stand the test of time.
Not amazing but I don’t hate it. I am trying not to make the obvious joke about “garbage by name garbage by nature” I actually thought it was okay but not my usual sauce.
I had a wonderful time walking around abbey fields listening to this album in the sunshine after work. Beautiful. I was surprised at how many of the songs I already knew. I must have heard this before in a former life.
It’s so 80’s isn’t it. Very listenable but not a show stopper. I’d quite like to go and check out Villiers terrace from the sounds of it.
This album certainly has a lot of personality and it was a fun listen. Great opening few tracks. All in all some majestic keyboard riffs accompanied by rather avant garde lyrics. I Listened again on Sunday night and the album only got better on the second pressing (unlike olive oil)
A Good album that cemented Kendrick Lamar as a truly mainstream rapper despite producing an original and often obscure contribution to the genre. Definitely over played but I guess that is just the sign of a great album although not my personal favourite.
Not a million miles away from odessy and the oracle by zombies only a bit more jovial and less like listening to four grown men sing about a damp flannel. I enjoyed this but it’s nothing too profound.
Was this when they had first started to use a computer to make music? I thought at the time of release in 1994 maybe this album was really groundbreaking but I googled and it peaked at 57 in the uk album charts being beaten by albums including “the hit list” by cliff Richard, “Seal II” by Seal and “Alive in hell” by meatloaf.
So this is the band from those hoodies (you know the ones) they are black, have an album cover on the front and and stink of B.O. I guess if your into iron maiden then you are into IRON MAIDEN because every song is the same.
This reminds me of wii music and I love wii music! ❤️❤️
This is a real mixture. you really have to tip toe through all the shit to find the gold! Synchronicity II is a banger as well as every breath you take. And then the rest is pretty poor.
What a beautiful day to listen to this album, relaxing, uplifting, throughly enjoyable.
A bit shouty for me but I could happily listen and tap my knees Along given the right circumstances. Since it was only an aperitif of an album at only 7 songs I had a double helping. However the second time was much the same as the first.
It’s a mixture of some good bluesy rock songs and really shit folk. Who knows where the time goes is pretty good. I gave that a few listens
“Well you know what they say about honey bears, that’s when you shave off all their baby hairs you have a hairy minded pink bad bear.” Yeah I really like this album. Lots of bangers including “satellite of love” I didn’t realise that was Lou Reed
Not bad until the yodelling. First few songs were pretty good and ‘family affair’ is a classic.
I actually think Randy Newman is crap but our strong childhood association to toy story makes us like his voice.
He’s got a very deep voice hasn’t he.
When I was young i got a free copy of a live version of this album on CD from the newspaper. A brilliant album that put music into a different trajectory. 5 stars.
Jazz, I won’t listen again.
Some bangers
I’m sorry James but I didn’t love it. However with time maybe I could grow more accustomed to Bruce and then maybe if I was in some kind of torture situation where a madman forced me to listen to Bruce Springsteen every minute of everyday then perhaps in the days following my clandestine rescue operation by the S.A.S I would actually begin to miss Bruce Springsteen like some sort of Stockholm syndrome sufferer.
When you sample a song you don’t always necessarily improve on the original but I suppose you do create something new. This album was wholly of its time and enjoyable for me listening today.
Maybe one of the best rock albums ever made let alone the best led zeppelin album.
R.E.M indeed. This is a snore fest.
better from PJ.
It’s a no from me.
Yeah decent. Very 80s and political messages. I liked track one, but I can’t remember what it was called. I watched the video on YouTube. You should check it out.
Bit pop punky. Not my thing but I appreciate what they are trying to do
Not good to be honest. I listened to Aretha Franklin afterwards. Now she can sing 😍
Song tracks on this album reminds me of west African music like what was playing when I was in Burkina Faso. I had a nice walk around sunny kenilworth listening to P.Simon
Actually not too bad. Some interesting cameos and collaborations. But I bet Cee Lo Green would be an arsehole to hang around with. His songs are very ego centric. Just pipe down Cee Lo! Also I feel like when he really goes for it, it kind of sounds like his voice box is malfunctioning. I don’t even know if he can sing... he is just making noise.
I love this album
Sounds the same as the last G and R album
Obviously I love Queen so in my eyes every album is a 10
Nah, I’ve listened to enough albums now to know this is not a good one.
Pretty average.
Very nice, I could listen to this is most settings, in fact I’m trying to think of a setting where this wouldn’t fit... and I can’t really think of one.
I preferred side two. But overall I though it was lyrically and musically pretty average but I get it. At the time it would’ve seemed better
I liked ‘pleasant street’ the most. The rest was okay but pleasant street was a real banger. I’ll listen to that again.
I enjoyed it, never really listened to Billy Brag and only knew him as a caricature of political singer song writers
Thoroughly enjoyed Paul Simon singing about mundane things like cars and allergies.
Originally from the album title I thought! Great samba! And then I was bitterly disappointed. I would describe this as ‘divorce music’ and not the fun empowering kind. This album is 28mins of pure wet papier-mâché.
Yes! Good fun
Some relaxing tones and filled an otherwise silent space, but I will not be rushing to buy a gainsbourg album
Basic bitch blues
Not my thing
Really lovely listening to Elton John walking around in the rain. Never realised how much of a diva he was until I watched rocket man on Netflix.
Yeah alright I dunno if I’ll ever listen to any other song again apart from sweet dreams
A little bit boring.
Yeah a great album, best Portishead Album (not that I have listened to many) but this one I know very well
The best example of an Album with a name that is also the band name and also has alliteration. Other examples include ‘the good, the bad and the Queen’. Weezer had An album called Weezer and Greenday had an album called greenday but despite these being repetitions they are not alliteration in my humble opinion. Therefore Franz Ferdinand is the champion!
A bit Samey but not bad
Good name shit band
I listened to it yesterday but I can’t remember it really which means it probably wasn’t great
But punky and stuff but not a show stopper
I honestly thought I would’ve hated it but didn’t mind it! But still a bit too heavy for me.
Relaxing to have on in the background
Pretty fun
Ahh I remember I had another girl another planet saved on my ‘creative zen MP3 player’ it was 4GB and it broke in the first six months of ownership so you could only skip forwards and not back. So if you wanted to listen to a song you had to scroll all the way forwards until you finally reached the track. Sometimes you’d over shoot and have to start the whole process again. Luckily ‘another girl, another planet’ was at the start of the list because it begins with A
Love a bit of reggae
Missy has never been my favourite tbh but this album was fine.
This album started okay and then got worse. So somewhere between a 2 and a 3 out of 5 for me.
Very enjoyable but not as good as ‘what’s going on’
I loved this album especially ‘would you like some sweets willy’ but it’s not a 5
Jane’s was right, this is a good album and completely new to me so that’s nice treat for my ears
Hmm is a bit too loose and messy for my taste. Sloppy music.
I expected more from the name and the album art
Grungy rock type stuff. It’s alright
She does a good job covering Dolly Parton. (Unless it’s the other way round) either way I’m a fan. I love coat of many colours it’s my favourite Dolly song.
This was a fun album to listen to. But a couple songs really just missed. But you can’t have it all.
I’m not sure about this one, probably needs another listen. Just a bit disjointed but not bad or anything
Gotta love those strong Liverpool accents coming through in this album. It’s got a real folk sound but I’ve also read this album be described as some of the first Brit pop.
Another fine album from Mr Mayfield. I am a real fan.
A bit blah 😒
An average contribution to the arts
A great album
It was a little bit awful
I loved this album. After a long day at work getting back and putting this on whilst cooking dinner was an absolute winner
Great album
Not my kinda thing but I can see how some would jam to this
Musically simplistic, his voice ain’t no show stoppa and lyrically pretty poor. I know lyrics don’t have to rhyme or anything but for me this just sounds like this dude is just making it up as he goes along.
I can’t decide if this is better than the other album of Radiohead that I listened to. To me it’s all wallpaper music.
Another great album from Dilly
It’s a bit shit
Some lyrics still as poignant today as when they were written which asks questions about how much social progress has really been made
A fantastic album can’t believe I’ve never heard it before.
No thank you
Yes some classic clash, although I prefer junior Murvin’s version of police and thieves.
I was never into them when I was younger, this is the first time listening to an entire album. I think I missed the bit in this one and now it’s too late.
Very enjoyable, I like the brass instruments
It seems very of it’s time, not in a bad way, it’s not overly sexist or anything, they are singing about old a Stuff that at the time would’ve been new stuff.
Usually I think I’d be into this kinda weird music songs about cats. But for some reason this didnt sit right with me, i dunno how best to describe it. It’s like it’s too breathy… like you can smell faint halitosis on each lyric. And it’s a bit boring.
A bit weird, not really full of bangers
Paper planes, Jimmy and come around takes me way back to teenage-hood. The rest I enjoyed but was less nostalgic