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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

Fire Of Love

The Gun Club


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Fire Of Love
Album Summary

Fire of Love is the debut album of the American punk band the Gun Club, released in 1981 on Ruby Records.







  • Post Punk
  • Punk
  • Rock


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Mon May 24 2021

A right load of pretentious bollocks has been written about this band "there's never been music like this, before or since". Well good, because it's shit.

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Mon Oct 25 2021

The Gun Club's newest inductee Alec Baldwin joined us for our daily shooting this morning. The stats were: Animals killed 89 People killed 13 Not bad for a Sunday morning's shooting, but we must improve tomorrow.

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Fri Sep 10 2021

Man, what a great album. Everything you love about Iggy, Violent Femmes, and all of the great american punk/post-punk bands is on display here. It's clever, fresh, different and, at the same time, oh-so familiar. Loved everything about it.

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Fri Mar 04 2022

The more I listen to it, the more the vocals really start to put me off. Between a 2 and a 3, but gets a 2 because it was more annoying than enjoyable.

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Fri Apr 02 2021

The Gun Club's debut is the watermark for all post-punk roots music. With Pierce's wailing high lonesome slide guitar twinned with Ward Dotson's spine-shaking riffs and the solid yet off-the-rails rhythm section of bassist Rob Ritter and drummer Terry Graham, the Gun Club burst out of L.A. Nobody has heard music like this before or since. Pierce's songs were rooted in his land of Texas. Fire of Love may be just what the doctor ordered, but to cure or kill is anybody's guess.

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Sat May 08 2021

I like a lot of post-punk, but somehow never checked out this band. Psychobilly, "punk blues", and cowpunk are all things I don't care about - so maybe those labels put me off. But holy shit this is good. And holy holy shit, it sounds so much like Pixies. I mean, you could say it sounds like Pixies ripped off Gun Club... or more positively, it's like discovering a Pixies album I never knew existed. I surprisingly enjoyed the punk energy given an Americana tinge, and I definitely enjoyed the Black Francis-esque vocals. I haven't had a chance for a second listen, but I'll stick my neck out and say 5/5, because this is seriously good.

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Sun Jun 13 2021

Incredibly fun early punk album. Enjoyable lyrics, memorable riffs (especially the few times they edged towards surfer punk), and an album that is impeccably paced for punk. It was an absolute blast to listen to.

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Thu Jan 14 2021

Pure punk-a-billy, can hear their influence in a lot of punk and indie bands that followed

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Thu Jan 13 2022

Really fucking good stuff. Cow-punk rocks.

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Thu Jan 20 2022

Jack White asking "Why are these songs not taught in schools?" completely sums up my feelings on this album. Absolutely incredible.

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Wed Nov 30 2022

such a fun, awesome, creative take on punk might be a bit repetitive and times but I loved every second 10/10

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Thu Mar 11 2021

Great post-punk blues-y stuff. I already know this band influenced Japandroids ("For the Love of Ivy") and Jack White immeasurably, but they really do the impossible and make rockabilly sound cool.

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Wed Dec 21 2022

I somehow missed out on this band entirely and I'm worse off for it. Wow, what a great record. You can hear everything from The White Stripes to Pixies in this, but none of the bands drawing influence are able to completely capture the mix of punk, blues, and garage quite like this.

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Fri Dec 30 2022

Twenty years before the White Stripes and the Black Keys, there was The Gun Club. They brought flat-out rock with touches of rockabilly. Too nuanced for the post-punk crowd and not rockabilly enough for the scene that brought us the Stray Cats, I don't know that they ever found their place, but there's lots here to enjoy.

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Fri Feb 24 2023

Yes! More punk, less post-punk! Kind of rides the line of punk and rock-a-billy. Doesn't overstay its welcome. Toes the line of anger and goofiness. Love it!

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Fri May 26 2023

Like finding a lost Pixies album.

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Fri May 31 2024

I really enjoyed this record, it’s a great punk/country-ish hybrid…”cow-punk” as it were, but I’m a little too preoccupied today to write an in-depth review: I can’t stop laughing about Donald Trump being convicted of 34 felonies in New York.

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Thu Jun 27 2024

Why. Do. All. Of. These. Albums. Sound. The. Same. I was happy to see an 80's album after getting a seemingly endless stream of albums from the 60's. Specifically 1968 for whatever reason. Imagine my disappointment when I listen to this and realize it sounds like it's also from 1968. I didn't hate it. But please stop giving me this stuff. 3/5

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Thu Jun 03 2021

Muy chido. Qué gran sorpresa descubrir esta banda. Me gustó todo el disco pero sobretodo she's like heroin to me y ghost on the highway que tienen ese efecto desenfrenado, torpe, estresa de algún modo. Mood: Amsiedad

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Mon Feb 01 2021

El post punk angelino es siempre un SÍ. Además tienen grandes canciones y una producción que ya le gustaría a Dream Syndicate en sus primeros discos. Sí rotundo

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Thu Jun 03 2021

Me gusta mucho la música que suena peligrosa. Y sucia. De sudor sexoroso y sudor de cruda. Uno de mis discos favoritos.

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Thu Mar 11 2021

Like some of the best albums we've heard so far, this one feels so ahead of its time. Really lays the foundation for a myriad of garage punk acts to follow. I can hear the influence on Japandroids, the White Stripes, and loads more.

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Tue Aug 03 2021

August 2, 2021 This is really cool! I had no idea this band existed but this album combines some of my favourite musical influences (punk & blues, apparently?)

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Sun Sep 05 2021

Very good! Love the blues-punk fusion.

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Thu Nov 04 2021

One of those groups I've heard mentioned but I don't think actually listened to before now. Definitely motivated to check out more. Can I assume Black Francis was a fan?

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Thu Nov 18 2021

So this starts off polished punk. Then bluesy. Then - wow - Led Zeppelin, a bit 'Doors'y - and i'm taking this in wide eyed. This is amazing. This is why I'm doing this - to be introduced to great music I'm not familiar with. As someone else said "the magnitude of discovering The Gun Club cannot be understated" and it could well be my words. Thank you!

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Sun Jan 09 2022

A very fun album; I like how they mixed several styles together.

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Wed Feb 02 2022

I am very familiar with THE GUN CLUB’s FIRE OF LOVE, which I have and liked very much. After re-listening to FIRE OF LOVE, I’ve grown to appreciate it more, however, I feel that MIAMI is the superior release and should be the second GUN CLUB album in the list. In 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die, THE GUN CLUB’s FIRE OF LOVE Is the only album listed. Rate Artist: THE GUN CLUB (5.0) Rate Album (Year): FIRE OF LOVE (UK 1988 Original) (5.0) Rate Album (Year): FIRE OF LOVE (US 2004 Expanded) (5.0) Ranking of THE GUN CLUB - FIRE OF LOVE songs No. Title Length Ranking 1-01 Sex Beat 2:48 09.5/10 1-02 Preaching The Blues 4:01 10.0/10 1-03 Promise Me 2:38 09.5/10 1-04 She's Like Heroin To Me 2:35 09.0/10 1-05 For The Love Of Ivy 5:37 10.0/10 1-06 Fire Spirit 2:49 09.5/10 1-07 Ghost On The Highway 2:46 10.0/10 1-08 Jack On Fire 4:45 10.0/10 1-09 Black Train 2:13 10.0/10 1-10 Cool Drink Of Water 6:19 10.0/10 1-11 Goodbye Johnny 3:47 09.5/10 US 1988 Original Release 107.0/110 = 9.73 / 2 = 4.86 Bonus Tracks: 1-12 Bad Indian (Alternate Version) 2:25 10.0/10 1-13 Cool Drink Of Water (Alternate Version) 1:00 08.0/10 1-14 Fire Of Love (Alternate Version) 1:49 10.0/10 1-15 For The Love Of Ivy (Alternate Version) 5:33 10.0/10 1-16 Ghost On The Highway (Alternate Version) 2:47 10.0/10 US Deluxe 2020 (% Bonus) Release 155.0/180 = 9.69 / 2 = 4.84

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Fri Feb 18 2022

Prva petica za nekog kog nisam čuo nikad, nego otkrio preko ovoga. Svaku pjesmu sam pravo uživao i svaka čast, hvala generatoru! Mješavina tolko podžanrova and it fuckin works beautifully HOLY FUCKING SHIT, polagano ću ja diskografiju slušat.

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Mon Jul 04 2022

The first four Gun Club albums are all classics - always liked The Las Vegas Story the most - less blues and more new wave / post-punk -I guess it is not on the list but really should- but in any case Fire Of Love is great too, punk-blues might be the best qualification. It is quite intense and needs to be played as loud as possible.

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Fri Oct 21 2022

Might I suggest if you have never heard this album put it on your list of things to do today. You'll not be disappointed.

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Wed Dec 07 2022

Heeft mij absoluut verrast. Simpele maar complete muziek, fijne gitaar, goeie vocals. Topalbum die zeker in de rotatie gaat

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Mon Dec 12 2022

This album is a phenomenal work of post punk with a gothic country feel. The songs have a simmering quality with a driving Bakersfield beat slowed down which creates almost a menacing quality that persists throughout. This music is highly influential and has been cited by Jack White as a major influence as can be heard in the garage revival of the early 2000s.

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Wed Feb 01 2023

This is the go to Gun Club album

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Mon Feb 13 2023

Jamming post punk. A good time all the way through.

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Fri Feb 24 2023

Was frightened to be walking into another post punk nonsense album but this kicks ass. Definite forefather to the late 90s early 00s garage rock revival sound I hold dear, especially a lot of the Detroit bands from that era that you can hear in this album. If I would’ve heard this shit in 1981 I would’ve lost my goddamned mind

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Sun Apr 16 2023

Not surprised to read (early) Pixies and the Birthday Party mentioned on the same page as these now I'm hearing it for the first time. The progenitors of those greats. Elements of the Cramps in here to to my ear. And this is a fantastic album. Absolutely breathless, and never a comfortable listen.

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Thu May 25 2023

Definetely in the top 10 of the greatest punk rock records of all time, arguably in the top 3. Classic.

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Sat Jul 15 2023

Briljant! Faan vad jag känner mig cool när jag lyssnar på det här. Vill börja röka och bära solglasögon inomhus, driva runt på stan och mucka gräl. Brukar ju oftast gravitera mer mot brittiskt än amerikanskt när det kommer till punk, men här vävs amerikansk blues- och americanakultur in så bra i den punkiga grunden. Det perfekta giftermålet mellan 40-talets blues och den nya punken. 'Sex Beat' är en perfekt öppningslåt på ett punkalbum. Älskar också 'Preaching the Blues', 'She's Like Heroin to Me', Ghost on the Highway' och 'Jack on Fire'. Lite suspekt att n-ordet används två gånger i albumet. Läste runt lite om det och väljer att tolka det mer som att JLP spelar en karaktär, och vill chocka lite. För att citera Thåströms Dylan-pastich: "Ingen sjunger blues som Jeffrey Lee Pierce". Hans röst skär fan som en kniv. Bästa låt: Svårt att välja här, rätt jämn nivå. 'Sex Beat', 'She's Like Heroin to Me', eller 'Ghost on the Highway'.

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Wed Jul 26 2023

Is it terrible that I guessed the singer was already dead from the moment I heard the first song? It seems like it might be. This is terrific though; it still sounds fresh as hell.

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Fri Jul 28 2023

Bro this shit is my absolute jam. Like I'm not a big bluesy guy but mix it with the punk shit I rock alot and damn it sounds nice. Saved the whole album for relistens. I love it 5*

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Wed Sep 06 2023

Another one of those bands I always meant to listen to but didn't for whatever reason. Instantly liked this a lot. I don't usually give out a 5 for a first listen but here we are.

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Fri Sep 08 2023

I really like this, it’s a good punk band. I’ve never heard of them before, but I definitely wanna check out more music from them. 5/5

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Wed Sep 13 2023

Well I'll be damned! In my review of Pixies' "Doolittle" I described them as "mirror universe indie rock" because it's always seemed to me that Pixies emerged fully formed with their own weirdly idiosyncratic style, seemingly unrelated to everything that came before. Well here it is, the missing link! Within the first couple of tracks I was on wikipedia checking whether The Gun Club was some sort of Pixies prequel band some or all of the members were previously involved in, it felt so much cut from the same cloth... Very happy with the 1001 project today - have that satisfying feeling of a missing puzzle piece sliding into place! 🧩 Fave tracks - "Sex Beat", "Preaching the Blues", and "She's Like Heroin To Me" all get the album off to an absolutely cracking start. Gonna have to give it more listens to pick out the highlights from later in the album...

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Wed Jan 24 2024

I was surprised by how much I really liked this. A truly unique punk album.

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Mon Jan 29 2024

Loved it! What a gem. Sounded like it could have been made yesterday never mind 1981!

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Sun Mar 03 2024

This was really good. Interesting blending of rockabilly and punk. Can really see how it would be super influential.

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Tue Mar 12 2024

This is one of those "how on earth have I never heard of this band before" revelations. This album is so good and apparently hugely influential on subsequent punk and garage rock bands. The music is a great combo of punk, rock, and hard edged delta blues. I found it interesting to learn that lead Jeffrey Pierce was influenced by acts as diverse as Sparks, Genesis, Roxy Music, Blondie (with Debbie Harry singing on The Gun Club's second album), and Bob Marley. Unusual influences yield unique music, I suppose. You'd also think Pierce came from somewhere on the Mississippi Delta, but he's from California. This their debut album and it sounds great from start to finish. Hard to pick favorite tracks, but I'll go with the two blues covers (Preaching the Blues and Cool Drink of Water), Promise Me (love the unusual beat), She's Like Heroin to Me (great straightforward punk), and Ghost on the Highway (great rocker). Oh, and Fire Spirit, Jack on Fire (harsh lyrics, though), and Goodbye Johnny. The only moment I sort of didn't like was the end of For the Love of Ivy where Pierce got a little weird. Plus the lyrics on that track are concerning - maybe he's mocking a redneck hick with his "I was hunting for n****rs in the dark" line, but I watched a live video and the drummer had a confederate flag wadded up in his bass drum. Um, yeah. Black Train also had similarly concerning lyrics. Hopefully they're just playing a part/being ironic. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, particularly with the musical debt they owe to delta blues. Overall, this is one seriously awesome album.

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Mon Mar 18 2024

Fire Of Love is an album clearly made on bad drinks and questionable medicines, and suitable for fans of the raw, hyped-up, uncontrolled feel of the first Pixies albums or the late punk. And this is not even their best work

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Sun Jul 14 2024

Punk blues - could be from anywhere between 1976 and 2029! Absolute genius, hard to believe it was a debut, other than how focussed it is. Another band I plan to explore more fully when I don't get a new album each day - think my "after the list" list is rapidly closing in on 1001 albums as well! Word of advice (for those who don't know the band already) - listen first, even if you usually read the wiki; if only so you can have a guess when this was recorded

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Fri Feb 26 2021

Really good punky stuff, I like it.

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Fri May 07 2021

pixies vibes. very nice. 4.5

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Sun Apr 04 2021

Sounded generic on first listen but I really liked it after the second

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Thu Jun 03 2021

Esto es como un punk que suena ya más producido. O es la impresión que tuve, como todo punk casi, son cosas que escucho y pueden emocionarme, pero a las que difícilmente me engancho con cotidianidad. Este es un disco medio ligero, con una que otra parte descollante y hasta ahí. La portada me gusta mucho, eso sí, puse poca atención a sus letras. Me gustaron "For the Love of Ivy" y "Black Train". 7.5/10

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Tue May 18 2021

This just solidified my western pride as a whole.

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Fri May 21 2021

Never heard of this mob but v enjoyable

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Tue May 18 2021

A pretty groundbreaking combo of punk and blues, it's really cool to hear the origin of this sound.

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Fri May 14 2021

No way, first track Sex Beat was an instrumental track that I really liked off Earthed 2, but that version was by Two Lone Swordsman. Had no idea this was the orginal. Sounds kinda like 80s punk but mixed with blues. Really enjoying it. 4

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Tue Jun 08 2021

Is it weird I want to mosh to this entire album? I also can’t for the life of me remember where I heard Ghost on the Highway before but boy it slaps!!

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Tue Apr 27 2021

I had never listened to this album and it was fun to listen to. I even looked the band up and everything!

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Tue Jul 06 2021

I was familiar with a couple songs through covers, but never heard the original or this whole album. Really enjoyed it.

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Tue Jul 06 2021

This was a good album and I would listen to it again.

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Wed May 19 2021

Nothing wrong with the album, but it didn't really do anything for me

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Wed Jul 28 2021

Nota: 4/5 No coneixia el grup i m'ha semblat molt fàcil d'escoltar. M'ha recordat a The Cure. L'àlbum m'ha passat volant.

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Fri Aug 13 2021

Cool blues/roots punk. Sex Beat is a treat of an opener. great formational album of a lot of the grunge and alt rock.

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Wed Aug 18 2021

great stuff - good racket and actually tuneful unlike some early yank punk. 4

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Fri Aug 20 2021

I love discovering punk/protopunk/postpunk/garage bands that I wasn't familiar with before, and this was a really good one. Shades of the Velvet Underground, The Stooges, Television, with a little blues and cowpunk thrown in for good measure. Pretty unique. 4 stars, will definitely listen again.

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Fri Aug 27 2021

Decent punk. The energy in the first half was really good but it dragged a little by the end. 7/10

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Fri Aug 27 2021

7/10. Pretty revolutionary to take punk music and merge it with genres that sound good. I can see how it was influential.

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Fri Aug 27 2021

Sounded very ahead of this time, often funny! It was definitely stronger towards the beginning. 7/10

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Sun Sep 05 2021

Makes you wish that blues and post punk was a more common combination, especially in the hands of musicians who know to use dynamics in rock music

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Wed Sep 22 2021

Classic new wave punk, surprised I hadn’t heard before

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Thu Sep 23 2021

Surprised by how much I enjoyed this. Punk albums on this list have been very hit or miss (mostly miss), but this one is cool. The blues/roots side of things is really cool. I'm a bit concerned though; the vocalist employs a few choice slurs and he is not black. Not a good look given the violent, Southern-themed nature of the lyrics, even if it's a reflection of a character he's embodying. It's jarring and makes me bristle, but fortunately the music surrounding is still strong. I guess that's just part of the darkness. Great album overall, excellent punk riffs and melodies. I can hear how this would have influenced tons of bands that followed. Favorite tracks: Sex Beat, She's Like Heroin to Me, Cool Drink of Water, For the Love of Ivy, Jack on Fire. Album art: This is a cool one. Nice bold colors, startling imagery. Does a lot with a little. Seems very homemade. 4/5

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Wed Oct 06 2021

Was not expecting this at all

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Thu Oct 07 2021

Frábær, tímalaus blanda pönks, blúss og rokkabillí. Greinilega áhrifavaldar fyrir ýmsa artista sem komu á eftir. Þessi plata hefði getað komið út á hvaða áratug sem er eftir 70s.

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Fri Oct 08 2021

Sex Beat is pure punk, but Preaching the Blues is solid blues. Preaching the Blues feels very current even today, ironically it even sounds commercial! It's a love letter to punk but also a pioneer album for punk. 80s punk need look no further than this album. I am not too well versed in punk, but this is probably the best punk album I have heard. Songs are great, ranging for life, drugs, love, lust, music, freedom, all the punk tropes! Cool Drink of Water is a blast! Just bayou, haunted, strange, bluesy punk.

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Mon Oct 25 2021

What does SHACK eat for breakfast? Lamb chops.

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Thu Nov 11 2021

way better than below, more musical

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Fri Dec 03 2021

Yeah, this was pretty good. Totally not familiar with these guys, but it sounds like I should be.

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Wed Dec 08 2021

Fucking cool, like a proto-Pixies

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Wed Dec 08 2021

Sort of dreary but I still enjoyed it

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Wed Dec 08 2021

Awesome foot tapper album. Enjoyed

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