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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

The Rising

Bruce Springsteen


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The Rising
Album Summary

The Rising is the twelfth studio album by American recording artist Bruce Springsteen, released on July 30, 2002, on Columbia Records. In addition to being Springsteen's first studio album in seven years, it was also his first with the E Street Band in 18 years. Based in large part on Springsteen's reflections during the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks, the album predominantly centers upon themes of relationship struggles, existential crisis and social uplift. Upon its release, The Rising was a critical and commercial success, being hailed as the triumphant return for Springsteen. The album became Springsteen's first to top the US Billboard 200 since Tunnel of Love in 1987. It also garnered a Grammy Award for Best Rock Album in 2003; although nominated for the Album of the Year award as well, it was beaten by Norah Jones's debut album Come Away with Me. The title song "The Rising" was also a Grammy recipient.







  • Rock
  • Singer Songwriter


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Mar 31 2021
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I'm big on Bruce Springsteen up through "Tunnel of Love" but after that there really isn't much that I've been able to get into, including this album. To me this is a good example of where this list of 1001 albums starts to show some cracks: why put the 12th album by a well established artist on the list rather than make way for a younger artist who was truly in their prime during this time period? Don't like many of the production choices. And to top it off, it's too long.

Apr 13 2021
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“The Rising” by Bruce Springsteen (2002) Nothing subtle about the marketing eroticism of the album title and cover. At the age of 53, he might have more truthfully pitched “The Falling”, or “The Unending Search for Relevance”. This album is almost entirely a collection of songs of love’s longing, with plenty of images of bells, blood, empty spaces, and anticipated journeys. A quintessentially American album. Released six months after 9/11, there are several references to what was on every American’s mind. In the aftermath of catastrophe, Springsteen endeavors to focus our passions on edifying affections, and he’s mostly successful. Musically, the album is well composed, arranged, and produced, even if the vocal and instrumental performances are less than stellar. I think I’ll always be put off by New Jersey native Springsteen’s poorly affected Southern accent and weak, overused falsetto. Melodies are all very typically Springsteen. On “Lonesome Day”, the post-9/11 sentiment of “A little revenge and this too will pass” was ok for the moment, but then the sad history of war in Afghanistan, the Iraq War, and the excesses of the USA Patriot Act emerged, and, well, we all needed some loving. Still do. Also, “Into the Fire” is inspiring, even if it borders on exploitation. Meaningful, nevertheless. So this album has some enduring satisfaction. Overall, a good album from an America worth loving, then and now. 3/5

Mar 07 2021
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I got 3.5 songs in. I just couldn’t. I like his earlier stuff, but this didn’t do anything for me

Oct 13 2020
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The Bruce Springsteen 9/11 album. Goes pretty much how you’d expect. It was a commercial revitalization for The Boss, but to me it sounds pompous, a checklist of every bad 00s (rock) production technique, and without a hook in sight.

Mar 11 2021
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Long, boring, and corny. America did not need this album post-9/11, I don't care what anyone says.

Dec 06 2021
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Springsteen has some good albums. This is not one of them.

Jun 09 2023
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9/11 had a profound effect on the music industry, and I don't think any of it was good. This is a prime example. Its awash with patriotism and self-pride. The music is simple and uninspired while being littered with a bunch of over complicated melismatic strings. It feels lazy overall. It's the shadow of albums like Born to Run and Wild, Innocent, E-Street band. I love Bruce, but this is not the version of him I love. If anything I feel like this still belongs on the list to show the significance of 9/11 in music

Jan 25 2021
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First couple of tracks I was into. Then it became massively middle of the road dad rock.

Apr 14 2021
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Wonderful. This was Bruce's album after a long hiatus from music and even longer one from the E Street Band. It appears quite light hearted but there are some quite meaningful and clever songs in there such as the Rising, You're Missing and Mary's Place. I feel that these great songs are lost a bit in the more 'party songs' such as Waiting on a Sunny Day, especially for first time listeners. Nevertheless, I love this album but I did hope that the first Bruce album on this list would have been one of the earlier more accessible ones.

Feb 23 2021
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My favorite album so far. The fact that this was in response to 9/11 is impressive. The songs were honest in dealing with the complicated emotions from that event. Not like some other music, say from Toby Keith which was just "America F' YA!"

Jul 20 2021
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This album could have easily been an angry attack, but instead Springsteen sings about complex, nuanced emotions. I also love how a couple of songs have are inspired by Middle Eastern Music. Springsteens singing is also a lot clearer and less mumbled on this album. Great variety, mature lyrics, and powerful music. Overall, my favorite Springsteen album so far.

Nov 07 2021
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L'album débute à ma grande surprise par une confession de Bruce: il deteste la parodie de lui même qu'il est devenue, et c'est la la principale information à retenir de cet album. En effet, depuis maintenant des années, Bruce nous explique être enfermé dans une spirale infernale, le forçant par exemple à déblaterer des atrocités mysogines et à diffuser des pets de façon importune. C'est sur une note d'espoir que cet album débute, puisque Bruce explique vouloir changer, pas seulement mentalement mais également physiquement, puisqu'il a pris la décision de raser sa coupe mullet depuis l'épisode de la guitare (voir review sur Nebraska). Malheureusement, le côté obscur de bruce va rapidement reprendre le dessus. Tout d'abord par le biais de courtes interjections au milieu de ses textes: "La bite !", "grognasse !", "pastis !". Ces cris parasites vont venir destabiliser l'auditeur. Puis plus on approche de la fin de l'album, plus le Dark Bruce devient dominant, jusqu'au climax, l'outro de l'album. Ici, Bruce, arborrant un marcel laissant apercevoir une touffe de poil sur son torse, va tout simplement lacher une enorme caisse dans son micro, avant de partir dans un fou rire gras. Bruce est malheureusement malgré toute sa bonne volonté probablement irrecuperable.

Jul 26 2023
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This is the Springsteen version of the shitty country that came out after 9/11. Obvious hard rhymes, predictable tropes in lyrics and instrumentation, corny turns of phrase. Further On even has him faking a country twang. _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_. A name for this genre could be "Boomer Chants" or "Boomer Feel Good".

May 18 2021
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Springsteen's success is based on schlocking his ass off and miraculously not failing--half the time. This is not the good half. The music is so excessively bombastic it's bland and the lyrics so general they mean nothing. The man has four or five albums that should be on this list. Picking a bad one deserves extra punishment.

Mar 13 2023
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Brucey usually goes down like plain oatmeal. This, however, went down like plain, dry, oatmeal.

Jul 28 2022
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In my opinion his best album of the 21st Century. I acknowledge that not every single song is great but there are some classics starting with The Rising. Should have won the Grammy for Album of the Year but Norah Jones robbed him!

Apr 24 2021
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Powerful album; especially the context of 9/11. The length of the album/songs keeps it from being 5 stars, but it's a great album.

Mar 03 2024
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I've never really heard anything aside from Springsteen's hits, so this is my first full album of his. And honestly... I enjoyed a lot of it! In full honesty, I am grading this album on a bit of a curve, because it's a "9/11 album", and unlike all of the other jingoistic, bloodthirsty, and sometimes flat-out racist art that came out after 9/11, this album takes a wholly different approach. There's not a hint of revenge or anger on this album - its key themes are loss, grief, resilience, and strength through community. The title track and closer are flat-out gorgeous, especially when taken in that context. There are some very weak tracks in the middle section of the album, but I think as a whole work... this album needed to be made, and it does what it was made to do. 4 stars.

Nov 07 2021
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Quelle magnifique ode à l'optimisme que cet album... Bruce Springsteen se présente sous un jour nouveau et nous dit vouloir changer. C'est sa résolution pour le troisième millénaire. Et en effet, quel bonheur d'assister à cette métamorphose pleine d'espoir et de bonne volonté. Finis les coupes mulet, les ailerons à l'arrière des voitures, les blagues misogynes ou encore les comparaisons douteuses entre ses selles et des taupes : Bruce est déterminé à faire table rase du passé et veut que la terre entière soit mise au courant. C'est du moins sur cette note positive que s'achève la face A du CD. La face B, quant à elle, nous fait rapidement craindre une rechute. On entend d'abord un "vroum vroum" discret en arrière-plan qu'on soupçonne provenir d'un de ces fameux "concours d'accélération" auxquels Springsteen s'adonnait autrefois. On distingue ensuite un "clap clap" que l'on rapproche immédiatement d'un mariage indésirable entre claquettes et chaussettes. On est enfin stupéfait de tomber sur un morceau caché en toute fin d'album, soixante-neuf secondes de silence après la fin de la dernière chanson. "Vous y avez cru mes couillasses ?" s'écrie le chanteur dans un français parfait avant d'embrayer sur un condensé de flatulences et de propos inappropriés. Retour à la case départ pour Bruce.

Oct 21 2022
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Listens: 4 Enjoyed: Meh It just feels disgustingly American, from the hope to the mourning. It feel like Springsteen just did a massive line of eagle blood. The fact it's inspired by 9/11 just makes it even worse, sorta just inappropriate. There are a few decent standalone songs that may be added to my playlist but the project as a whole gives a very weird vibe Would be a very low 3

Jun 11 2023
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This was after The Boss lost me. It's almost like he was profiting off of 9/11. He got something of a pass because he's the Jersey Golden Boy who was painted as the poet laureate of the working class folk. He has three timeless 5 star albums on this list, and another one that's close. The world over praised this one as something of a return to form because it was released (and for the most part, written) in the aftermath of 9/11. Don't get me wrong. I ride hard for Springsteen, even to the point of defending some of his work released AFTER this album. And this one is just nowhere near the upper echelon of his catalog.

Mar 25 2021
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Vi Springsteen... Se me hizo raro por qué un disco del 2002... Lo escuche de fondo... Rock totalmente indistinto, tipo estadio como lo que ha hecho toda su vida... Esto no suena absolutamente a nada interesante... ¿Qué hace esto en la lista? Lo escuche de nuevo poniendo atención. Todo hizo clic. El disco está en la lista solo por que es en memoria del 11 de septiembre y, al parecer, se ha vuelto hasta emblemático en EE.UU. en eventos y cosas relacionadas. En mi opinión, ni como disco de Springsteen ni como memorial funciona. Las letras más clichés y melodramáticas, con la sutileza de un marro se sienten prefabricadas para cantarse en un estadio y sacar una lagrimita mientras todos sacan su encendedor (Woke up this morning to an empty sky... empty sky... (◔_◔) ). Hacer un album de canciones tipo himno estadio sobre temas así son ejercicios vacíos. Una situación así nos recuerda el miedo , el entumecimiento, la confusión, corazones rotos. Ese es el territorio que The Rising, o cualquier álbum que busque hacer justicia a ese día tal como se vivió, en contraposición a cómo fue televisado, debería aspirar. En su lugar esto se siente impersonal y vacío.

Apr 27 2021
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Es un álbum disfrutable. Lento y plano para mi gusto. Los cambios entre canción y canción son muy similares, volviéndolo repetitivo. Pude llegar a la última canción, pero rogaba porque terminara.

Mar 11 2021
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Gotta say, there's not a great excuse for have a 72 minute Springsteen Album. But this album is an okay one, though there are several songs that are longer than they need to be, and have a bit of a dull premise that gets drawn out. Also not a huge fan of the use of backup singers, and I feel like his earlier albums have more emotion in the singing. Worlds Apart was interesting, but didn't quite work, which was disappointing. All that said, I listened to a lot of these songs growing up which has made me rather fond of them, and Mary's Place and The Rising were great, I especially liked how the latter tied back in with Empty Sky a bit. Overall scrapes a five, from me, though I doubt I'll give it another close listen.

Apr 14 2021
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One of my all time fave albums ❤️

Aug 24 2021
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Rating: 9/10 Best songs: Lonesome day, Into the fire, Worlds apart, Mary’s place, The rising, Paradise

Jan 07 2022
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I can excuse a little of Springsteen's cheese because of this one's timing and sentiment.

Feb 11 2022
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Predivno, ovaj album + šetnja na suncu liječi sve!!

Mar 23 2022
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Even though not every song here was written in the aftermath of 9/11, this is Springsteen's 9/11 album. It was also his first great album in about 15 years (since 1987's "Tunnel of Love") and as of now his last truly great album of original material. I've liked his stuff since then (and I liked the a lot of the stuff between "Tunnel" and this album) but "The Rising" is a whole other level.

Jun 13 2022
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One of my favorite Bruce albums. Powerful without feeling too on the nose.

Jul 01 2022
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Quan feia més falta. El disc post 11S definitiu. Diria que no només a USA, sinó a tot el món occidental. Cal haver viscut aquell temps per valorar-ho de forma completa. Ho fa amb l'E Street Band, per primer cop plegats des del 1984 a 'Born in the USA', un altre disc que va marcar la seva década. I ho fa amb un to conciliador, d'esperança i solidaritat, tan allunyat dels crits clamant revenja de l'época. I ho fa amb un grapat de cançons de primer nivell, que plegades formen un dels discos essencials dels 00's

Sep 15 2022
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The master of making a simple song so good. Teeters on the edge of cheese a few times, but forgivable knowing the time frame. I wouldn’t say powerful, or cathartic, but maybe soothing. Or empathetic, speaking for a nation in pain.

Oct 27 2022
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This is an album Bruce Springsteen had to make. It's probably one of the first albums made in the wake of 9-11 that grappled with the events of that day. It's also Bruce's first real full-length album of new material since 1995's The Ghost of Tom Joad. As Jersey's favorite son and an artist whose collective work is bound inextricably to New York, there was a weight on him to put his thoughts on record, a feat he accomplishes admirably. He could be talking about any tragedy, which is probably what makes this album work. 9-11 was brutal, and something I certainly don’t like to think about at all. But The Rising takes all the confusion and grief of living through a traumatic event and allows us to process and work through it with these songs. It's not linear either as you can see. There are bright moments and grim moments and moments of questioning and anger, and they all live together in you at the same time. That's a very real way of thinking about loss. I still have a bit of a fraught relationship with The Rising. I listen to Springsteen a lot, every day in fact. Several of the songs on this album are among my favorites and there are other songs I actively avoid. This isn't an album I listen to straight through often at all. So I was struck today what a good album this is as a whole. Bruce's more recent works sometimes can be a little hit and miss, but this one is really tight musically. The band is in top form and each song flows beautifully into the next. The themes of love and faith weave elegantly through the songs and he lands in a place of hope. We really needed this in 2002, but the songs still resonate deeply, 20 years on. I wasn't initially inclined to give this a 5, but this is really a testament of what you do with music, and it's one of Springsteen’s finest. Fave Songs (All songs, from most to least favorite): The Rising, Further On (Up the Road), Into the Fire, Nothing Man, Waitin' on a Sunny Day, My City of Ruins, You're Missing, Countin' on a Miracle, Mary's Place, Lonesome Day, The Fuse, Empty Sky, Worlds Apart, Paradise, Let's Be Friends (Skin to Skin)

Dec 21 2022
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One of my favourite Springsteen records

Feb 08 2023
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Not an album I was familiar with. So Boss!

Aug 31 2023
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This is one that I have a favorable impression of due to the time it came out. It was 2002 and it was Bruce's response to the September 11th, terrorist attacks. It was also the first Bruce Springsteen album I ever really got into. Moving to NYC in 2002, the album felt poignant to the angst and uncertainty that people felt during that first year after the attacks. I remember visiting NYC for the first time in May 2002 staying in a hotel downtown on Wall Street and waking up with a bloody nose because of the grit and pollution still in the air. Then I remember moving there in November 2002 and it wasn't that people had moved on, but it had become a joyous time in NYC because people seemed to just embrace that it could all go away. So when I listen to this album, I think of all of this. On a scale of 0-100. This is around an 89 for me. But do to everything I reviewed, I'll probably give it 5 stars for the combo music and emotional context.

Nov 16 2023
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10/10 Bruce Springsteen, whatever that means

Dec 09 2023
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I am not really a huge Springsteen fan after the Tunnel of Love albums since it got into stuff that I don't really listen to as much. Nonetheless, I love this album and listening to it realised how many of the songs I remember. A fantastic return to form for the Boss and two decades later, still sounds good.

Dec 20 2023
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This album captures perfect the themes and feelings we all had post the events of 9/11 - the tracks that mean most to me are Mary's Place and My City In Ruins and of course the title track The Rising

Jan 31 2024
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far more range than i anticipated. And totally bad ass.

Jan 31 2024
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Wow, Bruce gets another album listed, pretty impressive.

Feb 07 2024
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I listened to about 30 seconds. Not sure if that’s long enough to qualify for a vote but I’m submitting it anyways

Feb 11 2024
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This was a great album at an important time in this world

Mar 03 2024
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Great album. Particularly like Mary’s Place.

Apr 10 2024
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This will be my first encounter with the Boss during this project. I love his classic albums but haven’t ever really listened to anything beyond Born in the USA, along with one or two songs he released after. Curious if this will be the understated Boss on Nebraska and Streets of Philadelphia, feels like that should be appropriate for an aging rocker. I think my experience of this album can best be summed up by my experience with the song World’s Apart. It starts with an electronic drum and an Indian/Middle Eastern vibe that had me thinking oh God is Bruce about to do some trance music is he trend chasing is this going to have a weird message that’s aged poorly. And then the song kicks off and it’s incredible, I loved it, the production is excellent, the instrumentation is great, and the whole time I’m mad because of how much I like this album. So unbelievably I’m giving this 5/5. Do I think it deserves to be on this list? Maybe not, but I do really like this.

Apr 15 2024
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An absolutely perfect album. Every single song made me feel something

Apr 19 2024
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There is no need for an excuse to listen to this album. Such a good album. The first Bruce album after a long break and first back on E street I believe. You can really tell how important the E street band is to Bruce on this record. Its a fun album with some really good songs. I rediscovered Paradise, what a lovely song that is. Favourite song: Waiting on a sunny day, Marys place and The Rising. Least favourite: The fuse Album artwork: Not as good as born to run and born in the USA, but its allright

May 23 2024
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Awesome collection of easy to listen to songs

Jun 05 2024
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Wo Springsteen draufsteht ist Springsteen drin. Klasse Album wie so viele davor und danach. Volle Punktzahl!

Aug 14 2024
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Discazo de punta a punta. Me encanta como canta cada una de las canciones, rock, cambios de ritmo, baladas, de todo. Redondito

Aug 21 2024
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This album captures the full range of experiences for Americans post-9/11. It's not the Toby Keith stong-man trope, nor a sad sack collection of grief songs. The album follows real emotions of real people grappling with an event that would shape life going forward. A man form New Jersey called survivors and those who lost family members, made connections, and got his iconic band back together to work through it. As someone who remembers that time and place, this was an interesting reflective experience. Bruce did it right. Saved Songs: - lonesome day - nothing man - empty sky - worlds apart - Mary's place - you're missing

Aug 25 2024
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I really like this one more than I expected it to. The songs are perhaps a bit poppy but really seem to capture the post 9/11 American zeitgeist. Much better than I expected from an artist over 3 decades into his career, Bruce's voice still sounds amazing too. There are some beautiful songs in there like Paradise and Into the fire, mixed with a bunch of more upbeat songs.

Oct 10 2024
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il voto meno imparziale di sempre, ma Bruce per me è tra i mostri sacri più inarrivabili, e sentire the rising live è stata un'esperienza che non mi dimenticherò mai. fantastico.

Sep 17 2020
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Memories of 9/11. Heartbreaking and inspiring in the current crises.

Mar 30 2021
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Not his best album but it’s hard not to like the boss

Mar 30 2021
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Preachy but the rising (song) is a classic

Feb 11 2021
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Ich kann verstehen, warum er so unfassbar beliebt ist. Eine sehr markante Stimme. Einfache und doch gleichzeitig mitreißende Musik. Sicherlich massentauglich. Auch wenn das Album mit 73 Minuten etwas lang war, hab ich viel Abwechslung gehört. Ein Song mit viel Percussion und rhythmischer Begleitung. Einer mit elektronischen Sounds. Das Urgestein mit 23 Alben bei i Tunes gibt sich Mühe die modernen Entwicklungen in der Musikszene aufzugreifen. Country-Rock-Pop? Das Album hat bei mir Interesse an ihm geweckt.

Feb 15 2021
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A nice Bruce Springsteen album. Was nice to listen to.

Mar 25 2021
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Pues sí, así como los Foo hacen música casi prefabricada para gustarle a nuestra generación en un estadio, este disco de El Jefe está prefabricado para gustarle al baby boomer o gen X gringo. Pero dejando eso de lado, para mí, que solo conocía Streets of Philadelphia o Born in the USA, tiene mucho que ofrecerme: bonita producción, mezcla de estilos y sonidos y hasta un coro árabe que es un contrapeso a todo el contexto del disco. Punto adicional para Bruce cuando leí que es defensor del matrimonio gay, que debe ser algo complicado al ser el cantante favorito de gen x y boomers.

Mar 25 2021
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Mucho más movido que el otro que ha salido en la lista y se agradece. Me quedo con Waitin' On A Sunny Day y Further On (Up The Road), aunque también se puede colar Mary's Place. También tiene baladas, buenos arreglos de metales. No se siente como un disco arriesgado y no necesita serlo. Mi único tema es que es muy largo.

Apr 04 2021
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Solid album, although not great (in my opinion) due to it being somewhat inconsistent and a bit repetitive at times. A few REALLY amazing songs on there though.

Feb 02 2021
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The emotion and depth is apparent throughout. Maybe a bit long winded at times, but overall it was really good. Solid 4.

Feb 08 2021
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A good one, but not my favorite Springsteen album

Feb 11 2021
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It's a bit long and not quite up there with his best but some great tracks.

Jun 23 2021
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Solid dad rock from the most dad rock guy around

Feb 15 2021
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A pensive and slightly melancholic Boss.

Apr 13 2021
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Hvis det er noe Bruce Springsteen får til, er det feelgood musikk! Mye karakteristisk og oppløftende på dette albumet, og man blir rett og slett litt gira. Energien fra Springsteen er ganske smittsom. Likevel har han en viss tendens til å skrive litt for repetitive sanger med mange korte vers og refreng, og det merkes godt når albumet bikker én time. Men jeg er sikker på at dette kan bli en deilig gjenganger når jeg har fått hørt mer på det. Beste sanger: Lonesome Day, Mary's Place, The Rising.

Apr 08 2021
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нормально, отдохнуть

Jun 03 2021
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3.8 Ik denk niet dat je dit kan haten. Goede vibe, duidelijke stem, prachtig.

May 10 2021
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A really strong album from Springsteen. Enjoyed this quite a lot.

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