Songs Of Leonard Cohen
Leonard CohenFun drinking game! every time Leonard Cohen references some sort of religious imagery-take a shot. Except don’t cause you’ll die of alcohol poisoning
Fun drinking game! every time Leonard Cohen references some sort of religious imagery-take a shot. Except don’t cause you’ll die of alcohol poisoning
This is one of those albums that makes you stop and wonder “where have you been all my life”. Every song get more interesting as you listen harder. Really superb arrangements and instrumental/production choices lead to an amazing psych rock album. I’ll definitely be listening to this again- and I’m ashamed to have never heard of it until now. Into the Brazilian psych rock rabbit hole I go!
Very cool and very interesting organized chaos. I’m relatively familiar with other works by the angry man of jazz, but I had never actually heard this album before. The mixing and organization behind every piece on the album (especially from a pre-stereo view when the album was made) is incredible and shows that deep thought was given to the somewhat avat garde compositions. Also, the shear amount of different instruments on this album is also impressive-it feels like I’m hearing a different horn or woodwind every second-with the Piano always acting as a sort of anchor. And then a guitar shows up out of nowhere! What the fuck! Side 2 of the record (song 4) is easily the blending off all things good and unique. It’s definitely not for everyone, but if you like big band, jazz, or classical music I’d def give this one a listen.
Holy shit this album is sad. As a follow up to transformer I was expecting something along the same lines, but I can honestly say I was caught off guard and also extremely impressed. This album is the definition of “gauntly beauty”- I bet Tim Burton loves it. A really solid listen, but don’t listen to it if you’re depressed cause it won’t make things better
Gonna have to listen to this one again and again. Had heard the single, but now I want to own the whole album
Pretty excellent all together. As a double album some tracks tend to drag, but theirs a lot of heat on here from big hits like Benny &the jets and Saturday Night-to lesser stuff like Jamaican Jerk Off which still slaps. Easily can be considered Elton Johns magnum opus
It’s just so good. Not as many “hits” on their debut as say something like Paranoid but still an awesome Moody albums that blends blues rock and psychedelic into something dark, beautiful and new- Heavy Metal. An excellent debut that successfully established the feel of the band with catchy riffs, low growling guitars, and satanic lyricism. Yay!
Delicately balancing between a Pixar movie and a coked out Tim Burton film, this album resonates with that late 2008 art rock baroque folk scene. It’s beautiful yet eerie in parts- vague yet also grounded both in lyrically and instrumentally. All the songs are different enough to leave different impressions but similar enough to be considered as part of the same statement. Mirrorball and Audience With the Pope are the standouts to me- along with the fix. A great album
It’s Exodus- what else is there to say. All the songs are good, and the album sits well as a collection of them. The production is also spot on. Only 4 stars because, though like every Bob Marley song is good, One Love always seems to hog the spotlight. Bob Marley at least to me has been played to death, but I still respect his musicianship and songs. Still, play something else god damnit !
This is one of those albums that makes you stop and wonder “where have you been all my life”. Every song get more interesting as you listen harder. Really superb arrangements and instrumental/production choices lead to an amazing psych rock album. I’ll definitely be listening to this again- and I’m ashamed to have never heard of it until now. Into the Brazilian psych rock rabbit hole I go!
The kind of a manic, funny, and catchy hip hop album that I’d expect from the early 90s classic Nickelodeon cartoon era album. I don’t know why, but when I hear this album all I can think about is that it exudes Ren and Stempy energy. Definitely should be called a “classic”- if you’re a native tongues fan on the east coast, then this is the west coast’s response to tribe, jungle brothers, and de la soul. If you like them, I can’t recommend this album more.
I’m a big fan of early 80s new wav-ish cheese, but this one just didn’t do it for me. I mean it’s Aight. It definitely gets better the farther you go, but overall just wasn’t doin it. A fun listen, but IDK if it belongs in with the rest here. That harpsichord solo on “Tears are not enough” was pretty fire tho- and of course “The Look Of Love” is a classic 80s pop song. The overall production and layering is brilliant but the songwriting and lyricism seems kinda meh.
While equal parts disturbing, catchy and hypnotizing- Synchronicity IS the best Police Album. I recently acquired it on vinyl, and when I heard it as a collection of songs I was blown away. I consider myself a casual police fan- I like their sound but I've never gone out of my way to listen to them. I can tell you now this is gonna change. 6/5 Awesome album. Will listen to on repeat for the next 7 months
I can’t deny the depth of the songwriting and production behind this album, but it’s just not for me. Sorry
Pretty cool album that blends R&B and rock in a prince-kinda way. Some pretty fun lyricism combined with funky beats and layered vocal arrangements. A fun time, would definitely listen to again- not a single bad song on the album.
Very cool and very interesting organized chaos. I’m relatively familiar with other works by the angry man of jazz, but I had never actually heard this album before. The mixing and organization behind every piece on the album (especially from a pre-stereo view when the album was made) is incredible and shows that deep thought was given to the somewhat avat garde compositions. Also, the shear amount of different instruments on this album is also impressive-it feels like I’m hearing a different horn or woodwind every second-with the Piano always acting as a sort of anchor. And then a guitar shows up out of nowhere! What the fuck! Side 2 of the record (song 4) is easily the blending off all things good and unique. It’s definitely not for everyone, but if you like big band, jazz, or classical music I’d def give this one a listen.
Not on Spotify, so I found it on the YouTube and had to watch it with M&M ads every 3 minutes. That kinda sucked but the album doesn’t. It definitely shows a growth away from the 2tone ish sound of their 1rst album One Step Beyond and bands like The Specials. Really enjoyed the arrangements of horns, especially on Primrose Hill, and the strings in other parts of the album. Of course Our House is the standout standout, but their are plenty of other good songs on here too. They still follow that jaunty and off kilter giddiness of Madness- just this time a bit more formal and “pop sensible”. I still think that “One Step Beyond” is more grabbing and probably a better album, but this one gets brownie points for straying away from the traditional ska formula.
It’s Illmatic.
It’s The Ramones. The perfectly packed punk punch of energy in an easily digestible and endlessly entertaining package. It’s not a masterpiece, but it’s pretty damn close.
It’s got bongos alright. And it sure does rock. A very interesting record that I’m surprised I found as long ago as I did, and from a hip hop perspective a very historical one at that. Most of the songs are entertaining enough, and even in the Gadda da vida pulls out some stops.. but essential? Ehhhhh. Just listen to Apache, be amazed, and call it good. If you like funk and hip hop tho, this album is a verified surf-funk-rock beat farm.
Solid Rock album. Is it better than Nevermind? Ehhh probably not but still very enjoyable and well done
The more I listened, the more I liked it. I’ve known about the Yeah Yeah Yeahs for a while, but I’ve always kinda kept to the Strokes and Franz Ferdinand for my early 00s rock- and man I’ve been missing out. Not every song on here has the same pacing, but they all have that same manic energy, and it wasn’t till I got to the flip side of the album that I really got into it. Never before has my thought on an album and a band flipped so quickly . I’d say No No No was the track that really got me on board, though Maps and Y Control-how it flows into each other- most excellent. Modern Romance is also amazing. Good job Yeah Yeah Yeahs
This entire album sounds like Frank Zappa trying to do a Fat Albert Impression. And it’s pretty good. Nothing else to say here 4 stars
It’s good. It’s really good. But it does drag in some spots- some of the instrumental interludes kinda drag, even within the lyrical focused songs. Most of the time it’s awesome, but when it drags-it DRAGS. Still, some amazing song writing and performances from The Who. On the flip, the good stuff is REALLY good. Definitely would recommend, just pack your patience for some dull parts.
Really interesting and mind bending indie rock album. Pros for the instrumental arrangements and mixing, the song writing is also pretty top notch. It’s a very good album overall, but it drags in some places cause some songs tend to overstay their welcome occasionally. Still very good- will definitely be listening to again! Almost 5 stars
Really solid blues live album. They had me at “Mojo”. Really awesome if you like Chicago style blues
A very solid glamy-Brit pop esque album. I liked almost everything on this album, though Animal Lover kinda overstayed its welcome in my book. The band wears their influences pretty openly, but they rock it with ease. I very much enjoyed the album, and the songs both individually and overall. Very close to a 5 on this one
Holy shit. Today is the day I found out I love thrash metal and Slayer! This album is a verified banger from start to finish, But not for the faint of heart or easily offended. Music that challenges norms always deserves credit, especially the controversial stuff-and by golly gee wiz this deserves to be in the forefront.
Really cool psych surf garage gem from 1966, almost an entire year before the psychedelic era of rock was in full swing. The sound is here and the instrumentation is spot on, with some of the lyrical cadence reminding me a bit of Zappa’s first album from this year “Freak Out”. I would definitely consider this essential listening- glad I finally got to hear it beyond “You’re gonna miss me”. Go enjoy!
It’s pretty decent, wasn’t expecting to like it as much as I did but I didn’t love it. Some really cool sampling and sound manipulation, especially with songs like “Jimmy” and “Paper Planes”. 20 Dollars was alright too; but just sounded too much like Blue Monday and made me wanna listen to New Order instead. That being said, some of the tracks on here are flat out skippable, and just seem like a hyper mixed and over produced house songs that overstay their welcome with how long they are. All and all, didn’t hate it, didn’t love it. Some cool influences, check it out for the Afro Caribbean and eastern rythems/instrumentation.
Some of the sounds are nice, but it was too subversive to me. Probably will have to listen to it again and try to wrap my brain around it-but for now I didn’t really dig it.
Ehhh, some cool songs. Most were pretty forgettable. Listened to this on a long drive and it made the drive longer. Some talented songwriting, but not for me.
Still waiting for We-Funk to give me back control of my radio, but I ain’t complaining. 10/10 a classic. Thank you Dr. Dre for keeping George Clinton and the P-Funkers funkin in everyone’s ear holes even after their hay day.
Good but not amazing.
Pretty cool. Liked the instrumentation and the laid back feel of it all. Definitely strikes me as a precursor to peak 2010s indie rock. Would listen to again, many good songs for chillin out
While a single song really doesn’t stand out to me here, this album as a feeling works really well. The neo-soul feel is here and vibrant, the instrumentation and the production is top notch. And it all flows very well, the downside is that it just kinda moves without emphasis. It’s good, but I might need another listen to fully appreciate it
I’m happy that Dexys Midnight Runners exists outside of Come On Eileen, and that this album is actually pretty cool too. Love that northern soul influence mixed with a less aggressive punk stying. It works overall and I understand the album, but none of the songs really kept with me too much. There there my dear, Geno, and the album opener probably stuck with me the most. That being said, some of the soul songs kinda dragged too. And for some reason, and it might just be my headphones, the production sounded a bit too “tinny” to me. Still overall, a pretty cool album I didn’t know existed.
I had no idea this album was so good. Very surprised, 11/10
A solid album. One of the problems I have with Depeche Mode is not that it’s good, but that it makes me feel depressed. I guess good music makes you feel so that’s a win? But anyways, the songwriting is here, dark and mysterious- Nothing seems like it would be the only “radio hit” off the album. Nevertheless, it’s good- in all it’s spooky ambience- it kinda trails off tho from time to time. Otherwise, it’s really good. Solid 4
Good. Really really good
Holy shit this album is sad. As a follow up to transformer I was expecting something along the same lines, but I can honestly say I was caught off guard and also extremely impressed. This album is the definition of “gauntly beauty”- I bet Tim Burton loves it. A really solid listen, but don’t listen to it if you’re depressed cause it won’t make things better
This album bangs. Not quite a perfect 5, but for production alone this album is a solid 4+. It took some getting used to but still- dark and spooky and wonderful. This album is what gen x based their entire personalities on
It’s very good. Like you took David Bowie, iggy pop, the ramones, black flag, and the whole glam/punk sound and put it in a Norwegian blender. Pretty sweet
Gonna have to listen to this one again and again. Had heard the single, but now I want to own the whole album
Fun drinking game! every time Leonard Cohen references some sort of religious imagery-take a shot. Except don’t cause you’ll die of alcohol poisoning
Uhhh Who?
Really cool pop-punk album. I’d heard Los Angeles before and though it was ok, but honestly I think this one’s better. Also still can’t believe they’re produced by Ray Manzarak
It was pretty cool. Very atmospheric and some songs really hit like “Baron Saturday” but like overall eh. Might have to check it out again later
Ehh it was ok. Lots of good mood that’s overshadowed by a dreary yet polished sound which- in my opinion- overstays it’s welcome
This band is “The Beatles” if they were punks, and I have no problem with it. None at all. 5 Stars
Very good, very different from the other Japan stuff I’ve heard. A lot of influence/ sound connections between 80s pop rock like Duran Duran- but darker. Really cool listen, will look out for more Japan!
Yeah I agree Queen is grossly overrated most of the time and the idea of them as a “Greatest Hits” artists is pretty common, but god damn theirs a good reason for it. They’re good, really good. And this album is by far my favorite (and their best) in my humble opinion.
Best wings album 11/10 better than Beatles For Sale
Probably one of my favorite albums of all time-no question. So much stuff that Brian Eno was WAY ahead on in the 70s that became staples for pop music in the decades to come
This gives me Night At The Roxbury vibes. Pretty good NGL though very dated sounding
I mean, it’s pretty cool. That’s last song works and theirs some stuff in between that’s really great- but for this to be a 5er, some fats gotta get trimmed. I’ll def listen to it again tho
Very excellent punk!
Better than I though, given the terrifying album art. Also hey! That one song from the Shrek soundtrack, a surprise to be sure-but a welcome one
Pretty cool. Still I don’t think I’ve come to appreciate pulp fully but I’m getting there. The end of “the day after the revolution” also sounds just like the beginning of “Mr Roboto” by Styx- is this just me or????
Almost a 5, really reminiscent of 36 chambers- very good but it feels tired in some spots. Hence the 4, will listen to again
Me: “Man I really don’t like Bon Jovi, theirs stuffs too overplayed” *Turns on radio Radio: WOAHHHHHH WERE HALFWAY THERE WOOAHHH OHHHHHH LIVING- Me: GOD FUCKING DAMN ITTTTT. EVERY FUCKING TIMEEEEE
I mean, it’s pretty cool. Very good music for napping on a boat
Ah yes. The blues! More of a Chicago blues listener myself but still B.B. King is still a legend. Help The Poor was the standout track here for me. Pretty good!
It took a second for me to warm up to this album, but my god it’s very very good. Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll all the way! Gonna look for it on vinyl next time I’m out
This album is so cheesy and stupid in the best ways possible. So enjoyable. 5 stars not even sorry, tho I understand if you can’t get into it
White People Music
Literally got this album generated today while sitting in bed- with my giant “Another Green World” poster hanging on the wall right next to me. Yeah this albums amazing, long live Brian Eno and his experiments with textures in sound. Easy 5 Stars
Thia album is beautiful, so much going on- so much rythemic and melodic texture, some of the songs even move like mini classical pieces with the way they proceed and resolve. The standout for me is Incident at Neshabur. Of course, Oye Como Va is a standout as well-along with the other hit Black Magic Women. All in all, amazing!
“Courtney Love- yeah she sucks, but that album is good”- record store guy who I bought this Hole CD from I couldn’t agree more
Like the music they play in Chili’s, not bad, but really not super good either. A Generic collection of sounds that I’ve heard before done better by other artists- nothing really worth noting here. Good performances and songwriting, just nothing special- sorry.
I mean, I usually like Motown stuff and The Temptations are really good- but this one didn’t seem very special to Me. The standout Track was def Papa was a Rollin Stone, but the rest of the album just kinda blurred in a mellow way. It was good, just not amazing. I can definitely feel the switch from R&B here to Funk with the departure of the 60s into the 70s. *Edit Just listened a bit closer the 2nd time, and wow this album is amazing. Especially all the Side 1 stuff, really really good. Towards the end it kinda teeters but still really good. High 4- not quite a 5. Might change my mind again on listen #3
I mean it’s pretty cool. Lots of sound experimentation, I’ve listened to “Sweetheart Of The Rodeo” before and I honestly think it’s better. Still a fun one tho
Oh god. This is an interesting one- the sounds are neat and the mood created by the music is definitely an interesting one, but it’s rough. The production is flimsy, vocals are often kept to the back- and the insane amount of noise created by this record is atrocious- which I think was the entire point. Nick Cave and the Birthday Party def succeeded at what they set out to do with this one, but that doesn’t mean that many people are going to want to listen to it. Stand-alone, some of the songs are really great. But together as an album, the pattern becomes apparent- and many of the songs themselves are too similar to stand out- making a large part of this album a blur. Is it cool? Hell yeah Is it for everyone? definitely not
“Here Comes My Face” “Ohhhhh shittttt” This album makes me wanna do Heroin and be Scottish 6/5, spent $50 on an OG US press of this last summer and it’s been a household favorite ever since. Absolutely phenomenal album, fav track is “Tonight”
This record is very very good. But A 5? Ehhh. I absolutely love The Stooges and the MC5 is right up their alley, but for this album it just seems too loose to be the “masterpiece” that it’s been considered by music snobs and slobs everywhere. It’s good I’d say, but not great. Heavily influential as all hell, but I’m gonna have to side with the 1968 Democratic National Convention on this one and label the MC5 as not exactly my thing
A pretty solid album, really just reminds me of a 21rst century Patti Smith. Started out strong, but really started to fade during the end. Almost a 4
In Tha Morninnnnnn..
It’s Amy Winehouse
Don’t know what happened with side 1 but the minute side 2 hit, I was hooked. Not the most ground breaking rock, but still very very good. Fav song is probably little babies
Hot Hell, this album has amazing texture. The 1st & 2nd song Along with “Phoenix” are amazing. I’ll be it, some of the songs drag in some parts- but they resolve beautifully. Thanks Chef
First off, I had a lot of fun listening to this album- it’s very “80s classic rock” and I understand it’s appeal and hear it’s influences elsewhere. I mean any song on this could be a Spinal Tap song, and the instrumentation by Iron Maiden is- excellent, as Bill & Ted would put it. But overall, it’s just not that interesting at least to me, someone born 18 years after this album was released. In it’s day, this would probably be my shit- but listening to it now, it just seems really dated and musty- and I really enjoy some music that could be considered “mustier” than this. Good tunes to blast down the highway while cruising with your buds, but something that’s essential listening? Ehhh. Sorry Iron Maiden fans, I’d rather just listen to Styx or Van Halen- cause at least they have some more interesting arrangements.
11/10- Would Leave My Wallet In El Segundo Again. Still don’t get that baby crying at the beginning tho
Really solid Brit pop album, though I prefer Blur more. -1 star because they’re from Manchester and being from Manchester isn’t a personality
I don’t care if Led Zeppelin IV sold more copies, this is the Zeps Magnum Opus
I want to start by saying I absolutely love this album, and I respect it for what it represents in the evolution of hip hop. With that said, the a lot of the samples and lyrics really hold up and are amazing still- on the other hand the pacing of the album is somewhat choppy and the lyrics can be pretty corny/dated sometimes as well. Def worth being on this list, but it’s not my #1 choice for old school hip hop. So close to a 5, but alas
Pretty solid beach boys albums, you can really hear the evolution of their sound with this one. Not quite Pet Sounds, yet
This is probably one of my favorite releases from 2020. I wasn’t really super familiar with Fiona Apple before this, but wow this album is amazing. It’s aggressive, poppy, and sonically really diverse but also almost sounds “homegrown” low-fi. Really great stuff.
Pink Floyd: “Music Industry Bad” Me: yeah no shit
It was ok. Lots of good rhythms and drum loops to it, but it also sounded really dated. Some fun songs too, especially Back To Life and African Dance- but overall pretty forgettable. Theirs just not enough variation in the songs “sound” to warrant a higher rating- maybe I’ll look back at it later with different eyes
This is the definitive Prog Rock album- as it shows prog at its best and at its worst. The instrumentation and composition are excellently crafted and very well preformed, but at the same time theirs still this feeling of bloated presence with the entire album- and the incredibly extended runtime to the one and only title tracks movements is, at some times unbearable. It would make sense if more prog people broke up the actual song tracks into movements instead of just having one long 18 minute piece- it can still be epic. Side note I lost my shit when the Bri’ish guy said “glockenspiel”
Last time I probably listened to this album was in my dads crappy old BMW around 2007. It banged then and it still bangs now- and I was fully prepared to hate this album
Shit Slaps
I mean, I love it, but some of the structure and lyrics can be a bit repetitive at times. The sound is wonderful though, and Astrid Gilbero’s voice is absolutely perfect for the genre. A little disappointed with how short the run time is, but towards the end the album does start to run a bit dry. Theirs better Samba/ Bossa Nova albums out there- for sure
I think this albums pretty good, the 3 or 4 big hitters on it are excellent- but towards the middle it gets a bit dry and the a few of the songs are just kinda ehh. Overall a fantastic sonic experience- the standouts for me are Just A Little Lovin, son of a Preacher Man, Don’t forget about me, and No Way Down.
Theirs some really solid songs on here, but this album unfortunately falls victim to the “double album padding” syndrome- where the artist def has enough material for a single LP but nowhere near enough to make a double lp. Theirs a lot of forgettable stuff here mixed In with the gold.