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Fetch The Bolt Cutters

Fiona Apple


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Fetch The Bolt Cutters
Album Summary

Fetch the Bolt Cutters is the fifth studio album by American singer-songwriter Fiona Apple. It was released on April 17, 2020, Apple's first release since The Idler Wheel... in 2012. The album was recorded from 2015 to 2020, largely at Apple's home in Venice Beach. It was produced and performed by Apple alongside Amy Aileen Wood, Sebastian Steinberg and Davíd Garza; recording consisted of long, often improvised takes with unconventional percussive sounds. GarageBand was used for much of this recording, and Fiona Apple credited the album's unedited vocals and long takes to her lack of expertise with the program. Rooted in experimentation, the album largely features unconventional percussion. While conventional instruments, such as pianos and drum sets, do appear, the album also features prominent use of non-musical found objects as percussion. Apple described the result as "percussion orchestras". These industrial-like rhythms are contrasted against traditional melodies, and the upbeat songs often subvert traditional pop structures. The album explores freedom from oppression; Apple identified its core message as: "Fetch the fucking bolt cutters and get yourself out of the situation you're in". The title, a quote from TV series The Fall, reflects this idea. The album also discusses Apple's complex relationships with other women and other personal experiences, including bullying and sexual assault. It has nevertheless been referred to as Apple's most humorous album. Fetch the Bolt Cutters was released during the COVID-19 pandemic, and many critics found its exploration of confinement timely. It received significant critical acclaim, and was described as an instant classic and Apple's best work to date. The album was awarded Best Alternative Music Album at the 63rd Annual Grammy Awards, with "Shameika" winning Best Rock Performance. The album debuted at number four on the US Billboard 200 and number one on the US Top Alternative Albums and Top Rock Albums, with 44,000 equivalent album units. It also charted in the top 15 in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.







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Oct 22 2021
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Ok so here we have a 52min (sigh) slab of angry gen X girl quirkiness.... only it's not 1995 anymore. Apple is almost 10 years older than me and all I can think is how immature this is. Every second word was fuck, every second lyric was something like "no, I won't shut up!" etc etc. Are men/the system/record labels/whatever really holding you down in 2020? When you can make an album of this nonsense, using garageband for the music and MS paint for the cover (ie. on a budget of whatever the electricity bill was) and then it charts worldwide? There's no way I can take this sort of shit seriously. And its Wikipedia entry is baffling - all it does is quote over-the-top gushing reviews. Who on earth could care that much about this artsy nonsense? My guess is these ridiculous reviews were written by either people who care more for her status as feminist icon than her music, or guys who had a crush on her in the late 90s. Didn't anyone in the music press think it was overly long, pretentious crap? This amateur reviewer does. 1 point because she clearly DID put some effort in (even if I don't like the result), and another because she can really sing when she gives it a crack. 2/5.

Dec 24 2021
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Geez people really turned on this album didn’t they. Music still seems good to me. Weird that the current top review here knocks the lyrics for “every other word being fuck this and fuck that” when there’s… a single f-bomb across the entire album? Lots of projection going on when it comes to the content of the album; you’re telling on yourself, bro.

Mar 07 2022
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This is what the first month of the Covid Pandemic felt like. And it's such a fucking banger. Quite simply, it's a masterpiece. The album was released about two weeks after the pandemic started, and I'd spend days just listening to this over and over again. Fiona Apple had, of course, recorded the album months previously, yet she somehow found a way to capture exactly how everyone felt when it was released. Just everything about the album, including the cover photo featuring an insane close-up of Fiona giving it a claustrophobic feel. And the title that's an immediate call to action, suggesting a way out of your current predicament. Two years after it's release, every song from top to bottom remains a killer. My favorite song seems to change with each listen, but I have a special spot in my heart for "Newspaper", which only gets better with every repeat listen. This is Fiona Apple firmly distancing herself from every female recording artist who debuted in the '90's and basically left them in the dust. She out-Exiled Liz Phair, jagged right through Alanis, and firmly put the Fiona Apple who blasted onto the scene with "Tidal" in her rearview mirror. She's going to be elected to the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame with relatively ease. When she first hit the music scene, Fiona Apple won an MTV Video award and proceeded to tell the audience that "this world was bullshit". And people lost their ever loving shit. How dare this skinny little waif act so unappreciative and vulgar! Fiona Apple was right about the world back then, and she's still right now.

Jan 12 2022
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Fiona is going to go down as a national treasure in the US. I felt so strong and powerful after listening to this album that I had to revisit her earlier stuff to see if the same feeling applied. Of course, it did. Her artistic choices are so apparent in this album that her genius really shows. Loved listening to this (over and over). It deserves the Grammy's that it won and she deserved not to have to go to the show!

Mar 28 2022
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More garbage. I'm sure she can sing, but she doesn't. She talks. The production quality is embarrassing on this. Sounds like an edge junior high kid produced it, using spare OS midi sounds from Windows 98. It's chaotic in a bad a way, soup-pot of random sound-effects shaken around while trudging through a swamp. Just about a complete lack of musicianship. This feels like something parents would bring up at a wedding to embarrass their kids. "Remember when you were 13 and you thought you'd made a hit record? *everyone groans*, let's just have a listen to this masterpiece. Okay okay, that's enough."

Oct 20 2023
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[Review pending as author listened to this album, got up, opened his front door, and walked all the way to Brooklyn to offer himself at the altar of the witch coven Fiona Apple surely created through the power and majesty of this album alone]

Nov 17 2021
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Percussion is really cool. Chill music, easy listening

Nov 10 2021
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Perfect Metacritic score rating. nuff said.

Oct 20 2023
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I wish I liked Fiona apple. I feel like she's like the vocal pop version of avant garde jazz. Some people just don't like or get it. I think this is a good album but I don't know that I like it that much tbh. Standouts: shameika, fetch the bolt cutters Songs I hate: relay

Aug 02 2022
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Every time you think “this is going to be a song” it turns out that it isn’t. This whole album just sounds like a mental breakdown.

Feb 09 2022
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This is at once her most experimental and most casual sounding record. I appreciate everything about it - especially the way she emphasizes the percussion. She lets her voice rip here in a way that she never really has before, and it stops you in your tracks. She's holding nothing back. This album captures both her intensity and her playfulness equally well. Love the message and love Fiona Apple.

Jan 21 2022
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Is this a joke? she's surely making this up as she goes along. Is it supposed to be art? Avant garde? Rubbish.

Oct 15 2021
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Terrible and annoying vocals over an uncreative and boring instrumental. Dreadful sound quality as well and mixed very poorly. Possibly the worst album I've ever listened to

Nov 09 2021
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I'm not really sure how an album from 2020 is even on this list, since there's not really any way to put an album from last year into its historical context. On the other hand, this is a really cool album. It's easy to see why it struck a chord with people who were locked down and scared during the early stages of the pandemic. It's cool, weird, and well executed 4/5

Jan 13 2022
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Fiona sings: “Kick me under the table I won’t shut up I won’t shut up” I wish she would…

Apr 07 2022
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When this album came across the generator, I hadn't listened to it in a while. I was initially excited but then worry crept in. What if this album wasn't as good as I remember? Was the hype and adoration overblown? Is this album a victim of the pandemic, where the uncertainty of everything in our lives and the abrupt upending of plans have tainted our views of various aspects of media? Well, despite all of those factors creeping in, this album remains an excellent viewpoint of Fiona Apple and what she means to us. Songs that were seen as been somewhat grating in retrospect (Shameika, Ladies, Heavy Balloon) hit even harder than before and songs that weren't given space to be remembered suddenly galloped with an intensity and fervor that sticks after it ends (Newspaper, Cosmonauts, Drumset). Is the album as good as I remember? Yes. Was the hype and adulation overblown? Yes, but it was deserved. Is it a victim of the early pandemic? For me, not anymore.

Nov 17 2023
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Personally thought this album was awful. Having known Fiona from the great song ‘Across the Universe’ I was expecting much much more. The entire album feels like a collection of C-sides, let alone B-sides, written by a moody teenager who thinks open mic nights are the be-all and end-all. Lots of grating repetition of words and phrases, with many random analogies thrown in. First album in years where I had to keep checking how many songs were left until it was over. 1/5.

Jun 14 2022
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This was brand new to me and it made me go "wow" so many times as I first listened to it: her distinctive voice, the percussion, the piano, the dogs, and the really really interesting lyrics. Wow wow wow. A few times I had to rewind and listen again since it begged constant careful listening. Just blew me away, and what an exciting feeling that was!

Apr 30 2022
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I Want You To Love Me is the perfect song to open this album, I was halfway in love right from the start. Despite the obvious way she uses instruments and background noises, for me what caught my ear the most was the lyrics of the songs. Alot of very personal and emotional lyrics went into this album and I loved it! Standout songs: I Want You To Love Me, Under The Table, Heavy Balloon, For Her

Apr 21 2022
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OOOOOOO great album. The expiramentation lends the album this off kilter, shambling kind of feel. Reminds me of a Tom Waits feeling. Relay is probably the song that grabs me the most. For Her is a heavenly blend of harmonies and rage.

Mar 14 2022
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I love every minute of it. It sounds so chaotic but in a good way. Added it to my album collection. Perfect for a gathering with friends.

Feb 09 2022
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A real masterpiece. She doesn't release albums often but when she does they hit hard. My favorite is probably "Fetch the Bolt Cutters" but no duds on this one. The lyrics are raw and honest, the instrumentation is spare and rich. This album was built to last.

Sep 13 2023
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I love that this was recorded mostly in GarageBand.

Jun 24 2022
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Love her or hate her, it's impossible not to admire the stunning talent of Fiona Apple. She's an incredible songwriter and musically, there's no one quite like her, but the fact that she recorded Fetch the Bolt Cutters by herself at her home pushes her into another realm. How do you even classify Fiona Apple... ? I just think she is so unique, so strong and also delicate, raw and also innovative. I've been a big fan of hers since the rage of Tidal subsided. Even so, this album seems to be somewhat of a departure of the Fiona Apple that I've loved. Like this is the culmination of all of her previous albums and she has finally broken. Almost as if her previous albums were pleas for awareness. Up until FTBC she's danced around mental issues, made allusions, suggested troubles but now she's screaming, fuming with anger and lifting the thin veil that's covered it for so long. From For Her: "Good mornin' good mornin' You raped me in the same bed your daughter was born in" The beauty of Cosmonauts, only to shift into screaming the chorus at the end. And From the title track: "Fetch the Bold Cutters I've been in here too long ... I grew up in the shoes they told me I could fill and I need to run up that hill, I need to run up that hill" This is not a pleasant album to listen to. It's unhappy with broken frustration, learned helplessness and internal voices. Regardless, it's open and raw. It's hard not to imagine her pain while listening to this and it's hard to deny this a position on the 1001 albums list. Great album, hard to listen to.

Dec 05 2021
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7/10. Didn't like it nearly as much as Tidal. Had some strong songs, especially towards the end of the album, but other parts of it just kind of annoyed me, and the middle dragged on a bit.

Oct 18 2024
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Fiona Apple is the female Tom Waits. I say that in all of the good and bad ways you can think of.

Dec 12 2022
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This album sounds like a nervous breakdown Constant, crashing, warlike, eastern percussion takes over much of the album residing over dissonant tones. There is some peaceful breaks, but even then it just seems the brief time you'd spend just holding yourself trying to calm down before becoming enraged once more. Can't believe it took 6 years to record this, or that it was met with such acclaim

Feb 04 2022
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I love Fiona Apple, and whilst this isn't my favourite album, it was amazing to have some new music from her after quite a period since the last one.

Dec 02 2024
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I honestly did not know this was on the list. It’s rare to see something so recently released show up. I could probably count on both hands the number of albums I’ve had from the 2010s and beyond. Fiona Apple is one of the most widely appreciated and respected female singer-songwriters of all time. As far as I’ve read, she’s got a pretty consistent, some would even say flawless, career. And she’s also an artist who takes her time. She’s gone six, seven, and even eight years between album releases. This album, being her most recent, is almost half a decade old itself. I guess I can’t really say it definitively, but I’m not so sure this is the best introduction to her music. For anybody, let alone me. But I still dove in with reasonable expectations. This record is the finished project of nearly five years of work. Mostly done hilariously in GarageBand. Which just proves you do not need fancy equipment to put something worthwhile out if you have the talent to properly realize your vision. Apparently much of these vocal takes were taken and largely unedited from their original sound, which really brings out the raw emotion. The album as a whole feels like it was recorded in a living room with one microphone positioned on the coffee table in the middle of the room. This lo-fi feel is also aided by the style of instrumentation. It is much more percussion based than I ever would have imagined. They supposedly used a variety of different unusual methods to create these sounds, using regular every day objects. And I can almost imagine the clinking and clacking of pencils on desks or pots and pans tapping together. Apple herself is a poignant lyricist, and her vocal delivery is undeniably striking. For how late this was into her career as well, she sounds fantastic. It is a little hard for me to properly review this though. I’ve never heard another one of her album’s, so I don’t know what to compare this to. I can’t say for sure how this holds up, but I also don’t know how much replay value this has for me. It is definitely an experimental album, and its unusually bare and stripped down approach left me confused as to whether I should focus on the music or the singer herself. But overall, as an experience the album is pretty solid. And it surely gives me more of a reason to check out her other albums in the future. Rating: 7/10

Sep 09 2024
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Had given this a listen previously as a result of it being consistently high on best of 2020 lists. Throws a couple of pretty heavy lyrical punches throughout and features some incredibly impressive vocal range, phrasing and delivery. Opening track intro sounds like My Dick by Mickey Avalon which I can almost 100% guarantee was not the intention based on the themes across the album.

Aug 22 2024
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This surprised me a lot and found myself enjoying this way more than expected. My favorite was “Shameika”

Oct 24 2024
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The most recent release of legendary Singer-Songwriter and Art Pop icon Fiona Apple who stayed a welcome presence in both mainstream and with the critics since her debut in 1996 and became even more talked about since her sophomore record "When the Pawn" which to this day is viewed as her most extravagant album. With this 2020 Art Pop album which features influences from Piano and Experimental Rock as well as R&B and Cabaret to create a one of a kind release that sounds very "home made" but still with a lot of quality in the experimentation and songwriting. It features a lot of non-musical percussion, effects and even some dogs that add further to the well made weirdness of the album which the cover art already hints to. The opening track 'I Want You to Love Me' starts with a weird percussion intro before moving to a very beautiful piano that takes influence from both Jazz and Blues. Both the vocals and songwriting again feels very much inspired by typical Jazz standards but with much more Pop and Rock focus and a lot of additude in the vocals. I think the experimentation and the things she sometimes does with her vocals is adding a lot to the enjoyment but overall I feel like the song came out duller than it could've. It definitely has qualities but something is holding it back from being more than just good. On 'Shameika' she goes more into Cabaret & Jazz vocal delivery which does result in some very interesting moments and a staggering performance throughout. It often switches between building tension and going absolutely manic with the instruments that just do everything while obviously sticking together in the chaos. But after some time, it does get a bit repetative because it does the same "crazy" again without seriously changing it which does result in it not feeling fully tied together in itself. Overall, this is an okay track but again, the potential is there for much more than that. With the title track 'Fetch the Bolt Cutters' it not only gets more Jazz but also more Experimental with a mix of Musique concrète, Animal Sounds from dogs & Spoken Word passages. It's without a doubt a very, very weird song that seems to be all over the place but I personally think that it makes it so much more interesting than previous songs. The hook is incredibly catchy and the instrumental passages are more intriguing as well. It's both psychedelic and undefinable but also catchy enough to sound great the entire time. 'Under the Table' returns to the Cabaret vocal delivery but also does a pretty nice mix of production choices that complement the songwriting very well that finalises in a nice chorus that repeats a lot but never too much. The bridge with the crazy mix also has its interesting moments. It's a good song, pretty good. The Blues vocals on 'Relay' give the track a very groovy and classic feel that is mixed with a Experimental Pop Rock production. The result is sounds a lot like some Experimental R&B from the 60's mixed with modern times. It's interesting and groovy throughout the whole track with the vocals carrying most of it. I think it's done very well in terms of songwriting and the song's great even if the outro wasn't needed at all. The Jazz, R&B and Soul influences don't stop on 'Rack of His' but again, it's implemented in an Experimental and weird setting. I think that on paper this is a great song: the vocals are incredible, the production is done well including some very, very interesting percussion but there's just something there that makes the song feel a bit basic in full. It's still a good song but it could've been much better. The weird combination of R&B vocals and Industrial production sounds like it shouldn't work but somehow it does. It isn't the craziest by any means but it has something that makes me stay interested with it much longer than I thought I would. It's still streched a little bit too much to be fully enjoyable but it is a pretty solid track with some very outstanding parts that are sadly buried a bit in the length of the track as well as a certain repetition in the songwriting. 'Ladies' is a more standard Jazz Pop track with influences from Soul & Brill Building while still being obviously Pop. It also focuses a lot on more sentimental Piano melodies that the vocals are added on top. My biggest problem isn't the sound or the songwriting but again the length which is just way too much. No need for this to be more than 5 minutes. But it is still a pretty well performed and put together track which is why it's still good. While still having Soul influences, 'Heavy Balloon' does return to a more Experimental instrumentation that is stiched together from ideas that are all over the place but it is one of the tracks where this actually works. The songwriting is absolutely incredibly and both vocals and lyrics are performed equally perfect. Some parts in the verses are a little bit unfocused but the pre-chorus is just masterful. It reminds me a lot of Nick Cave which is enough for me to really like the track. It's incredible. Even on 'Cosmonauts' the Epxerimental ideas are present even if they are pushed much further back in the sound. The focus are vocals and lyrics which I personally find pretty basic and standard and in return think that it does ruin a bit of the track but the angelic backing vocals are at least adding something. It sadly doesn't help enough to save much. I think this song is not good and often even bad. The claps at the start of 'For Her' seem to introduce something completely else but it's actually an A Capella girl group that follows with only some weird instrumentation appearing later and not always all that present. The idea is there as well as the product but to me it's just not that interesting. There are certainly moments that are good but it doesn't reach further than okay. 'Drumset' again focuses mainly on the vocals but I find most of the track to be pretty boring and even annoying at points. The good and the bad equal each other out to a very average and decent track. The closing track 'On I Go' is one of the most Experimental tracks with a combination of Avant-Garde Post-Industrial and Pop vocals that add a dark and twisted twist to the sound while still feeling in touch with what the album mostly did. I personally think that these two "parts" don't really fit together well and the result feels very average, again. favourites: Heavy Balloon, Fetch the Bolt Cutters, Relay least favourites: Cosmonauts Rating: strong 6 to light 7 for more ratings, reviews and takes

Aug 19 2024
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Various elements that I usually dislike were at play on this album, but they worked. 1. Excessive repetition 2. Odd extraneous sound effects 3. Spoken word-ish style.

Aug 01 2024
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I almost stopped listening on the first song but I hung in there and actually sort of liked Shameika. The rest seems pretty indulgent in that everything feels like a practice run for a live jam session--just not quite as good as it should be. Will say I liked this a lot more than Tidal.

Apr 17 2024
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You guys remember the pandemic? Crazy, right? This album is pandemic-core, in a similar vein as that celebrity "Imagine" singalong, or the video of Sam Smith crying about lockdown after like two days. This album was lauded to high heaven when it dropped, and I really didn't get the hype then. Okay, Fiona is stuck in the house and going insane, I guess that makes this album interesting. But musically, it feels not just disorganized but whimsical to a point that I just don't really like. Think Tom Waits if he were doing a character of a carnival barker going insane. I liked one more song this time than I did the first time I heard it (and a few other songs I almost liked, but then they just got too annoying), but I'm still not really into this album. I'll give it three stars because I respect the craft, and it's not bad by any means. But it's dated, and it's not for me. Favorite tracks: Relay, Rack of His, Heavy Balloon. Album art: I do like the cover, it conveys her madness pretty well. Bold, contrasting colors between the font and the little gold ribbons or whatever. She looks like she's auditioning for the Joker, and she kinda sounds like it here too. 3/5

May 05 2022
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I like how this album is produced; the different layers of music fit very well with each other. But no element makes the album stand out: there are no catchy melodies, no cool guitar riffs, no impressive vocals, or interesting storytelling in the lyrics. To be fair, I don't tend to enjoy alternative music in general, so I guess this album isn't for me.

Oct 14 2024
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This album is just what the insufferable chicks I have an irrational list towards would listen to. By the end of that Bolt Cutters song my dogs were wondering why I was listening to a domestic abuse recording

Sep 06 2024
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не понял, что люди тут находят, почти 1

Aug 19 2024
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Although better than the rest of this week’s selection, I don’t actively ‘like’ Fiona Apple’s music. I know a lot of musos do but she doesn’t do much for me. I quite liked Newspaper but as for the rest - I’m sure it’s worthy but can’t get into it.

Jul 25 2024
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I don't really dislike it, she has a good voice but I don't really love it. It's a 2.5 for me getting a 2 because it's way overhyped.

Oct 17 2022
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Hat Potential. Nervt aber kolossal. Sie bevorzugt einen erzählenden Songwriting-Stil, leider interessieren ihre Petitessen mich nicht im geringsten.

Nov 18 2024
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Why is this here? She had one song in the 90s.

Oct 09 2024
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This was not pleasant to listen to. At the end of the first track, she was making dolphin calls... And it didn't get better from there.

Jul 11 2024
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My initial impression was Morrisett in 2020. The notes are held too long in the first track and the noises/babble were too much. The rest of the album sounds like she just wanted to get a record out. Needs a lot more polish. The picture on the cover looks like Fiona is listening to her own songs from this album, I’ve never been a Fiona Apple fan and this may be why.

Jul 25 2023
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Shove an apple up your bum, Fiona. As a young father to twin girls, if either of them grew up to be anything like Fiona Apple, I would slit their throats in their sleep.

Dec 10 2021
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This would be a great instrumental album. Some really cool percussion sounds. Unfortunately, Fiona gets in the way and ruins it with a horrible tone and asinine lyrics.

Feb 13 2025
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A full-out masterpiece. There's a great New Yorker profile about the unfiltered creation of this album. The best moment of the title track, where Apple shifts up — "I thought being blacklisted would be grist for the mill" — is improvised, she says. From the profile: "She knew that it was good, because it was embarrassing." There's a lot of deconstruction here, both musically and personally. There's an outright repudiation of the image of the young (female) artist as muse, a box she had been placed into with her relationship with Paul Thomas Anderson. The making-of Magnolia doc is revealing; that movie is a singular achievement, too, but it cuts through Anderson's brilliance to see him, the same age I am now, coked-up, conceiving of himself as a great artist, his proximity to Apple seemingly a show of status and sway. "You're working out your psychoses on everyone else's": Endlessly catchy and inventive. Hard to pick favourites: the aforementioned title track, Drumset, Cosmonauts, Newspaper, Heavy Balloon, and especially I Want You to Love Me, which has, I think, the thesis statement, on wanting what one wants: "I know none of this will matter in the long run, but I know a sound is still a sound around no one." Alongside Phoebe Bridgers' Punisher, released a couple months later, I think this is the decade-defining album to date.

Feb 13 2025
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Now THIS is a must hear album. Fiona dropping this album during lockdown wound up being a major highlight of 2020. It's a perfect album to get lost inside of, and grows more rewarding with repeat listens. You can tell having the freedom to complete the album in her own way yielded benefits across the board. Every song feels personal, fueled by her emotions, driven by her piano and the percussion. It's easily her best album since When the Pawn... Just don't ask me to figure out the actual rankings between the two and Tidal. Hopefully we don't have another long wait between albums, but if we do, well, at this point I completely trust it'll be worth waiting however long it takes.

Feb 12 2025
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It's spectacular. Incredible lyricism and storytelling, vibrant instrumentals and the perfect combination of accessibility and experimentation. If I was to pick favourites I'd go for I want you to love me, relay and cosmonauts, but that's only after the first time of listening. Next time I would be listing probably 10 of the tracks here. At least. Thoroughly deserved 5 stars.

Jan 03 2025
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Fiona is a mystery. And this record is simply great. Totally different. Excellent songwriting, top notch performance, so man small details.

Jan 02 2025
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Some albums just have the sauce. The first couple of bars if Rack of His have the sauce. Eerie, intoxicating, and fully unique sounding, it's just one song of many on this album that are really special. I Want Ypu to Love Me, Shameika, Csomonauts, and For Her are great. Fiona definitely has a singing style that persists throughout this album that teeters between fast talking and singing. I know this is her newest album, but very intersted in more of her discography after this.

Jan 01 2025
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This album rules, can't believe I've never heard it before. Bangers all the way through. It reminds of Regina Specter with fangs (in a good way) When I listen to it I picture a badass woman walking in slow motion through the streets of New York while stuff is abstractly blowing up around them. I like the classical or baroque-y vibes underneath a punk-like march liberally topped with vocals like pop rocks.

Jan 01 2025
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Flawless front to back. It feels like the brand of angst and kindness I try to embody. Put it on my tombstone.

Jan 01 2025
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Bewilderingly good songwriting. I think Dana and I listened to this in it’s entirety 400 times in March/April 2020.

Dec 20 2024
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Definitivt corona æra album. Elsker hendes vokal

Dec 20 2024
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RYTME! Sindssygt fed percussion, vokaler, tekster, alle sangene er bangers. mesterværk.

Dec 16 2024
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What a delight. I love her creativity.

Dec 11 2024
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Very powerful! An absolute revelation!

Dec 06 2024
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Sonically brilliant, very good songwriting, excellent themes. This was an instant classic when it dropped but I will be curious to see how it holds up in a couple decades. I already feel like "Idler Wheel" has a more timeless sound and will be looked at as better in my mind. Time will tell.

Dec 06 2024
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Love this album. Good from the first track onwards. "I Want You to Want Me" being one of the best crafted of them all. Enjoyed her different takes on life. Oh, and couldn't help noticing most of her songs included her reflections on ended relationships and bad boyfriends. Might have missed one, but I am thinking of: "Rack of His", "Newspaper", "Ladies", "For Her", and "Drumset".

Dec 06 2024
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Only album I have listened to so far that gets a full 5 star review. I was listening to Fiona’s Tidal album the night before, not realizing this was next in line for album of the day. (Favorite all-time song from Fiona is “Slow Like Honey” - never gets old for me). Was in the right place and in the right mood to enjoy her artistry. Tidal album is still my favorite. I enjoy her unique writing but am in love with how she uses the piano. Chef’s kiss.

Dec 02 2024
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On first listen I thought, yeah not bad. Second listen blew me away. Musically and lyrically its superb. Really like it

Nov 25 2024
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INCREDIBLE!!! Love this album. Masterpiece. Sounds unlike anything else. Strong sparse and nutty instrumentation.

Nov 20 2024
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god the LAYERS on the song "fetch the bolt cutters" are so fun, suuuper enjoyable?!?! halfway through - i feel like i could love this album, but so far theres somthing missing? its been really really beautiful in parts but its not a 5... yet! oh weird shes 47, i went into this thinking it was a 20 somthings first/seccond album lol NEVEERMIND i think shes perfected this idea of a "20 somthings first/seccond album" its like okay i said this to my friend im pasting the converstaion; [20/11/2024, 8:15:21 pm] Addie Norton: so far halfway through this album [20/11/2024, 8:15:23 pm] Addie Norton: ITS GOOD [20/11/2024, 8:15:25 pm] Addie Norton: dont get me wrong [20/11/2024, 8:15:28 pm] Addie Norton: i enjoy it [20/11/2024, 8:15:32 pm] Addie Norton: but the production value and vibe is [20/11/2024, 8:15:36 pm] Addie Norton: 20 somthing album 2/3 [20/11/2024, 8:15:40 pm] Addie Norton: and it does that [20/11/2024, 8:15:41 pm] Addie Norton: wonderfully [20/11/2024, 8:15:58 pm] Addie Norton: but agh i cannot sit here and be told that shes 47 😭 [20/11/2024, 8:16:23 pm] Addie Norton: like the lyrics feel too immature for that in a way, i feel like she could take what shes doing and make somthing really interesting [20/11/2024, 8:16:35 pm] Addie Norton: but shes talking about issues I still have [20/11/2024, 8:16:37 pm] Addie Norton: and i dont know [20/11/2024, 8:16:40 pm] Addie Norton: if i should love her [20/11/2024, 8:16:42 pm] Addie Norton: and relate to her [20/11/2024, 8:16:44 pm] Addie Norton: and adore her [20/11/2024, 8:17:01 pm] Addie Norton: but for some reason my gut instinct is resent for some silly reason [20/11/2024, 8:17:16 pm] Addie Norton: MY rating on song 8/13 currently is a 4/5 [20/11/2024, 8:17:26 pm] Addie Norton: it just dosnt have that thing that makes me adore it yet [20/11/2024, 8:17:27 pm] Addie Norton: YET [20/11/2024, 8:17:31 pm] Addie Norton: ill update u ❤️ [20/11/2024, 8:19:00 pm] Addie Norton: she has a very pretty voice but its also like [20/11/2024, 8:19:05 pm] Addie Norton: raspy when she pushes it [20/11/2024, 8:19:10 pm] Addie Norton: and it gives it a little tingle i like [20/11/2024, 8:19:22 pm] Addie Norton: her screaming LADIES LADIES LADIES is really satisfying [20/11/2024, 8:22:48 pm] CATHERINNNE awesomeface: Yes [20/11/2024, 8:22:51 pm] CATHERINNNE awesomeface: Yes [20/11/2024, 8:22:55 pm] CATHERINNNE awesomeface: Yes [20/11/2024, 8:23:46 pm] Addie Norton: also [20/11/2024, 8:23:49 pm] Addie Norton: the double bass goes [20/11/2024, 8:23:50 pm] Addie Norton: so hard [20/11/2024, 8:23:54 pm] Addie Norton: i need to hear this live [20/11/2024, 8:23:55 pm] Addie Norton: HAHA [20/11/2024, 8:23:57 pm] Addie Norton: is all i think in short, now im coming towards the end of this album. its solid. its so solid. you feel the pain and emotion in her voice, you want to cry with her, you feel it with her, cosmonauts has just brung this to a 5/5 album. fucking hell. its not even over. this idea that other people are talking about it being a row of f bombs and a dump on the system? i doing see that, i dont notice that, to me this is a woman talking about her issues, i dont know who she is, as her first album for me, i liked it. i think it had a peak at cosmonauts, but that was a good album. thanks. ALSO THE PRECUSSION IS SO FUN!! raw, emotional, fun.

Nov 13 2024
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I love Fiona Apple but this didn't need to be here. It's a great record and came out during the early days of the pandemic but still... probably not required listening on this. Nonetheless I personally love it.

Oct 31 2024
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Really Great! Tribal and energetic

Oct 28 2024
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really neat album. totally against the grain at times but completely listenable. fiona apple's songwriting is on a different plane from everyone else. very uniquely and singularly her. from front to back, i really enjoyed this one!

Oct 21 2024
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Fiona goes in a very surprising Tom Waits-esque direction with all the pounding percussion and other strange sounds. Very pointed songwriting, with powerful imagery, intimate but surreal. Truly uncompromising record from a truly uncompromising artist. Key tracks: I Want You to Love Me Shameika Fetch the Bolt Cutters Rack of His Cosmonauts

Oct 17 2024
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Shameika Rack of His Newspaper Heavy Balloon For Her

Oct 17 2024
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I didn't immediately click with this album when I first listened but revisiting again after discovering the rest of her discography and falling in love this is now one of the most gripping singer songwriter albums I've ever heard

Oct 02 2024
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Everyone should listen to this at least once in their life

Sep 20 2024
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10/10. Great creativity and voice. Large majority of songs went to the playlist.

Sep 13 2024
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Das war eine absolute Überraschung für mich. Dieses Album ging wohl in der Vergangenheit an mir vorüber, was ich nicht verstehen kann. Soviel Rhythmus und Kreativität, die in dieser Produktion stecken, ist sagenhaft. Und die Arrangements kann man gar nicht beschreiben, die muss man sich anhören und dann staunt man. Das muss einer erst einfallen. Fiona Apple ist das Gelungen. Für mich ist das Neu. Ich bin geflasht. Meisterwerk

Sep 12 2024
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This was one of my top 5 favourite records of 2020. I havent listened to it in a few years but I think I love it even more. Experimental indie record where you don’t know what’s going to happen next. It’s pop, I think, but in the best possible way. And her lyrics are incredible. She can be brutal and direct at times, and strange at others. Her vocals / lyrics are the main draw for me, I cant think of too many vocalists that manage to be the main draw without detracting from the music which flows so well with this. It’s a perfect 5 for me.

Sep 12 2024
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Might be the most unexpectedly great album of the list so far. Is this the album that Fiona Apple is known for? It should be. Very eclectic in a way that would be terrible if the songs weren't so well done. Lots of time signature changes and lots of different melodies running over each other. Singing was really good too, reminded me of Hop Along, think this album must be very influential on a particular brand of indie. The gulf in quality between Tidal and this is huge. There was a song or two that didn't land but that might just be a first listen thing. 4.5.

Sep 02 2024
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I don't usually like experimental stuff, but this was great. 4.5/5

Aug 21 2024
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gonna save it. expected to like it because people with similar taste to me liked it. want to listen to the lyrics carefully

Aug 20 2024
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Pushing the envelope with this one. Really enjoy it.

Aug 09 2024
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Singer-songwriter, art pop, progressive pop. Stunningly percussive, dense and hard to chew. It's a hard album to listen to for all the right reasons. I struggle to describe it. 5/5

Aug 03 2024
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I would beg to disagree, but begging disagrees with me I told you I didn't want to go to this dinner You know I don't go for those ones that you bother about So when they say something that makes me start to simmer That fancy wine won't put this fire out, oh Kick me under the table all you want I won't shut up Fuck yeah, this is a great album. 5/5

Jul 19 2024
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Having been on this site for over a year, here's a handy tip: any reviews where the reviewer compares a woman artist ONLY to other artists who are women can safely be filed away under M for Misogyny (and completely ignored).

Jul 18 2024
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First listen Saved 12/13 Top track: I Want You To Love Me

Jun 20 2024
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One of the most unique albums I've ever heard

Jun 19 2024
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Love this album. Reminds me of riding around during early Covid. So many great songs. Love the recording style.

Jun 13 2024
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This was, by far, one of the most interesting and well done albums that I've listened to yet as part of the 1001 albums project. That being said, there were some times that I felt annoyed by it. By this, I mean certain songs were annoying to me, but they were few, and the songs that really hit, hit hard.

Jun 12 2024
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Purposeful chaos. Loved it during covid, love it now.

Jun 11 2024
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Creative and really differing songs in a rhythmic way

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