Sounds like what I would hear in a hotel lobby
Club Classics Vol. One (USA title: Keep On Movin') is the debut album by the British group Soul II Soul. Released in 1989, the album featured the group's hit singles "Keep on Movin'" and "Back to Life (However Do You Want Me)", the latter of which was a UK number-one hit and the fifth best-selling single in the UK that year. The album also reached number one and was certified triple platinum by the British Phonographic Industry for sales in excess of 900,000 copies.In the United States, the album reached the Top 20. The single "Back to Life" was also a Top 10 hit in the US and was certified Platinum. It found stronger success with R&B music listeners in the US, as the album went to No. 1 on the Top R&B Albums chart, and the title track and "Back to Life" were number-one R&B hit singles.
Sounds like what I would hear in a hotel lobby
"Club Classics Vol. 1" is the Fruity Pebbles of music. It's technically breakfast but is utterly devoid of nutritional value. It's just bright colors and empty calories. Soul II Soul managed to put out an album that's technically music but utterly devoid of musical value. It's just bright colors and empty lyrics.
I thought clubs in the 80s were going to be way more exciting with how much Cocaine they were doing. Apparently I was wrong, they listened to slow elevator music. I guess the only way they could dance to this was with stimulants.
Like the female vocals. When the dude starts singing on the third track I had the urge to skip but held on. The general sound is fairly nostalgic for me. Goes down easy but not my favorite.
I’m a little upset by this album. I have very few 1 star albums, and almost this whole work was so dreadfully boring that I thought I’d finally found another super-dud. But then Back to Life just had to go and be a bop, so this album earns its second star.
hasn't aged well
The best part of doing this is dicovering artists from my younger days that I woud never have given a chance then are actually worthy of my time. This is just such an example. Some great, funky soul here along with some seeds of trip hop. I am reminded often of Massive Attack (is the female singer the same as on Safe From Harm or other MA classics?) A really enjoyable listen this album was. I was only familiar with one song but found the whole album quite engaging. 4 stars
so far it's pretty good. I can see this is an influential album. There are several songs I recognized and several beats that I can tell have been sampled by some of my favorite artists years down the line. This is a cool record.
This album certainly brought me back to life!
Memories of being in the dance clubs come flooding back!
Production is very clean and sounds like it could have been produced today. Tends to blend together pleasantly, and the vocals are really beautiful! "Back to Life" was a huge hit for a reason - it's hypnotizing, catchy, and very well produced. Overall early house music isn't much to my taste, but I understand why it was so popular and innovative for its time. 4/5.
1*. Hated it. Smug, lazy raps, all about themselves. Really weak production. Getting drunk uncles to sing is not a vibe. Bad. 'Back to Life' is a belter though.
It's dreadful and I hate it. Without the singles, it's a 1. Some songs sound like sung by drunk uncle, self-congratulatory throughout. Lame beats. Awful lyrics. Bad.
A record that I own, but don't spin nearly as much as I should. Smooth, funky, and beautifully orchestrated. Caron Wheeler's vocals (unsurprisingly on the big singles) are a real stand out. String arrangements are lush and sophisticated. This really is a precursor of Massive Attack a few years later, although perhaps with a little less grit and less depressive/gloomy. I really enjoyed listening to this. If this had been made even two years later, it would have been based on grainy loops rather than drum machines, but this really is an album a few years ahead of its time.
Not devoid of charms, but mostly bland. Really shows its age. Could only be from 92-95.
First off, Nellee Hooper is a cheat code of a producer. Everything I've listened to that he had his hands on sounds absolutely gorgeous. Second off this is the most appropriate album title I've ever seen. Every song is a club classic, the Back to Life into Jazzie's Groove alone makes this 5 stars, and that's probably the weakest part of the album. It's that good
Absolutely incredible. Groovy, funky, endlessly sampleable. Love the interplay between the vocals and breaks, the tension created in "Back to Life" is immense, but fully satisfied by the drums when they come in. I was surprised how album-ey it was despite the title suggesting it was a compilation. The production / mastering is consistent throughout, and the songs flow perfectly into each other (they even avoided those common mp3 tails to preserve the beat). I only wish the additional tracks at the end were included in a separate release. But that would have been a waste back when this was released, and more expensive vs today with streaming. Gonna come back to this one for sure.
Transported immediately back to late 80s/early 90s. This is a certified banger for anyone who loves jazz, dance, and Living Single.
Maybe I should recuse myself, since I have many fond memories of my co-judge and I arriving in Toronto in ’89, going to restaurants, clubs, bars and record stores and hearing this all the time. It was the sort of thing I would have never listened to a couple of years earlier. It’s a very urban sound, smoove soul with hints of reggae and African rhythms. Caron Wheeler is dynamite and Jazzy B is a great songwriter and producer, but I’m not as smitten when he grabs the microphone. Between a 4 and a 5 for me.
Getting that vinyl
Easiest 5/5 ever ?
Okay I kind of loved this more than I thought I would?! Super fun!
Title says the truth, classics are here
Actually a very approachable album.
Great collection
very groovy and very nice sounding!
Late 80s R&B is a place I really haven't spent any time; I'll do my best to keep an open mind. Album opens with Keep On Movin', which is R&B on the groovier side of the spectrum. Complete with sterilized electronic drum beat and simple bass line. Instrumental is flourished with some piano meandering and sweeping strings ebbing and flowing behind the vocals. Sounds like something I would hear in a hair salon if I had hair to warrant the experience. Fairplay is a substantially more interesting song. The backing bassline walks throughout, referencing the same progression but modulating to keep things interesting. It along with a tight drum beat propel the track with some soulful vocals. Favorite song so far. Three songs in, three very different sounds. I'm into the variety. Holdin' On is driven by a more classic drum and bass high-hat beat with some disco-like elements. Not a great song, but its not bad either. Feeling Free finds Soul II Soul in hip-hop territory with an instrumental of drums and scratching with backing horns. Surprisingly effective, like proto-ATCQ jazz-rap. African Dance is an instrumental dance track putting the yazz-flute front and center. Great energy with an improv feel. Particularly enjoy the mixing effects thrown in around the 3 minute mark that send the backing rhythm through an inverter of sorts. Dance gives over to the exact same backing rhythm sans flute soloing. In place of the flute we instead find spoken-word vocals. Unsure why they decided to do this. Surely 6 minutes of jazzy instrumental dance were good enough that we did not need 4 additional? Feel Free jams right out of the gate with a sick double-bass drum line and some tight string accompaniment. Song also features a damned fat bassline, which I'm admittedly a sucker for. Second favorite song thus far. Happiness is a fine enough jam that I found myself bobbing along to. I could easily see this embedded in a DJ set to keep the crowd moving in transition. I've only heard the remix of Back To Life. The A Capella arrangement that forms the first 3 minutes of the song are damned impressive on a technical front -- credit where it is due. Hands over to a hip-hop beat that then bleeds seamlessly into the original album closer Jazzie's Groove. And what a groove it is. Stopping my review here because it is where the original album ends. I will say that I am thoroughly surprised by this album. It jams front to back and is filled to the brim with different styles, textures, and personnel. Standouts from my memory are Fairplay, Feel Free, African Dance, and Jazzie's Groove. I also do love the remix of Back To Life that is included in the 10th anniversary edition; classic jam. This is nearing a 5 IMO, but is held back by a few questionable choices. Strong 4 / 5.
I have not listened to these guys in ages. Great combo of simple beats and electric vocals. The lyrics are simple and unspectacular, but the solos and harmonies are infectious. Well, at least when the women (Caron, Rose, Do'Reen) are the focal point (less enamored when the men are front and center). Both the band and album are so appropriately named - funky soul and you could fill up a night at a club playing these tracks. Everybody knows Keep on Movin and Back to Life (a definite classic) but spend some time with Feel Free, Fairplay, Happiness or African Dance.
Seminal dance music album that melded soul and R&B with house and reggae. It's legacy and influence is such that it still sounds like it could have been recorded yesterday.
Some bloat but a really great album. Jazzie B acting as the master of ceremonies conducting his hip-hop, jazz, soul leaning in whichever way he sees fit.
Pretty average. The man's voice kept sounding like Monster Mash which threw me
This album was disappointing, it starts off with some good potential but quickly devolves into 80s dance cliches. I recommend you replace "Back to Life" with the single version of the song (subtitled "(However Do You Want Me)") as it fits better and is also probably the best song on the album.
ugh, maybe i’m just sick of this list
Hard to give an album a high score when so many of the songs are remixes of each other. Otherwise, not my favorite club hits from the 90s but some of the tracks are classic and full of nostalgia.
more like "90s dance tutorial background music" classics
Another album strengthening my argument that this list is way to Anglocentric. That being said, while this album is incredibly dated, it has a certain simple charm as an early 90s dance/r&b hybrid sort of thing. Generally inoffensive and fairly pleasant but it gets old fast.
Pretty much sounded like a typical 80s/90s club album to me. Nothing special.
Some good songs, Back to Life and Jazzie's Groove were bangers. Other tracks were filler to me. Rapping with a heavy London accent has always seemed a little off to my American ears; nothing wrong with it, just not what I'm used to. Decent album, but definitely a product of its time and it hasn't aged well in my opinion. 2.5/5.
FUN FACT: apparently I'm distantly related to the lead singer Jazzie B so that's cool No fucking way my uncle (?) was responsible for making back to life wtf. Im related to a legend The rapping is kind of terrible but i gotta support the family so I LOVE THIS ALBUM JAZZIE B IS THE GOAT RAHHHHHHG
baaack to life, baack to RIALITIIIIII
Love this album
Some remarkably great bits and some remarkably dull bits - the singles great, and overall enjoyed the energy it was giving, but dance music maybe you have to be in the right space
soul 2 soul 2 my ears 2 my head 2 my feet de ganzi tag soul 2 soul und denn namal chli meh absolute mood, super inegstartet und immer meh entdeckt vom album bi jedem relisten – Back to Live into Jazzie's Groove mitere smoothe erklärig was soul 2 soul isch, was willmer meh und das ganze wird abgrundet mitemem Keep on Movin' Bonustrack wos grad ih verschideni playlists gschafft hett! sehr glücklich hani da mals ganze album chöne lose ih de reihefolg da wäri also ganz truurig gsi hetti das verpasst, zum glück hani hüt chli ih de schuel umeghange und scho am morge mit de meiste lüt im study room eh yap-session gha da segi nume: vijf punten voor de ziel
Yes, I'd liek to listen thjis a lot more. butnif its too slow for you, ...skip to track #9 - "back to life, back to reality" a track to a put a smile on everyones face, make you dance, and evoke youthful euphoria - clubland circa 1992 I think.. Ah, a joy to be reminded. ... classy stylish sound.
Seminal R&B album.
This is great. Its a super conditional rating but I am just vibing to the easy loops. There isn't anything too crazy happening in the sample work, just locked in grooves that make your body move.
This is #day87 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and listening to Club Classics Vol. One (for the very first time) feels like tapping into an endless beat that flows through time... Released at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, this album serves as a time capsule, reflecting the vibrant sound system culture, Belgian New Beat, and The Second Summer of Love, all intertwining to create a dizzying mix of genres—dub, reggae, house, soul, gospel, downtempo, jazz, and more. When they sing "with this music I'll put you in a trance" on "Dance", they don't joke, they will do it. The record brilliantly reflects the spirit of its era. And I love this era! This is a 5 out of 5 without a doubt. Looking forward to #day88.
Back to life
Thoroughly enjoyed. A good find. Some heard before, some worth discovering. 4 stars plus bonus 1 for rediscovery credits.
Loved this.
This appearance of this one excited me. I didn't enjoy it quite as much as I thought that I would, but it was a great feel of college times for me. So, it gets credit for that.
A solid late 80s hip-hop groove. Loved it.
Aka Keep on Movin here in the colonies. I wore this thing out during college. Haven’t listened to it in many years, until now, and it is still a near perfect album.
Absolute classic
Absolutely outstanding 11/10. Every song was so unique and incredible to listen to.
Balancing out the one because they had one really sick song
This is like KAYTRANADA before KAYTRANADA existed. "Back to Life" will always be a banger. The whole album is seamless.
Certified classic
Que álbum sensacional! Vontade de ouvir o dia todo ahahaha
Soul muy animado. Un megahit. Vinilo.
Soul muy animado. Un megahit.
Very groovy, reminds me of GTA SA for some reason.
I gotta say I quite enjoyed this. I really quite enjoyed this. It felt similar to Massive Attack’s Blue Lines which is an album I already love so this was a familiar and welcome sound (albeit worse by comparison). The lyrics were pretty weak and at some points so was the music, but the wide variety of textures and sounds that come from this album more than compensate making sure it is never a boring listen.
Absolute Eurotrash bangers. This, and not Nirvana or Nine Inch Nails, is what the 90s were all about.
Love this, classic
Childhood memories here. This is a real example for me of 'they dont make them like this anymore' I can only imagine how great it must have been to be 19 in the club for these tunes. Vibes are real.
You know I can't say I'm surprised. This is the first album we've gotten that has any black people involved, and I went to check the top reviews. Lo and behold they're fairly negative, which is fine on its face. Then you see its "technically music" or that it "shows its age." Yeah, that's almost all music you dumb cunt. You're telling me you listen to Vivaldi and you're like "did this come out in 2018?" Fuck off. Art is stealing. Color me surprised that there's music now that sounds similar but "better." Unless I hear them say a bunch of slurs, I'm not going to take "it sounds like when it came out" as a serious criticism. Shoutout the review saying it "shows its age[,] could only be from 92-95." Reading skills are preferred but not required I suppose. I'm not saying this is a paragon of quality, but why do you have to question whether its music all of a sudden. I don't even particularly love this album, but I will go to war for it. A fun synthesis of sounds from African, Carribean, and African American culture. Just great vibes. Not do coke vibes (shoutout Belly), which may have been expected from a dance album in the 80s, more like keeping a good groove going in the dance hall vibes. It's a marathon not a sprint. And suck my dick, this has a timeless quality. 7.8/10 Favorite Song: Back to Life (I mean what else could it be)
8/10 This group is super important to R&B in Europe especially the UK. Learning about them and their influence on the culture as a collective was so interesting. For a group to set the tone in music, fashion, culture, and create a community around this culture is insane. The music is sick and inventive and pulling from African beats and the Caribbean while putting its own spin on it. With the UK being an island of immigrants it feels appropriate that this album pulls from that and sets the stage for the jungle/drum and bass/grime/drill music we see in the culture today. Favorite Song: back to life Acapella
The Burleigh Tavern isn't just a bar, it is a shrine to everything shallow about the Gold Coast. Attached a little too near the beach, it attracts a crowd that seemed assembled by a casting director. Sun-kissed skin stretched tight over suspiciously perfect, plump cheekbones, lips inflated to unnatural proportions, and linen shirts with white jeans so meticulously laundered, purchased from Tarocash, Universal Store, or Connors; they almost look like costumes. The drinks as ridiculous as the clientele. A single cocktail could cost as much as a decent bottle of wine, served in glassware so fragile it seemed designed to disintegrate if you didn’t hold it like vintage porcelain china. A pint of Balter will set you back a considerable $20. Add that to the $40 you paid to enter this ridiculous nesting ground of trust fund women and crypto-scammer men. Soul II Soul’s Club Classics Vol. One blasts relentlessly from the speakers, the smooth 80's/90's grooves so painfully out of place with the two-left-footed crowed it felt ironic. Tracks like African Dance and Happiness pounded on a loop, the silky yet dated basslines and repetitive beats pretending to create an air of sophistication, and anywhere else it would - but here, in a bar drowning in fake tans and fake vibes, it just came off as pretentious noise. People shouted over the music to make themselves heard, their voices cutting through the bass with an edge of irritation. By the railing, someone in a designer shirt leaned over and emptied their stomach onto the beach below, their friend laughing while snapping a photo for Instagram. The music and arrogant voices blur into one, and you find yourself reeling for the same drugs that everyone else inside is on, to either blend in and become like water, or to cope with the realisation that your night is going to be shit, and you've already spent your last $100 in your spending account to get in here and have a pint. The Burleigh Tavern isn't a place to relax, socialise, or dance, it is a pretentious echo chamber of overpriced mediocrity, wrapped in a soundtrack acts like it's better than it is. What a shame it is, that an album that I genuinely enjoy evokes these kinds of emotions in me. There is a lot to listen to, but then again, so little. There's nothing wrong with this, record you just need to be able to switch your brain off, similar to the same process talking to any local of Burleigh Heads, Broadbeach Waters, Paradise Point, or Palm Beach. Once you do that, an hour feels like forty minutes. Once you've mastered it, you start to enjoy the album. That is not an easy feat. The redeeming factor? Back to Life, which brings a fresh air of life into this album. It's smooth transition into Jazzie's groove is really a pickup too. What a great way to end an album.
Not much to say, great chill album. 8/10 Fav tracks - Holdin on, feeling free - Live, Dance, Happiness- Dub, Jazzies Groove, Back to Life (However do you want me),
Aged really well
Good for the soul
Okay, I won’t lie, I get it. Really good R&B that somehow would have worked just as well 15-20 years earlier with some tweaking. Will look for a cheap copy. B
Honestly it is not in my genre field but I know this was a huge part of forming modern rap so I respect it.
Pretty good. Not my type of music but I enjoyed it.
Not everything is great. That Do’reen sings like a goat. But overall, this is a good album.
Very easily enjoyable. Best album I’ve listened to in a while. Best track is Fairplay, so easy to dance around to. So close to giving it five stars, but some of the songs are just too long for me.
I was skeptical of this one and part way through the first sone I was thinking this was going to be a 2 star but it really grew on me and by the time I hit Feel Free it made me decide this was a 4 star album!
Fav song: Keep On Movin’ - M Beat Bonus Mix Seriously loving the classy 90’s house feel to this album, even despite some of the dated sounding drum samples. In love with the jungle mix of Keep On Movin’. That one is going straight into my playlists.
Great hits, better fillers than I remembered.
Super cool album. Feels about 5 years ahead of it's time. 3.5/5
Funky, hip-hop-influenced dance music. The BPMs generally don’t get too high but there’s a steady bass pulse that keeps the beats going. Great cast of guest vocalists throughout too. I really enjoyed this. It’s dance-y but chill.
Classy and elegant, and not insistently dancable – like the perfect midpoint between lounge and club music, or perhaps accurately described as dance music for people who don't like dance music. Big dropoff after the first cut, which is utterly classic, timeless.
Wow, das isch wider eine vo dene Gründe - nach all dene mittelmässige Albe - wieso das App so spass macht: Chli de grossi Zeche i guete R&B inestrecke mit Funkige zuegabe, wow wow wow. Han das Album dur de ganzi Tag sicher 3, 4 mal glost und für jede Moment hets passt. Aber trotz dene vielne Bangers hani immer no s Gfühl vode fever ray im herze, a daas das Album doch ned ganz here chund. Darum muni au trotz dem grosse spass wider Starch uf vier ganz hervorzüglichi Schinkegipfeli abrunde. Dut aber au bits weh. Zum Schluss zitiert ich gern no mini lieblingsstell vo ihrne Tracks: "Modern people tend to dance. With this music I'll put you in a trance. Hahaha, now dance!" Let's gooooo
I really enjoyed this album. Great song and great memories from nights out 20 years ago. I can’t believe this came out in 1989. I can see why this is an influential album and a trend setter for this genre. Lots of songs and beats that have been heard on many different albums and nights. This is a brilliant record. Favourite song: Back to life and feeling free are great tunes. Least favourite: Nothing is bad on the album. Album artwork: Cool cover.
A record that I own, but don't spin nearly as much as I should. Smooth, funky, and beautifully orchestrated. Caron Wheeler's vocals (unsurprisingly on the big singles) are a real stand out. String arrangements are lush and sophisticated. This really is a precursor of Massive Attack a few years later, although perhaps with a little less grit and less depressive/gloomy. I really enjoyed listening to this. If this had been made even two years later, it would have been based on grainy loops rather than drum machines, but this really is an album a few years ahead of its time.
Pretty good
Good R&B.
From their name, I thought there would be double what I don’t like, but they brought the funk to each and every song.
I liked enough tracks to round 3.5 to 4.