I See You
The xxwank
Purely belter
Alright like. To be fair, the two greatest hits albums have all the best smiths songs, which makes the albums defunkt...
Lisstened to this album a gozillion times. Certainly enough times for one life. I can quite explain why it now annoys me and has done for a long while. Wrote the above during the first song when the buzzy low tones were wigging out my laptop speakers. Album gets better as it goes on and chills out. Really it just reminds me of a dick scottish person i used to work with who played it over and over agin when he used to wash the boat. Cant escape the negative connotations.
Cant listen to this one in front of the kids. Not becasue i dont like swearing, its just that I can be arsed to deal with being asked what a motherfucker is right now. Express yourself is the best track. Reminds me of quiggins in liverpool. The crazy old retro vintage department store. You had to go here to buy records and tee shirts like this before the internet. Dope album, for sure a cornerstone of rap music, but not really my thang...
There is a reason that the US military use Nine Inch Nails music as a form of torture in places Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib. Because its unbearable.
At last something I've wanted to listed to. Marc Bolan was for sure a genius. I once met a guy called Marc who's mum named.him after Marc Bolan, and his initials were also M.A.R.C.... Cosmic dancer is a a proper song. It is used so well on the opening scene of the film Billy Elliott. Bolan's guitar is easily recognisable throughout the album.
loved it
This album reminds me of winter in Cannes when it came out it. Coincidentally I was in Cannes when it came up in the list. Some Jungian synchronicity shit going on there.... The music is alright like. The way the songs seamlessly meld into one another is a bit weird.... At the time it was a bit weird hearing Americans show any anti American sentiment, so that was cool.
I resisted the temptation to Google this album and artist before the review..... Never heard this music before but it feels nostalgic and familiar.... What an amazing sound. Vibrant and youthful. Sumptuous strings and cranking keys. Sounds like some sort of amazing theme tune to a TV show or semi Avant Garde film.... This is what I came to this list for! To be exposed to good old shit that's new to me.
Not a bad song in the album.... Weird how loads of people freaked out that he changed his name to Yusuf, when he was called bloody CAT before. I've never met a man called cat.
listened to track one and gave up
Not bad. Need another listen.
bloody good
Proper good
Meh. Do you realize is a banger tho.
Can only listen to so much van the man.... It's the combination of his fake American accent, and the jazziness of it all. I want to like it more.
"everything is so political nowadays" seems like it always was. Great album. Makes me and probably thousands of others want to pickup a guitar and play.
Shite. Too noisy.
Didn't jump out at me, but I need to listen again
Belter album. Can't wait to listen to it with the kids..... Best song for me is Frank's wild years. Blazing imagery.
Need to listen again. Love that guitar tone.
couple of belters and plenty of filler. Listened on a short road trip and my mates couldnt handle it. Had to listen to some Ray Lamontagne to chill the fuck out.
Megga boppy can't wait to play it for the kids.
How the fuck did Gary numan get a time machine and travel into two different decades to ripoff mgmt and basement jax to record that mashup for the song M.E.?.... Mint album.
Disjointed and anachronistic but some good.
irritated the fuck out of me when it vcame out and it was everywhere, all supermarkets, car radios, barber shops, pre gig warm up music, old lady ballroom dances, played this album. Watchin the live performaces of the girl playin one note repeatedly on a 2000dollar guitar seems weird. Wasnt into it then, still not into it now. Overrated shite.
Hella jesusy cover.... I always struggle to listen to more than a few simple minds songs in a row..... Reverb drenched vox and big synths stress me out.
Like the old saying goes, one awesome opening track doth not an awesome album make...
rich kiwi girl pretending to be poor sings all songs and melodies in the same way and calls it an album. Meh.
toooo noisy
Not my thang
not enough words
Good Like. Love the bass guitar
Some bangerz. Need another listen to appreciate the others more.
This is what I came for. Exposure to shit I would never listen to otherwise..... One of my fave doves songs is built upon the KC song Moonchild 🤯
Listened to first few tracks. Shite so far. Friends soundtrack on repeat.
not for me
i melt into this one. Pure relaxation
Alright like
Love live music, HATE live albums.
I should like it. But I dont. Background (Illi) Noise
Mint album. Took me down a joy division rabbit hole too. Which was nice.
Proper tunes!
Need another listen.
The Who are overrated. Skip and go straight to Small Faces
Need another listen, but liked it
Will deffo listen again.
didnt realise how weird that guy richard was
This album was originally underrated. Then it somehow became overrated, listening again in 2024, it's definitely underrated again!
Why is there paedo shit in the list? Wasn't this guy cancelled?
Alright like
Purely belter
Take me there
Mint album
amazing albu, Karen O is an artistic genius
amazing albu, Karen O is an artistic genius
Wanted to like it more. Will have another listen.
This album feels like being able to walk into the house where i grew up and sit on our couch and watch the fireplace. Ancient comfort. Not a Nirvana fan, but the quiet acoustiqueness allows me to sit and listen and enjoy. I think I'm just happy.
Plenty of filler here but the bangers keep it bouyant....
So many bangers in here! Stuff of legends
Wanted to like it more. Will have another listen.
Yeah good like
i like the disco era beegees best.
absolute belter of an album. Goes to show that sampling is a true artform. Taking anothers work and building upon it is one of the main tenets of humanity
willie the pimp!
Mad how the rolling stones are just a covers band.
Bob had the magic. Still reaching down through the generations.
A disjointed cacophony but still One of my faves.
A rare fear to put the best song on the album at the end! Also the best but of the song is the end of the song!..... To many high harmonies for me which lost a star.
I wonder what my 22 year old self would think of my 44 year old self for sitting and listening to an entire Christina Aguilera album with an open mind..... Anyway I can see why some people might like it, but like eating seafood and cold water swimming. It's not for me.
Yeah good like. North American scum. So weird to imagine an American picking up on Brits hating on them. Greatest country in the world? Bring back jingoism. Arm up. God bless America. Yeah right.
Good like
yeah good like