ColdplayThe tracks are indistinguishable from one another. It is impossible to tell when a song ends and the next one starts. It is just bland and Chris Martin's howling on top.
The tracks are indistinguishable from one another. It is impossible to tell when a song ends and the next one starts. It is just bland and Chris Martin's howling on top.
If I were a middle-aged man with long hair blasting this album in my convertible on a highway as the wind licks my receding hairline, I would love it. But I am me and this is not for me. Turns out the only tracks I liked are the ones written by Neil Young. I think they really stand out.
Felt the rhythm in my bones
This is what I imagine retired Disney princesses listen to.
I need a break from folk music
Either teenage angst has completely left my body or it is not easy to listen to this album uninterrupted. I might need to sniff some glue and give it another go.
Nothing exciting
Music for pretentious assholes.
Pretty average and very American.
Music to line dance with alligators.
Boring and repetitive. An extra star because it was short.
I was looking forward to listen to this and to catch a well-deserved break from folk music but I was disappointed. I hated all the skits and the talking. Felt like I was listening to a podcast recorded by men at times.
The Doors for dorks
I accept Cohen as my Lord and Savior.
I'm bored out of my mind.
Master of Puppets (the song) is an absolute masterpiece. There are also couple of bangers. But as a album it's kinda boring.
What makes this album an album that I need to listen to before I die is beyond me. It is neither good nor bad. It was just popular at its time I guess.
Radiohead helps me romanticize dissociation 🩷
Soulful greatness
Already had 3 songs from this album in a playlist with The Velvet Underground and Talking Heads. Pretty good recipe.
This is a controversial rating but I actually had a good time listening to this album so here we go.
Wow I hate this. Feels like getting hit on by an ugly guy at the bar.
I'm bored out of my mind.
I'm so sick of folk music at this point.
I started listening to this on my morning commute on a Monday and felt like I was filled with enough energy for the whole week. But when I came back to it in the evening I honestly just couldn't listen to it.
This is not good or bad. It is simply mediocre and I am growing tired of this kind of music and the idea that I should listen to this before I die. Why should I? What I would be missing if I didn't?
The reason I have started this challenge was to find new music. Well I'm happy I have found Neu! because I was really looking forward to hearing something new.
Some of the albums on this list are just so boring I am actually fascinated. This is one of them.
I haven't listened this album before this challenge but I knew most of the songs. I guess that's normal when listening to one of the best bands in the world. I'm not a Beatles fan but I can definitely understand the hype.
Nothing against a-ha but this was boring. I'm fine by blasting "Take on Me" occasionally and never hearing anything from this album again.
I would be just fine without listening to this album before I die.
Made my morning commute more energetic.
I have decided to give in to melancholy and become a Nick Drake stan.
This could be easily a 4 but Michael Stipe's vocals have always made it difficult for me to truly enjoy R.E.M.
Very Christmasy.
Awfully generic.
Maybe not their best but it will be always special for me. Nevertheless it is a pretty good album.
I'm incredibly moody today and couldn't think of a better background music.
I never cared for Christina Aguilera's R&B stuff really and cringed at some of the tracks on this album. However, "Can't hold us down" is a feminist anthem. "Fighter" and "Dirrty" are absolute bangers.
I appreciate the cultural significance of Tracy Chapman but do I enjoy her music? Not really.