Madman Across The Water
Elton John“Indian Sunset“ and “Tiny Dancerl were highlights, also the backing vocals on "All the Nasties".
“Indian Sunset“ and “Tiny Dancerl were highlights, also the backing vocals on "All the Nasties".
Ginger Baker’s drumming is just savage. Jack Bruce’s playing also grabs me throughout the whole album, The strongest tracks were the singles, of course. I started listening to the standard release and was disappointed by the hard panned stereo, so I switched over to the deluxe edition and was glad I did. It’s a much better mix.
Classic new wave-y power pop, with handclaps, harmonies, and hooks galore. And just great songwriting, to boot. I must’ve been skipping around when I last listened, because I don’t recall “I’m in Touch with Your World” which is mostly a bunch of cartoonish sound effects, kind of a waste of time time. I’m giving this album five stars nonetheless. Favorite Tracks: "My Best Friend's Girl", "Just What I Needed" I tried to choose one, but I am a sucker for handclaps in pop songs.
"Buffalo Stance" is a classic, five-star song. "Manchild", "Kisses on the Wind", and "Heart" are also worth a listen, but the rest of the album is kind of dated filler.
"Smooth Criminal" is possibly MJ's best song.