Suzanne Vega
Suzanne VegaI wanted to like this but it was so boring I couldn't make myself pay attention. Maybe better for a quiet walk or a long drive than a normal morning at work.
I wanted to like this but it was so boring I couldn't make myself pay attention. Maybe better for a quiet walk or a long drive than a normal morning at work.
I like Pictures from Home. I assume the way the drums sound is due to the remastering - the drums are particularly loud and clear. I hear them more than the guitars. "We all came out to Montreux on the Lake Geneva shoreline..." Come on, let's go space truckin'.... The singer's voice sounds really good in the slower songs when he's not screaming. The screaming just sounds like generic rock screaming.
Jesus Walks slaps. The songs are melodic and richly textured.
It's 1998 and I have a great job in the city. I live in a two flat in Roscoe Village with my college roommate. I'm making a lot of money, I'm hanging out with my friends, I'm having more fun than I ever thought I would, and I'm listening to this album over and over. This album is in my hindbrain. I'm on day 6 or 7 and this is the first album with a woman's voice on it that's been assigned. I'm surprised to discover that Lauryn Hill is younger than me. I don't think I've ever heard any other hiphop songs about motherhood.
I like the drum intro. This is a lot of fun. I like the jangly rock sound with the goofy lyrics. I wish the words were a little clearer and easier to understand. The energy is great.
A guy with a guitar. Inoffensive. It's the musical equivalent of beige carpeting - I can barely make myself pay attention to it. Good for working background music. This makes 9 albums with men's voices and one with a woman's.
Lovely voice, very pretty songs. Makes me think of people in nice clothes and high heels drinking wine in high-end kitchens. This kind of music is as unconnected to my life as are country songs about trucks.
Nice. Melodic.
The riff on Seven Nation Army feels like it shouldn't have needed to be written, like it's existed for decades already and we've always been able to sing along.
Not my favorite Depeche Mode album. Sounds droning and repetitive after a couple songs.
More fun than I was expecting. Technically impressive guitar, but also just energetic and whimsical jams.
I've never listened to Arcade Fire before; I really liked this album. The songs all sounded very similar, but that built up on the theme of alienation and dislocation from living in the Sprawl. Having the mix of make and female voices helped too.
I liked this more than I thought I would. It must be the Manchester chav in my ancestry.
This album is so much fun - it's melodic and energetic. Rob Halford's voice is wonderful. Knowing he's a black-leather-trendsetting queer icon makes it even more enjoyable. Breaking the law breaking the law!
A fun variety of songs with a couple classics I recognize
I quite like this! I like how it goes from quiet guitar to rap (with no bitches or hoes) to the yellscreamy scratchy opera-industrial chorus. I like the introspective and emotional subject matter of the songs too. Great for yelling along with.
Was not aware that the phrase "stupid-ass" was in use in 1968. I got a giggle out of that. "In a stupid-ass waaaaaaaay!" Mention of "slapping ass" in multiple consecutive songs. Compare and contrast the benefits of girls vs dogs for emotional support. Lots of anxiety about military service, low-grade 60's sexism. I like the production, and Scott's voice is amazing, but the melodies and lyrics aren't sophisticated enough to support the subject matter.
I like this kind of music so much more now than I did in the 90s. I must be about 30 years behind the zeitgeist. Scuzzy-sounding guitars and a nice quiet male voice, mellow and relaxing.
Didn't like this much - I can see why their later albums were more successful.
Upbeat and fun, nice harmonies. 1 extra star for Mr Blue Sky
Great harmonies, dick-and-jane subject matter. I guess it's an insight into young middle-class boomer men.
Mellow. Great background music for working, but not something I'd actively pay attention to.
I thought this was great. I love the driving energetic punky vibe with the traditional gaelic sounds and instruments. The lyrics sound like modern folk music, with references to sacred music sometimes, and a nice sense of storytelling. It made me want to jump around and drink cider and punch things and hug people.
I love the cover art, I love "This will be our year", and "friends of mine" is so sweet. They have a straightforward sort of teen bop sound, like the early beatles, but their songs are thoughtful and compassionate. Except for A Rose for Emily. The lady has a house and a thriving garden, she's doing fine, leave her alone.
I don't appreciate Jeff Buckley as much as everyone else seems to. I don't get it. His voice is fine, if you like quiet crooning. His guitar playing is beautiful. He's just not my jam.
This was fine. Classic grunge. It didn't interest me.
I've never been a huge fan of U2. Their music was ubiquitous for years, and it all blended together as part of the general background noise of my youth. Their distinctive sound makes all their songs sound very similar. I like Bono impassioned caterwauling; it's fun to sing along with.
Straightforward blues rock. I like Hard to Handle, but She Talks to Angels reminds me of bros.
I don't mind Dire Straits, but I've never listened to them on purpose.
Wake up and Make Love with Me is funny and kind of sweet. "I don't want to make you/ I'll let the fancy take you" I like hearing british singers use their regional accents instead of a fake US/blues drawl "If I was with a women I'd make her believe I loved her, all the time I would not like her much" Gimmicky but cute
I like the first album better than this one, but maybe that's because I'm more familiar with it. I like Lorde ok
Cute and fun. Now I have a new song to sing to my cat Walter.
like low-fi girl on a hiking trip in the fjords
I like this album more now than I did when I had to listen to it overandoverandover in the early 90s. I like the guitar best. I still don't like Jane Says. It reminds me of angsty grunge boys smoking cigarettes. I liked them, I never liked the song.
Boooooeeeeey! Quite liked this. Energetic, clever, impassioned.
This was fine. Straightforward rock, and I always like hearing non-US voices. Not particularly memorable
Toot toot doodle toot. Very relaxing as background music while I work. Not something I would seek out.
psychedelic fun. lots of different sounds mixed together.
I like the textures and tones in warszawa and subterraneans
great stuff. Pure and true.
Not my jam
I like her voice and the arrangement of the first few songs, but later in the album the songs seemed haphazard and disorganized.
I love this girly grunge-pop sound and the bubblegum-goth vibe.
This album has a lot of things I like: easy to sing along with. Variety of volume and tempo. Multiple voices in chorus or other parts.
racist guitar guy is good at guitar. Layla is a bop.
Interesting ambient low-key music. Not my jam.
Good stuff. I liked this in college, although not at the level others did, and I like it now. I like the quiet/loud, the bass, the buzzy sound, and the way the highly singable lyrics match the melody.
What the hell is this album cover. A collage of Rodin's Kiss, some made-up neoclassical building with a terrible art deco eagle, and Marvin Gaye as that one burgher of Calais, with badly-drawn robes instead of rags. Really bad font contrast too. Also I thought the music was meh. I forgot I was listening to it.
Energetic and fun.
First song "Movin' on up" = awesome. Hand claps, gospel chorus, jamming guitar, uplifting lyrics - I love it. I really like this whole album; I listened to it 3 times in a row.
a couple compelling songs, but not as fun as Nevermind
Nice harmonies, excellent guitar, sorta samey.
Upbeat, fun soul sound, catchy tunes. Competent soul pop.
Not my jam. I liked the sound of some of the songs, e.g. Big Girl, Three Bricks, with the strings and horns behind the rapping, but I didn't like the rapping itself. The meter, rhymes, and subject matter were not appealing to me. Reading the wikipedia page, I seem to have missed the narrative complexity of the album.
Nice to hear a female voice. Easy to dance to, not much else going on.
2 great songs, some well-produced boring songs.
Droning layered sound. Good for background music while working. All the songs blend together
I wanted to like this but it was so boring I couldn't make myself pay attention. Maybe better for a quiet walk or a long drive than a normal morning at work.
I liked this! Kind of like massive attack but with more of a big band sound.
The rapping is fast and skillful, but I don't like the sweary interstitial tracks. Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe is catchy.
nice music but not interesting
His voice is annoying but his lyrics are great. I particularly like Ballad of a thin man.
I had no idea the "despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage" song was Smashing Pumpkins. My husband laughed at me. I've never listened to this album due to being surrounded by Pumpkin-loving boys in the 90s and not wanting to encourage them. It's pretty good.
The mediocre songs are ok, and the good songs are really good. I still want to yell along with Sting on every chorus. I've never heard Mother before, and it cracked me up. Every girl that you go out with thinks you're a man-baby, buddy.
Fun. A nice combo of a classic US-rootsy sound with localized UK subject matter. Quite melodic.
Fun, sort of upbeat
Bangin' piano.
Female voices! I want to like riot grrl music but I don't. I like the idea of them and I'd probably like them as people, but I don't like the music, or at least I don't like this much.
I like her voice and the bluesy roots, but the tunes were not especially interesting.
I liked the sort of soft punk sound, and some of the lyrics were cute and clever. All the bonus tracks were a bit much; the songs all sounded the same after the 11th or 12th
One banger after another, with a couple weak ones in the last third of the album. King has a way of putting words with music that makes the song flow as naturally feelings and words do inside your own head.
female voices are always nice. Good unobtrusive background music for working, with a nice sound, but nothing really stood out.
The mellow groove is very nice.
I like this kind of music now more than I did at the time.
I like her rapping and the use of Spanish, but in general thought this was mediocre lightweight pop and didn't finish listening to it.
Fun and happy. One extra star for Groove is in the Heart, an all-time bop.
Great sound, mellow groove.
Ambient music hooray! I love listening to ambient music while I work, and I know nothing about the history and development of the genre, so this was a fun learning and listening album for me.
Couple good songs
Competent music but not exciting. Not my jam
I didn't like this one as much as Highway 61 Revisited
I like how Cash uses the age in his voice as a deliberate effect.
My parents had this album when I was a kid and it lives in my head and serves as the standard all music is compared to.
A nice folky rock sound. All the songs are sort of the same, but they're all nice.
I like the reggae funk sound, but nothing really stuck out