Music in Exile
Songhoy BluesBullshit.
Yeah fine, can't really listen to JH anymore for some reason
Yeah it was fine! I like the beginning of Down By The River, but ultimately it's not as interesting as CSNY or Harvest or anything.
It was totally fine! It had a few really memorable ones, like Style and All You Had To Do Was Stay, but I find the lyrcis very difficult to listen to. Feels like arrested development honestly.
This album isn’t great, despite some of the songs on it being great. Feels like a late stage greatest hits with some unnecessary filler in it honestly. Panama fucking rules though.
This album sucks. I much prefer Garbage 2.0. Stupid Girl is obviously a banger but otherwise it's pretty void. I can see why it's on the list because it was influential, but a lot of the time the first pass of something is pretty crappy, and that definitely applies here.
It's great! If I hadn't heard it a million times I would have loved it :)
It was pretty good. He's definitely my fave Beatle and the songs are good. The album, as an album, however, is not great but whatever.
Oh yeah it was fine whatever
Yeah it was fine, kinda passed me by. I like the hits, who doesn't?
Yeah great songs obviously! Wish it wasn't a live album, what's the point?
Yeah! Heard this album a million times and it still predominantly slaps. There are a few lulls but it's hard to fault.
Totally fine.
It was fine, nobody needs to hear an album of Rush though, the hits will do.
I enjoyed this! Again, feels unnecessary to be a live album
Forgot it was on
Really enjoyed the first half of this. Tails off pretty badly but who cares.
Yeah, pretty good. One of the better ones so far.
Some great ones! I feel like there are better Ray Charles albums though.
Excellent! Tails off in the middle a bit so not perfect but I liked it a lot.
To be totally transparent I didn’t give this a proper go. I got about two songs in and gave up. I don’t want to listen to a live Deep Purple album, why would anyone want to?
Pretty good! Passed me by a bit but that’s not uncommon.
Yeah! Fine in a certain mood. Couldn't make it through it while working though.
Couldn't do it. It's like she's trying to be as abrasive and amelodic as possible, and has somewhat succeeded. It's not cool, it's not fun, it's dull.
Yeah good enjoyed it, bit overplayed in my book
Couldn't do it, sorry. Not on a Thursday, not any day.
Yeah! fine.
Yeah this was good! You forgot that Sparks have some psuedo-hits
Yeah, it seemed fine. Wasn't really (and rarely am) in the the mood for a whole album of this.
Not his best.
It was great! Walk On By is too long though and two versions? Bit of a joke.
It's got some 10/10 songs, but it's not The Score is it?
Yeah fine! A bit forgettable honestly.
Pretty good, most of it passed me by except for Pulled Up honestly.
Yeah I guess it was fine. Boring.
Pretty forgettable one really.
The worst Smiths studio album I've heard, and I've heard most. Still decent.
Not the best. I like mid-career Prodigy more. And late really. This is a bit rave-y for me. Poison is nice though and a few others.
It's the best one. Although it's also the most Brexit Radiohead album, so I think I'm starting to get even more sharp a gauge on The Creator.
Not as good as I remember but still good.
Not for me. Some cool moments but ultimately couldn't get through it without turning it off.
Excellent first half, ok second half.
Couldn't do it. Too much sheep-like shouting for my taste.
It was pretty good!
It was good! Kinda passed me by but some of the songs are great
Great! Thoroughly enjoyed it. Hard to fault other than maybe a touch same-y.
Kind of forgot it was on. Put on Stone Roses after instead and that was much more fun.
Yeah it was standard Morrissey. This boomer really loved mid Morrissey
Really enjoyed it!
Very mid
I like this a lot!
Would give it zero stars if I could. Just boring unlistenable trash really.
It was fine! A bit loose for my taste.
yeah good album!
Not for me.
Yeah good! Not as good as Paranoid but certainly listenable
It wasn't really for me
I like that one song, but mainly shit.
Honestly wasn't sure if i gave a shit about this album, but it's fucking great. Parachutes is probably better overall but they're both kind of perfect.
Didn't listen but know it well, great album!
It was pretty good.
Love this!
Very bad. Horrible production and dull songs.
Good album! Bit same-y, but that's the clash!
Very solid. Some bum tracks though so not quite 5 star.
Predominantly enjoyed it! Fun and interesting. Fuck that last song though, it was bullshit.
It's great! I wanted to give 5 stars, but there's some dithering in the middle I don't like.
Yeah this has some great songs but also has some flops.
I can't do it. They're trying about 12 times harder than I want them too and it's bumming me out.
Not for me. Too fiddly. Didn't really hit a groove at any point.
NOT for me.
Enjoyed it enough!
Can't be bothered with that
Yeah fine, can't really listen to JH anymore for some reason
Seems fine, kind of annoying
Like really fucking shit.
Yeah enjoyed this a lot
Pretty all over the place, fine though!
Yeah fine, not his best.
Miserable nonsense.
Not my fave
Enjoyed this thoroughly
Yeah it was fun!
Started well, not my fave though
This is great, Tutti Frutti is my fave
Really enjoyed this.
Too much like hard work
Yeah enjoyed it!
Not a real album
It was fine!
It's the worst ATCQ album