Live At The Regal
B.B. KingShort, sweet, and seamless listening experience. It sounds pretty damn good for being recorded in 1965! I especially enjoy the front half of the album.
Short, sweet, and seamless listening experience. It sounds pretty damn good for being recorded in 1965! I especially enjoy the front half of the album.
Not really my thing, but he was tickling the hell out of those ivories!
Eleanor Rigby one of the best songs ever I think. Got To Get You Into My Life is also a megabop.
Not really any big standout songs for me other than Killer Queen.
Extremely cool album.
There are definitely a few duds on this tracklist, but there's also multiple best-song-ever-mades on here. I really can't go any lower and still be true to myself.
This is a cool album, but I definitely prefer Speaking in Tongues and Remain in Light out of the Talking Heads albums I've heard.
Really loved this one! I'd never heard of the Asian Underground subgenre/scene so this was a great discovery for me. I love electronica so much, it's cool to hear different varieties of it.
There's a few songs here I couldn't really get into, but it's easy to see why this is so well regarded by hip hop fans and the general public. Swimming Pools (Drank) is still such a fantastic tune.
This is definitely a high-quality album. I'm just rating based on personal enjoyment, and this just isn't my thing at all.
Very pretty songs, though I'm not the BIGGEST fan of his voice.
Pets sound good
A couple really great songs - specifically Man in the Mirror and Smooth Criminal, and a lot that just isn't that memorable.
This isn't really my preferred type of music at all - but I enjoyed it! It's nice sounding jazz!
A few songs on this sound just a bit like they were recorded on a potato, but the boppery shines through.
What a supremely new wavy bop buffet! Beautiful album cover too.
Very pleasant album to listen to, but no songs really left a huge impression on me. Very British.
Absolutely beautiful set of tunes here.
Sounds very nice, but with the length of the songs it was a bit difficult for it to hold my attention.
Even though it's really not my type of music at all, I can still tell that it fucking rules.
The album itself is nice enough, but man what is this cover?
I respect it, but man these songs just didn't really engage me at all.
I can tell it's quality but also just not really my thing. Disarm is a great song.
Don't really enjoy much about this at all - both the instrumentals and vocals were just kinda obnoxious to me. Definitely not my preferred genre/sound.
A nice little rock album but nothing that really stuck too much in my brain. Also a few tracks were unfortunately more annoying to me than fun.
I don't know too much about the Rolling Stones besides their big hits and this is not what I expected a full album by them to sound like. Much more bluesy than I assumed. I like it!
I've heard people say this album is super frontloaded and tbh it is. The second half is still good but it's just the first half is life changing. Anyway Brandon Flowers the goat.
This album was an extremely pleasant listen.
Very interesting...didn't expect this to have so few vocals.
You know I like a lot of the weird shit, but they were also REALLY good at making straight forward bops before that.
He came on this bitch mad as hell!
I'm not really a fan of one particular member's voice (the main vocalist on "One Love"), but I do like the other members' vocals and the instrumentals here.
This was an experience. The lyrics are what they are, and it gets beyond uncomfortable at points. But sonically, this thing is front to back bops, which is the primary reason for this rating.
Quite pleasant but not the most engaging album I've heard in this style of rock.
Not to be that friend that's too woke, but I've generated 37 albums so far and the count is: - 3 Beatles albums - 1 album by a female artist or female fronted band I find this a little concerning. Anyway this is a cute collection of songs/covers, but it doesn't feel very essential at all especially compared to the rest of their discography.
A short and sweet buffet of bangers.
A couple GREAT songs on here but generally not really my thing.
Very pretty music, but it didn't really stick in my brain too much.
This is some boring classic rock. I've heard much better multiple times with this generator.