The Suburbs
Arcade FirePlutot cool album indie, chill oklm, pas transcendnat mais sympa
Plutot cool album indie, chill oklm, pas transcendnat mais sympa
Really cool solo piano jazz album, oscillating between melancholic, exstatic and epic tracks. Some parts feel pretty experimental and bring an overwhelming with nuances of sound. Some really dope chords progression as well on slower m tracks Il est chaud le batard Kinda hollowknight vibe meme si j'imagine que c'est dans l'autre sens que ça marche
Des classiques en mode soul tah l'oncle ben. Franchement ça fait plaisir. Ça groove, ça met bien, lezgongue Tres bonne remarque de Alexis sur le fait de ré-écouter l'album : ça se réecoute avé le plézir et meme j'achete le vynil @+
Qualité efficace, ambiance dark qui met bien, ça sent fort le wu-tang et ça fais le taff fort ! A écouter plus en profondeur donc clairement j'ecouterais plusieurs fois
L'album est nice a écouter lo, les guitares sont un peu trippées darkos, je trouve qu'il y a un peu une influence grunge-punkish, ça reste assez chill dans l'ensemble mais ça s'écoute bienx. Not transcendant mais sympa aussi
Heavy guitar riffs that are pleasing to the ear ! Le petit piano avec sur certaines tracks qui met giga ienb aussi. Great Hard Rock album ! I think it's the first time I listen to a whole Aerosmith album and I'm going to dig deeper eheh "Walk this way" giga banger 4.5/5
Bong-er l'album !
Nice album both singer and riffs are great, maybe a little on the short and calm side but it's quite nice
Good rock album ! Pas transcendant j'ai pas bcp plus a dire mais des bons riff et ça fait plaiz
Incredible album, intemporal grunge classics seen from a chill acoustic perspective, these guys really were geniuses
For a debut album, this is great! The vibes are a bit edgy but super smooth! Great riffs and lovely aerial vocals. I would listen to it again for sure. 3.75/4
Rock planant qui passse tres biens, a réécouter ça aussi, c'est bien produit j'aime bien ce qu'ils proposent
Pretty cool, 2 good songs ( Last Nite and Someday ) but actually I think all the songs sound really similar and even though the album is on the short side it kind of gets old pretty fast.
C'etait bien en sah ! 3.5
Ptite Bluegrass tah les fous qui m-a mis bien bien bien, je me sentais en Alabama au plus grand des calmes ! 3.5/4
Première déception. 1 song in and I'm already bored and almost skipped it. I does not really get better and even tho the production is much better than the first album we heard before, it feels quite uninspired. I almost want to stop after 1 third of the album. Okay, I survived to the end, tolerated only one song, and skipped at the last one. Really not my jam I guess, I hadn't been so bored in a while. @+ PJ Harvey, happy that the album is done 1.5/5
Vibes de ouf. Sounds quite a bit like the clash, really cool old school UK rock I actually listened 3 times to the album, it's really great each song is unique in its own way and I overall loved the album Also RIP Elisabeth 2 4.5/5
Good vides overall, the prods are really groovy and the overall feel of the album is really chill. Some skips wit ha bit of a repetitive feeling. but overall sweet listening experience. 3.75/4
J'ai pas écouté, j'étais pas trop dans le mood de ce genre de sons. En sah ça avait l'air cool hein, je mets 3 et je repasserais peut etre dessus lol
En sah pas mal, on est là 3.5/5
Good vibes tah l'époque j'ai bien aimé, un peu slow et tout, mais je pense 70% des sons ont été sample par des rappeur s et ça c'est cool a+
Oh wesh il a une voix suave tah les fous ! Pour moi c'est Christopher Lee qui chante, dwonc bien joué le compte dooku. Ptite vibe a la Jhony cash 3.5/5
3.5 / 5
Good album, a bit dark and nothing stood out too much but I had a good time listening to it. 3.5 / 5
Kind of my péché minion. But I spent a lot of time listening to that album and limp bizkit overall ! I really like the rap and metal mix, it's both angry and efficient. I have to admit that the mix is not always perfect but overall I really enjoy this album ! 4.25/5
Pretty okay, I liked the style and this is quite raw, it's both interesting and also a bit boring. It was nice discovering but I don't think I'll listen again. 2.5/5
Reallz did not like the album, it has some un/heard sonorities and floatz melodies but it has also some weird use of aggressive sounds and the songs really hard longind. I found mzself bored while listening to the album. RIp
Really awesome album, I had an amazing time listening to it, from the voices to the riffs, harmonica and overall country-rock-summer-beach vibe! WOuld listen to it for sure, sad that it's not on spotify Switzerland tho 4.25/5
Maaaamaaaaaa what a groovy groove, I love the african music sonorities, really chill and packed with good vibez. 3.5 / 5
Tres cool album, du coup je suis allé écouter plus de sons de lui et il est vraiement trop fort 4.5/5
Album de fou malade, litterally every song is a banger, and the greatest Stairway to Heaven as well. The guitars, voices, drums, everything is on point and fit perfectly.
There are some really cool sonorities as some length and repetitions I though, I think it's a good rock album but not every track is a hit and there are some quite off miss such as We will fall or Ann. Nice listen overall but nothing crazy. 2.75/5
Actually my first listening to a full album form santana. I heard a lot about him and the guitar riffs are indeed great. There was not any particularly striking moment, but the overall listening experience was great and the guitar and sonorities overall very catchy. Oye como va is a banger.
I am vibing, I think that the album is a tiny bit too long mostly to listen in one go as I usually do. I feel that I had a bad feeling on my first listening. but it grew to me and there are some pretty catchy songs so I might go back to it in the future. 3.5 / 5
Tres bon, C'est les beach boys, ça fait du beach boys un peu comme beaucoup des giga classiques ça fait ce qu'on expect mais c'est peu surprenant. J'ai passé un bon moment en sah et c'est du classique mais rien de particulièrement transcendant, allez bisous
Great album, once again the vibe is expected but the production and the mood of the album is great. I don't think I ever listened to a full beatles album before and it was an awesome experience from beginning to end. 4.5/5
This is actually a huge classic as well, only great songs in there, I do think I never listened to it from beginning to start yet but almost 100% of the songs are great, well produced and have an amazing vibe ! 4.5/5
Really cool album, I really was not expecting this from the beginning. Super groovy album, it really has this 80s vibe, with cool bass line and synth leads. It was really nice listening experience overall. I think The look of love has been sampled quite a lot in house sounds.
This feels old and the mixing is quite complex, I mean it's back from the 50s but still, it's pretty nice as country songs but I'm pretty sure better has been done to this day. I guess that would be fine in the far west but yeah, not astonished overall. 2.25 / 5
Overall, good vibes, kind of country / musique de lovers, had a good time but nothing exceptional ! Bisous Ryan
Bravo pour la musique en sah (pas beaucoup plus a dire en particulier mais j'ai bien kiffé la vibe tah 80s et les ptits solos de synthé mama zboui zboui zbouiiiiiii)
Where is my mind. That's it thank you. Overall really cool album, I really like the punk/grunge inspiration. Not all the songs are real bangers and I found it drags a bit on some songs. I think the voice recording is the part where we can feel that it is a debut album the most. Not too annoying but you can notice it a bit. I really enjoyed it and I think I will come back to it. 4.5 / 5
Just groove, I like it a lot. I don't know how much I'd play it over but at least I'd like to see such show live 4.25 / 5
I really like the darker vibe and riffs but it is quite redundant at times, I feel that it needs more ups and downs to keep me more interested through the album.
Crazy album wesh, la giga dingz ! Big bangerz in there and also some I did not know. Definitely a classic.
It starts with a huge banger. The rest of the album is super pleasant to listen tom overall great listening but it is lacking soée sparkles at times. Really nice vibes and solo though !
PRettz cool ambience albumm nothing fantastic though 2.5/5
It's fine, not much more to say the prods are okay and the flow is nice but nothing memorable
Really good surprise. I was not expecting to vibe so much on this album. The sonorites are really catchy and the mood quite good. I would definitely listen to that again. The album is maybe on the longer side and becomes a bit repetitive at some point but I had a great time.
Expected this to be good, because I love R.E.M, never listened to this album before and it was really appreciable. It does sound like REM and the prod is really good as well as every title. 4.25/5
Again a great album by REM, I think even better than the previous one, 2 days in a row 4.5/5
Great album, Master of Puppet and Welcome Home ( Sanitarium) are master pieces, overall I love it but I think it is quite redundant between songs, and the riffs although great kind of sound similar. Solos always do the trick but we are missing something to get higher than a 4.25
Good vibe, j'ai bien kiffé, je pense que j'y reviendrais 3.75/5
Big bounce, liked it a lot, pas mal old school and it does it well ! Also ça groove a max sur les prod
Franchement y'a du groove et ça parle de chiller dans son bon texas la on est ienb allé bisous
Groovy country vibes. Very chill. 3.5 / 5
I really enjoyed the groove. This is quite on the long end but the tracks come along smoothly. And bring sweet variation along. Would be an awesome ambiance album for sure. 4.25 / 5
Des gros riffs qui tabassent et des gros solos, que demander de plus ??
Nice rock album, sounds a bit like green day from time to time but lacks the charm, not terrible but not crazy good 2.5/5
Absolument une dinguerie, Babe I'm Gonna leave you c'est un banger intersidéral, la cover est incroyable, vraiment que du bon laaaa
I think that I was not necessarily in the mood to listen to this album as I wanted it. She has a great voice and the songs are catchy. It does seems a bit classic but yeah ! 3.5 / 5
Nice instrumental album !
Really cool vibe, we really feel at the concert and how much he plays with the crowd. I usually don't really like the live albums but this one was pleasant. The music is groovy and furnished with instruments and he has a nice voice. I had a great time listening to this album ! 4 / 5
This is trippy and I love it. I only listened to the 3 first songs and did not touch the almost 20 minutes long tracks yet. This is an awesome experience so far. Looking forward for the rest. It becomes much much much more experimental in the second part of the albums. Some parts were hardly listenable in my opinion, but other were quite fresh and audacious. Peking O was peak wtf for me. The vibe is back on the last track. I think I like the part of the album that is more in the Psychedelic vibe. Great discovery though. Solid 4.25 / 5
She has a nice voice. I think that I am not to big of a fan of Voice + Guitar only on record. Overall that was a nice experience but I tend to think that it is a bit on plain side. Small 3.5 / 5
Pretty nice album, I am not fan of everything and it is a bit on the lowkey side but most of the songs have a good vibe. I would call it ambience music but I like it ! Solid 3.25 / 5
Sick album. This is definitely a classic Rap album. Some really banger tracks such as Let me Ride or Nothing but a g thang. Overall nice listen with funny Skits. Solid 4 / 5
Ople, bah toujours pas convaincu et j'ai encore skip avant la fin. Y'a des trucs intéressants mais en fait je trouve la vibe anxiogène et la voix est encore mixée avec le cul. It was long time no see, et j'avoue bof haha 2/5
Pretty ok album but nothing too crazy 2.5 / 5
This album is simply incredible! All songs are a vibe and everything is so polished. Solos of Harmonica and Synth mix perfectly with guitars and voice and creates a master piece
Absolutely groovy and good mood songs. Bass lines that make you wanna dance. Big 4.5 / 5
Big groove, also most of these song were remixed in disco house songs and I love it. 4.5 / 5
There are some really good tracks and some very forgettable. Overall the vibe is good and I liked the Parcyde sample in the first track. Decent+ instrumental album. It probably lacks a bit of punch at moments. 3.25 / 5
Nice album, it really smells like early 2000's rock and I really like it. It is nothing too crazy but the riffs are nice and the voice is sweet as well. Solid 3.5
I really enjoyed the vibe overall, at first I was scared because the album is 1h long but it turns out that even though the prods are boom bap they manage to keep being interesting. A couple of skips but overall I had a really really good time listening to it. Several classics like "big poppa" and "give me the loot" and I really enjoyed the groove of "Friend of Mine". I think I really like biggie, and he really likes sex. Solid 4.25 / 5
It's easy to listen, and the vibe is cool, I am not transcendanted but I liked it ! Big 3.75 / 5
Nice voice and nice sonorities. I think I like the country vibe, but I have to admit that the album is a bit on the slower side and I think that in chill context it would be a better fit. Anyway nothing bad here but nothing stunning either !
I'm always confused as to why some group make 20 min songs containing 5 different songs with no particular link in between. Nice album overall
The music is good but I really disliked the vocals, it really wanted to make me skip. 2 / 5
Reggae groove, efficient. I liked it a lot.
Pretty good rock album , nothing crazy but it was a really good listening 3.5 / 5
Really good album. Maybe a bit slow at times but Brothers in arms and Money for nothing are huge bangers 4.25 / 5
I like it, but again nothing too too shiny, nice vibe and all though 3 / 5
Nice and chill album, it was a good listen and nice ambiance overall 3 / 5
These Jazz sonorities really are hitting hard. The Bass is so groovy this really puts you in the mood. The flow is also super catchy. The prods tend to be on the minimalist side though and yet they manage to be efficient. The voice is really used an extra instrument which gives a nice result. This is a vibe from start to end. Listening in one go might be a bit repetitive but I guess this is a bit symptomatic of the boom bap prods. 4.5 / 5
Nice album, I really like the strong basslines, the overall atmosphere is quite nice. I think it's a good album full of strength, I also knew some of the songs before. 4 / 5
There are definitely some good elements to this album and some nice sonorities and all. But I feel that some beat can be a bit repetitive sometimes and I was not 100% of all the atmospheres that were present. Small 3.5 tho
Super cool album, the vibe is really chill and viby and there are some super great guitar solos ! Actually surprised by the amount of bangerness in the album. Would definitely listen to again. Big 4.5 / 5
Solid album, I was a bit skeptikal about that album and the beastie boys overall but I wasn't expecting this. The vibe is quite old school but I really like the overall simple production with boom bap and this squad kicking feeling if that make any sense. I'm really well surprised. Love Flute Loop and Get It Together with Q-tip. THe instrumental tracks are also great. Solid 4.5 /5
Du gros rock avec des gros solos, bien joué Neil, tu m'as eu. 4.25 / 5
That is a Chirstmas album. Obviously a banger. Not sure that it is a Must Listen but oh well 4 / 5
Overall a really nice album. Some prods are a bit less innovative than other but other really shine. Favorite Tracks : Clint Eastwood, Latin Simone, 5/4, Tomorrow Comes Today Rating : Big 3.75 / 5
Half way through track one, that's a big yes. I really love the vibe, and his voice, the listening was extremely smooth. Well played Mister Gaye. Tbh there were not songs particularly shinning bright but just a really good overall experience. Favorite Songs : What's going on, Mercy Mercy me, Right on Rating : 4.5 / 5
Really good album, definitely a classic but the Beatles sonorites are quite unique to them. Definitely some good songs in there. Favorite Tracks : Things We Said Today, I'm happy just to dance with you, Tell me why Rating : 4 / 5
Pretty chill and good vibe but nothing memorable, especially with 5000 character long albums titles Rating : 3 / 5
I think the overall album is okay, I like the punkish instrumentals, but I am not always a fan of the vocals. Nothing special and I don't think that I would listen again but oh well that's an okay album and I guess a staple of the style for the epoch. Favorite Tracks : Ironic, Forgiven Rating: 2.5 / 5
Wow, that was an amazing listening. I really loved it from start to end, I like the vibe so much. The rythm of the album is super good and it alternates calmer moments with catchy parts. Favorite Tracks : Soft, Four Kicks Rating : 4.5 / 5
I think overall that was a nice listen and I definitely put it in my random one album a day list but, nothing stood out too too much to me. Favorite Tracks : ??? Rating : 3 / 5
Really good Hard Rock Album ! Catchy riffs, nice vocals and awesome solos. Everything is there Favorite Tracks : Breaking the Law, Living After Midnight, You don't have to be old to be wise, The Rage Rating : 4.25 / 5
Nice and sweet album, I knew Me and Julio down by the school yard but not the rest and it's really cool. I like the chill yet groovy at times vibe of the album it's a really cosy listen. Favorite Tracks: Me and Julio down by the Schoolyard, Hobo's Blues, Run that Body down. Rating: Solid 4/5
This album definitely feels like a debut album from Pink Floyd, all the elements of their style are there already but it really has this rough feel to it, maybe the experimental part is a bit too present to my taste. I liked it but not all of it. I think Interstellar Overdrive, although well titled, was a bit too much for me ahah There are some parts of some songs where mixing behaves in weird way in both, like one hear glitching or being muted or such and I although it is surprising, I like the surprise effect that it brings. Not too big of a fan of the album overall but there are some good sides I guess. Favorite Tracks : Mathilda Mother, The Gnome Rating : 3 / 5
This is quite a standard BoomBap Hip-Hop album. Nothing Crazy about it but I enjoyed it. Favorite Tracks : Ladies First Rating : 3.25 / 5
Pretty cool rock album. Sounds quite 90ish for an album of 1978 ! I enjoyed it as well, nothing to crazy either but nice overall. Favorite Songs : You Belong to Me, (I don't Want to Go), Lipstick Vogue Rating 3.5 / 5
Masterpiece, the feel from A to Z, c'est un voyage ostie Favorite Tracks : You ain't the problem, hard to say goodbye, The Light Rating : 5 / 5
Really really cool album, it was a sweet listen start to finish. Some really well known and good songs. I liked the vocals as well and the overall vibe. Sounds led Zepply but less intense at times. I think that was my first time listening to a The Who album and that was a great discovery. Favorite Tracks : Baba O riley, The Song is Over, Behing Blue Eyes. Overall the whole album. Rating : 4.5 / 5
Great album, I really like Black Sabbath, the fat riffs, the vocals, the groove, the solos. It's always a pleasure to listen to. Favorite Tracks : Black Sabbath, NIB, Evil Woman, Warning Rating : 4.25 / 5