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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.


Screaming Trees


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Album Summary

Dust is the seventh studio album by Screaming Trees, released on June 25, 1996. After an aborted attempt at recording a followup to Sweet Oblivion with producer Don Fleming, the band hired producer George Drakoulias to man the controls for what eventually turned out to be their last album. In contrast to the group's previous recordings that were more influenced by psychedelic rock and punk rock, Dust contains music that is equally influenced by folk and blues, while still retaining a harder-edged sound. "All I Know" was released as a single from the album and became a success on rock radio. "Dying Days" features Pearl Jam guitarist Mike McCready. Kerrang! Magazine selected Dust as the best album of 1996 in their year-end awards. The band toured behind Dust for nearly two years (with former Kyuss and future Queens of the Stone Age frontman Josh Homme serving as a touring guitarist), and afterwards went on an extended hiatus, eventually disbanding officially in 2000.







  • Hard Rock
  • Grunge


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Fri Oct 22 2021

Kinda surprised to find this album on here. It's completely unnotable. No real hits. Certainly didn't change anything even the genera. It's not a bad album, but there's nothing remarkable about it either. To me, it's just another of the hundreds of bands that tried to copy the Washington sound of the 90s but unremarkably so.

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Fri Nov 12 2021

boring BORING boring that's right, it's a boring sandwich

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Sat Jul 17 2021

Not bad at all. Didn't know them yet and didn't have very high expectations when I read about them, but it's really very decent. A variation of rather light grunge with some more experimental psychedelic rock mixed in. 3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

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Tue Oct 19 2021

A reasonable description of the Screaming Trees would be to suggest they're the Eagles of Grunge. As an unabashed Eagles fan, I mean that as a compliment. It might explain why the music press didn't fall over themselves to give Screaming Trees the praise they provided the Nirvanas or Pearl Jams or even Soundgardens of the day. Or maybe it was because this band's vice of choice seemed to be booze instead of some of the hard drugs other grunge bands preferred. Whatever the reason, unlike the wildly successful Eagles, the Screaming Trees just never completely broke through in a way I thought they surely would after hearing them on the "Singles" soundtrack. Maybe their music was just too accessible for the grunge crowd to embrace. Ultimately the music is all that matters. This still holds up quite well - it's not nearly as dated as a lot of grunge from the Era - and deserves reappraisal. One should dock this a point for the horrible album cover, but acquiesce upon remembering the fictional grunge band Matt Dillon fronted in "Singles" called Citizen Dick.

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Thu Dec 09 2021

I was only aware of Screaming Trees because of Mark Lanegan's collaborations with QotSA. This could be an underrated gem, a grower, I'll be re-listening to in future.

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Fri Dec 17 2021

Overall, the album feels kinda flat. Not bad but doesn't really grab me in any significant way. Indicative of the era really. Screaming Trees are one of those 90s bands that I know the name, but I couldn't tell you any songs of theirs that I know. Sounds like a thousand others from that time period. Meh. I do like a lot of stuff Mark Lanegan has done post screaming trees, though.

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Thu Feb 17 2022

Lanegran's voice sounded frankly appalling at the start, but by the end I was on board, or at least less irked. So give him that. Give the band their dues, too, as dreary murksters who know how to keep things sprightly. Or if not sprightly, at least varied. The Indian guitar work helps. And they can arrange their way through five minutes plus when they need to. But in truth, I only think this is keeping its head above water because one listen isn't enough for me to parse what I surmise from the turgid and sad sack music are turgid and sad sack lyrics.

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Thu Dec 09 2021

I think I preferred Screaming Trees by Dust. After Abbey Road (yesterday), we now seen to be listening to some middle of the road bullshit again. It's not bad music, but the chord progressions are so textbook, with the lyrics on Spotify I can sing along, despite never having heard it before.

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Tue Jul 13 2021

Uninspiring cover hides grand and majestic grunge (not grunge) album with nods to classic hard rock, 60s psychedelia, folk and blues instead of the nihilistic pop punk and metal of their contemporaries. Underrated.

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Sat Jul 24 2021

I really enjoyed this album. Unexpected gem for me, hit in all the right places. I was a big fan of a lot of the grunge that came out (Pearl am, Nirvana, etc.). I don't know how I missed this group!

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Wed Jan 26 2022

Mark Lanegan is a god. This isn't their best album but that doesn't make it less than a 5/5.

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Thu Jul 15 2021

Usually when I read that a band is classified as "grunge" I'm not super excited. Most bands in that genre don't appeal to me - the music is too heavy on the noise and light on the melody. This was really good however. Solid songs, solid production, interesting tunes. 3.5 stars rounding up to 4.

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Thu Jul 04 2024

This is a band that I had heard of but never knew much about them and hadn't listened to their music. Personally the name of the band was a little deceiving (at least for this album), I thought there would be a lot of screaming so I was really pleasantly surprised! I really like this album and this band, one I will look into more.

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Mon Sep 13 2021

I rather like this album. While uneven, the best of the tracks are better than a lot of the watered-down, over-hyped songs and bands with more output in the nineties. I'm not sure why they never crossed my radar back then. If they had, I think I would have listened to this album. Now, it's maybe a bit too rooted in it's time to make a regular rotation for me, but I would like to re-experience it occassionally.

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Fri Feb 18 2022

Generically boring 90s alt-rock. Might be my least favorite of the 90s styles to be honest, it's just.... there... Like, just listen to Pearl Jam if you want this style.

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Fri Feb 18 2022

I thought it was just okay at first, but you know what, I'm not feeling it.

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Tue Mar 08 2022

Eh, not a fan, especially in a world with so many better bands. Leaving them in the 90's.

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Fri Sep 17 2021

The Trees broke through on the neo-psych grunge of "Sweet Oblivion" but this is their greatest artistic triumph, encompassing not just psych influences (especially noticeable on the sitar-tinged opener "Halo of Ashes") but country and blues as well, especially on closing numbers "Dime Western" and "Gospel Plow". "Make My Mind" is another highlight, with a hook that makes the most of singer Lanegan's gravelly delivery. Unfortunately, the band would dissolve after this high watermark, though the "Last Words" compilation basically serves as a final "lost" album.

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Tue Nov 30 2021

A very cool album. Reminds me of Canadian band Tea Party. I like these guys much more than their grunge brethren like Soundgarden and bands of that ilk. Their sound is more nuanced and the vocals smoother and more inviting. I'll be enjoying this album quite a lot in the coming weeks 4 🌟

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Sun Feb 27 2022

This is brilliant. A riveting listen, compelling vocals, an alt rock grunge classic. Sounds so good. RIP Mark Lanegan.

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Thu Jul 04 2024

Excellent grunge from when grunge was dying out. “All I Know” and “Sworn and Broken” are excellent songs that I return to frequently.

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Fri Jul 09 2021

Je n'ai aucune envie de vous livrer une critique à froid, plus de dix heures après avoir écouté cet album. C'est la raison pour laquelle je vais vous retranscrire mot pour mot l'échange que j'ai eu avec mon compagnon d'écoute gadelmapeze une poignée de minutes seulement après en avoir terminé avec les Screaming Trees : - Il était bien l'album d'aujourd'hui ? - Pas mal, disons 3,5. Problème : la note 3,5 n'existe pas sur ce site ô combien mal pensé. Alors pour remédier à cette anomalie , j'ai mis au point une méthode consistant à arrondir à l'entier inférieur. Trois sur cinq.

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Mon Sep 13 2021

Screaming Trees were at the forefront of the grunge wave in the late 80s... and then kinda got left behind as the genre exploded in the early 90s. They never reached the heights that their compatriots achieved commercially, though apparently "Dust" was critically acclaimed. I'm not really sure why though. I know "All I Know," but I'm not familiar with the rest of the album. The Screaming Trees song I know best is "Nearly Lost You," off 1992's "Sweet Oblivion," mostly because it was on the soundtrack to the movie "Singles" alongside Pearl Jam, Soundgarden's Chris Cornell, and Alice in Chains. What does Screaming Trees not have in common with those bands? I'm kind of at a loss to explain why this was a well-received album. It was voted best album of 1996 by Kerrang! magazine!? Tool's "Ænima" came out that year, among others much better than "Dust." Because "Dust" is pretty unspectacular. It's fairly run-of-the-mill grunge. I don't get much of the folk and blues influence the Wikipedia article claims it has. At the end of the day, I've still got "Nearly Lost You" stuck in my head, even though I didn't actually listen to it today.

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Fri Sep 17 2021

So I guess that the 1001 execs decide there's 30 or 40 genres (like grunge, for example) that should be addressed in their selections, and then present us with the best releases from those genres. Of course, if you're not a fan of the genre, like grunge for example, you question what exactly it is that makes this band worthy of being on the list. This was the question I was asking after 4 songs when I abandoned. But when I returned and listened to the 2nd half of the CD, which is a bit more acoustic and varied. It could have been worse. Still...

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Thu Apr 21 2022

Best Song: All I Know. Nice alt-rock chorus that feels radio-friendly in a not unpleasant way. Worst Song: Traveler. Nothing here sticks out here as singularly "bad", just generally boring, so this song wins by virtue of being slightly more boring than the rest. Overall: Perfectly ordinary music that I can't imagine a single person getting excited about. An album whose highs are as medium as its lows.

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Fri May 24 2024

2 feels a bit mean but 3 would feel too generous. A shame because at first I was pleased it wasn't what I expected, a grunting underbite grunge album. Surprisingly Beatleish in places but a bit bland

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Sun Feb 20 2022

She wears a halo of ashes Spectre of the wind Waits on me so patiently I no longer can pretend

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Thu Mar 31 2022

A delightful album, good alternative sound interspersed with mellow pacifying notes.

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Mon May 23 2022

Solid blurr meets queen's of the stone age, this rocked

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Sat Sep 10 2022

Dust stands as a monument to what a beast of a singer Lanegan was. Scrappy and hoarse yet fragile and beautiful. An absolutely unique voice mainly comparable to singers such as Waits and Cave. While a bit more polished than earlier Screaming Trees records this still sounds extremely raw at points. And while the string section delivers it is Barrett Martin's exceptional drum and percussion work that earns Dust the last star for me personally.

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Sat Sep 10 2022

This is one of my favourite alternative rock albums of all time. The record is packed with power and beauty. 'Look at You', 'Sworn and Broken' and of course 'Gospel Plow' are incredibly beautiful. With each listen, my favourite track changes. First it's 'Dying Days', then it's 'Witness' and the next time it is yet another one. Very impressive! Mark Lanegan truly was a genius with a voice of his own.

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Wed Sep 14 2022

Baita rockzao, contemporaneo grunge curti

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Wed Oct 05 2022

Not totally sold on the singing, but it's still a great album filled with varied, interesting and well crafted songs.

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Thu Oct 27 2022

YES GRUNGE THANK GOD i was beginning to lose hope. I adore this album, and basically all of Screaming Trees. Just the perfect music for me, and Lanegan is a fantastic singer for the music they produced.

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Wed Dec 14 2022

Don't know how I haven't come across them before being a fan of the Foo Fighters and Queens of the Stone Age. So happy!

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Thu Feb 16 2023

There’s something in my head telling me I’ve at least come across the name Screaming Trees before, but I can’t place where. I don’t recognise any song titles on this album, but I’m eager to find out if I get any pangs of recognition. Songs I already knew: none Favourites: All I Know, Gospel Plow This was pretty great. I enjoyed it to the point that when I could feel the music wrapping up, I was a bit gutted as I wanted it to continue on. The album isn’t too short by any means, taking 44 minutes to listen to everything, and yet I still wanted more! The singing had such a deep, rich tone, and the guitar distortion was such a delight - not too distorted that it becomes a mess, but still with plenty of grit. Overall, a very enjoyable surprise for me with this album today.

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Wed May 10 2023

Incredibly solid, verging on the definition of my favourite genre of music right here. Straight forward but with feeling. No surprise that Josh Homme was in/around these guys can hear how they influenced QOTSA big time

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Sun Jun 11 2023

I thought this album was unfairly overlooked at the time of release, and it still sounds great 27 years on. An expansion of the sound from 1992's Sweet Oblivion, with Benmont Tench adding some welcome keyboard backing.

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Sun Jun 25 2023

Folk Metal! Yes. What's not to love!

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Mon Jun 26 2023

It’s a solid album, can’t believe I missed this when I was growing up

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Mon Jul 10 2023

Kan ik ook 6 sterren uitdelen? Screaming Trees staat hoog - erg hoog - in mijn lijstje favoriete bands. En deze plaat is voor mij ook echt briljant goed. Doet zeker niet onder voor Sweet Oblivion. Wat een geweldige stem heeft die Lanegan, en wat een ontzettende hufter van een vent was het (zijn bio is echt ontluisterend). That's heroin for ya, folks.

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Mon Jul 10 2023

Mark is voor mij een held! In zijn biografie is hij zelf niet te spreken over het werk van de screaming Trees maar ik wel

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Mon Aug 21 2023

Really liked this album, from a band I don't ever recall hearing about. But makes complete sense Josh Homme was a touring musician for this album. Nice hard emotive sound to it.

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Thu Oct 19 2023

Reading the reviews here you’d think this is the dullest record on the planet earth but I was happily blown away. It’s subtle, grungey, energetic and accessible in all the right ways. The first song is probably weakest for me which may have turned people off. 4.5/5 rounded up, great stuff!

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Fri Nov 03 2023

-grunge -rock -psychedelic -driving -dreamy -Middle Eastern and Asian influences -nice harmonizing -good basslines Mark Lanegan's voice was smooth at all points of the vocal spectrum. Gone too soon. This album ranks high in their catalog.

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Wed Nov 15 2023

Never heard of Screaming Trees but glad I know them now. Great grunge/rock sound to their music. Thoroughly enjoyed this one.

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Wed Nov 15 2023

Had never listened. Loved this album.

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Wed Dec 06 2023

I'm conflicted about this rating. I absolutely loved this album but I can't tell you why. I don't know if it just scratched same nostalgic itch as Smashing Pumpkins and Sunny Day Real Estate or it was just legitimately great. Either way it's going in my rotation. Loved it.

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Fri Jan 19 2024

Amazing grunge album. I'd listen to this all day.

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Thu Jan 25 2024

I can’t believe I’ve never heard of these guys

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Sun Feb 04 2024

Here is a band that I wish I had discovered in 1996 - because if I had this would have really spoken to me. The psychedelic grunge land this band inhabits is established in the opening track “Halo of Ashes” with its strong middle-eastern sound, sitar and all. It’s one of my favorite tracks on the album. Other highlights on this album for me include “Dying Days”, “Make My Mind”, “Witness”, “Traveler” and “Dime Western” (love the drumming and touches from the Middle East again!). The other contender for favorite song on the album is “Sworn and Broken.” It’s got a lot packed in there with its melancholic sentiment and that great 60s organ solo at the end. “Gospel Plow” is a fascinating way to close an album. So satisfying! The more I listened to this album today (I’m on my sixth listen at the moment), the more impressed I am. You can’t help but note the interesting choices. A 90s “grunge” band with sitar, 60s organ and flute solos… why didn’t I discover this sooner? If I had a time machine I’d go back and slip this CD into my 1996 self’s stereo and maybe Screaming Trees would be one of my favorite bands today. I guess I’ll have to be content to keep this high in the rotation and start checking out their other albums.

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Sun Feb 04 2024

I completely missed Screaming Trees back in the day. This is really good! And I see that they're from around here and two of them died recently when they were about my age and for some reason that makes me like it even more. I really like this one.

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Sun Feb 04 2024

I think that I must confuse Screaming Trees for a different band, because by name, I think that I don’t like the band…and this encounter is not the only time that I had done this. But I think I just don’t really know this band. I really liked this album!

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Fri Mar 01 2024

I really liked this album and thought all of the songs were pretty good.

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Wed Mar 06 2024

Didn’t know what to expect from this one, pleasantly surprised

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Thu Mar 07 2024

Really good, and always interesting to see what was going on elsewhere when Britain was looking inward. Not what I expected from Mark Lanegan, but I really enjoyed it anyway

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Fri Mar 08 2024

I don't understand the bad reviews. Had very low expectations but I'm captivated and listened to this album multiple times. "Look at you" is a very good song

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Mon Mar 18 2024

Gorgeous songs, massive sound, just a fabulous album by Lanegan & co.

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Wed Apr 10 2024

I may need another listen to this album, just in case there is something I am missing. I had heard of Screaming Trees but not heard a single note by them. This is (another) case of a band's album being in this book and me not entirely understanding why that would be. This is like after-grunge pre-post-grunge rock. I like a lot of what I heard here even if this isn't music that will shock the world with its originality. The album slows down a bit towards the end with Traveler, Dime Western and the slow fade-out of Gospel Plow. The sound is almost not grunge enough to be grunge and almost too grunge to really be listened to as a musical artifact from 1996. The sound does tickle the part of me that loves college rock from when I was in college, but I also feel like this music isn't relevant anymore. So sure, "Dust" is on the list and I like it but can't tell you why.

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Fri May 03 2024

Pleasantly surprised by this. Not "grungy" at all, thankfully.

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Wed May 08 2024

Eine Entdeckung, solider British Rock den ich nicht kannte. Cool!

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Fri May 10 2024

Dust is a great ride, really enjoyable, although the feelings the singer expresses are not really happy, but melancholic, bittersweet, anxious and anguished, in a tainted poetry that cherishes the song above the personal pain. Every song brings you to the next one in a nice journey, as if you were driving a car full of dust with an open window for you arm to rest there. Embarking a mystical journey in the middle of the night with a halo of ashes in the horizon as inevitable as the moon, the album starts nicely with a really catchy yet psychedelic song. The following morning you realize that all that you knew could have been yours, but you keep on stepping on the gas with the wind in the hair and the past in the rearview mirror. Another day passes and the night falls again looking at her instead of the road, as a specter in your mind. The sunset comes in a postcard view in Dying Days, one after another in the same car, to accelerate in Make my Mind, with a climax in the solo... And that false ending! The night settles in Sworn and Broken, passing the finger through the dusted car to draw a child with open arms and weird smile. But the next day comes as a bullet and starts shouting out loud with a guitar riff you cannot witness without awe, fear and vertigo as you look in the mirror and you try not to look too long. You need to stop after that ride. Halfway there. It's a broken morning outside. You need a break, as you're trying' to meet the dawn. After all, it's the longest way you've traveled / From the darkness to the light / Lord it's been a million miles / In these prisons you can't abide. All along you've been the traveler, forever outta time, forever just unwinds. You focus on the dew, as you want to make it through. You feel like rays of shattered light are there to bleed my eyes, as the spark has burned away until the blind has settled inside. You've been in roads they have never seen, been or dreamed, and you need someone to take you higher... But the next day you waking up without her again and the sky burns into your soul. All you need to know is that she's yours. But you feel alone. And your dreams are torn. The car's gone. She's gone. All is left is dust.

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Mon Jun 24 2024

Damn this was the most pleasant surprise I’ve had since starting this. Really, really good for a band I’d never listened to before. Will absolutely return to this one. Fav songs: All I Know, Witness, & Gospel Plow.

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Thu Jun 27 2024

this is one of my favorite albums from this site in a long time tbh

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Wed Jul 10 2024

I was this close to rating this album a 4 before listening. I love the Screaming Trees, and on top of that I've just finished singer Mark Lanegan's memoir "Sing Backwards and Weep" so I'm feeling a stronger connection to his music than usual. I last listened to this album in full about 10 years ago, and I think the only songs I enjoyed back then were All I Know, and Gospel Plow (which is one of my all-time favourite songs.) So I wasn't exactly going into this expecting much. But wow, I really appreciate these songs in a different way now compared to 10 years ago. I'm disappointed that so many people find it boring, but that's their rating, not mine. I still like Sweet Oblivion more as an album, but Dust is phenomenal, and a beautiful farewell to the Trees.

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Sun Jul 25 2021

The middle eastern grunge thing going on in “Halo of Ashes” is really cool and unique. A lot of folk and blues influences I’m enjoying here too as I get into “Dying Days”. Really solid 90s rock album by a band I’d never heard of!

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Mon Jul 26 2021

Except for the first track, Halo of Ashes, I found myself at first thinking "pretty standard grunge fare." Halo of Ashes was definitely unique with its Eastern-tinged grunge and made for a great opener. The following tracks at first seem to fall into that standard grunge fare category, but it's probably not fair to simply refer to Screaming Trees as Standard Grunge Fare. This band was an early part of the Seattle scene but never broke through like the other bands (but apparently the other bands were fans of Screaming Trees). Articles about the band say the problem was the band was seriously dysfunctional. In fact, this was their last album, released in 1996, followed by two years of touring, a hiatus, and a breakup in 2000. After listening a few times, it's hard not to wonder how they weren't superstars like their contemporaries. The album grew on me, particularly the later tracks. The songs are catchy and the production quality is first class. The singer has a great voice that is definitely part of the grunge sound but is still distinct. On first listen I was going to rate it a 3, which I define as "a good album that I don't mind hearing but wouldn't go out of my way to seek it out." For me a 4 is a great album that maybe has a few weak tracks or requires a particular mood. I'll call this a 3.5 and round up to a 4.

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Thu Jul 29 2021

Buenísimo álbum. No conocía a esta banda. Me gustó completo el disco. Definitivamente no es grunge, pero se nota que fue influencia para el género.

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Sat Jul 31 2021

I would have been all up on this in the 90s - feels a bit stuck in time.

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Fri Aug 06 2021

I had forgotten that I knew most of the songs- this is a really strong and still very listenable example of the genre and the time that does more than just replicate a sound. Happy to have been prompted to listen again!

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Wed Aug 11 2021

Mucho mejor de lo que esperaba al ver la portada. Con ese dibujo feo y el nombre de la banda me imaginé que iba a ser (más) punk o progresivo y resultó ser un alternativo noventero bastante agradable que me recuerda a Alice In Chains, Janes Addiction o algo del estilo. Nada malo y con algunas rolas que incluso agregué a mi librería.

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Wed Aug 11 2021

Otro álbum, y otra banda que probablemente jamás habría conocido de no ser por este disco. Me sorprende mucho no haber escuchado nunca de esta banda, aunque viendo en su bio que tuvieron muchos periodos de inactivadad, creo que no debería sorprenderme tanto. Supongo que las disqueras dejaron de darles promoción al percibirlos como 'poco confiables'. Las canciones que me gustaron más fueron Halo of Ashes, Look and You y especialmente Gospel Plow.

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Sat Aug 14 2021

Fantastic album and one I have never heard. I'll be back for more listens

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Sat Aug 21 2021

Pretty awesome rock album from I band I was unfamiliar with. Rock with a bit more blues influence.

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Fri Sep 10 2021

Great easy listening bop to grill to.

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Sun Sep 12 2021

7/10. Solid album, but not outstanding. I like the way this combined 90s sounds with elements of classic rock.

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Fri Sep 17 2021

That was the first time that I have heard this album. It had Themes similar to the head boys album I listened to in high school

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Tue Sep 28 2021

Very Echo and The Bunnymen ish

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