Rust Never Sleeps
Neil Young & Crazy HorseBack when I was in college I used to go to a bar and listen to Neil tunes and do magic tricks for women. There was a bartender there, he was the best. I loved that guy. Some of the best years of my life.
Back when I was in college I used to go to a bar and listen to Neil tunes and do magic tricks for women. There was a bartender there, he was the best. I loved that guy. Some of the best years of my life.
Rap isn't my preferred genre of music. But I'm a shitty mathematician so I enjoyed this.
I'd be hard pressed to find an album I've listened to more in my life. The live shot of the stadium from behind Lars on the back cover was the 1st time I saw them in concert. Day on the Green 1985. One of the best days of my youth. Of the 400+ albums I've listened to from this project, this might be the best one so far. It's a masterpiece. Fuck it all and fucking no regrets. 5 stars all day.
The only way to feel the noise is when it's good and loud. I hope the fine people who attended these gigs realize they saw something special. Motorhead has been a favorite band of mine for over 40 years. This is the soundtrack of my life. Just in case.
Shew. I'm having a hard time believing how many reviewers miss the entire point of Money for Nothing. The lyrics are written from the viewpoint of an idiot who thinks rock stars don't work for a living. And it's this stupid character who is calling rock stars, i.e. Knopfler, a fa**ot. Then to exacerbate the stupidity, says the rock star he just called gay, gets his 'chicks for free'. I've known a lot of gay dudes and none of them wanted any chicks in that way. But, go on if you're going to be daft, thin-skinned cunt, I can't stop you. Enough of that though, this album is a 5 star classic all day. Knopfler's guitar playing is masterful.
Outstanding. I've never heard this album before yesterday. It really blew me away. It will get repeated listening from me. Road trip music for sure.
Never heard this album before yesterday and not my usual genre of music. But I listened to it a couple times and found it to be quite enjoyable.
Solid album. I've never heard of this band before yesterday. The two vocalists do an excellent job.
Absolutely killer. Never listened to this before. I wish someone would've shown me this 30 years ago. I'll be investing some time in Fela's catalog.
Solid album. You can definitely hear how this influenced a lot of late 80's early 90's alternative. Lo-fi at its best.
This was in heavy rotation back then. As strong a first album as there is. I haven't listened thru in years. There's a few songs that aren't as good as I remember. But at least 7 total bangers on the album. Classic.
Never heard of this band. Album was ok on 1st listen. Probably need to hear it again.
Another solid album. I enjoyed this album.
Solid album. I only started listening to this band a few years ago. Shoegaze is a genre I enjoy.
An all time classic. In my to 3 favourite Zep albums.
I've never listened to this band before. It didn't do much for me.
Almost didn't listen to this because Kanye is a schmuck. But I did and I'm glad I did. It's a lot better than I expected.
Not my standard listening but these voices together are awesome.
Solid album. I really enjoy the percussion.
I've listened to this album a half dozen times over the last decade trying to hear why everyone thinks it's great. I just don't get it. It's a good album but not great in my opinion.
Great album. Lots of classics in this record.
This album is just alright for me. Nothing I would choose to put on.
Radiohead is not a band for me it seems. I'm beginning to wonder if they're a "you had to be there" band.
Lots of classics on this album. Can't You Hear Me Knocking is a favourite.
An all time favourite for me. I bought this lp for $1 at a swap meet in '89. I can't tell you how many times I've listened to it over the years.
I was hoping for more from this album. I liked the first song and not much else.
Good album. Great vocals.
Solid album. Great vocals. Thoroughly enjoyable.
Solid album with a lot of honesty and great vocals.
Great album. Iconic album cover. Bowie's 70's stuff is classic.
I've listened to this album and band before. It does nothing for me.
At an hour and a half this album is about 45 to 50 minutes to long. Parts of it I liked but I felt like it was never going to end.
This might not be a 5 star album but it's a 5 star album for me. I spent about 4 hours getting tattooed and the artist had The Black Keys on shuffle. I'd never listened to them before but I've loved them ever since. Everything up to El Camino is a good listen for me.
Never listened to this band before. Solid. Really enjoyed it.
Strange album. Musically I enjoyed most of it. The vocals really brought it down a lot.
Classic album. Hearing Blondie on the radio as a kid. Hearing these tunes at the ball field. This brings back good memories.
Good album. The music is great. The lyrical content seems to be the same in every song.
Solid album. The 2nd song seemed out of place. I enjoyed the rest of it.
Great album. New wave at it's finest.
Another hour plus long album. Call me old. Call me short attention span. I find 40 minutes give or take usually leaves me wanting more. An hour plus leaves me wondering when it's going to end. About half of this album is strong.
Solid album. 10 tracks, 34 minutes. Get in, take care of business, get out. I don't listen to much C&W, so it's hard to tell if this is great. But this is pretty good.
Good album. I enjoyed listening but I probably won't replay it.
Solid rock album. I've listened to this one before. Very Zeppelin. If it wasn't for that 70's show theme these guys would be lost in history.
Good album. One of those 'all time classics' that I never connected with. I don't ever need to hear 'The Weight' again.
Another band I've never heard of. The vocals on the 1st were weird. It got slightly better after that. Doubt if I'll revisit this.
Strong album. Groovy good time music. If you want funk this is tough to beat.
When you've never heard an album before but you already know most of the tunes. Great album.
I usually like Brit Pop. This album was just ok for me. It would probably grow in me if I listened a few more times.
Another strong album killed by length. 18 tracks and over an hour is too much. If this was pared down to about 10 or 11 tunes and 40 to 45 minutes it would be a classic. I hear lots of Nick Drake in this and that's a good thing.
I like Springsteen a lot. His 70's stuff is untouchable. I don't know how many albums he has on this list but I can think of at least 4 other albums that should be on here before this one. It's mostly good, but it's too long. 15 tracks at 72 minutes, should be 10 at around 42. That complaint seems to recurring for me from CD era releases.
Not much else can be said about Johnny Cash. The good tunes on here are excellent and the bad ones are still ok.
I listened to this album twice because I couldn't believe it was so boring the first playthrough. It was me, the second listen was much better. Mostly enjoyable, a couple I'd skip if I listened again. Albums like this are what I like about '1001 must hear', lots of new to me tunes.
It's a good album but nothing really stood out to me.
I never liked this band much in high school. I've grown to appreciate them. Their music brings back good memories.
Solid album. I don't think I've listened to him singing his own songs. I've heard lots of people doing his songs. Good music and lyrics, vocals are just ok.
I've been making an effort to get into early Genesis. The musicianship on their albums is top notch.
Solid album. It's like listening to an episode of In Living Color. Thoroughly enjoyable.
I found this album a couple years ago. I've listened to it a lot. I think it's great. It hits me just exactly perfect.
Never listened to this band before. It was just ok for me. The vocals are really good.
Good album. Great vocals. Probably not going to relisten, I'd rather hear his early doo wop music.
I've never been much of a Queen fan. I like this album because there are no hits on it. Brian May is an outstanding guitar player.
It's just ok. It's like the Beach Boys without the greatness.
Enjoyable album. I kept wondering where Carlos Santana was. I liked the more rock/funk tracks with horns the most. Solid band.
Solid album. Excellent vocals.
Great album. Like most CD era albums it runs a little long, but what is good is really good. Classic.
I wore this tape out when this album was new. Killer album. An all time favourite for me. Listened thru twice and it still holds up. One of the greats in this genre. Dedicated to Cliff Burton. 'Nuff said.
Great listen. Really like the folky tunes with a little psych. Classic band.
Just an ok listen for me. Lots of Bowie in this vocalist. I feel like this is a "you had to be there" album.
A classic. Old school rap and hip hop at it's finest. I don't miss the early Rap drum beat sound, but this stuff is great.
I've been listening to this album for a few years now. I'm a big fan of the motorik drum beat.
Good album. First time I've listened to this band. Solid British post punk. I've listened to a couple of their other albums and I think I prefer The Gift over this. The opening bassline was really good.
Just ok on this album. I tried to like NIN when their first album came out. For industrial metal I'd rather listen to Ministry any day.
I had a roommate in '94 who brought this home. We liked Beck's Mellow Gold so this fit right into the soundtrack. Good memories listening to this album.
My uncle gave me and my brother this album. I've owned this my entire adult life. An all time classic. The most 5 star album I've come across on 1001 albums so far
Really good album. The Cure remind me of old friends and high school. I've listened to a lot of their albums but it's never heard this one. I'll come back to this album.
Mellow album. I've listened to this one before and I like it. It's really mellow. If you're at work dealing with a bunch of jagoffs, this is a good album to put on.
Solid album. If I'm going to listen to Pop punk this is how I like it. Short and to the point with fat basslines. I remember hearing the 'hit song' in the 90's but didn't remember the band name.
I bought this album for $1 at a swap meet back when everyone was switching to CD's and used records were cheap. It's a solid album. The good songs are really good and the ok songs are still pretty good. 70's Bruce was awesome.
Another lp I bought for $1 at a swap meet back in the late 80's. There is some classic stuff on here for sure. I think The Police are one of the biggest 'what could've been' bands. I remember hearing they broke up on the radio. I never liked any Sting music half as much as I liked his Police stuff.
One of the all time great singers. Some great tracks on this album. I'm not sure why they picked this album, but I'm glad they have some Sam Cooke on here.
I've only gotten into Kraut rock in the last few years. I really dig it. The motorik beats and the droning is something that appeals to me. Faust is excellent.
I remember when this came out. I don't think I listened all the way thru. First time today and I think it kicks ass for what it is. I thought Dookie was great. I like my pop punk like this, short, catchy and I can sing along. It doesn't have to be a classic for me to appreciate it. Solid 5 star pick for me dawg.
All Bob Marley is 5 stars. Reggae music always makes me feel better.
Sinead is great. I like her first album a little better but I remember this getting played a lot back then.
I love this type of music. Old blues music is where it's at.
Solid album. I dig this type of music. You can really hear the influence this had on other bands.
Pretty solid album. I enjoy Brit Pop. If you trimmed three songs off this album it would be better for me. As is it's still worthy of the praise it gets.
Solid album. This type of funk is very enjoyable. A classic of the genre.
5 star classic. I really only listen to their first three albums. This is their best in my opinion. To me I hear a combination of Beatles, Pink Floyd and U2. Outstanding song writing, Brit Pop at it's finest.
I'm trying to figure out why this album is on this list. I listened through twice and never got it.
The desert island album. These days I prefer to find a yt video that has all parts of Shine On put together. In my to 3 Floyd LP's.
I've owned this album over 30 years. I never liked it much. There are barely enough good songs to make one just ok album. I get they were following up Rumors and wanted to do something different, but they're a pop music band without the catchy tunes. This is a record and a half of crappy music. I'd take anything off the Peter Greene albums or the 1st two Nicks/Buckingham albums over any of this. 3 stars is being hugely generous. This album doesn't belong on this list.
Good album. Rap is not really my genre. Overall I enjoyed it but probably won't listen again.
I couldn't get into this one. Twice thru did nothing for me.
This one's a classic for me. Psychedelic space rock rates very highly in my book. The people at these shows got their money's worth. Hawkwind is one of my most listened to bands this year. They have an immense catalog to dive into with lots of great tunes. The Lemmy albums are where it's at for me.
Great album. 5 stars all the way. 70's Stevie is outstanding. Killer musicianship, killer vocals. Funky as can be.
Elvis was probably my first favourite artist. Elvis Gold on 8 track. All the music, all the movies, I liked all of it. Old doo wop rock and roll is tough to beat.
I couldn't get into this album. I don't know why. I usually enjoy this style of music. I should probably revisit this album.
Solid album. Good 70's style blues rock. First time I ever noticed how much his voice sounds like Robert Plant. A little long, a few tracks could've been left off.
Solid album. Not really my style of music, but I enjoy his delivery. I was told that music would be different if Biggie was still around. It was a bit long. I don't need an hour of anything. Trim it down. Less, more impactful songs is better to me.
This album was just ok for me. The vocals are above average. Strongest part of the album. This isn't anything I'd ever put on. One listen was sufficient.
Good album. Not really what I'm into but mostly enjoyable.
Modern day classic. The first time I really listened to this band was at Bonnaroo in 2018. Good memories, some great tunes on this one.
Good album. Never listened to them before. I enjoyed it but probably won't revisit.
Shew. This was a rough listen. The vocals were obviously done before auto tune. Lyrically it was rough too. I won't be revisiting this album.
All time classic. I can't tell how many times I've listened to this album. Every song on this album is great. If you get confused, listen to the music play.
I remember this band during 90's alt rock time. I never listened to them then. This was just ok for me. I listened thru twice and it didn't do anything for me.
Great album. My favourite by Traffic for sure. This was in heavy rotation in the 90's when I was listening to lots of 70's classic rock. Albums like this check all the boxes for me.
Never heard of this band before. That was a struggle to get through. Lots of Bowie in the vocals.
Solid album. 70's Bowie is tough to beat.
I couldn't make it through this album twice. I like weird music and this didn't do much for me.
This was an odd listen. Nothing really stood out. The most appealing thing was how uncommercial it is. Very middle of the road.
An all time classic. Janis was great. Iconic album cover. I don't need to hear Piece of my Heart any more. I'm pretty burned out on 60's rock anthems. But Turtle Blues is an outstanding tune. Great album all the way around.
Solid album. I like most of Josh Homme's musical output. A few tunes dropped would've made this a classic for me.
A weird album for sure. I enjoyed the 60's psychedelia. Everytime the narrator started talking I thought I was listening to Headspace. An enjoyable listen, but not an album I'll revisit.
I enjoyed most of this. It's very Public Enemy and Rage Against the Machine.. Again, most CD era stuff is too long. This didn't have 4 songs on Spotify and was still long. Most of the choruses seemed to be repeated an excessive amount of times, stretching these songs into 6-7 minutes long. I think they needed someone to help with editing these tracks.
An all time classic. I bought this album for $1 at a swap meet in the late 80's. I knew half the songs the first time I heard it.
Once again, a good album that is just too long. Over an hour long, 16 tracks. By the 13th doing I felt like it would never end.
Strong album. I didn't like them when I was in high school. As my musical tastes have expanded I've grown to appreciate their music. This album reminds me of different times. Well worth a listen.
I like Ska a lot. This album was just ok for me. The first song was great and the rest was pretty pedestrian.
Solid album. The opening track is my favourite.
This band and Billy Gibbons are favourites. The opening 3 tracks are all classic. This one was overplayed back then. I still enjoy all their albums. There are a couple of clunkers but the strong tunes make it a 5 star classic.
It's not on Spotify, but it is on YouTube. I've never heard of this artist before. The level of talent on this album is massive. Probably the most different album I've heard in this list.
I understand the importance of this album. But it was just ok for me.
I've listened to this album before. Good album but not really my style.
Heck yeah. Dinosaur Jr is great. I saw them at a Lollapalooza in '93 and again in '17 with my son. They've been a favourite for a long time. For me this album is about 4th or 5th best of theirs. But I really like most of their albums. I really like J's solo stuff too.
Solid album. I enjoyed this a lot. It's not something I would normally put on. It was a good listen.
Excellent album. Muddy Waters is one of the all time greats. Otis Spann on piano and James Cotton on harmonica. This would have been a great band to see. I've been listening to this album for a while. 5 stars all the way. Just exactly perfect.
An all time great live album. Thin Lizzy is a favourite. The guitar playing on this album influenced all the bands I grew up listening to. These live versions are much better than the studio versions in my opinion. This would've been a good tour to see, the playing is on fire. 5 stars all the way.
Good album. Didn't do much for me. 51 minutes long and it seemed like it would never end. Not really my style of music so my listening enjoyment was just ok.
Good album. Leonard Cohen is one of those artists where I like their music but it's not anything I would ever pick to listen to.
Strong album. I remember when this came out. It was good then, it's good now.
Another Zeppelin classic. There's a reason they were the biggest band of the 70's. 5 star classic all the way.
Great album. One of my favourite jazz albums. As a bass player in a life far, far away, Jaco was always an inspiration. His playing on Teen Town still floors me. The musicianship is top notch. 5 star classic.
This was a really nice listen while I got it together in the morning. I'll listen to this again.
Never listened to this album before. Until I got to Without You, I wonder how many babies were made to this song in the 70's. Lol. Jump into the Fire is a groovy track. Solid album.
By the third track I was trying to understand how this album made the list. It was ok but not something I'll listen to again.
This album sounds a lot like it's from the 60's with a modern production. Nothing really memorable and I'm not hearing why it's on this list. The thing I liked best was the 34 minute playing time.
Tina is one of the all time greats. I remember when this album came out. It was a smash hit. Classic.
136 albums in and this is just the 2nd metal album. I'm beginning to think the genre is underrepresented. As a lifelong Metallica fan I'm giving this 5 stars. Watching this gig on video is better than just listening though.
Never heard of this guy before. Really enjoyable album. He has the kind of voice that makes you feel like everything's going to be alright.
Solid. Never heard this album and I enjoyed it a lot. There is a lot of swagger in the singers voice. It's probably the best part of the album. I'll listen to this again.
When they were badass. I've owned this lp since the 80's. This whole thing is great. Steven Tyler is phenomenal on this. Confidence and swagger on every track. A long time favourite.
Almost all Elvis is good Elvis to me. I remember hearing he died on the radio on my way to school. I think I was in 1st grade. I've always dug his music and his movies. The back up band really nails it on this album. Solid.
Just exactly perfect for Xmas morning. I'll be revisiting this album next holiday season.
I like The Kinks and I enjoyed this album. I don't believe I've ever owned an album but then and I'm not sure why.
I never got into this band in the 80's. I enjoyed most of this album. It would've been a lot better as a single lp. Too long, too bloated to be on this list.
It is Supa Dupa Fly. My wife grew up listening to Missy Elliott. This album sounds like a good time.
Absolutely. I enjoyed every part of this record. I've heard this album before. But I really got it this time. Classic.
I've never heard this album. I didn't care much for the first 2 tracks. After that I thought it was pretty groovy. I rarely understand many of the lyrics on this so I like the accent on the raps.
I've had this album recommended by spotify for a few years now. I think I've listened to it once before. I'm enjoying this listen. I'd be fine with 11 songs as a whole album. Another solid album that is just too long.
I don't think I'm ever going to be a fan of Radiohead. Their albums are always on someone's "best ever' list, so I've listened to them at various times over the last 15 years. This album was more enjoyable than others I've heard, but it does very little for me.
Never heard of this group before. It was just ok for me. I imagine for some this album is pure nostalgia and others are wondering why it's on this list.
The 2nd album of theirs on this list. It's just okay for me. I found the orchestration to be distracting. I understand what they were going for but it didn't really work for me. Not really my cup of tea.
Solid album. A little Celtic punk goes a long way. Not something I'd put on for everyday listening, but this would probably be a blast in a pub in Boston.
This reminds me of my friend in Jr High. She was into this New Wave stuff. I miss her.
The bass playing really supported this whole thing. Great Doors like keys. Thoroughly enjoyed an album I've never heard before.
Disco fever. Classic.
Elton is the man. I saw Elton live in the early 90's. Still one of the best shows I've seen. The first 2 tracks are classics. The rest of the album is solid.
This album would've been a lot more fun at a rave in the early 90's then my kitchen on a Tuesday morning getting ready for work. It's good for what it is.
Solid album. I think I would've liked this a lot when I was younger. Now, I appreciate it for what it is, but I wouldn't put this on for everyday listening.
I feel like I've listened to this a long time ago. The musicianship is top notch and I probably would've liked this a lot when I was younger. It's a little too busy for me now, but it's still solid.
The two hit songs off this album are classic. The rest of the album is really solid. It's a short album. I listened through twice without even noticing. I owned this and Damn the Torpedoes on lp for years. The old days, when you could buy records in a parking lot for $1. Mostly this album sounds like a good time.
I thought the first song was great. I was hoping the whole album was going to have a psychedelic shoegaze vibe to it. But it just got weird. An interesting album for sure. Not something I would choose to put on though.
This came out when I was 15. I remember all the hits being on MTV everyday. I'm sure my brother had this on tape. Probably the best hair metal album there is. I saw Bon Jovi open for Scorpions in '84 and Ratt in '85. Good times.
Solid album. I never cared for this band when I was in school. Now they remind me of different times with a bit of nostalgia. I am able to appreciate what a great band they were.
Another middle of the road album for me. I've listened to MSP before and I don't think they did much for me then. It's an ok album but nothing grabbed me.
An all time classic. Any of the Mick Taylor albums are worth listening to.
Never heard of this band before. This whole album went by without grabbing my attention. Just not my cup of tea.
An absolute classic. This album came out when I was in 8th grade. It was everywhere all the time. VH was a band at its peak. The musicianship is top notch. The soundtrack of my youth album. 5 stars all day.
This was just ok for me. It's good for what it is but I would never choose this to listen to.
Solid album. Probably my favorite Clapton after his Blues Breakers stuff. Duane is absolutely brilliant on this. Such a massive talent. I would've preferred a few less tracks and it be a single album. Definitely a classic and worthy of being on this list.
Masterpiece. The chonker cat on the cover is great. Amazingly I've never owned this album. I've listened to it plenty though. There's so much space and breath between the notes, it forces me to allow down and listen. Excellent headphone album. Definitely essential.
Good album. Mostly came across as background music.
I understand going to the club and dancing the night away to techno music, but I wouldn't choose this genre for everyday listening. I don't listen to enough of this style to know if this album was good or not.
Good album. Mostly enjoyable but not really my cup of tea.
An all time classic. This album came out when I was a Junior. It was inescapable for the next year. I've listened to this a ton of times. It's still a great listen, the bass and guitar are excellent in my opinion. Five stars all day
Been listening to The Who as long as I remember. Never heard this one. I would have been ok never hearing it. It's ok but it became a chore to finish.
Two albums this week that were huge when I was a Senior. Other than the hits, I've never listened this one. I didn't like Wham and I didn't like this back then. Now it's just nostalgia.
An all time classic. Easily in the top 10 of greatest debut albums. Every track is perfect. 5 stars all day. And it's not even their best album.
Solid album. Fantastic vocal harmonies. Music like this is always a welcome listen.
Good album. Not usually my everyday listening. I thought it was mellow and groovy.
Solid album. Simone is an artist I don't listen to enough.
An all time classic. I can't count how many times I have listened to this. I've listened to most of their albums and enjoy them a lot. 5 stars all day.
Never listened to this one. I enjoyed most of it. A bit uneven though. Probably won't listen to this again.
This one's a real banger. I've listened to this album a lot. I find this type of music helps me focus and stay calm. Mellow. One of my favorite ambient albums.
This album was entirely too long. It didn't do anything for me at all. 3 stars because my wife told me it was good. I didn't hear it, but I trust her opinion.
This album came out when I was 16. You couldn't escape the Fight for Your Right video. It was great stuff back then. Now it's a bit like 3 Jerry Lewis's yelling 'hey lady' for 45 minutes. Not their best but still worthy of inclusion on this list.
Otis is the man. One of the all time great singer/entertainers.
When this album came up I wondered how many dessert/stoner rock bands were mad a brit pop band took this name. I listened to this album 3 times and don't think it's any better than 'meh'.
Not a fan of C&W at all. But Dolly told all the fascists and white supremacists to fuck off, so that's 5 stars in my book.
It's rare to get a 5 star album from an artist you've never heard of. The bass playing on this is killer, especially the first track. The music on this album is a pleasant surprise. I don't understand anything that's being said, I almost prefer it. Most lyrics are pretty droll to me.
This album did very little for me.
The original album has 6 songs and half of them are covers. I used to hear the cover tunes on the radio and it made me disinterested in getting the album. I've been a Who fan for a long time and there are lots of their albums I'd pick to listen to before this one.
If you're a casual fan and only own one jazz album, Kind of Blue is probably it. I can't expound on how great this album is. Genre defining.
This album is good for what it is.
It's good for what it is. An hour of piano music just becomes background. If I ever put this type of music on I'd probably pick George Winston instead.
Great players. I would've preferred the original version. I think it would've had more impact.
This album did nothing for me. A lot of reviews say the last song is best, it probably is but it's weird.
I've always liked Ice Cube. I remember when Today Was a Good Day was in heavy rotation on MTV. I prefer his 1st album but this one's solid too.
You can only trust yourself and the first seven Iron Maiden albums. An all time classic and one of my favorites. UP THE IRONS!!!
I recognize this for what it is, but nu metal was never my thing. It's too long at over an hour. 35 to 42 minutes is a better length in my opinion. Over that and listening becomes a chore.
Never heard of this group before. Solid album. Not my usual listen but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Solid album. About as classic a jazz standard as you can get.
Definite 5 star album. I've listened to this one a lot. Owned it on vinyl for years. I'll probably never willingly listen to this album again.
A psychedelic masterpiece. I can't say how many times I've listened to this. I like everything about this album. Nothing has ever been as groovy as the 60's. If I could time travel, I would go to the Summer of Love. So much great music in that time period.
This is fantastic. Albums like this are why I started listening to this list. Never heard of this artist before. I'd like to be in a restaurant sitting on pillows, eating and listening to a band playing this type of music. This album makes me want to travel.
A great album. All the musicians are excellent, but the bass playing is on another level. An easy 5 stars.
Solid early 80's rap album. I wonder if they could remix these albums without the cheesy electronic drum sounds.
I listened to this a couple times. I'm not sure why this album is included on the list. I think this one may be in the category of 'you had to be there'.
This album sounds like some Hollywood producers wrote a movie about a fictitious 60's garage group with shiny boy band vocals. It's ok for what it is but I wouldn't have included it on this list. Maybe it could be replaced with I Forget Where We Were by Ben Howard.
An all time classic for this style of music. I bought this record a long time ago. The days of lying on the floor and spinning albums, listening thru headphones. Good memories.
An all time classic in the genre. Blackmore just tears it up on this album. This thing was a huge influence on early heavy metal. The drums groove and are also excellent. 5 stars all day.
A little techno goes a long way.
I've never been able to get into Zappa. This is probably the 4th FZ album I've listened to. I enjoyed this one the most but it's not something I'd put on.
Another banger by the Stones. The opener is a classic. The closer is a classic. Everything in between us a classic. Keith will outlive us all.
Good album. The Stevie Wonder influence is all over this album.
Solid album. I enjoyed it a lot more than I remembered. Grohl is an ambassador for rock and roll. 4 stars for the album and an extra star for being friends with Lemmy.
Awesome album. Some really great tracks on this one.
Solid album for what it is. The first couple tracks are the best for me. Then it's pretty uneven. The title track is a classic.
Solid album. I don't ever remember listening to Shugie. I listened to this album and a couple others of his. I would have chosen his 1st 2 albums over this one on this list.
This album is a nostalgia trip for me. It takes me back to playing Little League. This might be the 1st time I've listened to this album all the way through.
I've always liked ELO. This album has a few classic on it.
Good album but I'm not sure why it's ok this list. Their 2 albums after this for sure. But not this one.
This one didn't do much for me. But I've never been into pop music. I went for the French version. I like to hear music in different languages than my own.
How many Radiohead albums are on this list? I think this is my 3rd one and none of them are above 2 stars. I've tried to listen to this band for almost 20 years. I think it's safe to say I'm not going to get it. Maybe replace this album with Ben Howard I Forget Where We Were.
A classic of the genre. PE has been a favorite for a long time.
I've listened to this a bit over the years. Metallica brought me to The Wait, stayed for the rest of the bangers. A classic.
Solid album. I should listen to Curtis more often.
It's Aretha. She can sing anything and make it better. If Aretha don't get your left eye to jumpin' it's not Aretha's fault.
I bought this on vinyl in the early 90's. I was always disappointed with it. I liked his Mayall and Cream stuff, but this was a let down. It's a decent album, but if you remove I Shot the Sheriff, there's no way this album is on this list.
How do you even pick a Temptations album for this list? They have at least 8 four to five star albums in their catalog. As always their vocals are excellent. Solid.
Solid album. I enjoyed it a lot. Outstanding musicianship on this record.
Another album I'm wondering why it's on this list. This was a struggle to get through.
I don't believe I've ever listened to PJ Harvey. This album is firmly in the 'meh' camp for me. There's tons of 5 star reviews for it, so I'm obviously not getting something. I just don't hear any earworms.
This is my 2nd album in a week where the main qualification to be on this list is, 'Kurt Cobain liked it' I liked the guitar in Where is My Mind? and the vocals on Gigantic. The vocal delivery reminded me of David Byrne.
This is my 2nd Kinks album on this list and there hasn't been one single hit song on either. I didn't get this list. I think this is a solid album. But it doesn't really stand out from all the other great britpop albums around this time.
I remember when this album came out. I heard the hits on the radio, but I wasn't buying much music at this time. So this is the first time I've listened all the way through. It's a solid album and enjoyed most of it.
I don't think I've ever listened to this band. Musically it's really groovy, vocally it's a little spotty. Overall it's a really good listen. I liked it better the 2nd time through. I'll probably check out the rest of their catalog. I've always enjoyed the 60's psychedelic rock scene from SF.
An absolute classic. This album never gets old.
Another head scratcher. A decent album but I failed to hear why it's included on this list.
I'm sure this album has some significance in this style of music. Mostly it just gave me anxiety.
A classic of the genre. I've never been a c&w fan but I do like these murder ballad. I can't tell how many times I've heard the Grateful Dead play El Paso.
Rap isn't my preferred genre of music. But I'm a shitty mathematician so I enjoyed this.
Never heard of Fred Neil before, but he seems to have influenced a lot of other musicians. It was a good listen but I probably won't come back to it.
An absolute banger. I wonder how much music I've heard that's been inspired by this band. 5 star classic all day. R.A.M.O.N.E.S. R.A.M.O.N.E.S. Ramones.
I've been listening to this album for a few years now. Glad to see it pop up. Excellent.
Was disappointed with this album. I like 'til tuesday and Aimee's voice but this is firmly in the 'meh' category. How it made this list is a head scratcher. Maybe it could be replaced by The Way We Move by Langhorne Slim and The Law.
Shew. I'm having a hard time believing how many reviewers miss the entire point of Money for Nothing. The lyrics are written from the viewpoint of an idiot who thinks rock stars don't work for a living. And it's this stupid character who is calling rock stars, i.e. Knopfler, a fa**ot. Then to exacerbate the stupidity, says the rock star he just called gay, gets his 'chicks for free'. I've known a lot of gay dudes and none of them wanted any chicks in that way. But, go on if you're going to be daft, thin-skinned cunt, I can't stop you. Enough of that though, this album is a 5 star classic all day. Knopfler's guitar playing is masterful.
Ugh. I make effort to separate musicians from their music and personal life. But I really can't with Jerry Lee. When you marry your 13 year old cousin while you're still married, You've hit the big WTF trifecta of incest, pedophilia and bigamy. He was married 7 times with 2 of them dying under suspicious circumstances. And he shot somebody. And he's a fucking racist. If Jerry Lee was alive today he'd be a major player in the MAGA Republican party. Fuck all the way off with this. I'd rather listen to Ray Charles, Little Richard or Otis Spann for my boogie boogie piano.
I didn't like this when it came out and it hasn't gotten any better for me. It was a slog to get through. Wishing Well is the best song and then it's a steep drop off from there.
There's no doubt Xtina can sing anything she wants. This just isn't my type of music and it was entirely to long. I couldn't get through the whole thing.
I got into the Faces listening to the song Ooh La La and then listened to rest of their catalog. This type of British bluesy rock and roll that sounds like the wheels are about to fall off is my jam. This is a 5 star banger in my book. 4 stars for the killer tunes, 1 Star for the swagger. Classic.
This album has me in my feels on a Friday morning. This is a desert island album for me. I had a friend growing who loved this type of goth/new wave. I miss her and wish she was still here.
I really liked the first tune. It made me feel like I was in a dinner club in the 1940's. I wore a white tuxedo and my dame wore a nice evening dress. I enjoyed this album. Not something that will be in regular rotation though.
I remember being around 10 and staying with my Aunt and Uncle. They had a bunch of Beatles albums. I remember playing them and thinking the vocals were outstanding. I think there is a defining line with the Beatles. They directly influenced every band that came after them. Brit pop at it's finest. 5 stars all day every day.
Solid album. Didn't care for it when it first came out. It provides a bit of nostalgia at this point.
This album is a bit of a bummer. Dig the music but the talk/sing vocals are so monotonous. I listened through twice and was unable to figure out its inclusion on this list.
Ugh. Another album that's boring as fuck. Why is it on this list? The vocals sound the same on every track. Low, bassy, unintelligible singing to start, then firmly in a Bowie baritone for the rest of the time. It's pretty obvious if you're a 90's Britpop/indie rock band from the UK with a couple of mediocre singles, you'll have at least 3 albums on this list. I listened to one of their other albums and it was better than this. So I'll be expecting that album eventually.
I've never heard this band or album before. It's a banger and I've thoroughly enjoyed it. This is the type of album I was hoping to discover from this list. Dig the music, dig the vocals, dig the Van Astral Weeks tune. Kick ass.
Pure fucking magic. I know music is subjective, but Hendrix is probably the GOAT. On the Mount Rushmore of guitar greats there's Jimi and Edward. Everyone else is still trying to catch up. I think this is the beginning of heavy metal.
This is a groovy listen on a Saturday morning before anyone else is up. Pretty solid throughout. You can tell there has been a lot time put into writing these tunes. Not something I'll revisit but I'm glad to have heard it.
Solid album. Has some classics on it. They sound like 4 different bands on this album. Part trying to figure out who they are, part record company influence. I didn't know Nicky Hopkins played on this. What a talent that guy was. The Ox is a completely different track.
I had this cd when it came out. I liked Siamese Dream better. If they would've kept this a single album with 10 to 12 tracks it would be considered one of the greatest albums ever. There's some really classic stuff on here, it's just too long.
An all time album for me. I 'borrowed' this lp from a friend in '83 or '84 and never gave it back. I still have it. Side 1 is perfect. Side 2 is just as great. Great album cover. Just a classic for me.
Man this album is great. Some all time classics on this one. Listen to this album and then watch some yt videos. They are infinitely more groovy than what we have now. When I was in 1st grade I had a pair of couderoy bell bottoms. They were the best pants I've ever owned.
Another all time great. That's 2 this week. More Than a Feeling hits you right in the feels. Every track is great. As close to a perfect album as you're going to get. 5 stars all day.
This is my second The xx album. I like this one a lot more. I would consider this lo-fi style music. I like it.
I had only listened to Eno's ambient work. This is not that. Weird for sure. I think I enjoyed reading people go on about this album more than I enjoyed the album. Tracks 7, 8 and 9 are standout. King's lead hat might be the weirdest semi catchy tune.
I didn't like this at all when it came out. You couldn't escape it. This was the 1st time I listened to this album. Pretty solid, lots of hits.
Solid album. Great vocals and instruments. Preacher Man is an ear worm. Not my regular listen, but very enjoyable.
I've never heard of this artist before and I struggled to get through the 1st disc. This album is not my style.
I enjoyed the energy of the drums and would probably dig this live. But I mostly found this pedestrian. On an unrelated side note, this 'random' generator has given me 6 albums in a row and 17 out of the last 21 by British artists.
Great album. The early 90's was a good time for music. I remember listening to this album and playing Sega with friends. Simpler times.
I was struggling to listen to this until the song Liability. I enjoyed the album from that track on. Definitely not my usual jam but I enjoyed it. I've heard her name but never listened to her. Pretty solid for a pop album.
Another head scratcher on this list. I've been a Paul Simon fan since hearing him on the radio as a kid and I've owned lots of his albums. The Di Meola guitar solo on track 1 is the highlight. 3 stars because his voice is relaxing and makes me feel like everything is going to be alright. Decent record but doesn't belong on this list.
This album gets 5 stars for the bassline in Good Times alone. I enjoyed the rest of the album just as much. The whole thing has a great groove. I never understood the Disco backlash, but I was very young when it was popular. I always enjoyed it as a style of music. Some of the outfits were a bit much, but I still want a pair of bell-bottoms.
All Floyd is 5 stars in my book. Gilmour is on my Mount Rushmore of guitar greats. The Wall is probably the greatest concept album of all time. Comfortably Numb is probably the greatest guitar solo of all time.
Another 90's British group I've never heard of. Lol. I enjoyed the first track. The rest became background music pdq. Maybe this album could be replaced with Souvlaki by Slowdive.
Does anyone else think Love Removal Machine is a Start Me Up ripoff? I didn't care for this when it came out, but I mostly listened to thrash and speed metal at the time and this wasn't heavy enough. Now it's a nostalgia trip. Tons of swagger in the riffs and vocals. Give me a fuck yeah yeah yeah baby baby.
Come on, if you are an influence on the Beatles and Jimi Hendrix, you qualify as an All Time Badass. This album is considered one of the best ever recorded, it is. 5 stars all day long.
Not my usual listen. This was ok and pretty much blended into the background. I listen to a lot of chill instrumental music at work but I probably won't revisit this. I'm adding an extra star for not having to listen to some guy boast about his money, his guns or his dick for an hour.
The best thing about this album, not one single bite is taken from the commercial apple. Not one. This album is perfect for an overcast Saturday morning. A master class in songwriting delivered with just guitar, harmonica and voice. Masterpiece.
You can only trust yourself and the first six Black Sabbath albums. The rhythm section of Butler and Ward are in my top 3 all time. I didn't need to listen to this one again for the millionth time, but I did anyway. A perfect slab of metal.
Rush has been a favorite my whole life. The musicianship is outstanding. 2112 is an all time classic in my book.
My first thought on seeing this album, Matt Pike standing in front of a wall of Orange amps playing some crushing riffs. This is not that. My second thought, who the fuck is Frank Ocean. This is not my usual jam, but I've been told my 15 old niece listens to Frank a lot, and since she's of the age of knowing everything, I'm going to believe this is good. The only track I really dug was Lost.
This type of music reminds me of being a kid in the back seat on road trips, when it gets late and the only thing that picks up is Oldies on the AM radio. Good tunes, great voice.
Solid album. I feel like I had heard 1 song before. If you're going to play pop music it better have a hook. The song writing is well crafted on this album. I enjoyed it more the 2nd time I listened.
Pretty solid album. I remember seeing her albums in the 80's but this was the first time I've ever listened to her. The songs are well crafted and you can tell she is talented. I probably won't revisit but I enjoyed it.
Holy fuck is techno/electronica repetitious. I think I would like it more if I was at a rave on Friday night whacked on ecstasy and dancing. But I'm at home on a rainy Saturday morning sipping tea and it doesn't quite translate.
Writing one 50 minute song as a 19 year old and having it sell more than 16 million albums is pretty damn impressive.
This one is just ok for me. Not bad, not great.
C&W is the last musical style that I'm ever listening to. But I really enjoyed this album. It has enough folk elements and there is an honesty in her voice. Solid album.
This album is good for what it is. The first track was really good. I generally like Rap and recognize the talent these artists have, but it's just not my jam.
Another British band I've never heard of. Entertaining for the most part. An extra star for Simon Diamond because I have a Chug dog named Simon. He's been a best friend for a long time. He loves bed.
Albums like this are weird for me. It's supposed to be great. Apples top 100 list just came out and this is sitting at 7. I don't hear it. Stevie Wonder is sitting at 6 and I hear that. I know these things are subjective, and his rap game is really good, but I don't get all the praise when so much of it is derogatory towards women. I won't invest the time it would take to find it's greatness because of that.
This was a wild listen for 28 minutes. George has 80 studio albums and he's pictured on every one. Smile George, smirk George, look serious George, show the sideburns George, look drug addled George This isn't my style of music, but I can see the appeal. George has a smooth delivery that would be popular with the masses.
Heck yeah! One of the few mornings I've been able to sit outside this year. Killer Sunday morning at 6am with a cup of coffee and this album. An all timer for me. Seven of the eight tracks are classics. Side two is perfect. I got this album in the late 90's. Either given to me or in a box at a ridiculously low price from a friend. High quality British blues.
The people who saw these shows got a treat. I would've been stoked to see these gigs. The band is on fire. I had a good friend who was into Van and I listened to a lot Van's catalog on road trips. A whole concert filled with bangers. Easiest 5 star album on the list.
At one point while listening to this album I took my dog out and walked around the block. When I came back in Rufus was still singing the same word as when I left. Good album musically. Not something I'll revisit though.
My 2nd Nick Cave album. Equally unenjoyable as the first. I won't spend the time it'll take to 'get' this album.
Thoroughly enjoyed listening to this album. Of their 3 albums I've heard on this list so far, this is the best.
Is this the 4th or 5th Radiohead album so far? I've been trying to get into this band for 20 years. I think it's safe to say I'm not going to get it. I just think it's ok.
New Order is a band I always knew about but didn't listen to. Metal kid back then and liked heavy and heavier music. Now I listen and know I missed out on some killer tunes. This album is nostalgia and old friends long gone and soundtracks for 80's coming of age movies. Simpler times when going to school 5 days a week was the hardest thing in life.
The folks that give this 1 star and say this album tried to make me feel bad for being white are the reason albums with this type of messaging are still being made. That being said, at 20 tracks it's at least 10 songs to long. I really dig the bass playing. Lyrically there's only one message and it can be heavy handed and repetitive. Musically it's very lofi and groovy and the vocals are well done. Layered and harmonized nicely. It's too long though, I checked out after 35 minutes. Maybe the Mystery Unfolds by Mutabaruka would be a good addition to this list. Heavy metal and reggae seem to be under represented in this endeavor.
Some all time classics on this album. Not much can be added to the greatness of early U2. Banger. Easy 5 stars.
Heck yeah. 60's psychedelia from Brazil that's as weird as can be. Take all my stars.
Back when I was in college I used to go to a bar and listen to Neil tunes and do magic tricks for women. There was a bartender there, he was the best. I loved that guy. Some of the best years of my life.
What an absolute 'fuck you' to the establishment this must have been in '78. And judging by all the 1 star reviews it still has the hypocrite masses clutching their pearls. Ever get the feeling you've been cheated? Lol. The bass playing on this album is killer. The first 3 tracks are ok. From track 4 to the end is where it's at for me.
The energy of this album is undeniable. Of the 100 or so old blues albums I own, this one is up near the top. The playing on this is a masterclass of blues music. The blues is where it's at. 5 stars all day, every day.
This is my 2nd Pixies album on this list. I like this album more, but I feel like I should revisit the other one now. After several listens I started to get it and could hear how much it influenced 90's grunge and alternative. The bass playing and vocals of Kim Deal are where it's at for me. Solid record and pretty enjoyable listen.
Enjoyable album. I don't think I've ever listened to an entire Bjork album. Musically I really liked it. Lo-fi beats and almost ambient music makes me wish there was a vocal free version. I would listen to it while working if there was.
This was a lot better than I was expecting. Usually there's a big drop off when the album leads with a hit single, but all the tracks were really consistent throughout. Real musicians playing real instruments, great vocals, no bullshit auto tuning. People who give this album a low rating couldn't get laid at a swingers convention in Vegas.
Country is my least favorite genre of music. That being said, this album is the only c&w album I've purchased in my life. Back in the late 80's when everyone was converting their collections to CD I picked this lp up for $1 in a swap meet parking lot. Simpler times. This album's a classic and an easy 5 stars. After I'm done listening to this one I'm going to listen to Willie sing They All Went to Mexico with Santana.
I remember when this album came out, ironically this is the first time I've listened to the whole thing. Total banger. Kurt is the focal point, but all the musicians on this album are killing it. Nirvana was a great band, I wish they would've been around a lot longer.
Funny, I'd never listened to a Bjork album until 4 days ago. Now the all mighty generator gives me another one today. This isn't my cup of tea but you have to tip your hat to the creativity and talent it takes to write an entire album of numbers like this. Triumph of a Heart is particularly enjoyable. Pixie disco land.
When you combine the cock of the walk swagger of the Stones and fuck you sneering of Johnny Rotten you get a solid slab of rock and roll. There aren't any 'hit singles' on this album to burn out on and that makes it a more enjoyable listen for me. 30 years on and this record still holds up.
The Stones are pretty rock and roll. I've worn out the Mick Taylor albums but this is the first time I've listened to this album. It's good but I would rather have a Buddy Guy, Lightnin' Hopkins or Mississippi John Hurt album on the list.
I think the inclusion of the last 2 Bowie albums on this list is purely fan driven. Although this album is very good, if you listen to Station or Ziggy it becomes apparent this album is not in the same league. I think Bowie's 70's output is exceptional but he has 9 albums on this list and other great artists like Buddy Guy, Robin Trower and Wishbone Ash have zero.
This is one of the greatest final albums by any band. The Doors were such a great band. Morrison gets a lot of the attention, but the musicianship and songs are too notch. An easy 5 stars. Mr Mojo Risin'.
Riley Blues Boy King. On the Mount Rushmore of guitar greats. This live album is a testament to that fact. I'm not sure how Completely Well and Indianola Mississippi Seeds have been left off this list. But, those albums and this one have been in my listening rotation for a long time. An absolute classic in my book. Easy 5 stars.
I don't think album will convert anyone to this genre of music, but I enjoy this type of meandering, go nowhere space rock. I'll revisit this album again.
The title track is a classic. The rest is the type of Americana folk that I dig. I'll listen to this one again and wonder why I never bought it in a swap meet parking lot 30 years ago.
Some of my earliest memories of songs on the radio were Paul Simon. I liked him then, I like him now. Solid album.
Solid album. Not my usual genre, but albums like this are why I'm here. Never would've heard this otherwise. Good stuff.
Steve Harris liked Yes so I liked Yes. I think some of their 70's albums are best ever in prog rock. This one is great. Makes me want to listen to Close to the Edge.
I skipped a few of the more popular tracks. Listened to this on cassette while playing Super Mario 3 more times than I can remember. Along with the Black Album, probably the best album of the decade.
I remember being at my aunt and uncle's house and they had this and Glass Houses on vinyl. I thought it was fantastic stuff. When I got older I bought his Greatest Hits Vol. 1 & 2 on double CD. Volume 1 was probably the best CD I ever listened to. Volume 2 was probably the worst CD I ever listened to. This is an album full of bangers. I feel like I've heard most of these tracks on the radio at some point. Easy 5 stars.
C&W is just not my genre. Other than the slide guitar and vocals by Emmylou this album didn't do much for me.
I've heard of this band but it's the first time I've listened to them. I would've liked it they took the time to develop 10 of these to full songs. As it is, the shortness of each track makes it feel like a demo.
This is the only Creedence album I've ever owned. Classic track after classic track. An easy 5 stars for me.
I feel like I've listened to Richard Thompson a few times over the years but never got into him. Vocally I think he's just ok. It gets better when he and Linda duet. His guitar playing is excellent. I think this album is really good and only gets better with repeated listening.
This is my 2nd Kanye album on the list. I still fail to understand why this guy is popular. His rapping is mediocre at best. Lyrically it's all very silly, every song Kanye let's us know what he's going to do with his dick or what Kanye wants done to his dick. All the lyrics sound like they were written by a 7th grade boy who just started puberty.
Melancholy music done well. I prefer the bookend Morning Phase over this album but they're both excellent. Great album to listen to on the patio on a mellow summer morning at dawn. Just exactly perfect.
Like Leatherface and Michael Myers have previously shown us, a pair of coveralls and a mask are creepy as fuck. The drums and percussion are standout on this album. This album could've been streamlined to 10 tracks and said everything it had to say. Mostly Nu Metal sounds like a heavier more aggressive version of Faith No More's The Real Thing album to me. This is a fine album but not one I'll revisit any time soon.
I vaguely remember hearing Love Plus One. Sounds like a good 80's soundtrack tune. I've always enjoyed funk and horns in British New Wave. Pretty solid album. Not something I'd normally put on, so this is a nice find. I listened to this a few times yesterday. It's a grower.
This one was just ok for me. I listened a few times and nothing really stuck.
I first picked this up because it's always in the top 10 of greatest albums lists. I was just alright with it and didn't understand all the accolades. It's really good, but it's no Sgt. Pepper or Nevermind imo. I think a lot of the songs have a 'show tunes' aspect to them that I'm kinda blah with. But I know this album is great even if I'm lukewarm on it. I think the mono version is a better listening experience on spotify.
Lol. Another UK bloke I've never heard of. I listened to this twice was just ok with it. Except for that one tune with the piano. That one was good.
I first listened to this album because I kept seeing it on all time album lists. Maybe it's the Sunday morning on the patio with dog friends and coffee, but this album is outstanding. I've listened to this a few times over the last 20 years was just ok with it. But today it's my soundtrack. Lol. The basslines are just cooking, very Peter Hook inspired I think. I'm also hearing how this album influenced the 90's. This thing really is an all time classic.
This is THE all time classic heavy metal album. I am unable to tell how many times I've listened to it. Paranoid was the first song I learned to play on bass. My buddy in Jr High had this 2 for 1 cassette with Paranoid on side 1 and Heaven and Hell on side 2. I've owned this on tape, vinyl and CD. The drumming from Bill Ward is exceptional. This whole album is just exactly perfect.
Man this album smokes. Every track is standout. Every musician is standout. The vocals are standout. An absolute classic. 5 stars all day, every day.
I have only heard this entire album a few years ago. Though I remember a few tracks from the radio when I was growing up. What a revelation, this whole record is fantastic. I was glad to see it come up today.
Soul brother #1.
This is my 2nd Nick Cave album. I didn't like the other album but this one surprised me. I enjoyed a good bit of it. I think I liked the Lyre of Orpheus disc better but it had good tracks throughout.
I'm half way thru my 2nd listen and I'm starting to understand it. This album is always on greatest all time lists. I knew it would come up eventually on this list. I've listened to this a few times and never got into it. I think the album picks up steam and the back half is strong. Maybe it's the early summer morning listen talking, but from Medley on it's pretty brilliant. Well executed psychedelic pop tunes unsullied by radio play. I'll probably listen to this all day.
I could easily wax poetic about this album. This album and the prior run of 4 albums by Stevie are truly impressive. A double album full of bangers is a mighty feat. 5 stars all day.
I think this is my 3rd Kayne album on this list. It's decent musically, but I think Kanye is mediocre with his rap game. Put him next to Snoop, Dre, Tupac, Eminem or Biggie and his voice and flow are completely outmatched. i think I'll skip the next album of his when it comes up.
Another masterpiece by Dylan. It's wild how many classic songs this guy has written. 5 stars all day on this one.
I feel like Cocteau Twins was a band I first heard on MTV's 120 minutes back in the 80's. I'm sure I would have dismissed it because it wasn't metal. But my much younger self did that sort of thing frequently. In the last decade or so I found that I really enjoy the dream pop/shoegaze genre. It's been a pleasure to listen to this album again.
Solid album. Even though 80's rap can sound dated with some of the drum sounds, I prefer this to the over saturated rap we have today. Not something I'll revisit but I enjoyed listening.
My 3rd Pixies album from the all mighty generator. While they've all been mostly enjoyable, it's not something I'm going to play on my own. As with the other records, Kim Deal is standout for me. But I think their 2nd album is better.
Never heard of this guy before. I read British and 90's and I was ready to be disappointed. But I have been pleasantly surprised. First 3 tracks are really enjoyable.There are a few tracks I would skip on future listens. But the laid back groovy stuff is good.
This is a weird one. Pretty eclectic collection of tunes. It's pretty shitty there are so many uncredited musicians on this album. Both black and white. Thank goodness the cultural appropriation police are out in force keeping us safe. Other than Buffalo Gals I didn't think I'd heard anything else.
Solid album. First time listening to it. I didn't know Bowie wrote most of it. I'll probably revisit this one.
First time I've listened to this band. It was just ok for me. I listened to some of their other albums and I enjoyed them but nothing really grabbed me.
I've been waiting for this album. Great album. None of the major hits that have been overplayed. I prefer disc 2, but the entire album is solid all the way through. Prince was a massive talent.
This is my 2nd Fela album on this list. I had never heard him before and so far, he's my favorite new discovery from the generator. I thoroughly enjoyed this album. I had it on repeat most of the day.
This is an album I bought for $1 in a swap meet parking lot about 35 years ago. I gave it to my son when he moved out. As 5 star classic as it gets.
This isn't a fair review because I really don't like c&w. I listened through twice and it's probably pretty good for this style, it just doesn't do much for me. Giving an extra star cause it's miles better than any bro country I've heard in the last decade.
This record is a prime example of music that grows on you with repeated listens. Really dig the album cover. I enjoyed the more folky tracks. This seems to be getting blasted in the reviews and ratings, but I would listen to this over any current Country, Pop or Rap 100% of the time.
Really solid album. Not a bad track on the whole thing. I remember when this came out, Fast Car was everywhere. Glad to have listened to it.
Pretty good album. I think it's only drawback is the CD era bloat. Cut a few tracks and it would be stronger. I feel like I should check out some of their other albums. I like this a bit more than some of the other 90's Brit pop I've gotten from the generator.
Outstanding album. Lots of people have great voices, but not all of them know how to sing. George Michael knows how to sing. This isn't my usually genre, but I appreciate talent. Thoroughly enjoyed it. 5 stars.
Fred Flintstone worked at the quarry. I always wished I had a job where a bird punched my timecard with it's teeth. Oh well. I never really got into Morrissey or the Smiths, not an album I'll revisit but I'm glad I listened to it.
This one's an all timer for me. I got this album because I had a guitar magazine that had the bass tab for Long Distance Runaround in it. It was a lot of fun to play. Chris Squire was a killer player. That fat punchy sound of a Rickenbacker played with a pick, it cuts right through the mix. Excellent album. 5 stars all day.
There were two reasons I didn't listen to this band in the 80's. First, it wasn't heavy metal. Second, their name is silly. In the early 90's I had a roommate that gave me RHCP Freaky Styley. Turns out it was just the cover, it had an Echo and the Bunnymen album inside. I was truly surprised at how much I liked it. I don't remember which album it was, but I know it wasn't this one. This album is good but I think they have better. But that's all subjective innit. This is the style of British New Wave I like. I'll probably dive into the rest of their discography today. Solid.
This album is just ok for me. It's not my genre so I'm not going to spend the time to see if it really belongs in Apple's 100 albums of all time. I'll just listen to it once and believe all the critics and millions of people who say it is. But, Beyonce has been on top for over 20 years, nobody stays on top in the music biz for that long without a ridiculous ass ton of talent and smarts.
This is album 366 for me. Probably my favorite Beatles album. But I also think most of their stuff is 5 star. So year number 2 is starting with a bang on this project. Beep-beep, beep-beep, yeah.
First time I've listened to this band. My kind of weird.
Pretty enjoyable album. I really liked the mellow vocals. I would probably check out the rest of their catalog.
First time listening to Tricky. I enjoy trip hop as a genre in general. The woman singing is the highlight for me. Pretty mellow with a good beat.
One of the greatest debut albums of all time. Every song is great. Knopfler is an exceptional guitarist. Happy to have listened to this one again.
This is really solid 60's Pop music. Probably the first time I've listened to a Monkees album. There aren't any overplayed hits to skip, which makes it that much better. The vocal harmonizing is standout for me. Really enjoyable listen. Just exactly perfect for a summer morning on the patio with coffee.
I'm confused how I missed this album back in '92. I was into a lot of indie and alternative stuff so this would've been right in my wheelhouse. I'm on my 3rd listen and it just gets better. Raw, unpolished and thoroughly enjoyable. Not a single bite has been taken of the commercial apple.
I love 60's psychedelic rock bands from San Francisco like the author of this book loves Bowie and 90's Britpop. Yes, that much. Everything about this album is great. The songs, the vocals, the instrumentation, the cover. When you have Jerry as your musical and spiritual advisor, how can you go wrong?
It's a pleasure to listen to this one again. My sister in law introduced me to this band, along with Avett Brothers, Dawes, Bon Iver and some other Americana folk indie bands that I thoroughly enjoy. I probably would've found these bands on my own sooner or later, but the memories are always better when someone has shared it with you.
While Rap isn't my preferred genre it's obvious this is above average. Whoever put the music samples together did an excellent job. With that and the snippets of old Kung Fu movies it was my favorite aspect of this album.
I had never heard of Gene Clark until this year. Nate Garrett from Spirit Adrift talks this album up on his YT channel. This album kicks ass. A lost masterpiece is right.
Laid back with killer sax and Hammond organ. I have enjoyed this album immensely. I listened to it most of my work day. I used to have his Dynamic Duo CD with Wes Montgomery and that one is good also, but I like this type of blues jazz a little more. Thanks album generator, this one's a real gem.
I think I've heard of this band but never listened to them. That was a mistake on my part. I really enjoyed this album. The horns, the Latin influences, all of it. I spent most of the day listening to this and a lot of their other catalog. The generator gave me a solid today.
This album is wild. It's no easy feat to combine softness and harshness with melody and dissonance and come out with a masterpiece. To my ears, that is exactly what's happened. I listened to this album, then Darklands, then this one again. The melancholic, ethereal vocals are very pleasing to me. There is brilliance in this album, if you take the time to find it. I spent a lot of the day listening to their catalog. The song with Hope Sandoval was a banger. The rest I heard is solid.
Solid album. Much better than his other one I got from the generator. Listening to this on headphones sounds better than my phone or car speakers. A bit long but lots of good tracks on here if you're willing to look for them.
This album is way off the beaten path. I've never heard of Dagmar Krause. She has a great voice. This type of stuff is why I started this project. I don't need to be validated with albums I already know I like. I need albums that push my boundaries and challenge my ears.
Another group I've never heard of. Another great find. This album is exactly the type of stuff I like to listen to while working. I'll be checking out the rest of their catalog. The album generator does me a solid, again.
This album cover looks like every busker on any corner in Asheville, NC. My 2nd Supergrass album on this list. It might be my favourite 90's Britpop album I've gotten so far. Makes me think I should relisten to the other one.
I didn't need to listen to this one again, but I did it anyway. Voted the number one album of all time by Rolling Stone in '20 and I can't say I disagree. A true classic.
The guy playing electric guitar is standout on this album. Nice tone, nice phrasing. The Tex-Mex sound from the accordion adds to the title track also. Solid album, no dud songs. The 37 minute run time is just exactly perfect.
My 2nd Pogues album from the generator. Another enjoyable album full of bangers. Could've had a few more tracks with Kirsty MacColl singing, her tune was a highlight. Makes me wish I was in a pub in Ireland, non stop dance jigs.
Recorded in one session. The chops on this album are fantastic. If you only have a few jazz albums, chances are it's this one and Kind of Blue. This is definitely a heavy hitter in the genre. I think I'll listen to Welcome by Santana after this.
I love the Beatles. All their albums are great. If someone told me Sgt. Pepper's was voted greatest rock album ever, I'd say ok. This shit was musically revolutionary at the time. I keep looking to see if my dogs hear the dog whistle part, so far their ears haven't perked up at all. I wonder if Sir Paul is just messing with us.
First time listening to Grizzly Bear. Their name implies heavier music in my mind. But I enjoy this type of music. It took about 4 listens before I started comprehending it. It's very different but it's obvious each musician is way above average. I wonder how I would've felt about this album when it was new. I wonder if much younger me would've dug this.
Just awesome. I remember having an Uncle play this album for me. This is high quality psychedelic rock. Obviously the title track is the main draw but the rest of the tunes are solid as well.
Even if you took the 4 mega hits off this album it would still be 5 stars. I owned this on vinyl for years and gave it to my son when he moved out. Elton is great, this album is great. An all timer.
XTC seems to be one of those bands that all my favorite musicians love and adore but I've never gotten into. I'm not sure why either. The albums I've heard are really enjoyable, and this one is no exception. The instrumentation and vocal arrangements are strong throughout. The person playing the horns on The Last Balloon are a highlight for me. I listened to the YT upload by SonyTheSquirrel with no interruptions. This album really is a work of art.
Heck yeah. I smiled when this album came up. This one's a familiar friend. I threw Nearly Lost You on plenty of mix tapes back in the day. I've listened to these guys off and on over the last 30 years. It wasn't until Lanegan passed and I revisited their catalog that I really connected. This album is brilliant. It hits the nostalgia trip to a much younger me. This will be on all day.
I only discovered Nick Drake a few years ago. I really enjoy his style of music. Richard Thompson's playing on this is so good I had to look up who it was. It's too melancholy to be everyday listening, but if you're in the mood it's brilliant.
Not sure how this one slipped through. I was listening to tons of stuff like this back then. But I'm hearing it now.Thoroughly enjoyable album. I might check out Husker Du while I'm at it.
Really good album. Great vocals and playing. Horns in rock is a plus for me. And, if you played Woodstock you're in the eternal pantheon of badass.
Great album. British punk at its finest. Thoroughly enjoyable. I'll have to explore the rest of their catalog now.
This is a great album. I think everyone who has listened to Dylan has tried to sing like Dylan at least once in their life. He's a poet for a generation. Just brilliant.
I remember seeing this album in record stores growing up. I went through every album looking for new music, of course I eyeballed this. But this is my first time listening. Just awesome. Doing morning things and this is mostly background, Casanova was the track that caught my attention. Now I'm relistening. This album is pro. All the instrumentation is outstanding, the guitar playing in particular. Thanks album generator. Super Badass.
Synth pop masterpiece. I remember seeing this on cassette when I was at the record store growing up. First time listening all the way through. This whole thing is outstanding. The motorik beat in Seconds is a highlight. I hear a Kraftwerk influence and that's a good thing. Easy 5 stars for me.
This album is wild. I don't think I've listened to Bobby Womack before. Excellent funk music. Nathan East is a great bass player. This is not my general listening so I'm glad the generator threw this my way. This is good to listen to on repeat. Dig it.
There's magic in this album. Always happy to listen to this one again. Thoroughly enjoyable.
Is this the longest album on this project? The sheer scope of this album is wild. People who don't give this a chance because of length are really missing out. There's some really great stuff on here.
This album was a pleasant surprise. Never heard of Jane Weaver before but the motorik beats pulled me in. Thoroughly enjoyable.
I'd be hard pressed to find an album I've listened to more in my life. The live shot of the stadium from behind Lars on the back cover was the 1st time I saw them in concert. Day on the Green 1985. One of the best days of my youth. Of the 400+ albums I've listened to from this project, this might be the best one so far. It's a masterpiece. Fuck it all and fucking no regrets. 5 stars all day.
60's psychedelic rock is where it's at. I've never listened to a Youngbloods album. This has been a pleasant surprise Elephant Mountain is a way above average album and I've enjoyed every aspect. I think the opening track is great. I'll be listening to this all day.
I always dismissed this band because of the name. I have to say I was incorrect with my judgements. I'm on my 3rd listen and there are lots of strong tracks. The space left between the notes creates a great groove. The vocals are outstanding, it's like dueling Princes. Quality art rock.
Really enjoyable album. This type of melancholy was perfect for a Monday. It wasn't on Spotify so I didn't listen as much as I'd like. I'll revisit this one.
I was surprised to see a Slade album on this list. I'd really only heard the Quiet Riot versions of their songs. I enjoyed this a lot. High quality good time rock and roll.
First time I've listened to a T. Rex album. Bolan brings the rock and roll swagger. Thoroughly enjoyable. I listened to some of their other music and I'll be expecting it to pop up soon also. This is the type of stuff I was hoping to get turned on to when I started this project. Solid album and highly influential.
Never heard of this band. Interesting mash up of punk, blues and country. I don't think I've ever heard a band that sounds like this before. Wild stuff.
How do you follow up one of the biggest albums of all time? The music on this is pretty solid. Pretty inescapable when it came out.
Heck yeah. Dig these guys. I've listened to this before and it's a grower. The track Porcupine is a masterpiece. Weird psychedelic for the first half and up tempo rock for the second. I don't put this band on a lot but I really enjoy them when I do. Listen to it until you get it.
This is the stuff. Never heard of Youssou and probably never would have without the album generator. This is why I'm here. Pitche Mi is standout for me. Nice separation of instruments, lots of good grooves. Just exactly perfect for an early Sunday morning.
This album is heartbreaking. I hope I never have to listen to it in the same place he is. This is probably the heaviest album I've gotten on the list. Masterpiece.
I always enjoyed Spy Vs. Spy in Mad magazine. People inflicting chaos on each other wordlessly. This album is a lot like that. I generally like jazz so I enjoyed this, but this is some pretty esoteric stuff.
Never heard of John Martyn before. This is really enjoyable. Lots of different styles going on with this album and they all work pretty well. Glad to have heard this and I'll check out the rest of his catalog.
An all timer. An Uncle gave me and my brother this album when we were kids so I'm very familiar with it. John Paul Jones gives a masterclass on bass playing. If you told me this was their best I wouldn't argue. 5 stars all day.
Punk rock has always been a middle finger to the mainstream. After reading all the pearl clutching comments, this album is still doing that after 40+ years. Lol. Great album.
The mind blowing thing about this album, it's their 9th record and the quality of songwriting is ridiculously high. The amount of killer, all time classic tracks is astounding. The Beatles might be the best band ever. Helter Skelter is heavy heavy. Side note, this is my 420th album. It's 133 minutes long, yesterday's album was 16 minutes long. Man I love the variety of music on this list. The generator keeps giving me great albums. I'm thoroughly enjoying my experience with this project.
That's the funny thing about music. I listened to this band about 8 years ago and thought it was just ok. Listening with today's ears and frame of mind, this is pretty fantastic stuff. Playing guitar through fuzz, delay and reverb pedals to get this shoegazey sound is loads of fun. I've listened through 3 times, now I'm on to their album prior to this one. Really dig the early Pink Floyd influence.
This album rocks. The Full Tilt Boogie Band should've been a household name. It's an odd coincidence I got this album the day after Kris Kristofferson died. Freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose. Janis always has dem ol' kosmic blues. 5 stars all day.
Magazine is one of those bands that lots of people love but I've never listened to. So I'm glad to have gotten this today. Solid album that gets better with repeated listenings.
First time listening to this group. I enjoy melancholy music so I like this. I know he doesn't have the greatest voice but he's expressing his feelings through words and music. It takes a lot of balls to put yourself out there like that, especially when you know people are just going to gripe about it. Glad this was on the list.
Solid album. I like this one better than the last Morrissey album I got. I have yet to get a Smiths album, I'm sure that will change soon.
I've listened to this album so much in my life I know every note. An all time classic where every song is perfect. I don't need to listen to this one again, so I'm going to the Deluxe Box Set to listen to the Day on the Green and Arco Arena shows. Two shows a much younger me attended and both were phenomenal concert experiences. Side note, there's a lot of pearl clutching in the comments. "Boredom sets into the boring mind" I'm looking at you 1 star reviewers.
Absolutely fantastic album. This one was a nice surprise for today. The 'ah-ha' after knowing me knowing you is sung is one of my earliest musical memories. I was about 6 or 7 and at the mercy of what came on the radio and this group always stood out. This is the first time I've listened to an ABBA album in my adult life and I enjoyed every minute of it.
This is wildly unique to anything I've heard. First time listening to this group and I am floored. I'm 428 albums into this project and this banger is easily in the top 20 of what I've heard so far. The vocals and the vocal delivery are outstanding. Brilliant album in my opinion.
60's psychedelic rock from San Francisco is where it's at. I thoroughly enjoyed this album. They played Monterey Pop and Woodstock. What an awesome scene to have been involved in. Great stuff.
If I had a time machine I would travel back to the late 60's and be a Deadhead. A surefire way to get rid of the upright squares is to open your gig with a 20 minute banger. I still miss Jerry.
Tons of groove on this album. Not my normal listen but this was thoroughly enjoyable.
This is my kind of weird. Never listened to this group before. This is the type of stuff I was hoping to discover on this list. Interesting to say the least. I'll have to look into the rest of their catalog.
Great album. One of the few I think is too short. I don't know much about her, but she seemed to have been in a lot of pain while she was here. We lost a talented person when she left. Thoroughly enjoyed listening.
There is not enough praise for this masterpiece. This album is responsible for my lifelong enjoyment of psychedelic rock music. Hendrix is on the Mount Rushmore of guitar greats. Everything about this album is masterful. The guitar, the drums, the bass, the vocals, the songwriting, the production, all of it. One Rainy Wish is at the apex of heavy psych guitar playing for me. Desert island album.
Beck is a musical genius in my book. I'm not as familiar with this as Sea Change or Morning Phase but it's thoroughly enjoyable. This album is a grower, invest some time listening and you'll be rewarded.
Pretty good way to start the week. Dance club music on a Monday morning. Boogie in the kitchen.
This album is groovin'. Great from top to bottom. Thoroughly enjoyed listening.
Here's an esoteric album if I've ever heard one. Musically this is pretty adventurous. I'll bet the energy at a live show is wild. 5 stars for being unique.
Well, that was wild. I think this would've been more appropriately titled if it was His Magic Mushroom Band because this is the sound of tripping.
This is a really solid album. It reminded me a bit of George Michael, which is a good thing. Not really my regular listening but I enjoyed it a lot.
This was unexpectedly awesome. I feel like I've listened to this before. I listen to a lot of ambient/frequency type music and I'm sure Spotify would've recommended this to me. But this is really perfect for walking the dog around the block, before the sun's up and having coffee.
This album looks familiar. I don't remember ever listening though. I really enjoyed the last two songs. These types of drum beats work well for me. I'll probably check out the rest of their catalog.
Perfect album. 5 stars all day.
Listening to this has me saying sacré bleu like Blacque Jacque Shellacque. And sometimes I'll throw in an omelette au fromage for emphasis. A little industrial goes a long way for me but this is enjoyable with just enough quirk.
I was living in Long Beach when this came out. I listened to this a lot that year. Drove up to Hollywood to see Body Count play at the Cathouse. Good times. Solid gangsta rap.
This was pretty inescapable when it came out. The hits were everywhere. Madonna ruled the 80's and this is more proof of why.
Solid indie rock. There's not a skip track on this album. Enjoyable listen.
I thought this was a masterpiece the first time I heard it. I know a bunch of tunes are overplayed, but being tired of a song doesn't make it any less great. Of their first 3 or 4 albums I think this one is the strongest. This album contains some truly brilliant moments. Modern classic.
I don't think I've heard this band. I'm sure I would have passed right over this album if I saw it in the record store. The cover reminds me of Billie Holiday, just close up done in chalk. Solid late 80's new wave.
This guy is an icon for the everyman. In love, in heartache, down on your luck, drunk in a seedy bar with a woman who would leave you for the first bloke with a bottle of gin. If you can't find yourself in a Tom Waits song consider yourself one of the lucky few. Great story telling, great album.
This was the first Prince music I remember hearing. 1999 and Little Red Corvette were pretty inescapable that year. Prince was such a massive talent. I regret not seeing him live. Fantastic stuff.
Behold the beginning. Little Richard influenced everything after him. No Little Richard, no Motorhead.
Another solid album from John Martyn. I really enjoyed the guitar playing on this. I feel like it's coming from a different place than what I normally hear. I'll keep listening to this.
Iconic album. Rightly considered one of the greatest live albums. I miss the album days with one song taking an entire side. Duane was a huge loss for music lovers. Jamming and extended solos all day.
This is some wild shit. A much younger me would've enjoyed this a lot. The guitars are a bit washed out to my ears. So I just focus on the drumming. This isn't my usual listen but I appreciate good musicianship and the drums are standout. The album cover is creepy, like a good metal record should be. The vocals are also good for this style of music.
I didn't know this was the name of the album too. I remember when this song came out it was a smash. This is my first time listening to a Eurythmics album. I always thought Annie Lennox's voice was great. If Sweet Dreams was released today it would still be a hit.
All killer and no filler. Truly excellent album.
Solid album. The guitar playing is standout for me. I like my music with a bit of melancholy and The Smiths deliver.
15 albums in and Bob is still writing bangers. This one might be my favorite of his on the list. The first two songs are always great to hear Jerry Garcia play them. Classic. On this list all day.
This one's an all timer. I generally don't listen to country music, but I'll listen to Johnny Cash.
This was a pleasant surprise. Never heard of Joan Armatrading but I think she's great. A+ vocal work. Thoroughly enjoyed.
I remember when this came out. It was huge. Then they broke up and I was bummed. I think The Police were brilliant. They had a strong 5 album run and went out on top.
I've never heard of Koffi Olomide before. I often enjoy music sung in a different language. Since I don't understand what's being said I focus more on the music and melody. This stuff makes me want to be on a beach.
This list wouldn't exist without this album. It would've been wild to be a kid around this time. One day there's music as you know it and the next day there's Rock and Roll. Set the world on fire. Elvis was the king.
Kraftwerk is awesome. I've only been listening to them for about a decade but I really like the albums I've heard. Thoroughly enjoyable for me.
Another British guy I've never heard of. This one has been a pleasant surprise. It has a great steady vibe throughout. Definitely evening listening.
This is probably the last perfect rock debut album. I remember hearing in the late 80's that Axl and Slash were voted 'most likely to die of unnatural causes' like 3 years in a row. This band should've been my generations Rolling Stones. Drugs and egos fucked that up though. This album is proof that nothing exceeds like excess. Game changer and total banger.
This is the type of stuff I was hoping for in this project. Great music that I probably wouldn't have heard otherwise. Thoroughly enjoyable. Will listen to again.
Pure magic. This is a candidate for albums I wish I could hear again for the first time. When Edward starts tapping in Eruption you realize he was better than everyone else. By a lot. This album is absolutely perfect. In my top 10 from this whole list. Pure magic. If you give this less than 5 stars you're only semi good looking.
Easily my favorite Neil album. The live stuff with Crazy Horse around this time is also great. Listening to this and I'm back on a couch playing Madden '93 on Sega. Good times.
The impact these Beatles albums have had on the music I've listened to in my life is immeasurable. Jerry Garcia saw A Hard Day's Night in the theater and decided he wanted to be a musician. No Jerry, no Grateful Dead. Immeasurable.
I've never heard of Orbital before. Not my usual listening, but another nice find from the generator.
Solid album. Good vocals. If you put Ms. Dynamite on and can't get any action it's not Ms. Dynamite's fault.
Straight out the gate with some AC/DC guitar chord stylings. This album would fit in well in the late 80's. Sounds like they're having fun, which is the whole point of rock and roll.
Solid album. Nice vocals. I enjoyed the whole thing. Not my usual listening but I wouldn't turn it off.
I only started listening to this album about a decade ago. I didn't understand what the fuss was about and it took a few listens before I started to get it. This isn't an album I would've liked when I was younger. But know I think it's in the super badass category. I hear a lot of influence on things I've listened to over the years. Peter Hook has some killer basslines. 5 stars all day.
I'm sure I've heard Lucinda before, but this is my first time knowingly listening to her. I think this is stellar. This type of 70's Laurel Canyon Americana is all right by me and it's about as Country as I want to get. There's a Neil Young/Sheryl Crow/Tom Waits vocal delivery in some melodies that I find really enjoyable. This album is a find. Sidenote; I try to only read 5 star reviews. It's nice to read how these albums have had a positive impact on peoples lives. Music is great.
11/25/87 was the first time I saw Megadeth live. 37 years to the day the generator kicks this album out. What are the odds? I also saw them on this tour opening for Judas Priest. Still one of the best concerts I've seen. This album is about perfect. Easily in the top 20 greatest metal albums of all time. 5 stars all day.
Solid album. Some all time classics on this one. If you're looking for a little Americana country rock this is tough to beat.
This put a smile on my face when it came up. First time I heard Tom Waits I was blown away. I enjoyed this album tremendously for several reasons. 5 stars.
Albums like this are why I signed up for this project. I would have never heard something like this in my own. Album cover looks like young Brendan Frazier opening a Pepsi. The upbeat repetitive nature of the drum beats was my favorite part.
This album was huge for me when it came out. I think it's Lars best drumming. Hetfield's vocals are ferocious. I saw this tour in Irvine on a Thursday, went to Hollywood the next day to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and back to Irvine on Saturday to see Metallica again. I went to work in the morning after all three shows. To be young again. Good times. Every song is perfect. 5 stars all day.
Lana is not my usual listening. But my kid has been listening to her for a long time. If he thinks she's great, then she's probably great. Solid album. Great vocals. I enjoyed this one.
This is my first time listening to a Moby album. It's interesting, I usually prefer my electronic music to be a little more ambient. It's difficult to make a record that is as equally interesting to pay attention to or have on as background sound. I think this album walks that line pretty well. I enjoyed the blues music samples. The blues is where it's at.
I came in on Facelift and thought that was great. Then this came out. Goodnight nurse. A masterpiece of the 90's. I saw them in '93 at Lollapalooza and should've seen them in '94. By then Layne's issues were causing show cancellations. This album was superb then and still holds up now. Makes me want to play Madden '93 on Sega.
Solid album. I like the raw, demo feel it has. A lot of songs seem like they could fit into a 90's iPod commercial with the black silhouette and bright background colors. Fuzz. Blues. Garage. Killer.
Solid album. Great vocals. Really strong indie rock album. I'm glad I listened to this.
First time listening to Talvin Singh. Interesting stuff. I appreciated the blending of world styles. Not my usually listen but I'm glad I heard it.
Interesting album. I'm not sure why this is labeled electronica. But this is the type of stuff I'm here for. Albums that I would never have heard. The mighty generator comes through again.
The cover really matches the music. I've never listened to this group. I am sure I would've passed over this because of the band name had the opportunity presented itself. This album is a pleasant surprise. This type of spacey pop with reverb layered vocals is exactly what I'm looking for. Adding this to the playlist.
Solid album. I remember when this came out. First time I've listened to it all the way through. Not really my thing back then. Holding Back the Years is an all time classic. I enjoyed just about everything from this pick. Extra stars for the nostalgia.
This one hits right in the feels. I've never listened to this album but I had a friend who was a big fan in Jr. High. I miss her. Great vocals, great drumming. All the songs seem like they were having fun. Good times.
Banger. Probably in the top 5 best albums of the decade. The hits are killer. The deep tracks are killer. 5 stars all day.
This is one of the weirder albums I've heard. I'm glad I was here for it.
Solid album. I've only known about this group recently but I like what I've heard. I'll keep digging into their catalog. Thanks generator.
Great early Stones album. Another example of why they're the greatest rock and roll band of all time. I like the Mick Taylor albums better but this is classic stuff.
I've known about this band my whole life but I never listened to them. I feel like I'm hearing KISS, Twisted Sister and all my other favorite hair metal bands from the 80's. This album cover really has it all. Platform boots, roller skates, platform clogs. As a young boy in the 70's I really liked the fashion, I had a great pair of corduroy bell bottom pants. When the times were groovy.
Kick ass vocals. I enjoyed this quite a bit for a band I'd never heard of. This type of music was popular at this time, I'm surprised they weren't bigger.
The whole lo-fi chill vibe is awesome. Paul is the only Beatle I've seen live. McCartney is a musical genius. This is my 500th album on this list. Perfect.
High quality New Wave. I've heard of this band but never really listened before. Thoroughly enjoyable 80's sounds that I hated then but love now. Extra stars for the nostalgia trip.
A fantastic album. This is one I own on vinyl so I didn't need to listen to it again, but I did anyway. Mayall's first three albums are masterpieces of British blues. He had an ear for talent. The blues is where it's at.
This one is wild. I have a thing for psychedelic rock and this one ticks a lot of boxes. Just for the sake of being weird. I'm here for this.
Solid album. The rhythm section is tight. This album sounds like some highly skilled musicians having fun. No bite of the commercial apple has been taken. Another good discovery from the generator.
Heck yeah. 5am. 32 degrees. Walking the best dog around the block. Drinking coffee. Listening to techno. I felt so European. Playing on loop.
Essential punk masterpiece. Lots of things to like about this album if you're looking for something off the beaten path. A real nice Sunday listen.
Easily the most accessible Joni album I've heard. I prefer her jazzier albums with Jaco but that takes nothing away from this one. Really enjoyable listening.
Wild album. Relax was a smash hit and you couldn't get away from it. They sound like they're having a good time making this album. Extra stars for the nostalgia trip.
This time last year I got a Phil Spector Christmas album. That one was awesome. This one is awesome. I was 11 when this came out so it wasn't on my radar. I did see the Rollins Band with Gwar in '90. A memorable gig for sure. This banger is good aggressive fun. Classic Punk.
Wild album. I appreciate the ambitiousness the artist is trying to pull off. 20 minute opening tracks are usually reserved for 70's prog rock albums. Not my usual listen but still enjoyable.
This one's a pleasant surprise. Never heard of Shack before but I enjoyed this a lot. I'll probably check out the rest of their catalog. Thanks generator.
Creep show album cover. I didn't pay any attention to this when it came out. So this is my first listen. Better than Nine Inch Nails but not as good as White Zombie is what I am hearing. Solid album and pretty good for industrial groove nu metal. The Beautiful People is a banger. I put on some 963hz meditation frequencies after this to balance out.
Good listen. I like this type of repetitive background muzak vibe. Jacob Street 7am and Chapel Street Market 9am were standout for me. I'm glad I listened to this album today. Don't read 1 star reviews, they'll warp your mind.
Outstanding album. The opening bass riff to Peace Sells is classic. I can't tell you how many times I've listened to this. Part of the soundtrack of my youth. 5 stars all day.
Solid album. Not a country music fan but Bonnie transcends the genre with her outstanding vocals and guitar playing. I could go for an entire album of tunes like The Road's My Middle Name.
Never listened to this band. I enjoyed the vocals a lot. Solid rock album. I'll check out their other albums as well.
Eminem's rap game has always been above average. Hip Hop isn't my usual genre but the beat and flow of this album is good. I did see him at Bonnaroo some years back and his show was great. Not something I'll listen to much but I enjoyed it.
This was awesome. Never heard of either Willie or Ruben but I thoroughly enjoyed this album. I kept expecting a Santana guitar solo to happen. Killer rhythms, killer horns, killer bass. Samba party.
Groovy album. This is so far outside what I normally listen to. Thank you generator for turning me on to something new and different.
Heck yeah. This album kicks ass. I was a freshman when People Are People came out. I had a girlfriend that would play it while we were making out. Lots of Depeche Mode and Simple Minds. Huge thanks for the wonderful nostalgia trip, the generator always comes through. All the stars.
Solid album. My loves JT. I bought her tickets to see him last November. Happy wife happy life. 5 stars.
BEHOLD THE BEGINNING!!!. It's hard for me to quantify the importance of this album in my life. Walking to school in '82 and stopping at a friend's house and he played The Prisoner and TNOTB for me. It blew my mind and was a real before and after moment. Iron Maiden has been my favorite band ever since. This is the soundtrack of my youth.
I don't listen to a lot of hip hop, but when I do it's Public Enemy. Everyone needs a hype man like Flavor Flav. Bring the noise.
Three all time classic tunes on this album are worth the price of admission. The rest of it is solid as well. Considering the mountains of blow these guys did, it's a wonder any of them made it out of the 70's. The Eagles were killer.
Solid album. I enjoy this type of laid back music. The vocals match it perfectly. Nice way to slide into the weekend.
I saw the RHCP in '89 at the Hollywood Palladium. I was 18 and had mostly gone to see the opening band the Butthole Surfers. Good times. When this came out I was all about it. John Frusciante puts on a guitar clinic. Just outstanding playing. One of the few albums that stays interesting throughout it's lengthy runtime. This album is a masterpiece in my opinion.
Never heard of Finley before but I like Reggae a lot. This is perfect music to start my Sunday even though it is 11 degrees out. I really dig the basslines. Funky, melodic and in the pocket. Groovy stuff.
Solid album. Wasn't sure what to expect and enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. Not my usual listen but I'm glad I heard it.
I remember being disappointed the first time I heard this. I was a fan of his earlier work and this was not that. Fast forward 25 years and I am able to appreciate this a lot more. I enjoy just about everything he's done. Tom Waits is a national treasure in my book.
This has been the first Cohen album I've gotten that I really enjoyed. The guitar on the opening track pulled me right in. I've never owned any of his albums but this one might change that. Highly recommended if you're looking for a singer songwriter album.
The only way to feel the noise is when it's good and loud. I hope the fine people who attended these gigs realize they saw something special. Motorhead has been a favorite band of mine for over 40 years. This is the soundtrack of my life. Just in case.
Early Bowtie is tough to beat. Changes is an all time classic. This is a solid album all the way through. An easy 5 stars in my book.
There's a reason this album is usually in the top 10 on any best ever list. Including this one. This influenced the direction of music in my opinion. Like a lot of Beatles albums, it's my favorite when I'm listening to it. And Paul McCartney, he's one of the best bassists ever. The horn section in Get You into My Life is outstanding. 35 minutes of perfection.
This is 2nd Sunday in a row the Generator has given me a reggae album. Total banger. The Wailers really are the apex of Reggae music. I listen to a lot of this type of music and this band is simply the best. All the deep tracks are where it's at. If Aston "Family Man" Barrett isn't in your top 10 all time bass players we probably can't be friends. 5 stars all day, everyday.
I've always dug this kind of music. The guitar playing is way above average. Pretty impressive considering this is a 4 track demo. Outstanding album.
Solid album. Eno is massively creative with his music. I really like his ambient stuff, but this is great too.
This motherfucking album is a good motherfucking time. Rock against ass motherfuckers.
Wild album. I've never listened to this band before. I think this is really good and I enjoyed just about all of it. There's a lot to take in and it requires multiple listens. Solid Shoegaze and Britpop stylings.
My 2nd Cohen album in 10 days. I like this one just as much as the other one. Leonard has really grown on me. He's really a great song writer.
If this album doesn't make you smile when it comes up, that's too bad, because it's a masterpiece. I've owned this lp for years but I don't remember where I got it and it doesn't have a cover. I've listened to it a lot though. 540 albums in with the generator and this one's a highlight.
I'm a fan of Steve's work in Traffic and Blind Faith. I like this a lot too. The fact he plays every instrument on this album showcases what a major talent he is. Steve Winwood is so good that whatever he decides to play, I'm along for the ride.
Great album. Never listened to Machito before but I really enjoyed this. This type of album is exactly what I'm looking for in this project. 5 stars all day.
Kick ass. I burned a lot of brain cells while playing Madden '93 on Sega listening to this album. It's not very edifying lyrically, but that's not really the point of gangsta rap. But it is entertaining and has some good beats. Snoop is definitely the highlight.
Never listened to this band before. I was pleasantly surprised by this. I played it three times and it got better every listen. Really solid Britpop. Highly recommended.
Brian May's guitar tone is outstanding. I've never been a big Queen fan but I recognize everyone in this band is a musical genius. They have some of the best songs from the 70's. 5 stars all day.
A perfect album. It's not my favorite Van album, but it's probably his best. This was a really good listen today.
Solid album. Never really listened to them, so this was a pleasant surprise. High quality electronic pop music.
Every gym bro had this playing while pumping iron in the late 90's. It was a smash hit. I wonder how differently this album would be seen if Bobby Shazam had a better world-view. I hadn't heard anything except the first two bangers. If your favorite album couldn't beat this one to get on the list, you should probably question your listening choices.
This album is awesome. Iconic album cover. Tons of groove and swagger. Electric Warrior is where it's at.
I really enjoy 70's prog rock. It was a great time for musicians making epic music. ELP were at the top of the heap. Fantastic band. Thoroughly enjoyable.
Nick Cave is an odd dude. I think this is my 4th or 5th album by him so far. For me, he has one of the best and one of the worst albums on this list. This one's good and gets better with repeated listens.
Far and away my favorite Dylan I've gotten on this list. The opening track might be my favorite song of his. Another classic. 5 stars all day.
Whoever did the cover got it right cause this album is the bomb. Thoroughly enjoyable listening. Every track.
In for a penny, in for a pound. Spending 3 hours with Ella is no hardship. Listening to this reminds me of being with my Grandma. Luckily I got this album on a Saturday and I'm able to relax with coffee. This is an outstanding collection of tunes. The Gershwin brothers knew how to write a tune.
While the title of this album is a mouthful, this whole thing is groovy. It's impossible to not have some body part moving rhythmically while this is playing. Sidenote; it's nice to see all the positive 5 star reviews for this record.
Solid album. This guy had a strong set of pipes. Above average vocals in my opinion. I've listened to this a few times over the years, I really enjoyed it today.
Fantastic album. I really enjoyed this. I'm thankful for this type of music The generator threw me a solid today. 5 stars all day for me.
Easily my favorite Bowie album. I think every track is great. I bought this album for $1 at a swap meet in the late 80's. Listened to it for years and then gave it to my son in the late 10's. Masterpiece.
I'm not familiar with this Neil album. I'm always amazed when a singer with an ok voice is able to pull emotions out of you. It's a real gift. Bluesy, raw and gritty. This album is right up my alley.
Heck yeah. TLC on Valentine's Day. Banger. This isn't my usual listen but this group was obviously very good at what they do. Consistently strong throughout.
Pummeling. In the first 30 seconds you know exactly what you're going to get. This album is ingrained in my psyche. There are some of the greatest metal songs ever on this record. The Raining Blood riff is a masterpiece, and then the drums kick in. Perfect dog walking music at 5am on a Saturday.
As far back as I can remember, Steely Dan was playing on the radio. I always thought it was great. But I thought Disco was great, so what do I know. The band really gets after it. The musicianship and songwriting is masterful. These guys wrote perfect songs, just brilliant stuff. 5 stars all day.
Kick ass. Never listened to this band before. I really enjoyed the energy of these songs. The vocals were great and the sax was a plus. The generator threw me a solid today.
An all timer. I didn't need to listen to this but I did it anyway. Bon Scott was one of a kind and music became a little less entertaining when he died. Long live AC/DC. 5 Star classic all day
This is a weird one for me. This wasn't the type of music I listened to back then. The release date of this album is the same week I got my drivers license, so that brought the nostalgia trip. But my bunny died yesterday, so I listened to this album while blubbering in my kitchen this morning. I listened through twice but I had Look On Down From The Bridge by Mazzy Star running through my head the whole time.
Never heard of this group before. There's a lot of good music on this album. The guitar playing on the opening track is pretty tasty. I really enjoyed the vocals from both singers. I'm glad the generator gave me this album today.
This album kicks ass. Right from the opening bass and drums this was exactly what I needed. Dig the guitars, lots of swagger in the vocals. I enjoyed this album a lot.
I was not familiar with Laura Nyro, but I'm glad I am now. Way above average vocals, really nice layering. The band is on fire too. Everything from top to bottom on this album is professional. This is exactly what I'm looking for from this project. Top notch.
This is the 3rd Kinks album from the generator and it's easily my favorite. I didn't realize Sunny Afternoon was theirs, it's a banger. Every track is solid and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this. Nicky Hopkins on piano is always a bonus.
If there was a list of albums I wish I could hear again for the first time, this would be at the top. Floyd is one of my favorite bands and this album is a masterpiece. Easy 5 stars for an all time classic
Solid rock and roll album. I hear how this band influenced other bands, namely AC/DC and Quiet Riot. This isn't the type of rock I revisit much these days, but this is pretty strong.
Kick ass album. Never really listened to this band but this groovy. I'll bet this was a good time live when they were young and hungry. I enjoyed this album a lot.
It's been years since I listened to this. I like it a lot more now. But my appreciation for Floyd and psychedelic music has grown over time. Shine on Syd. Without you I wouldn't have some of my favorite music. 5 stars all day.
Nothing receives backlash like excellence. Everything about this album is a masterpiece. This is what I'm here for with the generator. Just outstanding. A modern classic. 5 stars all day.
Solid album. I think I've heard a few of their songs but never a full album. This is exactly the type of thing I'm looking for in this list. I don't need 1001 albums I've heard already, I need 1001 albums that will expand my already massive obsession with music. This album does that. 5 stars from me.
This album kicks ass. I had only heard the hits on the Oldies station but the whole album is solid. I'm a big fan of 60's garage/psychedelic rock and this ticks all the boxes.
Pretty crushing. I used to have Chaos A.D. and Arise but this is my first listen to this banger. I don't listen to this style of metal much anymore, but this album makes me want to stage dive into a mosh pit. 5 stars for the heaviness.
Who's the black private dick that's a sex machine to all the chicks? Anyone who gives this less than 3 stars knows their chick would rather be eating chocolate salty balls then their limp bizkit. Laid back funk and groove for days on this album. You're damn right this is 5 stars.
I only know Skip Spence through Moby Grape. Their Grape Jam album is a favorite. I've always been fascinated with an artists ability to get the words and sounds from their mind out into the world as a tangible piece of art. This album is from a person who's obviously struggling. It's really a bummer, he was very talented.