Truth And Soul
FishboneWHERE HAS THIS ALBUM BEEN ALL MY LIFE??? Funk, prog rock, ska, punk, word this band was created in a lab for me. Favorite tracks: Ma and Pa, Bonin' in the Boneyard
WHERE HAS THIS ALBUM BEEN ALL MY LIFE??? Funk, prog rock, ska, punk, word this band was created in a lab for me. Favorite tracks: Ma and Pa, Bonin' in the Boneyard
The amount of Tom Waits in this exercise is making me fucking hate Tom Waits
Another. UK. Electronica. Act. How??? And here I am asking myself again with one of these albums: what is the fucking point? It's repetitive bullshit. There's no musical value to it. It sounds like rap beats without a rapper. There is no genre that is overrepresented more in this book than this.
Me every time a new track started on this album: wow, this is the coolest song I've ever heard in my life. Ultimately, City, Country, City was when I knew I loved this album, so that'll go down as my favorite here
I had very low expectations going into this, and the actuality of this album is why I love this exercise so much. This album was awesome, and it took legitimately awesome instrumentation to bring out the psychedelic vibes here. This album will definitely be in my rotation going forward. Favorite track: You'll Have to Go Sideways
I could have listened to this album on repeat all day. Favorite track: Niki Hoeky
Really liked this album a lot. Good variety between the tracks. Favorite track: Moods for Moderns
Album was a nice listen. Very relaxing music and interesting instrumentals. Not the type of music I would go back to too often, but I'm glad I listened to it. Favorite track: Ragged Wood
This album really didn't interest me at all. Vocals were pretty bland and instrumentals were nothing to write home about. Favorite track: Victory
I loved this album. It feels wrong to categorize this into any one genre because the styles were so variable from song to song. The jazz/ska vibes on I Can't Help Myself is what confirmed my love of this album. Favorite tracks: I Can't Help Myself, A Million Pleading Faces
Big surprise: the album is very good. Favorite track: Things We Said Today
Album absolutely slaps. I could listen to all 7 basslines all day. Favorite track: Keep on Chooglin'
This album left me pretty disappointed unfortunately. Very little variety between the tracks, both in terms of vocals and instrumentals. Favorite track: My Life
What a fantastic album. Can't beat the funk-soul fusion. Favorite track: Sex Machine
Wow, what an incredible album. I'm shocked that I'd never heard of Joan Armatrading until today, but she will certainly be in the regular rotation going forward. Her voice is so powerful and dulcet at the same time on this record--I can't get enough of it. Really glad I got to listen to this. Favorite track: Join the Boys
The album slaps. American Girl is my favorite track on it. Alright, now to listen to the album. His music probably has my favorite vibes of any artist ever. A genuine pleasure to listen to every time.
This album is a strange one to me. It is very obvious why it's made the list: the music is objectively beautiful and extremely well produced. But for some reason, I'm not enjoying it? It almost feels like an AI reproduction of all the things that it takes to make a beautiful album, but it cannot produce the feeling and emotion that goes into it. None of the tracks stood out to me in a way to have me pick a favorite one.
She is indeed dead. Favorite track: The Queen is Dead
One of my favorite vocalists ever, and his voice cuts through so cleanly on this album. But, this album left me kind of disappointed. Decent music, but nothing terribly interesting to me. Favorite track: Sweet Thing
Folk music just isn't for me, I'm afraid. He sounds like he's bored while singing the songs. No favorite tracks.
Really enjoyable album, very pleasant listening experience. Favorite track: Draft Morning
Genuinely have no idea how anybody can find this enjoyable. This barely even registers as music to me. I wish I could give it a 0
I'll always appreciate U2 because regardless of how divisive the opinions on them are, you can't deny that they have a unique sound to them, and it is fully on display in this album. Overall, I really enjoyed it a lot. Favorite tracks: Even Better Than The Real Thing and Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses
Simply incredible. Was not expecting this level of funk in the album, but I love that it was this funky. Favorite track: Funky Music Sho Nuff Turns Me On
Loved this album. Turns out the way to make folk music actually interesting is just making it easy rock instead. Favorite track: Caledonia Mission
This album is an interesting one because I don't really have many problems with it, and I found myself moderately enjoying it. But it also doesn't really move me much either. Favorite track: A Strange Day
This album is quite a journey. Really cool instrumentals throughout and it raises still-poignant points about American culture. But the vocals are (intentionally) jarring and makes it pretty difficult to enjoy listening to most of the album. Favorite tracks: Wowie Zowie, Trouble Every Day
Went into this album expecting to hate it. But this was wonderful. Favorite track: Pounding
What a fucking masterpiece of an album. Incredible instrumentals and vocals throughout. Picking one favorite track here feels sacrilegious, but Mr. Blue Sky has always been my favorite from ELO
Album is obviously way too long. However, if there is a version of country I can handle, it is bluegrass. The songs without lyrics were the best ones. Favorite tracks: Nashville Blues, Orange Blossom Special
Wow, that was awesome. Terminator X was in his bag the entire album. Every single beat was just incredible. Favorite track: She Watch Channel Zero?!
I've really grown to enjoy jam bands a lot over the years, and this is no exception. The instrumentals are superb throughout the album. Favorite track: Flight of the Rat
Overwhelmingly dull and pointless apart from a couple tracks. Favorite track: Bert's Blues
Very cool album. Both the covers and originals were equally impactful and showed the versatility of Indian music. Favorite track: Indra Dance
Excellent album from an excellent band. Favorite track: Drivin'
Just awesome. Really fun to listen to. Favorite track: Reddy Teddy
Just incredible music in this album. I think like this even better than Are You Experienced. Favorite track: If 6 was 9
I really enjoyed this album quite a bit. Usually solo performers in this genre tend to bore me, but the singing and instrumentals really created beautiful, interesting music. Favorite track: Stupidity Tries
*Russell Westbrook eating gif* Favorite track: Blood on the Leaves
The music on this album is interesting, but it is also awfully difficult to listen to. Favorite track: Little Red Riding Hood Hit the Road
Just awesome. Favorite track: Immigrant Song
Pretty insane how many hits came from this album. Another thing that's pretty insane: Adele's voice. Favorite track: Rumour Has It
Hell yeah. Favorite track: Loose
Decent album with some interesting trippy bits. Favorite track: Mass Production
This album sucked. Jefferson Airplane is not a good band beyond their odd hits. This album perfectly encapsulates this. Favorite track: White Rabbit
This was very pleasant to listen to. Can't pick a favorite track because I had to listen to the album straight through without time markers
Absolutely love Solange's voice, and the album has an extremely powerful message. However, from a pure musical standpoint, not much stood out to me as interesting, or at least not as much as I was hoping for. Favorite track: F.U.B.U.
Hot take: Aretha Franklin's voice is good. Favorite track: Soul Serenade
This album was a fantastic with themes that could have been written in 2022. Latin fusion sound is very underrated. Favorite track: Dejame En Paz
Glorified slam poetry
Absolutely pointless
Yes, it is too long. But it's an absolute pleasure to listen to. Favorite track: Master of Puppets
This album is so fucking good. This Eric Clapton guy might have a future on the guitar. Such diverse and interesting blues themes in the instrumentals. Favorite tracks: Hideaway, What'd I Say, Have You Heard
This album was really cool. Appropriately named too, with the mix of African and Latin American sounds in the musicals. Favorite track: O Filósofo
Nothing more than background music for me. Favorite track: Ce Matin-Là
Was not expecting to like this at all, but it was decent. Favorite track: Percy's Song
This album was delightful. Not at all what I was expecting to hear going into it. Favorite track: Irganda
This album fucking sucks. Leonard Cohen is impossible to listen to. The ending to Sing Another Song, Boys is, bar none, the worst attempt at music I've ever heard
Fun album. Favorite track: Jump Boys
Best country album of all time. Favorite track: Cocaine Blues
This was decent. Very well produced and performed, it just becomes a bit monotonous. The linkage between honky tonk and jazz is nice. Favorite track: Lonely Street
Decent album, but not very memorable or interesting beyond Good Times
The instrumentals on this album were nice. But why was every song about sex? Favorite track: Mis-Shapes
Gotta be a pretty special singer-songwriter album to keep my attention. If the rest of the album was like the ending to Slide Show, this rating would have been higher
Fun album. Favorite track: Memphis
Album starts off very strongly, but it tails off quite a bit by the end. Favorite track: My Winding Wheel
This is the best album ever written. The best song on it is Longview. Alright, time to listen to the album several hundred times
Yep. Favorite track: Don't Stop Til You Get Enough
PJ Harvey just doesn't do anything for me. At least the instrumentals were more interesting than Dry.
Idk man I just like U2. Favorite track: Elevation
Really like these guys. Favorite track: Hypnotised
This album was a pure vibe. Very, very interesting musically. Favorite track: Mentira
Instrumentals are awesome during the peaks of the album. Vocals are nothing to write home about. I wish the middle of the album was as interesting as the beginning and end. Favorite track: You Set the Scene
This album was awesome. Favorite track: This Hollywood Life
No...just, no
There's no chance I'd like this normally, but it was a vibe while ****
I just love this album so much
An album by Leonard Cohen that's actually decent! Favorite track: Take This Waltz
This album was fantastic. Lorde is a great performer and writer. Favorite track: Hard Feelings/Loveless
Slipknot is too far into the metal spectrum for me. Favorite track: Wait and Bleed
Beautiful album. Just beautiful. Love jazz. Favorite track: The Bottle
Album was decent. Nothing terribly interesting to me, but it was an enjoyable listen. Favorite track: Thorn of Crowns
Great band, but not that great of an album beyond I Wanna Be Your Dog honestly
Man, this was just too damn weird. There are some cool parts where the weirdness works, but far too much of it is bad weird. And the album is too long. Favorite track: Call on Me
This album was cool at moments, but it drags on for a while. Favorite track: Flying
Great album, very enjoyable from front to back. Favorite track: Re-Instated
This album didn't really move me at all sadly. Favorite track: WeFight/WeLove
Just not for me I'm afraid
This album was awesome. I'm not sure that I would categorize it as metal like they do during it, but it's great hard rock. Really fun to listen to. Favorite track: Steeler
The album is way too long, and for some reason it didn't really interest me all that much despite having many of the elements I'm usually drawn to. Favorite track: Mystery Achievement
Love you, Rod, but this wasn't your best work sadly. Favorite track: You're My Girl
Love albums like this. Brilliantly performed, brilliant soul. Favorite track: Chain Gang
So much of this album feels like background music to a video game. No thanks. Favorite track: Rough Out Here
This album largely stunk outside of the hits. Really disappointed in this. Favorite track: Give It Away
All the covers of classics on this album are significantly worse than their original versions, and the originals are nothing to write home about. I really just can't do folk music at all. Favorite track: El Preso Numero Nueve
This album started out strongly, then quickly became everything I hate about Indie music, and then ended strongly. So I guess overall I liked it. Favorite track: While You Wait For The Others
Fuck yeah. The Blues God. And he proved it here. Favorite track: Baby, Please Don't Go
I think I liked this album? Not much resonated with me early, but the album does really hit it's stride as it goes on. Favorite track: Gut of the Quantifier
The highs on this album are quite high, but the large majority of it didn't move me very much. Favorite track: Life During Wartime
Beautiful, legendary stuff here
Pretty good album. Hits are great, rest of tracks are decent. Favorite track: Can't You Hear Me Knocking
Pretty cool album. Was a little on the fence at the start, but it really hit its stride on the back half. Favorite track: The Day After the Revolution
Fun, poppy album. Favorite track: Girls Just Want to Have Fun
One of the most interesting albums I've ever heard. Peter Gabriel and Phil Collins together was always going to lead to something like this. Favorite track: I Know What I Like
It's like this band was created for me in a lab. Favorite track: Josie
Turns out folk music in a foreign language doesn't help
Every song sounds the exact same, and that's not a good thing here. Favorite track: Holiday in Cambodia since it's the only one I've listened to more than once
Hurt proves that the songwriting is great. But dear god the performance of all the other songs is beyond unlistenable. Pure cacophony Trent Reznor was right though: Johnny Cash did make Hurt his song
Very weird album that I strangely liked. The singing didn't do a whole lot for the album, but the instrumentation was really cool. Favorite track: Where is Yesterday
This album was alright. The Cure don't really move me too much, but this was fine to listen to. Favorite track: Fascination Street
The beats/instrumentals are really cool. The lyrics leave much to be desired though. Favorite track: tonite
Don't overthink it: legendary album from a great band. Favorite track: London Calling. Favorite track non-London Calling division: The Card Cheat
This album was pretty cool. The unique instrumentation definitely worked for me, and it didn't feel weird for the sake of being weird. Favorite track: If They Move, Kill 'Em
JAZZ. Favorite track: Mambo Gozon
Very unique album, and I enjoyed it. Using an orchestra in this setting really enhances an album when used correctly, and they did. Favorite track: Someone
Absolute masterpiece of an album. Not as good as Dookie, but damn close. It's funny that this album was just fun pop music to me in 5th grade, but now I can appreciate it as one with genuinely poignant points about life. Favorite track: Give Me Novacaine / She's a Rebel
Not much for me in this album. Didn't find myself all that interested outside of here and there. Favorite track: Grounds for Divorce
Nothing interesting to me here. Favorite track: Time
Some decent moments here and there, but mostly noise. Favorite track: Let's Run
Once again, no need to overthink this. It's obviously a great album. Favorite track: Drive My Car
Second time listening to this album, and my opinion is largely the same. This is my favorite Byrds album so far, and My Back Pages is my favorite track
Masterpiece. I'm only halfway through right now, and picking a favorite track is going to be extremely difficult. Favorite tracks: When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You; Is That Enough
Folk is just so painfully bad to listen to
An Irish folk album is not at all what I was expecting here. Album was decent, some fun moments. Favorite track: The Sick Bed of Cuchulainn
Love the instrumentation of this band. Liked this album. Favorite track: Razor Boy
First time listening to a Grateful Dead album, and it won't be my last. Love the sound, love the harmonies, love the diversity in writing across the different songs. Favorite track: Box of Rain
Very good album. This is not my typical music preference, but beauty is beauty. Favorite track: Baby Driver
Of course this is good. Favorite track: Judy Blue Eyes
I've said this before, but this album reminds me so much of Random Access Memories. Very cool, advanced album for its time. Favorite track: Juxtapozed with U
Best Cure album I've had so far, but still don't find myself all that moved by it. Favorite track: Play for Today
Really interesting pop album here. Their voices get a little dreary to listen to over the course of an entire album, but the instrumentation is cool. Favorite track: The Working Hour
How about that, a singer-songwriter album that doesn't sound like a pretentious dickhead moaning while playing a single guitar. This album was worth my time with well-arranged instrumentals. Favorite track: We're Not Right
I am in physical pain listening to this. Dear god make it stop
Legitimately had no idea what to expect with this album, but it was wonderful. Sounds like LCD Soundsystem with more rock elements included. Favorite track: Sway
Would be fun to hear in a pub. Doesn't belong anywhere near this list however.
Extremely unexpected direction for a Velvet Underground album, but it was quite enjoyable. This is also by far the best Lou Reed's singing voice has ever sounded to me. It is apparent to see why this band was so influential. Favorite track: I'm Set Free
Genuinely annoyed that I find myself kinda enjoying this. Favorite track: Diesel Power
Interesting. The valleys in this album are very low, but the highs in it are very high. Tie goes to my overall vibe for the album, which is positive
Wonderful. Just beautifully performed jazz. Favorite track: Street Life
Interesting to have my first Willie Nelson album be a cover album, but it was great all the same. Favorite track: All of Me
Back to back days with Willie Nelson, but this one just reveals why I don't enjoy most country music sadly. Favorite track: Can I Sleep in Your Arms
So that's why Chef got laid so often. Favorite track: Hyperbolicsyllabicsesquedalymistic
Absolutely legendary. Favorite original: About a Girl, favorite cover: The Man Who Sold the World
Really nice moments in here that I appreciate more than usual from Bruce. But overall, too much of the same criticisms land here for me. Namely the feeling of inauthenticity. Favorite tracks: Worlds Apart, You're Missing
This album feels like a corporation covering their bases on the latest social trend. It's absolutely an important message that deserves to be enshrined in culture through music. That's my problem with this album. There are a handful of high, powerful, musically interesting peaks (Eternal Life comes to mind immediately), but most of it just feels bland and no real attempt to make art of the message.
Nothing much interesting to me here. Like The Band, but this was too much on the folk side rather than the rock side. Favorite track: Look Out Cleveland
Just a thoroughly boring album pretty much from start to finish here. The Scientist is one of the most confoundingly popular songs of all time. Clocks is the only song worth any time here, and even that was pushing it once the rest of the album put me in a bad mood
Boring, just like every other singer-songwriter album in this experiment
Just an outstanding album full of incredibly composed music. Cannot get enough of the instrumentals here. Favorite track: Stranger to Himself
Some cool moments, but mostly noise. Favorite track: ETOH
Not typically my style of music, but it was nice to hear electronic music composed artfully. Still falls into the "background noise" trap that most electronic music does for me, but I quite enjoyed this more than most other similar albums. Favorite track: Kaleid
Afro-Cuban jazz will always have my heat. Favorite track: Frenzy
I really wish I liked albums like this more than I do, but it is really difficult to relate to them, especially when it's the blues. I loved the instrumentation on N'jarou, though, so that's my favorite track
This album was flirting with a 5 for me until Don't. Pure cacophony on that track. Otherwise really enjoyed it. Favorite track: Yeah We Know
I like this album. Favorite track: I Can't Sleep
Outstanding album. The new wave and punk elements here make this even more appealing to me than most other Elvis Costello projects, which I tend to enjoy anyway. The combination of the vocals and instrumentals works perfectly. Favorite track: Radio, Radio
The instrumentals in this album are stunning at times. Most of the vocals don't do much for me however. Favorite track: Skeletons
This album is very fun & poppy, with some legitimately interesting musical elements in the later tracks. I enjoyed this quite a bit more than I thought I would. Favorite track: Someday is Tonight
There is a bit of a dip in the 3rd quarter of the album, but the rest of it is so, so good. Awesome instrumentals, fun lyrics, great balance between the two. RHCP are usually let down by their non-singles on their albums, but most of them carry their weight here. My favorite RHCP track overall is Otherside, so the other favorite non-single on this album is Parallel Universe
I had very low expectations going into this, and the actuality of this album is why I love this exercise so much. This album was awesome, and it took legitimately awesome instrumentation to bring out the psychedelic vibes here. This album will definitely be in my rotation going forward. Favorite track: You'll Have to Go Sideways
This is the type of album that will require multiple listens for me to fully appreciate, but the quality of the group is so crystal clear. Score another point for 90s hip hop. Favorite track: Passin' Me By
This album was a major step up from their self-titled one. The potential on the first album is realized here, as the instrumentation really comes together nicely. Favorite track: All I Want is You
Just an absolutely absurd amount of talent on this album. Was never not going to be a 5. Favorite track: Zealots
Very, very unique album. Unfortunately, most of it doesn't land for me. Too many ambient sounds does not a cohesive song make for me. With that being said, there are a few times where it does all come together for me. Favorite track: Zawinul/Lava
Fuck yeah. I could listen to this entire album with just the instrumentals and be very happy still. They play hopscotch with punk and alternative, and that will always make me happy. Favorite track: In a Jar
Album was decent, but I had higher expectations coming in. Favorite track: Gone Daddy Gone
Feels like this album perfectly encapsulates how hard of a ceiling electronica has with me. Some genuinely cool moments of musicianship for me, but I once again find myself thinking that I'm essentially just listening to an album of rap beats. Favorite track: Changeling
I am in genuine shock that I love this album so much. It's like if Daft Punk were French and formed in the 90s...oh wait. Favorite track: Olv 26
This album was a complete waste of time. This hardly registers as music to me. The vocals are what prevents it from feeling like a repetitive mess, but the vocals are also the weakest part of each song. Just bad all around. Favorite track: Coconut
I appreciate the care taken in the arrangements for these tracks. But, well, her voice is like nails on a chalkboard for about 75% of the album. Really tough listen at times. Favorite track: Woman's Blues
Wow, wow, wow. You can just feel the importance of this album as you listen to it--just fantastic. To cover this many genres in a cohesive way is something only very few artists could have pulled off. Granted, not all of the artistic decisions made here landed for me, but the overall project is so interesting that I have to give it 5 stars without a shadow of a doubt. Favorite track is obviously You Can Call Me Al, but Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes and Homeless are right there as well.
This is metal baby. Favorite track: Run to the Hills
The songs are very well written and arranged. But I just really do not like his voice at all. Pretty difficult to make up that balance. The songs about women are especially funny though considering *gestures in his general direction*. Overall though, the talent is very apparent, and he's a legend for a reason. Just not for me. Favorite track: Saturday Night's Alright
I really enjoy this album quite a lot. The variation in feeling across tracks makes it interesting. Favorite track: Trouble in the Message Centre
This exercise has made me realize I'm a significantly bigger grunge fan than I thought. Insert obligatory comment about Courtney Love here. On the basis of this album alone, it was fantastic. Powerful backing instrumentals. Great voice for grunge. Ever topical subject matter. This album's got it all. Favorite track: Asking For It
Beautifully done album here. Favorite track: Sally
Absolutely crazy album that I had no idea had so many of their biggest hits on it. It's funny to say that this is a huge departure from their normal music, but Sgt Pepper's was the album before this one. However, this is still a big departure, in a much different way from Sgt Pepper's. Not all the artistic decisions land for me, which is going to happen in an album as long as this. You cannot deny a legend though. Favorite tracks: Back in the USSR, Helter Skelter, Yer Blues
It took me a couple listens, but I love this album. Fits perfectly in my alternative wheelhouse. Favorite track: Brother Woodrow. An epic finisher
Extremely fun album. There are some elements that feel basic/formulaic at times (Wake Up), but most of the album instead is a great look into how great this duo would be. Favorite track:
I know you're fucking lying with this 140 minute run time...oh you're not? Is it at least actual music or just techno sounds? Oh, of course it is the latter. 177 albums in, and I am finally viscerally angry at the mere existence of an album, let alone its selection for this exercise. Thank God I didn't get this album early on, or I would have quit on the spot.
Singapore sounds so much like Colonel Hathi's March from The Jungle Book that I actually looked up whether or not Tom Waits was part of the soundtrack. Anyway back to this album. Same as it ever was for him: gritty singer singing over non-gritty instrumentals. I hate his voice, and I mostly like the background. There did not need to be 3 (and counting? 😩) albums of his in this exercise.
Not for me I'm afraid
What a completely unexpected debut for the Rolling Stones! These blue classics just fly through my headphones though. Very important piece of music history, and an album very well deserving of this distinction. Favorite track: Carol
Straightforward 90s sound. Enjoyed it mostly, but not moving mountains for me either. Favorite track: Alcoholiday
The amount of Tom Waits in this exercise is making me fucking hate Tom Waits
Yes, the themes are repetitive. Yes, more than a few of the bars didn't age particularly well. But god damn is this a classic nonetheless. Super fun album, incredible production, top notch flow. Really, really glad I got to finally listen to this front to back. Favorite track: Heart of the City
Me every time a new track started: oh okay, so this one is my favorite one on the album. Just incredible all around. Everything about it. Songwriting, arrangement, variation on styles. There aren't enough stars in the world for this album. Favorite track is I Want You, but other favorites include Oh Darling, Octopus's Garden, Sun King, and Carry that Weight
I absolutely loved this, and I am absolutely stunned at this fact. Very, very fun album with the arrangements to make any ska band proud. Favorite track: Doesn't Make It Alright
This is not the best hip hop album ever. It's not even Kendrick's best album ever. However, I am fairly certain this is the most artistic hip hop album ever written. Just an absolutely stunning mixture of everything you could possibly consider when writing music. Genuine pleasure to listen to this every time. The best track on the album is Hood Politics, and it's not particularly close's pretty embarrassing for myself that I've been caught out by the Thompsons now. Twice now I've gone in expecting to hate a folk album from them, and twice I've been stunned into liking it. This one even more so than Unhalfbricking. I can't even verbalize a reason as to why this one works for me moreso than other folk albums. But well done. Favorite track: Down Where the Drunkards Roll
One of the most fun bands of all time delivers one of the most fun albums of all time. Favorite track: Panama
Just a truly epic album. And he knew it the entire time he was writing it. Favorite track: When Doves Cry
Mostly fun, a bit long and repetitive for me though. Favorite track: One Chord Wonders
The only songs that had any feeling to it at all was Living in Another World and Time It's Time. Would have been a good album of the other songs were more like them, but alas...
The songwriting is amazing. The arrangements are amazing. The voice is not quite siren on a retired emergency vehicle yet. All this leads to an easy 5 star Bob Dylan album. Favorite tracks: Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues, Absolutely Sweet Marie
Jesus Christ is every song on this album going to be this breathy voice speaking the lyrics?! Update: yes it is. I shouldn't be surprised, considering Cohen sounded bored performing his own songs during his prime. Now he just sounds incapable.
The distinct lack of helium-voice mode makes this my favorite Elton John studio album to date. It's nice to be able to evaluate him without nails on a chalkboard going on in my head. He's a fantastic storyteller and arranger. Favorite track: Indian Sunset
There is absolutely nothing less interesting than a pop album whose only focus is the artist's voice. Actually, there is: a pop album whose only focus is the artist's voice, and the artist proceeding to hardly even sing lyrics. It's literally just her voice over generic beats. What am I missing here. At least Breakdown has Bone Thugs-N-Harmony on it
Loved Supa Dupa Fly, but this one is a pretty bad miss for me. I really don't see what any of the songs have to do with the message she says during the Intro. Not every song needs to be a profound statement on life or society, but you kind of lay down that expectation when you open the album talking about the struggles every human or family goes through.
R&B doesn't do anything for me. Subject matter of the songs doesn't do anything for me--in fact, many of the topics are treated like a thread on Twitter, which shockingly translates quite poorly to music. Arrangements don't do anything for me. I understand that it's tough to gauge recent albums for how much they belong in this list, but this feels like a pretty avoidable miss.
Yeah, you know, lickface
Pretty good encapsulation of a Rush album. Kinda weird, definitely fun. Favorite track: 2112
Sounds like somebody trying to do a purposefully bad Southern parody of a California punk band. Would be a good SNL sketch, makes for a bad actual album though
Nah, not for me.
Meh, neither good nor bad to me
Folk music's hard ceiling with me has been proven once again. Really nice songwriting and performance, but I just can't get myself into the music as much as I want to. Favorite track: Walk On
This album has me ready to shoot the most audacious shot of my life. Favorite track: I've Never Found a Girl
Soundtrack albums usually don't do much for me, but I find myself enjoying this quite a bit. Having an instrumental soundtrack with which to work alongside was nice. Favorite track: Do Your Thing... absolutely lit
Honestly didn't enjoy this as much as I expected to, and it had all the ingredients that would go into an album that I would absolutely love. It was still quite good, and I'm not even sure entirely what was missing for me. Just one of those things where it didn't fully connect for me
Over 200 albums in, and eventually I'll learn to stop pre-judging albums. I fully expected to hate this, but this was significantly better than I expected. Certainly a much different direction than I anticipated. In fact, the direction of the album varies so much from track to track. That can be a drawback in a lot of cases, but I dig it overall. It's the line between being weird for the sake of being weird and being weird to be genuinely interesting. This falls heavily on the positive side of that. Favorite track: Sacred Attention
This is pure soul right here. It's kind of hard to imagine music being better than this. Then you read the full roster of performers on the album, and it all makes sense. Absolutely brilliant. Favorite track: Respect
I like when I can just like at the track listing and tell I'm going to be annoyed by an album just by the names. Quirky for the sake of being quirky? No thank you. Some of the instrumental arrangements aren't half bad here, but the lyrics are completely impossible to take seriously. And if you would try to take them seriously, the album would probably be even worse.
This would probably be a vibe if I was high. In fact, I feel like I'm getting kind of a contact high from listening alone, which is admittedly pretty cool. However, with all my wits about me, this sounds like little more than movie sound effects pieced together into songs.
Absolutely brilliant. Even the slow tracks swing beautifully. Favorite track: Teddy the Toad (former trombone player, don't have much of a choice here)
For some reason I wanted to dislike this album, but I just can't do it at all. Very fun record. Favorite track: Billy Hunt
Synth-pop doesn't do a whole lot for me, especially in album form. Listening to single tracks would be fine, but an entire album just starts to wear on me.
This is the type of jazz that makes non-jazz fans immediately turn jazz off. But it's also the type of jazz that, once you appreciate other forms of jazz, you come back to also appreciate. What a genre. Favorite track: Bemsha Swing
This album is the one that made me realize why I like 90s hip hop so much more than anything released today. The incorporation of funk music makes it so much more gripping than anything else. These are really talented musicians with that understanding. So, once again, we have an incredibly fun 90s rap album here. Favorite track: The Phuncky Feel One
There is a special place in hell for this band. I struggle to even call this an album because there is no artistic motivation here at all. It's just a bunch of douchebags who thought it would be funny to have 69 songs on a project. There are no interesting songs here--its just either formulaic bullshit or the most basic version possible of a differing genre. Fuck this band, fuck this "album", and fuck whoever thought this was essential listening.
This is sensational. Extremely beautifully sung jazz here. Favorite track: Honeysuckle Rose
Such an excellent album. Really cannot believe I've never listened to Fela Kuti before this experience. Favorite track: Ye Ye De Smell
Jaco Pastorius and the actual arrangements in this album are doing very, very heavy lifting for me here. Singer-songwriter albums rarely hold my interest, especially when they're based in folk. This album is no exception sadly. The instrumentals are good throughout, and are quite excellent at times (Hejira, in particular). But the main attraction of the album does nothing for me.
Copy and paste this review to 75% of the electronica albums in this book since apparently there are approximately 800 of them: It's really not bad, but it really does nothing for me musically either.
So...there's a pretty uncomfortable amount of filler in this album for such a cornerstone piece of rap history, huh? It's still great, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't kinda disappointed. Favorite track: Fuck Wit Dre Day
This album is just so ridiculously good. The hits are iconic, and the other tracks match their feel and are just as good. I'll always appreciate U2 for having a truly unique sound. Favorite track: Red Hill Mining Town
This is phenomenal. Extremely gripping instrumentals on every track. The voice and lyrics mix together perfectly with them as well. Truly impressive arrangements. Favorite track: Monitor
Steely Dan just could not possibly be more down my alley in terms of music interests. Extreme focus on instrumentals, including a strong emphasis on horns. Jazz-blues feel throughout. This is what I want to listen to with a beer in hand while barbequing. Not sure what that says about me, but it's the truth. Favorite tracks: East St. Louis Toodle-Oo, Pretzel Logic
This was pretty decent. Synth-pop isn't my thing, but I did enjoy it on the whole. Favorite track: It's a Sin
Way too long of an album for one that is so uninteresting beyond the first track. It wasn't offensively bad or anything, but it was just too much for what it actually is.
Disc 1 is a 5 star album. Disc 2 is a 3 star album. 4 stars feels exactly right here. The biggest thing this album did was make me hate Ghosteen even more. These guys are clearly very talented arrangers, and this shows how they can make interesting music too. Favorite track: There She Goes, My Beautiful World
This album ruled. Really fun to listen, really interesting instrumentals, and the perfect voice to go with the subject matter and style. It is really funny to listen to "It's the End of the World as We Know It" from 1987 and compare it to today, when the world is considerably more warped then anybody could have imagined back then. Favorite track: The One I Love
Another. UK. Electronica. Act. How??? And here I am asking myself again with one of these albums: what is the fucking point? It's repetitive bullshit. There's no musical value to it. It sounds like rap beats without a rapper. There is no genre that is overrepresented more in this book than this.
First half of the album done, and it's really weird, but I'm pretty sure I love it?! It's definitely not perfect, but man it does well to bridge the gap between punk and grunge. Some of the grooves the instrumentalists get into together are truly magical. This is one I'm really glad I discovered. It falls off quite a bit in the 2nd half sadly. Still pretty good, but do not see myself rushing back to this album at any point. Favorite track: Super Unison (minus the first 30 seconds)
This high-pitched, dreamscape type voice and instrumentals is really hard to listen to for an extended period of time. Shockingly so, the tracks on the album that avoid this are the best ones (Delta Sun Bottleneck Stomp, Hudson Line). At the end of the day, though, the album mostly felt cartoonish and was hard to take seriously for most of it.
My first exposure to Flaming Lips was Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots. This album is not really even close to being as good as that one, but I really love their production and arrangements overall. It is impressive to have an album this good when the lead singer's voice sounds like it's about to crack at any second. Favorite track: The Spiderbite Song
This was brilliant. Really, really great jazz to spend on an afternoon of work. Favorite track: Inner Crisis
Pretty weird album that doesn't pass the vibe test with me. I actually enjoy the arrangements on pretty much all of the songs, but the way the vocal recording was handled detracts from the product as a whole pretty significantly. The jazz and funk feels in the instrumentals are very much welcome, however. Favorite track: Dancing
It's not bad at all--in fact it's quite good at some points. But I don't really feel anything sweeping me up here. This form of Indie is nice since it avoids the dreamscape, moany voice type feel that is like nails on a chalkboard to me. But it feels so repetitive within each track that it cannot really grip me. Favorite track: Afraid of Everyone
Pretty fun album. I find myself enjoying psychedelic rock quite a bit more than I imagined. There were more than a few tracks that missed the mark for me here, but the ones that hit were really enjoyable. Favorite track: She Cracked
The range on this album is simply stunning. I've made my feelings on singer-songwriter albums in this book excruciatingly clear. But, like Joan Armatrading, this is a cut against the grain. Incredibly impressive amount of styles covered by a single singer here, and the arrangements are clearly a big focal point as well. Favorite track: Eternal Life
Even as an avid jazz listener, I wanted to not like this so badly when I saw it was a 2 song album. Alas, Miles Davis delivers again.
I think, like most people nowadays, had the chuckle-eye roll kneejerk reaction to this album being generated. But, hair metal is pretty much just meant to be fun, and this album very clearly is just that. It rightfully belongs in the list, and I enjoyed listening to it. Favorite track: You Give Love a Bad Name
ASMR Post Punk sounds like a cool YouTube channel, but it makes for a pretty unlistenable album. The sad part is, the instrumentation is fantastic at times and the atypical time signatures/feels can be very welcome. But I am going to hear the vocals in every nightmare I have for the rest of my life.
These interludes are almost unsettlingly modern for an album released in 1992. This alone should be enough to prove why the message is even more important now. Back to the's simply incredible. (unfortunately) Timeless themes throughout the music, very heavy rapping with impeccable flow, very creative beats. Love this album. Favorite track: Don't Trust 'Em
This is an exceedingly rare soul miss for me. The blend of vocals never really reach a powerful climax for me, which is what I'm always looking for in soul music. The backing instrumentalists are also deprecated too much for me, giving them no chance to overcome my perceived shortcomings with the singing. Favorite track: Beautiful Brown Eyes
I'm not really sure when R&B transitioned from this to the lo-fi style that's so pervasive in it today, but I have to bone to pick with whomever is responsible. These funky disco elements are infinitely more interesting to listen to. Now that that's out of the way, the vocals are just beautifully handled. The instrumentals are a perfect accompaniment, and they are treated as more than just simple background. I'll always have time for albums like this. Favorite track: We are Family
To say that this was significantly better than expected is an understatement. Everybody knows Take Me Out, but I was not entering with high expectations at all. But this belongs squarely in the pantheon of 2000s alt rock. Really clean vocals, really fun arrangements. Very, very good. Favorite track: honestly, the entire album slaps, but Auf Achse really got me in the groove
By God, even 90s white UK hip hop is better than its present day contemporaries. Guess it's not surprising in hindsight, as funk-based beats will always crush electronica-based ones. Favorite track: Don't Let Up
Yeah, like this was going to get rated anything else
Fun dance album with some really good funk instrumentals. It feels like the songs drag on forever though. There needs to be more improvisation when it comes to tracks of this length. Favorite track: Le Freak
I think this is the most emotional album I've ever listened to. Calling it hauntingly beautiful doesn't do it justice. Hurt is clearly the best track, but there's not a single bad one on the album.
This album is a lot of fun and always is better than I think it will be when I listen to it. Favorite track: Sir Rockaby
This album fucking rules. Very, very heavy instrumentals that pair with Tyler's voice perfectly. They do a much better job than expected incorporating different feels to their music as well. Definite rotation album. Favorite tracks: F.I.N.E., Dulcimer Stomp / The Other Side
This probably isn't the original "white people stealing from black culture and making it boring," but hell it sounds like a good line.
One of the best punk albums of all time, and it might not even be a Top 3 Clash album. What a fucking band, man. Favorite track: Police & Thieves
I can feel the foundation being laid for some of my favorite 90s alternative acts as I'm listening to this. Did not come into this exercise expecting to love two separate REM albums, but I don't hate that I ended up doing so. The instrumentals are so damn good in this album--really, really interesting and gripping stuff. Favorite tracks: Catapult, 9-9
It's a very good live performance of the same song over and over and over and over and over again
I'm sorry...a 4th Tom Waits album?! It's not even being a hater at this point--it is objectively true that you can write about the history of music production without including FOUR GODDAMN TOM WAITS ALBUMS. When you realize you really don't give a shit about what Waits is talking about in any of his songs, the whole thing comes apart. Because it sure as hell isn't anything musically that draws you in. It's the jazz equivalent of somebody sitting on a single stool behind a microphone strumming the most basic chords possible while singing. And I'm saying this as a massive jazz fan! Please, for the love of God, no more Tom Waits albums.
Meh, it was fine. Not bad, not terribly interesting. Decent instrumentals, average vocals. Almost every single adjective I think of screams 3, so here we are. Favorite track: Let the Good Times Roll
He literally sounds like he's bored while he's singing, how do people even pretend to like this. He's the music version of Shakespeare: people only say they like him because it makes them feel smart
The thing that always stands out to me with Dire Straits is how casual they make greatness sound. And also how Mark Knopfler sounds like the coolest dude in the world every time he performs. Incredibly fun album with superior guitar work as per. (The self-titled album is better though) Favorite track: Money for Nothing
There are a few songs in here that definitely click for me, such as I Am Trying to Break Your Heart and War on War. But a large majority of the album falls too far down the Indie rabbit hole for my liking...I prefer when it's closer to Alternative on that spectrum. Too much dreamscape, moaning singing voice feel for me. Favorite track: War on War
Well, this certainly falls much closer to my preferred style of Indie rock than many others. This really is not at all what I expected going in. Unfortunately, the other line at play is the Mendoza line between being weird for the sake of being weird and being weird to be genuinely interesting. A lot of this feels like the former to me. There are many rogue noises in the instrumentation and vocals that don't do anything for me.
I really don't hate this as much as I want to. Is it great? No. Could I have died without listening to it? Yeah. But there a lot more interesting arrangements in here than about 90% of the singer-songwriter albums in this book, so I appreciate that. I like her voice too. Favorite track: 4th of July
This album absolutely fucking rules. All the tracks slap, all the instrumentals are on point, the lyrics are poignant and interesting. How can you not love this? Favorite track: Map of the Problematique
He really just is the best artist to ever do it. This album, just like all of his, are awesome in every way possible. Just a true musical journey that is impossible to stop once you start. Favorite track: TVC15
Nick Cave ends up all over the map for me. This one didn't really hit me right, and I think it's pretty much all down to the vibe of his singing on this album. Favorite track: Brother, My Cup is Empty
Nevermore is what did it for me. You really grow a better appreciation for Queen outside of their hits
I simply do not get Bjork
There are large parts of this album that do nothing for me at all, but then there are some pretty high peaks for me as well. Putting the titular aside, It's So Hard and How Do You Sleep? moved me pretty greatly in particular. It is not a coincidence that those two are the ones that didn't try to recreate the Beatles feel. The other tracks clearly show talent, but it just didn't feel right without the whole cast.
First time getting assigned an album I have on vinyl! Absolutely love this album--its Bowie singing soul. A marriage made in heaven for me. Favorite track: Right
He deserves all the heat he gets for his personal life. Honestly, he probably deserves way more. However, this performance is sensational. There's no two ways about it.
Really enjoyed this one quite a bit. Pretty cool, full sound, especially in the instrumentation. Albums like this tend to sound the same from track to track, but that certainly is not the case here. Favorite track: Opener
I am not the John Lennon hater that half of the reviewers on this website seem to be. But man...this album was tough. No sophistication in the arrangements at all. Tracks feel very loosely tied together at best. All mood shifts feel forced as hell. I'm finding it very difficult to get interested in this. Remember was the first track on the album to render any kind of emotion in me.
Punky Reggae Party might be the single coolest song I've ever listened to. That was an incredible experience. This whole album is awesome. Truly legendary stuff from a true legend. Arrangements are on point. Vibes from the singing were never in doubt. Making very sophisticated music sound this casual is such a good marker of talent. And, yes, it is even better after having a jaz-*radio static*
I could listen to this album (at least) once a week for the rest of my life and be perfectly happy. In fact, I'll probably do just that. Yet another masterpiece of a journey from David Bowie. The overarching story, the emotion captured from track to track, the individual songwriting, the instrumental arrangements...all perfect. Again. He is the best to ever do it. Favorite track: literally every one, but Moonage Daydream if you're forcing me to pick
Really had a lot of fun with this one. Pantera plays hopscotch with the line that separates my enjoyment and being too heavy for me, but the tracks that fell on the right side of that line were awesome. Favorite track: Hollow
The Eric Clapton band album has good guitar playing on it. Favorite track: Anyday
I flat out refuse to believe that this album is notable in any way at all. The jazzy, ska-esque opening to the album was a pretty horrible Trojan horse. The singer sounds like Johnny Rotten on downers--at times it feels like he's directly lampooning him. The instrumentals aren't half bad to be fair. Even accounting for Dimery's UK bias, this is a pretty puzzling inclusion for me.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised after Raekwon's and Ghostface's albums, but it's pretty genuinely disappointing to come to the realization that Wu-Tang is simply not for me. There are fun moments and great tracks obviously, but I found myself unmoved by am unsettling number of songs here. Favorite track: Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nothing ta F' Wit
As somebody who used to roll their eyes at people who'd say things like "Look past the voice, this is the work of a genius," look past the voice, this is the work of genius. Favorite track: Outlaw Blues; It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
Me every time a new track started on this album: wow, this is the coolest song I've ever heard in my life. Ultimately, City, Country, City was when I knew I loved this album, so that'll go down as my favorite here
Really cool album. Common has always seemed like a really likeable dude, and how can you not like him after this?
This album sucks. The content feels immature, and the performance of it feels like the artist is bored while doing it. If the artists themselves can't even enjoy it, why should I?
What. A. Voice. Brilliant, brilliant album. Instrumentals are on point. Feel varies wonderfully from track to track. The marriages of prog rock & grunge and psychedelia & grunge are incredibly welcome throughout. But...come on. We all know that it's Chris Cornell's voice that makes this project. And all Soundgarden projects. Favorite tracks: Let Me Drown, Limo Wreck
Huh, so it's just Ace of Spades with 12 different sets of lyrics? The other songs aren't bad, since Ace of Spades is obviously a great song. But it's tiring to take in as an album.
These are beautiful songs. I wish they were sung by somebody who didn't sound like they were trying to hold soup that's too hot in their mouth. However, the E Street Band fucking slaps. Musical arrangements are top tier and what earn the rating. Favorite track: Jungleland
Fela Kuti fucking rules man. Favorite track: Zombie
Sometimes, things suck in an endearing way. This sucks in an endearing way. Favorite track: Detroit Rock City
This album comes so close to toeing the line between alternative feels that I love and Indie feels that I loathe perfectly. It's pretty much just 7 Kettles that keeps this from getting a perfect 5 here. Favorite tracks: Power Out, Crown of Love
The music in here is quite stunning at times. The vocals essentially sound like 45 minutes of whining though. Favorite track: Like Spinning Plates
This is a pretty fun compilation of many genres I love. The feel is moderately repetitive, which makes 14 tracks entirely too long for this album. The singer's voice also grates on me at points. All that being said, the arrangements are all on point. The balance between the heavy guitars and drums and the horns is pretty great. Favorite track: Come See, Come Saw
Man...this drags on FOREVER. I think the reggae performed by punk bands is more my speed. Favorite track: Reefer Madness
I've never heard a singer's voice sound so similar between their studio and live performances. The live performances of his songs are so much jazzier than his studio work too. This is a really awesome album that I'm glad I found through this book. Favorite tracks: I Just Want to Make Love to You, Caravan, Cyprus Avenue
Wildly cool album. These Berlin albums are not among my favorite Bowie projects, but he's such a superior artist that they still register in my all time favorite albums overall. His ability to successfully experiment with literally anything is what makes him a once in a generation type artist. Favorite tracks: Heroes (vocals), Moss Garden (instrumentals)
My relationship with Pixies is becoming quite complicated. On the surface, it seems like I should like this a lot more than I do. But so much of what they do, vocally in particular, just feels weird for the sake of being weird. Favorite track: Bone Machine
Not much spoke to me here, although it is nice to have some more context to the Krautrock-inspired tracks from David Bowie. However, this feels significantly less artful than those songs. Cacophony is not the right word for this sound, but it is a collection of sounds that are hardly connected at all to me.
This style of music does absolutely nothing for me. All the songs pretty much sound like an NPR host trying to sing over telephone hold or elevator music.
This is a pretty cool album. It is a bit too long, but these guys really, really hit their stride in the second half of the album. It honestly might have been a 5 star album from about track 7 on. The guitar solos in particular are noticeably awesome. The Rolling Stones comparison is very apparent throughout the album. I also hear a little bit of The Doors in there, but almost like a diet version of them. Favorite tracks: Shakin' All Over, Scratch my Back
Her voice is stunning. Her arrangements are stunning. But I viscerally, viscerally hate the content of her songs. Rehab was the biggest gaslighting song ever when it first dropped, and now it almost sounds like a suicide note. I understand why her music is important to a lot of people, but this is one I just can't bring myself to like. Favorite track: Tears Dry on Their Own
Fucking love the Talking Heads. What a debut album. To make objectively weird music patterns sound this tight is the biggest mark of a talented band you can possibly get. I think my favorite part about Talking Heads is how it sounds like they could break out into a jam session at literally any moment on any of their tracks. Favorite track: The Book I Read
Did they actually hard code this album to everybody for it's...23rd anniversary? At least I got this dogshit out of the way in one fell swoop between my personal and group listens
Credit where it's due: this is the most fitting album title in this entire book
WHERE HAS THIS ALBUM BEEN ALL MY LIFE??? Funk, prog rock, ska, punk, word this band was created in a lab for me. Favorite tracks: Ma and Pa, Bonin' in the Boneyard
Fuck. Yes. My god, these funk feels are INCREDIBLE. I wish I could make this album the soundtrack to my entire life. Favorite track: Night of the Thumpasorus Peoples
An art student attempts to create OK Computer
This is a fun album that really does well to draw on 90s influences. Favorite track: A Day at the Races
Screw it, I'll zag from the top reviews here. I loved this album. What a fun concept for one, and the music is all legitimately very good and well written! Even the commercials! At first it seemed weird that an all time classic Who song like I Can See for Miles came from this one, but it actually is fitting to me now after listening. The Who have done it again, and I'm not ashamed to admit it on this one. Favorite track: I Can See for Miles
I probably would have enjoyed this a lot more of the singer(s) weren't terrible
Hell yeah. This is my kind of speed right here. Unique, but quality singing voice. Rhythmic changes all over the place. Heavy instrumentals. Creative riffs. This is what makes music fun to listen to. Favorite track: Perhaps Vampires is a Bit Strong But...
Funk and soul will just forever hold my heart. The Temptations have done it once again with this one. I was hooked from the instant I started this album, and it didn't let me go until the end. What a treat. Favorite track: Runaway Child, Running Wild
Oasis lose a lot of their shine when you remember that the Gallaghers are two of the most insufferable dickheads ever. Favorite track: Champagne Supernova
I am struggling to see how this album is notable in anyway at all. It's not bad, but what is the inspiration here? You can quite easily tell the history of recorded music without mentioning this band, let alone this album. There aren't any groundbreaking sounds, techniques, arrangements, lyrics, etc here at all. It's just a fine album that I'll never listen to again after this. Favorite track: Patience
Are we serious with this? *Checks Reviews* ....ARE WE SERIOUS WITH THIS?! This is not good music. It's not interesting music. It's debateably not even music. Give me a fucking break man.
This album feels staggeringly ahead of its time. I genuinely cannot believe that it came out in 1982 based on the production and arrangements. Prince's extreme talent shines through here once again. The sheer number of genres and influences exhibited here is literally too big to count. And yet, it is an entirely cohesive project that is pretty remarkable to listen to. Favorite track: Let's Pretend We're Married
Might be the single most automatic rating in this book. Picking a favorite track on here is a fool's errand
This album is truly stunning. Powerful overarching message, lyrics, and arrangements altogether. Favorite track: Living in Denial
This is another band that I have no prayer at evaluating objectively. But these arrangements are beautiful, and I was really happy to have this album live up to my biased expectations. Favorite track: Bloody Well Right
I was prepared to cringe...and it never came. I enjoyed it, and got a bit heavier than I was expecting too. Favorite track: Cassandra
Going in to this album, there's simply no way in hell PJ Harvey is worthy of having 4 albums in here. I am very willing to entertain this album as the one that belongs instead of Dry, one of the most boring albums I've ever heard. Meh...this is fine. Don't really like or dislike. I guess I just don't get her. Favorite track: This is Love
The bar uses an applause meter. That is why it is so important for you all to come and applaud only for my band, Scrantonicity II. NOT Scrantonicity, which I am NO LONGER a part of.
The greatest rap album of all time. Favorite track: Straight Outta Compton
There is absolutely no reason for first draft versions or backing instrumentals of songs already on the album to be included on non-box set version of albums. With that being said, this album is brilliant otherwise. Especially compared to the other solo Beatles albums in this book, it confirms my long-standing belief that George was the best Beatle. This is the type of folk music handling that draws me in. I really, really love the arrangements throughout the album. Favorite tracks: What is Life, Thanks for the Pepperoni
The start of this album was actually quite decent, but it really fell into a big pile of "meh" pretty quickly. Favorite track: Passive / Aggressive
Her voice is absolutely stunning, and the message of the album is honestly one of my favorites so far in this list. There just may be a country fan in me after all. Favorite track: Coat of Many Colors
It's psychedelic can you possibly have a better genre than that? Honestly, this is a better rock album than most of the ones in here as well. Just a simply incredible listen with so many moving parts throughout the album. I did not want this one to ever stop. Favorite track: Back In Our Minds
There's more in here that I liked than I anticipated, but singer songwriter albums just really do not do much for me at all. There are some really nice jazzy vibes that reeled me in though. Favorite track: Let It Shine
This was a fine listen, albeit a bit background noisey as it went on. I enjoy Steve Winwood's voice and approach, but I pretty much find myself wanting to hear most of these tracks performed by Traffic instead. Favorite track: Night Train
When this album came out, I thought it was extremely overrated simply because I wanted to cut against the grain on all things pop music back then, and admittedly spent very little time with it at all. Let's see how that opinion aged. Uhh, significantly better than I expected? Pyramids is basically the only song that maintained my interest the entire time.
Good lord, this album is absolutely brilliant. It's psychedelic alternative, and I cannot get enough of it. Seriously, the instrumentals here are so special. They almost contribute more to the melody than the vocals. Favorite tracks: The Sprawl, Eric's Trip, Hyperstation
Funky, jazzy, soulful beats, and the rapping flows like water. Incredible, iconic album by an incredible, iconic group. Favorite track: Can I Kick It?
The basslines in this album are straight up addicting. Everything about this album is heavy, all the way through to the blues riffs to close the album. This album becomes even more special when you realize that the influences that came before it are...pretty much nothing at all. Favorite track: Bit of Finger/Sleeping Village/Warning
It takes special talent to make an almost entirely vocal-based album in a foreign language sound this relatable and beautiful. It's not something I'll probably ever revisit on my own for leisure, but it's an album I'm glad to have experienced. Favorite track: Wawusho Kubani
This band really plays hopscotch between really interesting me quite a bit and fading to background noise. I guess that's to be expected with highly experimental groups like this. What's also to be expected is their exploration and mixture of many, many, many different genres. Slow Train to Dawn is a huge example of this working out very favorably; Heartland is where it felt more forgettable. I really think this is the type of album whose rating will vary based on the day in which I listen to it. I will say I'm very glad I listened to it though and will certainly add some bits to my rotation.
Really special album. Fogerty's voice is obviously the most identifiable part of CCR, but man those basslines are always unbelievable. It's the tightness of the instrumentals that really give the southern feel to their music. Favorite track: Travelin' Band
Full disclosure: I really, really wanted to not like this album going in. But man, this was so good. The stuttering singing style that usually makes me dislike listening to Elvis was either not nearly as prevalent as usual or perfectly blended in to the rest of the music here. Favorite track: Power of my Love
Words cannot describe how much I do not miss the era of synthpop at all. If I'm to believe the Wiki of this album, apparently this is the one that started it all--so it's not a shock that I hate this shit. Guys Eyes is one of the worst songs in this entire book. Good riddance to an entirely forgettable era of music, and I'm looking forward to never hearing this album again.
I was fully prepared to tear this album a new one through the first 5ish songs, but there's actually some nice displays of talent as the album goes on. It's still bad, but fair play on the recovery. Favorite track: R.L. Got Soul
There's simply no way I'm listening to this album again
Fuck yeah. One of the most visceral albums of all time, and sadly the themes are even more relevant now than they were upon release. This level of speaking truth to power is what many artists grow up dreaming of doing with their work, but very few of them end up being able to do so. The music itself, even setting aside the messaging that's subtle like a sledgehammer, is outstanding too. Heavy, heavy instrumentals; tight grooves; punk singing tone. It's perfect. Favorite track: Freedom
God this band is so boring. They sound like a band formulaically trying to create pop-inspired masterpieces. And since it is pop-based (make no mistake, it is), the masses lap it up but with the feeling that they're "allowed" to call this a masterpiece. It's not. There's no formula to good music beyond it being honest and impactful. I don't get that here and never have with Coldplay.
Some cool moments in here, but nothing that really moved me a whole lot. I liked the instrumentation quite a bit, but holistically the album was pretty much just an average rock one to me. Favorite track: Start!
I want to mark this album as a 1 for the album cover alone. Let's see how this goes. Yeah, this sucks significant ass.
It's bad
Nothing else to say: legendary
I liked this album quite a bit more the first time. For some reason, this time just didn't resonate as much with me. Still some really cool moments and instrumentation here, and it does say a lot that this is one of the most sampled albums ever written. Favorite track: The Court of the Crimson King
Obligatory comment about how difficult it is to truly relate to music like this due to the language barrier. With that being said, the instrumentation here is really cool. The African derivation of the instruments is blindingly obvious, but there are also several Western influences, specifically rock, that elevate the feel to be very interesting. I enjoyed the listen despite the high likelihood of not spending much more time with it.
Woof, no thank you
This album plays jumprope with the line between Indie music feels I love and Indie music feels I hate. I guess it's only appropriate to put this review right down the middle then. Favorite track: City with No Children
I know this group is primarily just fun to listen to, but they really did have some legitimate musical chops to them. There are way more actual punk elements to them than just their overall demeanor. The deep groove on High Plains Drifter is flat out addicting.
It's cool. It's weird. It's well-played. It feels like they put in about 50% effort. It feels like they didn't need to put in any more than that. It feels like it doesn't have any kind of message. It feels like it doesn't need one at all. What a strange, wonderful album.
Seriously, is there a bigger dichotomy in any genre between what you'd expect it to sound like based on the name and how it actually sounds than "Krautrock"? I just assumed that the entire genre would be like Kollaps, but it isn't at all. This music is a vibe, and I appreciate hearing the source of the inspiration of some of my favorite Bowie works. Favorite track: Hero
It became immediately obvious as the first song started that I was going to absolutely hate this. It sounds like a shorter version of 69 Love Songs...which I guess technically makes it better? Seriously...who the hell is this shit for? Let's hear from the band themselves! "Well let's just make this record that looks like a record, and has song titles and everything, but the songs would be the ones we make at home that sound terrible." Couldn't have said it better myself.
An album where 100% of the songs were hits. Pretty obvious rating here. Favorite track: Just What I Needed
Super fun album. Really like these guys a lot. Favorite track: Highway Star
Brilliant album from a brilliant band. I absolutely love the way they treat the blues in their music. Cannot get enough of it. Favorite track: Been down so Long
The end of this album felt like the end of a jail sentence...I imagine
This is a great reminder as to why I didn't like listening to Daft Punk until Random Access Memories
I'm not saying this is my favorite ever album, but I will say that is very difficult to imagine music being played better than this. My word, what a journey that was.
This is a pretty fun album with some iconic tracks on it. Musically, it doesn't do a whole lot for me. Pop music can only retain my attention for so long, but this album certainly doesn't take itself too seriously and has an appropriate runtime for what it is. Favorite track: We Got the Beat
I've stated previously on here at how disappointed I was in the Wu-Tang albums missing the mark with me. Well, that trend has ended quite spectacularly here. What an incredible album. His flow is well ahead of his time, the lyrical content is simply magnificent, and the backing music and feel is all of the best of 90s hip hop. Perfect rap album, and I'm glad to have finally experienced this legendary album. Favorite track: B.I.B.L.E.
Proof that pop music still mostly sucks when it's done well
Pure brilliance. Favorite track: Southern Man
Can never say no to heavy blues, man. Favorite track: La Grange
Yeah, I'm only giving this 5 stars because it's Bowie, keep scrolling Kidding, I was very trepidatious going into this album, and it's certainly his weakest project to me. But it's still beautifully done by the greatest chameleon in the history of music. Favorite track: Lazarus
It doesn't suck as much as Medulla. But god it still sucks.
It's rare for an album to make almost no impression at all on me, but that's what happened here
I think this might be my favorite Queen album so far. Much heavier instrumentals than I've previously heard from them, and it's a welcome change. They really were an incredibly talented band for one that seems to be more associated with their glitz and glam. Favorite track: Stone Cold Crazy
Another Bowie album, another 5 stars. It's just such an obviously great album...again. I'm struggling to think of people who I'd even put in the same stratosphere of talent as him. He could have picked any genre of music out of a hat and made a great album based on it. And I don't think any other artist could make a similar claim. Favorite track: (You Will) Set the World on Fire
Yeah, this ruled as hard as I assumed it would solely based on the album art. Favorite track: Take It Back
Man, this album kicks an unbelievable amount of ass. Favorite track: I Don't Wanna Go Down to the Basement
This album is really beautiful, even including the 60s version of dirty macking! Favorite track: Breakfast in Bed
Apparently every album that has a song used for football chants is notable to Mr. Dimery
Absolutely love this album. Very creative instrumentation, and really well composed songs. Favorite track: Aqualung
This was more of a vibe than most electronic music is to me. However, the thing that was not unlike most electronic music was that it was still strictly relegated to the background for me. It just can't interest me enough to do any more
The Seventh Seal is a promising start. But the devolution into wannabe crooner music is so stark from there. Really, really boring album that is high off its own farts. You can't follow a checklist to make a masterpiece--a masterpiece just happens when you work through it
Alice in Chains proved that the grunge-metal crossover can be brilliant. Mudhoney proved that the grunge-metal crossover can also be terrible. However, even at times during this mess, the crossover still works for me. The punk-esque singing does not work here even remotely though. All of the cornerstone grunge bands had great--iconic, even--singers, and the lack of one here severely draws back from the end product
It's not bad, it's even kind of interesting at points. But 80 minutes is just entirely too long for an album with this type of music. It sounds like a looped playlist of royalty-free a content creator gym would play so that it's influencers could record without incurring charges.
Iron Maiden is the best song on Iron Maiden by Iron Maiden
I mean...what is there to say about this album? It's perfection. Favorite track: Billie Jean
Pretty much straight down the middle, decent country music that hardly registered with me at all and I'll almost certainly never listen to again. Favorite track: Home of the Blues
Alright I'll be the one to say it...why the hell is the Come On Eileen album so good?!
Well...I tried...
I echo every single sentiment of the top rated review
Its just so clearly incredible man. Favorite track: Light my Fire
HEAVYYYY blues. I love it. What a fun album. Favorite track: Bad Girl
I apologize honky tonk, I was not familiar with your game
Wow...what is there to even say. It's just excellent. What an artist. Favorite track: Sledgehammer
Obvious rating is obvious
The first time I listened to this, it was a 4 pushing for a 5. It's got all 5 now. So damn funky, so damn soulful. Give me more of this. Favorite track: Bird of Beauty
Well, at least it's not just with The Smiths where Morrissey sings like a dying whale in front of a good band. Pretty puzzling to see people continuing to defend him in the reviews of his "Hey, I'm a racist piece of shit that also sucks at singing" album
Man...there's nothing else to say besides "What a band" Favorite track: What Is and What Should Never Be
Such a creative, unique band that I always treasure the chance to listen to. Favorite track: Roundabout
I'm sorry...I just do not like her voice even remotely
Such an interesting album to listen to. There are several parts that lose my interest because it feels like they're searching for the strangest sound they can make rather than anything of musical value. But on the whole, this treatment of blues will always get me out of my seat. Favorite track: Death Sound
The single funkiest album I've heard in this book so far. Welcome to my immediate rotation, Bobby Womack. Favorite track: Stand Up
What a genuine pleasure it was to complete a generated album for the day on vinyl. I mean...what more is there to even to say about this album? It's perfect. It's helped me lose 100 lbs by being plastered all over various workouts playlists. There was never going to be another rating for this album, nor should there be. Favorite track: Eye of the Beholder
This album would be the crowning achievement for 99% of artists, and you could argue that it's not one of Bowie's 3 best albums. Favorite track: The Jean Genie
Cool live performance that I would have loved to see the audience's reaction to
Yeah...I slept on them for way, way, way too long. That's on me. Won't happen again. Favorite track: Mountain Song
Enjoyed this one! 90s hip hop reigns supreme again. Favorite track: Execution of a Chump
It's fine...I'm just not much of a country fan
I really, really do not like this album. Exodus is one of the greatest albums I've ever heard...this is just every bad reggae stereotype in a single album
In which some of the coolest, tightest, heaviest instrumentals in this entire book are paired with some of the most unbearable vocals of all time
Even in the best of times with Kanye, this is one of the albums I found to be decently overrated. It's very good, obviously, but the compliments about it always felt over the top for me. Until now. Maybe I'm just more cynical, or have more of an understanding of the world, or maybe those two aren't mutually exclusive, but this album connected with me on this listen way more than it ever did before. Plus, so much of this album was immensely ahead of its time musically. Kanye has grown into one of the worst celebrities ever the course of my life, but the music is unfortunately undeniable. Favorite track: Jesus Walks's fine for a singer songwriter album, but it's really not all that interesting either. His voice borders on my biggest pet peeve of singers who sound bored while singing. Favorite track: Eid Ma Clack Shaw
LEBEEEEEENNNNN HEIẞT LEBEENNNNN This was honestly flirting with a 5 for me, but the artistic pieces drag on for *just* too long. Favorite track: Leben Heißt Leben
To say this album started off on the wrong foot with me given that it is Beck would be an accurate statement. To say that it was further condemned in my view by being only accessible through YouTube Music for me would be an even more accurate one. On the album: it's the best I've heard from Beck so far...still not great. His musical influence shifts from Radiohead to Gorillaz in this one. On YouTube Music: try creating a worse, more unusable platform than this. Ads after every single song. Buffering only during songs, never during the precious ads! Cannot do a single other thing on the phone while listening besides having the song on the screen. I'm done with it. There has to, HAS TO be a better alternative than this
This is a pretty significant improvement on Natty Dread for me. The arrangements are a lot more varied throughout this album, and the content is a lot more, um, comfortable to listen to from an icon such as this. Favorite track: Concrete Jungle
A pretty boring album bookended by two pretty fantastic songs. Favorite track: Broken Arrow
I'm just so incredibly bored while listening to this...I'm not sure how else to say it
This album could not be made any more for me if they tried...maybe throw in a few horns, but they don't really fit this music anyway. Between this, Daydream Nation, and Marquee Moon, I think I've found my gospels of alternative music. The funky ending is the ultimate cherry on top for me--seriously, what an album. I fully intend on wearing it out as much as the others I listed. Favorite track: I Am the Resurrection
My life certainly feels complete for now having listened to this album!!
There are some pretty cool moments in here that were clearly very influential on some of my favorite works...but the pitchy screams are just so difficult for me to accept in music. It makes me lose a lot of interest in most cases. Favorite track: Soul Soldier
The music on it is pretty good and entertaining, but it is entirely too long of an album
I'm not sure why this website hates glam so much (besides Bowie), but I don't care. This album was fun and inarguably influenced some pretty substantial acts, and also incorporated many influences that I loved. Lick Summer Love sounds like it could be on Machine Gun Etiquette, and I love it.
Love, love, love this band so much. Such a unique sound that blends so many different genres into a beautiful, interesting whole. That's basically the recipe for my perfect album. Favorite track: Once in a Lifetime
You gotta have so much talent to make a cohesive album with this many switches in feel and genre. Loved this journey. Favorite track: From Out of Nowhere
No chance I was listening to this shit a second time
Well, I can't say that this was *exactly* what I was afraid of when I saw an Eno-Byrne album, but I definitely was afraid of the general theme of pretentious sounding art that doesn't really connect at all musically...this might as well be most of the other electronica tracks I've encountered on here: they all just sound like half-songs to me
This was really great. I love how funky this era of hip hop was, and this album was a welcome introduction to Arrested Development. Favorite track: There's Always Money in the Banana Stand
Meh, there wasn't much interesting here, but it wasn't bad either
This was a fun live performance, just like I'd suspect most prog rock performances to be. Really impressive instrument playing all around.
What a wonderful album this is, one that I have on vinyl now. I mean there's not a whole lot more to say: every song on the album is a hit. She's got a gigantic, soulful voice for a white girl. Favorite track: You've Got a Friend
Every Rolling Stones album: come for the hits, stay for some of the most addicting treatment of the blues you'll ever hear. Favorite track: Stray Cat Blues
Is that 4 albums by The Byrds now? I don't have any real issue with them, but I think 4 might be a bit excessive. That being said, this is my favorite Byrds album to date. The country-rock-psychedelia intersection is pretty clearly defined here. Favorite track: Nothing was Delivered
Pure punk brilliance. Favorite track: Break It Up
I'll be honest...I was expecting to hate this way more than I ended up doing so. It's still not great or groundbreaking in any way, but it is clearly art. Favorite track: Tears Are Not Enough
I was kinda vibing with this until I heard maybe the worst cover of a song I've ever heard in my life in Comfortably Numb. I don't even understand what their artistic interpretation was meant to be of it, but it very obviously missed the mark. But then...I started vibing to it again. It's too electronica-heavy for my taste, but I really enjoy the "real" instrumentals. Really good variation in feeling too...just don't make the song about a literal fever dream sound like the acid trip from hell next time. Favorite track: Filthy/Gorgeous
Fuck yeah
This is my least favorite Radiohead album in the book so far. Granted, it's still Radiohead, so it's still good. But this album is peak "Variations Under Thom Yorke Moaning" that grows old rather quickly. Favorite track: Myxomatosis.
Nobody makes greatness sound easier than Mark Knopfler. Favorite track: Sultans of Swing
There are no words for how horrible this is
This album is actually kinda interesting as far as electronica goes, but who the hell wants to listen to THIS for SEVENTY minutes?!
Country has a very hard ceiling with me, but this is still one I can appreciate. The honesty and power in songwriting is very apparent, and there is still a clear treatment of the blues that I enjoy. Favorite track: Coat of Many Colors
This is a pretty cool album...there are some almost lo-fi funk elements to it that are really interesting to me. I definitely wouldn't have found this one without the book. Favorite track: Harmony
I really, really love this album so much. I love the energy, I love the connectedness of the instruments, vocals pair brilliantly. The talent level in punk bands is really top notch. Favorite track: Plan 9 Channel 7
New favorite Byrds album of the book so far! I'm clearly way too young to be making this declaration, but this album must have been considered ahead of its time...I'd actually probably suspect most Byrds albums are considered as such. I never realized how important they were to music until this boom though. Favorite track: Eight Miles High
This album is so excellent man...literally the only thing keeping it from hitting a 5 is Curtis Mayfield's singing voice. This review could be copied and pasted for all of the Curtis Mayfield albums in this book. Favorite track: Love to the People
Truly awesome album. Incredible vibes, addicting vocal harmonies, creative production value. Love this one. Favorite track: Drive
There's nothing really bad or wrong with this album on its face, I just do not connect with this type of music even a little bit. There were a couple of cool, "Ah, it's this song" moments though.
I believe that the history of recorded music can be written without referencing this one
To say I find this disappointing would be an understatement. Fiona Apple has long been recommended as somebody who aligns to my musical interests, but I never really explored her until now because I'm just naturally skeptical of pop music. Well...this album makes my delay feel justified. It doesn't fall short where pop typically does fall short for me though--it's definitely not formulaic or written specifically to boost a studio. I give credit for experimentation, but almost all of it misses the mark for me. Can't really grade on anything else besides that. For word man, what an unlistenable song. I'm sure it got a ton of plaudits for its message coming out at the point in time in which it did, but compositionally and production-wise, it might be the most cacophonous song I've ever heard.
There is precisely 1 valid rating for this album. Favorite track: Simple Man
I'll be honest, I was fully expecting to hate this a lot more than I did. It's still not anything close to appealing to me, but it's not nails on a chalkboard to me.
It's like if Sonic Youth were about 5000x worse...the production value on this album truly sucks, unless the producer was purposefully trying to save us from the singer. The entire album sounds like his vocals were recorded through another member's microphone. However...the instrumentals are mostly appealing to me. Favorite track: Satin Down
What an utterly bizarre album...which doesn't make it good or bad on its face. But there's no other way to describe this besides bizarre
I knew this was a 5 star album approximately 20 seconds into the first track. Come on man, how can it be better than this? Tribe gets into some of the most addicting grooves in music history.
This was pretty cool
What else is there to say? It's just legendary. Favorite track: Oh, Lonesome Me
It had it's moments, but most of this didn't land for me. Favorite track: If'n
This album is all of the worst bits of the 2010s rolled into one. The anti-pop movement was badly needed. But it produced equally insufferable music
This is another cool one from Costello. His singing voice really is so unique and interesting to me. And the songwriting is just top tier as per
There are some really nice ones on here with some very enjoyable harmonies in particular
She's after my own heart including Michael Kiwanuka on the final track. In all honesty, definitely one of the best "modern" rap albums I've listened--it's not a 90s esque sound, but it reminds me of the 90s in that the message is biting and the backing tracks are arrangements rather than beats. Favorite track: Flowers
Once was more than enough for me
Yeah, this is me officially declaring my allegiance to Supergrass in the Blur vs Oasis beef. Favorite track: Richard III
Was fully prepared to cringe at this one, and here it is flirting with a 5. I really held myself out of some great music in the aughts (and some really terrible music as well). Screw it, the 5 is earned here. Each song is arranged incredibly. This is a fun mixture of traditional rock and Indie feels, and I greatly look forward to having these guys in my Spotify recommendations going forward. Favorite track: Red Dress
An all time favorite album from an all time favorite band. The feel Alice in Chains accomplishes in this album is basically the exact niche of my preferred rock feel. I could (and probably do) listen to this album once a week and never get bored of it. Layne Staley was an unbelievable talent, and the world was robbed of decades of brilliant music with his passing. Favorite track: Rain When I Die (coming up with just one from this album was incredibly difficult)
I wanted to give this album another chance because it's allegedly very influential on my favorite acts. Somebody is lying to me, man. This shit is awful and barely registers as music to me at all
This was more interesting than I thought it would be, but there are only so many songs about falling in love with each other I can take on an album. After the Help cover, I pretty much just felt "We got it already".
It's a good album by a good band, I just can't pretend to find The Byrds even remotely as interesting as Dimery clearly does
What a truly unbelievable talent she was. She did us January 19th birthday havers very proud. On this album in particular, I mean what is there to say. The songs are brilliant, her voice is addicting, the arrangements are incredible. So glad to finally listen to this album from front to back. Favorite track: Buried Alive in the Blues
This one is a grows from a pretty low place at the start, but it does become acceptable by the end. Favorite track: I'm Not Afraid
Man...this is really depressing to say, but this flirts aggressively with being elevator music. Chill funk is really hard to pull off, and unfortunately it hasn't been pulled off here
I found many of the CSNY solo records to be severely lacking without the rest of CSNY on them. This one is definitely not severely lacking, only minorly so. Favorite track: Cherokee
Congratulations to Mama Gave Birth to the Soul Children for getting told "God, shut the fuck up" by myself, a person who put the track on by his own free-ish will
Ummm...did they want us to actually hear the tracks or nah? Why is the production on almost all of them so silent? It's a really chill album to listen to though...however, the songs are very same-y to me. I'll happily listen to one or more of these tracks in a relaxing playlist, but 46 straight minutes of it is kinda pointless
Album would be cooler if each song was half as long
You knew what time it was the moment you saw this album cover
It's like Talking Heads and The Cure had an extremely uninteresting baby
(goes to reviews expecting many Fallout references) Seriously, his voice is incredible and very well suited for this type of storytelling album. I really enjoyed listening to this, which is a very, very rare statement for me with country albums not by Johnny Cash
I's just such an absolute beast of an album from both rappers. Full circle type projects.
Super fun album once again from the Beastie Boys, with a quite few different flairs to show off their musical range. My only complaint is that the album does drag on a bit, but this is a really great display of a really talented group. Favorite track: Sabotage
In which an entire album is based around the voice of the singer, and the singer sounds like a dog toy on its last legs
The only reason this isn't getting the full 5 is because my parents conditioned me to dislike Billy Joel (but this was wonderful)
Where the FUCK has this album been my entire life?! 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
Man, I wish I was a Deadhead before the Dead stopped touring
Fun listen
This is a really fun album, especially now that it's my second listen. I definitely have much more of an appreciation for it. However, Movin' On Up still sounds exactly like Love The One You're With to me
I was fully prepared to trudge through another average pop album. And then Sad Old Red started. A pop track that's fully, inarguably based on jazz?! Alright, you have my attention. Well, it turns out my gut instinct was mostly correct. Not that much interesting here beyond Sad Old Red--even the cover of Heaven was fine but not notable.
Neil Young can be very hit or miss with me. The CSNY solo albums are always "Yeah, but they'd be so much better as CSNY albums" with me. But this was fantastic. Really easy groove to get into for the entire album. Favorite track: Cowgirl in the Sand
Quite a fitting name for this album as I hate this piece of shit and his singing voice like nothing else
This album is such a vibe
Spotify, please bring back the "Exclude from taste profile" option EXPEDITIOUSLY
Ehhh, not much of interest here to me
90s sound mixed with blues-based rock roots? Yeah, there was only ever going to be one rating for me on this album. Favorite track: Stare It Cold
An amazing voice that I couldn't care less to go out of my way to listen to
Every Metallica album will forever get a 5 from this guy
Tough scene when you're a folk singer-songwriter with stories I don't care at all about and vocals that don't go with any of the instrumentation
Her voice is pretty phenomenal, but almost all of the features on the album detract from the overall quality. The message on her final track resonated pretty strongly though, so I'm happy to give the round up score here
What an incredible album! I'm not sure how I missed out on these guys during my prime jazz listening day, but that's fully rectified now. This is the type of jazz you should show your friends to get them into jazz. Soulful, tons of swing, extremely connected units. This is also a beautiful album cover that is going to look fantastic in my record collection. Loved this. Favorite track: Birdland
This album is incredible. Truly could not get enough of it. Lyrics, vocals, instrumentals...just perfectly in my wheelhouse. Favorite track: Faster
While I desperately wanted to cut against the grain of these reviews for these punk legends, I find myself agreeing with a lot of them. There's Sonic Youth's noise rock, where it almost lulls you into a trance, and then there's this where it's purposefully jarring. Can't say I'll revisit most of these tracks often, but I am glad I listened. Favorite track: Human Cannonball
This is clearly among my favorite totally new discoveries from this book and why I enjoy this exercise so much. As far as rapidly self-produced debut albums go, you can't get much better than this. It reminds me of Marquee Moon in that the entire production feels so organic--it's very easy to just picture these guys getting in a room and jamming this album out. Their influence on 90s sound is blindingly obvious and explains why I enjoy it so much. Something that influences metal and alternative at the same time? It's a wrap for me. Favorite track: Requiem
its fucked up how there are like 1000 christmas songs but only 1 song aboutr the boys being back in town
Man, that is a tough singing voice to sit through for an entire album
Excellence, and the exact type of music I needed to mellow myself out this morning. Welcome to the vinyl list, Getz/Gilberto
Putting a compilation album in here is such a strange decision by Dimery, particularly when it's such a great band with great individual projects. Tom fucking Waits can get his entire discography in here, but The Hives can only get a promotional cut? Barry Adamson gets two fake soundtracks that each suck shit from a straw, but The Hives have to settle for their studio's attempt at growing their UK brand? Give me a break man
This album faded so far into the background for me that I didn't even notice it loop back and play the first four tracks again (why did you make this a feature, Spotify?!)
Hell yeah
God I fucking love punk. Favorite track: Autonomy
This album almost immediately got relegated to background noise until Georgia. There are a couple of other highlights, but overall minimalism in synth records just feel like such a waste to me. Electronic sounds are so far below the sound of actual instruments in my interests that I need to hear something that an instrument genuinely could not create on its own to be interested. These minimalist sounds are definitely not that.
This album is so influenced by Bowie that it might as well be by The Spiders from Mars. To be clear, that is a compliment from me. Favorite track: Honaloochie Boogie
I came into this with an open mind having heard of Throbbing Gristle but never listening to them before. Relating this bullshit to punk in any way is fucking absurd, and anybody who tries to do so is trying way too hard to sound smart about music. There is nothing punk about this apart from musicians with little to no training performing. All this is is ambient electronica, and it fucking sucks. It's not interesting, it's pointless, there's no hidden message in the music, nothing. This is the adult version of babies being enthralled by mobiles. That being said, AB/7A is a cool track
Yeah, I'm at the point in my life where I'll side eye people who listen to this for enjoyment now
Do this band have any actual albums or are they all variations of "John Lydon yells at cloud"? I don't even disagree with the rants against religion on here, but it's not music just because there are backing instrumentals. I didn't start this book to listen to slam poetry
Ice Cube might be the most aggressive rapper of all time. He never fails to confront you with his lyrics, theme, and flow. Naturally, this style does lead to his litany of controversies over the years, but man it is fucking fun to listen to in a record.
There are a number of songs on here that I'd enjoy getting in a playlist, but an entire album of this dreamscape type sound wore out its welcome
This is a pretty audibly stunning album all around...and it gets let down by a few of the dumbest lyrics I've ever heard. Your Dictionary...woof
What an absolutely lovely album that was to listen to
This is seriously one of the most annoying and pointless albums in this list. There is no need to include pure dance club music albums in this list--they're not intended to be cohesive projects at all. My level of interest in hearing different versions of what's whispered over a dance beat is slim to none.
Need to make it canon that Elvis Presley stole his lettering from The Clash
I was a little afraid of the second listen of this one, as I know I had a string of generous 5 stars in there for a while previously. Fear not, this album absolutely held up with me. I really dig the funk-y, grunge-y, punk-y, blue-eyed soul-y elements throughout the album. It's a singer-songwriter that pays particular attention to its arrangements, and I love it. Favorite track: Has My Fire Really Gone Out?
Calling their most accessible (yet still not that accessible) album "We're Only In It For The Money" is a great bit
It is much better than Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, but this band is just simply not for me
It's a pretty cool album when there's actually music being played. The amount of times I had to check to make sure I didn't accidentally pause the song was incredibly high though...not really sure what the intent was with that
What an epic album. This is a rare album where I feel like I truly entered the artist's mind over the course of it. An eclectic mix of songs, feels, and sounds that totally gripped me. Favorite track: Just One Victory
Imagine being a band with 5 or 6 legitimate masterpieces in your repertoire
This is one where I hold my hands up and admit that I liked this way more than I thought I would
I could have died without listening to this one
Just a truly epic album from one of the greatest musical acts we'll ever see
This truly is an incredible album. It's a shame Perry is the biggest asshole in the world and also cannot sing anymore
How many different songs can one band make over the same backing guitar riff? Well they're all the same song, but the lyrics are kinda different!
The ideas are there...the execution decidedly is not. Woof.
Dear God, shut the fuck up
A Billy Bragg & Wilco crossover sounds like one of the most dull duos I can possibly imagine. Update: alright it wasn't dull but it still wasn't for me
This is the work of a genius. Just appreciate it.
This would be a pretty cool album without one of the most irritating singers I've ever heard in my life
What an utter waste of time
Just an all time great songwriter. The feelings he can elicit through unique instrumentation is pretty special. Favorite track (beyond the obvious one): Here Comes the Flood
The songs on my gym playlist are good. The ones that aren't are not.
I am so, so sad that a jazz album is going to go down amongst the closest ones I came to turning off without finishing. Not only is it purposefully cacophonous...the music also sounds very much the same throughout. Really, really disappointing way to present avant garde jazz--you've already broken the structure, can I get some more ideas at least?
I'm staring at the year of this album in utter disbelief
Its far too long. But damn is it fun southern rock
Same as every other Kraftwerk album: 1. Wow it's ahead of it's time 2. There are a few cool sounds in here 3. Who the hell is listening to an entire album of this for interest and/or enjoyment
I apologize, I wasn't really familiar with your game
[insert soul artist] Live at [insert venue] is basically an automatic 5 stars for your boy
Tell you what, they don't make music about drugs like this anymore
Elvis Costello saying the N word in a song at least made sense...this felt like the Riley Reid rap video where she avoids saying it as long as she can, and then she does and just lets the floodgates open after
I don't think I could possibly come up with a less interesting album if I tried
No reaction No reaction No reaction No reaction No reaction Hey it's the Where Did You Sleep Last Night lyrics No reaction No reaction No reaction No reaction No reaction No reaction No reaction No reaction No reaction No reaction
If this album was half as long, it'd rank up there among my favorites in this entire exercise
There are just so many artists on this album that I do not like at all. With this being considered, the album was much better than I expected. And yet I still never want to hear it again
Stop giving me albums by this moany motherfucker
Fuck yeah, funk rap
I really don't know the difference between punk and post-punk, but I do know that I'm pilled for both apparently
Two clear, smash hits on here. However, unlike the other Stones albums here, the deep cuts don't do a whole lot for me
The energy and climaxes these guys bring to their projects is exhilarating
This was a perfect album until they let Throbbing Gristle sit in for a track. Fuck it, 5 stars anyway
I am so sick of consuming this band's entire discography. The music would be more tolerable without the "lyrics" here, but it's still some pointless as an entire album to me
I'm honestly not sure if I've ever heard more range on a single album in my life
Jack White's music is the definition of "I know it's good but I couldn't possibly care less" to me
My Spotify kept randomly cutting out while playing this album. Have to think it was just trying to save me from this load of shit
I'd rather just listen to the ragas that influenced this
Oh, that's why this album is on here
What a fun discovery, and I have once again failed to beat the 90s rock allegations
Congratulations to the producer of this album on having potentially the easiest job of all time