Iron Maiden
Iron MaidenGreat start to Iron Maiden but not there best album, I think it really kicked on after they changed lead singers.
Great start to Iron Maiden but not there best album, I think it really kicked on after they changed lead singers.
Fantastic album with incredible songs personally one of my least favorite is the actual title song of the album but the rest are great. I would say it gets a little too similar in songs after respect to Dr feelgood but then it kicks into another gear from there.
Starts of with one of the best songs ever made but then quickly goes down hill. Far too much of this album strays from there strengths and down the prog rabbit hole that is just incredibly dull. Highly recommend skipping this album the other numbered albums are better in every way. 2 out of 5
I am sure this was a cool experiment into electronic music at the time but this has aged terribly. Very dull and repetitive not worth a listen any more and surprised this made it as a best album.
I feel Bob Dylan you had to be there at the time its just not very interesting and lost my attention quickly.
this was not for me felt like a concept album that lacked direction and ended up feeling like just noise than anything else.
A pleasant relaxing experience from start to finish. Loved the rendition of sloop John B as well and sent me down a sea shanty thread. Also has two of the most essential Beach Boy songs.
Great album enjoyed it start to finish other than the slightly over indulgent through the grape vine.
Just a beautiful album, where every song feels it belongs there to create a cohesive listening experience. It still sounds as fresh and brilliant as when it came out.
This was almost unlistenable with her very shrill annoying voice sounding like she recorded it on a very bumpy road with how much her voice was going up and down. Not sure why anyone would think this is a must listen to album
Clearly very talented but needs an editor to cut these songs to a manageable length to listen to. It is very telling an Album with only 4 tracks is very lacking in variety and hopefully he learnt this in later albums as I like a lot about what he is trying to do. By the time I get to Phoenix is one of the dullest songs ever.
Dull Smiths album sounds very generic with no top songs it at all, really question why it was included in this list.
A very pleasant singer song writer album sounding very much from the 90's. Enjoyed it as background music for work.
What a beautiful album and carried a fascinating journey through the album telling a story through lyrics and sound. Never heard of this Album or Artist before but want to listen to more now.
Its a rough album with several great tracks that express an emotion through the lyrics and the sound, which are very interesting to listen to. But then there are songs that just fall very flat I would saying it is a very okay album not maybe a greatest.
What a great album, I had never heard of Nick Drake before and it sounds amazing especially from the time period it is from. Great theme with constant sound the whole way through but doesn't end up monotonous.