Born In The U.S.A.
Bruce SpringsteenThis is the 4th Springsteen album I have gotten out of 70, 2nd this week. After listening to the album I ate at a McDonalds, read a Ronald Reagan biography and punch a commie in the dick. MERICA!
This is the 4th Springsteen album I have gotten out of 70, 2nd this week. After listening to the album I ate at a McDonalds, read a Ronald Reagan biography and punch a commie in the dick. MERICA!
I ate a giant burger after listening to this. Take that Morrissey!!
Yeeeeeehaw this blows!! Twang and the same old country BS. I listened to the entire thing; felt the need knock out my teeth and marry my sister.
I begun the album sipping coffee when a strange feeling came from my bowels. I rushed to the restroom, sat down and what felt like a hot soup can came rushing out of me. For a moment I felt relief. Just then a yawn followed by what sounded like an angry German came from the bowl. I was launched off the toilet and knocked to the ground from an uppercut to the anus followed by a mid air roundhouse the face. I was half naked and stunned as he appeared. A brown demon shit stood before me. I had spawned a demon poo. He tied me up gagged me and left me in the bedroom closet. I was left in sheer horror as I knew my darling Betty would be home soon. But instead of harming her all I could hear is soft German being spoken to her. For the next 24 hours all I could see, smell and hear was love makin. The nasty German kind. Once it was over a knife was held to my neck and I was unbound with a simple "shhhhhhh" coming from the angry turd demon. My dear Betty asleep he left the room, the house and what I now know the state. I found him on linked in a year later. Happy and married working as some sort of lobbyist for Pfizer. Fuck you Opus Day. You spawned a demon turd right out of me. Betty still calls his name and the skid marks remain on the sheets.
Im glad a man with T-Rex arms can make it in the world these days. He might not be able to do a push up, touch this hands together, put his arms around someone etc. but he can make an absolutely mediocre generic album.
Great hard rifts. Enjoyed the album especially Child in Time and Living Wreck
Classic. Baby I was born to rruuuuun!
One of the more consistent LCD albums. Great listen
Good jams, I enjoyed but it wouldn't be an album I search out again.
Great album and brings me back to the Summer of my Sophomore year. No each time I add Gringo Bandito to my eggs or Wahoo's fish tacos I hear Bad Habit in my head.
I do not like Better things. The lines in that song are terrible. "Say the sparks are gone. Well get an electrician." cheese
Awesome I got this on a Friday. I enjoyed the album
The sound of someone you love I would add to a chill list. the rest is meh
Great album. I enjoyed it and will listen again.
Ahhh Duh.. Amazing album.
Angry French with his angry buddies pounding on their synthesizers. If I ever become crazy and lock someone in my basement, this will be on the playlist. From that moment on; they will know my pain.
Bjork is instantly recognizable. I enjoyed the album and glad it found me.
Okay, but just okay.
Heard a billion times in my youth and confirmed the rating. 4! I also feel like punching someone in the face
Great album. Tapped my foot all the way through. I don't listen to this genre but enjoyed.
Good but never one of my favorites.
Songs just blended in with each other. I heard all these songs separately out of album and I think they're better that way.
Terrible musicianship. At some points its just noise and gibberish. Ill leave this off my list. Past kick out the Jams , meh
Wow. Had to pull up the lyrics a few times to make sure what I heard is actually what I heard. You go Scott Walker.
Great live album. The production is really good. It really busts open at Ain't that a shame.
Relaxing songs to listen to but forgettable.
Great band and great album!
Great album enjoyed most of it
Good album. Listened a second time.
I yawned more than I expected too.
Good not great. Forgettable
Good, would listen again
I wake up each morning and get a bit excited about the album I'm going to get. My mood shrunk instantly seeing my dads judgy face staring back at me. Hey I know; maybe smile if your face is going to be plastered on the album. Or spend less on the flashy font, and more on a photographer. First song made me want to crash into a ditch. The eventual accident report would read. "Poor bastard, another SUICIDE by Cohen."
Good. Enjoyed the style
Great Album. The one I Love is the best track on the album. 3.5 so round up.
Descent. Enjoyable
Good. Never listened to the album before. H to the issa
Great album that deserves a 5 but Billy is a douche canoe and his vocals can gnaw on you after a while. He has no range.
Good album. Chill and you can see how it influenced future artists.
Heard 8 trillion times. Easy 100/5
Flaming lips sound and arrangements. Good Album 3.5
Chill album I wouldn't search out to listen to
Amazing album chic chic wa wa
Yeeeeeehaw this blows!! Twang and the same old country BS. I listened to the entire thing; felt the need knock out my teeth and marry my sister.
Good, I like old Aerosmith
Gangster Rap for country grandpas. Great voice and melodies. Enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
Enjoyed but won't seek it out. I'll probably forget about it.
Great. Awesome live album. Bring it on Home is the highlight for me.
Good album. Enjoyed the different style.
When I was a kid I would see a piano or keyboard and just play meaningless shit. I wish I had the know with all like Brain to record it and make it an album. Album cover gives me some serious Silence of the Lambs Vibes. "Put the lotion in the basket." Here Come the Warm Jets. Is that a reference to peeing in the pool?
Ok. I heard it. I can die now
Great album with some big hits
Awesome album. The last great album from Metallica.
I listened and now I can die
Good album. A solid 3.4.
I mean its Bjork. Not sure how to tell the difference from one song to the other.
This is the 4th Springsteen album I have gotten out of 70, 2nd this week. After listening to the album I ate at a McDonalds, read a Ronald Reagan biography and punch a commie in the dick. MERICA!
Love it! Great album and that album cover; perfect.
1st Track I describe as mumble Jazz. The rest of the album was descent.
Great album and one I will play again. Way ahead of their time.
Good, not great. "I Wanna be your Dog" being the memorable track and probably why the album was chosen.
Speakerboxxx is the highlight. The Love Below is fun but doesn't have as many bangers. Great all around album.
Exactly why I am taking this daily journey! Never heard of them before or any of their songs. Loved it! Success!
Overproduced non sense of the 80's is not missed on this one. The hits are the only ones I enjoyed for nostalgic purposes.
I give it a 2 Wont go back to listen again.
Good album. I like Elvis Costello. 3.8 = 4
Jesus it's like 1001 albums but 400 will be Bruce Springsteen. Once you here 1 Springsteen album is hard to separate the rest. The album is named after one of the most boring places on earth. Loved it
I've heard this album more times than I can count. Songs from the album were part of my dads playlists growing up. I know all the words to every song but never asked who sung them. Hearing this as a full album brings a lot of memories. Chores, playing toys in my room, car rides, relaxing on the couch but mostly my dad. Music is a powerful thing!
2nd Elliot Smith Album I have listened to and it felt very much the same. Good instrumentals but the vocals lack range making each song sound too similar.
Good album. Impressive he played all the instruments on the album. I agree with the reviews not a 5. Its between 3.2 and 4.1.
Well all be Damned; good album from a genre I loved growing up but didn't come across. Smash it Up will be added to my sons sports playlist. The Clash just did it way better. 3.4
I really wanted to love it after reading some of the reviews; but I didn't. It just didn't take. 2.6
Good vibes but needed more 2.4
Great! Really liked the album.
Enjoyed the album. Different and unexpected.
Good album I enjoyed all the tracks. Another discovery from this list. 4.3
Great album. Jammed out. Loved America and of course Roundabout. 4.6
After the first initial tracks it get a little dull but it holds only drops to a 3.6.
I don't know what to say. All that comes to mind is a cat starching at my balls. Scratchy and painful this is album hurts. .00000001 out of 5 and only because it could be used to torture terrorists. Kate owes the world an apology. Bonus note: There's actual donkey noises on Get Out of My House. WTF and why?
Good listen. Of course it ends with a banger. 3.4
Not terrible. I enjoyed the piano and horns on the tracks. 3.4
Good album not my favorite from the band.
I liked the album. Never heard or heard of this artist. 3.5
Better than other psychedelic rock. I zoned out for a period of time while listening to the album. 2.5
Ok so I thought it was a lot more grounded than Scott 2. I had it on over the home speakers and while nothing grabbed me I thought it was a descent album with some great talent. 3.1.
2.7 Enjoyed it being in the background. But it wont earn a spot in the my memory as something I should listen to again. The last song I've played countless times without tying it to an artist.
Loved it. Great relaxing music
There will never be a better singer.
Bob Dylan to me is like salt. Too much and things are ruined. 2.5
Great album. Happy the whole way through. 4.6. Well maybe not Mother.
Great album, great artist. I enjoyed each track. 4.4
5! Great album
Killer Queen is a top track of all time! The rest of the tracks on the album aren't as memorable but good
Solid 4.4. Great CD album
Not bad. After the well known tracks fades from enjoyment. 3.4
Man what a great album. Unique
Good Album. Never heard of them before and will keep them in my playlist.
Yes yes Yes. Love the Cure and this album. 5 stars.
ehhhhh nothing that caught my attention 2.4
Past the hits; ok. I am not a generous god today. 3.4
Although I couldn't understand the lyrics. There were some catchy riffs in there.
This album is depressing. I want to shot myself in the hearing holes. Twaaang all the way.
I liked it. Of course I have heard all the hits. If the songs were all like that it would be an easy 5. 4.4.
Wow! 5 songs in and LOVE IT. Loved it all the way through
No. Stop. Please no more. How much time left on this album. I'm listening to a band called The Electric Prunes and now know why I never heard of them. 1.5. I turned it off on mid way through the last song.
Good. I knocked off a .1 point for album cover. 3.4
Not a huge hip hop fan but it was a good change from the music that I have been getting lately. 3.4
Cant give it move than a 2.5. I like the experimental nature of it but there isn't anything to come back to.
3.3 Was awesome to hear Everyone's Talkn and I enjoyed the other tracks on the album.
Good album. The ZZ top this album presents is different than what I am used to. Great blues sound. A Strong 3.4
Ugh, someone please kick me in the horse nuts. This state fair bullshit is way too much. Generic twang country crap. No thanks. 1.5.
My earbuds were completely offended and I couldn't turn it up loud enough. 8/10.
I can appreciate her talent and flawless delivery. Solid 4.4
I'm at Cherish and I think it maybe the first album that I stop early. Why did this make the list? 2/5
I don't have a response to this. Its just there. Songs are short and I think because of that it blends together. I am in no way better or worse for listening to this.
Just ok. Some good melodies.
Good album. I always dig Steely Dan. 3.5
I respect Ice T more after listening to the album. It kept my attention. 3.5
The beginnings of something for sure. 2.8. No one song grabbed me but the album as a whole was descent.
You have to be in the right mood to appreciate this album. A slow kind of mood where you want nothing to do with productivity. I wasn't in this mood 2.4
Good Album. Good listen for a Friday
Not a bad track on the album. Great musicianship vocals and lyrics.
Great sounds and album. Need a relisten
Great album and singer. Nothing but love
LOOOOVE IT! Great punk album
Great album to listen to . Her voice is amazing.
ehhhhh. ZZZZzzzzzzz. ehhhhh 2.6. I enjoy a little more upbeat Marvin
3.6 - Original, good and would listen again
Good album. 3.5 stars for originality and 2 man band
Grea Great album. What this list is for. Discovering new music
Good. Each song blended into the next.
Awesome album. I remember its release. Few things would have got my attention in these days but this did! 5
Great album.
One of my first cassette tapes when I was a kid. Loved it then but have grown to loathe Aerosmith. 2.4
Great throughout. Amazing the talent shown at 19.
Amazing!!! 8/10
Better for listening to it.
Ok, never got quite into it. I wanted to like it more. 2.7
Took me a while to get into it but eventually I zoned out and made do through 1.8
A good surprise. 3.5 Never heard of them but will listen again
I knda liked it but wasnt wowed. 2.5
Rad! Loved the album and ashamed I never knew it. 4.6
I always liked Iron Maiden but the sound between songs is so similar I never fell in love. 4.4
3 Mehs..
Not my favorite. Forgettable. 2.3
Rocking. Hard guitars and fucking attitude. Love it. 4.4 as it was just a little short of amazing.
Boom the first track hits! then I got in tune with my inner blackness which is weird cause Im 43 and a chubby white dude from CA.
Interesting. I would have rated this a 3 but hit the 2nd half and just started jamming out to it. Listened in pieces and not as a whole but nothing turned me away. 3.6
Just ok. I'm glad Gorrillaz came out of this.
Good album but I got bored mid way through.
Series Scott Walker Vibes. Pretty dark and broading album. It fely like a heavy blanket on the ears. No uplifting or quick beats; just there.
Loved listening to the entirety of the album. Its a journey from such an influetial and all star artist. LEGEND
I just want it to be over. I never loved this era in pop hip hop.
Very differrent and I liked the journey of the entire album. No song stuck out to me.
Cocaine is a hell of a drug. Its like British, Glam, Pirate Indian music with a twist of punk. 2.4/5 Enjoyment
Good band I completely forgot about. I'd give this an upper 3 and round to 4.
Just ok. 2.7 until Rock and Roll Women then we bump'r up to 3.3
There are some classic bangers on here that are so high above the other tracks. Solid!
Ok mushes and flows into each song with a super familiar feel. I loved the Iron Man Cover.
No matter how hard they try to rock I think the best they can do for me is a 2.8. Never have I reached for this album and I never will
A strong 4.8 There are songs on this album that are unforgetable. Each song is so different buit the album rocks.
100/5. Just perfect. The originals, the covers, the conversations in between and the set. Everything fell into place that night. The covers had me chasing the originals and the deep cuts made me listen and explore more of Nirvana. What are they tuning a harp?
I enjoyed the album but there were moments of chaos and noise I had to fast forward through. Overall a 3.5
Wow I'm on a streak. I started this list because I wanted to discover new music but it's always a welcome surprise to get the classics I grew up on.
Great album and soothing voice. 3.5
Nope. I had to fast forward through Birdland because it was so bad.
I cant believe I made my ears listen to this shit. He-La_Whooo
Tswizzle, Tay Tay is something my wife plays a lot and I dont mind. Very catchy pop songs I'll enjoy if played but wont seek out. Nothing inspiring or ground breaking. Just toe tappy. 3.8/5.
Not at all what I expected. I liked the tango electrica. It was a great listen while getting some work done. Straight 4
+ 10 for the linear art and the boob I got to see as a 10 year old. I didnt understand all the stuff going on in the photo at the time. I just saw a boob. 5 - Nothing hits harder than Welcome to the Jungle as an opening track.
Can't rate dont understand.
Loops of mediocre beats. Nothing that was over the top and my toe hasnt tapped on one single single song yet. Its just trying.
Not my favorite Beatles album or era of music. I wont
Really good electronica album. It Does'nt Matter is one of my favorites from the time. 3.4/5
The sounds my butthole makes after a Mexican platter from Taco Bell. 2
Good reggae albu I had never heard in the past. Will add to a playlist when in the mood.
Glad I was able to enjoy this. Hallelujah is a amzing track and the rest of the album show the rtest of Jeff's amazing talent.
Classic. Didnt age well but it was the start of something.
You wanna love it but I can't. Its unique but quichy. I couldnt wait for it to be over.
Damn good album. Solid from cover to cover. I give it a 4 but I sure as hell wont give it higher than that; out of sheer principle and me fighting my conversion into my father.
I like the rawness of PJ and the originality. No real songs that stick but shes good. 3.6
Just very repetitive. I understand the draw but it's not genius.
I really enjoyed this one. Upbeat and groovin
Some classic disco sounds and of course Good Times
Love Bowie just not this album
There is nothing positive I can say about this. It's terrible. Is there anyone on this earth that says to themselves "Boy I'm gonna put on some Napalm Death and get some shit done. Caught in a dream is my jam!" These dudes grew up without a mom. Man thank goodness for the expletive tag. I mean you can't hear shit anyway
Vanilla as fuck!
Great album. Loved it and needed it today 4.4
Forgettable. Didnt enjoy other than spaceman; and that was aighjt.
Just okay
Loved the seed 2.0. Great all around
Great album!! Solid 4.4
LOved it. Great energy and beats. Really really good!
Not my favorite Clash album but still very good!
Mumble pop. Nothing special with this album.
Couldn't get through it all but Cars is a good jam 2.6
Shes starting to grow on me. This one whas one of my favorites
I ate a giant burger after listening to this. Take that Morrissey!!
Cant get behind this one. Just a tough listen after about 3 songs.
Would tap my toe if I heard in a cuban restaurant
Great great album. Loved it when it came out
Tons of Bangers on this one.
I have said it once and will say it again. Bob Dylan is awesome, amazing talent and love his music. I just cant do more than 30 minutes without having to take a break.
5! I love love Fugazi. My first concert, made my own shirts. Ian McKaye was a big influence.
Noted for delisted but this is a groundbreaking album
Meh meh
5! Just absolutely amazing
Not my jam but can appreciate what willy can do. Relaxing album
Really enjoyed the album. solid 4.3
A great mix but not above average.
This is an album from my youth. Ian MacKaye being a big hero of mine. If I listened to it today without hearing it in my teenage years I don't know what I would rate it. Because of its influence on me its a easy 5.
Solid 3.5
Man a lot of classics on here. Merry Christmas music adventurers
Great album ands made better on a quiet Sunday morning. There are some amazing tracks on here. Emotional and though provoking.
The start of something special. Not my favorite stones album
Just not my scene
No thanks. Did not enjoy
10/5. In 4th grade I had a mullet and an ....And Justice For All glow in the dark tee shirt; I rocked the shit out of that thing. This album complemented my panty dropping style.
3. I give it a solid straight 3. Lust for Life and The Passenger carry the album but those 2 tracks are amazing!
I'll go with a solid 3.5 for this one. I can see this influencing Oingo Boingo
Yuck. I cant take listening to her shrilly voice. People sure didnt question things while sniffing pounds of cocaine. Better than the other Kate Bush album I listened to so Ill go 1.6
Ok Dazed off a bit
Loved it. Couldnt listen to Ska non stop but it was a great change of pace.
This review is being brought to you by crsb. This is a CRSB 1 time exclussive review. Enjoy this Reviya, read this reviewya blah tah tah. 2.5
Ok. I dont know where Ive heard thae first track before but it was very recognizable.
Liked it. Really light
I guess it was nice for a time. But not for me
Good little folk album. Would play at a bonfire chillin
I listened. The album just sort of floated by without me thinking to much about it. Sounded good
Good fun album!
Good for a song or 2 just like Lou Reed
I like the rawness of the album.
Meh. I like the beats but the lyrics are rather cheeseball
All around 4.
I dont think Ill listen to this ever again but glad I got to once.
In the words of Michael Scott. "No God, Please No! NOOOOOOOOOOO"
Good just really forgetable to me.
Glad to be intrduced
This is the shit I sing in the shower. Cheeeeesey lyrics!
Im not really great at identifying good hip hop but I know how to turn off what I absolutely hate. This aint it.
Good Album. I enjoyed it very much as some background tunes.
Very good album. I enjoyed just about every song.
Nothing special. Skipped quite a few songs
Past the 1st song mediocre
One of the best! Some tracks you can live without but the bangers on here are just that!
Fucking awesome metal album! I would listen to this when I was young and forgot about it. I enjoyed to everloving shit out of this.... 5. I slept on it and will give it a 4.4
American Girl is a 10 out of 5. The album as a whole for me wanting to hear more of his his. Tom Petty is a legend!
Good not my favorite genesis album
Loved it
Loved it. Great unique sound and album
Couldnt tell one song from the next. Bored.
They felt far away. I got through it but didnt enjoy
I need to listen to more Wu-tang
Fuck yeah. Amazing at every turn. The muscianship is off the charts.
Good but never great
Some really good tunes on this album. but some meh ones. Dont sleep with kids
One of the most soothing voices ever. Applause to you James Taylor!
Amazing! Pure gold and deserves a spot on the top 3 best albums of all time.
Not good. Boring an uninspired
Great album. Glad to be introduced to more than Golden Brown
Shit yes. Can't give enough stars
Nothing wrong with it
I liked this album. Its a good album to have in the back. Different
Catchy, unique and memorable.
Not my thing at all but it's was good enough for a 2.5
If I was being sung to sleep sure. Did not enjoy.
Got a lot of things done listening to this album
"Hey it's the 80's" - Daniel Laruso. Karate kid part 1
Pleasent suprise. Woulnt shy away if heard again
Awesome album. Can you hear me knocking is a 10/5
Can't name a bad thing about the album
Good album not great
Great from what I listened to. I like the beats.
Love some Earth, Wind & Fire. key word some
A solid 3.4
I enjoyed the bluesy sound. Great album
Fancy hold music
Pure 80s. Enjoyed it and recognized a few tunes.
Take on me is a classic but the album drifted after
Tends to sound the same after a few songs. Ok
Great album. I really enjoyed it.
Great Album, amazing band. 5/5
Some Scott Walker vibes in here. And I was just getting over Scott Walker. I reserve 1's for only the purest of crap. This isn't a 1 but it certainly no more than a 2.
Good album fun.
Meh. Just fellike a dowber
Had attic monkeys on the mind the whole time.
Just didnt hit for me.
Beyond the hit songs I didn't enjoy this as an album.
Good live album. Keith Moon is the man
The weight is iconic and easily recognizable. I love getting these albums, wondering why they are listed an bam.
I listened
Great album. Things we said today and Should have known better are my favorites.
If not for killing moon this would be lower. 3.5
Just ok to me. Admittedly not the best judge on hip hop.
great voice and arrangements.
I really liked the album and reading about the band. RIP JAco
Never connected with me. But its the beginning of something
Why? God to live in a time where you can make absolute shit and get recognized.
I like you but Im not in love with you
Liked the album and the hits. Smoooth!
I won't ever listen to this again and will forgot just about everything about it. It's not that is bad it's just that its nothing exciting.
Good album minus the story tracks. Dumbest shit ever especially when you have to picture his fat ass.
Good 80s metal but doesn't stand the test of time
Great live album. Even it if was overdubbed I enjoy the hell out of it.
It must have been fun for them to make this but all I wanted was more metallica
I like this!
Good listen.
It's amazing how you can make 69 songs on a single album but not one stands out.
Great album full of memorable tracks. The boxer being my favorite.
Good album recognized a couple tracks.
Is not on Apple music US. Good album I enjoyed the tracks.
For 88 this is pretty good stuff considering how much I dislike hairbands. A band before their time
When I hear Lemmy sing I just want to grab him a warm cup of tea and some throat medicine. Maybe a soothing milkshake.
Bring the noise carries this album for me
Got through it ok. It was ok
Good background
I'm biased and nostalgic. Its my damn rating so I m giving it a 5!
1/2 way in an skipping some tracks mid way through. Not good, un enjoyable. Husker DooDoo
An amazing voice and presence on the album. Each track is great.
Okay for what it is
Not a majoy Sonic Youth fan but this was a great album
Really good. I enjoyed it. The vocals were hidden in mix and should be more profound.
17years old! wow. Great album. I loved it
Good album, I enjoy the white stripes but only so much. I don't understand the hype around Jack White.
I enjoyed it. I've loved all the jazz on this list except spy v. spy.
Good. Don't like the mix however
After 2, 3 Tom Waits songs I am good
Just okay. Melancholy at times
I'm a sucker for all things funk. Immediate 3 to 4 stars.
Good listen
Ding a ling dang my ding a long ling long. 4
Great album which started my love for Muse. 5
Does exactly what its meant to do. Rock HARD! 5/5
Get you some!!
Enjoyable enough
I enjoyed very much.
If I have to listen to an Aerosmith album this is the only one I really would be ok with.
Give it a 3 WOOOOOOO Give it a 3 WOOOOOO!!
Great live album
Surprising. Come on Eileen has always been on my party list but never listened to the album
Ok but was drowned out by work. Not a lot grabbed me.
If a band was punch able this would be it!
Good album. Thenks to this list I listened
Good album. In my nostalgia zone so it gains a star
Amazing great. The beginning of greatness.
I really don't like this shit. Dum de dum (twang), dum de dum (twang) words.
Great great album
I don’t care for Joni Mitchell.
This asshole is the reason the common man thinks they can go on some TV show and become famous. How the hell does this lack of talent make a list? I wish that banana choked the fucking life out of you Leonard!!!
Great album if not perfect.
I like Bob Dylan, I do but when I have too much it just fades in my mind. 3/5
I liked this album. Very Duran Duran but mellower. Nothing that hits hard enough to put on a playlist. Made me want to listen to Oingo Boingo and wonder why these are on the list and not Oingo
Great album. Different. Enjoyed it.
My wife plays this all the time. It will always remind me of her
High production quality! 4/5
This was one of the very first cassette tapes I ever owned. I didn't like it much then either. Just not my thing. I don't hate it but I don't want to be associated with liking it either.
I think this is my favorite bob dylan album
Ok didn't take
Good album. Great to have in the background
Great album. Not 1 single thing wrong with it.
So much meh
I was expecting more. The funk feels subdued!
Was ok. If a song came on from the album I wouldn't recognize it or think anything of it.
Some great tracks and some that dont up to time.
Good just really melodic
Good album. A solid 3
Great album. Enjoyed it very much. Surprised me to hear Rod Stewart.
bland. I didn't enjoy. He needs his brothers!
Bongo's check. More Bongo's check. Some bad ass rifts with Bongo's, check! I got a feva; and the only prescription is more bongos!
This is the worst. Generic as all hell. I really could have died without listening to this and been just fine.
I liked not loved it
Pretty generic
Haven't heard this album for a long time. Very well done
Underwhelming except for my Generation
Canada Rocks. Great Album
Smoother than butter, silkier than cream and tighter than your sister sarah.
Good Stevie Album. Higher Ground carries it
I love it! I can't believe they were doing this in 77.
Mad synthesizer in the back. There's nothing to the instruments. Doesn't hold up at all.
I got through it
Pretty soothing. I jammed to a few tracks or two.
Loved it. Some really great rifts and just beats. Don't know how this escaped me. this what this list is for.
Great Voice, great album
This puts me in a happy place: A Mexican food restaurant eating tacos! Uno mas margarita, por favor.
No need to listen 5! But I'm going to listen again and again!
Good album 4/5
Not my thing
Good album but never was a Oasis fan
Not a full album of greatness
Dark and then you add some flute.
Good album not my favorite Radiohead so a 4 will do
Amazing And just plain kicks ass.
Long but a good listen and was interesting to read how and why the band was formed. The album recorded in 1 or 2 takes
Good but not great. Just a album passing by
6/5 - Amazing
Great album. Enjoyed and and will pull off some tracks
Good album. Not my genre but I can appreciate the work.
I listen to this album more often than others. Its a 5 all the way. Let Down is consistently on on my top track list.
Just okay. I wanted it to end rather than continue
Good album. Melodic and pleasing lyrics are great
For sure deserves a spot on this list. While not my style this is executed perfectly
just sounded the same throughout the album. May have needed to take or smoke some things beforehand to appreciate.
ok, but just ok to me. Album had some good tracks but no standouts to me.
Very interesting voice. I liked it
I really like this album and band. Never heard of them before. It was a great suprise.
Great Album. Surprised. I would have never listened
Good but needed a more upbeat Van Morrison today
Its a 2 for me Pac. Baby baby
Ill forget about this album in an hour.
Great album with a ton of hits
Sounds like a depressed Cold Play
Good kept me moving during a garadge cleanup
Heard a lot of TSwizzle due to my wife. Don't mind it or love it. Just there
I don't deserve to judge this album.
Ok and just that
I didnt enjoy this. I might move if I was at a coffee shop.
I liked it in the background
A huge impactful album. There are a lot of covers and in Cashs style and voice bring it to a different space.
I played this at my nieces 5th birthday party. Instead of having cake we drank the blood of the innocent and played sacrifice the cat for prizes.
Easy 5
Good album and excellent production. I like curtis here and there but an entire album is too much for me. Love the album art
Great listen, wish they did more. Was unaware of any of their work past There she Goes. Reminded my of So I married an Axe Murderer. "Heeed move"
This maybe the most 90's sounding band that I have never heard of. It's just mid.
TAAAA-WANG and dang a ding dong lilli look doodie do. Fuck n a I want to shoot myself. Voice wasted on crap country twang
I needed to be reminded how great Nirvana was 5.
This a solid album. Great energy.
Nothing to say its motorhead. Mid metal band
Not my favorite Beastie album but iconic non the less. I love the Beastie Boys but this isnt a 5. Everything past this album for them is.
Good album but doesnt stand the test of time
Like wet Tacos on a moonlight patio. Smooth, sultry, suductive fruit smoothie with a splash of MDMA.
Not a fan of pop music at all. I must give credit to this incredi·ble album. The song writting and Adele's voice are on point.
I liked it. Always been a atop fan
Forgettable. One World vocals sounded like an old man on quaaluds trying to sing with apple sauce stuffed in his mouth.
The vocals are hiden beneath some really repetative crap.
Good album just dated
I mean wow. This is good if not great! What a suprise.
Tried on a Sunday morning and had my blood pressure up
Okay tunes
90s on an album
Amazing voice and talent
Im glad a man with T-Rex arms can make it in the world these days. He might not be able to do a push up, touch this hands together, put his arms around someone etc. but he can make an absolutely mediocre generic album.
I enjoyed it. Great voice
Mid level rock album
Nothing special
Space Herpes
Love hearing and reading about China Girl. David Bowie did it better but Iggy's is still memorable.
I dont like it. I feel like a bully cause I want to punch the singer stright in his emo face.
I didn't jam and I didn't fear the devil
Just not the same energy I have today. Descent but nothing special.
Opening with Radio free Europe is a solid start. Good album
Listened while eating a steak
Amazing voice to put a spin on almost anything. Bobby MCgee being the best of the best
Great album and amazing voice
Good double album. Enjoy it and wouldnt throw it away but rare listen
Trip down memory road.
Amazing album. Her voice was one of a kind. Such a talent waisted. Can't help to think what could've been. Absolute banger!
Not my favorite of radioheads
Wont relisten but enjoyed
This list has been interesting in the fact that my taste in music has been write all a long. This is just a fade pop album
Great sound
Not my favorite talking head but life in wartime elevated
Good album I will revisit
Interesting. very very interesting
Its Elvis Costello. Great job at the same album I heard before
Layla propels this past good
Good album with some great classics.
Decent punk album but easy to tune out and forget about.
I got a sick feeling when refreshing my screen and seeing this as the album for the day. It makes me feel like I'm in some shitty buffet outside of Nashville with grandma. Im scooping potatos next to a fat lady wearing a dress with a vest and all I can think about is the sweet release of death. I did my duty in listening and while my initial assessment was a bit over blown I still picture my self at a buffet.
Different unexpected
Good album. I like PJ Harvey but not a lot of PJ Harvey
Great album. I loved it when it came out and I can play it now to chill
Interesting. I like the album but if I saw this live I leave early so I can fight traffic.
Good album
The vocals just drag. I just dont like blur.
I like elton John
I liked it
typical 60s . 3/5
Cocaine is a hell of a drug!
Just so many hits. Should be up there on the global list of top 10's
FUCK! Why his this SOB on the list so much. Before I even listen guess review - Terrible After I listened. - God this sucked.
Ok. I like it but not love it
Enjoyable enough
Liked not loved
Im ok with Velvet underground when its 1 song. A whole album I dont enjoy
One of the best!
Wow walk down memory lane with this one. Fully expected to give it a straight 4. A relisten bumped it up 4.5. 5
some ok some bad and some amazing!
Mellow. Chill
Great album
Its just a smidge to 80s for me
Kudos for something different. Or should I say Kuti's. Me me hahahahah .....
Fucking 5
Ill never listen again but it was a'ight
I cant do it
It was a good background work album
I liked this album. It's very 90s me
There are parts of the album that give you those chills only great music can give you. Hands down a 5.
5 fucking stars. Damn its a great album!
Flat, bland, vanilla and a 1 trick pony.
I have no business reviewing but I like his inflections
There are choices people make in life and these fuckers had the balls to make this shit. Why is this something I must hear before I die. I am more convinced now more than ever I could have become an "artist" and made it on this list. This is getting a rare 1 star from me.
I enjoyed it. Not perfect but still great
Really liked it
Not much to like
Great listen! Legend!
Good album and will listen again
A good album. Would have enjoyed in my younger days
I guess there was a time for this
Solid 4.5 . I love Jamiroquai unique talent
Very good and relaxing
The start of a lot of influence. Could hear Violent Femmes taking a big page from this group.
Cant rate
I liked it more than expected. Needs the Pixies to be amazing
Great album. Amazing part of the catslog
Yes! More of this
Get music and music
Loved the blues
A very interestig listen. Unique in a lot of ways
Always like the kinks. This one was my favorite but still good
Caould be great but not
Hints of good mostly bad. Very influenvial
Great chore album. I cleaned my fridge out while rocking out
Has its place on here
Same flow throughout. Great voice. Liked a song not an album
A California Uber Alles pull. intresting. Government, media, TV all things bad. A little too spoken to me
Good album
I really like this
Background jams
Alright sometimes repetative but unique.
A genesis album. High production and unique
The production quality is perfect and the musicianship is outstanding
very generic 90's
I like it
A good listen in the background to get some work done
Some of my favorites are on this album
Great album. A mix of a lot of genres
1 track on this album was wourth listening to
Great talent in her time. Good album that I never bothered to listen.
Good but not total bowie
I enjoyed the album
Bruh, clear your throat.
Great album
Not bad. Great background
Didnt age well. Even with the nostagia I cant stand it
Great album
LAright listen
nothing to saY
I loved it
I enjoyed it. The sound of the time but bluesy
Great talent
Great voice. Didnt care for hat much Sinead
I was really hoping to hear Fish Sticks on this album. Alas I am disapointed but enjoyed it non the less.
Thought I would like it but didnt. A lot of songs about hygene
I like and enjoyed the album
Some great tracks. I dont like the dude but he does have talent
I liked it a lot. Some heavy sound for the time 4
Always like tracy
Blah. Nothing really substainstial
Its Bowie.
Just kinda listened without listening. Nothing grabbed my attention
I dont like twang but I didnt mind this at all. It was great
Sadder Tom Yorke
Classic 90s
bored with it
pretty much the same song but as an album
A great album,. Wake up and Rebellion are 2 of my favorite tracks from this album and period
Its was well produced and sounds ahead of its time. Nothing really caught my attention.
Dated for that time period and extremely dated now.
The hits pushed it forward a notch
Interesting for sure. I cant disrespect the talent
I like the guitar jams more than the vocals and lyrics. I can't give it more than a 3
Great album
Great album. Great musicianship. I dont search for Black Crows songs but I dont turn them away when I hear them.
When she passes I go ahhhh
Its 60s psych rock for sure. Im at a lose for stars
One of my very first cassette tapes.
A good listen
I got nothing. But I got a lot.
I liked it a lot
Not my thing
Wourth another lusten
Not the best but good
Brrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaa this album was just okaaaaaaaaay
Not my favorite talking heads but we all need a beginning
I get it
Happy to have discovered and listened
Nice to jam out to while at work
It's an Elvis Costello album.
The amount of cocaine and people on their way to pound town while listening to this album is off the charts. Sniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif
First few songs are good then drops off like a cliff
Interesting listen
I enjoyed as much as one could enjoy a Joy Division album
I enjoyed bobbin my head to today was a good day
Opening song is amazing. The reset is great but not at the same level. Great voice
It was very one note. I liked the one note though
Great album
Teetering between 4 and 5 I will finally settle at 4. I liked it but not an album I would pop on after some time.
At times I felt I was at a loading screen for Animal crossing
Good album. Pretty chill vibes
Pretty solid stuff.
Great energy and album
I liked reading about the artist more than the album.
Oh shit! Awesome all the way through.Listening to this makes you realise how todays music is just a sad aferthought of the geniouses before them.
good chill little album.
Pretty solid
Great album. Enjoyed it
Not as good as I hoped
Enjoyed the album. Would listen again.
Loved it
Not what I was expecting. Descent
Great album. Stunner at the beginning
Its a 5 compared to the rest of todays music. A 3 or 4 in the list.
Great listen. Will put on again
Good but not great
Good punk album. I like it but didnt love it and nothing stuck out
Great start to something truly amazing
I dont think the world needed this
I like the idea of Frank Zappa I just like his music that much.
What an album. Great tracks on here
I liked it. If I think about it Id play it again but that most likely wont happen
Got better as it went on.
I listened and learned.
Great album I have heard a number of times
Great album I can always jam out to
Great Jazz album
It started to bleed together and sound too similiar to give it more than average
Great for so early
Was happy to listen but man that was depressing
Amazing voice and sound just found I heard the whole album after 1 or 2 songs
Not my chop of tea.
Alright alright
Good but short
I enjoyed the album. It had a great melodies
Loved it. Enjoyed having it the background which was its intended purpose
There, there was the highlight. It was a great album
Loved it and man she is a heater!
Great Grateful dead album.
Oasis did a great job on this one
Good listen for a morning of getting stuff done. Impressive this is mostly instrumental.
Great album
Ok. Scott walker esq
Enjoyed very much. 9 year old son gave most songs 3's and 4's
Some great timeless songs and others are easily forgotten but enjoyed non the less
I love this album. Was really different when it came around
Learned someting today about this Talking Heads side project. Also album not in apple music. Found on yout tube
Great compilation but unfair to be on the list.
Very good
Great Bob Dylan album
Good album disliked the skits.
I really enjoyed the album. Chill and good vibes
loved it. Classic Dylan. Hes my boy
Not my cup of tea but maybe a 3/4 cup
Right thrrr in the middle
Ok not at all my favorite or wourth a relisten
I really didnt like this album. I had to skip through 1/2 way through some songs. Just whiny and drawn out.
Some great some not so great but definitely history making.
Just couldnt quite get into it
Alright... nothing more
Found Joy Division late and love it. Great sound and album. Shadowplay is one of my top 50 songs
Descent. Enjoyed it. It wont be on a playlist of mine
Enjoyable. I liked the beats
Good album. Enjoyed it
Pretty chill stuff
I mean Solsbury Hill is one of the greatest songs ever. The rest of the album is good but not on the same level
Love this album
I left sex dwarf playing in my office after a re listen. I'm going to have to explain a lot to some people.
Great album. The beginnings of a lot
I like the album art more than the album. that being said it was pretty good
Is what it is
Good album. Stevie Rocks
Wasnt expecting much but thgis way up there. Much better than a lot of sit on this list. + the Narcos vibe
good album for the time and some memorable hits
Surprisingly really good. I liked the throw back
Too much synth pop this week effecting this review.
Unexpected suprise. This is riht up my ally. I love the rifts
Ahh Cripple Creek being the highlight this is a relaxing album. Great muscisionship.
That was a drag to get through. I can only picture being at this concert fighting back my head dragging back and choking on my own druel.
I can't do it. The twang just eats away at my soul.
Not much I can say about this. I am confused but not displeased
I really like LCD sound system and all its hipster glory
I have no strong opinions either way
Nope. Just cheese
Such a hit back in the day but never will be a classic
It's the uncle Ricco of blues bands.
I did not like this
The turntable is the cowbell of the late 90's. Except I want less cowbell errr ..turntable
Hooooooo, Sha moon, cha. Shot da bita.
I listened a few times when it debuted. Descent album for sure. Reminded me a lot of the strokes
not bad.
No strong feelings about this album.
Pretty good!
Really well done. I enjoyed the album very much
It's just kinda there.
Loved it
Not terrible
Great album. Beach boys rock
EI enjoyed the GZA
*Marked for further exploration. Really enjoying the album.
Not my favorite. Its like tired Beck that forgot the coffee.
I love me some Beck. Does not disappoint
Oh my god you have an organ. So what! Did not like
Unique. Ialways loved a song or 2 from the B-52's
Just didnt stick with me. Average 00's stuff
Didnt age real well. It had its place in time.
I feel like swaiying back and fourth cooking in my members only jacket and perming my hair.
Mediocre 80s
Great little boogie album
Loud effect + whispering does not equal an album I must hear before I die. PSHHHHHHHHHHHHgodthatsuckedPSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Its a Bjork album.
Good album.
Great classic album.
I think reviews are exhausted on this album. Not Rumours, hard to follow up that one
Really liked this album. It had me wanting more and had me going to Only By the Night. I think its a 5
Does not sound live! Good album
Great vibe
I mean it alright
Great album. Iconic
Meh. Nothing grabbing
Good album
Love this album!
Great album to listen to
No sir I did not like it
I really enjoyed and Passing me By is a ckassic
I wanted to Run to the Hills but just ran free
this is the country music I always make fun of. For fuck sake I wanted to make more fun but found it suprisingly very good
Initially was a 4 but it didnt stick. It got a bit much
Heavy man! Great album. And amazing for their 1st
I was the exact same person before and after listening to this album. It neither offends me or impresses me.
No. Please God no. Nooooooooooo! Awful
I cant rate anything but a 5. Respect for recording every instrument and writing each song. Dave Grohl just rocks!
Not bad. good background jams
Was ok, not loved
Essential album
Classic. Snoop Carries it
I really enjoyed the album. Perfect for getting some work done
Just kinda there
Not terrible
Very Bjork but needed to be less Bjork
Great album. Masterful
Good album with some great tracks. Did feel they were trying to find their sound
Uninteresting and never got good
Did not enjoy. Just kinda sucked the life out of my Friday. Ohhhhjj uuuuhh lyric lyric
I kept going back to it all day. Really enjoyed it and found it unique. No tits on the radio!
I just listened and didnt really get anything from it. yeaah ohh uh huh yearahh
Love the pixies. This is a great album
Good chill album. My mom loves it so bonus star
Theres just something about Marley's voice and jams that can make my day better.
Didn't want to like it but did. Great voice tslent
The album just seemed lazy and slapped together. Nothing redeeming
Great album to get. Enjoyed
You know I have no real feeling either way. Just listened
I got through it. Didnt hate it or love it. Just some sitar for the morning. Nice mix or culture. Way to Jam it Ananda Skankar
Amazing artist. I respect the courage he had throughout his career. Great send off
It's great for a few songs then get a bit old
A calm morning listen. Reminds me of my mom
No sir I don't like it
Great album. Loved every song
I like the album.
Great album. Was a pleasure to listen to
Good album but dated
I hate this. It's god awful. Stay in the corner!
This will be my 1st back to back 1. I rarely give them. Its almost like a gift so the artist can then go try to make amends for the crap they realeased onto the world.
Masterpiece. an album I have listened to more than others.
Very British. Wanted to give it 1 but it took balls to make this
Never thought I would enjoy but this one is her best album. Amazing voice
Best Costello album I have heard
Descent album
Good calming album
Who ever likes this should revisit. Your wrong. This is terrible. Does not deserve to be on this list
Great album for a Sunday
some good backround music
Loved it. Great beats sample use and keeps you engaged.
Flawless. Start to finish perfection.
It ''twas the nineties. You could get away with shit like this.
Great voice, great album
Wonderful album to get on a Saturday. Perfect
Just exists in space.
Can't rate. When I get these albums I just picture myself in a midleastern restaurant.
Good album just lacked magic for me.
Not a great voice. Just soft, breathy and easily replicated.
I didn't think it was the 2nd worst on this list. I got through it and certainly see its influence. My gristle however never throbbed.
ok for the time. Very dated
Really good. I enjoyed very much
Some good tracks but nothing great and got me excited to hear the next track. I tink a solid 3 is a perfect rating.
Great voice and spond
Cant give anything but a 5. The band backing him and orginality; amaze balls. The Jean Genie is a top 20 track for me!
Alright. I accidentally listened twice andvdidnt realize
I get its impact. Just needs more work
Not the best Queen album but it is only 2
This is really good! Definetly a 4 .5 which I will have to round up per my rules
Randy always gets a 3 from me. Its a lot of the same with 1 or 2 hits.
Great album. Awesome duo
I felt as if someone was going to give me a white rob ask me to move to the Commune and drink some kool-aid to enter salvation. Something I would gladly do if I had to listen to this again
I really like this one. Was listening on a walk Sounds modern.
Middle of the road feelings on this one. I shall score it a 3
It's like I walked through a beaded curtain into a smoky San Francisco LSD lounge. I won't leave the same person from which I came. And I'm taking that jug with me!
teenage me would 5 this masterpiece. 45 year old me loves the angst but cant place with the others
Great album and voice
It was good. Keeping rock alive
The best of Lou Reed. I play Perfect day on a lot of playlists.
Besides the great single it just exists
Great album. 5
Good album. I dont care for much Bjork but this will do
I liked it. Very different than what I normally listen to
Good album. Well sung
I begun the album sipping coffee when a strange feeling came from my bowels. I rushed to the restroom, sat down and what felt like a hot soup can came rushing out of me. For a moment I felt relief. Just then a yawn followed by what sounded like an angry German came from the bowl. I was launched off the toilet and knocked to the ground from an uppercut to the anus followed by a mid air roundhouse the face. I was half naked and stunned as he appeared. A brown demon shit stood before me. I had spawned a demon poo. He tied me up gagged me and left me in the bedroom closet. I was left in sheer horror as I knew my darling Betty would be home soon. But instead of harming her all I could hear is soft German being spoken to her. For the next 24 hours all I could see, smell and hear was love makin. The nasty German kind. Once it was over a knife was held to my neck and I was unbound with a simple "shhhhhhh" coming from the angry turd demon. My dear Betty asleep he left the room, the house and what I now know the state. I found him on linked in a year later. Happy and married working as some sort of lobbyist for Pfizer. Fuck you Opus Day. You spawned a demon turd right out of me. Betty still calls his name and the skid marks remain on the sheets.
Unexpectedly enjoyed. Never heard this album before.
This album is dumb.
Gentle it's my 1st time
Descent album. HAppy discovery
Good album. Never had strong feelings either way for Alice Cooper. Although he was excellent in Waynes World.
Amazing, unforgettable. 1 of a kind
Kinda enjoyed
I love good techno. This is good. Brings me back to the 90's
Okay in every sense. Was ok
Good listen.
Well that was good! I found a new band to listen to
I bet thats his wife on the porch just waiting to bitch about him having a good time on his canoe and not finishing all the work he has to do around the house. He works mon-fri. Give the guy a break!
5! So many hits on this album. I always have pictured Peter Gabriel as a perfectionist. This is a perfect album. Finishing on "In Your Eyes" leaves you wanting more and hits your music feelings in the gut
A good eclectic album of R&B and hip-hop.
A Morrissey album. Bleh
Should just be the one track and that track should be 1/2 as long
Enjoyed the song writing. Pretty bold
I feel this was put on the list by some oragnic free trade bean drinking hipster for the soul purpose of letting people know he knows it exists.
Hey bruh, go jam out on some congos. You over there, go beat the shit out of that bell thing while me and the boys yell some random shit. We'll be played in Cuban restaurants in the states for all time!
Pretty good chill
Eno just ain't my bag baby
Someone named their child Moonbeam or Iris flower after listening to this album.
The album that made them and the song that was played non stop on MTV and the radio
Never heard them before. Just thought it was much of the same. Ok not great
Relax and give it a 2.5
Intriging. Its American Bjork with a Harp
A great album. I guess I dont pay attention to Coldplay hate or too old for it. Well executed album.
Good album. A lot of nostalgia
Too much of this sound is so dragging. Its like they had a homework assignment to write music turn in in and tour off it. No passion or attitude in it at all.
I thought this was good. Hadn't heard before and was a reminder in some way
Devastating listen
Well that was suprising. Well done and a great listen.
Great listen. I love to listen to Jazz and dont enough
Enjoyed it enough to give it 3 stars. Great job Mike.
Dark is right. Made the best use out of his voice his whole life
More upbeat than I expected. Hard shick Nick Cave recorded here
Really enjoyed. Like another said a more upbeat Smiiths and I dont have to think of what a d-bag Morrissey is
Bob! Descent album and I had my toe tapping
The harmony is great. 4
I can see why this was an influence. Interesting!
Interesting. Really like track2
I’m jumping on this 1 bandwagon. What a load of shit this album is
Just didn’t connect with this. Never a moment I said wow or even okay
Some great tracks but not complete. Also stop looking at me like that
Ive listened to this album countless times. I know each song intimately well. It was a ground breaking album.
Great album. Brings back memories at my uncles house
Relly nothing special.
Not bad! Enjoyed most the tracks
This list is tough sometimes
Great jazz album. I have no business judging these
Hot for teacher is an epic ham
Really good jams.
Great album. Was suprised
Album not found on apple music. Found on youtube. Was a descent listen
Perfect 3
enjoyed the album on a nice walk. Reminded me of Narcos theme song
Boots cats, boots and cats , boot cats, boots and cats. Boots cats, boots and cats , boot cats, boots and cats. Boots cats, boots and cats , boot cats, boots and cats. Doiiiiing.
Bordered on a 4 or 5 with this one. I really enjoyed it and it was an amazing discovery. Tilted it forward.
I dont understand this list at times. I dont know why I listened to this entire thing but I did.
Heard this album many times. Some excellent songs and some that drag
Just meh boots and cats.
It’s Elvis Costello. Nothing groundbreaking and not sure why there’s more than 1 of his albums
This is the soundtrack of moist Vaginas
It exists yes.
Pretty dope
That was good!
Just became one of my favorite albums. I know a lot of songs from it but never heard together.
A just okay apbum
Funk’s classic
For a Waits album I enjoyed
Not a huge JT fan but I can appreciate the appeal. Some really catchy tracks with some less than tracks
Alright. Generic
3 just for red alert and the amount of times Ive played that song at parties.
Love it. The R&B, sax backing vocals. Love it all
Pretty dang 90’s
A 5. All the 5’s. Unique masterpiece
I was Honky tonken, just never again
Bleh. Why does this list include a lot of this shit
Mehdonna effort to stay rlevant.
Would have never listened without this list. Great album up to a point
Was in the background. Nothing grabbed my attention
Enjoyed this one
Get kinda old fast
Was pretty interesting
Great find
Just okay
Not sure what qualifies to make this list. I got this in the high 900's and Im starting to suspect. Not much
How these guys made it is a mystery. Such crap.
Ok. No great not bad a 2.5
Just a nostalgic fun album to relisten to. Not something I would play over and over
Hard to find but wourth it
Some real classics on here!
Complete surprise. Upbeat new wave awesomeness
A lot of hippie fippy people loved this shit and thought they were people of the world.
I really liked the album.. Will listen again
Fades in and out of interesting
What this list is for
Generic as generic comes. Basic bitch of 89
Great suprise
Good album. A solid 4
I hate twangy stuff but I really liked this album
This needs to be an album played on St. Pattys day.
+1 for discovery
Good listen worth another.
Great listen and album.
Great listen and awesome production
Great album. Amazingly executed
I like Korn; I liked Korn but now I'm 45 and just doesn't hit the same. Da-boom-da-da-mmm-dum-na-ee-ma -3!
Enjoyable reggae album. Wold be great on a summer day or on a beach
Straight meh
Fairy dust. An album of its time
After 900 and 80 something albums I finally figured it out. This list was designed so we would have to listen to every Elvis Costello album. All of which were the same. You won this round Elvis!
The energy of this album can make the biggest meth head quite itching.
Some great jams and rifts. Got dragged out at the end
I’m here for this shit! Energy, Political stance! Flavor Flav!, Chuck D. Yeaaaah Boooooy!
I like it a lot. Great album and probably my favorite from the decade.
Great album and a debut to boot. Loved it
Loved it. Very joy division
Interesting and glad I got to discover it. It's a more defined less rebellious Lou Reed.
Good enjoyable album. Gald it found its way on the list
Great jazz album good energy
Enjoyed the album felt short
I already loved quality control and man I was wrong to stop there. This album is amazing. Starts strong, ends strong. 5
My 1001st album. Just chill
Pretty toe tappin
Descent enough album
This man needs a cough drop and a spit bib.. Definitely To Waits. Enjoyable is spurts..
Some jammin tunes
Just ok
Really cliche. Not my thing
Its like Kmart wham. I would say Marshall's but its still around.
Great album
Great album. Very much enjoyed
Rate Charles was something special!
Pretty good vibes here
Love it! All of it
Not my favorite Talking Heads album. Take me to the river late in the track list helps the score
Great jazz
Loved iit
Good live album wanted more grit
Bros before hoes! John’s missing some buds here
No one wants to be alone listening to this album….. In the ghetto…
Interesting. I like and didn’t at times
Interesting album. I enjoy its song
Good kinks album but 1 song sticks out
Okay at times
Don't call it come back! I like me some LL
Felt very old
Exceptional album. Sprawl 2 is a grewat track and 1 on my playlists
Great listen. The musicianship is on point and the African lyrics...... jamin
Kept my interest
There were a lot of times during this I thought "What the fuck did he just say"
If Cohen had 1001 albums the book would be 1001 Leonard Cohen albums to listen to before you die. This was my 1032'nd album. I thought I was done with him, but no! He's still here. Great that he can smile on the cover. He just dragged me through a depressing montage of bleak and mirky music. I certainly wasn't smiling listening to this.
Here for it
Sultans of Swing is a 5 track. What a great album
Its like a chill Courtney Love. Country love
The organ was to the 60s what the turntable was to the 90's. Get that shit out of here.
Already had this albumrepeated
Okay Kate. I forgive you
"No love for hoes." DJ EZ Dick
Great album. Each song has its place.
Felt muted.
I enjoyed this one.
Good album
An ok one
Natures way is the only song I recognized. It was okay otherwise. Wouldn’t put it on again
I’ve listened to the originals from unplugged before but not the rest of the album. Enjoyed
Good album
It was odd to read the band is from Ireland. I was expecting CA natives. Good but each song has the same vibe which get a bit tiresome
A record that starts strong! Roadhouse Blues is a 10/5 song
White strips without meg. Good album
Great album
Good Morrissey album but the same vocal tone and style in each of his songs get draining.
If the album kept the same energy as superstition it be a 5, I knock it down for pace
Made me put on Pixies.
Some serious nostalgia for me having listened to these tracks for years growing up.
If is a new favorite
Theatrics and wanna be nin
It was a delight even not smoking
Groove is in the heart is one of the best house songs ever and music video was equally awesome. The rest of the album is just too generic. And forgettable
Loved it
I miss eilene
Easy listen! Would do again
That was a dark one. I do love me some Cure.
Monotone and interesting in parts. Enjoyed more than I hated
Hard to find each track. But all great
Interesting listen. Enjoyed the album but most likely wont be a relisten
Not terrible. Not something I'd repeat. 3
Incredible no. Average yes. Today it be hard for them to find work anywhere but the local ren fair.
All over the place
Very good
I liked it. Different
I’m yeah. I listened didn’t really need to
Fantastic. Great punk album
I've always been meh about Judas Priest. Ill hear the songs and rock out but never search them out. Are there die hard Judas priest fans or just fans that go to Judas Priest concerts? I think if they came to town I'd say "Hey look Judas Priest is playing" then go about my day. It's basically how I approached this album. I have no real feelings.
Pretty generic 60s folk rock
I love the beats but the lyrics are messy.
great background noise. But beyond that is not awesome
Great artist and album
this is my shit! Amazing rifts and just fucks. But only for a minute
Right there in the depths of a 3
Was a good listen. One I won’t seek out.
My toe was tapping and head bobbing at time. Great album to get some shiat done. Some beep some boops
Well its rush. The musicianship is amazing. There's not much to criticize. I've just never loved Rush
Really liked this album when it came out. Enjoyed hearing again
Really a great suprise
You gotta get past the first few minutes to enjoy this album