Opus Dei
LaibachNext time I am Conjuring up holy holy demons this is the album I'll listen to
Next time I am Conjuring up holy holy demons this is the album I'll listen to
Album contains the sweetest cover of inna godda davida ever. I was in the right mood for this today.... Another reason O appreciate this 1001 album site... Would not have actively sought this out
Friends are supposed to help keep you making a fool of yourself. This woman has no friends.
Great way to stick the landing for the week. These are songs from when I was alive. Every damn song was great. 6 out of 5 stars
Instrumentals were nice. Apple sounds like she's trying too hard to be breathlessly sexy. She failed
Great horns. Def 70's
Assaults the senses like a middle aged vegan named Karen who. Is. In. A. Hurry. And is standing behind you in the 10 items or less line and who has just counted 13 items in your cart. Having been in my second year of college when this album was released, I cannot recall any potential drug or combination thereof which would permit me to enjoy this uneven rhythm enough to listen to it again. Seem to recall it was against Geneva Convention to play this to POWs, but does have potential use as the album to play if you have unwelcome house guests.
Very interesting. Had heard of them but had never listened before. Nice clean sound and vocals. Compelling lyrics. Gonna listen again on my way home
Unusual instrumentals... Can't imagine picking it up to play as an album but still was interesting background filler
Meh. Groovy, but only as a period example
I liked the sound but it was like someone couldn't commit to writing a complete song. Just dropped / ended too soon....
Such a great album. Had not heard some of those since the 80's. Elton and Bernie were just starting to peak and the songs were powerful. Will listen again
9 of the songs sounded like the same thong with different words. Was not until the last two songs that it showed signs of life. Could exist without listening to it ever again
Madonna at one of her peaks. Is and was a good sound
Next time I am Conjuring up holy holy demons this is the album I'll listen to
Speed was evidently a factor in picking their drummer. Or their dtug of choice. Either way
Really uneven vocals and sound mixing was not thrilled
Good clean sound and lyrics
If you are into a activity this might raise your cardio. Ok for sure but not my typical cup of tea
Classic JBJ. Awesome album and all winners
Classic b52. Not bad musically or lyrically
Very nice example of British skittle music.... Good fiddle, decent lyrics
Filled the background with noise.... I won't need to listen to it again
Did not care for the spoken word / rap style music although it was more intelligible for me than American rap.
Great late at night ease back album. Psychedelic 60s vibe
Still great 50 years later. McCartney is incomparable....
I did not know how much I needed this music. Great jazz
Sweet dulcet tones... Remember the 60/70s latin influence.
One of Queens' best. How can you not enjoy?
Instrumentals were nice. Apple sounds like she's trying too hard to be breathlessly sexy. She failed
From when Bruce was younger.
Was not half bad. Good instrumentals. Vocals fine but had a difficult time with the lyrics....
Fun 70s disco flavor. Made for a nice ride into work...
Good rocker from 1970. While not my cup of tea, certainly was classic and enjoyable
Right day for this album. Good lyics good instrumentals
Bowie trying something new. A bit off though. Not as strong as Changes
Another famous band I had never really listened to. Enjoyed this a lot on a rainy Monday drive to work
Meh.... Hardcore drummer bits. Not unique enough to be desired
Not his best. Just before he really found it
Listening to the solo efforts from each of the Beatles it's not hard to appreciate the reason each is still so admired.
From when it was all still simple songs with easy meanings....what a great time.
Gentle voices with good stories, no hate. Very good listening to this
A very young sounding JB. Before she went big she apparently was a vanilla folk singer. Glad she grew into it
Meh. Didn't like 'em in the 90s. Have not changed my mind
Expected a rocker. Got a rocker
Dude. It's fuffin Santana. No one compares with this artistry
Something about angry Irish music first thing on Monday morning hit me just right....
Good sounds. Just edgy enough for the times.
Wonderful to hear Ray with a full orchestra! A legend
Not bad but snippet format makes it hard to get invested in the music
Allegations not withstanding this was good music, perhaps made ominous by the later accusations.
Musically good. Lyrics were too quiet
Excellent any time of the day. Will listen again
Very thoughtful lyrics, good 70s rock tracks. Zappa was not a great vocalist no matter how you try to lipstick that pig. Miss him though...
Like Zappa yesterday, thoughtful lyrics. Hiphop style and much better vocals
Excellent both musically and lyrically
Pre80's 80's-cover band. Just sounded like they were trying to imitate someone but never figured out whom
Great music ... Clean expressive lyrics where the instruments don't overwhelm the songs
This music is driven by the instruments rather than the vocals. Nothing really clever there; dream on and don't want to miss a thing were more pleasing
Not a one of these could be sung a Capella... The energizer bunny tires out before this drummer. Not a fan
Surprisingly delightful. I was a bit leary reading the wiki but ended up enjoying her efforts.
Legendary jazz. This was a good offering
Pogues appear as first repeat artists to my knowledge.... Not sure this album is unique to qualify as 'must hear'. Good but.....
Mellow thoughtful lyrics, music that accompanies rather than overwhelm. What you played when you were with your best chick
So clear a purposeful! Such a beautiful lady. More!
A bit of an odd duck for the time period.... Unique layered folk song appeal. Good to listen to once
Great assembly of country artists.
First impression was 'echo of late disco era early 80s techno'. The singer did not show a huge vocal range but was alluring in the solumness of her words. Ended up delighted with the entire album. Probably didn't listen to her before since I am an old man and she is a youngster - and I avoid the appearance of impropriety. I will be listening again
Chestnut Ok a little rocker
Angry jazz...hated it
Was ok. Happy it finally ended....
One of the defining sounds of 60s folk. A simpler time, when vocals and words could tell the story
I liked the tutorial aspect
Mid 70s country. A bit cringy by today's light but still great for the time period
Easy to listen to instrumentals. Was ok on vocals. Listened to an extra cut and liked it better
This came out in an era when I didn't have much time to appreciate any music, let alone rap. When this came up on 1001 albums, I cringed a bit. I was wrong. The lyrics were for the most part a decent poetry. I still am not a big fan of the instrumentals background/scratching.
Instruments were really good. Vocals seemed to be secondary. Was a good Monday morning drive time listen....
Not what I would actively seek out. But was not terrible....
Had only casually listened to Petty before...whatever was top 40 playlist stuff. Really liked the Wildflowers album that came up... Will listen again
Album contains the sweetest cover of inna godda davida ever. I was in the right mood for this today.... Another reason O appreciate this 1001 album site... Would not have actively sought this out
Sad end to the week. Was not terrible but not as interesting as previous albums this week
Ok as background noise. Decent mix between music and vocals
Made me say 'YES'!!! Music from back when I was alive
A nice surprise. Had a fresh jazzy feel...bouncy. Worth another listen some time
Started out interesting. For the time it would have been innovative. Quickly became repetitive... C'esr dommage
Never had listened to the Beastie Boys although I've heard Fight for Your Right to Party and snippets of some of the rest. Couldn't work the whole way through as it became less and less unique and more and more flavorless...
Interesting blend of orchestral sounds against the backdrop of Morrison voice. Would listen to again
Great period piece. Music depended on the strength of the performance and Elvis was up to the challenge. My parents probably danced to this
Wow. Was good for it's time. Considering the low tech approach still could have been better
I enjoy metal. This wasn't bad
Not a bad listen. Has good moments
Bouncy for a Monday
I enjoy songs which tell a tale. Really enjoyed the stories
Wasn't too impressed until one of the middle tracks that had a very tasty minor key hook. Vocally uninteresting
Really benefited from the interstitial comments about representing for females. Made me appreciate she wasn't being "vulgar" (btw I didn't care but it would keep me from recommending to others) for shock sake. Mid line marks because hiphop isn't my thing but salute to the author for speaking her thoughts!
Modulates well but I couldn't get interested today
Had not heard of her in the 70s... Kind of wish I had. ..
This lovely set of tracks got interrupted 4 different times. I will listen to this again some day when I know I won't get bothered. Mid rating not its fault
Catchy stuff. Late teens pop....
Delightful little debut album for Cheryl Crow.
Certainly not what I expected. I have a techno-jazz vibe with this one. Would be a great slightly buzzed drivetime track
Made for a great drive home track. Good vibe energy
Nice mood setter for morning drive time
Not my favorite genre. There are plenty of interesting samples and derivations but ultimately having trouble getting into it
Cheap trick. Good rocker but soundtrack played in background without compelling me to listen attentively. Meh
Great way to stick the landing for the week. These are songs from when I was alive. Every damn song was great. 6 out of 5 stars
Had a jazzy-grunge feel. Interesting for a listen but I doubt I will wake up saying let me jam to Crooked Rain
Anti-disco in the throughs of the disco era. A rocker when the money was going to others. Not the hero we needed. The hero we deserved
Ray Friggin Charles. Such a soulful voice. Digital remastered cleaned it up so nice.... 4 stars
Nothing compelling here for me. Meh
Ended up as decent background sound.
East Coast hip hop... Lyrics seem to be focused on business... Again, hip hop is not a fave but there were some good stories told in the lyrics.
There is such strength in the performance. Being kind, that fat kid could sing. As a fellow fat guy, I think the dude was so passionate that every note was important to him. RIP Meats
Such a great voice for 80s music.
Saved this for Sunday morning. Such a great background track to my long drive.. Loved it
Popular/mainstream rap.
Rhcp was interesting..... Would give it at least a three
Easy to listen to
Didn't hit me in the right mood
Not the rock out I wanted. The rock out I needed.....
Tells a story well. Easy to hear and listen too
Fascinating use of the Moog Synthesizer
By today's standards, not even a good acoustic. Back then, so very rebellious. Nod to the King
Wee bit disappointed. No real grinders to be had here
Amusing throwback but lacked the later picturesque story telling
Couldn't listen beyond the first three or 4 tracks....
Was ok
In the 70s everyone had a band...
Again not my preference. Some interesting lyrics / stories
Excellent rhythm and beats. Not my usual genre but a pleasant listening experience
Awesome club music. Heavy on the industrial beats.
Great story teller.... His voice is 'interesting'
Definite 90s vibe.... Hard to dislike but did not capture my heart
Liked the drivetime no thoughts needed quality. Not bad for current millennia
Aerosmith well known rockers with these classics
Great light jazz. Could have listened to twice if I had the time
Was very innocuous as background drive music.... Actually that's good
Interesting vocal / storytelling style...
Sweet notes were made of these...who am I to disagree?
Angry noise. For crap on a Monday drive in
Surprised... Was not expecting this..
The oh so young Merle Haggard aged so very well. A young guy telling these stories is interesting. An old guy, damn becomes credible.
This is a group that my wife, who has very questionable taste in music, might enjoy. Me, not so much
Wonderfully darkish on a chilly fall preHalloween Friday. 3.5 to 4 lets see how Monday makes me feel
Easy to listen to. But nothing 'stuck' Vapid
Good old banger. Mix of drumbest vocals and rarer instruments
I listened but this one too didn't stick
I love a good dirty story now and again. Would not listen to in the car with kids, but was right for the time
Magic from the 70s! Great drivetime listen
Great C&W sound... Outlaw without being outlaw.
Whew. Glad that's over. Instrumentals were good. Not fun on the voice....
Great baseline album of 60s era. Comfortable listening
Really enjoyed the Cuban Jazz rhythms
The combination of drums, lyrics and guitar was just perfect.
This was delightfully jolly. A surprise that it was as early as 1969....would go 4.5 stars if the scale went there
Cool concept...light but with layers
Not bad for 90s music....
Wonderful rhythms... Did not mind that I don't understand Portuguese...
Not a bad rocker for Friday drivetime
Got hooked at theintro with the minor key... Loved the whole because of it
She tells such a vivid story! Certainly one of the best from the timeframe.
Marvelous roll lately with these minor chord pieces. Super happy this was on my play list today. Great change up for road music
Such are the baselines that we messure against.... Presence, style, wrapping in the warmth... Enjoying this quite a bit
Very solid music. Since this is recent I am giving 4 stars to maybe boost his scores so we hear more from him in the future
First time I listened to the full album... These guys might go places
Interesting for the timeframe... Decent little rocker
The 90s were like this....edgy with a decent back beat. Today was not a 90s day.
I wish I had been cool enough back in the day to listen to funk. I had zero expectations for an album titled Maggot Brain. Now I have it on my will-relisten-to list
Wasn't as good as I hoped it would be. Lame
Gone too soon... Just the first talent of his time
Lovely latin tone... But not on my play again list
Awesome for the sound engineering. Will keep this handy for when I test drive a new car. If it sounds wrong, that car will be wrong
90s stuff. Meh
Roots of modern rock and roll.... Fresh for the time and deservedly pop
Passable background music.... No need to listen again
Needed this.... Great traveling music
I dislike Neil Young. That being said, this album is one of the most delightful things music wise from that period.
So many great songs and memories. Behind blue Eyes always takes me back to a different place
Not in the right headspace to enjoy it...was not terrible
60s elegance....
Really enjoyed the use of synth and contemporary instruments. Actual muscians these guys
Good end-to-end listen
I thought this would be pretentious. Instead very solid rhythm and vocal/music accompanyment was outstanding
Great album... Holds up well from 1968
Another drum driven 90s group. At the time they were edgy. Now it comes off as whining
Offbeat. In the proper frame of mind a 3.5 star gig
So many of his songs held hope for a better humanity....
To all a good night....
All time favorites seldom disappoint
Devilishly good hooks, with lyrics made to intice and ensnare. So very naughty. On the bad side, a bit too anti for me
Caught me pleasantly by surprise....
Interesting euro vibe. Didn't get into it
A pity... The year end album was not to my tastes. Glad that's over much like 2021
Interesting... Bit of cajun sound to me
Great album... Alltime alltime!
If this guy was in the piano lounge I would definitely wait until the set was finished
A lot like the Bangles except not as charming
Pearl Jam is a very decent 90s band
First parts lacked intimacy... Last paets lacked enthusiasm
Passed on this listen first time around.... figured I would try it. Really liked the vibe. Rare Sunday four stars for me
Easy to listen to. Great album for the era
Peppy little thing. Great beats decent lyrics.
Cure was a 90s version of easy listening
Classic hits
Kinda sweet like the great girl bands of the 80s like the Bagles and the GoGos, but with a sailor language variant
Very solid instrumentals. A bit hard to wrap myself in the lyrics
Nice. Distinct songs... Not the 12 versions of the same thing other 90s bands played. Worthy of a second listen
Great tales are told via simple guitar and Dylanesque word singing
I have an overall appreciation for Prince so a bit prejudiced. Can listen to this any time and not be disappointed
Never had heard of this group but I really enjoyed the music.
Fundamentally not bad
Has potential for a smooth jazz / rap fusion. Never found of misogynistic lyrics... People are undervalued enough with our dumping more on
Absolutely wonderful way to end the week. Back when I was alive these were the music track in my college existence.
Great lead off to the week....
5 stars without even listening. This is the way
Another great Sunday drive album. Very comfortable listen, and will hit my playlist again
Could not get into this one... Nothing grabbed my attention
Kind of sounded rockabilly...
Kind of a blood pumper...
Very good music for drive time home just as night is falling
Really great album for today. Will listen to this again...
Marvelous lyrics. Great folk guitar and harmonica. Regretful yet distinctive voice....
Young and strong.... You can still feel the energy
Such a delightful stretch from the normal folkie stuff. Paul Simon is definitely multi talented
Caught me by surprise. I love easy jazz, and great lyrics. His distinctive voice fits the music well...
If I needed a sound track for a haunted house I might be tempted to include some of these cuts. Was not whelmed
Seemed as if he was in too much of a hurry 'to spit'. Did not leave enough time to tell the story....
Lovely voice. Tragic life. So much wasted beauty
Quite the surprise. Great instrumentals but limited vocals on the initial tracks. Excellent soundtrack for Monday drive time
Amusing era piece from the 60s. Funny names were all the rage, but if you played an awesome bassline you could sell records
This was the LP album equivalent of a self published vanity book. While the lyrics were generally pleasant story telling, the vocals strained to find what key the song should be in. I can't be sure why this was an album I should listen to unless to serve as a base line for low end.
Much better storytelling voice than Dylan. Can actually sing too
West has more of a reverence for his words and story telling than many of his genre peers. He makes the songs thoughtful. As someone who is not necessarily a fan of rap, I nonetheless enjoyed this
Stories well told. The guitar becomes a duet.
Better than average British band from the timeframe.
After listening to track one, I was discomforted by the thought this was Faust 4, implying there were at least three more. Subsequently, giving a fair listen to the other tracks, I appreciated the soundscaping but I can't ever imagine me saying this is what I want to listen to today
Ah the 80s! This was an interesting album that fits my recollection of the time era... Mostly harmless...
Iconic music. This is an excellent album.
Fun prog rock entry to start the week.... Would listen to again
Music 'quality' was very decent. While some of the tracks seemed disorganized, there were some that came across as heartfelt which made me appreciate the talent.
Such a strong album. Great voices, great stories. Great brass and all beautifully mixed
Kind of a tail end disco feel. I was pleasantly entertained
Out of respect for the 'artist', I won't listen to his 'music' since his 'opinion' got him all butthurt and shit. Fuck him.
Another case of very well done story telling by the hands of an imperfect voice. A 'generous' 3 but more 2.5
Not too bad for music from that era
Much like the previous offering from Cohen, very decent minor key stories. Voice sounds like it never really gets to where it should be
Best use of an organ since Johnny Holmes
American story telling... Did not care for these unpolished bits
Great distinctive sound. Fully stepping from the live and peace 70s to the rumbling 80s
Nice post disco bump...
Who'd a thunk a French language metal album would bethis good? Rating 4 so I take a moment to listen again
Great, I thought. Another Leonard Cohen album. How do 3 of these make a 1001 list? But, my goal was to challenge myself to listen to music I was not exposing myself to... Reading the wiki notes about this being close to the 'finale' life-wise for Cohen made me curious. The pathos of the lyrics and voice here added a quality that made me enjoy the album as a farewell note.... Would have been slightly better as a night time listen.
Loved it! Just a lot of fun. Final cut was the first song in memory that openly 'wished someone was dead' but done in such a way rhey wouldn't mind the journey
Hadn't listened to this in years. Came in fresh for a Monday morning
French rap... Who knew? Softer than urban American rap. If I understood the words I could learn to like it more
Very nice contrast to yesterday's mc solar french rap. Cyress hill comes as 'grittier'. Good weave of music and lyrics
Sounded nice. I do not speak that language so I can't say I agree or disagree with the lyrics message. Had an optimistic feel though...
Highly frenetic album on a day when my soul cried for soothing. Yea I get it. The guy can tweak the strings impressively fast. Oy!
Good kickoff to the week. Very decent lyrically and musically
Wonderfully quirky. Bold structure
Solid heavy metal offering
Paired well with the rainy drive this morning. Doubtful I would listen to again
Less innovative and more commercial sounding Bowie. Lukewarm
Great leadoff album for the week. Another personal favorite
Surprisingly delightful. Very nice jazz progressive feel
Lovely bit of music there. Still the clear unencumbered sound of 60s
Lacked something to make ot distinctive.... Plain mashed potatoes of this genre
Lovely voice. Bold album for the timeframe. Snaps to the producers here
Eh. Rap. Not a promising start to the week....
This was cutting edge for its time. Rekindled an interest in seeing the movie. 40 years later has lost an edge....
Didn't dislike but also didn't fancy it. Freddy M was solid in lead and that scientist fellow May seems to be effortless in his playing
A lovely voice. The music felt like an avant garde art performance. Might have been more tolerable if I was deep into my cups
Meets all my 'likes' criterea. Music goes with lyrics goes with story.... Notable how many of these are covered by other artists.
Great blues/jazz leadoff this week. Muddy Waters certainly the best of the era
Wow! I really liked this album. Great stories and told clearly (disclaimer, my suckass hearing needs discernable words). Hit me in the intellectuals with his thoughtful approach to describing the modern hypocrisy
Early Stones. Seems almost 'simple' in comparison to later stuff... A few less layers. Liked it...kind of clean
Strong and clear contemporary voice. Easy to listen to
Led Zeppelin was seminal. On the cuts from this album, many are still landmark today
Lot of great musicians in the 80s. Prince was definitely top two....
A sweet voice. Great story telling if a bit broad strokes
One of the few albums that compelled me to check the Wikipedia entry. Who was responsible for this travesty? There was a surface resemblance to traffic and john barley corn. But scratch the surface and it was quite unattractive underneath. Yikes
A step away from the prevalent disco of that era. The promise that was all the best of 80s music.....
Such a fantastic voice.... She really brought these beautiful songs to life
Incredible jams
This album helped to change music as we know it. Advanced from the easy three chord 'light' songs to songs made intended with depth
The Weight was the best cut. Rest was ok
Lovely jazz disco vibe. Easy morning drive
I was so innocent when this album came out. Everyone was their own kind of 70s bad ass bad company. 50 years later still a good listen but I understand the vast difference between thinking you are a bad ass and actually being one. Mea culpa
Happy Sunday morning beat as I listen to this. Perfect for the three hour drive
Surprisingly delightful. Similar to spirogyra...
Solid metal. Could have listened to a few fewer tracks
Great techno feel.
So many quality pieces in this...why don't they sound better?
Organ / synthesizer music was still very novel back then...
Oh what an age it must have been! Talent just kind of found each other and made the soundtracks of a generation. These guys were good
Meh. Good music
Solid Bowie music
Meh. More rap
Good mix of vocals and music... comfortable listening
Not the best of the era. Lead singer wasn't to my tastes. Interesting background music for drive time
I endured this. Nothing spectacular in the lyrics but a tolerable drum and guitar. Disposable
You can feel the love in his voice. Yes there were break up songs but they didn't come from anger or hate.
I liked this Dylan offering.... Easy vocals right music mix.
What an interesting collection. I got caught up in the techno vibe. I was so happy they were not trying to bemore than just a great beat. Would be 3.5 if I was allowed halfpoints
Innocent brit pop. Nice selection from the timeframe
Classic Beatles... Love songs before they wove deeper meanings into it
Easy to listen to.
Was ok. Basic, ya know?
I tend to agree with Wikipedia in this case. I did not see this as extraordinary. Decent but not in the top 2000 of all time
Uncomplicated music (except for a track or two) easy to listen to
Not what I expected of 90s music. Gave me pleasant vibes like 60s California easy rock
Preface: I am not a big rap guy... From technique points was not bad. Could not embrace it
Classic metal to close the week. Life is good
Neil Young? Nah. He doesn't want everyone to listen to his stuff. I will obey his request. F him.
Nice clean early Stones. Good licks along the way
Nice gritty light industrial feel. Not bad but unlikely to be on my replay list
Who doesn't like Reggae? Such easy background music.
One of the great all time groups. Great background rock
Bouncy little album. Had echos of 60s and 50s music. The hits were special
Loved this techno.... Very clean! Would listen to again
Very casual background vibe. Mellowed out music
Iron Butterfly was an awesome band. I listened to this album as a kid. Totally amazing
Say. I like green eggs and ham. I like them Sam I am. Never listened to Radiohead before although I had heard of them. Made for good Friday listening
Super right sountrack for the holiday Monday
Disco lite. Somehow harder to listen to than regular disco.... Not terrible. Not going to go on my playlist any time soon
Love the drum and overall vibe of this album. Great instrumentals
Was ok. Just was not feeling it today for this album
Very decent. Not quite a 4 but better than a three. Lets see how I feel tomorrow when I rate it
From me, this would get 3 stars just for being Steely Dan. Add a star for Josie and another for the overall album.
Easy effortless and charming. Wil list to again
Having lived thru the timeframe of this album, amazed at the cultural references. Great light jazz, non preachy lyrics. Great for rainy morning drive
Nice 70s era album. Certainly a solid
This was my dope smoking long haired roommate's favorite band. It aged well.
What the hell was that? Would not give it a full three star but maybe 2.5. Will settle for the 2 so I don't get lulled into listening again
Very decent singer songwriter. Easy to listen to
I knew of Black Sabbath. I had not listened to the full album before. Very nice indeed
Didn't have a lot of hopes for this but was pleasantly surprised. Marking as a 4 so I will revisit it someday
Was not a fan. It was not to my taste musically or lyrically.
Very enjoyable! I felt Stevens told me his story, very well. Music fit. 4 but if I really feel it, 5
Fun techno bumper. Mid afternoon listen was ok. Might be better at night
BB was not on my 90s playlist. Seems like easy listening at this point
Typical solid drum beat. Another so old it is easy listening
Almost a pity that Courtney came up thru the grunge era. Would have been interested in hearing her with 80s girl band stuff
Steely Dan being one of my all time favorites, I will give this a great Friday 5 star. I had this on 8 track....
Great funk! Fun times, with a new appreciation for themusic of the times
Beautiful soundscaping on this before there was such a thing as soundscaping
Never heard of the performer before... Really enjoyed and would listen to again
Great storyteller with a beaut3voice
Pleasantly impressed by the eclectic jazzlike arrangement. Had only heard Roundabout before so happy to get the rest of the album
Was not bad. I can't imagine the 'best' time to listen to though. Neither lends itself to morning pump up or nighttime wind down.
Full of great 80s pop. Great assembly of music
This is another no brainer for me. I wore out my 8 track version of this in high school. Interesting stories with great instrumentals behind it. Will listen to again....
Listened as drive in to work music on. Friday morning.... Would have been slightly better as the home drive into the evening. Still a darn nice week of music ....
Quite acceptable Monday offering. Notable because the vocalist and the instruments seemed to be able to stand alone from each other but united they were good.
Surprisingly fun and delightfully eclectic. Good for another listen someday
Level set: Sultans of Swing is in my top 5 songs of all time. The guitar work is unbelievable! Album as a whole is nicely impressive
Didn't like it. Sounded like an angry person riffing on his guitar. TBH not really a bluesy feel either. Was excited about getting to the end of the final track....
Well, it's Pink Fucking Floyd! No less than 4 stars. Annoying choice of mine on which YouTube purveyor I choose today... Let's see how I feel Monday
Not knowing the Bowie connection until after I listened and read the Wiki I was amused that while I was listening I was thinking it was too bad he had to compete against Bowie. Still a bit distortion-heavy on the vocals
I did not have the opportunity to set down my thoughts this morning after listening. I couldn't remember anything. Not bad but apparently totally forgettable
One of the great Motown groups. Uncomplicated songs
Found myself caught up in the first track cover of 'I don't want to talk about it'. Loved the presentation throughout.
Could Not get in to it. If Meh had an album....
Happy little Monday rocker.... Not alot of lyrics but easy to listen to
Bit of a Doors vibe. Good for a once thru
ABBA was an unusual sound. Great harmony but always sounded forced. Once it was revealed that none of them spoke English it was a bit impressive.
Delightful throwback to the era of identifiable good guys and bad guys. Will listen to again
Very much enjoyed the singer's voice. Was very easy to listen to.
Delightful 80s sound. Clean and well mixed
Such a cool instrumental.... I will listen to this again sometime. Probably late at night with a bourbon Or two
Good listen. Didn't really grab me but I could listen again.
Great distinctive voice. A rawness that soothes
Could have been a collection of all time zztop hits. So many rockers on this
I love her voice. She is powerful, and clear. Great arrangements around her
Odd report on this one. In all ways , I found it to be a decent background set. As I listened I decided I would not bother to listen to it ever again
I found this one entertaining.
Normal foreword. Not a fan of the rap genre. I liked the album from a technical point... Well mixed between vocals and music. Some reasonably good story telling. Would not walk out if they were playing
Hard to listen to the vocals.... Storytelling was good, music good with some deliberate offnotes. But if I wanted to listen to Dylan, I would listen to Bob.
Lovely piano jazz change up. Will listen to again
I like metal, but I am no fan of Satan. The music was very good. Lyrics were pandering to a certain crowd.
Beautiful voice....
Old school rap, was like listening to oldies. Purer somehow...
Interesting change of pace...nice to listen to. I could not understand a word but it sounded kind.
Rush was my dopesmoking roommate's favorite band in college. 40 years later still not bad. I miss George's girlfriend more....
Urban wrap makes me uncomfortable. While raw and honest, I have WP guilt about the n-word usage. It is essential to the context though. Relaxing a bit and listening to it as the poet intends, I find the storytelling aspect intriguing. Mechanically sound.
Coltrane is the bar for jazz performance from that era. No exception for this album...
Lead off tracks sounded alot like the Beatles. Would have been too much like them for 1984. Not shabby
Technically very good hip hop. Still not a fan of the genre but this performance is good
Personally I loved the storytelling especially the interstitial bits. For 1968 what an innovative album.
Even when the subject matter is serious, Bob Marley can make to tap your feet and get in the rhythm of it.
Tolerable but we have heard it before
"Art decorates space, music decorates time". This album was from a well decorated period of my life and the songs herein are from back when I was alive and love was new and life itself was large. Great kick-off for the week
Snuck up and surprised me. Expected hiphop but got electric jazz-ish with a very solid beatline.
Simon and Garfunkel had a smooth partnership. They made each other sound better. This album was one of the springboard into that whole folk rock thing. A number of well known cuts but some I had not listened to previously. Poetic lyrics with minimal accompaniment
Someone else made the comment but accurate for me as well... Would not have heard this other than being on this site, was an interesting background drivetime track, will likely not listen to again
Again, not my favorite genre. Loved the storytelling and excellent beat
1001 Albums is part of my morning drivetime routine. Would have loved to listen to Sade after dark. Mood would have been more intimate. Still lovely to listen.
Lovely soundscape. Happy surprise
Such an interesting mix of hip hop and jazz. Great sound engineering
Sounds a bit like the Doors.... Forgettable
An oldie but a goodie. Great rocker that aged well
Masterfully blended. Great album from college days
Super clean electric guitar. Rough on the vocals. Could have been much more
Different flavored. Decent and disciplined horn section. Attempted Bob Marley.
What the hell was that? Certainly not a traditional album but I couldn't not like it
Cream is one of the groups from the 60s that mixed electric with lyrics very well. This album in particular had lovely well known songs that are still in playlists today
This music lifts! Hard to feel bad or down with this playing
Pleasant Stevie Wonder vibe. Music stronger than lyrics
Lovely techno beats but I couldn't get into it...
Very good early '00 reminiscent of the Killers
Decent covers of so of the best hits of the era. Solid music and lyrics
Very upbeat. Great leadoff for the week.
Comfortable to listen to. Can see another visit in the future
Strong foundational artist. Wonderfully mixed
Such depth and nuance! This was such a marvelously deep aged feeling. Will definitely be on my playlist!
Nice solid offering to end the week. Somewhat forgettable but was decent drivetime background
Very solid rap performance.
An album from an innocent simpler time
Very much enjoyed the performance. I am found of the right balance between instruments and vocals. This was well done
Normally this would be a no brainer... Beach boys are awesome. But I did not really enjoy this one.
This was The Standard. Mature Beatles musically. So many number ones.
Renowned storytelling. Vocally needed a partner
As mentioned before I am not a fan of rap in general. If I was to look past the misogynistic lingo, and the stereotypical love-hate the black male theme I could enjoy the performance
Pleasant surprise. Loved the flavor of some of the covers....
Throwback time. This was hopping in the bars when I was still alive.
Would love to hear this remastered. For the timeframe it was a fresh magical sound
The Kinks have always been solid.
Great music
Another example of musical maturity. Beyond the folk song covers and into their own stuff. Garfunkel was brilliant and Simon no less so.
Very solid 90s rock. Well paired vocals and string work
Elevator pablum. All pleasant enough but nothing to slap you in the face to make you pay attention.
Decent instrumentals. Very tough for me to relate to the anger and hate. Frustration does not stay fired in me very long. I hope they found peace in the beaucoup dollars they made raging against the machine that allowed them the opportunity to earn it
Typical 90s blend if instruments and voice. Didn't feel anything innovative or outstanding
Hip hop is joyful. The overall tone of the album invites you to listen as opposed to rap which dares you to listen. Much prefer the invite
Was not a bad listen. Lyrics could have been clearer.
80s was Michael.
A bit hard edge formy morning commute. Not bad just not Christmas week good
A pleasantly different listening experience...
Very nice instrumentals... Was not a powerful vocal presentation.
Stevie Wonder brings an indefinable depth to his music. One of the great talents of the 70s
Another great album from back when I was alive. Can be listened to any time if the day. More appreciative of the instrumentals now that I am older
Early Elton John was less that was more.... When he was still new, he could carry it with just him and the piano. The simpler accompaniment from this era was stark and minimalist... Quite good
Flute work wasn't cool until Jethro Tull.
Much as I disagree with the current version of Springsteen politically, the music from this timeframe was on point. The era was meant to be one of discovery..seeing what is out there.... Guess that means we are all born to run
Great 'on brand' album by Bowie. Ziggy was androgynous and weird and unique like nobody else. So much Bowie!
Early Beatles... A sweet early 69s sound. Great harmony
Depth and warmth... That is Cat Stevens secret. Another example of great stories told simply and unembellished
Lovely afro- centric jazz. Great change up album
This has the flavor of original country music -- not heavily orchestrated, clear messages, etc. She ruffled a few feathers but the music holds up well
Was not a huge fan. There was not anything that grabbed me
All the charm of a 70s British cover band and only half the talent. Yikes. Could I have that half hour back?
Caught me by surprise. Lead off song had a very compelling hook. Heavy on percussion but a bit light lyrically. Absolutely spot on for the music around the drum line. Worthy of additional listens
Great vocal work. Powerful
3rd day in a row of 'off the beaten path' albums. Might be a bit of fatigue but really couldn't get in to this.
Interesting. Nothing that compels me to listen again though
Vocals seemed unenthusiastic. Lacked passion
Had trouble getting into this today.... Grandkids were helping
The word that came to mind on this album was velocity. It has both speed and direction.
Hated the first few tracks. Distortion is not music sorry not sorry. Rare case where they lose a point off the average because they failed to pull off being artsy so badly I can't even muster pity for them
A bump up from the rest
Had a lot of hopes with the first track. Clear voice, right amount of instruments. Then the next 5 tracks sounded just like track 1... Nothing memorable
You had to be good to get an album in 1963... James Brown was more than good!
Interesting beat. Vocals were weird at a point or two but overall a nice listen
Fun bit of techno beat here. Very appropriate for clubbing.
I was ok with this... The artist told a clear story-dialog and for the most part didn't fall into the well of misogyny or vulgarity. Music was appropo
This is an old very comfortable sweater that feels good every time you wear it. The honesty of the emotions reflects what was happening for the band members and made for a great album.
For the time period a cut below the Monkees
Solid 70s era.
So very 60s. Sound was mellow for the timeframe. Fondly remembered when it first came out
Love the thematic album concept. Monae really did this well. Will listen to again
Clean and classic Stones. For those researching the era this is a very decent rocker
Love Steely Dan but this was not one of their best
Another great proof of concept. I like techno overall but had never hear of these guys. 1001 Albums led me to discover another great time decoration. Art decorates space and Music decorates time....
Didn't excite me. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood...
A delightful easy listen.
Reminiscent of the 60s. Didn't takeme any place new
Difficult to imagine a consistent sound to any of these songs. 1981 was sooooo long ago
Played well in the background during drive time.... That being said, nothing grabbed me and said listen to me again
So soft! Not enough 'o's in smooooooth
What an interesting soft rocker. Did not listen to them back in the day but would have liked to have them closing out the high school dance whe n you're trying to keep the mood up but resetting the mood of your date for the afterdate. At least if I had dates that's how I would have liked it
Great long versions. All time top 5 recognized riffs...Duh duh da, da da duh dunt ta. Duh duh da, dunt ta
Interesting introduction to Eminem. I had not bothered to listen before but as I bought into the concept of trying music I may not like, I was ok with it. Not my thing but the presentation was good and the story was good
So 80s! Love the up-tempo and the great mix of music to lyrics. A few cuts that are well known die to continually being played...
Electric guitar played by a true master. Bare bones in retrospect but still powerful
Redding told the story with his voice and inflection. The music was just supplemental. I will be listening to this again
Was not bad but did not sweep me up in its embrace. Would not actively seek this out
Has early guitar mastery by Jeff Beck..... Very 60s
Anticipated, well, garbage... Turned out to be a delightful listen. Great rocker from female led group.
Happy little techo bump. Great Thursday morning drive time
Thought this would be another distortion filled rage thru chord progression. Pleasantly surprised how easy it was to listen to
Special band... Everyone participating in every song to make the sound full.
Brilliant poetry and simple acoustic accompanyment. As a vocalist however, Dylan is a decent harmonica player.
Not bad but having listened to it 12 hours ago, nothing is sticking with me
Another trip down memory lane to when I was alive. Solsbury Hill was top 40. And album includes a Tuba / Baritone accompaniment on barbershop harmonic.... Good times
Lovely album. This is the mood music mum and dad were dancing to when little splotchee was conceived. I am ok with that
Jazzy hip-hop fusion... Kinda liked it
No wonder so many people who grew up in the 90s are sad. This was their music
Would have been an appropriate listen in the early 70's... Seems a bit too late for 79
Young strong vibrant BB King.... Different vibe from the older voice I know best but still darn good
The music has a definite direction and velocity... Wants to take you somewhere and make you enjoy the journey
Brisk paced.. Definitely popular back in the day.
Nice vocals and music but lacked intimacy
Nice metal feel. Likely won't revisit but always nice to hear new things
Great lead off for this week. Tail end eighties and still good today
Classic! Did a 'fresh listen music afficionado' dive this morning in drive time.... Still got it, this ancient album does
Another great classic from when I was aluve
Absolutely loved this... So very nice to listen to on the drive...
Delightful instrumental to end the week. Title track had a lot of radio time back in the day due to use in the Exorcist movie. Fresh listen with a much better audio system and quite nuanced!
Loved the vocals. Instrumental bits were fine
Not to be cruel but was he shagging some music executive that had to blow budget money on crap they could write off? Otherwise there was no point to this drivel
Such a blast of sound... So solid. A positivity that belied the times antiwar movement. They stayed focus on the sound
Had not heard of this group before. Was pleasant and right for the moment
Great progressive rock. Music and lyrics solidly matched. Was right for the time
Music and lyrics was ok. Not my favorite genre but thirty years later not impactful as it was in 90
Not my genre. However I found this particularly well done. Instrumentals were right on point with the lyrics. Lyrics were well stated and 'vulgar' words were appropriate to the storyline, not added gratuitously
Quirky. If intended as a parody, really hit the mark. If serious, doesn't hold up on today's woke world
Needed this for Friday. A friend had passed and this was from his timeline... Appreciated jazz so he did. Goodnight Bunkey. May the Angels of Jazz play thee to thy rest
Monday morning blues... Seemed to fir the day.
Bouncy from the start... So divergent from the ballads and melodies of the fifties
Interesting hip-hop offering.
Back when I was alive this was an incredible album to listen to. Enjoyed it again today
Basic. Sadly, very basic
Where does one begin? The truth is this music was made for the masses. Auto tune is very evident. The life disasters that followed Brittany can fill volumes. As music, it is pablum. But I feel a great deal of sympathy for Brittany the person. She got chewed up by people who should have seen beyond the dollar signs. For what it's worth the music is ok if not particularly interesting. Also fwiw, I hope she gets to be happy.
Fine for background but not something I would seek out
Got the sense of being a Beach Boys wannabe updated for the eighties. Could listen to it again but no single trach compels me to do so
Easy enough to listen to.
Got better with age. Voices that worked well together
Have to appreciate how strong Janis Joplin's voice was. Literally raw energy
Surprisingly easy to listen to. Overall was enjoyable
F*ck Neal Young. Will not listen to his crap
Good tight band .. much good listening here
Voodoo beats on the Monday drive in... Full moon... Interesting flavor to start the week
Something lovely about speed metal. Will listen to again
It was strange and I really really liked it
Such a distinct and beautiful voice. Like gliding through a warm vat of butter
It has a roughness about it.... An urban jazz if you will. The edginess adds to it
Lovely old school jazz to start the week. Beautiful in that you could not predict where it was going to land
Pink Floyd does not need my review
I liked the overall feel of this group.
Reluctant 4 stars. This has such a great depth in the lyrics and yet has Dylan as the singer. Some of the best harmonica work ever recorded
Earmarks as a really great opening band, likely better than the one you paid for
Put me in an interesting head space during Monday drive time. Will listen to again
Really appreciated this y'day. Great music. A slightly generous 5
There is a reason he sold so many records....Iconic sound and so unique for the time
Took me back. This would not have a bunch of air time in Pittsburgh in the day. Reminds me of contemporary groups like Rare Earth and Iron Butterfly
Perfect mood setter moving into the Memorial Day weekend. Plaintive vocals and just enough instrumental to make a very easy to listen to set.
Mandatory comment about not liking the genre, followed by an appreciative note about how smooth the Queen is.
Favorable comparison to Bob Marley aka the gold standard for Reggae. For some reason I missed hearing this on Pittsburgh radio in 76
Very enjoyable listen. There is a quality to the vocals and music that I can feel... Depth in the lyrics as well.
This was like elevator music but in a good way.
Bouncing cutting edge for it's time.
Lemper has a quality that would be awesome for a stage musical
Not at all what I expected. Will listen to again. 3.5 outta 5
Hard to not like this. Very easy on the ears
Was ok. Nice gentle guitar. Did not compel me to relisten
Interesting pure 'guy with a guitar ' music. Nice to enjoy the raw feed instead of heavily buried with orchestra.
One of the more comfortable artists of the 80s. Nice mix on this one
Quirky and almost child-like. Didn't leave an impression
Cutting edge metal for the time. Ages well
Could have saved time and listened to the shortest track nine times. Very monotonous. Made it thru thanks to a traffic jam and nothing more promising coming to mind
A top four Beatle
Hurts the same as Dylan... Potentially decent song strangled by the vocals.
Really liked the unusual music. Just quirky enough to stand out.
Regular "I am not a fan" regarding the genre. Meh. No reason to listen again
I needed the happy ish disco echo today.
Definitely soft rock. Clean instrumental and lyrics.
A nice throwback to late 70s psychedelic.
Of course I had heard of the Pet Shop Boys. I hadn't ever listened to them though. Missed out a bit.
One of the eighties brightest voices. She set a level of jubilant defiance that was seldom matched. Will listen to again
Lovely little rocker. Very nice guitar and drum work.
Some of the best of the 80s Will listen to again
Lovely bits if chaos. Gritty and full
Basic good punk. Worth a listen....
I am reminded of the story of a young man who went to a brothel and asked the madame for a girl to try '69' with. The madame only had one girl available, but she had just come back from a Mexican restaurant. They got into position and were just starting to get busy when the girl passed some mean gas. They kept at it and in a few minutes the girl tooted again. A few coughs and tears later the guy went back to it and was soon greeted by one of the most horrendous farts ever dealt. Finally, after gagging to the point of almost upchucking, the guy rose and put his clothes back on. The girl was aghast as she never before had someone quit in the middle of an encounter. The guy wiped a few more tears away and said, "Darling, I am sorry but I don't think I can take another 66 of those." For this album, quirky as it was, I tapped out at ten.
Pleasantly surprised. Nice mix on the music and vocals. Will listen to again
East to listen to. Knowing her endgame, not hard to read between the lines
Really well done dance mix. Will listen to this again
Frenetic. Drum driven and drum heavy
Pleasant hip-hop... Technically very well done. Avoided gratuitous use of vulgar language/ used sparingly
Well presented. Strong statement hip-hop. Videos led me to think she had a huge ego at that time. Nothing but her in focus
Broke a few molds here. Unique punk sound and girl power way before the spice girls. Bold
Slightly before my actual awareness time.... Really sounds good as an example of that genre for the period
This was below rock bottom
Hard punk... Kind of fun kickoff to the summer weekend. Likely won't listen to again
Lovely voice. Able to draw a picture to bring you into the world
Good beat. Feels like a fun album.
So terrific. Definitely a plus to my day.
Nice vocals.
Metal instrumental...solid offering for those so inclined
Predictable music. Not particularly interesting.
Vintage Bono. Well played
Strong CCR offering. Lots of stuff from the hit list of the time
This is what my kids listened to when they were in highschool. I didn't care for it then either
This hit me different. I liked the chaos. Will try it again.
A new interest. Vibetones reminiscent of the seventies
This album was ALL over the place. As it so happened, that's where my mind was today. Really hit right
Magnificent vocals... Gone too soon
There is a reason why she sold so many albums. She is smooth enough to tell a story even without a solid voice
Last song was great. I can imagine using it as background music for a goodbye speech. Huge plus
Folk music but with better instrumental accompaniment. Nice to Monday by
As an old man, I tend to avoid the young fresh female artists because it just seems wrong. Taylor Swift at this writing is safely in her mud-30s, so I no longer have the reluctance to listen to deeper cuts. Absolutely loved this album. Presentation seems heartfelt and pure. Type of album that will lead me to listen to more TS. Golly, if so many young artists could be confident enough to do an album like this!
Lovely background fluff
Decent rock from the early 70s
Thin Duke was solid. I did love the earlier stuff better but never a bad album all in all
Was not expecting country music to start the week. In my mind when I saw Parsons, I was thinking Alan.... Nice selection from 74, although much of the album suffered from monotony. Last three cuts stood out favorably
Such mixed feelings here. I wasn't a fan of grunge so I missed several bands from that time. I knew of Hole from the stories of Courtney Love and the whole mess that followed her. Listening today, I find the music interesting and the mix of these was well done. CL's vocal performance was adequate but I don't know if that's the case because it was meant to match the instrumentals or if it was a natural voice.
One of the five best Brit bands of the era. Another case of almost too much individual talent and not enough room per album to showcase it. Solid delivery of a great product
If I was being tongue in cheek, I would say something like 'no wonder middle Eastern folk are angry all the time..their music sucks'. Monotonous
The heck with Neil Young. Would have to be in a bad headspace to choose this
The acoustic presentation was well done.
Great day for this album as I will be listening live in five days. Right time to get into the mindset
Interesting listen. Definitely a right place, right time thing
Vigorous metal at it's best. To say fast-paced is to regard it lightly
Friends are supposed to help keep you making a fool of yourself. This woman has no friends.
Hard to get into this... Not a good holiday soundtrack
Lovely background album. Nothing that grabbed me, per se. Well worth a listen
Melancholy. No one should feel that lack
Different jazz, horn centric.
Old school Crosby. Still my third favorite Crosby after Bing and Sidney.
Great easy listen for Monday drive in....
Did not expect this to be as fun of a listen as it was. Eclectic but joyful
Lovely enough musically, cheeky enough lyrically.
Very late 90's. Distinctive beat and flavor
Bouncing techno beat. Wonderful mind space for Friday
One of the original rebels... JC told great stories
Hidden gem here, at least for me. Was willing to listen back to back if it wasn't for that darned work
I patiently waited for this to finish. Was not a fan
Was not bad....
Too much fun! Not only was the music easy to listen to, but the theme of the album kept true to the lightheartedness of the performance.
Despite the sexist NPR commentary starting this was the best album ever made by a woman ( obviously they are hinting it isn't comparable to something made by a man ), I found it to be enjoyable. Joni Mitchell is incredibly talented.
Wow! The album started out with a long annoying sound and managed to sustain that thru several tracks. Points of brilliance but nothing I will need to endure again
Legendary percussion and Ozzie too
So very 80s! These guys led the way into the rabbit hole
Sounded like a throwback recording. Was very surprised to note a 2007 release.
I felt a Jim Croce, Bob Dylan, Woody Guthrie vibe. Simple accompaniment which added to the feels.
Lovely instrumental! Provided a great Christmas gift idea for a penguin loving friend
Had a distinctive sound for the timeframe. Always well orchestrated
Enjoyed the presentation... definitely a folk indie feel
Great traveling mood music. Doors were always great
Surprisingly upbeat and easy to enjoy. One or two tracks I have heard before but context is always good. A three.five
She just sounds like she's working hard to make these vocals. Nice enough voice but sure doesn't feel effortless
Pleasant to listen to but I could have been listening to the same track 13 times. Nothing really outstanding to brag about here
Was a good listen. For a relatively recent release, felt comfortable as background.
Throwback Friday for me. Was not my genre back in 1970-something, but a very good listen for today
Cool disco-adjacent rhythm. Easy to listen to on the morning drive but would have been a great night time drive
Absolutely elemental! Foundation groove, and way ahead of the time for when it was released
Wasn't in the right frame to listen to this today. From what I sampled it seems like something I could get into. Will give it a placeholder three
Another sampling day. Liked the instrumental elements. Will listen to again on a good sound system
Early Rod Stewart is amazing
Peak 80s Pet Shop Boys
I was transported back to Happy Valley and the heart of Disco. Hopefully will get Donna Summers and Irene Cara selections soon
My friend Ken played this album for me in 9th grade. Gotta appreciate how good it is 50 years later!
Wonderful throwback to my disco days.
Was morning drive time listening. Decent but feel I would like it better for night drive
Classic rock from early seventies. Great mix of vocals and music
Low energy Bruce. Gives the feeling of a tired old man that had to fulfill a contract and did so reluctantly
Southern jams set the mood for Friday.
Super album to close a great career
Was great. Could listen to this any time.
Didn't feel right. Will listen again another day
Peppy! I feel like I have listened to the group before.
I enjoy the simple vocals / music. Was a lovely listen for Monday drive in. I will likely look for more from Ms Welch
Simple old time country music.
Still a standout performance almost 40 years late
Old school. Alice was amazing back then.
Well performed, overall lovely music
I guess they all can't be good... Not a fan
Throwback to a simpler mixing of lyrics and melody. Clear vocals and for the timeframe appropriate
Didn't listen to Costello much at the time.... Kansas and Journey were big. Talented....
Tough listening for Thanksgiving. Really didn't pay attention
Garden variety hip. Nothing that makes a re-listen worth the time
Kind of a laid back U2 feel. Will likely listen to it again
I had reservations about the album, especially after listening to the first track. It is seldom that I am in the mindset to listen to this type of theme. But it grew on me. I am secretly wishing I remember this next time I mentally need something comparable. Will listen again
Such lovely jazz!
Enjoyable listen. Was terrific background while I worked
Early Genesis.... This was good but seems to be trying to hard to be 'significent'. Better said, a bit artsy fartsy.
One of the better of contemporary voices
Amazing harmony and lyrics
Solid country music.
Super excellent background music. Voices worked well with lyrics and music
Lovely 60's memories
Fairly ambitious endeavor. Large brass and instrumental made it enjoyable
Kind of a mellow offering. Was pleasant.
Nice rocker.... Above average guitar licks and solid drums
Giving this a fresh listen... Remove the context of a spoof of the Beatles meant for the American masses, the music favorably compares to the fab four from their early days. Was not bad as a Monday morning drive in....
Fun metal rocker.
Loved the overall tone of the offering.
Lovely bouncy music. Very upbeat
Was less than enthusiastic about this album. Nothing really grabbed my attention
White elephant Xmas gift... Would like to return to sender
Old school rocker...still awesome
Very 80's feel
Listening to this is a joy. The orchestra makes the root sound of the band amazing
Very talented songstress
Love the intimacy of the stripped down voices and music
Wasn't carried away by this. Wrong timeframe for me I think
Roots of modern rock. Music with movement
Nondescript background tracks. Ok but not sure a second listen will improve
Pre-eighties frenetic rock. Could have swapped the drum track between songs and not noticed.
Not what I expected but was impressed by the music
Best techno beats in a while
Good Ole Country honky tonk!
If I looked up 'sultry' and asked for a auditory example, this is what I would expect to hear.
Ok, I 'got it', but I have to keep it in the framework of a concept piece. Oddly entertaining but certainly not something I will reach out for.
Not unpleasant. Nothing that compelled attention
Rock-folk, ensemble folk... whatever. Reflection of the world at that time.
A beautiful voice, very soothing.
Four nostalgic stars for this quiet album from back when I was alive
Interesting background piece.
Proto-punk Very typical
Conga drum bliss
First few tracks, I was impressed with the instrumental work. Fully bought in at 4 stars
Great bump to start the work week
This was a modern high-end soundscape 30 years ahead of it's time. Incredible quality!
Decent punk
I didn't care for this at all
Very reminiscent of sixties but done with modern skills.
Roots go deep with this one. Simple themes with electric guitar.
Fun and bouncy....
Very iconic sound from 70's. As long as he stays away from that wanker Neil Young he is awesome
Well done freestyle rap. Artist enounciated clearly which allows me to appreciate the story
Liked this. Might give it another listen but not as a top twenty thing
Lively background music.
It's like can't speak English! Just kidding, very 60's romantic music. Tres chic and all that
There is a quality of Van Morrison's voice that makes you feel he is talking directly to you.
Techno. That hive of scum and villainy that was a bastard child of disco and 80's electronica. I liked it!
Was a bit wary of a Monday morning sex album. Does set an interesting tone for the week and all that. The music was good, clean(ish) lyrics and instrumental to accompany rather than overwhelm.
Dude made a lot of coin singing about how terrible life and times were. Talented.
Great metal banger.
Fascinating glimpse of early Who
Smoothest of jazz... Great for vacation time
Kiss at their best. Including the best ballad of the 76's Beth
Transitional Michael. Just past Jackson 5 days but before he busted out Bad
Was very nice, considering I was stuck in Austin rush hour. Made it pass decently
One of the greatest brass sections in music. Solid vocals
Such a terrific early Grateful Dead album!
Lovely music
I said this a few hundred reviews ago, but this artist was really easy to listen to. If this was a club or coffee house, I would order another one or two to listen to the rest of his set....
One of the best albums of the early 00's Lots of well deserved airplay at the time. Strong lyrically and musically
A super group of great rappers. Performance wise, very excellent. Content, well, not my favorite. Amazing how those angry young men became wealthy and then less angry
Sweet voice, borderline celestial. Makes for interesting sound
Never pondered the Byrds as a country group....
Powerful offering from Stills
U2 came out when I was too busy with my kids to pay attention. I feel like I missed something.
One of the better ones from Yes.
Mariah has that luscious voice that dances around the notes whenever she sings anything. Really awesome if you like that sort of thing. I don't
Heavy metal. Average
Popular group... Commercially successful
Surprisingly pleasant. Enjoyed it.
Not a fan
Not what I expected and I am delighted
A proper chanteause! Kept me listening to hear the end before I got out of my car as it was pleasantly memorizing
Was not able to get the songs to have meaning. Waste of an interesting band name
Didn't realize this had a few familiar songs until the listening. Was certainly pleasant enough for a get away Friday
Turned out to be a great rainy Monday drive in track. Excellent percussion
Only got to listen to the first third of the album but I liked what I heard
I recognize the voice from somewhere. Would stay for the second show just to be memorized all over again
Had not listened to Pantera back in the day (at that point Barney and Friends was my in car playlist). Very solid!
Very decent background track for a cold rainy Friday.
Boy...as advertised! Tragic songs from the hills of Appalachia. Evocative of that simpler time
Listening to the first few tracks. Decent presentation but the guy was way too angry to keep listening to.
Still awesome after 56 years
Enjoyed the young people singing
Super voice soothing etc.
Great 80's sounds... Techno vibes abound. Nice bump for Monday, would give it 3.5....
For the 60's, even the tail end, this was a unique sound. Could have been released today and still have an audience
If you are going to defy authorities, why not get under their skin by any means necessary.
Very pleasant to listen to. Could make great background music for studying or anything
Pleasant surprise....easy listening
Garage band jams ...
Strangely interesting.
Vocals were lovely. Didn't really shine for me
Good music. Pleasing vocals along side good rhythm.
As lovely as the voice is, genre is tough for me to appreciate.
Really eclectic soundscape. Not unpleasant, but very random.
Draws you in to listen.
I can hear the influence of French cabaret singers here. Lovely voice, lovely instrumental bits
From a time it was important to speak your poetry clearly and the music was just something to help it along!
I wanted to like this. It felt 'off' but I came to realize it was because the singer's native language was not English, so it was missing the 'feel' for the words. Would listen to it again though
R&B sounds really nice. I personally was taken back a bit from the explicit lyrics of a couple of the songs, but I could transpose a few less explicit lyrics and enjoy it nonetheless
Felt like an affirmation for the harmonies Brian and the Beach Boys were notable for. Perhaps a vanity piece, but not an unpleasant entertainment
Unusually pleasant instrumental (mostly). I could see me giving this another listen
Delightful! Giving as four so I will definitely listen to again
Very reminiscent of the Doors, but without the charismatic lead singer
A decent little rocker.
This was so delightfully quirky I started listening to the next album. Just hit me right today, so plus four!
Nice change of pace.... great beats
This album is Eighties AF. The whole feeling puts you in that framework.
Liked it
One of the hard rock standards of late 70's early 80's Well deserved
Not bad rocker to end my work week.
Such strong vocals. Great thru the sixties
Amazing flow!
Amazing talent from the seventies. Opened quite a few ears to a different type of string instrument
Wasn't bad.... Nice vocals
Generally said, a non typical country offering. Mid sixties in a time when folk music was shifting into 60's era
A presentation style I very much enjoyed
Enjoyed the listening
Nice little 80's filler
Nice performance
Interesting mix of 60's vibes and 80's light punk.....
Not her best album. The 80's techno vibe was really weak. Didn't age well
Group has a distinct sound of Euro-pop. Hard to dislike an individual cut or two, but sounded alike from track to track
Lovely bits of meloncoly woven together.
As a folk duo, these guys are terrible! Great promise as a metal band though
Soft rock at it's softest! And I liked it!
Proto punk
Such thoughtful words and music
Loved the rockers in this group
Dandy rocker
Title of the album was Goodbye and Hello. Should have stopped at goodbye. Vocals were less than impressive
Great to listen to this. Fits well with the concept of the dope smoking hippies era... Would have been very righteous for the time
Lovely assortment of synth riffs. Dandy background non-intrusive sounds
Very tolerable.
Basic. Good guitar and vocals
Vega has an interesting style that more than spoken word but not quite traditional singing. Decent storytelling.
Nice instrumental.
Surprisingly delightful and very easy to listen to.
Thought this was pretty solid until the last cut....then I knew it was. I'm Lonely...
Tell nd if a techno light
Great album from back when I was alive. Great memories
Could not make it thru this artistic effort. Brutal
Very smooth vocals.
Lovely psychedelic from the early 70's . Brought me to a place. Will listen to again
Wow. Passable music over mediocre lyrics sung with karaoke vocals. Jesus wept, and he still forgave this effort. No surprise, Jesus is better than me
So very 80's High nostalgia value
I was today years old when I found out the intro to Maggie was indicative of almost all the songs from the album. Awesome call back....
Didn't hit he that much. Thought it was ok
Had a great series of stories to tell, and told them in a delightfully fresh way
Loved the rough texture of the vocals.
Very decent example of the genre. Doesn't grab me, but it was not bad music
Outstanding instrumental use.
Pleasant early BeeGees Liked their disco stuff better
Yep. That's 80's music. Gonna leave that right there....
Would have been a great 80's band, similar to the groups of the 70's. Great for the time
Kinda needed this today. The mainly instrumental offering was well played, and was not challenging to listen to. I definitely did not need any challenges
This was a bit below three. Not so bad it was a two, but lacked anything compelling to make me listen to it twice
Fun 80's electric pop piece.
Better than average example of the genre. This, more concerned with the story to tell.
Great end to the work week with this timeless classic. Had not heard the end tracks in quite some time and enjoyed it.
Such great smooth story telling.
In the timeframe of the seventies, his was one of the powerful voices that compelled people to listen. The message was never hurtful
A very adequate drummer we ho found a few more guys to be his backup band. Sigh. Way too much
Literally a unique 60's vibe. Innovative for the time, version I listened to would have benefited from a remaster
So opposite of the other music of the 70's. Which made it interesting, and in retrospect, it still is
Very nice mix of vocals and instruments. Felt good
There is a purity of song with country music and Harris is a pure singer
Strong voice from the start era.
Enchanting! Great remaster of the album made me feel I was there. Would have stayed for the second and third and fourth show just to listen to it again
Fuck Neil Young.
This was sadly a bit painful. As I recall, the Carpenters were a distinct pop sound in the heavy psychedelic rock of the 70's In retrospect on this album in particular, a couple of well deserved top 40 hits but the rest of the album was just sad. The selection had one song in particular that didn't sound like it should have been sung in any key...
Some sounds are marvelous fusions of other genres. I found this not bad, but I don't think I would like a steady diet. 12 tracks were a bit much
I got the impression this is a softer version of metal....very interesting
Very suitable rocker. Could play unobtrusively in the background and you would enjoy it
Really dug the Dixie Drug store. Rest was pretty ok too
In the era of the swinging sixties, such male hubris could be marketable. The voice is a pale imitation of a Robert Goulet. I weep for the folks that had to listen to Scott Walker one. I weep more for those that thought Scott Walker Two was needed... apparently really bad judgement from really good drugs
Change of pace with Bollywood's finest
Was very much a 'supergroup' idea. Each is very talented. A decent listen, but no knockout punch
Very decent for the mud 1960's.
Lovely voice
"pretty gibberish". First, of course I know English isn't her first language. There are not many who can sing so well in multiple languages. She has a lovely voice and natural sincerity.
Extra points for being a Pittsburgh girl. Seriously though, such a great voice and great story telling
Interesting vocal quality... haunting and deliberately 'soft'.
Classic hip-hop
Very nice beats and riffs
Interesting non American offering. Mindful
This fell a bit short for me.
It was cruel to make folks listen to this. Off beat, off key and not in a good way
Not unpleasant but nothing super compelling to get me to listen again
A different type of 90's sound. As advertised, somewhat more soulful.
Pretty good
Found the music and vocals well done. Soothing/east to listen to
Such great sounds. Beyonce is top form here, but the group makes it sound right
Short songs. Sounded unconfident
Very solid singing. Kind of a different flavor for the times
Solid outing for the start of the work week. Excellent contemporary band that fits the times
Delightfully weird! Singer has a pleasant voice. Not sure I would seek this out
Bumping little album. Solid
Hair, metal. Strong performance (kind of tame by today's standards). Solid blast from the past
This is the album that popped up to coincide with my 900th rating. Somehow that is appropriate. This album adventure started because I was desperate to find something to fill the time on my hour-plus commute. I remain delighted to listen to the mix of old favorites, stuff that's not my cup of tea, and things I have not listened to before. The time frame for this album and me is right around post-college, when disco had not quite faded. I like the callback, and the uncomplicated rhythm of the music. No earthshaking lyrics but some times you just got to jam.
Post punk, in retrospect likely very offensive for the time. More adolescent whining and less work of art IMHO. Interesting to hear what the musicians would say now...likely 'pass the Geritol '
Surprisingly good. Nice beats, good lyrics
Decent band, so unlikable as people
Great metal. Beats and guitar are on point, lyrics discernable and overall enjoyable
Willie as his popularity grew.. Raw and simple, a delight
Great reggae flavor, same calories as the beloved Bob Marley. Nice bounce to start the week . However, ready some other reviews leads me to have a bitter aftertaste
I got a 80's vibe from this. Well presented
Kind of an early 'soundscape ASMR ' offering. Unappealing
Very easy listening to this.
First, let me apologize. Listening to the first few tracks, I had the horrible image that this is what I would sound like if I were to do a drunken karaoke. If you ever had to listen to that, and liked it but his album is for you
So effortless! Davis made it sound like a restful breath
Liked the energy...low key yet somehow deliberate.
Top grade hip hop with a fine sample of sampling
Wonderfully discordant on a day I needed that
Was not memorable from Friday to Monday. Must not have been bad, but not good enough
Surprisingly fresh for the 1966 time frame. A bit of the simplicity of the California sound but with the antiwar sentiment
There is a joyousness in Latin beats. Present here, and through out
Well performed... I got a Grunge-lite vibe that I really liked
Fresh beats. Kept me entertained
Pleasant background for driving.
"Smooth Hip-hop". Who knew? I will likely give this another listen.
There is a certain crowd that embraces this kind of performance.... Me too
Surprisingly low key. I didn't get to into lyrics so curious about the advisory.
Just so friggin smooth. While I was born too late for his prime, it's obvious how talented he was
Unremarkable entry from the later 60's. Had heard the group name before but had never listened to their music. No regrets
Again, rap is not my favorite genre. Found this easier to listen to that more urban stuff. Good song elements...
Not uninteresting. Kind of unusual for that period.
Lovely voice.
Worked very well for me as an energetic background track.
Wow. First two tracks reminded me of a cart made from parts cobbled together from a Ford, a Tesla, a Chevy and a goat cart, powered by a team of cats and geese. Ready for the journey but no one had the slightest idea of where it was supposed to go
There was an expectation of more Beach Boys sound. Seemed strong enough to stand on its own
A singer-songwriter that excels at both
Solid example of that year's music. Good beats
Good disco era beat. Kinda liked it
Full bodied music.
Disclaimer...rap is not my favorite. I can appreciate the anger given how badly black people are treated in major cities. But ultimately it is just angry music... The story isn't lost, but it doesn't offer a pathway to anything better
Every nice thing written about this lady has to be true. The richness of her voice.... Golly, so wonderful
There are certain albums that you need to be in the right mood for. Today I am in the right mood. Love the voice and the overall quirky feeling
Back when the music was not overly-produced. A powerful rawness
Basically solid
Hard to classify this.... Not urban rap, not hip-hop.... My daughter called it emo rap... close enough. Talented singer... Could be successful in many genres
Lovely instrumental. Thought it would be a rap
Great voice. Sounds like a great stage voice. Stories were compelling with a hint of bitter sadness
U2 is a bit like comfort food.
A cool experimental album. Simple yet adventurous
Something about the group and the music really impressed me.
Almost impossible to get that much gravel in your voice without 20 years of Winston's and lots of bad whiskey. Album was quite interesting and worth a good listen.
This ended up being a bit of fun. Given the era, I understand why I didn't know of them. Had potential to be a great cover band
Good stories. A bit high on the whine factor. Mostly done in minor keys
Frenetic fun. I don't think I could listen to this on repeat
Lovely background music. No single tune grabbed me to make me want to repeat.
Regular advisory: rap isn't my favorite. In as far as the 'art of rap', this is well done. Insults to competitors, ✅. Insults to minority groups, ✅. Actually getting a story told, double ✅
Bounces along. Self-serious 80's vibe
This hit just right. Sounded excellent in my car, and was captivating. On the YouTube offering, the 53 minute track had to be skipped due to time, but it will get a revisit
So controversial when she first launched. Nice vocals but everything sounded like the same thing. No songs really struck. But proos for being an original when it was a lot tougher to be unique
The music dropped me into a reflective mindset. I like that.
Neil Young stated he prefers MAGA conservatives not enjoy his music. I am respectfully saying fuck him and rating this and all Neil Young albums with a '1' because I can't use zero. Did not waste my time
Not bad for the 80's Had a sameness to it.
When you need to hear it how it all started....
This didn't move my give AF meter
It sounded like music from German dinner theater....
Hard rocker for Christmas Eve.... Wasn't in my head space for today, but maybe a re-listen is in order
Listenable. By default, had to listen with headphones because of the morning Christmas activities.
Pretty solid sound.
The remarkable thing about the Beatles was each of them could and did have the ability to have a solo career in their own right. Of the four, McCartney is the most prolific. As described on the notes, this was all 'him' and done 'raw' (without the sophisticated arrangements the Beatles had available).
I had heard the Gary Gilmore's Eyes refrain before, but never placed it. Easy to see how the group had been overlooked
Made me oddly nostalgic fory old college roommates.
I want to re listen to this at some end of day.... Would definitely relax me
I was delighted to listen to this. Three Great Alabama Icons was so beautifully told, and the album as a whole generated good feelings
Nice slice of the timeframe. Overall decent music, anything else does not matter
This was a quality piece of music. Really clean sampling and beautifully mixed.
Perfectly fine light rock in this offering. Personally I thought the music and lyrics were from the shallow end of the intellect pool, but why did it need to be anything more?
It's like the chili you get from your Grandma in the home instead of what you get in San Antonio. Not too spicy but seems like it is missing a kick. Good beats
Pre punk rhythm wise. Wasn't sure if I would like it enough to rate fairly
Ooooo. We can chant scary words and sound ominous while playing in minor keys!
My first cut at this was 'cheerleader, to drum music' I came to like the upbeat tempo
Was I wrong to immediately think of the Monkees
OG indeed!
Really fun techno. Great background track
Interesting early Pink. Less complicated than the later stuff
There is a lovely simplicity to Nilsson's music. Makes everything easy to listen to, and at times delightfully amusing
Plaintive soundtrack.... early gold
So late sixties!
Stevie Wonder has a universal vision
Someone has to set the bar. Hendrix set electric guitar playing to 11 on a ten scale
Van Halen is the 80's answer to the question Hendix asked in the 70's. Great rocker for my Monday drive time
Mud level rock. Felt like the same song eight times, then a couple of outtake tracks
Wonderful voice. Comfortable to listen to
Traditional country, sung by authentic voice
More impressed by the gentle guitar background. Decent vocals
A jazz drummer and a bass player grab a couple of friends and try to make music.
Funky Latin influence just sounded so good. Knew Cisco Kid but the other tracks were a delightful surprise
Blissfully short. 14 angry jaunts, thankfully lasting as long as a newbie on prom night
A bit of nostalgia.... For the time, innovative. Somewhat thought-provoking with lyrics and definitely meant to tweak established morals of the time.
Loved the music. Solid vocals and very nice guitar work
The poetry of the lyrics is sublime. The simple arrangements add to the poignantcy.
Strong music as only Queen could make.
Another offering full of hits.
Although O'Connor was controversial, her music was always solid. This album in particular had excellent combination of vocals and music
A happier little jaunt thru punk.
Definitely one of the best albums from the 90's
Music from a simpler time. Easy vocals, orchestral accompaniment and made for three minutes airplay
Fun little rocker. Kept me interested through out
Bouncy little rocker. Kept me interested
Such a great 90's album. Solid performance all the way thru
Pleasantly unusual. Worth an additional listen
Another surprise! Good mix of music and lyrics
Very acceptable offering... Good lyrics/music mix
Well done hip hop style.