Tangerine DreamMakes me want to do yoga to it or get stoned and watch a lava lamp for hours
Makes me want to do yoga to it or get stoned and watch a lava lamp for hours
Absolute game changer. There had never been anything quite like it. You couldn’t not take note. Brash, funny, outlandish, such funny lyrics, so much energy. Dre’s mastermind production elevates this to an all time Hiphop classic.
Brilliant. Can’t think of many better DEBUTS
Not even close to my fave BMATW album but still worthy of full marks. So much political struggle coursing through this album, broken up by amazing love songs like ‘Baby we’ve got a date’ and ‘Stir It Up’. Love that Rita Marley and Marcia Griffiths are on the backing vocals of Stir it Up. Peter Tosh also deserves a notable mention. ‘Stop that Train’ is a tune. BMATW were by no means a one man band as many believe
Such beautiful melancholy music. Such a talent. So sad what a troubled life he led and how little recognition he received during his lifetime
Hypnotic Germanic vibes
Enjoyed cooking veggie meatballs to this
So many tunes. Such a tight band in their prime. Reminds me of cover bands on my ski season 🏂
Some really nice tracks but a bit of a slog at times.
Wanted to enjoy this more than I did. Think it probably needs multiple listens for me to get into. Bit shouty for my tastes.
Enjoyed this. Good fun. Back in the Saddle and Sick as a Dog standout tracks.
Well that was a lovely surprise. Bloody loved that. Kitchen disco. Post dinner vibes. Will listen again🥳 DANNY
Really nice opening track and the rest was fine too but quite forgettable
Enjoyed. Fun vibe and like the French influence.
Enjoyed this v much 👌🏽
Some amazing guitar solos and some pretty innovative and funky music. The rock/funk hybrid wasn’t quite my cuppa but def respect this
Album name says it all. Don’t think this is his finest work but still deserving of top marks
Quite enjoyed it actually
Never realised what a weird/distinctive singing style he and. Not really into this but didn’t find it as offensive as some of my AOTD colleagues
So good. Production is amazing. A classic
I actually really enjoyed this. Never given 🔥👄much of a chance but I thought this was a really slick album. Opening track is quality
A classic. Must admit, I didn’t enjoy revisiting as much as I thought I would but still feel it deserves top marks
Master of his trade. Just not a massive fan of his trade. There’s defo a time and a place for the hits which are undoubted hits and great fun, the rest is pretty meh
Really good. Hip hop/rock crossover works v well. So many tunes
Goes v well with quorn bolognese
Deece. Has aged well. Doesn’t sound dated
Not without talent but not for me. Endured rather than enjoyed
Nice vibe
Nice vibe
Thought I would enjoy this more than I did. Used to like American Pie (the track). Reminds me of a road trip round Ireland when I was a kid and rinsing it on my sisters Walkman. But it’s a bit boring now as was the rest of the album
Banger central 🕺🏻
Fine. Might listen again but didn’t feel particularly seminal. Minus one point for the shouty numbers
Such beautiful melancholy music. Such a talent. So sad what a troubled life he led and how little recognition he received during his lifetime
Cool vibe but didn’t totally get into it. Would probs benefit from a second listen
Master at his peak
Quite enjoyable
Good shiz. Such good energy
An absolute classic. The heady glorious days of Britop in its prime. Brings back so many nostalgic memories of early teenage years. So many debates over what was better, this or Definitely Maybe. Still don’t know the answer
Few catchy numbers. Good energy. Annoying voice
Enjoyed this. Pretty bleak depiction of white working class America, almost too bleak at times
Makes me want to do yoga to it or get stoned and watch a lava lamp for hours
Unexpectedly good. Fun album. Beatles vibe. Would listen again
So many memories of young adulthood. Original, immaculate and superbly produced album
Absolute game changer. There had never been anything quite like it. You couldn’t not take note. Brash, funny, outlandish, such funny lyrics, so much energy. Dre’s mastermind production elevates this to an all time Hiphop classic.
Top notch. A bit too RnB for me but the more times I listened, the more I enjoyed it. Great beats and great colabs and fair play to Missy for breaking into a male dominated industry with so much confidence, attitude and talent. Has no doubt paved the way for many other women
Never heard of these guys. Good fun. LOVEd that epic last track
Clearly a talented and influential musician but wasn’t really feeling it and couldn’t hear beyond Jamie’s comment about it sounding like an Odeon ad
Rod Stewart’s a bit meh but this was a decent listen. Hated the Amazing Grace bit
Haven’t listened to much Nick Cave and this album has made me want to listen to much more as it’s right up my street but there weren’t enough stand out tracks on this album (Into my Arms aside) to elevate this from a 3 to a 4
Brilliant. Can’t think of many better DEBUTS
This has got me more into the Pixies than I ever have been. Some great tracks in here
Some funky blues. Some of it reminded me of The Black Keys
Great fun. V pleased to have discovered these guys
Fun but too many covers
Amazingly talented and great to listen to Queen songs I haven’t heard a million times, but this album didn’t massively grab me. Won’t be rushing back to it
Great voice and respect to her success. Prefer the R&b vibes to the ballads. The R&B stuff is pretty nostalgic of some 90s teenage house party vibes. But on the whole, not for me.
I know lots of people who rate this highly but not for me. Brown Sugar the track is a classic but the rest of the album has never stuck. Talented guy though.
A modern classic
Glad to have discovered these guys. Will listen to more. Knew the name and now realise I know some of their hits. No recognisable hits on this album but enjoyable nonetheless
V glad to have discovered these guys. Will def listen to more. Aged v well. Can’t believe this album is as old as me!
Fine. Bit Beatlesy and also a whiff of Nick Drake at times. Quite liked it but too long
There was a few cool instrumental bits, e.g on the track Three Days, but on the whole, this was not my vibe at all. Sorry Jane
I’m not a massive Bowie-guy and never listened to this album start to finish, but really pleased I now have. Don’t love all the tracks but Starman and Moonage Daydream are brilliant and those alone elevate this album above many others. Still don’t totally get why Bowie is SUCH a national treasure. Clearly has a lot to do with his androgynous, impossible to put-in-a-box, alter-ego which allows many to find escapism and vicariously live out fantasies through him.
Solid album
Some kinda cool instrumental bits but this is def a bottom 20% album
Didn’t enjoy this as much as I thought I would
When Coldplay were top of their game, they were pretty good. I’ll save my 5 five for Parachutes
Nice chilled 60s vibes. Nailed on for a 3 until Groovin’ came on. Instant elevation to 4
Meh. I like a lot of Elton tunes but none were on here. First track was cool mind
Bit over it now but a pretty original and seminal album of its era
Couldn’t get into this at all
Fine. Was on in the background so maybe didn’t give it enough of a chance, but it did nothing to grab my attention. Not offensive though
A classic Hiphop album that evokes memories of happy uni days
Not even close to my fave BMATW album but still worthy of full marks. So much political struggle coursing through this album, broken up by amazing love songs like ‘Baby we’ve got a date’ and ‘Stir It Up’. Love that Rita Marley and Marcia Griffiths are on the backing vocals of Stir it Up. Peter Tosh also deserves a notable mention. ‘Stop that Train’ is a tune. BMATW were by no means a one man band as many believe
Good old Marv
I like some early U2 but this was a struggle
Seminal, timeless, silky smooth d&b bangers. A few of the tracks did feel a bit samey
Actually really enjoyed this. A lotta fun. Lots of comedy lyrics and track names like Warrior in Woolworths. Will go again
Quite liked a couple of tracks. The blues track at the end was cool. But generally a bit boring and nondescript. A high 2
Decent ‘shoe-gazing indie’ as Karla calls it, but nothing to get too excited about apart from the Mrs Robinson cover which is great
Nice bit of Country 🤠
Great vibes and Mr Wendell alone makes this v close to a five but falls just short cos cos I’ve been dishing out too many 5s of late
Fine but a bit forgettable
Top stuff from Bob
Great stuff. Close to a 5 but have given out too many of late
Really enjoyed this. More rocky and less experimental than I expected. Such a powerful voice. A few real banging tracks. Liked the Thom Yorke cameos
Fun and enjoyable in parts but SO LONG. Turned into a real slog
Billie’s top notch, but this is maybe not her best
Clearly talented but couldn’t really get into it
Bloody good actually. Enjoyed more than I thought. Def influenced White Stripes
Passed me by a bit until tracks I knew came on
Great stuff from one of my fave bands
Top stuff
Smooth beats from a real pioneer
Banging and opening and closing tracks and pretty good in the middle too. Didn’t realise how American some of their stuff sounded
Ridiculous debut from the godfathers of indie
Fun jazz vibes
Wasn’t sure to begin with but grew on me. A couple of deece tracks. Major Nirvana and Foo Fighter vibes
Don’t really know what to make of this one. Kinda liked it, kinda didn’t. Some Prince vibes at times
Great energy. Great fun
Enjoyed this v much
Didn’t enjoy this at all on first listen but gave it a second listen and enjoyed it much more. Goes to show! Pushing a 3 but falls just short. I’m sure they sing about cheese and wine on one track 😂
Okaaaaaay then
Started off ok but tailed of. Rod being Rod, not offensive but nothing remarkable about this
Deece but was hoping for better given his other stuff I know
I’m a Loretta convert!
This was fine. Not as annoying as his other ones on here, but can’t believe we’ve had 3 already!
Seminal hiphop album but WTC have never been my faves
Did not enjoy this at all on first listen. Gave it a second chance based on positive comments from my esteemed AOTD colleagues and it improved slightly
Getting slated by the others and some of it is pretty experimental but it’s fun and original and I like the fact that he doesn’t give a fuck
I liked track 2, The Things You Said, but otherwise not really for me. Far too long, felt a real slog
Lovely stuff
Lucky I had a lot of unpacking and tidying to do last night cos that felt never ending
Enjoyed this. Who IS Melody Nelson?! 🕵🏻♂️
They don’t make pop music like this anymore. Top stuff. One More Chance is a great opener
Deece. A low 3
Talented guy but this album did v little for me
Really liked this. Would go back
Not my vibe but enjoyed more than I thought I would. Quite accessible for non-metal fans and was a welcome accompaniment whilst making Remy’s birthday card late last night
Meh. Sorry Jenni
Fun listen. Top quality pop musicj. I respect savin the banger til the end. And WHAT a banger!
Hit and miss. Bit like Christian Benteke
Better than I expected but def not my vibe. Kalvin Phillips
Silky smooth and easy on the ear (eye) if a bit saccharine and meh at times. Kai Havertz.