Who Killed...... The Zutons?
The ZutonsThis is like if the Black Keys wrote interesting songs. Amazing.
This is like if the Black Keys wrote interesting songs. Amazing.
This album has my first ever favorite song from when I was five. How can I not rate it five stars.
It's hard to deescribe the inteeresting musicality of Bjork. It was well worth the listen whatever the hell it was
The BRASS. Gotta love brass in a band. Most of the lyrics sailed right past my ears, but I enjoyed every song on the album with brass
Every song is interesting! The lyrics are interesting on every song though occasionally stretched to make a rhyme work. I had never heard any of the songs on the album. Very 80s synth but in the best way. So much variation in instrumentation! I LOVE this album! My favorite song was Horsing Around mostly because of the brass
Favorite Song: Tuesday Heartbreak Familiar Songs: Superstitious Notes: Love the funky 70's synth, and the vocals are just so clean throughout. Very fun album.
Layla was the only song I recognized and easily my favorite. The whole album isn't too bad, bluesy and catchy, but not really my bag.
Uh Oh. According to The Good Place I might go to hell for this one. I knew two songs off of this, Under the Bridge and Suck My Kiss. Under the Bridge is easily the big standout from this album. I'm just not in love with the rap singing from the rest of the album. The bass and guitar are solid for sure, the rest is not much to write home about.
Our lips our sealed is great, and we got the beat is a ton of fun. Those are the only two songs I recognized. I feel like most of the album felt a little lacking, could have used more varied musical elements. Still a solid pop album
It was fine. It bet in person it would blow me away, but at normal volumes it just wasn't that interesting
Every song is interesting! The lyrics are interesting on every song though occasionally stretched to make a rhyme work. I had never heard any of the songs on the album. Very 80s synth but in the best way. So much variation in instrumentation! I LOVE this album! My favorite song was Horsing Around mostly because of the brass
It's turning out rock isn't always my thing, it's generally too simplistic for me, relying more on attitude and tamber than melodic interest. I enjoy the singing but it fails to hold my attention
I mean, it's the Beatles, it slaps. Such nice progressions and interesting layered vocals over top. I recognize All My Loving, but all the songs are approximately equally good.
High Quality Big Band! What's not to love! It had to be you in the only song I recognize, and not this version, but it's great!
I should have known I would love Dylan. Lots of varied interesting musicality going on immediately! I recognize Like a Rolling Stone and it's of course trancendant.
Uh Oh. Country. Alright, lets see if I find something to enjoy here. Yes. Quite a lot. Aside from the steel guitar, most of the instrumentation is very nice, the fiddle gets a little whiney in places, but the layered melodic harmonies are quite lovely. Both Last of the True Believers and Love at the Five and Dime I would listen to again, St. Olaf's gate was terrible. Just stereotypical country. Then so was most of the rest. I liked One of These Days. Would have been a 4 or 5 star album without steel guitar. Instead it's 3.
Yes! Rock with interest! The Dialect alone makes this more interesting than ZZ Top or Black Sabbath. On Second thought it turns out I just like the punk aesthetic more than rock. Still fails to hold my interest through the whole album, though there are significantly more standouts. London Calling is a great track and Lost in the Supermarket made me perk up and pay attention.
I love folk rock! This is amazing! I love the Built to Spill vibes. Darkness Darkness is such a DnD song, Smug was great, On Sir Francis Drake was a fire jazz track, love this. Great listen, start to stop.
I'm not even sure how to describe this, only that it gives me classical feels and that it's fascinating in the best way
This album is likely the most played radio Christmas album. I suspect if these songs were 5 or less years old I would think this is a five star album. Instead it's 35 and has been played to death. Still deserves four stars
How have I missed this! Masterful. Will be listening again. The Queen is dead, long live the Queen! (Charles can get bent)
Such an interesting voice. Costello always manages to write interesting melodies. Oliver's Army is a fascinating standout. As was Peace Love and Understanding, the two songs I'd heard off the album. The overall tambre and his voice bring the album down a star for me, but still a great listen.
Some brilliant beautiful lyrical standouts and some glorious blues throughbacks. Great album.
strong start! Love the strummed guitar and drum tambre. Starting to be over this raw vocals trend. I could use some polish. After listening to the whole album, the voice really turns me off. The first and last songs save it from a two star rating
After the frou frou rock of Black Sabath and ZZTop it feels awesome to hit some rock with some WEIGHT. Let's GO! It's fascinating to listen to this after Blood Sex Sugar Magic, because the rap against the rock background is similar, Rage just raps infinitely better. Yeah, that's the stuff.
This was just really solid. Loved every song. Great listen.
I will like this if there is no steel guitar. God damn it, song 2 steel guitar. 2 stars.
I know another Brick in the Wall and Happiest Days of Our Lives, and they're fine. This may have been ground breaking at the time but feels a little pedestrian now. Maybe it's just social commentary on a time I never experienced. Oh wow okay. Goodbye Blue Sky alone elevates this album way more than I realized. So I was wrong. You need the whole journey. This was epic. I take it back. It was mostly just Goodbye Blue Sky and Comfortably Numb. Still those two get this album three stars.
Oh hell Yeah! Been waiting for some Paul and Andrew! I already know Scarborough Fair, Homeward Bound and Feelin' Groovy, guranteed four stars even if the rest aren't worth it. A Simple Desultory Philippic is a hilarious Dylan impression and I love it. Wow. I did not expect 7 O'clock News/Silent Night to come in so hard. Geez. 5 Star album.
Here is where unpolished vocals shine! when accompanied by grungy guitar! I can get behind this! That was fun, wasn't the most interesting thing ever, but I would listen again in the right party space.
Oh goodness I hope I like this. I feel like Pretty Hurts is trying to making a grand statement and I'm missing it. Okay, HAUNTED I get. Powerful. Geeze. I don't know if I've ever listened to a more danceable album. I expected vapid pop. The time changes! The key changes! The production value! wow. Haunted, Flawless, XO, Jealous, Blow, what a a great album!
YES YES YES YES YES YES YES, I already listen to this album on repeat. Easy 5 stars, makes me want to retroactively go back and downgrade every other album, I have been being too generous with my ratings. Standouts include Bloodbuzz Ohio, Lemonworld, England, Vanderline Crybaby Geeks, Terrible Love, and Little Faith. And the rest of them.
I wasn't too impressed, nothing really caught my attention. Didn't turn me off either, but there aren't any songs I can point to as standouts
I love Take me out, lets see if anything else is as catchy. Oh good! Yes it is! Maybe this tambre will also be insufficient to hold me later, but right now it's arresting. The musical interest is more than present, this is a banger. I'm tempted to dock it a star for not being as transcendent as High Violet, but if I keep rating the same, this is an easy five stars.
I appreciate the message, but none of it really commanded my attention. Don't know that I would choose to put any of the tracks on, but I think the message is important and the vehicle is effective. Rating it musically I'm going to go three stars. On a philosophical rating system it would be higher
I might like this more through sheer familiarity. Take it Easy is such a classic. Unfortunately, the rest wasn't really my vibe. Still not a bad listen.
This is the most interesting album from this list yet. I'm so into this. 5 Stars. The end of Ancestors guttural retching was so hard to listen to I nearly docked a star, but not quite.
New Most dancable album. Glorious.
Classic rock really needs to bring interrest with the vocals before I like it. Where Black Sabbath and ZZTop failed, AC/DC rises in glory. Highway to Hell rocks hard.
Chain of Fools and a Natural Woman? Five stars.
Another powerful important album that I just don't resonate with musically. I wish I could rate this higher, but I just don't want to listen to it.
I was expecting more. Most of the songs were interesting, but none of them really stuck a hook into me. Still cool enough for four stars
That was interesting! Really loved the instrumentation and Indian influence. Less fond of the painfully 90's electronica.
Seems like a nice little folk album. Not a bad listen at all. Nothing particularly captured me, but it was pleasant.
The writing is okay, extremely objectifying though, I did not enjoy how the women in this album aren't really acknowledged as people with voltion. The instrumentation feels aged too.
Brilliant. Evocative and beautiful throughout.
I enjoyed the beats, but on reflection would not listen to the album again.
When the dice rolls a 5 stars you sit back and enjoy.
I think the most astounding this is album his how many songs got airplay. It's not quite my vibe, but I cannot deny the mastery.
Yes please more hindi inspired music! ...correction, hindi music! Woo! How was I so wrong? Well reguardless of the origins, this rocks hard. So danceable, so aware, so activist, just wonderful!
Fun album! Would listen again. Holds interest for sure!
Lovely album. A little low key for me, but very smooth
Truely magical song writing chops. Not sure how they do it with such simple constraints. Gorgeous
I now feel awful for rating Risque so low, Chic are disco masters and I did not know what I was listening to. Disco is not my jam, but this is some of the best out there.
That was awesome! I could definitely listen to that one all the way through and be happy
Ooh! I know so much about Blur but have never listened to an album of theirs, exciting! I can hear the lineage, but their particular tambre is not for me.
What great sound! None of the melodies in this one blew me away, but I completely understand the draw
Very punk sound! Tinge of blues sensibilities, very cool, not my thing.
Industrial 80's sound is cool, unlike any of the songs. Would not listen again
This album is Ace of Spades followed by an hour and a half of might-as-well-be-Ace-of-Spades. Might listen again.
Some really delightful standards in a really delightful voice. What a great album
That was okay. The 80's sound was nice and the melodies and instrumentation were solid, but the vocals were off in a way thaht just wasn't interesting. Don't think I would listen again.
Ooh! Groovy! Turns out I am a complete sucker for vocal harmony. I should have known. very solid. nothing transcendent. four star album. Would listen again.
Such diverse sound! Such interesting synth and back in the 70's! Amazing! Five stars.
What fun! I like this a lot! I could only listen to half of the album on youtube, but what was there was great!
Oh Rock OUT girl. YES. Five Stars.
Captivating! So interesting and mournful. Enough high octane to keep me high energy and grooving throughout
Speak King! What amazing production! I dig the dialect hard. This is great.
That was fun! Nothing mind blowing but a good listen all the same.
Such raw sound! I feel the emotion. Cool aesthetic for sure. Only Trigger Cut really stood out, but still very pleasant. Four Stars
Amazing how much recognition can improve your enjoyment. There Goes the Fear sparked joy and New York increased it. Probably still only a four star album. Moments of greateness.
I don't enjoy the style of yell rapping and if anything besides proud to be black made any sort of important statement it went over my head. At least it didn't seem harmful. Really not my thing. 3 stars.
I expected to be a little bored outside of Sweet Emotion and maybe Walk this way, but that was actually a lot of fun! Varied, bluesy, consistently well paced and phrased. Much better than expected. Five Stars.
Gotta love a Harpsichord! Most of the album felt light and fun, Revelations would probably be awesome live, but here felt like a bit of a slog.
I did not realize just how many songs I would know of this album. This has got to be top notch. I mean eruption alone!
Bluesy and such a weird vocal choice. It was good I guess.
It's like The Bangles decided they were edgy. I like it!
Well. Now I understand the memes. New album when?!?! I need mooooooore. So good.
I already know so many clever political songs from this album, very curious to hear the whole thing! That was awesome. That felt like Rage Against the Machine levels of righteous fury. Five stars
I expected to love it, but only the piano break down really stood out. I was disappointed. Three stars
What fun! A little self similar but very engaging!
Masterful. So smooth, so jazzy, so soulful. That was great.
The album was nice but nothing really blew me away. Good easy listening. Four stars.
Just phenominal alt rock. Love it.
So many awesome stand out songs. Enough filth mixed in to dock it a star, but definitely will be listening to All Day Love Affair and Childz Play again
This is another one where I think if I were listening to it fresh it might not impress me, but so many of these songs I know by heart. It can't not be at least four stars
I can understand how some people would like that. But man what a drag.
Hate to Say I told you so and Main offender would put any album to at least four stars. A treat. Short sweet. Hard hard rock. That was awesome. Five stars.
If any band was meant to have their live versions heard, it's Deep Purple. Highway Star and Smoke on the Water Alone.
Okay, this is cooool. Obvious five stars for atmospheric instrumental jazz with just enough synth to keep you on your toes.
So I now know not what is the Smiths and what is Morrissey. I just like the voice okay?
Love the themes, love the direction of musicality, not too fond of the flow.
Liked the jazz, nothing really grabbed me.
I know that must have been cool at and groundbreaking int he 70's, but ow my ears. No thank you.
Not what I expected, but very pleasant! Four stars.
I didn't know I knew this one! What a good song! Wow. That May have been the best guy and his guitar album I've ever heard. So nice!
I want to love Leonard Cohen. His lyrics are inspired, his poetry amazing, but his music has never captured me outside of Hallelujah. I'm hoping this album can enchant me. It was decent! It did not blow me away like I would have liked. I'm teetering between three and four stars.
I don't get why this album is on the list. What is special about Dylan's live performance? I just don't feel it. I like his studio albums, this is just fine.
The smoothest sexiest progressive rock album of all time? Yes. Make me emote Johnny. Make me feel.
That was a very solid rock album. Turns out I'm just not that into southern rock.
I was really enjoying the album, I was prepared to give a very high rating, then the album ended and spotify played me WuTang and MF Doom and made this album look pedestrian. I really enjoyed the production and flow and some of the woke themes, but this is no masterpeice.
Nice solid listen. Enjoyed my time with this smooth pretty album
This is great! Punk pop is such a vibe! It's kind of funny the most kitschy song off the album is the one that caught on. I like it all.
Sting can really croon you know? That was great. Message in a Bottle is a classic and Reggatta De Blanc was cool. Loved contact too.
Punk lives! Beautiful.
I don't know if I'm loving this because I had to google it to find and listen to it, or because I would be loving it regardless. Either way, this is amazing!
I don't like country, but she enchanted me on Live from Here. I am prepared to love this. It was enchanting. Kacey tells really poignant stories. If I liked country this would be a five star album.
I don't get why people like Madonna. She has the worst kind of nasal vibrato, just not pleasant. The first two tracks are interesting enough to save this album, but just barely.
I've always known Maggie Mae was a bop, but it's awesome to learn od goes hard sometimes. Great listen.
This was really cool. I don't think I'm ever going to revisit, but I'm glad I gave it a listen. I can definitely understand how this industrial style electronica was influential.
This would have been a fun concert. I don't know that I want to listen to it that much after the fact. I can understand how this would be been revolutionary at the time.
I enjoyed that! Instrumentally it wasn't my favorite, but would listen again
Great 60's sound. Loved the bluegrass meets pop feel. Would listen again
So smooth! Amazing. Would put on again.
Much like Bowie and Cohen, I really want to love Beck. While I do like it more than them, it's not in a genre I love, too subdued a lot of the time.
Astounding! What arresting sound! It feels cool and dark and frenetic and wonderful. Even two songs in and I have a hard time imagining not loving the rest of the album. And I loved it.
I don't think I would love this as much if I wasn't brought up on it as a classic. But I was, so I do love it. Four stars probably from nostalgia and familiarity.
Lovely sound! I hate the repeated tracks though, this isn't a deluxe edition or anything! No thank you.
Well that was something. Was it music? Maybe? Was it ahead of its time? I hope not. It felt like it wanted to be Throbbing Gristle and that's not a compliment. But does feel like it was on purpose, so I'll give it that.
See now this, this takes the madness of Scuicide or throbbing Gristle and makes MUSIC. This was so much fun and though slightly off-putting in parts, felt worth it!
The BRASS. Gotta love brass in a band. Most of the lyrics sailed right past my ears, but I enjoyed every song on the album with brass
Today I learned take a load off Annie is called The Weight. These guys effected music way more than I knew.
When I was a young boy I heard Seven Nation Army but didn't know who it was or what it was called. It stuck itself in my head so thoroughly that I spent a decade trying to find it. When I found it I listened to it on repeat for a week. This has biased me so much that no matte what else is on the rest of the album, it's five stars. It does help that I loved the rest.
This felt like proto-ska! I loved the whole thing. Anything rock adjacent with brass is wonderful to me.
Once again I want to love Bowie, but nothing is standing out as extraordinary. It's solid and pleasant, but I don't know why I would choose to put it on.
It may be just stolkholm syndrome, but I loved it. If it weren't for the Confederate flag on the cover I could see myself putting it on! Loved the feel of being in the studio with them like a really intimate concert. Love the bass, love the banjo, love the fiddle. Top marks minus one for the hate symbol
What a magical experience. Love the Irish brouge, love the hard synth, love the angst. This is what emo wishes it could evoke
Thom Yorke on a pj Harvey album?!? Sign me up!
The parallel vocal harmonies have always been wonderful. It may just be needing to go to youtube to listen to the tracks Young authored skewing my view, but Nothing truly grabbed me. Still a good listen, would listen again.
Wait, Don't Stop 'Til you Get Enough is Michael Jackson?!? Okay, the King of pop is even better than I thought. This is a great album. Since pop is not my thing I would normally rank this four stars, but the opening track is good enough to elevate to five
Easy five stars. Amazing Salsa. Love it.
Yes. More jazz please. That was Awesome. Will listen again.
Okay, covers in Cash's voice is a cheat code. This is amazing.
So I love British rock. this should not come as a surprise. This album was wonderful.
This is the first album that felt really truly ahead of its time. This feels like post rock. This is soothing and amazing. Five stars.
Another Album I've listened to on repeat. Easy Five Stars.
I probably won't listen to the album again, but I could see going back to make a connection.
It shows such promise, I just wish it were tighter and more polished.
This album has my first ever favorite song from when I was five. How can I not rate it five stars.
Before listeneing, I would have been very surprised if the rest of the album was boring enough to bring Two Weeks down to a four star album. After listening, I'm not even sure Two Weeks is the best song on the album. This album, much like Ultra Violet by the National and every album by radiohead, make me wish I had rated every other album lower because now I want six stars for them.
Take On Me is a transcendant song, and the rest of the album is very solid 80's synth pop. One of the best examples. I just don't much care for 80's synth pop, so four stars.
Now this is a punk sound. Unpolished in just he right way. It feels like the Ramones in a very good way.
What an increidble blues guitar. I can see why this guy is hailed as the best. Blues guitar is not my thing, but I could see myself putting it on.
There have been other albums that have stretched the definition of music, but I feel like they failed and just made noise. This is the album that successfully starched music while still making music. This feels mind expanding while still just being punk. I loved it.
Several great tracks, some dragged and got repetitive and weren't fun to listen, so might put it on, would not listen all the way through.
I wish I had better speakers for metal. The frenchness and the intro were nice, don't know that I'll be listening again.
I have memories of listening to this album at a friends house as a middle schooler. Back then we listened to for the naughty words. Now it's hard to get past the misogyny and hate. It's obvious it's having its intended effect. It's meant to be repulsive. But I don't like it. I feel like my mom. That was not fun.
Almost painfully 80's. I liked it.
That had some nice sound. Nothing I found groundbreaking. Might put it on, probably not.
The jazz albums included here never fail to awe and delight. What a spectacular soundscape. Amazing.
Highschool? Highschool. Let the Head-banging commence. Just at the right intersection of noise and music. So hard, but still musical.
It's hard to deescribe the inteeresting musicality of Bjork. It was well worth the listen whatever the hell it was
If it weren't for the episode of Malcolm Gladwell's Revisionist History I probably wouldn't enjoy this album. As it is I'm gonna love it. Jesus that was blistering political commentary. That was tough to get through. It was powerful enough that it gets four stars, but I will not be listening again.
Middleschool me would have absolutely adored this album, which is tragic as It was out then. As it is I don't really care for his voice. That makes this album a middling affair to me.
Cool prog rock! That was probably mindblowing back in 71. Don't see myself putting it on again.
That was an adorable album. Nice and gentle but still interesting. I liked it a lot.
Baba O'Riley, Behind Blue Eyes and Won't get Fooled Again are all from the same album?!? Sign me up! Classic rock at its best.
I can get the appeal, there was some really great production in there. But I felt gross listening to it. Will not listen again.
I get it. This is Bowie. This is awesome. This is weird and beautiful and I finally love it like I've always wanted to love it. Would listen again.
I wish more artists would do this. I love it so much. This album is incredible.
American Girl is such a classic it makes me like the whole album in retrospect.
yes yes yes yes. This a call is such an amazing intro to what this will be. Every song rocks.
That wasn't unpleasant. But I do not understand why this band took off.
I understand the appeal. The rap is kinetic, it feels like another layer of percussion. The lyrics have a little flow and I like the power fantasy, the black empowerment. I could even forgive the violence. What I cannot support is the misogyny. Can we please stop punching down and objectifying?
Hanger 18 is amazing. This is metal I can get behind, not offputting at all
This was pleasant. Nothing really had a big impact on me, but it was a pleasant listen.
Strangely powerful political statements wrapped up in a punk pop aesthetic. Yes please.
Undeniably classic, referenced and recognizable. It's a shame is so juvenile.
The Prince of pop rides! Great album. Not necessarily my thing, but what a bop
That was really cool
After Blood Sex Sugar Magic I wasn't expecting much, knew there would be some standout highlights, but they really impressed me. Much less of trying to force a rap career and elevated musicality. The whole album hit right.
That was cool and interesting. I imagine it was groundbreaking in 73. Today it still stands up but is no longer mindbending
That was a passable album. Could listen all the way through. I'm unlikely to ever reach for it.
Ooh, what a masterpeice. I will always enjoy another relisten. Such a unique sound
I'm afraid I didn't catch any of the lyrics outside of the spoken samurai story, but I loved the beats and Afro-Samurai is such a cool aesthetic.
I was surprised by how little and impression this album left. I like R.E.M. a lot, so many of their songs are great and memorable, but this album was just okay.
That was really cool. Varied and interesting throughout. I will definitely be listening to more Suede
A yes, Radiohead's magnum opus as the best British Guitar Band ever before their transition to the greatest band of all time as a prog rock band. Stellar listen start to finish, easy five stars.
Such sweet sentiments in a pretty little package. This feels l like high folk and it's pretty great.
Just nice hard rock, lovely punk feminist aesthetic.
That felt proto-post rock, just with synthesizers. I quite liked it. Very chill
I think I just love the smiths. I guess Morrisey has to be such a jerk to make some mean music.
That was cool and interesting. The amateurish vocals put me off and it dragged in the middle, but otherwise great.
Great distorted soundscape, got a little samey and boring in the middle
Such unexpectted diversity in sound, incredible songwriting.
Tremendous pop album. Once again a delightful diversity of sound. I keep being surprised by the range of breakout 90's pop-rock bands.
Each song was interesting, but none of them grabbed me musically
I'm not really sure what the appeal is here. None of the songs grabbed me lyrically or musically. Pleasant enough but that is low praise
What fun! Great sound, love the African Jazz
Some wonderful production, awesome choices of topic and lyrics, but flow has come a long way since then.
Blends together a bit, but some great standout tracks. Apache will always slap. The bongos.
I don't think I'd like the Stones much if I didn't love specific songs for cultural reasons. None of them were on this album, didn't like i much.
I bet that was awesome dance music when it came out. Great rhythm. Not my style, not impressed with the musicality. Won't listen again.
I can see where Throbbing Gristle came from. They key difference is that this was cool and good, and that was noise. Still a few too many offputting tracks to want to play this through, but some gems I want to show off.
Disco has evolved! The best word is groovy! Awesome sax, awesome flute, awesome bass, awesome voice, what's not to love?
I'm still not sure I like the Stones, but there was enough familiar music I enjoyed that I enjoyed the album as a whole.
Folk Metal! Yes. What's not to love!
Yep, that sure is the blues. I can hear why Eric Clapton is so well loved. Not my thing.
That was pretty good bluesy jazzed. Don't know that I will be returning.
Some sublime moments between some baffling ones. I liked it a ton
What a great concept and what a great album! Love the voices, love the diversity, I was never bored and I was often delighted
Glorious metal. Great example of the genre. I don't care for the scream vocals but I still enjoyed the album.
I know half the songs on this album, I'm delighted to learn the rest! The Kings of prog rock!
My First Miles Davis Album! I'm excited! Okay, so real real jazz is a little much to me. Good to know. That was a lot. I bet I would love it in concert, but the listen was not great. Not something I'm eager to repeat.
What even is this? Electrorock? I love it! Reminds me of PJ Harvey in the best way. The first couple tracks go the hardest, but the rest of the album is still good.
It's Zeppelin, the live performance is the big deal, the music isn't bad but isn't revolutionary.
I'm surprised to learn George is the voice I associate most with The Beatles. I enjoyed that but nothing captured me.
Extremely danceable, some very cool sounds, if I liked house this would be a very hard hitter.
This is exactly what I want out of a 50's album, exactly the quintessential jazz band song experience I'm looking for. And what a voice! How did I not know Sarah Vaughan?
Truly the voice of the 20teens. Every track is worth a listen and the first two make the list of the top 1000 songs of the millenia if not ever.
Jazzy, great vocal cadence.
Now THIS is a good R.E.M. album. Actual interest and movement, great listen.
The dueling guitars, the imppecable vocals, the undeniable style, these guys are my lead zepplin, the performance that cannot be matched.
Thank goodness for Live From Here. Chris Thile introduced me to Everday People and goodness do I love it now. Amazing.
Such a fun and interesting album, Once in a Lifetime of course is the standout track and uplifts the whole
So many classics and in such an incredible voice. What's not to love
Such a great sound. Some of the early songs get a little samey. I'm surprised blackhole sun wasn't my favorite, the day I tried to live is an anthem
Aw man, you're gonna make me listen to swift? Alright, I'll give her a shot. Wow. Effortlessly classic. Such solid instrumentation and theming. Really nice structure. I wish I liked her voice more, but that's on me, there is nothing wrong with it. Might listen again
It was a bit much. It was hard to pick anything out from just the mad onslaught of sound. That said, the dialect and the momentum are stellar.
There's a reason the only hit from the album was the Denial Twist. It's not a bad album, but that's a transcendent song, and the rest is pedestrian. Still enough to elevate to another listen.
Well it went from middleschool edgy to highschool edgy. Still gross, but the production value really increased and the flow is sick. This one I don't mind listening to nearly as much. And the Real Slim Shady is truly amazing track, but on the other hand I don't want to meet someone who likes listening to Kim. No thank you.
Such a classic sound. This is exactly what I want out of a lounge singer album. Such great tone, such great band, loved it.
It took me three listens, but I loved it. King Crimson walked so Radiohead could run
We'll see if this is one of the boring Bowies are one of the great Bowies. Turns out it's his most approachable album with some real hits. Great listen.
Best produced hip-hop album yet. Aside from the borderline racist restaurant sketch, the tracks were a joy to listen. I did find myself wishing every voice was just Lauryn Hill
Some very solid tracks. With so many Bowie albums so close together they are starting to blur together in my mind, but I enjoyed the listen.
Wait, ALL those songs are from this album? Incredible. This is classic rock at its very finest. Easy five stars.
This is great. Smooth electronica with great beat and enough intrigue to keep your attention.
This felt like glam rock at its best. I really enoyed it.
Not a terrible blues album, not my thing
Classics sung well
Great album. If the draw was the stage presence and drama, then this must have been just the best live.
Very solid, some really nice sound.
The production is so danceable and catchy. I really admire when he lets everything drop away and the politics shine through. Amazing. That Good Day occurs in the middle of the album is a masterclass that redeems the rest of the violent album. "Nobody I know got shot in South Central LA, I gotta say, today was a good day" strums the heartstrings just right in the middle of the rest of this warcry. Removing one star for antisemetic apologetics. There is space for this message without hurting other minorities.
It was forgatable.
A Beautiful and delightfully sonorous "Moody little album".
Nice 60's rock. Exactly what I expect out of CCR. No true standout gems.
The produciton was great, the flow was nice. The message did not strike awe.
Proud Mary alone is enough to put this album on this list, and the rest is solid enough.
So last Tom Waits album, I didn't really get it. The gravel doesn't lend itself well to general music. This album? Perfect. It's a character actor voice. Here he plays a character on every song and it's genius.
Classic. Instant 5 stars. Every song a grunge masterpeice.
Very smooth, very nice. Nothing blew me away, but I could see myself giving another listen.
I don't know if I liked Enter Sandman and Nothing else Matters because I already know them, or if they are really the two standout songs from the album. It was a nice enough album, but did not make me a Metallica fan.
This sounds like an album from the early 90's, late 80's at the latest. Amazing this angular sound originates in the 70's. Love the alt rock vibe.
It was fine
Great 90's sound, very Maddening Crowd
Great Dylan album. THE great Dylan album. Tangled up in Blue sets the tone and he just keeps it there.
The Start of punk. So may classics. Great album.
Such simple but extraordinary concepts expressed so beautifully with such an arresting voice. This album hit me emotionally harder than any before. Anohni is truly amazing.
It was okay. Probably would be a good show.
That was beautiful and Interesting. Up with People fit the vibe so well.
there is no song more emblematic of sex than Let's Get It On. It's archetypal to the point of no longer being lowbrow. It is our shared language, and it is powerful, and it is glorious.
Sounds SO much like Anais Mitchel. It's gorgeous. What wonderful sound.
Very pleasant smooth jazz, feels like I'm listening to an early jazz master
some real stand out songs a surprisingly unique sound. Its a bit too dull for a whole album, but a song at a time it's wonderful.
Very solid hair metal album. Lots of fun!
Groovy! What's not to like? Nothing resonated so fiercely to call me to repeat listen, but it was an enjoyable ride. Might listen to the whole again.
That was the best, most approachable jazz album I have ever had the pleasure of hearing. Will definitely be putting into rotation.
The title track is transcendent. The rest of the album is good, but feels low-key and unexciting. I expect I would feel differently if I had been around when it was released.
Nice hair metal album, enjoyable listen
Wow. I had no idea what a true cultural monument the Grateful Dead truly are. This is old school southern rock at it's absolute finest. I definitely would have been a dead head.
Finally! I've been waiting for Andre3000 since this list first had a rap album. I'm so glad they included the best of all time. Unfortunately I have to take a star off for the misogany.
Truly masterful. I don't know if this was their progrock or poprock era but I head elements of both and it all was amazing.
Zeppelin is good. I'm not sure I understand the hype, with the exception of Kashmir, none of the songs on the album were anything I would put on. I'm certain they would be amazing in concert, but I just don't see myself ever putting on a Zeppelin album.
I'm so glad I listened to that. There is such an obvious straight line from Lou Reed to Bob Dylan and in the opposite direction to the talking heads. That was magnificent, so familiar and unlike anything else. Brilliant.
I've already fallen in love with Nick Drake thanks to Pink Moon. If this is anything like that, I'm going to adore it.
If I didn't detest steel guitar, this would likely be a five star album. So approachable, beautifully simple and straightforward. Powerful voice, relatable topics, great album.
So funky, so smooth, incredible basslines driving weird ass internet tunes. Love it!
Gimme Shelter alone elevates this to at least four stars, and You Can't Always Get What You Want keeps it there.
This may be the most dance 80's album ever. It'ss a little much for me, but I cannot deny the mastery.
Interesting enough. Didn't really have enough musicality to make me want to listen again
Lovely. It feels timeless and elental. Masterpeice start to finish.
I wish I like this more. I like the genre, like the asthetic, like the ideas, but none of the songs captured me.
This was my favorite Neil Young album so far, enjoyed the groove
This was okay. I can see why it was a seminal work, but it has aged very poorly.
Classic, perfect jazz. Every track was great.
Seemed rather demure and listless, not sure I understand the hype. Maybe shoegaze requires more familiarity to enjoy.
Consistent Brit rock fun. Great listen. Will play again.
This goes so hard and hits so well.
Great Concert. A lot of fun. I'm not that into southern rock, but still enjoyed it.
Varried and interesting and whimsical and fun
That was a lot. That may have been novel and interesting at one point, but it felt like nothing I hadn't heard before and it wasn't musical enough to want to listen. Could be good at a seedy dance hall or as soundtrack, but really didn't enjoy that.
Riki Don't Lose that Number puts this album at at least 4 stars by itself
6 stars. Done and Dusted.
That was beautiful and important.
This is like if the Black Keys wrote interesting songs. Amazing.
I get it now. Every song a story, every song a bop. Amazing album.
Why? These guys can make music worth hearing, why would they make this? No thanks.
Oh wow. Bruce has ALWAYS had the old man voice. This is the sound I associate with classic rock. I never realized it was just Bruce. Whenever someone mentioned him I always wondered if I had ever even heard him. Yes. He's everywhere, I just didn't know. This feels like discovering the heart of classic rock. The Thing is, I cannot tell the difference between any of the songs. I feel like this album is one amazing song twelve times.
It was fine.
That was interesting, but tried to carry and unearned weight. It didn't say anything, just reveled in darkness. It was interesting, but I cannot say I enjoyed it.
Rio is iconic and Hungry Like the Wolf kicks teeth. This feels peak 80's aesthetic. Don't much care for the style, but damn do they do it well.
Not my style, but she's great at what she does.
What a gorgeous album. Beautifully evocative, really paints a soundscape. Loved it.
Roundabout alone makes this five stars, the rest is just bonus awesomeness.
I don't care for the style on most tracks, but they undeniably speak truth to power and the flow is well constructed.
Really miss Garfunkel's harmony. Still okay
Is this the start of low-fi? It's amazing! It starts that way but then hypes up. This is the dance electronica fusion we needed.
Very solid. I'm not huge on this style of tongue in cheek satire, but still great tonality and wonderful rock riffs.
I don't get it. Why? I don't understand the thought process, I don't understand the appeal. Is this novel? Is this pretty? Is this cool? I just don't think so.
The tight driven production paired with the beautiful mournful melody is just magical. I'm so sad I missed them in the 90's. Will listen again
How can this not be five stars? Sound track of the decade. Five transcendent songs surrounded by excellently crafted bangers. I'm not even an Adele fan, don't care for her voice, and I still recognize this as near perfection.
So many gorgeous songs. It took me three lisitens before I realized I had heard O Trem Azul before, being covered by Elisa Regina. I loved the call back, it gave amazing context.
Yes more Queen of Soul. Sock it to me.
I've bee sleeping on Jane's Addiction too long. Such cool sound. Vibrant and rebellious but interesting and pretty at times.
Gorgeous. Simple beautiful and powerful.
Everysong a beautiful statement. She pulled no punches.
These cats clearly inspired The Mothers of Invention, the Penguin Cafe Orchestra, Group of Four, The Talking Heads. Unusual sounds in pop/rock is such a wonderful concept, and this is some of the best early execution.
Grew up on this album, know and love every song
Wow. That's all guitar?!? Incredible.
What a incredible beautiful soundscape. The wonderful harmonic vocal serenade intermixed with the vibrant synth and the haunting vocals, just gorgeous.
You don't get more classic disco than this. I wish I could hear this with fresh 70's ears and be as blown away as it deserves. This is clearly immaculately produced and masterful. So smooth. So Funky. So lovely. So cool.
Is this... polyrhythmic electronica? from 89? Okay, that's cool
So Many Cool and Interesting Sounds. This felt ahead of its time while not simply being noise. Of course, if I didn't have 2023 sensibilities, maybe this is just noise.
This was fine. I can tell it's Iggy's full performance, not just his vocals that makes this notable. Though The Passenger is a real stand out gem.
Smooth, pretty, dancable, great all around
Reminded me of a lot of different bands. i don't know that any of it was masterful, but it was all interesting.
How is this gorgeous masterpiece already over a decade old?!? I was hoping Janelle was in here. Love that for us all.
That was fine. Good rock. Nothing notable.
Quiet and contemplative, amateurish sound. Pretty, but requires close attention to profound lyrics to truly enjoy. Not my favorite Elliot Smith album. Wish it had a standout track to truly disrupt like Needle in the Hay.
Yes. This is the first album that made me understand the value of a live album. The studio albums are higher quantity, but there is still usue for this, it's still raw and amazing.
Grew up on this album. Amazing guitar work
I listen to this kind of fall asleep music all the time, and it is amazing how little it has evolved in 50 years, Eno nailed it the first time
I forgot, oh lord I forgot. This masterpeice put Arcade Fire on the map. Their sound is no longer super unique, but when this came out it was a revelation. This cracks top ten rock albums.
I mean, Psycho Killer is cool. I'm not sure how much I like anything else on this album. I question how much I would like Psycho Killer without previous familiarity.
I'm not sure why this was so notable. It expressed some vulnerable feelings, that was true, but the production didn't seem anything special.
When thee THOT gets soulful. This was so smooth, so cool, so pretty. Like the most sex positive lounge singer ever. Love it.
Such dark atmosphere while also feeling so raw is incredible. I see why this didn't hit and why it has grown into a phenomena since then.
Such Fun! Good times. This seems like the origin of the '80's' sound
Such a varied interesting well constructed masterpeice.
Kind of proto folk. That was cool enough I guess.
I do not like industrial metal. I hear the brilliant songwriting, but I did not enjoy the brilliant songwriting.
Nice fun instrumental. Very Groovy
I found this horribly boring. The singing was too monotonous and repetitive for a language I don't speak to be engaging, the backing instrumentation changing so little in any song that it lacks any sense of movement whatsoever. The sound did little more for me than invoke a Hollywood depiction of the middle east. I understand this is likely hugely influential in Sikh music, but as someone lacking any cultural connection, I bounced off.
Psychadelic! They found so cool ways to make big transcendental sound. Love Has Found a Way is an incredible standout!
Has there ever been an album with more singles? Maybe a Beatles album? Either way, just incredibly high percentage of well received rock anthems and deservedly so
Sraight forward story telling tike this than really bridge the the gap between musical interest and listening value. This was cool
Stankonia was good but. couldn't quite get past the misogyny. I cannot ignore the collective genius that is this album. The best combination of clever lyrics, imppecable flow and masterful production to ever grace this Earth, OutKast is everlasting.
That sure did contain Born to Run. Still quintessential classic rock, still sounds like the same song twelve times.
They are very competent, this is a good band, but they feel like if Danzig's voice was boring, or Led Zeppelin was less charismatic. Born to be Wild is a rock standard, but I don't see myself listening to the rest of the album again.
IsThisMusic is definitely a highlight of the album. I feel like this whole aesthetic really blew up in the 00's, will listen again.
Ah yes, the cornerstone of 00's indie electronica. Love it.
Guitar master masters guitar
Definitely interesting. Purposefully off-putting. Enough interest that I'm glad I listened, will not listen again.
Pretty Standard 80's britpop.
Gergeous. Just beautiul.
So many classics. Sloop John, Wouldn't it be Nice, God Only Knows, so many iconic classics. How can this not be five stars?
Yes. Into my Veins. Every track a banger. I don't know why I love the working class british dialect in song so much, but I do.
Very Sweet
I don't know how they never wrote a bad song. None of their songs are my favorite, but all of them are good. None of them are too boring or unoriginal to enjoy.
Surprised to find an album without Not Too Soon on the list. Turns out they just write cool music. Love the sonic tone, swirling, distorted, slighly muted, great stuff.
This one was a little boring. Definitely Morrissey's weakest offering
Feels like Adam Lambert before Adam Lambert. It was very well since, but it didn't grab me
This felt like a combination of Blondie and Cyndi Lauper. Very 80's very fun.
Rush rocks
Just so much fun. I am a sucker for brass, and offbeat guitar. We salute you ska!
It was jazz. It was samba. What is not to like
Low key, sexy, nice, a little boring
RnB at it's finest, rock fusion, great album
Incredible voices, wonderful songs, gorgeous harmonies, what's not to love.
Very cool, very dancable
Extremely clever. Nothing about the music wows me, but the lyrics are magnificent.
Such a cool classic/rock blend! Nutcracker rock is such classic, great album.
This may be the most interesting Beatles album
I really just don't care for country.
Lovely smooth sound. None of the songs reallyy captured me.
Jaw dropping. Incredible sound. This feels like quintessential soul, ike he perfected it and everything else from Thundercat to Bill Waterson to Vulfpeck is just riffing on him. This music doesn't fee 50 years old, it feels like it was written yesterday
Sounded so much like Destroyer, but not as interesting.
Incredible. I had no idea Joni could be the greatest lounge singer ever.
I don't understand the appeal of Karma Chameleon, and I don't understand the appeal of this album.
This is an album I've been meaning to listen to for a long time. I'm so glad I did! Incredible impeccable alt rock. I love this genre and this is a top 5 album within it.
Truly Heavy Metal. A little hard for me but undeniably cool.
Feels like the first approachable prog rock album. Fascinating listen.
Fine country. I don't care for country.
I don't think any other album I've listened to hits me i my personal punk sensibilities like this one. It makes me want to simultaneously start a righteous riot and be a brat.
It was pretty good. It was not groundbreaking, nothing really got its hooks in.
Such a singular voice, and several spots of interest, some real nothing songs keep this from the tip top.
I have no idea what I would think of this if I was so familiar. All I can say is that I loved every second of it.
Feels a little like Mothers of Invention, not sure why this was such a hit.
I just don't care for his voice. Good lyrics are only as good as they are comprehensible.
That had some bangers, but had nothing to say. Does no rise to the level of Prince or Stevie Wonder
In another universe, this is my shit. In this one I don' have the time and attention necessary to get into this.
Just the right mix of fun folk funny and camp. Good times. Nothting truly captured me, but it was a nice listen
Very cool, very powerful
Every song a banger
Such great sound
It was a cool little look into NYC rave life with some serious beats
Beautiful melodic harmonious pop. What is not to love
Fun, funky, smooth, pretty, jut a great time
smooth, pretty, a little dance, very nice.
Gorgeous. Mercy Mercy Me is an all time great song and the rest of the album is smoothy pretty and fun.
Punk punks.
The most quintessential reggae ever right?
As always, Nick is smooth calming and gorgeoous.
Little casual sexism knocks of a mark or two, but otherwise, such fun and great sound!
I am a sucker for interesting vocal harmonies, and this manages to be cool and pretty and diverse and fun and fascinating and just all around awesome.
Great orchestra, well sung but don't care for the vocal style
I wish other genres would tell stories like country. If I didn't hate steel guitar and country accents in music, this would be amazing.
I wish I could listen to Zepplin with 70's ears. As it stands I've heard al of the innovations they inspired so much already it doesn't sound like anything novel to me.
Somehow still melodic and musical while just going so hard
This is the comprehensible, well produced, incredibly intelligent polotical Hip Hop I wanted! The only drawback is the main interest is the lyrics, not the music, and as a result it can start to get monotonous if you're not paying attention, but still this is what I want hip hop to be.
This could have been my favorite album if it was foundational. As it is it's a good time but not much more. Fun and easily digestible.
Quintessential Arabian sound. This is basically the soundscape Hollywood uses as shorthand for the middle east and it sounds amazing. Khaled's classically beautiful baritone is absolutely accentuated by the backing instrumentation. I wish I understood the lyrics, but that by no means detracts from the soundscape
This strikes me as incredibly 'I'm 14 and this is deep' with the score to match. Nothing about this grabbed me. Still very pretty and atmospheric.
This was fine.
Fun little album. Another where I wish I could hear it with 80's ears to understand how cool and novel the synth was.
Jump alone puts this at five stars
What fun!
Definitely the weakest Smiths album. None of these songs really croon or grab like their other albums. Still pleasant.
Is squares the origins of I fell asleep among the flowers for a couple of hours, or was that a sample here too? Regardless, smooth, fun, groovy, dancable, very cool.
Such interesting sound, very cool
Interesting. II'm glad sex funk exists, don't know that I will ever listen to it again.
They put together some hits, but not everything is great.
Mom's favorite rock album as a child. I know every lyric. It's impossible to separate my familiarity with the albums underlying quality, I love every song. Five stars.
Had some interesting sounds, but nothing grabbed me
It was fine. The instrumentation and composition was not interesting, so without understanding the lyrics there was nothing to hold me.
I now understand why the first three and only the first three were radio singles. Amazing five star ep that grew into a four star album
A little heavier than I like, but every song was worth the listen
So many cool songs
Loves the first track, and there were a couple that I would play again, but over all felt like it was searching for the sound punk perfected
Though some songs were obviously meant to be off-putting they were still clever and interesting and the highs lift the rest to five stars
Liked Santa Cruz, the rest really blended together
Great 60's pop. What's not to love?
Fantasy hair rock! Yes please
Some smooth nice sound, but some very strange harmonic choices. I did not care for the weird shifted out of tune melodies
Wonderwall is great, the rest is okay
Some cool tracks, some ugly tracks.
Very bland
Good listen. Some of the lyrical choices were baffling, but the guitar work was excellent
Very solid britpop. Didn't care for it.
Some very pretty songs
This felt like early metal, and I loved it.
metal I can get behin
I actually enjoyed some of this. The harmony in F.I.N.E. was fun and Jaine's got a gun is a classic
They have a nice sound, but the song writing failed to grab me
Kings of cool distorted guitar! Definitely some filler tracks, but the highlights set a massive ceiling
Goes hard but pretty
I wish I liked the voice. In such atmospheric music, the voice really matters, its an instrument that needs to fit in the mix. I just don't think it does.
Jeez. I understand why Pixar hired him. Even writing solo, every song feels like a villain introduction. Incredible.
Beach Boys down half an octive? Sure, I'm in!
Was not expecting a cover of life is life to go so hard. Super cool album. I need more Slovenian metal.
The blues live on. Could do without the misogyny.
Some interesting sounds, but not really my thing. Still too much country influence
I've been waiting for Kendrick. I'm hopeful for little enough misogyny to accept him as the greatest of all time. ...Wow. Such power. Incredible. Absolutely deserves the title. That Tupac interview at the end? So good. Loved the Thundercat features, what a great ride.
Had no idea that 70's show theme was a Big Star cover. Feels started out amazing and then got boring the second they left that incredible opening harmonic structure. Thirteen was good the recognize. The rest just wasn't that interesting.
Oh wow. This is all the AC/DC I know except Thunderstruck. Amazing that it all came from this album. Rock on.
Is this the birth of drum and bass? then despite the indredibly dated covre art, this may indeed be timeless. But turns out it was a little boring.
It's like if I liked Neil Young's voice.
This whole album is just such bombastic over the top perfectly executed stupidity. I loved every second.
Cool, interesting electronica. Some amazing harmonies and progressions.
Simply one of the best lyricists ever
No one else writes music like Radiohead. So affecting, such wild chord progressions, such sonic landscapes.
Maybe it's merely familiarity that makes me love every song. But I love every song.
The First half of the album is transcendent, the second half faffs around way too much, still top marks.
More ridiculous campy rock please!
I was kind of expecting more from these two's collaboration. Nothing really captured me.
Stellare and Drive are incredible, and every other song is almost as nice. Great album.
Nice sound, fun songs, nothing captivating.
Some great lyrics, the style just wasn't for me.
Awesome 60's singer! Loved the origin of Lion sings tonight, beautiful sound, top notch.
Sounded Very 80's, huge emphasis on every beat. Did not mind the flow.
It was an okay rock opera.
Man this man can write music. Not my favorite sound ever, but the lyrics and melodies are transcendent.
Cool aesthetic, defitely kept me around
I wish I could hear this with new ears. It sounds like dated big band, but when actually listening the movement and timber is incredible. I wish I could hear it live. Amazing album, cultural aging has really let it down.
Twisted Semisonic! I dig it!
I have loved Prince's other albums, but this one seemed just obsessed with synth to the detriment of the music. It lacked the charisma charm and grace Prince usually infuses.
Slightly off kilter pop that somehow feels a bit metal. It was fun!
Immaculate vibes. Didn't feel like any of the melodies transcended, but good listen all the same.
I didn't realize this was all Cypress Hill! Incredible! Truly OG's
This feels like the quintessential gagster rap album. I still have to take a star off for misogyny, but this is as good as gangster rap gets.
What a top tier lineup! Incredible voice, amazing composition, what's not to love.
I'm curious if I would like Fatboy at all if I weren't already so familiar with these first two track on this album. But as it is I can only bask in this unholy amalgamation of sound and dance.
Tom Sawyer and YYZ are enough for five stars.
Some very interesting compositions, a good time
This noise seems important. I don't think I ever want to listen to it again, but I think I'm glad I did.
pop perfection.
Simple Sweet perfection
Sultans of swing contains two of the five greatest guitar solos ever by itself. This album is amazing.
Common People was transcendent, the rest of the album was solid enough to vibe with the whole time. Great experience.
Both Ziggy Stardust and Suffragette City? Best Bowie album.
I really don't understand the appeal
Plateau feels like a Nirvana song. The whole album rides the line of interesting and sonically pleasing in a way that never quite lands. It feels masterful in execution, but just misses my palette.
Wait, it's good? Since when is the shock jock producing interesting harmonically pleasing amazing chord progressions? huh.
I want to love anything called T.Rex, but I was just kind of bored most of the album.
Quintessential rock and roll. This is what happens in my head when I say "Rock Out"!
Classic and beautiful. What's not to love?
I wanted to like it, but I'm not sure I get what makes it unique and interesting.
Never Boring
So many classic songs sampled in so many places. You cannot beat Booker T.
Classic, awesome harmonies, great song writing, easy five stars
Some good vibes, some interesting tunes, but nothing really hooked.
Definitely cutting edge of the 60's, I new sounds everywhere
Blues with an African flavor is certainly interesting, I just don't care for the blues.
I'm surprised I liked this so much. I don't care for later Pink Floyd albums, and this is so much less polished, but as a result far more interesting.
I think there is more of a message here and I got at firts listen, but the songs were bops! Definitely will listen again.
I can see how it progressed music, but never did they stick the landing between aesthetic perfection and harmonic dissonance. Some cool ideas, but the purposeful lack of polish felt more amateur than avant-garde
Gorgeous, Sensual, unique, wonderful.
Oh, the Dropkick Murphys but actually Irish and first! This kicks ass!
Very solid gangster rap, but I'm not sure I understand the huge cultural influence. Taking off a star for the rampant misogyny.
Tides by itself would be enough to make this a five star album. So many beautiful atmospheric songs while still maintaining melodic interest. Masterfully done.
This feels like the ancestor of better music. It's almost there, but the sounds can be refined and applied more melodically. Izioq could not exist without this work, but this work is not there yet.
Yeah, the beats are alright, and Snoop has flow, but damn if that ain't some misogynistic bullshit.
dark atmospheric
Lyrical inovation, minimalist aesthetic. Brilliant, but not for me.
They have a unique sound, but they don't seem to write much that resonates with me
This was the least approachable jazz I've listened to. I really wanted to love it as I know Coltrane by reputation, but I did not.
Simple harmonies, complex instrumentation. A real feeling of location with a breadth of melodies. Amazing album.
Waterfalls is pretty good and the rest was fun. Not really my style, but I love what T-boz Left eye and Chilli stand for
Sometimes, you want intricate layered metaphor, and other times you want Morrissey. He hits you over the head with unveiled distaste. As always the voice and the instrumentation are immaculate.
I have never heard funkier funk. Quentesential.
I was expecting more dissonance and noise. Pleasantly surprised it was just a solid rock album.
Far more somber and introspective than the explosion of emotion in Funeral, but still an amazing expressive album.
I don't like the blues. But I like this. B.B. Kings blues are so good they transcend to the joys.
I don't know if enjoyed is the right word, but there were standout parts of this and it definitely wasn't like anything else I've heard. Kind of like proto-Bloc Party with some elements of noise electrnoica
Today we find out if there is more than one song on this album. Our answer: Yes! I don't much care for tracks 2 through 4, but the rest of the album slaps! Lovely simple sound while still being out of the box and lyrical story telling.
Never Dull. Never sour. Never enough.
Interesting sounds, but nothing that made me want to listen
Quentesential 70's rock. Iconic.
Well that could have been worse, it could have had steel guitar. Obviously super talented.
I struggle too describe exactly the sound and feeling Depeche Mode invokes. Authoritarian exhaustion? Fatalistic depression? It's an interesting niche and a cool sound.
Now this is accessible jazz. Easy great listen.
Low key and pretty for country
Awesome evolution of R&B, not for me, but massively talented
This feels like the earliest version of prog rock. The precursor to Rush and Jethro Tull. Still very jazz and blues inspired, very approachable.
He puts on a show
Incredible transitions, constant instrumental interest, psychodelic while still being approachable, Terrific album.
I'm sure this was cool and novel once, but now it feels like a subpar electronica album.
This is what country should be. Amazing folk. Just spectacular production, lyrics and themes. Perfection.
Lots of fun loops
So many classics! The Kinks are hard to beat.
Not bad, very diverse song stylings, but nothing grabbed me
every song sublime
While no song stands out as an all time ballad, all are gorgeous and masterfully played.
Influental? I'm not sure I hear it, but it was nice enough.
These are the Winehouse songs I know and love!
Rod is very consistent.
Smooth and beautiful. Parades was a little simple and the child's track didn't land for me, but the rest were quintessential enough to elevate the album
Almost optimal chaos for my brain. Half of the tracks are perfect, the other half stray into noise, but barely. Still five stars.
Sound and fury but where's the music?
As always from Sir Elton, chock full of instant classsics. Only Elton can bring so much unironic emotion so readily without being hokey.
I've been sleeping on Skynyrd too long. This is like all the best parts of country music without the awful steel guitar!
The Lovechild of the Pixies and the Ramones. Everything about this wonderful.
Nice but only nice. Nothing memorable.
Almost optimal chaos for my brain. Half of the tracks are perfect, the other half stray into noise, but barely. Still five stars.
For once I enjoyed and understood the amateurish songs. It helped they were few. The rest were thoughtful and often beautiful
The timing of Sunday Bloody brought us U2. They stuck around for some reason. It's fine.
While it slaps at high volumes and has an amazing uplifting message, it's the same song nine times and only slaps at painfully high volumes. No thanks.
Great voice, incredible lyrics, simply a treasure.
I wanted to like it, but it was musically boring.
Iconic horror theme. I'm not sure I enjoyed the whole piece, it dragged at times and did not feel very cohesive, but many parts were inarguably brilliant
Fun ride, nothing made want to come back
Red Rain is an instant classic and the hits keep coming with little dead air
Beautifully atmospheric, emotive and sweet
This feels like the origins of raw music. I had no idea Do You Love Me and Good Golly Miss Molly were from the same album. masterful work.
Red Rain is an instant classic and the hits keep coming with little dead air
A Voice sweet enough to make me forgive the steel guitar
Jane's Addiction regressed! This is way more arresting and interesting than Ritual de lo Habitual! Brilliant!
Such cool sound, effortlessly edgy while evocative
Tom Channels a Rodney Dangerfield turned philosopher poet. Best SNL sketch ever. Musically I don't know that it was that special, but as a comedy sketch character study, five stars, glad I listened, would listen again.
Pretty, but dragged.
Lyrical. Emotive. Genius.
Many moments of unique interest, but not for me.
As always. Like nothing you've ever heard before. Arresting and wonderful.
My second favorite blues artist and he doesn't even strickly fall into the genre. Wears his influences on his sleeves and is better for it!
This was a Roxy Music album I finaly enjoyed. Enough diverse interest to be worth the time
I'm a sucker for a rich baritone. Beautiful.
Interesting composition on every number
Extremely fun punk album. I don't know how much I would like this album if I didn't already love a cover of Another Girl Another Planet, but I do, so I do.
Lovely combination of purposefully unpolished and competent musicianship.
unlike tubular bells, this felt like a cohesive whole. It was a bop throughout!
Classic, beautiful, masterful.
While not my taste, clearly thoughtful and well made. Extremely diverse song writing that still somehow works together
So many all time beautiful songs. Truly a pop genius
Loverfool is an all time classic and the rest of the album is not far behind. The perfect blend of sincerity with rock sensibilities
I can hear the blues, and I can hear the rock that followed. The sound fine, but I'm just not into it.
They certainly have a distinct sound. I understand the popularity but it's just not for me.
I'm sick of Mr. Brightside. Even with that truth this album is amazing. Glamorous Indie Rock and roll is a reach, but every other song hits. Incredible album. These things that I have done with the most ambitious smash hit, Somebody told me is stupidly catchy, Smile like you mean it rock so hard. Their word play is not top teir, but doesn't need to be when the vibes are so immaculate.
Beautiful folk music mixed with biblically accurate animal noises. What a fun ride
Even though I am not fond of Costello's tamber and stylistic idiosyncrasies, his song writing is impeccable. I grew up on this album and it's incredible
It feels like rock calculated for mass appeal. And it works!
Truely feels like the begining of the heavy electronica being an obvious novelty but also actually in service to the music. An incredible feat.
I feell that Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds offer little more than violence and misery porn disguised as wisdom. Musically they are fine, but nothing special. Their pretention is hollow and their weight unearned.
Loretta is incredible. The songs are so well crafted, the vocals pitch perfect, and the theming impeccable. I don't care for any of it, but it's masterful.
I just can't get past the voice. This is the first album that I really noticed the song writing, but the voice just turns me away.
The clash between the voice and instrumentation and expected subject matter is such fun. Really marvelous.
Lacks the polish of later albums, but shows much more adherence to melodic convention while they build our trust to hit us with the weird in the final act. Well done
Not sure I get the appeal. Felt like subpar noise rock.
Simply solid brit pop.
What a fun presentation of an ecclectic mix of music. Rock hard
Lots of funk, lots of fun
Exceptional attitude pace and melody. The Twin songs each under two minutes is genius and I never find myself missing the length. Punk perfection.
This is a brilliant album really let down by subpar vocals. The weak tenor and cloudy falsetto are at odds with the stanky bass and machined synthetic perfection. Some incredibly interesting sounds delivered almost perfectly but shakily with the vestiges of human frailty.
Perfect melodic song writing. Different enough to stand out, simple enough for familiarity. Beautiful.
Surprisingly not misogynistic. The forceful early 90's spitting doesn't feel as strange and the beats are great. Amazing hip-hop. I do miss melody, but this transcends
That was nice. I wish I had been there for the cultural phenomenon as I don't get all the hype, but it was still a good listen.
The Boys have their adolescent swagger in tact, but have added some really impressive musical sensibilities. Their instrumental tracks are more than just a beat! I have a whole new respect for them.
Pitch perfect nineties hiphop. Point of for rampant misogyny.
I thought Dusty was a country singer! This midmodern pop masterpeice is really beautifully done.
Disco is not dead. Ten out of ten.
This album feels weighty and epic.
Quentessential rock
They have a fun sound, but nothing on this album hits as hard as Common People
wonderful combo of shoegaze and punk. Just enough chaos
Gorgeous and atmospheric.
I'm very glad to have been shown this album. Solid melodies voice and instrumentation
If it weren't for the weird and poorly done space doomerism, this might be the best jam rock album. Still great.
Track and Flow, what more could you want?
Just the right amount of chaos. I've been sleeping on Frank Black, he did not decline from the Pixies.
I got excited for brass from the latin inspired title only to find a bog standard country album. Ugh. It's brilliantly executed of course, I just don't like it.
Shades of what they would become, but a lot of evolution to do. They through our most of the rules of music and only later added back what would work.
Phenomenal sound, but too long and samey
Such familiar sound. Feels like I've known him forever without eer knowing who it was. Great album
Such familiar sound. Feels like I've known him forever without eer knowing who it was. Great album
Ace of Spades and 10 songs that are almost Ace of Spades but I wish were Ace of Spades. Not as good as their live album, still amazing.
I wish I could have heard this with new ears to understand how truly weird and wonderful it is. Now I'm used to it, so I just think it's wonderful.
The boys are back in town is an all time banger and Thin Lizzy may be my favorite live band ever
I didn't like it as much as I thought I would. Turns out I miss the polish. Some masterful songs, but just not something I want to sit through
Classic timeless stupendous voices. Will never be surpassed.
The Vines and the Hives make up the twin bastions of perfectly honed Chaos channeled into emotive magic. Perfection.
Poetic, but not up to his usual standard.
Chaotic punk glory
Atmospheric and soulful.
If these did not get added to the great american song book, they should have been. Plus one of the more compelling political slam poems I've heard. And what a wonderful voice.
Why is French and Spanish rap so much better than English?
Aressting, singular and powerful. Not my thing.
Atmospheric and cool, but none of the tracks demanded attention and hooked me. On Hold was the most interesting moment and definitely worth a listen.
So much cool sound. Preventing house from boring is hard and they manage.
About a decade before their time. Great musical storytelling with diverse sound
Fun frenetic melodic danceable electronica.
I don't get what makes this interesting. His other albums had momentum, melody, novelty and weight. This is just amateurish.
Fun rock album!
Sigur Rós walked so Explosions in the Sky could run. Amazing music.
Concious rock that rocks as hard as it hits
Sonorous Melodic varied exquisite pop perfection.
Elvis feels like a character. The music is fine, but so ubiquitous and foundational it functions more as a period peice and cultural touchstone than listening material.
The sound is so good I don't even care about the voice. Amazing sound, such diversity of song writing, genius.
Great fun, love the genre, don't think it quite rises to the level of REM or Depeche Mode, but glad it exists
I was surprised by the toned down production compared to the versions of the songs I'm used to. Still wonderful sound.
So many recognizable songs that stretch pop in new directions. Great time.
Some interesting lyrics and passable melodies. Really brought down by the voices.
I've listened to the title track many times, the rest were new to me. Good mixture of sound, nothing hitting quite as hard.
The vocals are trying way too hard. It does not feel authentic. Would be better served with a Deep Purple vocal style. The rest is nice metal sound.
I wasn't impressed on first listen, I expect wild innovation from Bowie. But second time around I realized how refined and elevated his song writing became. What a wonderful album.
Understated atmospheric and melancholy with exactly the right vocal effects perfect for the voice. A masterpeice.
Lots of nostalgic classics, just not my kind of sound
Great sound, some good songs. Not much in the way of staying power, but I'm glad it exists
Lovely mixture of danceable and calming
Very 80's but a little boring.
What I can do for you should have been the breakout single. All I wanna do remains a disaffected anthem, the rest of the album has way too much of the worst instrument: steel guitar.
Incredible voice, well crafted country, just not my thing.
Brilliant. Perfection. Progressive but human, incredible RnB.
It was fine. I appreciate the bravado without violence or sex and that the queen staked her place, but it's not something I would choose to listen to.
classic. Every song was something novel and cool. None of the individual songs were ear worms, but the whole was amazing.
Uninspired talk punk
What an incredible choral sound. Amazing work.
Incredible presence, unstoppable energy
Well, that was unique. I now understand M.I.A.s appeal is her production, not her lyrics. She's actually quite talented.
Low key, melodic and unpolished. Not really my jam
Little too lowkey for me, nothing that hooked, ordinary voice, ordinary pop.
I'm surprised but elated Dr. John made it on! The worlds introduction to the joy of creole jazz.
Some really lovely sound. Not as profoundly hooking as a Postal Service or Imogen Heap, but very much worth the listen
Way to speak truth. Brave lyrics. Don't care for it musically.
Novel sounds with okay integration, solid enough construction, good enough genre piece. Felt unremarkable.
For Psychedelic that sure was boring
Atmospheric and cool
It feels like Ice Cube was most of the way there. He clearly knows that the system of power is what is producing the awful outcomes in his community, but still chooses to denigrate the women suffering from the same systems of inequity. Loved the Flave feature. Didn't really care for the spittin'
Huh. Pink Floyd achieved melodic perfection for an entire album. Their other albums have been mid with one to two songs that transcend, so I did not see this coming. Five stars I guess.
So simple, so fun. Brilliant.
Cool ambient and atmospheric. The last track really takes away from the listening experience but makes me very curious about the movie
It was fine. Atmospheric, but boring
Loved the conceit of the latenight radio show, fits the absolute incredibe variety of the album well. Truly marvelous sound.
Awesome Melodic sound
Westerns distilled with an awesome voice. I cannot imagine a better execution of the concept, not my thing but glad it exists
There is little I hate more than a steel guitar. I despise this.
Some really insightful commentary in some passable melody
Every third song got radio play, and deserved it. So full of hard hitting power ballads. This one does not miss.
I've been sleeping on Megadeth. Rock perfection.
Truely awesome punk album.
Nicely lyrical, fun alt punk
Painfully 80's with chunky beats and over emphasized rapping, but a very solid entry in the 80's rap hall of fame.
I've been waiting for this one. And it delivers.
Loved it lyrically, not fond of it sonically. I want to love Cohen so much, I just don't.
With some polish that could have been really nice. Obviously talented, let down by the recording.
Very solid fun punk
It's hard not to rate such a personally nostalgic abum five stars, but the first track is the real stand out, and the rest just doesn't hit as hard
90's alt by ladies. Every song was solid, but the album lacked a transcendent hook. Still a very good listen
Not my bag, but hugely influential and obviously well crafted
Country perfection. I despise steel guiar.
Atmospheric cool electronica. Great listen. Nothing world shattering, but funn.
Brilliant eclectic interest adding up to a masterpiece.
Delightful harmonies and catchy melodies. Doesn't quite have the killer hook present in some of their later albums, but still a great listen.
Exceptional rock rap infusion. Very well done.
Starts strong, gets boring.
I don't think I've even been so into jazz fusion. The whole thing was wonderful top to bottom
This feels like the direct predecesor to Explosions in the Sky and I love it so much. Pitch perfect.
Great social commentary, okay music
Okay, so we're being intentionally disgusting. And I hate that I like it. Musically it's aggressive and abrasive in exactly the way to revert me an angry middle schooler. It's not good. But somehow it's also brilliant.
Sounds like early Beach Boys, fun songs, great melodies.
Really cool protolectronica. We've come a long way, but that was intereting and fun
Weird Folk. Nice!
love the concept, but ends up being boring
Phenomenal voices used in timeless classics.
Diverse sound through a punk aesthetic. Great ride
It's pretty
I'm not certain I get the appeal. I know the Bee Gees for danceable rhythms and meaty hooks, and that just seemed absent here.
It was fine. The scaled back raw vibe has never been my thing, especially without lyrics that feel arrestingly honest. This felt pedestrian.
Fun album. A little preachy but tremendously uplifting all the same.
Cohen's best work. Supremely atmospheric, gorgeous, and hits like a sledgehammer. The only Cohen album to truly take my breath away.
The steel guitar only detracts a little from this masterpeice. Incredible honest storytelling over beautiful well executed music.
Is Kate Bush the best thing to come out of the 80's? I think so. And this is her best album
Masterful perfect classic
Such a singular sound. Intense and focused throughout.
Awww, baby's first mixtape! The beats are amateur, the spitting sucks, the lyrics bore. Dry Your Eyes was a bright spot, and Empty Cans was a nice narrative payoff for enduring that drag.
Vivacious and fun, truly classic, a little silly for me.
funky as f***
The live tracks read very very well, the rest felt like something was missing. Great songwriting all the same.
Steely Dan's best album. Smooth and sonorous
It was a fine showing, fun songs, good instrumentation
Paint it Black followed by some okay songss.
That was not pleasant, but at least it was interesting. The unique rhythmic and harmonic use of industrial noise was very cool. Never want to hear it again.
I just couldn't get past the lackluster vocals paired with laid back instrumentation, just nothing to grab attention or hold interest.
Great musicality, fun tone, love the bombast, a good time.
Sonorous and cool
Meaningful beautiful reggae inspired hiphop, what's not to love?
Don't love the black face on the cover, but the music iss undeniably catchy andd memorable. Fun album
Fun, varried, danceable house
Great songs with fun sounds
Not their best work. It was fine but never made me stop and go 'OOOOH'
This is the R.E.M. album I grew up with. I already love every song. The only true timeless classic on it is Orange Crush, but I still cannot skip a single second.
Such a phenomenal collection of songs, constantly attention catching even in the lethargic laments, there is enough movement and hook to keep you engaged. Simply incredible songcraft.
sublimely beautiful. Incredibly harmonious and uplifting.
The brazillian beatles are weird and it's so perfect. Catchy, interesting, arresting and often beautiful
Expected Schlok, instead there was gravitas and astute reference just with a distinctive voice. He was king for a reason
I want to love Pavement, but I just can't get past the voice. The instrumental song was the only one I liked.
Harmonic beautiful and atmospheric, sets such a magical joyful mood
I don't think there's ever been a more delightful song writer than Dolly. Such joy and wonder shine forth in every song. This is not just good country, this is great music.
Decent flow with actual music. What a great time.
If this is trip hop give me more. Somehow both atmospheric and danceable, what's not to love?
I thought the Proclaimers wrote My Old Friend the Blues! Steve Earle is a supreme song writer! He almost overcomes how much I hate the steel guitar! But he doesn't, three stars.
Delightfully silly. like he best soundtrack ever for a children's show. Still catchy and pretty.
Linkin Park goes way harder than I remember! While they don't Reach RATM levels of awesome, they far surpass the Limp Bizkit space I had consigned them.
So little movement or variety. I felt little to no emotion. Sure it sounds hard, but it wasn't interesting
Glorious. Not quite as cohesive as her later albums, but every song was innovative and interesting
Brilliant. Beautiful, biting social commentary, fantastically innovative production, Joni is so much more than folksy
Unhinged but beautiful and charming. Enough poprock sensibilities to keep the audience engaged as they dive off the lyrical deep end.
Gorgeous. Could have done without some of the grosser guest spots, but every note out of SZA's mouth was perfect
Rock in the vein of Bruce Springsteen. Very competently done, a little sedate for my taste.
Great rock
Fun novel sound,, interesting throughout
The biggest jump in sounds a guitar can make ever. I rocks hard the whole ride.
Some cool atmospheric noise and some nice movement.
With the exception of the musical laxative, every song jams hard enough to make you shake your derriere. Delightful as funk.
Such pretty guitar work
Some great sounds, but some country jank. Still my favorite Stones album
So much sound I associate with Reggae, feels quintessential to the genre
Much like Nebraska, that was boring with spots of brilliance. Goes well with a melancholy mood.
This was cool, but I wanted even more frantic and frenetic
Gloriously camp.
Timeless collection of uniquely strange and beautiful songs
Much Smoother and lower key than hiss other works. Very pretty and sonorous
Constantly catchy and interesting, kept me hooked and grooving start to finish
Solid beats, always understandable lyrics, good jam
I don't think anything else quite sounds like the Offspring. They're societal critique is so well delivered with the wall of sound and distortion they delivery. They rock hard and insult harder.
The squeaky straw sound is everything and the cherry on this beautiful work.
Smooth and funky
This is the birth of the sound of 80's hip-hop and as dated as it sounds now, the innovation and progress is undeniable. A ground breaking masterpiece.
Punk lives.
Turns out its really just his voice I don't care for. On the tracks where the backup vocalist is ass loud as he is, the songs really soar. He's an incredible song writer.
Oof. You'll carry that weight.
Smooth and sonorous. Lovely listen.
The Brass. Everything is better with brass. This is like Genesis with brass and we are all richer for it.
Less annoying than his other albums, felt like the music was almost worth the nasal tone.
If this album wasn't the soundtrack of my life I don't know how much I would like it. But as it is, the sonorous sounds, beautiful voice, lively melodies and timeless lyrics have been present in so many joyous moments. I love every song on this album.
I was today years old when I realized M.I.A. is Missing in Action and her persona is antiwar protest? She's not just an incredible beat maker and producer, she's also an incredible activist and political dissident. Amazing.
At least three quentesential pop singles. Incredible how this man captured the whole zeitgeist. If you want to know what pop music was in 89, this is it.
If you ignore the insipid uninspired asinine country equivalent of gangster rap lyrics, the production is actually really fun and enjoyable. Danceable and vivacious, until you listen to any lyrics, then you cringe too hard to have fun. Every single song is a loser's anthem.
I was expecting more pop along the lines of Use Somebody, instead it was down and dirty grungy rock, absolutely delightful.
Sooth but rocks
The Greatest Singer singing the Greatest Songbook.
Masterful. Reminiscent of Peter Paul and Mary.
So quintessential it has become omnipresent, musical shorthand for the period. Brilliant in writing and execution.
Very fun, Oh Baby was incredible.
Incredible blues. I just don't care for the blues.
So cool. So fun. Seems like he was ahead of his time, but they just partied harder in the 70's
Are we sure Scott LaFaro knew how to play? Is his bass tuned correctly? The piano and drums were very nice, but even when not the centerpiece, the bass never sounded fully in tune. I'm all for some spicy chords and the occasional out there solo, but the CONSTANT aimless atonal bass waffling is not for me. Jade Visions was the best track simply for the least bass.
Well played instruments and strange noises in a slight deviation from rock sound gone hard. Good punk.
Simple and pretty
some really important tracks and some really beautiful production
Very Of Montreal. Kind of Surreal, Kind of pop, all wonderful.
Another album I can sing from memory. I'm too familiar to know for sure if it's actually good, But the storytelling is so evocative and emotive and the instrumentation is pitch perfect, just . What I can say for certain is I love it very very much.
I was disappointed about about how typical this album seems. To my novice ears, very little differentiates this album from its contemporary hiphop peers.
They rock hard, but I am glad we have evolved past those particular keyboard settings
This is such cool instrumentation and great song writing let down by lackluster vocals. A few voice lessons could have made this top tier.
This was fine. I'm glad we've moved away from the bad organ setting on keyboards. The title track was novel in a very fun way.
Lou Reed is such a unique song writer. Often imitated, never duplicated. I can't say I enjoyed this album, but I am certain it is the work of a genius.
It's still hard to believe this is a debut album. Rock perfection by a super group is more like it. Timeless, classic, melodic and cool.
I just can't get over the nasal whiney annoying singing. The best song as area 51 as it lacked the horrid vocals, but it didn't make me feel anything.
The Beat Goes On proves this team was capable of more than trying to entertain men with the sex appeal of a teenager, which makes the rest of the album more disappointing.
So much dead air filled with talking about what they are going to rap. Just rap it! Missy has come a long way since then
Fascinating and beautiful. Sitar is such a fun instrument and I adored hearing it speaking my musical language
Bluesy rock very well played. Not my jam, but definitely best in class.
Such a beautiful dreamscape. The sound may not be unique, but it's masterful and pitch perfect, done better than anyone else does it.
Only slightly worse Cher, which is huge praise. I really don't care for Madonna's voice, but all the sounds around it are magnificent.
Quentesential hard punk. All fat trimmed, only righteous anger and powerful sound remain
Oh. This is why we love him. Such profound wisdom in such a neat package. Yeah the second half drags, but the perfection of the first half cannot be found anywhere else.
I don't like Neil Young's voice and I think his music is boring. This is the exception. The band overcame his vocal limitations and his lack of metaphor was sidestepped by fun for once.
While not quite as earth shattering as mind shattering as Sonic Youth, Sister's awesome sounds continues to show the melting blending almost liquid distortion that makes the electric guitar a unique blanket of sound. Beautiful at times, and always nice.
Well written well sung and well played with thematic consistency and mastery. I just hate steel guitar and country vocals.
Extremely original topics uniquely written. Lou is not a generational singer but he is an all time writer
Hard punk. You know what you're getting and it delivers.
Automatic point deduction for buying into and propagating the Chemtrails conspiracy theory. Shame, this album had some songs way better than wha I expected from the creator of the awful 'Video Games' and 'Summertime Sadness'