Time (The Revelator)
Gillian WelchDull, uninteresting, unimaginative drivel! If you need something to send you to sleep, stick the last track on, which is an extraordinary repetitive rambling mess!
Dull, uninteresting, unimaginative drivel! If you need something to send you to sleep, stick the last track on, which is an extraordinary repetitive rambling mess!
Bob Mould is one of the most prolific artists of his generation with an impressive discography from Husker Du, his solo career, and here with Sugar. It is this album that hits the sweet (pun intended) spot. I still remember when it was released and being blown away at how instantly I was hooked. This still remains one of my favourite albums of all time. The first half of the album is a relentless cascade of driving guitar energy and the second half offers a change of pace. As well as the quality of the songs (I don’t think there is a weak one here), it is a textbook example of how to structure an album. 10 tracks, 45 minutes, grab the listener’s attention early on and then a variance later on. Not sure I would say any individual track stands out but collectively it makes a great album. Very jealous of anyone who has just discovered Bob Mould for the first time, as they have an extensive back catalogue to discover. Start with Beaster which is another classic.
Here’s how the meeting at the record company should have gone: MF: How do you like our demo? MF record company: There’s some good stuff on there, we suggest the best 12 tracks make it on to the album, and you ditch the rest. MF: Yes, agreed, that makes sense.
It’s the late 90s, beer is cheap and the Tories have been booted out. Cool Britannia is in full swing. A bunch of 20 year olds are making their way back from an all night rave, Roni is blasting out on the car stereo and the drum and bass washes over them as the summer sun starts to rise. The hints of jazz add to the vibe and they are loving life. Meanwhile everyone else on the planet is glad that the skip function exists! Top track: Brown paper bag (well the first 3 minutes of it).
A fantastic debut album that is brim full of energy and swagger. The album catches the youth and raw sound best in the string of fast flowing songs at the start of the album including the classics of Mansize Rooster, caught by the fuzz, and Lenny. There is also time to slow it down with the Beatlesesque last couple of tracks. Top track: Caught by The Fuzz
Great voice and some fantastic covers. Hate is an absolute triumph.
A great album from this influential artist. Some great riffs and vocals, but maybe lacking some killer tracks that appear on later albums.
Slightly odd mix of songs that feel disjointed. Some good moments though.
Don’t really get it, loved their version of Bring the Noise with Anthrax though.
It’s alright and better than the last one though of theirs.
Wow! I really liked this one, which was very accessible and chilled. As it’s a concept album, some tracks and the whole album go on a bit, but definitely worth a revisit.
A true great, and the classic example of grunge sound. A distinct development of their early albums - I still think Badmotorfinger is better, and full of great songs. His vocals are superb. Top track: The day I tried to live
I liked this, loads of tracks that I recognised and some that influenced the likes of the Beatles. Of it’s time but fun.
Well it wasn’t as bad as I feared but most of it is self indulgent dirge! I liked the pure upbeat pop songs though.
Some interesting stuff, but it soon descended into an ugly mess of headache inducing nonsense!
Pleasantly surprised at this one, very chilled and catchy.
Well I liked Layla!
Not as good as the other album of theirs but I like it
Better than I thought it would be. They do like guns don’t they!
Wow! What a great album, much better than the last one. 4 or 5 top tracks and their trademark laid back vibes. Again, most of the songs do sound the same, but I can forgive them that.
Pretty decent, with some of the more experimental stuff lacking. Top track: What goes on
Seems fun, but all covers and he sounds like a revolting human being!
Utter tosh
Jazz and the 70s is not a good mix. The funk element redeems in places
I liked this. His voice is similar to Mark Lanegan and matched the mood of the songs. It could’ve done with kicking on a bit but well worth a listen.
Another band that has influenced 90s bands I like. Quite fun and well written if not setting the world alight.
Obviously a decline from their 2 previous albums and the title track is very cringe. However, there are some great songs on here and Jarvis hits form when needed. Bring back the 1990s
I like it, there are some good songs there and Lou Reed's voice is sublime. The whole album has a great laid back feel and you can tell why it is has been so influential as it just oozes cool. Co-incidentally saw The Dandy Warhols and the Black Angels last night who are obviously influenced by this album in music, name and coolness! The former even had an album cover paying homage to their great heroes. The cover is cool but it does frustrate me that the banana is probably just past its best. It lacks enough killer songs, but it is definitely in my top 5 of all-time fruit based LP covers.
Big fan of peak Bowie, but have never given this one a listen before. Not sure why as it is good, that man clearly knows how to write a song and has an amazing voice. Could do without the saxophone though.
I grew up with this album as it was on constant repeat in our car on family trips in the 70s. I don’t think that I have listened to it in over 40 years and I think the 70s is where it belongs! It feels and sounds dated and it’s hard to reconcile this to most Beatles albums. Bonus points for the title track and the fact that it is Macca.
Packed with hits, but also a generous sprinkling of average cover versions. A slightly disjointed album but good nonetheless, and relax….
I am sure the Rock & Roll establishment were quaking in their boots when this seminal album was dropped and set to destroy their world. I am assuming the title is ironic, but I am also sure the DJ who produced this guff is not interested in what a middle aged man 20 years later thinks of it! I mean it is not awful, it is pretty chilled and has hints of Daft Punk, but I keep expecting someone to interrupt each song by announcing that my call is important to them and that someone will answer as soon as possible. Pretty dull.
I am going to be generous on my rating for this one as she seems like a nice person and is clearly a very talented songwriter, sings about important issues. and has a haunting and heartfelt voice. Unfortunately, I found listening to this quite hard work and pretty dull. I also can’t forgive her for inspiring (even if only in a small way) a generation of dull folk singer/songwriters like Ed Sheeran and James Blunt etc. Fast Car, dull folk!
I think I am of the same mindset as many others that when I hear the name Billy Joel, I think of Uptown Girl and a small part of my soul dies! This album is better than that and in fact the songs I have heard before are the weaker ones here. It has a bit of funk and hints of Paul Simon and the Beatles. 1970s Joel was obviously better than 1980s Joel.
Dull cover versions sung by a dull artist, I am sure this means something to the country fans, but to me it is far inferior to other offerings. Placid Willie
Now we’re talking, some great tracks on this one and a very interesting split of regulation Bowie and experimental stuff. Admittedly some of the second songs drag on a bit long. The people of 1977 must have thought they were listening to something from the distant future or distant planet!
A great album that celebrates a band pretty much at their peak. Love the medley ending and the general vibe of the album. Perhaps it is missing big hits and could do with ditching the Octopus song!
This is pretty poor. The songs with the funk are so much better than the slow ones. I assume his other albums are better than this! No Wonder
The man is clearly a genius. Over a half a century ago he was mastering the fusion of folk, blues and rock and blazing a trail for those who followed. I guess some people will either love or hate his voice, but I love ii. A great album with no real weak songs. Like other artists I think it lacks some big hitters but happy to listen to this one again.
This album is better than the last one we reviewed but I still struggled with it Again, funky songs good, everything else, poor!
I was prepared to fully hate this one. I didn’t, it was ok.
I like the idea of prog rock, but very rarely do I actually like it! This one almost does the job, plenty of random nonsense and rambling lyrics.
Clearly the early stages of a band that would progress significantly over the upcoming years. Not sure the tracks on this justified the Beatlemania that followed, or perhaps it was a classic case of style over substance just like other boy bands that followed. I wonder what would have happened if East 17 had pulled a strawberry fields out of the bag?
What a pleasant surprise to discover an artist I had never heard produce such a great album. This one has the funk and then some.
One of the worst albums I have ever listened to it! The best 2 songs were cover versions and the rest is just awful! A dull blend of hip hop with very little identity.
Another one I had never heard of, and pleasantly surprised. Difficult to describe the album, it is a sort of an eclectic mix of psychedelic/prog pop nonsense and surely ahead of its time. Not much to tap your feet to but far from dull.
Bruce Springsteen meets the Posies! So many good alternative U.S. indie bands emerged before (Husker Du), around 88(Dinosaur Jr, Screaming Trees), or after (Nirvana etc) that is difficult to see where these guys fit in. Inoffensive stuff on this album but in general it is pretty dull. There is the odd occasion when they get it right but it never kicks on. So glad that those that followed took the Husker Du influence rather than the American Music Club one.
One of those bands where I had previously dismissed them as just a pop act. So I was pleasantly surprised and instantly hooked by this album. The sound is clearly early 80s and possibly dated, but it also a classic example of how an album should be. There is a mixture of hits and strong album tracks that explore their sound. In fact I don’t think there is a weak track there.
Like the Stones, although not really familiar with any of their albums in full. This one is good, plenty of blues influence and their typical swagger.
Lock up your Grannies, Rod’s in town! Well this was better than expected, so many different styles of music in one album and often in each song. I struggled to get past his voice, which really annoys me, but I guess if you are a fan this must be one of his strongest albums. I am going to be generous with my marking and convert a 2.5 into a 3.
Jazz….nice! Next time I am in a lift I will think of this album.
The usual excellent songwriting and distinctive voice from our Bob. I liked this album it has plenty of catchy songs.
Plenty of groove and a relaxed feel. However, I just felt that it is very repetitive, every song sounds the same.
I guess I was expecting great things from our Jimmy. The album is good, he is clearly talented and the songs are interesting and complex, they just don’t quite grab me as much as I’d anticipated. Hopefully the next one of theirs will.
Odd choice for the list from alternative albums in this era. Best album of the 90s? - not even close. Best Britpop album? - insult to Oasis, Pulp, Supergrass, Radiohead, Cast etc. Best Britpop album of 1996? - long way behind Bluetones, Placebo, Shed Seven, Ocean Colour Scene, Longpigs, Ash, Kyla Shaker etc. Best Britpop album of 1996 that features a song called Something for the weekend? - sorry, that goes to Super Furry Animals! I love the first song and the second song is good. The rest, not much so.
A tough listen. Can’t stand her voice and the songs are woeful.
1992 - what a year, so much top music, and happy memories from my youth. Pavement are a great band with their unique lo-fi, laidback style. Later albums would refine their sound, but this album showcases their raw energy. Top tracks are Summer Babe, Trigger Cut, Here, and Perfume V, but some other great tunes throughout. All hail the 90s!
Cock rock, meets the 80s and synthesisers - what could possibly go wrong? Pretty much everything! I like the album cover though.
Funk ✅ Groove ✅ Meandering medley that takes a Pink Floyd turn✅
I have to admit to being blissfully unaware of these guys. Is my life enriched by now discovering them? No, but I am not a rednecked American who harks back to the good old days (which I am sure they are hoping the Orange will return them too!). This album could only be more American if they used guns as percussion instruments. I can see the influences that the music has and it has some high points including the vocals and rock leanings. 2.5
On very rare occasions you listen to an album you think you are going to hate based on your previous listening experience and preconceptions, and it turns out that album is actually really good. This is not one of these occasions, this one is a stinker!
I bought this album back in the day on the strength of a couple of good tracks. It never really did much to me at the time, and I am pretty sure I have not listened to it since then. Really glad I got to listen to it again in detail. It is a strong album with no duds. I love the way the songs build up to a crashing crescendo. Wake up is an excellent track, and it could do with a few more catchy songs like that.
Clearly got a great voice and the album has a smooth feel to it, but not really my thing.
Slightly disappointing, too much emphasis on the vocals which warbled too much. I think he liked the sound of his own voice. Some good stuff too, but it never gets going.
I unexpectedly really like this one. His voice can be annoying, but some great tunes and very Bowiesque in places. Love the track “Cities” 3.75
Not their best album, but a couple of great tracks in The Bucket and Four Kicks. I like the vocals, I think they go with the sound, but can see why some don’t like his voice.
I guess it is very fashionable to hate Coldplay and certainly as they morphed into a stadium pop band I lost interest in them. However, this first album is a good album and highlights their excellent songwriting ability. There are some great tracks: Shiver, Spies, Trouble and the majestic Yellow and no real duds. In criticism, all the songs sound the same and as such it makes listening to the album in full a struggle. Those decent tracks in their own make my best of playlist, but I doubt I will listen to the album again.
My interest in Radiohead declined steadily as they evolved away from The Bends and OK Computer, so I hadn’t listened to this one in years. There are clearly some good songs on there and less of the weird ones from others albums. I really tried to love this, but the lack of catchiness and probably simplicity to the tunes stops it being a classic. I am pretty sure that making the songs inaccessible was what they were trying to achieve. Best track: There there 3.75
Folk, country, rock, blues, our Bob nails them all in one album! Good stuff if a little long. Top track: Stuck inside.. 3.75
It’s the late 90s, beer is cheap and the Tories have been booted out. Cool Britannia is in full swing. A bunch of 20 year olds are making their way back from an all night rave, Roni is blasting out on the car stereo and the drum and bass washes over them as the summer sun starts to rise. The hints of jazz add to the vibe and they are loving life. Meanwhile everyone else on the planet is glad that the skip function exists! Top track: Brown paper bag (well the first 3 minutes of it).
This has something about it, but never really gets going and has no standout tracks. Vocals are awful which brings it down. Top track: Blister in the sun 2.75
I always think there is a good band there but hate that they make a deliberate attempt to be as poppy as they can. Some of the music is just Stock, Aiken & Waterhouse drivel. Good vocals and lyrics save it and hopefully other albums will be better. Top track: I wouldn’t normally…
Only 4 years after love me do and holding hands and the Beatles have adopted an alter ego and are writing Psychedelic rock songs inspired by Indian spirituality and LSD! There’s the usual fluctuations in quality, but somehow as a concept record it works well here. Top track: A day in the life, which is an awesome song.
I played this album to death when I was a teen. There is nothing nuisanced about this, they are not saying anything of political importance, they are literally singing about sex, drugs and rock n’ roll. They do a damn good job of it, by playing raw, riff driven belters. Even more impressive considering how much drugs they were taking! Slash is a guitar legend and the whole band oozed coolness, which was in direct contrast to most heavy metal of the time. The albums yields 3 massive singles which propelled them to success, but the whole album is packed full of great tracks, with perhaps only Anything Goes a duffer. My musical tastes have changed a lot since then, and I don’t think history has judged the casual misogyny well, but this album remains a classic and is untouched in its genre. Top track: Paradise City
Experimental instrumentals are one thing, but when they involve a saxophone - I’m out! Disappointing album and surely not his finest by a long way. Top track: Heroes
Like Cypress Hill but nowhere near as good.
Some weird stuff going on. Catchy in places and certainly interesting throughout. Top track: A Minha Menina
The 4th album I have had on this list by him already! Generally this one is similar to the others, but a few really great tracks stand out including the excellent Desolation Row. Top track: Like a rolling stone
Staggered that this album was so popular, as it is tries and fails to be pop or alternative. Her voice ruins most of the promising songs, some saved by interesting lyrics.
Only heard of this band as they are mentioned in a Spiritualized song! I somehow pictured them to be better than this, but sadly none of these songs grabbed me. Maybe it’s a grower?
Forerunners to grunge and the 99s alternative scene. Not sure there are any standout tracks but the whole album flows beautifully. Not a technical term, but it has great fuzz! Will definitely listen again. Top track: disappearer
Bunch of pretentious wankers! I have always hated Suede, mainly because of the screeching vocals and this one doesn’t change my mind. I am guessing the debut will be better as it helped shape Britoop, but so glad the music scene pivoted away from this lot onto the likes of Nirvana, Oasis, Radiohead etc.
The 5th Bob Dylan album in my first 64 on the list. By my reckoning that means there will be 78 of his albums to listen to - yay! They do all tend to sound the same, although I liked this one less. Maybe the electric ones offer something more? Top track: Blowin’ in the wind.
Another solid effort. Top track: stay
This is brilliant!! Don’t think I have ever listened to their debut before, but it has all the signs of their later stuff including killer riffs and hints of prog Rick and Sabbath. The vocals are obviously different to when Bruce Dickinson took over and are much softer, and I can’t decide if that is better, worse or just different. Top track: Phantom of the Opera
A festive treat that the whole family enjoyed on Christmas Day. Not quite Slade and Wizzard standard but did the job.
Lots of funk and a very smooth sound. However, it is very slow and dull.
A lot of fun and a great voice. Top track: Jump, Jive an’ Wail
Another good album by Coldplay where they built on their debut, and hadn’t reached their full on dull phase. Album cover is awful though. Top track: Clocks
Kudos to them for trying so many different genres. Shame that they failed at them all! There are parts of some songs that I liked, in particular the strong guitar work. The jazz stuff and the continued overuse of the horn section was cringey and when they seemed to be getting some good jam sessions going, it simply went on too long. I played this in the car with my wife and daughter and they both requested that we don’t listen to it on the way back! Hard to argue with that. Top track: I’m a man - a cover version, with no horns!
I believe this band influenced some of my favourite bands, but I struggled to really get into it. Top track: Unsatisfied
I am not sure if these guys are serious or not? Bonus point as it is kind of fun!
Another band that I am well aware of, but never really listened to, so was looking forward to this. Some solid songs on here without really being amazing. Bang average.
One of my favourite albums at the time and a band who helped me convert from metal to indie. A very heavy sound and dark songs that reflect the theme of the band. Whilst there are undoubtedly some good songs on this, it doesn’t quite hold the same appeal to me now as other grunge artists from the time. Top track: Would?
Sabbath/Doors rip off? All weak songs until the last one that has a great riff but goes on a bit!
The best album artwork we have had on the list so far. I can see that this broke new ground when it arrived, and I like the hits on the album, but quite a few duds on there too. Top track: loaded
Nonsense music, but clearly done tongue in cheek. Some of it was fun and as the album progressed it got better. Will I listen again and does anyone really need to listen? Nope!
Nothing to set the pulse racing, but I enjoyed it. An interesting concept album that seemed to flow well. I am guessing we will have more of these guys later on to include some of their hits.
A fantastic debut album that is brim full of energy and swagger. The album catches the youth and raw sound best in the string of fast flowing songs at the start of the album including the classics of Mansize Rooster, caught by the fuzz, and Lenny. There is also time to slow it down with the Beatlesesque last couple of tracks. Top track: Caught by The Fuzz
Dull, uninteresting, unimaginative drivel! If you need something to send you to sleep, stick the last track on, which is an extraordinary repetitive rambling mess!
Marginally better than yesterday’s full fest but still largely uninspiring.
6 albums in and the lads are starting to perfect their no nonsense, ballsy rock. The songs are unapologetically tongue in cheek and fairly simple in structure, but they certainly do rock! There is little deviation but some more than hint at the blues influence going on. Probably a 4.5, but I am giving it 5! Tragic that this was Bon Scott’s last album. Whenever I think of Bon Scott, I can’t help but think of Spinal Tap: Derek Smalls: Its not very pleasant story…but uh, he died, uh he choked on uh, the official explanation was he choked on vomit… Nigel Tufnel: It was actually – it was actually someone else’s vomit…you know there’s no real… Derek Smalls: Well they can’t prove whose vomit it was…they don’t have the ability…there’s no way of… Nigel Tufnel: You can’t really dust for vomit… Too track: If you want blood….
In my head Deep Purple and in particular the riff for Smoke on the water are better than they actually are! I found this a bit plodding and slow. In mitigation it is 53 years old and blazed a trail for acts to come.
Someone likes Paul McCartney! Not bad, but a bit too 70s and long for me. Top track: Mr. Blue Sky
More middle of the road 70s dullness that this list laughable calls rock!?!
Didn’t like the cover versions, but the rest had some great vibes.
Here’s how the meeting at the record company should have gone: MF: How do you like our demo? MF record company: There’s some good stuff on there, we suggest the best 12 tracks make it on to the album, and you ditch the rest. MF: Yes, agreed, that makes sense.
Wow, what an epic album! This is peak Bowie, where he manages to balance being a cultural icon and also a wonderful musician who can pull of a concept record with ease. Most older albums on this list feel that whilst important for the time, no longer feel relevant now. This is not the case here, Ziggy would feel relevant in every decade since. Top track: Starman
Similar to the Hail to the Thief album, this one was better than I expected and remembered. I generally subscribe to the ‘they went downhill after OK computer’ crowd, and this certainly lacks the catchy songs and has a couple of tracks that are too experimental. It is well written and performed and I guess you just have to accept that this is a different style and direction.
Never heard of this one, and on the surface it is a fairly run of the mill, uninspiring, uninteresting meander of an album. However, there is some good variation of style and solid songwriting.
Well at least they tried something different!
Another odd choice for the list! I am not a fan of live albums, especially double live albums that go on for 2 hours! An interesting concept of combining heavy rock with orchestral music, and it kind of works in some places and misses the mark in others. Much rather listen to a Metallica studio album.
Such anger, such energy! An album to play on tax filing deadline day and shout at your clients for being idiots “WAKE UP” Fairly sure that is the political message the artist is trying to portray 😆 Of course all the songs are the same and the irony of raging against the machine while being being a massive part of corporate rock are negative points, but who cares this album rocks!
A pleasant listen - short but sweet.
A frantic and often naive sound that is just plain noise at times, but there is a couple of songs I liked. Influential on later bands, but could have done with better production and fine tuning.
Bland pop music! The production is good and some of the vocals work, but it needs more layers and a lot more going on.
It’s a score to a film, not an album. It has groove and the vocal tracks are good, but there are only so many instrumentals I can take - too long.
I like more than a feeling, but found the rest too cheesy.
Some nice tunes on here, but a bit one-tone and fails to really get going.
The best thing about this album is that a cover version of one of the songs was in an Only Fools and Horses episode. Nope, can’t think of any other positives.
A bloated 70s prog rock, double concept album. This must have sounded dated 2 weeks after release!
“Back once again with the same repetitive beat” I have tried to get into these guys in the past but can never bring myself to like them. It’s not bad, just not as good as some of their contemporaries.
I think I was expecting more from the boss. His vocals on this are awful, so I assume we will get better albums later on.
For some reason I thought Neil Young was more rocky than this. Some good songs and he nails the folk sound pretty much with an obvious talent for songwriting. But….that….voice😬
2 obvious stand out tracks make this album, but I liked some of the others too.
I don’t really understand the appeal of country music and to me this is just a novelty record. I hope Loretta is ok though - maybe find a new man!
Generally uninspiring, but it did get better as the album went along. I get the underdog vibe from this band and I do like to root for the underdog.
Possibly the worst album cover that we have had on the list! Songs are ok though.
Well that was disappointing! For some reason I thought I might like it, but no, and I can’t find any redeeming features!
I love the guitar distortion sound, but do feel they could do with more melody in their tracks. This album has a lot going for it and I think will be a grower.
I expected more from this. What I got was Simon & Garfunkel!
Not really sure what it is about this album that I like but I do. Maybe it’s another one of those underdogs that I latch onto? The production is tight and the vocals generally fit the music, but it fails to kick on.
Somehow having an album with a song titled North American scum on the day that our friends over the pond threaten to withdraw from NATO and form an alliance with Russia seems very apt. James Murphy I am sure is nothing like Trump and he is a certainly a great songwriter. This album builds on the first album and is packed full of top songs. My favourites are Us and Them and the come down song of New York I love you.
The type of music you want to listen to when sitting on a glacier, whale watching! Very chilled in places and anthemic in others, but every song was too long. There was a couple I really liked and good to have something a bit different on the list.
Jazz, or endless, self-indulgent, boring, obnoxious, noodling as I like to call it.
They somehow manage to be both amateurishly basic, and too over produced to be punk. Some good stuff on here, but generally disappointing.
Moderatly fun, mainly novelty.
Some funky songs, but on the whole disappointing and very dated.
There are so many recognisable songs on here, so clearly a lot of people bought this album, but despite their attempts to sound alternative they clearly weren’t and never have been. I like some of the tracks but some are very weak - acrobatic was awful. Top track: The Fly
Despite making a big impact when it was released, I think they have gone on to better albums. Cline Eastwood really carries this album although there are other notable tracks. Hadn’t listened to this in ages but was pleasantly surprised.
Bob Mould is one of the most prolific artists of his generation with an impressive discography from Husker Du, his solo career, and here with Sugar. It is this album that hits the sweet (pun intended) spot. I still remember when it was released and being blown away at how instantly I was hooked. This still remains one of my favourite albums of all time. The first half of the album is a relentless cascade of driving guitar energy and the second half offers a change of pace. As well as the quality of the songs (I don’t think there is a weak one here), it is a textbook example of how to structure an album. 10 tracks, 45 minutes, grab the listener’s attention early on and then a variance later on. Not sure I would say any individual track stands out but collectively it makes a great album. Very jealous of anyone who has just discovered Bob Mould for the first time, as they have an extensive back catalogue to discover. Start with Beaster which is another classic.
This one never got out of first gear. I quite liked his voice but can’t find anything else positive to say.
Her voice is good and the songs were ok, just nothing to set the pulse racing.
Marginally better than the average jazz album, of which there are too many on this list.
Firstly, I like Pink Floyd and I like this album, but is it one of the best of all time? The album is beautifully designed, there is a theme and the songs flow together seamlessly and collectively it elevates the quality of the album. It is another of those albums that is pretty timeless and I totally get why people rave about it. The music is solid and some of the songs are really good. The guitar work and the female backing vocals are especially good. On the downside there are no absolute killer tracks that you would expect from a top album and a couple are a let down. I think Pink Floyd have better songs and potentially better albums. Was toying with a 5 star but the use of the saxophone losses them a mark!
I had assumed that the 90s would be my favourite decade on this list as most albums I own come from this great time in music. This kind of album proves why it is not my favourite decade so far. Never heard of her and will instantly forget her too. Very bland pop which should not make this list. On the plus side if she was starting her career now the industry would demand that she was paraded around in her underwear and sing songs dissing her ex boyfriends and fellow artists.
There’s something about Leonard Cohen that I like that I can’t quite put my finger on. This one is very Dylanesque in places and the songwriting seems good. The voice ain’t great and again it fails to get going.
Started off fairly promising with an edge to the songs, but it got progressively worse and seemed to be a bit disjointed.
I love the White Stripes but was a little surprised this one made it into the list. It is a slight change of direction for them and the mix of styles makes it a slightly disjointed effort that is let down by some of the songs. This makes it less accessible than other albums. It has some great tracks namely: Blue Orchid, My Doorbell, and Take, take, take and all in all, another great album from the prolific Jack White.
Didn’t have high expectations, but was pleasantly surprised. For a 70s prog record they managed to dial back the nonsense and I never felt the songs went on too long. Some of the keyboards sound is basic and dated and for a rock album it never hits the heights of others.
A lot of fun and some catchy tunes. Seems very ahead of its time and not out of place now. I guess her vocals can be a bit grating and the album tailed off a bit, but an enjoyable listen.
A real gem to unearth from a band I had never heard of. Some catchy and up tempo songs make up a well balanced album that combines various musical styles. 60s music at it’s best.