Arcade FireOn of the great records of this century, from the moment it breaks the silence with tunnels to the dramatic and soulful ending, this is a complete triumph.
On of the great records of this century, from the moment it breaks the silence with tunnels to the dramatic and soulful ending, this is a complete triumph.
It’s not bad, it’s just so generic and irrelevant, can't believe this was trending back in 01' and I'm glad I missed it (on the other hand I was 13 at the time so it was all Nu metal for me lol). I'm reading this gave way to artists such as James Blunt and Ed Sheeran and well, someone owns us an apology.
nice sound, and I catched some good moments but I'll be damned if I got to listen to 2 straight hours of country
nope. didn't need to listen to that before I die
I wanted to give an impartial listen to this one, I wanted to know if I know Dylan because my parents love him or because the music... I even read the generational warfare that are the reviews prior to the listen which make some good points but, caught myself humming and closing my eyes enjoying this gem. Even before I understood English language I loved Dylan. This to me, is another 5/5.
Utterly shit. A couple of kinda not horrible songs but lame from beginning to end
Good one, but not to be shared, needs an alone immersion to be appreciated
Great, good album will listen again
Iconic, very playful and a fun recital overall
Stone cold classic
not as good as I remembered it but its a classic allright
Great recording, many latino great songs and themes, Cuba is in many ways linked to México and we’ve always loved the BVSC
A barrage of hits for the first half and great music overall, even if I get tired from Eddies voice after a while. a classic alright
nice surprise, many cool and familiar tracks
good but not my gig, don't like those synth arragements
not much to write home about, great instrumentals, novelty covers and thats kinda it.
cool record, it sounds limited in its production but it slaps
goodone, very nice record, the spanish track was a great find
industrial is very tiring couldn't finish it. too repetitive
can't believe this was the first time I actually heard it from start to finish, very solid mid part, kinda silly at times but a classic allright
What is it with this list and live albums? Were there not enough normal ones to add? Was not any of the other deep purple records deemed to be listed? It’s a nice recording tho.
Good one, swift and straight to the heart
good stuff, nice short listen and the extra tracks on that "deluxe version" are not bad either
good one, many hits in there
good allthough it drags a little
damn I hate those 80's synths... the album closes strong but the damage is done
not much to write home about, solid music
Good sounds not than much special
Never heard from start to finish, it’s a great album
One of the great recods of our time.
good one, short but good
not that even of an album but great overall with a couple of great hits
Impressive, good concept of many short straight to the point songs
stone cold classic.
Great one
Good one
stone cold classic. Being this from the golden era of intenet bootleg I did not hear the real final mix until many years later, I still like some of those demos better than the final version but it is without a doubt one of the great record of my youth. now, 15 years later my favorite is A certain romance, it just has it all, it is the complete time stamp of those day. damn I love this record.
good one, straight to the point
good, not great
I was there when Dreaming of you became a hit, I thought they were good but had never fully heard this album until now, it’s quite good
Great one, never heard it in full until now
there are severall versions @ spotify so I hope I listened to the correct one, great recording but, agaim, what is it with this list and the live recordings? were there not enough albums?
Another contemporary classic. it kinda drags towards the end but its very good.
Been listening o it since the ninties, great album
Sweet dreams the song is a timeless classic, the rest of the album is not, it drags a lot and the spanish song is just shameful
good, repetitive but its ok
Good album, maybe has too much hype but it’s good
Very relaxing record good one
starts very good but it doesn't hold, has some cringey choruses
great one
very good, quite long but good
Quite a nice surprise, I’ve been hating all the 80’s records so far. Good one
Great, I’m getting now why the live albums
My favorite Beatles album
Dull and long
Good but like you get ir by the third track
Now I'm getting this whole including live albums list, this one is amazing.
Nice one, early Dylan has no waste
Very boring, the kind of stuff that did not age well
Not good
very long
good one, very rocksy, never heard it full before
Not as good as I expected but has some classics in
I definitely could have gone without hearing it before i die
Very good!
Great but kinda long
long and overstated but good overall
Good one, long but it holds
Not bad
Better than I remember
Quite uneven but good overall
Drags a little bit but its a stone cold classic.
shit. those damn 80's synths did not age well anywhere
meh, has its moment tho
has a lot of hype but its very meh
one of the great records of the 90's. excellent
Better than expected
Does not meet its hype
Good but it’s not Dummy
Not bat but also quite forgettable
Lame af
Anooother live album
Another meh
Was expecting worst given that it’s one of the lower rated here, it wasn’t that bad, it’s kinda dull tho
On of the great records of this century, from the moment it breaks the silence with tunnels to the dramatic and soulful ending, this is a complete triumph.
I like better some of the other stuff by Stewart
good one
Good but kinda dumb at various moments
good one, some great tunes and classics althoug the concept drags a little
good one
top 5 greatest hip hop albums of all time. a classic
Good one. the first ever full album by Stevie I've ever heard, hope there are others on the list
A very good find, those strings do really belong there, even if the record drags a little it is outstanding
I've been a fan ever since I was little. Both my parents are huge fans so the you have it. When I found that Bobby Mcgee has her greatest hit couldn't believe it! then I found out that Janis had quite more than I believed. this is an awsome and gorgeous record. Cry baby always tears my heart. Thank you Janis for your work
Very rocky and out there, Bowie is always good
It is an outstanding album, those transitions are amazing and it reflects an outstanding work, having said that, it is not better than Pure Heroin, hope it is on this list as well
the instrumentation and production are impressive, but the concept is cringey AF
I just can't stand those 80's synths... this, as much of the decade stuff i've been hearing just did not age well
It started really good and it was a nice breathe of fresh air after yet another dreadful new/synth wave album (the 19th one!) but it started dragging after a while. i like the istruments and I think is good overall.
uneven but you just know that was the aim
impressive and beautiful
Amazing stuff
it has good moments but why is it so long? i think its overstated
I'm lacking the enviroment to enjoy this. Did not age well
Not bad but kind of irrelevant
this was great.
Closes real strong but its quite uneven and that car song is lame af
great one, fast and straight to the point. very enjoyable
great one, a load of hits and great album overall
its good but largely irrelevant
great album, Kanye could not miss the mark back then. 5 stars
cool one
cool one, straigth up full of hits
the third album I get that is currently on the top 20 of the generator. This is it people, the top tier, I mean, no one hates on Fleetwood Mac (I myself rated it 5) but Nirvana has had a lot of haters ever since they came out, so its high rate is even more impressive. Nevermind is an almost perfect album, I've been hearing it ever since it came out (I was 5 at the time) and I have always loved it. this is one for the generations.
quite enjoyable. good album
not (much) repetitive, not unnecessarily long songs... this is some metal I can get behind
cool record
not my favorite Elliot Smith record but damn is it good
a rather enjoyable record with some outstanding classics
very enjoyable. good one.
enjoyable but drags after a while, sounds like a made up band lol
Good start and interesting but drags at the end
Nice gig, still not getting this live albums being included on the list
never heard this one before. I'ts great even though its not full of hits as YCALWB.
enjoyable but quite forgettable
not as good as I remembered it, but has great moments
good but thats it
Some great tunes
funky but quite irrelevant
the poet during the 60's no much more to say
for many years I believed I was a Depeche Mode fan (i really like the hits) but I cannot stand any of their records for its whole length
my favorite U2 album, after this one all went downhill
4 outta 5 mainly because american Pie is an exceptional recording. the record on average is good but a bit dull
more 80's meh... at least it doesn't have those synths
wow that was meh as fuck.
nto as horrible as I remembered but it is a bit cringe and a big meh...
this was really good, at some point I wondered if I was listening to the same record.
oh the 90's. this is from the golden era of MTV, this is a great album
fast and good, but I felt it was longer tham 33 minutes and its a bit claustrophobic at times
they let the music speak allright but for to much loooong...
I reallly love lovefool but its a rather average album
I once saw Blondie live, I thought It would be interesting but wasn't expecting to know most of the songs and for it to rock as hard as it did... this is a great and entretaining album that slaps
An incredilbe voice with identity and power... cruelly unwind by that horrible 80's production... the title song sucks and that guitar on steel claw sounds like a chihuahua in distress.
this slaps hard. good one!
not bad but kinda boring
Quite enjoyable. a bit long but i really liked it
This was quite irrelevant but! affer all those hideous 80's synths, I think it deserves a better rank just for being different.
great album, mixing is really good a dnit has many classics
This was a very very pleasant surprise, I dread now when I see an 80’s album in my daily draw but this was quite amazing, yea there are synths but not used in the common hideous way this list has me used to by now, I’m very glad I found this one. Favorite song: of all the things we’ve made
not bad, good mixing but repetitive at some point. I mean that song conversation is quite good for the fisrt couple of minutes but then it goes on the same for five additional ones. That cars song is a classic though (f*uck cars btw)
With some of these albums I really don't get the "must hear before you die". this was good but quite irrelevant
Good album, good concept and good rhymes... it closes a bit claustrophobic.
not much to write home about
enjoyable. don't know if I needed to listen to it before I die
not bad. some great songs
great voices, nice record, some cool songs and a timeless classic
A funny one lol
good one, I was fearing it a lot lol but it was nice.
great one although a little derivative from the WTC work, I mean, why a solo path that sounds almost like the group?. When I was young I wondered if they had not access to good recording studios but now I know that foggy sound is actually deliberated and I love it
a soft meh for me
like, the list name becomes completely pointless with this kind of albums...
It's now been almost two months since the last 5 I've given in the list. I've been bombarded with some very forgetful music since (not all of it of course) so I wasn't expecting much from this one but it has stopped me on my tracks. This is awesome music, I can't believe I've never listened to it. I mean, I know why, I was very into indie at the time of its release but after that I think I should have run into it but certainly didn't. What a shame. This takes heavily from Homework and YCALGB without being derivative. I think it should be a 4 but dammit, after all those dreadful records the algorithm has given me, it’s going off with a 5.
Great one, very diverse although it is a bit long.
nope. didn't need to listen to that before I die
I consider " clockwork" to be one of my formative albums and myself as a QOTSA fan but I had never listen to this one. Maybe I'm biased but this was excellent. strong and meaningful although that last track was confusing and uncomfortable with the headphones lol
music is not bad in some tracks but, god this is cringey as fuck!
I wanted to give an impartial listen to this one, I wanted to know if I know Dylan because my parents love him or because the music... I even read the generational warfare that are the reviews prior to the listen which make some good points but, caught myself humming and closing my eyes enjoying this gem. Even before I understood English language I loved Dylan. This to me, is another 5/5.
“All my little words” is an all-time favorite of mine, but, funnily enough, I was not aware it was from a 69 songs record lol... the album starts strong, some good tunes and interesting music but then it becomes more and more of the same and drags for literally hours. It changes a bit and grabs new strength starting the third record but falls again in nonsense and half backed songs. There are some good tunes but I wonder if it would have made the list if it had been a regular length record with the best say 12 songs and not just because it was a 69 songs long record.
A fine example of what is called Rhythm & Poetry. The production has a lot of the common places of the times but works exceedingly good. But is the message that carries this to other level, damn those lyrics are powerful. MC states everything he wants to say with carefully and in a most direct way. Makes me sad that the diagnosis this lyrics correctly carry has more than 20 years around and situation has only gotten worse. This, I needed to listen before I died.
With this one you clearly need context, the aim could not be so easy to get... there is one review that says its Pink Floyd meets Monty Python. I laughed hard with that. Although it’s true, to me it’s not that bad
Admittedly not all the time I put enough attention to these records, with this one I tried but to me seems quite irrelevant. Artistically speaking there is nothing to write home about but I guess they made a statement years ahead of their time, you go Replacements!
It’s not bad, it’s just so generic and irrelevant, can't believe this was trending back in 01' and I'm glad I missed it (on the other hand I was 13 at the time so it was all Nu metal for me lol). I'm reading this gave way to artists such as James Blunt and Ed Sheeran and well, someone owns us an apology.
good, great classic sound and totally enjoyable
Anther huge meh by this list...
very enjoyable and not as tiring as you would expect for 18 minute long songs
funky af, nice finding. that easier to love track is a delight (even thogh my apple music likes to act and cut some tracks)
Nice and influential as I have heard that sound in so many contemporary artists...
not bad, quite enjoyable but drags pretty soon and is quite irrelevant
I remember when this album came it was what everyone who was anyone was listening to. it was the bomb, a revolution in music and all that. The thing is, it's been 7 years and it did not age that well, it sounds repetitive and confusing just for the sake of it. Magdalene is a huge leap forward letting go the repetition for a more soulful but still ground breaking sound. This is a great album and an excellent debut but it will not remain on this list for long I believe.
great one, you can see he was on the path of greatness, the record is not as great as you would hear some people call it but we don't have a follow up to prove it so this is it. some parts are simply amazing
this was quite meh... i liked the other record by them better-
Well as in "they walked so the predecesors could fly" I understand the inclusion of this album on the list. the best in electronic music was yet to come in 77.
swift and straight to the heart. I like it although I think int not that relevant.
nice sound, and I catched some good moments but I'll be damned if I got to listen to 2 straight hours of country
Coming straight after a 2 hour album that I could not finish (that country one) comes this 3 hour long gem. Sadly I could not find the time to listen to it in one sit so I had to do it across three days but damn this is listenable, how great and full of amazing moments this is. At many points I found myself thinking "damn I need this on vinyl". It's all about the production, it’s all about the treatment and respect for the performer, Ella is outstanding and the producers let her flourish. Remember that Tina Turner record that with the hideous production? Well, they could have use listening to this to learn how to extol the performer. No need to say I really loved this one.
Always been a big fan of the band (at least up to American Idiot) and my first concert with no tutor was a Green Day one lol, funnily I did not attended to a second one until 15 years later. I did not give any relevant review to American Idiot (it reads only “Stone cold classic”) but I’ll try to say a bit more on this. I was 7 when this one came out but I remember it very fondly, I really liked the energy and the videos and my siblings loved them also so it was a whole family listen, ever since, we liked every subsequent album specially Nimrod. That all stopped with 21st century breakdown but we had a good go with the band. Listening to Dookie today I gotta say is not as good as I remembered but When I Come Around and specially Basket Case are true classics and the album was influential AF, it is a fun album with a lot of charisma and really one to have listened before dying.
Never heard this one before, I liked those rhythm changes and themes but it drags a bit
Great one, very solid recording, that production is just amazing!
A good Iggy album, an average Bowie album. Influential nevertheless
Not that catchy I gotta say. I guess they were trying something different but it’s not that amazing
Guess I’m not that familiar with “post rock” but what the fuck was that?
I did not like Iggy that much but this one is pretty solid!
Solid but very repetitive. apple music is still acting up.
Not my gig but not bad
I like the funky parts, the other not so much although I can overcome the cringe to respect the execution
Great one, I had never heard it though I was familiar with T Rex work, I like it, it sounds influential AF.
did not enjoy it a bit. lame from beggining to end
soulful and funky. good stuff
Amazing one, I enjoyed every song, this is some good stuff
its a bit dull at times but it is a great work. Lost Cause is a timeless classic even if it did not top the charts. it is the most convincing change of direction on their 8th album by any artist.
damn this one slaps! NY State of mind is a stone cold classic, I really like the mixing and that flow! again, damn!
What a delicious album this is, the talent, the music, the resistance. Her generation brought down apartheid on South Africa, from pariah to hero. She spoke she sung, hope more of her records are on the list.
I was about to discard this one, but I just needed some context, it's quite interesting and fun, glad I got to listen.
Is this one considered as Blur's best album? I've always been fond of many tracks of this one but I don't believe it is as good as everyone thinks, it drags quite a lot and gets boring at times, I personally prefer The Great Scape and 13 over this one.
Struggled a lot to finish this one, skipped within the tracks quite a bit and did not miss anything because in most of the tracks everything has been said by the second 40. Unbearable cringy at times, it fits a lot with so many of the records in the list that are there not for their artistic value but because they're weird. It grabs a second air with “In a Moment of Clarity” but soon sinks again in its repetitiveness and huge self-awareness.
Another meh... for future versions of the list they should look into other language records more than keeping fillers like this
Good abs interesting sound although a bit long, great behind story. I liked it
So today I found this is the third and not the first White Stripes album, I’m such q poser lol. It’s a good album with some good memories attached to it
mellow and quite enjoyable. good one!
What a delight this was, excelent.
Great recording.
Yup, influential as a library of audio tools
no, 80's just... no... again, dated, cheesy, unmemorable and all that
First of all, I’m not gonna act like I’m not going to give it a straight 5. I believe this is one of the great highlights of this century and a record for the generations, so there is that. Is this the best work by Ye? Arguable but there are at least another 4 records that are up for title. Is this my favorite Ye album? No, I have an emotional attach to The College Dropout for that matter. is this his last great work? NO, he kept it up for another 8 years. Is Donda a work as focused as this? No, to me he lost it after KSG. There is so much around this one that’s worth the mention, how this was Kanye’s redemption after the deplorable Taylor incident, the cringe in some of the lyrics, the effort in Pusha’s verse, the complete triumph of Nicki’s verse, the laughs we had with Jay Z’s one, the stupid but somehow guilty pleasure of the Chris skit, the memes, the samples, Fantano’s review, the aesthetics… It all shows how influential this was but the only reason for that is the music. Yes, Kanye is very limited singing and not as good MC as he thinks, but the production and innovation of this one goes really to new horizons, almost everyone is at their top game for this one and Ye really did come up with a cohesive and really impressive album. As I said one of the great recordings of our times. I’m always up for a toast for this one.
nice and funny at times, cringe at others... good listen
admittedly my first contact with Kraftwerk was when they opened for Radiohead back in 2009 here in México, prior than that I had zero idea who they were... the first thing that really struck me was that they did not seem to be the usual opener act, they were older and there was people who wanted to see Kraftwerk only and had paid full tickets for it even if they were going to be onstage only going to be for like 40 minutes. They did ok considering that everyone wanted Radiohead but the show to me was quite dull and those robots quite cringe (I really liked "das model" tho). After that I got curious about them, I went and downloaded their music and read about their influence, I downloaded some songs and read about their influence, I really wanted to like them and I even saw them once more in a festival for which they gave away 3D glasses. That concert was more fun (I was also quite drunk lol) but I never be like “oh let’s put on some Kraftwerk”. I guess I just had to be there 40 years ago to really enjoy them. Of course I hear the massive influence and I can see why all that reverence but to me they sound quite dated but more than that they sound very, very dorky.
I really like the sound of Primal Scream and Loaded is one of my favorite songs ever but this album drags during large periods
enjoyable but I'm guessing this is not their best is it?
not bad but quite forgetable at many moments
despite of being aware of the band since like forever and of course being a fan of Mr Blue Sky, I had never listened to this record, a very very nice surprice, I think I may buy it!
I had this one on CD back in the day, they were quite hot then and I remember they didn't shy to that rock& roll stardom position (at least Kapranos), I remember the Mercury price and how they were suposed to save rock & roll (same as the Strokes or Interpol a couple of years before). they had a couple of other fairly good records and then dissapeared (I think although I saw them live just in 2019). I had not listen to this one in ages, it is quite good an a good print of its time, I think I should buy its vinyl
Nice. It got interesting after like 5 songs but it did not disappoint
Great one, a nice surprise. I found this one totally familiar but don’t think I’ve ever heard it in its totality before
I wasn’t expecting nothing with this one, 2008 was about something else for me, and also I don’t like the title lol, but it’s a gorgeous record and I liked a lot, I’m sad to see I missed so much Mack in my youth but also glad I keep founding this gems
It doesn’t start that bad and props for being different in the era of horrible music but it just drags a lot.
Fels longer than the half hour it is. It does have its moments but it actually is only “the album from were is my mind is taken” and that’s it. Pixies are not as good as everyone thinks even if they have some of the greatest rock songs ever
Lol this is just so forgettable and meh…
Fast and hard af… did anyone read that “black supremacy” review? Bruh you write quite well but quite inputting that boomer frustration energy in here
After the yearlong "end of the century" content from MTV, the nostalgia was there for another full year and along came "last nite" whose video exploited a nostalgia that we were actually too young to remember that of which it was a remembrance of. The rest is history as Is This It came to change the landscape of popular music in a more successful way than Kid A if not a longer one. Now 20 years after all of that I could say that the album is not as good as everyone thought it was, it actually drags I a couple of long moments, and it does not hold to the end after achieving its highest highs, maybe it could even be said that Room On Fire is more consistent even if not as soulful as this one. but what can be said against such perfect songs as Someday or Last Nite? I could try to give it a 2 or a 3 but the truth is that I’m still that 14 year old singing “when we was young oh man did we have fun” with all the honesty of the one who was never younger and did never became so again. To me, the jewel of the crown is Hard to Explain which is one of the most perfect songs I’ve ever heard, I still stop and surrender to it every time I hear it, and consider myself so lucky to have heard it live a couple of times. Hard To Explain is the reason why I’m giving this one a 5.
fun one without pretentions, this list has made me more fond of the stooges
I couldn't say why but I've never been very fond of the Stones albums, maybe because my parents had only compilations or maybe because I wanted to be a Sgt. Pepper over there somewhere lol... I don't think I've ever listened to this one in full before, and not all the songs I'm familiar with. I can recognize the effort and quality but I got tired after a while. This is the first Stones album I've got from the list so lets hope it only gets better
I love the sound of CCR, never heard this one before but I enjoyed it and Proud Mary is a song for the ages
I was starting work for the day so I mindlessly clicked for my next album and pressed play, I half noticed the 2010 tag on Spotify and was like “this is anachronistic af” lol, I’m familiar with the early hip hop creators and of course I know about Grandmaster Flash so I find this quite interesting. Having said that, this carries its time stamp very heavily, and it’s a bit cringe by today’s standards (I mean, can’t imaging those 6 minutes about how they love Stevie not making mister Wonder very uncomfortable lol). but we have to recognize that this was groundbreaking and the quality of Flash’s art. Am I going to give it a 3 mainly for The Message (song) yes I am.
fast and punky. I liked it even if I prefer more famous versions of some of the songs.
Meh… I can’t really connect with 80’s synth music, I know it was a revolution and all that but all of it feels very dated. This one was no exception. Has its moments tho
I like it, good mix not flat at all, excellent sampling and god themes.
Some good tunes but tiring after a while, specially due that weirdly emphatic singing style
Nice vocals, excellent time stamp, and some all time classics in there
Nice one
I may like this one better than Thriller.
Oh yes, instrument-jerking, huge self awareness and cringe, how can anyone not like trash metal? At least the songs are not ridiculously long Cool mix tho
Dated sound but relevant af and very skilled.
Fun one. Although I would listen unironically
I really like this band, can’t believe I’ve never heard about them before
Another one that hits hard! I’m reading they lost their demos prior to this, but the sound is more organic and better produced than on their previous albums. Upon completing this list, I’m discovering I don’t like synths as much as everyone does, I prefer samples and live instruments
Interesting, nice mix of genres and good production but boring
No, I don’t enjoy this music, it’s self conscious and cringey. All this world music sound like black faceing to me (I’m Mexican). Of course this has connection to that other cringe fountain PiL.
Good one, this punk organic sound is a bless after all those synths on this list lol. I’ve never heard this one in full although I’ve liked Come Out and Play & Self Steem ever since I was a kid. Nice to hear the evolution that took them to Americana. (Also, nice that the hidden song is the same one)
Not my jam but I can appreciate the quality
Quality record. 3 stars and a additional one for Free bird
It was a total meh for most of the time and then came the cringe with that witch song… she sings ok
Very smooth indeed and enjoyable. The sac was in trend back then and it shows, but here it’s used in a nice not so much overused way
Amazing record, those live track are huge and this is the record that has Sumertimw in it. As great of a record as Pearl
This is wild alright! Also rich and engaging, I just ordered the vinyl.
When I was about 7 there was this hit song on MTV called “Always”, me and my siblings liked it so much my parents bought us the CD (cross road) and we became obsessed with it. It wasn’t until many years later that I learned it was a compilation and that most of the songs were from before I was born lol. I had never listened to this album in full before but the hits I’m very familiar with and bring me back to my childhood even if the teems are not for kids. Even if glam metal is not my jam I have a soft spot for this one and I also praise the like instruments as opposed of the synth infested 80’s albums on this list
So I found yesterday that the list has been updated and it actually is a bit longer than 1001, cool, we’ll be here for a bit longer! Now the album: Lana keeps on pushing forward with her music if not her themes, her singing is more variable even if this album in particular is a bit monotonous. It is a beautiful recording although my favorite one by her is the more vivid Lust For Life. Now how can an album that was published only 6 months ago be on the list? Don’t get me wrong I loved the record but it has to make an impact! I could argue that Ultraviolence or NFR! Are better, or even Lust for Life just because it is my favorite. This album is here because the impact of Lana in modern music and could easily leave the list in future editions, I wished the curation of the list would be less reactive and more thoughtful, this is not the (only) Lana album you have to listen before dying. Hope the list now includes albums that have been left out since previous editions and not only new ones from 2018 to now (for example: Like Clokcwork by QotSA)
Very insightful and meditative, great minimalistic sound. Good inclusion for 2019. Already 2 albums from last update!
Another token album for this US-centric list, how man versions of “so Nice” are on the list?
I like the flaming lips and I like the concept, this one is not as good as YBTPR
Haven’t heard it in full for a while, not as good as I remembered it but it is a classic alright, another one from the golden era of MTV, remember the videos it came with? My good did they went the extra mile for that, back then hit records needed hit videoclips and californication was a superb example of that, cinematic Impressionism in Scar Tissue, concept video with otherside and of course, state of the art technological advance show off with Californication, me and my siblings would spend hours looking a those clips and even downloading them from the internet, good times. Now the record: it’s maybe too long and tries to keep the funk from BSSM even though they were in a completely different place by then, some songs are just too out of the concept even if they sound Peppers AF, the word californication sound just silly nowadays but let’s remember that this is the album that gave us Scar tissue and Road trippin which are both classics for the ages.
Seems like another token album for the list good music but I wonder how this differs from the rest of the catalog of the seemly quite prolific artist
How many 5 will I end up giving Dylan on this list! Damn his records just go straight to my heart. Don’t know why none of his records are in the top of this site. I know this songs were written and recorded more than 20 years prior to my birth, but I just hope I get the time to grow old with them and pass the time listening to my vinyls in a sun full room.
Wasn’t exited by this one at all, another live metal album. But this one goes hard and is not cringe at all. I really enjoyed it.
Was a bit hesitant about rating it a 5, I mean, it’s not my favorite Bowie but good damn it is a stone cold classic!
Delicious. Who has pieces like Not Dark Yet or Make You Feel My Love that far in their careers? Dylan, that’s who.
The one live album on the top 15, the performance we saw again and again for months (and then years and decades) after that fateful April day back in 94, the one from which the most iconic pictures of Cobain are from (google his name and see for yourself), the sui generis MTV unplugged full of covers as they decided it would be a disservice to play an acoustic version of their hits and by doing so making it the greatest of all, the one MTV entrance of this list I might say! the icon, the moment in history, the otherwise impossible tribute/eclipse of Bowie, Lead Belly’s come back from the dead. All that and so much more… as an album it should be disqualified from the list but of course no one should die without listening. I was 7 the first time I SAW this and still give me the chills, I loved it before I ever understood English, I was of course one of the ignorant kids Bowie would later dismiss for not knowing the author of TMWSTW, actually the first song I ever downloaded from Napster I shit you not! After that I have had the opportunity to compare that hyper compressed mp3 file that took ages to download to the tv version and later to the vinyl and lossless versions… damn the mixing is amazing! I would pay to see a restored version of the concert with the album mixed audio. I nag all the time about the US-centrism of this list and how it is full of live albums but how can this one not be a 5?
I have three 5s in the last 5 days, so I guess I was I my zone and this one took me out of it. For it it was boring and couldn’t listen to it in only one sit
good old days. nice sounds and good effort by the house french school
A bit weird but enjoyable overall.
Growing up, I always heard about The King, and how he is adored by even the greatest names in music but somehow his music was alien to me, or at least I always thought so. It’s not an album as we would later be used to but damn is this great!
I remember vaguely this time, my older sister and my youngest aunt use to be heavily into grunge (is this grunge? Is this metal?) and I did not liked it that much (I was 6 tho). I like it now better but I get tired of it quickly
Big meh for me. I mean, as everyone in my generation I was into by metal at the time but I distrust anyone who did not get bored of this by 2003. Nice drums tho
Nice but nothing to write home about
I do enjoy the occasional Prince music but not sure about full albums. It’s the 80’s sound which my soul just can’t bear lol
I have this one on vinyl. Like a prayer is one recording for the ages. That production is just amazing, those choruses, those instrumentals I mean damn! And then there is the rest of the album that is just filler for that one track.
I’ve always liked Girls Just Wanna Have Fun but wasn’t expecting a good album. Glad I was wrong, this is an unapologetic 80’s sound but fun AF and very interesting. I recognized many of the tracks too. I like it.
Wasn’t expecting to like it as much as I did, it’s very long but it’s versatility makes it easy to hear. The second half is harder but good nevertheless
A lot of covers and that birds appearing song all in good production and good voices, it’s not all that relevant but what’s not to like?
Kinda Interesting but annoying AF. That first track has a sound like a cellphone vibrating. Feels so much longer than 35 minutes.
The Beach Boys can get boring very quickly, can’t relate to this one very much
Couldn’t really get into it, the beats are boring at some point. I see the influence in triphop and all that, also the good lyrics but will not be listening to it again
It’s uneven, we know it was intentional but it’s uneven. The top tracks are superb tho.
I can respect the quality, the genius, the intent… but this is cheesy af. I guess it was very rebellious back then but no 80’s sound aged very well
great voice, lame cheessy production.
I love many of the tunes, the jazzy vibe of this one is great, I remember all the fuzz and all the respect Kendrick got with this one, but to me this one is a too long, I don’t care that much about the snippets and I get it, they was conflicted lol. Funny thing is that to me GKMC is his master pieces and that one is long and all that. It’s a 4/5 to me. Is that a Radiohead sample in How Much A Dollar Cost?
Good one. Enjoyable
Starts very hard! It sound very influential, like those NY Dolls, good one although it felt much longer than 40 minutes
Nice sound. The title track is missing from Spotify and Apple Music. It got a bit long at the end
Reading the Wiki page it would seem we are facing the greatest record ever!. It is a good record tho, I don't know why I had never listen to it but it is good. it is a bit long and some tracks are weird but I liked how strong it starts and how it does not stays the same for its whole lenght
That was fast n hard, loved it
Good damn!
Fast and straight to the point, I like this Iggy better I think
Someone had this when I was a child, I'm guessing a cousin, but I would have to ask, I remember hearing it from start to finish and actually enjoying it. I preffer this loud clear mixing than the lame all at the same volume from the 80's. I really like "all I wanna do"
Jazzy, funky and greatly produced. Worldwide stardom was still awaiting for Jamiroquai but they were already up with a good start.
Nice. quite enjoyable
O was there when this was trending, I remember and like many of these songs but 24 years later I just don’t get any joy from this… I heard once that metal (in its many forms) is a teenage phase, and that men who don’t grow out of it don’t grow out of teenage either, maybe it’s true
Damn, I’m not familiar with this kind of music except for the parody usage we are used to by now… to me sounds dated AF even if I can recognize the talent and creativity. Couldn’t finish it. Not my jam.
Damn bars where hard af back in the beginning of the century. Most of the album slaps even tho that Bey track is cringe af
I mean it’s not bad but to me it was a bit boring, sorry about this one
Inventive, original, but long and a bit boring
Fast and fun although it is monotonous and ends up feeling longer than just half an hour
Not my cup of tea, there is quality but it feels quite long. Favorite song: the rat one. One star less because organ solos are silly af.
Nice one, I really like trip hop, this is just as good as massive Attack
Nice sound even if christmas music is not my favorite. very influential sound indeed
God damn! That was great! I’m familiar with most of the songs but I don’t think I had ever listened to this from start to finish. I love it.
I know some of the songs and of course I’ve seen the sleeve many times but I don’t know why I had never heard this one in complete before. I loved it
It started a bit silly with those noises one makes when being in front of a synthesizer but then came the great stuff. Good album
Damn this record just don’t stop growing! Good find.
I have tried to get into this album many many times, I mean, it is the album that put the Beatles into SPLHCB way and one of the greatest songs and all that but I just can’t, it’s kinda silly to me, I love wouldn’t it be nice but I’m not very fond of the rest of the record, sounds very dated and yeah, silly to me. Really sorry about this one.
Quality and enjoyable
It grew on me, it closes amazingly, wasn’t expecting Sing A song For You, but I’ve loved that song ever since I was a bootleg downloading teenager.
Another classic and iconic performance by Cash.
“Get a drink! Have good time now! Welcome to paradise!” Since I left you is one of my favorite songs of all time, but I don’t think I listened to this in full until like 2010 or something and to my surprise, I had hear many of those tunes in clubs and parties. It’s quite a trip, the kind of sounds you would expect to hear at a rave a the time, not as cheerful as the title track but a great collection nevertheless. A bit tiresome nowadays but it was banging back in the day
I’ve, very chill and enjoyable, I like the production very much
Classy but I got bored before the end
Nice punk album, was a bit worried because Spotify’s version has like 30 songs but it was a relief to see there were only 6 tracks
So this is what I’ve been missing out all this years… quite forgettable
On the good side the execution and recording is great and rich, on the bad side this is cheesy af
Damn! Zeppelin was always fire uh?!
Too long and uneventful
Inma sucker for that Irish sound
Fun but tiring. Sounds quite influential
Another triumph by Kanye lol… great album, very start of the century, Jay Z really was the best rapper alive back then
Had to restart it like 3 times so I was loosing hope but this is really good. This is the kind of 80’s production that is worth the listen, very little synths and shit, i like that killing moon very much
A bit boring but has its moments
I was very into gangsta rap back in the day but this time around this sounds tiring, I mean I like it but why more than an hour long?
Not my favorite Primal Scream record but this is good. Maaaaybr a bit tiring
Has some great funky moments but for most of it is quite “meh”
I remember listening to this back when I was in my twenties and not liking it at all. After that I kept away from Björk’s work so I want expecting to like it but to my surprise this is very good! Only didn’t like that plane song which is kinda cringe but it’s a great work overall
The best song is by Marley lol
Pink AF and fun
This one rocks hard and the production is excellent. I love 80’s albums that lack synths.
Punk AF, fun AF as well. Love it.
Nah sorry, this is shit and anachronistic. That nuff song is cheesy
This one goes hard all along. Love it.
I listened for 6 uneventful songs prior to writing this. I will go listen to Sumer of 69 instead.
Bittersweet Symphony and Drugs Don’t work are two of my favorite songs ever, but the rest of the record has always been underwhelming for me, it’s just not at the same heights of those two songs, a shame
It was good until it jumped into some sort of fusión electrónica but then I realized Spotify just jumped to something else. So, it was quite enjoyable
Like, sunshine of your love is omniscient but I’ve never heard the full album, this was good!
That was nice! Supergrass was much more than Alright
Great recording.
I mean, Personal Jesus deserves 5 stars itself and Enjoy the Silence is one of the greatest songs ever recorded but, the rest of the record is a bit boring.
Nice but a bit uneventful, I guess I had to be there at the moment it came out
I would rate it lower for being so cliché, but from what I'm reading, this is the origin of the cliché so props for that lol. (I was hoping but I could not recognize any song)
Had high hopes for this one, I really like More Than A Feeling but it was meh… Production is top
Gigantic and hypnotic, a bit tiring but definitely worth the listen
“On that damp and lonely moment, Thursday years ago” Damn I love that song. I like the record very much although I think it’s a bit long and dramatic. I was 9 when it came out and yet it has attached some great memories, I wish I could’ve seen pulp live
A complete a total meh… except than “it’s a sin” song, that one is dope
I think this was one of the albums that was always on repeat when visiting my aunts house when I was a kid… I’m very familiar with it but I don’t remember ever listening to it on purpose lol. I think I like it very much even tho it feels a bit silly
I firming believe that that echoey lofi sound many 80’s records have came to be when recording artist found their music was being played on lame cassette players and were like “why bother with the quality of the sound?” This is enjoyable and sounds quite influential although I don’t like the recording style
never heard it in full, good mellow record
I don’t know, it’s a bit of a parody ain’t it? Not bad but kinda… I don’t know
I was dreading this but it’s less than 40 minutes so it’s ok, this is the way metal should be published
It’s nice but not for all the fuzz around it
Well it is fun lol
Good timestamp of its days, a bit long and that voice is too alike of that of Kiedis to be ignored lol
Good thing that I waited to hear this one once I was able to enjoy it, it was a nice surprise, very alternative and catchy.
A more annoying version of RHCP
I was in my cousin’s car the first time I heard Ye’s Trough the wire and it really got my attention. I saw the MTV video that same night and I think I was already a Kanye fan without realizing it. I really liked that chipmunk choir and the rhymes and theme. After that it came the hit avalanche with Jesus Walks, Slow Jamz and of course All Falls Down. I didn’t get to listen to the whole album after maybe a year but it was all I was already expecting from it, I remember really loving it and listening to it endlessly, I mean, Kanye was so much more interesting than all that gansta rap that was around, his rhymes were fun and inventive and damn was the record soulful… 18 years later I hear people say it sounds dated (kinda agree), that most of the skits sound cheesy and lame (agree) and that Kanye got much better with the subsequent albums (did he?). Staying on this topic, and regarding the heights his career and talent achieved I the following years I want to close this one with a note about “Family Business”, yes it’s not his most famous track, yes his views on the topic have darkened (Real Friends), yes he has greater tracks, but damn, the incredibly soulful production of the track, the shiny and clear treatment of the topic reveal a much clearer and healthier state of mind than ever after that, it is sad how much has his soul soured, what would have happened if health stayed the same? Would his art and legend achieved the level they got? Would he have faded into oblivion? I woke up early this mornin' with a new state of mind A creative way to rhyme without usin' knives and guns Keep your nose out the sky, keep your heart to God And keep your face to the risin' sun I know we are in the days of burying Skete, but I’m sure he would benefit from a moment like this nowadays…
Damn this got boring really quick, not bad but quite generic if you ask me
So my siblings and I really, really loved Parachutes back in 99-00, so when this came out we received it with arms wide open ready to be marveled by it whether it was worth it or not, we loved In my Place which is a good feature of my youths soundtrack, we were impressed by the Pink Floydesque Politik (even though the lyrics are not as strong as Martin wants), and were brought down to melancholia by The Scientist, its Britpop guitar and impressionist video clip. We saw them live that same year, funny story with a storm, jumped gates, a spaced out guy and a stolen ticket), bought the CD and downloaded the b sides and all that, Coldplay was the band that was gonna save music, the new U2 (it was their turn to that title lol) Of course we heard the detractors and the points they made about how unoriginal the propose was, how it was an early Radiohead copy, how the sound bounced between British music eras without being too good at it, how it was corny and cheesy and of course gay (yup, homophobia has been always been there for the band) but we did not care. Now that I think about it at that same moment we were already leaving the band behind for more complex music but at the time it was very enjoyable, guess that’s what formative years are about. Now 20 years later it is still a good memory from my young self, yes, I see now the album is bloated and aims too high, I see Clocks as one of the laziest hits ever, I dislike “a Whisper” entirely, but I also see “The Scientist” as one of the greatest song to hear live, and “God Put a Smile Upon Your Face”, “Green Eyes” and “Amsterdam” as some of their greatest efforts and really good music overall. Yes the album is not nearly as good as I once thought it was, but it is a good record nevertheless, much better that their current stuff is at least. Don’t buy the vinyl, all the presses suck.
Monotonous and boring. Not a fan of instrument jerking.
Couldn’t stand it, sounds f’ing dated and cheesy, only gringos like this kind of stuff
Nice but I don’t care too much for this type of flat production, gimme some base!
This is very impressive! I love the production although I think the record drags a bit
I’ve heard many people say this is their favorite Beatles album… and y can’t understand why, I mean the production is great and it is the album that features “I’m only sleeping”, “here there and everywhere” and “for no one” but damn, does anybody really like “love to you” or “dr Robert”? I don’t know it is really uneven, also, yellow submarine is cheesy and quite lame
Nice, I though I was not going to like it but it was good
Didn’t start too bad but it drags for so looong!
I do have a soft spot for this hard gangsta rap lol but by the 17 song I started to get a little tired, it is good and goes hard all way long tho those beats and bars are fire
Back in 2012 they were the most important band around, but I did not knew any of their music, and even worse, had tickets for a festival of which they were headlining, so I did what everyone would have done, I downloaded their most recent album and started to listen… damn I loved those records, the other one more than this one but not by much, to this day I stop to listen Sinister Kid or Next Girl, it is one of those records that just speak to you. That day at the festival I had some of times ever (not only for the music of course but it was a major factor). 10 years after my first contact with the record I still love it, but now I can see it’s too long and that it actually looses punch towards the end, I don’t mind it he some great memories attached to it and I’m glad a got to listen to this mostly in time lol
Wasn’t expecting much but I just love this kind of raw direct music. Nice one
It grew on me, I did not like the title track but it closes with better instrumentation and music overall
It’s not that bad but tries too hard
Motörhead always goes down easy, hard rock done well and fast
I mean, I knew I was not going to like it from the title and the front cover but goddamn this is pitiful. What is it with 80’s music being so F ing lame? And that f ing sax, I mean wtf? Is this parody? Not even tainted love saves this one, as the original is a better record and even mansons is better, again WTF? Did we needed to hear this before we died so we experience superior cringe? Is there a lower grade than 1 star? Why is not this at the bottom of the rank?
A breath of fresh air after some awful albums from the generator lol, nice sound.
Another fast and straight to the point record, I like those
I like it but somehow it felt longer than it really is.
So they had to go into the 90’s in order to have a nice production, oh well! The album is a bit over dramatic but is it nice and Michael sure could sing. That freedom song is a stone cold classic
It starts aiming for the stars but I think the rest of the record is an overstatement, I listened to it while cocking and was enjoying myself but then it went on and on with the same, “These Days” is worth all of it
Quite uneventful but I think I enjoyed it
No honest person can look you dead in the eye and tell you that REM isn’t boring af …but that End Of The World song is fun
Can’t believe I never heard it in full before. Amazing record
I was really enjoying it but then I looked and it was still missing one half of time play. Nice sounds nice rhythm but it was loooong
Nice, I love short big sounding jazz
I couldn't finish it but i can recognize the quality and genius of Stevie. A lot of familiar sounds and themes. I have to say I prefer the Gangsta's version of paridise, don't shoot me, I'm just millennial
Great one, I mean it’s not Zeppelin but you know… Ozzy’s voice was great back in the day huh?
Not an album I was that much familiar when growing up but I know how influential it was. I like it generally but find it a bit dragging tbh. I am the resurrection is a timeless classic tho
Inorganic and stiff, nice execution but with as much soul as elevator or mezzanine music. Was going to give it a 2 for the execution but meh
Iconic and all that. Great vocals although at times it sounds like parody… or maybe I heard the parodies first? Dunno. Pink Floyd is one of my moms favorite bands, but this was not her favorite record when I was growing up, this was not on pay as often as Wall or the one with the pig. 4 stars will make it.
I just hate everything about 80’s recording. I mean the album has its merits but it’s just not for me, I could try and give it a 3 but that mother song is cringe af
The record is only 43 minutes long but feels twice as long, it drags at moments but actually has a lot of interesting moments and also, has shush you were here, I like it, but will listen to it in full only a couple of times at most before I die
Ok, new(not that new tho I’ve been thinking about it for a while) this list includes a lot of records only so very important songs get to be featured even if the rest of the record is irrelevant. Ok La Grange is a great song but not worth the full album
Nice psychedelic sound but a bit meh
Never heard it in detail before this but tunes out it’s quite nice, I mean, it did not turn into my favorite Blur record but now I like it more
Why does it feel so much longer than 36 minutes?
Another token samba album
Oh those were the days! I have good memories of this record and have nothing negative to say about it really, I love the sound and evolution of the band, I don’t have this on vinyl, I should get a copy. My girlfriend hates Fever to tell but she should like this one.
Now that the cranberry juice fever has faded, this album has surpassed Rumours in this site rank, but, surprisingly enough, it has been also surpassed by the fourth album by Led Zeppelin lol… Is this the correct order? Maybe, maybe it’s only that more hard rock fans are doing the list than before, I couldn’t tell. I’ve been listening to this record ever since I was born, I still have my parents vinyl copy (a very poorly treated 80’s by me, my siblings and cousins lightweight press) and I do have my 2009 remaster, I will eventually buy the 2019 repress but it’s not my priority as I did not hear anything very different from the 2009 one, why? Maybe because it was so magnificently produced the first time. My god did Martin had the touch. Is this the best record of all times? I don’t know but it is mostly flawless, I mean, I could try to find a weak link Maxwell’s Silver Hammer but actually would be trying too hard… I use to think this album was overrated and have never understand Why Come Together seems to be their most popular song (not that I don’t think it’s a great song and that base line my god!), but I get how this album it is built in greater heights than Sgt. Pepper or the white one. It’s just a delight to listen from start to end, everything here is built as a farewell but goddamn what an awesome one, you just know they knew this was it, and they knew also that The Beatles needed to go with a bang a huge and great and glorious bang… the tracklisting is full evidence of that. I understand this was not the case back in those days being Let It Be published after, but having I been born 17 years latter it’s not an issue for me, this is the last album by the Beatles and that’s it. I’m reading Lennon said he didn’t like the album in the 70’s, and I’m kinda loving that fact as well lol. Now, since everyone here has said everything there has to be said about side A and its gigantic and timeless stone cold classics (along of course with B-side’s gorgeous and stunning Here Comes The Sun), let’s write something about the medley: damn it is a rollercoaster, damn it says it all without saying much, damn those drums, and those intercalated guitar solos give everyone their last time to shine (much like nowadays great bands do when ending their shows), damn those words “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make” will be with us to the day we die, damn how inadvertently brilliant closing Her Majesty is… damn what an awesome closing for the greatest music history (The Beatles) there ever was. Damn what an awesome and timeless record this is.
This is one of my most cherished memories from my childhood and youth, so I won’t act like I’m not gonna give it a straight up 5, but let’s see what I have to say about it 27 years later. Let’s start whit the cons: Yes, some of the the lyrics are a bit lazy or maybe Noel was just so confident about his work that did not care to polish them. Yes, the mixing is bloated and at times ridiculously loud (but yeah it kinda works!) …And I think that’s it! I don’t think I have anything bad to say about it. The album it is just so innocent, confident and honest in its (missed yes, but what an awesome try) aim to be the greatest rock n roll record of all time that it does deserve a place among the greatest. Remember those days? We could be waiting for the videos to air on MTV for ours and just be hypnotized by the huge rockstars they were, especially Liam, we could listen to Champagne Supernova all day long… Yes Wonderwall got bigger life (and a meme as all of the bigger than life things do), but it does not make it a bad song. Damn those were the days. We could go on revising the artistry of it all, but that’s the good thing about art, the important feel is the one you got from experiencing it the first time (even if as you get more experience your tastes refine). I got to see Oasis twice, Liam once (at Glasto) and Noel like 8 times and It is always a great experience, I sure wish I was in Knebworth back in 96 (I was 9 att) or could go to Knebworth in June but it’s just not in the cards… this is another big point to make in favor of it, it is music to be played and enjoyed live. Have you ever sang Don’t Look Back In Anger along with a crowd? Have you ever done it along with Noel Gallagher? Have you ever done it along with Liam? If the answer is yes, then I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. I read like 20 years ago a review that said they hoped that with the passing of time, Cast No Shadow would emerge as the crown gem from this album as it was the greatest song Oasis would have made. I don’t think that happened but I have always agreed that it is brilliant and a statement of the true genius of Noel Gallagher. Now, I know I said above something about the lyrics being lazy (the fishes and blisters an ovens and all that), but actually this album does have some lines to live by: “some might say, we will find a brighter day”. On my tombstone it will read “someday you will find me caught beneath the landslide, in a champagne supernova in the sky” even if it means nothing really lol. I have two copies of this album on vinyl, the dreadful 2014 re-issue (which will make you suffer so don’t buy it) and the much more superior 2009 re-issue. I hope a can get my hands on the original Creation version someday. For closing, doing this list I’ve encountered many records with extended versions and sometimes listen to the b-sides as part of the album, I think if people do that with this one are going to find weird how those songs Acquiesce or Masterplan are better than most of the album and no one talks about them. Noel should’ve kept those for Be Here Now… but that’s a story for another time.
I mean, sounds influential af, and The rock n roller coaster is still a thing lol but the album drags and feels longer than 37 minutes
You know weird thing about danzón and mambo is that it had to leave Cuba to really become a thing, it had to travel to Ciudad de México to reach its global potential, and then of course the US, another point to take note, is that it had to take from Jazz to have its final form. This is in no way a criticism, I actually find the history quite amusing, I mean, can you imagine the synergy? All those incredible creative people just reaching beyond? Tito actually sat outside of all this, at least in principle, being from the US and a jazzist but damn did he understood the music, what an amazing record, weird that mambo had to come from the US to be on this list uh?
Was expecting a lot knowing their later stuff but this was just confusing
Better than later country music, closer to old folk Mexican and Italian music. Nice sound
I don’t think I’ve ever heard this one in full, it’s a good record and the classics slap hard, there is some “guitar jerkin” but I mean, it’s slash so it’s ok I guess. It is quite long, but any 80’s record without synths is a win
Another irrelevant album (and a bit cringe with that coconut song) that is here due a single song. This time it ain’t even the original one (this is the second time I encounter such situation during this list). Well, without you is a good song then.
I read once a comparative between US and British bands that matched Flaming Lips vs Radiohead, thought it was outrageous so I did not give their music a chance… I did like Yoshimi and of course “Do you realize?” But never heard this album in full until like 6 years ago, guess I had to be there uh? I like it and it does have great moments beyond DYR? but I can’t seem to really enjoy it. I do think it deserves its place on the list and well, DYR? Is one of the most beautiful songs ever created, it’s just so fucking perfect it gives me the chills every time I hear it, and, although I tend to forget, I realize the the sun does not go down and get to marvel at the fact the world spins around
Strong record, has great moments although it gets weird at times. All the respect to Beck
So they play bongos uh? Nah this was actually very easy to like
Very very impressive, I guess the nostalgia in 00 was not only in rock and pop music, I’ve always known the name Goldfrapp but I don’t think I’ve ever put attention to them. Nice to see records that are here even if nothing really ever made them popular like a hit song or something
Forgettable but I do thank them the 38 minutes of not bad music
Nice sound and interesting enough but it’s too long
This was great well beyond the meme lol
Not totally bad but damn those 80’s sounds
Deliberately trying to make bad music in the 80’s must have been very dificult
Not that bad
Not bad but why does it feel like it lasts 2 hours?
My favorite Blur album, some good memories with this one although it gets weird towards the end. Beetlebum and Song 2 are songs for the ages
Enjoyable. I have been passing on the fact that most rock music during the dreadful 80’s kept the good music going
Bro this was cringe as fuck, I can’t tell if it’s parody or what, it’s just clownish and unlistenable. I hope he damaged his voice cords recording this shit
Great concert. Nice record
Enjoyable. A lot of clichés production wise but not bad
I mean, of course I hear the very influencing sound and yes there are good moments but I will not be listening to this again anytime soon
Seeing its cover I don’t think I’ve ever heard it in full but I know all of the songs lol My father is a great fan of this band, it brings good memories
Another 5/5 stars album by the Beatles, I think this one might be my second or third favorite from them, i don’t really care for some of the tracks but none of them are bad, maybe Obladi lol… I really like this album, even Revolution 9 although I do remember it use to scare me when I was a child. When I saw it on the draw I went and unpacked my moon version from 2014, my god it is an excellent recording. Love it.
Nice one.
I’m sure I heard it when I was a kid but don’t quite remember. It is a classic alright! My approach to The Doors is mainly via the hits but albums are good alright!
I was actually fearing this one for being 80’s and 1 hour long, but I was already 12 songs into it when I realized all those fears were quite uncalled for. Good record.
I have good memories of the two hits of this album, Celebrity Skin and Malibu, I was 13 at the time and wasn’t aware of the Cobain connection nor the Corgan one. It wasn’t until many years after that that I learned about the hate Courtney caused and how this record was hated among the purists… well, I really liked it, I can hear Corgans touch in almost every song, this is a good record even if it’s above its bands talent.
An album I’ve been listening to my whole life thanks to my parents. A true rock classic.
Nice rock album
Really not bad but damn it felt like 3 hours
Well I see it was originally 10 tracks which is good. The Spotify version has 16 and a mixed order so sorry if my impresión on the album is distorted by this but the album is looooong and overstated, I like the mixing but would like some more organic drums
A drag. Feels much longer than it is
Not my kind of music but I didn’t hate it. That Transylvania has more teeth at least for a while. Boring
What an amazing record. I wish I had this on vinyl but I’m not that rich lol
Rocks hard. I like it
I though this one was gonna be in the top 10 of the list but it seems jazz has its haters lol. It is a great album, one we have been listening since birth but it is always a good moment when you listen to it. Amazing work.
Coolness made into an album
Jazzy, rocky and a good timestamp of its time… how can a 34minute long record feel so bloated?
Strong record. Very enjoyable
Well it’s not bab but it’s quite meh
It grew in me, but I was struggling at the beginning ngl
I like their 90’s stuff so was expecting more from this but this is quite boring 80’s music
I remember when they came out, riding the indie wave, sounding everywhere and then disappearing from the music landscape. Are two excellent songs worth the place for this list? Hate to say I told you so!
Good but unnecessarily long
Not bad, that first song is a trademark sing. I think we all know Nora’s music limitations (not in execution) so it’s a nice record and that’s it
Good sound, influential sound, I though Alice cooper was a guy not a band lol
Great, even excelent at some points
Average but with some memorable moments
A pretentious-free honest straight up rock pop album. Amazing what the Beatles could from the beginning. I know nowadays songs like You can’t do that are impresentable, and with good reason I guess but it’s an almost 60 year old album! Give it a break and enjoy the sound of simpler times, also, Can’t buy me love and the title track rock hard af. I wonder how this album will sound once they make the “stereo 2024 mix”, for me the top was the Mono edition from 2014
I’ve never heard this one in full before. It’s just what I was expecting, influential, nicely produced and cool AF. Loved it
Sounds so cliche to me. It has its moments but it’s just too theatrical and exaggerated
Came dreading this because I hated the last Waits album I got, but believe I intended to be the most open minded about it… so it started good, the old exaggerated voice but nothing to bad, then a nice instrumental piece, I was kinda enjoying it and then it came the third track on which he sings as if he was about to puke, fucking awful and stupid, a couple of not so horrible songs and then again that ridiculous Jersey song and then again and so the damage is done. I’ll finish with the same sentence as the last time, I hope he damaged his vocal cords while recording this shit.
I met Elliot’s art with the movie The Royal Tenembaums with his music on a scene that sacrifices logic and even the story line for great visual and sound impact… after that I devoured his music always finding the melancholy overwhelming. I’m not gonna say I’m an avid listener but I’m glad I know his art
This is my second favorite U2 album, for me it starts very strong then it drags into the barely enjoyable… I actually think that my favorite songs by them are from albums which are not on this list, Stay and If God Will Send His Angels are great songs but it’s been a quarter of century since those, why is U2 still a thing?
Always a delight these 60’s Aretha albums
The most enjoyable of Waits albums I’ve come across while doing this, while I was nicely surprised of not hearing him trying to puke over the microphone in any of the songs, I was very baffled when I noticed I had been on this for 13 songs and had still 6 to go.. props for not regurgitating on the mic until “union square” and for publishing this kind of music while everybody else was with that new wave shit. Again, and I hope for the last time: I hope he damaged his vocal cords while recording (some of) this shit.
Nice although it’s has an anticlimactic ending
Was I a mercury rev fan in the 90’s? Maybe one of my siblings or friends? Why’s does this sound so good and so relatable? Why does this sound like a memory long lost?
Well, I myself can detach Cris Martin from the music... I’ll tell you why, not all of us come from the same place, not all of us are so aware of the public life of the artist, not all of us are here for something else than the music, I’ll tell you even more: there was a time at the beginning of the century in which us, the millennial teens were watching MTV and found this beautiful 3 songs in the programing: Don’t Panic, with its cartoonish innocent video, Trouble, with those two different videoclips the second of which was sort of an urban legend and of course that amazing, straight to the heart, one take video (a gimmick we know) of a beautiful song called “Yellow”. Yes, it’s been 22 years for us to see how they didn’t live up to the expectations, yes we all wish they kept doing soulful music instead of a feature single with the most generic popstar available every other week, but none of that can take away what this album felt like at first, because yes, to spite of all those art revisionists, the first feel is often the most valuable thing you can get from art. I was all about nu metal at the time, but I still recall finding something special on this record. I was aware of the Radiohead comparisons but damn did Yellow meant something to me, “for you Id bleed myself dry” damn and damn. But what would be my surprise that upon hearing the full album that would not be my favorite song, no, right before that one it would come that amazing song asking “did I drive you away?...” soulful AF, now that’s a song I will never get tired of. “sparks”; and don’t get me started on the closing of the record everything’ not lost. Great music. I saw them play stadiums, arenas and theaters back then, I was by myself the only time I heard “Sparks” live but it was worth it. I wasn’t planning to see them live this summer but my girlfriend insisted, it’s not the same experience as there are a lot of lazy written-to-be-a-hit fillers now but they still can do a good show. I have a capitol press of the vinyl and the Parlophone one, the first is shit and the second one could be better. I would not recommend their later stuff but I would always do it with this one. Life is for living, and I don’t want to live it alone :)
Nice one, enjoyable
Being AF the greatest band of our generation, there is an ongoing discussion about which is their best record. This one, the second of their “holy trinity” has many adepts and you can see why. I read a boomer once, in a review of this record saying he did not get Bowies fascination with the band, for him they were too dramatic and not that gifted when it came to interpreting, I found that quite funny because to me, our beloved Bowie was always more about artistry than virtuosity, to me, the connection he found is quite evident. I love this record and it is a 5/5 even If it only suffices for a third in the rank (which tells you something about the other two) but, who could resists those magnificent transitions, all that palpable emotion? They do know (or at least did back then) how to turn songs around and explode with raw emotion and feels. I think the record starts a bit slow but from the moment Intervention breaks in, it is just one magnificent song after the other, I think I was brought to tears the first time I heard that song, and it happens a lot during the length of the record, that indomitable escalation in the song with those mariachi trumpets in Ocean Of Noise is something I will always get caught up. I’m glad this was part of the soundtrack of my youth, we did know a place were no cars go back then. I think this record was recorded on an abandoned church, I guess that’s how they managed that gigantic sound in My Body is a Cage, I think we will keep finding that song in movies and tv whenever they want to musicalize the climax.
I don’t agree with many of the late additions to the list but none of them have been bad
I like to funk just as much as the next person, and this does sound highly influential this songs are loooooong.
It is nice, but I got bored
The 80’s really did ruin everything uh? Wtf is going on with those choruses and keyboards?
Pedro navajas is a true Latin American classic, I’ve always respected a lot Ruben and of course Willie this is a good record which I had never heard in full before
I remember my siblings really liked incubus and I would tell them they were a one hit wonder. 22 years later I think I was right lol. That song drive is something else tho
Amazing. I love massive attack. I like their later work best but this is great
Well, this album complies with many or maybe all of the tricks to get into this list: huge hits, it has an unusual and experimental format, and was issued by a respected artist. It is the true sum of its parts, if it was published as two separated albums I don’t imagine it would have made it, maybe the love bellow… if it was a single effort with the let’s say, 12 best tracks it would not be here either. The first half is a good effort but its a generic 00’s hip hop album. The second half is quite experimental and has some great moments (as does the first half), and it brings some good memories from back in the day. I think it’s a 3/5
I do remember a time when there was no Amnesiac and only Kid A. Whit the passing of the time, there seems to be a conception of the two albums being tied, but at the time it was a complete different experience. It was more cryptic but in a way more interesting than its predecessor. I remember countless hours listening to this on my Sony discman. I remember once going to the rooftop and seeing the moon rise behind the clouds while listening to Pyramid Song. I guess I was at a melancholic stage of my teenage years, but I got something out of this record that did not get from Kid A or OK Computer. You and Whose Army? Still gets me every damn time (we ride tonight ghost horses!) same with Life In a Glass House, of which just the other day a listened to the extended version which I had not heard in a few years, what a delight! Many tend to think of Amnesiac as a lesser work than other Radiohead records but I can’t see why, it is one of the greatest records I have ever had the pleasure to listen, I love songs like Hunting Bears or Like Spinning Plates (of course I like the live version better but who doesn’t?) I love that half-forgotten / half remembered sound in Knives Out and Morning bell. Do you remember that amazing video clip they did for Pyramid Song? Damn that ending with the diver staying underwater and cutting the oxygen line will haunt me forever. There was nothing to fear, nothing to doubt…
Always nice to listen to some good old punk that hits hard AF
Punk never fails for me. another good one!
This was real nice, very enjoyable.
I guess there is some merit to this one, but I made the mistake to just press play in spotify and then endured like 2 hours of off brand beatles lol...
I consider myself a samba fan but somehow it appears here as my least favorite genre. I think the samba selection on this list (at least so far) is very gringo-filtered, oh well
Another great memory from the 90’s. I first heard Travis while watching MTV’s with the “Why does it always rain on me? "video. I loved that kind of music and also loved Driftwood. I don’t think I heard the full album until a few years later but still it has a good place in my youth memories. I knew a girl who was the #1 fan of this guys, and for many years I would only see her at their gigs lol. We got together later but it wasn’t in the cards I guess, we never got to see them live while together neither. I recently learn she saw me with my girlfriend at their last gig here and it broke her hart (her words). I won’t be risking going to their next show (which is next month) because they’re hers. Hope she does go, this band is great and she deserves to be happy. I have my vinyl and my memories nevertheless. This album deserves its place on this list as it is a great time stamp and because it has great timeless songs like Slideshow, that song will always get me.
I guess I wasn't totally in the correct mood but I struggled through the first part of this album, then it got a lot easier around “kiss me on my neck”. Couldn’t actually tell why but that is what a felt. I like her style but it felt a bit theatrical for me, the music is amazing.
Starts good and then it doesn’t get any better but worst
1996 uh? did they just stumble with the sound or did they knew what had they invented? nice one
Not bad but a bit boring
I you would hear Eminem today for the first time, you would think there is no way that becomes a successful artist. Too scatological, to rude, homophobic… …But this was an enormous hit back in the day! I had not listen to this for a few years and thought I would not like it as much but well, I’m a sucker for the music from my youth. The album is loooong and I think it coulda have done without some of the tracks, but truth is Eminem can really rap and was fun as hell back in the day. There are some tracks not as funny but that hit you right in the face, I still have “If I had” on my daily shuffle, and I think “My Fault” is an excellent commentary on drugs and raves… the skits sound dated af but back then they were a huge novelty and many artist had them on their albums. This is a good record thar captures its moment greatly even if this kind of album would not fly nowadays (I’m all for evolving societies and all that so don’t mistake my comments as a criticism on woke culture or anything like that)
Q tip does to 80’s rap, it’s what Kendrick did for the gangsta rap sound with G.K.M.C, improving the sound of his idols with better recordings. This is what NWA and many others would have sounded with access to proper recording tools. Even so, this is cool but not on the level of those classic 80’s recordings.
Much better than the previous album I got from him, less ambient and mote fun
Slapping hard aren't we mr. Redding? cant believe this was recorded within a day, my god! yes this is a "cover" album but I don't think that concept existed back then (almost all albums were cover albums weren't they?) but it has I've been loving you too long which is one of the greatest songs ever (do I hear the "creep" progression in it?) I love this.
great, anachronistic, fuccking long and amazingly a record only 9 years old. If I was a MBV fan back then I would have been very happy with this.
Nice surprise. Randy Newman has a new fan
I was like “this does not sound live at all!” “We’re they all by themselves or what?” Then I read they did not record the audience and it made more sense to me. Excellent versions, great recording
interesting effort, I like the instrumentation. this is not why veloso is famous for tho, at least not here in México
superstar gangsta rap. good album, not so much filled with skits and with a nice flow. I'm reading Dre didn't want 21 questions on the record, glad he was ignored on that one.
psychedelic and hard. i like it.
as an infant I was a huge fan of supertramp or so I'm told. I like this album altough I think it should've brougth more familiar sounds, maybe it was just breakfast in america...
nice 90's production even if it was an early effort. many early steps in the gangsta rap direction
A one man album from the man who resisted banishment from music after his front man death. Amazing effort of which I can only say may be too long. This was before Taylor and gaining worldwide recognition. Even with its filler lyrics, is better than they latest (and maybe final work).
great sound although upon first listening you may not guess it is a 60's album but a 50's. alt least that was my impression.
nice debut, amazing sound, you gotta give it to the Doors, they knew how to explore new territories
The National is a must like if your're a millennial, I've been to a couple of their shows and the were ok, I get tired of their sound after a while but it is good music
Imma just go ahead and say it, Queen for all of their gifts and habilities could not make one consistent album. I love Killer queen tho.
This is amazing. after a lifelong (well actually only my youth) of having only heard “Legend” I started to get to know more about Marley when I was in college. I was in Jamaica just the other month and it made me very happy to see how beloved he is over there. And with total reason, do you know a more influential artist? I don’t think I do, I know many more famous ones, but none as influential. I have a soft spot for reggae and this is going out with a 5.
So there was good music during the 80’s!
Off to a bad start: a generic country song about the country that just doesn’t end… this album is looong and boring
Has its moments but is mostly a drag
Not timeless by any measure, this is very 90’s. I like it but it is loooong and very repetitive
I never knew Dolly's young voice! A delight!
I of course see the merit and hear the artistry but this is quite tiresome
I liked this when it came out but I’m not agreeing with the newest inclusions, I mean where are a Moon Shaped Pool or When We All Fall Asleep Where Do We Go?
Fuck cars and fuck autobahns. I can’t believe there are three Kraftwerk albums on this list. Yes I know how influential they are, but almost every one of their students surpassed them as their music has the repetitiveness and the teeth of music written for toddlers.
A delight!
Well, massive transport is my jam to this is definitely better than autobahn no doubt. The sound is more rich than that one as well.
Recording is shit but the album is quite great!
Great one, I like all of these 50's records. amazing voice and recording.
Definitely like it better than his later work. Nice album.
Love that sound.
My love for early metal is equal to my disdain of current metal. damn that under the sun song is good.
early 90's rap had great beats and nice mixing. LL was not bad as well. good stuff
You’ve got a friend is one of the first songs my mom asked me to download for her back in the Napster days, we used to spend hours searching for old songs from my parents youth… good times. This is a great record
I still don’t get that echoey and at the same time flat sound from 80’s rock but hey, as long as it doesn’t have synths I’m on board.
The one that got away was a big Smiths fan so I became one myself, I even got this on vinyl. Truth is, the record is pretty mid but has to earn an additional star for TIALTNGO that is a song for the ages.
This is incredible. I don't recall ever listening to this in full before but all of it sound so familiar. Damn I love this deep sound 90's production. everyone is just on point. even if this was an average album, KSWHS would deserve a 5. amazing record. Wish I had this on vinyl.
Just the other day a clown uploaded a meme that implied someone had told him Billy had no good songs and he was proving them wrong. Yeah, like someone would have said that lol. Great record, I don’t whine I’ve ever listened to it in full before but I recognized most of the songs.
not a bad record, but it feels longer than 35 minutes.
How can you be post punk as early as 1977 lol. I like it.
They say people have gotten too soft and a record like this would not fly nowadays, but I don’t think that correct, I think it could only happen once. Em took advantage from newfound openness toward foul vocabulary and made an outstanding album, even better that the first time, his lyrical genius really shows on this one even if he spends it in profanity (gratuitous or not). Efforts like Stan or The Way I am really stand out. All this years later that Drug ballad really hit hard, and we can say everything about “Kim” but damn it is display of talent but also despair and hurt. I like this album. Funny note, my copy of this album back in the day was a bootleg and this final mix sound weird to me lol
Psychedelic but boring after a while
I saw them that year at Coachella, to me this album was not as good as the previous ones, maybe it was just the over expectations. I like the Bowiesque sound
Wow this is beautiful. I know Cohen for somewhat rougher music
Nice production even if the motifs feel dated for a 02 album
Lol I don’t remember this record being this long, it is a fun record but that’s it. Not a good effort in anyway. Third star only due nostalgia for that my way song
Well, I’m not a big fan but get why this is famous. The use of Spanish is shameful but I guess the intentions weren’t bad. It’s looong
Nice one. I don't think I've ever listened to this one.
Nice sound.
Funky and well recorded
Not my favorite Kinks tbh
This brings good memories of youth, As i listen, I can see myself and my brother playing PS2 and listening to this. I had not hear this album in full for like 15 years! Good stuff, great energy, lyrics are quite the teenage angst but hey, it is what youth experiences right? Excellent mixing, excellent deliver and man did Bennington could sing. Back then I don’t think even us the teenagers who listened to LP thought they were going to be around for long, not become icons or anything, it was just good novelty but metal, but this record is good and a good timestamp of its times. RIP C.B.
I believe that for a live album to be good it has to be iconic or a performance to remember (or both) but this is not that, I mean, it’s not bad and the audience clearly likes it but I don’t know, it’s quite a generic rendition. I went in to investigate further about why would this be included on the list and found that it actually should be called live at Osaka… and that it sold a ton shit of copies… well I really like “quiero qué me quieras” and this list is big into including records solely for one song so I guess that’s it. “Yo te vi yo te vi yo te vi yo te viiii lloraaaaandooo!”
Too long and not very interesting
I’ve been postponing this review for quite a while because this is one of my favorite records of all time and didn’t want to write a disservice to it, not that I think anyone is reading now that we are hundreds if not thousands doing this list, but now I have something really pressing from work so let’s procrastinate with this. here we go: The first time I listened to Kid A in full was when a friend of mine let me borrow the record back in 2000 so I could “burn” a copy of it. Man was I in awe. My previous contact with Radiohead was via MTV and I had listened to ok computer only like a year before and was still in awe of it also. To me kid A was something really different from everything I had ever heard before, it was hypnotic and I remember listening for hours and repeating it again and again, every track has its deep meaning and it’s place in the playlist of my life. Of course the first ones to make an impact were HTDC and Idioteque. The first with its melancholy and pain with that beautiful guitar and strings work, the amazing interpretation and the despairing story behind: the idea of searching “how to disappear completely and never be found”. Beautiful. Idioteque: the most comercial track from a singleless album, a stadium anthem from a band that does not like stadiums, I have memories of family trips pasted to this track as I was always with my discman while touring, the future of a genere in one song, I could never get tired of this song, really it was an obsession I guess now that I think about it. What to say about the national anthem? It’s better than all of the national anthems I’ve heard tbh, powerful AF, true jazz if you ask me. Kid A the song? A dream, in limbo? Optimistic? Sound landscapes that will take you somewhere else completely one after the other just like treefinger, same as morning bell with its plea: nobody wants to be a slave, release me, please… Did you know Motion Picture Soundtrack was in the works for many years prior its release? Beautiful and haunting, a suicide letter could not do it better (or worse?), search the demos if you can, my god do the band know how to find THE sound for a track even if it takes them years. Which brings me to other of the things that I love the most of this record: damn does it excel in starting and finishing, those few synth notes with distorted voices that break the silence from out of nowhere in Everything is in its Right Place? That’s how you start a great record god damn! Glorious track, they even started a movie with this song. But what about closing? Well, beautifully vanish the music not before saying your farewell: I will see you in the next life.
For me back in the day was like "damn this guys are gonna make it!" and then I found they had 4 records before this one lol. a nice roller coaster of sounds, they're legends for a reason. good album
Well this was shit. Did not age well at all. Too much misogyny.
Legendary. Great sound and a perfect mix between hits and experimental tracks. Excellent.
Here’s another album I have been listening since birth. I remember looking for hours into the cover image, trying to figure it out, as it would not be rare that I would see it somewhere else, on tv, magazines, movies, parodies and stuff. So, I’ve been always aware of its influence. I remember hating the Cocker version of WALHFMF for some reason. Hearing with a bit of fear that LITSWD was about LSD lol. Also I remember all of the revisionists takes about how not so great this was, or about how this was very undermined by Paul’s songs (LOL^2), or how there were signs in the songs about his death (LOL^3!!). But well, I have always loved the record and still listen to it every now and then. It’s true, some of the songs have not grown old as good as others, but the work is amazingly coherent and cohesive, I mean, you don’t see muh albums as perfect as this one only 40 minutes long. I love how highly even it is, how experimental but digestible it turns out to be, I don’t like that much songs like fixing a hole, but the lyrics actually are meaningful af. Maybe the lower point could be, WYWY but it’s actually a great song. I’m learning today that Penny Lane and SBFF where from this album sessions and it does nothing but to increase the records legend (and lower even the one I had from Yellow submarine lol). But well even if you are not convinced by it when you hear it, you will have bite your tong if you say anything against the perfection of ADITL. Now we are in the best tracks ever league and yes, treating with one of the top contenders. I mean, it’s just a beautiful glorious sad song, I’ve heard many versions, and many masters and recordings, and it never fails to get me or ceases to amaze me as well. If someone happens to find themselves into this high grounds of creativeness and are available to give it form in such a glorious way, they deserve to live forever, and this album and its creators forever will.
I thought “damn! Who’s rushing here?” But by the 3 track I was hypnotized, this was going with a 4 but damn! It is a debut album! 5 star for me
Now that I think about it, I think I remember this coming out (sorta, I was 6 at the time) because my sister and aunt listened to “go west” and said something about their “new” stuff was good… well I cannot like this music, I hate the beat and the drums and the voice. The mentioned song is quite catchy but the record overall is lame.
56 minutes of this shit? Hell no. …Haus Depöt lol
very disenchanting, I like some of the songs, but its very mid.
At this point I cannot remember if I ever listened to this one in full back in the day, I do remember the hype and the smashing hits but no the full album. Weird. It was an instant classic although I feel it is just too long. Still brings good memories back you know?
34 minutes, that’s all he needs. Good stuff.
Great effort in the sound and production. Great timeless record
I can’t with the cringe. “Breaking the law breaking the law!” Lol
Oh hell no. No more country please
Delicious record!
Not my favorite Tupac but it is a good 90’s hip hop album. The production is nothing special and sounds dated nowadays, nevertheless Pac really is ground breaking on each of his records
Cheesy, dated and a drag overall
Another one from the bootleg era, I thought it was from like 2002 because that was when my sister downloaded it. I also thought many of these songs came from different albums lol. Also I should mention my mom loves this album. I myself think it’s great, I think I used to find his voice a bit annoying but I don’t anymore, also I use to dislike the fact that he is French but sings like latino, but I guess my views towards cultural appropriation have shifted a bit. The music is great, the concept amazing and the soundbites funny, soulful or thoughtful af. Marcos may be a controversial figure (not really tho) but damn those speeches hit. To the funny guy reviewing this album with his backpacking experiences: there are no cheap corona imitations here in México, you uncultured swine.
Nice nice, it drags for a bit but it’s soulful af
Here’s Charles saying to the Country world, “come I’ll show you the way!” And making history in the process. 70 years later country is still shit but Ray went down in history with this and all of his catalog
Funky and definitely listenable, a couple of cringe moments but solely due the use of synths lol
Nice. A bit overstated but a great album
I was beginning to wonder if there were no more live albums but here is another one. Nice performances although I’m reading it’s overdubbed. Well it’s a nice recording and lest leave it at that
Quite cliche and soooooo long!
Just the other day I learned that “I started a joke” is a BeeGees song, so o actually was expecting something better from this one, it’s not bad but it’s quite uninspired and long. I was going to give it a 2 but fuck that apartheid state of track 2. Let’s end that joke already.
Did I not asked her to believe in me as I believed in her? How many times back then we felt the imposible was possible… tonight? I even considered back in the day getting a tattoo with the words “despite all my rage I’m still just a rat in a cage”… I remember how I spend years without hearing Thirty Three and then listening to it the day my girlfriend broke up with me as I pulled up my collar up and faced the cold on my own… (it was April tho lol). I remember singing to Lilly (my one and only) the stray dog we briefly housed so many years ago… this album has always been with me. I was 8 at the time it came out. Would this album be as praised if it was only say, 10 songs long? I do think so. The hits are just that massive but the legend of the record needs for it to be 28 songs long. They say Corgan locked himself in an hotel room and came out with all of those songs… I know some of them are not worth it and for that this should be a 3 or a 4 but damn those hits are timeless and beyond greatness.
I have to say it, its a drag. Ashcroft has his moments but never a full album woth remembering.
I don't usually consider the Stones an album band, but this is very solid. that starting and closing are huge.
Well that was funky AF! It doesn’t hold the force of the first track but it’s great overall, even if it gets weirdly sounding by the end.
wow that opening synth riff is CRINGE. Sets a cheesy 80's tone right away. Fuck synths.
This one I like, raw, emotional, artistic.
fast and enjoyable.
Excellent crafting. I like it
Well if you ignore the accusations of picket line against Apartheid or cultural appropriation the album is quite solid and fun even if it sounds dated.
Another delicious jazz (this time big band) for the list. No misses on the genre here
Great one!
Yet another classic and cherished album from my youth, damn was this a slap back in the day, I remember the day I saw this the first time on MTV (and so I remember the day Amy died), I was intrigued with Rehab but not completely sold until YKING and by the time I heard Back to Black I think I was in love, damn is this an S tier album, so complete, so different from anything that was being done at the time. Funnily enough, the album actually losses power on the second half but it’s great nevertheless, I wish I could have seen her perform live, what a sad story. …Actually, my favorite song by her (help yourself) is not on this album, hope to see that one in here as well. I have the half speed master vinyl release, if you have the chance to get it do so, it’s miles ahead in quality than the standard version. Great album and great artist.
Well I remember when Eple and Remind Me were trending back in the day, not my favorite record but I like it, only thing is it is so looooooong
Early Beatles songs are swift and straight to the heart. Another great example of their greatness, if one were to hear Beatles from start to finish “it won’t be long” is an excellent start (and “her majesty” a magnificent finish). It could be 4 starts but god damn is “all my loving” one of the greatest songs ever. I don’t get to hear this album that often because I hate the stereo version that is everywhere on streaming, but I’m a proud owner of a “Beatles in Mono” vinyl box set so this was an excellent excuse to take it out for a spin.
Good music and excecution but looong AF
I wasn't expecting the variety, but it wasn't that good eighter
An old favorite of mine, that song way out always improves my mood
It’s nice, it drags but it’s not that bad, there are some atonal voice solos that are a bit cringe so it goes with a 3 / 5
I was really hopping there were no more Waits albums on this but I guess god hates us all. I’ll say it straight: this is shit. That parody singing is borderline offensive and why would he keep with the same puking over the microphone for decades I can only guess… by this time I know he damaged his vocal cords while recording and that he did not care because there were assholes always available to listen to this shit. Please god, no more waits albums!
Hypnotic and greatly produced but long
Well I was very exited listening to this and then it went for 40 extra minutes with an orgy (orgee) skit. I like this kind of clean high quality mixing and I can see why people say its the SgtPLHCB of hip hop but Sgt is much more concise.
This sounds like Beach Boys or The Kinks, they were definitely still waiting for their sound to come along
Going trough this list has mainly confirmed myself things I already knew and accepted about my music taste, but it has revealed some other things as well, one of the most important? I looove Funk. I just do! And more with such a groovy album like this
This hits hard and sounds good
This is just glorious, can't believe its just 42 minutes long. what an amazing record. Stone Cold Classic.
Well, the instrumentation and showmanship have their merits but I just can’t connect to this, sounds cheesy and dated.
Was not felling it in the beginning but it won me over. Rocks hard
Descends into weirdness and stays there for long long time
Nice production, great sound and Latifah goes hard AF on this. I thought she was an actress in comedies!
What a beautiful glorious album, I can’t believe it’s not among the top 20 of this site, it’s just perfect it has it all. I have a Japanese pressed copy and it sound great, always glad to have the opportunity to spin it.
Well, it was enjoyable and kinda fun, but I think I will completely forget about this album forever in a few hours
Suffered trough this one even if it’s only 33 minutes
It wasn’t bad but it drags
It decays steadily like an uranium atom
Nice sound, easy to listen and it has Mrs Robinson
Hard sound but too long.
Easy and enjoyable listen.
It sounds Wu Tan but not a Wu Tan album. This is great. Hip hop from higher levels
The music is not bad but the record is quite cringe overall
On the plus side, at the time I was starting to loathe the album it was almost done, props for that. Grindcore sound is so so so boring… like you just know they try too hard to sound hard it’s embarrassing really
Weird, bluesy and a bit psychedelic. Nice one
Funky and flows nice and cool
Unlike their previous albums other than Amnesiac, I was already a huge Radiohead fan when this came out, like, I listened to all their official catalog (not Pablo but ykwim) and downloaded all of their most obscure bootleg catalog as well. I bought magazines and read on the internet about the time back in the 90’s when they came to my country, gave eight (EIGHT!) obscure shows and never came back. I was obsessed, and unlike many things on those teenage years, it was a shared feeling with my sibling’s lol. So the album came out, with 2+2=5 as its leading single if I remember well (maybe Go to Sleep?) and well, I was blown (we were), I mean, they just did it again! (And would do it a few times again over de following years). I remember listening to the full album, illegally downloaded track by track from “Kazaa” or some other service because there wasn’t money for records during those days at home, I remember loving tracks like scatterbrain, and A wolf at the door. What can I say, I love this record, I have changed my favorite track along the years, and nowadays I can’t stop listening to I will. Radiohead did change the music landscape each time they released a record and it was no exception with this one. Another timeless classic by the greatest band in the world since the end of last century and I dare to say to this day even though they have not released anything since 2016 and that record is inexplicably not on this list. I have the capitol vinyl which is 45rpm and is actually quite strong press given the capitol bad reputation.
This was great! Not sure if I had heard it before, sounds a bit familiar. I liked it.
Looks like almost no one hates on this album. Quite rare at this point on the site, I like it and I hear the great execution but found it a bit full tbh. Even then it would get a 4 if it wasn’t for the lame cultural apropiación of track 2.
Has its fun moments but it’s very meh…
Organ and piano jerking. Not that much of an enjoyable record.
Not for me. Cheesy af
Ah John Lennon, both the patron & the punching bag of edgelords (don’t believe me? Go check the first review) I grew up with this record, I still hold my parents 80’s vinyl copy which is in very bad shape after years of overplay and misuse by me and my siblings lol. The record is good, it is inspired and redemptional at least to a degree. I don’t like all the songs and totally believe how do you sleep? would be denounced by its creator if he was alive today. I understand the hype, and I also hear the violence from Jealous Guy, but I prefer to enjoy the tunes I listened to while growing up and keeping the good memories with them
This was definitely my favorite album! But then I was not 11 anymore lol. Well the album has some good moments that hit hard, and some other fun/cringe moments as well. Thumbs up for the metal that does not jerk guitars off. I was considering buying this on vinyl for old times sake but, well, upon this listen I think I’ll pass on that
Cringey, clichey, try too hard-ey, same sound in each song-ey
Lame. 80’s were so bad across genres
Nice sound! Nice changes, it was a good experience. Glad I searched for the full version in YT as it is incomplete in both Apple and Spotify
Willie always complies when it comes About good soulful records. I would think there would be 1001 no covers albums but we’ll I don’t oppose its inclusion on the liat either
The music is not bad but fuck those 80’s synths.
Just to be clear: no one has the right to children.
I'll just start by saying, there are no innovations of thrashcore and grindcore, I mean wtf!! lol On the other hand this was not as terrible as it may have been, it has its moments and you can hear the commitment to their music even if it’s pretentious and not that good. I'll give it a couple of stars because I was able to finish it lol. That feet piece was a nice rest in the middle of the storm. Who of you uploaded the record to YT and then blocked the comments? lol
No. Just stupid and pretentious. Yes the king is naked and we all see it, stop it with your alternative takes on art that are shit to begging with
Nice flow, greatly influential. This is a use of the synth I can get behind to
I usually like funk, needles to say jazz, but this is almost parody lol. Has its moments but nah, not for me
Excellent album, full of classics. What a prolific creativity Marley and the Wailers had.
I like most of the track on this album, I really tracks like WWWY or Send my love, shit, I still have to this day Million Years Ago and All I Ask in rotation on my playlists, but man, I'm just learning this is the ONLY Adele album on the list and I have to say It does not make any sense. Is this record a legendary record with youthful bless? No, that’s 19. Is this a legendary breakthrough which took the whole world by surprise and made an instant classic of its author and itself? Nah! That was 25!! Don’t get me wrong, it is a nicely produced and soulful, but none of its tracks go as hard as the ones on the first record. Even if you don’t like Adele, those are records to be heard. This one on the other hand is something we had already seen and with lesser spark than it predecessors. So let’s see, songs like All I ask and Million years ago (which I fully believe it’s written over an Spaniard 70’s song) could easily make this song a 4 stars, but, that fourth star will have to go as it should be 25 and not this, the one on the list.
Wow, until now I only knew the band by name, but I assumed they were good but this is quite underwhelming.
Well this was glorious. Half of the songs should be exposed in museums, that’s how good they’re. My good Nina is just amazing.
Why 80’s? Why!!!!! Just so fucking cliche and lame
Funny how recordings got much better once the 80’s where done lol… I love this one, it goes hard AF, funny how many of us got our first contact with Flavor Flave via vh1 reality shows and not this amazing sound. Love it.
Interesting and eclectic but it tries too hard at times and not at all at others.
Funky and nice sounding. That Le Freak song is a stone cold classic, but the album feels long overall.
Yeah nah, boring and uneventful. <<add Big Lebowski joke>>
I love this record. Ever since it came out when I was 9. Yes there are many common places from the 90’s in it but man, those hits are really great and also, Alanis has an incredible voice. Now 28 years later I can truly say that Head over feet is my favorite. Yes it has that cliche harmonica but it does work on it.
This was a bit weird but I enjoyed it.
Very english, very 90's. Sounds like yuppie music but it has quality. two stars
I remember liking “Air” the artist back in the day, I certainly did not this time around
Great one as usual.
A non English album! First one in months. I loved this one. It’s just great
I don’t enjoy this. Can hear the influences and all that but meh
Nah I don’t think I can bear with 64 minutes of this lament (currently by the 30th), i guess I’ll die without knowing what was special about it… or wait is that it?
This is some new wave I can get behind to lol. It’s weird but not bad
just pressed play and started doing the dishes, “damn! This is funky!” I was enjoying myself and then by the third track I became totally intrigued, “this is so ahead of its time!!” And then I found out it came out 5 years ago lol… an amazing record, so glad I got to catch it, this late inclusion I approve.
I just pressed play and started doing the dishes, “damn! This is funky!” I was enjoying myself and then by the third track I became totally intrigued, “this is so ahead of its time!!” And then I found out it came out 5 years ago lol… an amazing record, so glad I got to catch it, this late inclusion I approve.
In all truth, this is a quite strong album, it has some great tunes, good attitude, and it was quite trascendental. A couple of songs are tunes for the ages, with that everything will be alright song being quite outstanding. This should be a 4 stars album but I will never forget the band for riding this one to exhaustion, publishing their worst work to date again and again across the last 2 decades, I hate the fact that this has become the band for people who truly don’t like music, god I hate them sho much. My god I hate their presence in pop culture god I hate that flowers dude
I usually love Wilco, and actually this wasn’t the exception but this was loooong and some of the tracks are stuffed material
Swift and sweet. Not long enough to start being annoyed by it. Love it.
Yup, I just love funk
How is this something we must listen before we die? It’s generic AF and boring
This was beautiful. How can you people hate on this but keep upvoting that Waits dude lol I really liked it. The music is excellent and the interpretation soulful af.
Completely uneventful and totally meh…
It has its moments but I’m actually thinking of Fatboy Slim
Well, I really like this sound and I’m not that familiar with Stewart’s work to be annoyed by him. This goes with 4 stars
Well I guess I did need to listen to this before I die as there was no chance I would have listened to this if it wasn’t for the list so props for that.
An amazing record. It losses pressure towards the end, being it too long, but it has enormous highs.
Has great moments but it’s tiresome.
Not bad but quite unneventful, how many albums are out this list just because of bland music like this?
So clichey I can’t believe it’s not a prank
I mean, i like hot chip, I’ve seen them live, and the music is good. But the album falls into irrelevance at large points.
God I love this record. It’s brilliant and perfect. I so wish I had seen them live. It is even more impressive that they totally surpassed this triumph with their following album.
It’s boring and clichey, but it’s going down with 3 stars because it’s an 80’s album without those horrible synths and terrible production
Now this is really bad, I thought I could find it a bit enjoyable but nah, it’s shit. I have a friend whose favorite artist is Robbie lol, he does not know shot about music in the slightest.
O remember I tried to get into Björk when I was young to no avail. I guess I just did not have the mind set at the time. I loved this record today tho! It’s quite amazing! Second chances come even 22 years after.
When opened the link I was like, ain’t no way I’m gonna listen to 80 minutes of this, but then I realized the album ends with the 8th track so I gave it a shot. It has its moments and I did not hated it
I’m not hearing anything transcendent whatsoever. It’s bland and uneventful at least up to track 10, I’ll fast forward trough the rest and get over it
I was at a listening streaming not so long ago and it got to my mind that this was the Kanye record that had better aged. I guess I was thinking about its power and rawness, but also, the sacrilege is the same as it was back when it came and has not whined nor soured down like some other of his records/statements. I do not know what Nina would think about her appearance on this, but it’s outrageous and brilliant nevertheless. Damn there was a time when Kanye could take that extra step beyond the line and not burn like he surely should have. Those days are gone but the music does indeed linger with strength and power.
Has its moments but it’s just too long
Nice but not that much interesting.
Damn were the 80’s lame! Even the alternative pop scene was shit
this is lame
it's weird but its fucking interesting from start to finish. good album. I don't think I've ever heard it before in full
Least favorite from Bowies records so far but it has its moments definitely
I was not loathing it but it’s over stated af. I had to skip trough most of the last tracks
No. No more lamé 80’s synths. I’m done. Again, an album that’s here just because a one hit wonder. Fuck off.
Couldn’t connect with it.
It’s overly long but damn that voice, and it goes hard AF!
Not bad but feels like parody being it so exaggerated and theatrical at times
It has great sound and some huge bangers, but it’s overstated by about half an hour. Was gonna give it four stars but fuck those “don’t tread on me” assholes
Not bad but boring. I have huge respect for Parton tho
This record is fun AF. I know it is a bit cheesy by today standards but it’s playful and unpretentious. Great album.
Not a bad record but quite unneventful. they really needed the feel of a lost record when they hyped this one didn't they?
Good album but certainly know why I never listened to it again after it’s debut. It’s long and forgettable
Has it’s Bowiesque moments but they feel a bit of a rip-off, it has its cringe moments too, but the moment you realize the record is gone. Will never listen to it again tho.
Sadly, I don’t totally hate it, but it’s pretentious and boring and I do hate the guy for being an asshole towards women.
Had to take out the vinyl for a spin! One of the most beautiful records I’ve ever heard. I think my first contact with Sigur Rós was with the movie Vanilla Sky, which features a couple of the songs from this record. Nevertheless, I don’t think I heard it in full until like 2005. Doesn’t matter, one of my youths favorites. It does have the best tracks at the beginning and at the end, so it could seem like it drags a bit in the middle, but it actually holds for the entire of its length. I will never tire to hear songs like Olsen Olsen or the title one, they’re just so gorgeous and well arranged. I’ve seen them live twice and the two times the experience was totally different but amazing nevertheless, one of the greatest triumphs from the end of the century.
The falsetto gets cringey at some points but the music is not bad
Has its moments, and production is a great timestamp, but the length is also an awful timestamp. Why tf did all these albums where so long?
Well I guess I had to listen to it before dying as it is the Stones debut, but I guess we can agree that the best was yet to come at this point. Not a bad record but quite forgettable.
Orbital did improve their sound after this ngl
It doesn’t start that bad but damn does it drag
Was expecting to not like it but it’s good, just too long. Not as good as other Wu Tan members tho
Swift and straight to the heart. This album is one of my mom’s favorites and mine for extension. Love it.
Enjoyable and unpretentious.
By the 9th track I felt like I’ve been listening to this for an entire lifetime. What an empty and purposeless life
26 studio albums. The closing of Bowie’s career surpasses by long some other careers, yes, this is not his best work, but it’s good and revealing. Wish I had see him live
Nice and mellow. a good debut although the last track is weird
I like Gabriel’s style and voice, the record is good but 3 stars down for that horrible 80’s production. 1 star up for “in your eyes”
Well, it’s very very lofi, and has some dreadful moments but it’s not completely unlistenable.
It was nice but it felt longer than it was. The sound is great for the era and I don't know why they did not make it to fame lol
A bit of a drag but short enough.
I will always wonder why posers consider “challenging” a characteristic when listening to music. Not that inaccesible but will certainly never listen to it again.
I was having fun even though the lyrics are more dumb than juvenile, but then I was like this is been going on for I while and I was only at the 9th track. 1 additional star for the Wild Boyz theme track… good times!
Well I really enjoyed this record.
Well, what a nice surprise. It’s been months since this list last surprised me. A full 90’s alternative beautiful and creative sound. This was really great even if too long
I really wasn’t expecting to like it for its year of debut lol. It was very good although a bit weird
Another classic record from my youth. I think actually I heard this one in full before “Up The Bracket” and it totally holds a good space in my memories, but in retrospective I have to say it’s inferior to its predecessor and it drags in the middle for a good while. Having said that, songs like Last post on the Bugle, What Katie Did or What Became of the Likely Lads are awesome and a testament of why this record is on the list. I’ll give it a four and save the five for the debut record (it is on the list right?)
After I decided to make peace with the music of my generation (thanks to AF), I decided to get into as much indie music as possible, so of course I listened to this record back in the day, of course I talked about it during those endless nights at my out of town buddy’s apartment with his too cool for school roommates along to likes of Beirut and others, but I guess I wasn’t enough into it to listen again in full after those days were over. Today the vocals sounded a bit out there for me but it was a nice moment and a good throw back. Note apart for that Tiger Mountain Song. I do listen to it quite often and I actually think it’s one of the greatest things I ever heard. God I miss those days.
Well this is shit.
Quite interesting. Very nice instrumentation and flow.
the album starts very strong but drags towards the end. That Sexy Boy track is a stone cold classic
damn this is a load of shit
I guess I've always been biased towards the music by my hatred of metal heads, they just try too fucking hard, so maybe I'm missing out on metal and all that, but damn is this just unbearable and unenjoyable. Good guitar jerking tho
Nice indie laidback sound. liked it
like the hard rock, hate the 80's in the sound
It's a bit boring at moments but it has other which are highs in his career. Additional star for that fun and moving song "the first of the gang to die"
Prince is not as big here in my country as he is elsewhere so I think this is the first time I hear the album in full. Even with the characteristic 80’s dreadful use of synths, this was a very good experience. The guitar is just fantastic. Great album.
Glorious. I love this kind of unfiltered awesomely produced hip hop. That Drew Barrymore song is incredible.
It’s a great album, no wonder why it’s so influential. Great songs and good sound
Coming to terms with the fact that the year that I was born (in fact the decade) produced really terrible music.
not totally sure if it has stood the test of time, but its iconic and a good effort. it sinks after its initial punch but its not bad
Fun and enjoyable although it becomes repetitive. Wish hard rock had stayed like this.
It has been a common occurrence while doing this list, that I start to really enjoy the record only to find out that Spotify has kept playing to another record or even artist after it finished and thats the one I was liking, not the record in question. So, I thought I was finally enjoying this but it was actually "Alex Chilton" and "Swell Maps"... well it wasn't that bad eighter.
Sounds quite British end of the century, the album is average but the singles really stand out. Maybe the last truly influential Madonna album
I agree with that every song lasts a minute longer than it should but I actually enjoyed this. It has excellent moments
I was expecting to like it more. Wasn’t aware it was an 80’s album lol. I like it tho, the voice is exceptional and the lyrics are soulful and profound.
Well the skits… but the flow and delivery will remain for ages. OG.
This album is a classic from my youth, it starts at such heights it is quite disappointing how long it drags and how little did Moby decided to leave out. Porcelain is of course the jewel of the crown, being it such a perfect track, but this could have been easily a 5, even with the stuffing, were not for the huge disappoint that is hearing the album version of “South side” as the feat. Stefani one is greatly superior. It is a let down that stays for the rest of the album so there goes a Star. Another one taken for staking Natalie. Not ok bro.
lots of 80's cliches that make it lamer than it should. I'm taking 1 star off for that Hokoyo song.
This brings back great youth memories, this came out about the time I decided to stop been an angst teen and give pop music a chance. I do remember the singles fondly but, I did found out quite a while ago that this record is only the singles and should’ve been cut to less than half an hour long. Some of the track are just awful and quite lame. Nevertheless? I’ll give it a 3 just for the massive singles.
Nice and mellow album. That’s what I call a good debut.
A couple of enjoyable moments but its too long and sounds quite improvised. I found a review of this album that read "better than the other ones" with 1 star. the person abandoned the list after 8 albums lol.
Nice album. Excellent listening experience
Yeah I hate it.
its good. maybe I was not totally on the mood for something like this but I can say I enjoyed it
Excellent. No hard rock ever needed to last more than 33 minutes. Fast and straight.
Got tired of it by that free will song and it was only the 5th track. Couldn’t endure it in full and had to skip when the cringe got high
Glad I summoned the patience, because this gets better by the 5th track. Good record.
Nah this is not a thing I needed to heard before death. Lol
Excellent excecution and soulful also. had a great time listening to this.
“Burst out laughing…” bruh Not even as comedy this is worth anything
I did enjoy it. It was quite listenable
Fun to some degree. Enjoyable and good execution
Totally amazing. I was under the impression DJ Shadow was an UK act, lol. This is something extraordinary.
good live album
Nah this is is just shit. The fact that I mistook this for a Kansas Fried Chicken album of equal shortness did not make things better. Total puke.
I remember when this came out. There was this sort of fever for indie British stuff around here so of course we would listen to this. The sound is not bad and there are some good tunes but it is a bit clownish and it carries this vibe of “you had to be there” that clearly walls up the album to the general listener
I really liked the sound. Enjoyable at most times. As always, additional star for being an 80’s album without those silly hideous synths.
Good one, catchy and fulfilling. The piano parts are a bit cheesy at times but it’s a minor thing overall.
Was about to give up on this one as it’s not on Spotify or Apple Music but I’m glad I didn’t. This was pretty amazing. Additional star for not being unnecessarily long and another for rocking this good and different during the dreadful 80’s
I know 80’s Michael was the peak, but I like this sound better
Has Taylor the output to be featured on this list? I think so. Had Taylor the output to be on this list back in 2014? Not sure. Yes she was a superstar by that time, but musically she was at a transition point which produced lots of radio hits but nothing timeless, and I’m not talking just about this one but also the lesser achievement “Reputation”. Yes this one has good songs, but none really memorable, not at the level of Lover, Anti Hero or Cardigan, hell, not even as catchy as Mean which was released way before. To me, this one is on the list just to show respect to the huge status Taylor has, but not for its musical merits. When listening to this I cannot help but think that she has at least 3 albums better than it, the best of which, are not featured on this list.
I just realized I’m a full year behind schedule regarding this list. By now I just hope to finish it this year, but at least with this one, I just finished Zeppelins original tetralogy. I really like this album but have the same opinion as almost everyone: it is inferior than the other three. And maybe also Houses of the Holy, nevertheless, it is a solid 4 stars.
wow, to think I delayed the list so I could listen to this on YT. this is utterly and completely meh... 1 star down for not being on streaming services being it such a meh album.
Well it’s not bad but it’s quite forgettable. The recording is good.
It’s catchy and interesting but it starts to drag pretty fast. It’s too long as most early 90’s albums are
This is cheeeeeeesy and dated as fuck. God I hate the 80’s! And this one goes down almost as low as a parody I mean wtf? I endured (skipping) until the first half hour but it’s fucking unbearable. That synth sax is fucking shameful as ever. Good I’m crawling with hate!
This one got denser as tracks went by but it is an outstanding effort. Good record.
somehow in my profound musical ignorance i thought Cocteau Twins was a 90's 00's band lol. this is good music and in so much defiances of what 80's mainstream was. additional star for the correct use of synths
well, there goes another 1 on the list. Just as the other record by this guy
Excellent record! this was truly something I needed to listen before I died. That production which gives the spotlight to the MC is something quite distinct.
glorious execution. In the end its all about the execution.
Well, I wasn’t even born in 83 so my main experience with U2 comes from the 90’s albums, so this one, to me, and even it came out before, just sounds a bit derivative… props for Sunday Bloody Sunday
Clownish af at times, and it struggles quite a lot in the middle but those two final songs are worth it… and then there is the final track lol
I was today years old when I found out “Shout” was not a Depeche Mode song lol. That EWTRTW song is a meme, a beat up meme also. Good I hate the 80’s pop sound. So cliché, so clownish…
A bit uneventful but totally pleasant. it does not feel long at all. great one.
Not bad at all but totally uninteresting. A bit clownish at times but quite forgettable. This last part of the list is gonna be a drag I think
Thought I was gonna struggle with this one but on the contrary it’s a banger! The production is excellent, the flow great and it holds for most of the record. I don’t have any issue with the accents so there goes that. That Lyrics track goes hard!
Yes experimental and without the boundaries of conventional music, but it differs from other experimental and artsy projects on this list by 1 fundamental matter: it is not nearly long enough to be annoying. Great album.
50’s music is just so delightful. Done to please the listener and that quite ok with me. Loved this one.
Good music but very forgettable. It’s ridiculously long
Well the sound is iconic, but there is little merit in becoming famous by covering Dylan
I was 4 songs into this one when I realized it was not the Byrds album I got before anymore lol. Nah it’s catchy and Django Django has that “you have to check it out” aura still after all these years.
Got to admit the effort to try to sound different and props for the marimba but this was quite annoying. No objection here for leaving it out of the current book list.
Hypnotic and just fantastic. 33minutes and not one more. Straight to the point. Loved it.
By the time it got to the 7th track, I knew I wouldn’t endure it for its 1 hour 16 minutes length. Not totally bad but over stated and quite forgettable. Minus 1 star for being too long
I totally inderstand the hype, but this has a huge “you had to be there” halo which makes it dated and in parts simply annoying, still, it has its timeless moments.
This one was on the verge of being a victim of the previous album I heard (that Sabres Of Paradise) because I was not able to distinguish them at first but it changed with that Shellback track. This is much more trip hoppy and more interesting. It’s also 20 minutes shorter.
I heard this one upon release, I think it was a Friday. It proved to me quite inaccessible. I liked that ‘TAPSWAW song because, after 8 months I was still quite heartbroken. On Saturday I went out to a “trajinera” afternoon with my family and out to drink with college friends and acquaintances that night. It was the golden years and being heartbroken really gave me a cynicism those people really enjoyed. Me and my friend took some numbers and quite stole the party. while I was hungover reminiscing the night and deciding whether to text that curled haired girl I learned about Bowies passing. I did not considered myself quite the big fan, but it was definitely a blow. I did not text her and went out to listen to the album once again while walking my now gone too, dog. I let myself feel the sorrow one more time and did not listen to the album in full again until I guess a couple years ago. I make playlists of the best of the year and the chosen song from this was ‘TAPSWAW. Listening to the album today I wish I was in a better place to listen to if 8 years ago, but I guess no one choses such things. It’s a great goodbye and, even if it’s not my favorite, this album is just excellent. My favorite song now is ICGEA.
I understand the story telling but this is unnecessarily long. The music is nice and it does have soul.
This was good I was quite enjoying it although it got annoying towards the end
Uneven in its likeliness but has great moments. I struggled with some tracks but there are some others that are good
Not bad but not very interesting either
Upbeat and catchy. Very competent. I can see why it’s on the list.
Not bad but it’s quite uneventful
Incredible and timeless opening. Same goes for the closing. The album drags for quite a while in the middle tho. Do I like better the Limp Bizkit version of Behind Blue eyes? 😵💫
A 36 minutes mid 90’s album?there must be something wrong!! Energetic and entertaining but invariant. Actually feels quite longer than just 36 minutes.
Not bad but stinks of cultural appropriation.
I enjoyed the live instruments and some tunes are catchy, but I really don't like these 80's saxophones.
Well I’m surely in a bad roll. I know for sure there are some great albums coming but most of the last sorts have been quite lame. This one was lame for sure, the new Spotify teaser feature surely came in handy.
I mean, I get how influential this was, and props for its “different” sound back in the dreadful 80’s but, like, do people who claims this is the best they’ve ever heard stop listening to music in 88? Is this another “you had to be there” kind of record on the list? Well sorry, I had just turned 2 when this came out and I just don’t get the hype.
Starts strong with that “South Park in Asspen” track but it descends into 80’s cliché quite quickly. Nevertheless, it’s enjoyable and you do not suffer it that much. Additional star for the South Park memories!
<insert clown emoji> Additional star for only being a half an hour of cringe(I only endured the first 15 tho)
I was hesitant about the live albums on this list but most of them are great and this one is just delightful. Loved it.
A bit boring but not bad. Some of the recording is a but annoying specially with headphones.
well it gets weird in the second half but its Bowie so its ok. glorious record again. I, as everyone love Heroes the song but I've always really liked the Oasis version as it is quite powerful
Not so bad, a bit fun, and unnecessarily long
This one rocks hard!! A bit overstated but it’s a good sound
It rocks hard so it’s ok with me. A bit long.
A good excessive but it sounds clearly like an exercise. Sounds like homework or an assignment. It’s good as I said tho.
I was better than the other album by Tia band on the list but not much better. I wasn’t hating it but it felt like hours and I was just in track 6. Don’t think I’ll be listening to this ever again
Definitely dated. But sounds quite innocent and fun.
Glad I read the reviews upon starting, because I was not liking what I was hearing. Original version (on YT) is quite beautiful, soothing and detailed. I really liked it. (Although I found by mid of the mid track that it was at 2X speed and had to restart lol)
Guess it has its moments, but it’s very uneven and quite tiring.
Untouchable flow and deliver by Ice Cube. He goes hard as ever.
Enjoyed the first half hour but it got repetitive and dragged through the second half. Nice flow and sound tho.
Jazzy and I guess groundbreaking at it’s time. The first track sounds like a schoolband in the end of the year ceremony lol. Not bad but has its lows
The rate went down as the album went on, I mean, it’s a try hard effort. Has its (few) moments tho (Also I fucked up and rated a King Crimson album instead of this one 🤦🏽♂️)
I for one do not find the production an achievement, but who am I to differ to everyone else. I totally like the album tho.
Cool House álbum but I’m failing to see why it is on the list.
Cool one but too long.
Not bad but feels like hours.
I consider myself a LCDS fan. But I confess I’m not often in the mood for this record, couldn’t say why, nevertheless, All My Friends and, of course, NYILYBYBMD are timeless classics and reason enough for this record to be featured on this list
Not that good. A bit cheesy to be honest.
What a douche... but this is the most enjoyable of the waits albums I have had to endure for this list. Please, no more! As usual, hope he damaged his vocal cords while recording this.
Not my favorite John record but good one. Drags a bit in parts
The rate went down as the album went on, I mean, it’s a try hard effort. Has its (few) moments tho
Yeah yeah, Moss is a clown but this is a consisten rock effort.
good record, I had not heard mother's little helper in decades lol.
Great. excellent album although a bit repetitive
Good album, although a bit forgettable I guess
The newest installation of I don’t like new wave. Has its moments tho
rocking hard and straight to the point.
Good sounds and ideas although a bit repetitive and the recording is not that good
First time listening to this. It’s quite awesome.
Another of the great records of this century. Fantano says it’s the normie Kendrick choice but it’s just because it’s so perfect. It has the total vibe of those end of the century west coast records but is also timeless and futuristic, has an incredible range of emotions, flows and sounds that only him and Kanye have reached during these past couple of decades. The imagery, the narrative, the story telling and the beats are just excellent. Yes Kendrick has doubled down in all of those fronts with subsequent records but this one is the one that has it all at the same time. One of the greatest debuts of all time as well. To me, this album cannot be fully understood without The Recipe, so I hope everyone doing this list goes for the extended edition. You really have to listen to this before you die.
Not my favorite from Lennon but has its great moments. Been listening to this my whole life but somehow I forgot about it, Working Class Hero is an excellent track and Love is one of the greatest ballads of all time.
totally unconventional. sound is timeless and far away from the 80's from when it actually is. i actually enjoyed it
Mellow and enjoyable.
this was bearable for 6 or 7 songs and then I just couldn't keep on listening. sorry
Maybe this is not the MIA album to be featured on the list but its a good album
Album was uploaded by an user called cheese man to YouTube and it’s cheesy alright. I kind of enjoyed it but it’s ridiculously long and not for any good reason. The songs stay the same for 6 minutes long. The recording is not bad
Good record. A bit dated but not much.
Just like every other millennial back then, I told her to wait, that they didn't love her like I loved her... She left anyway, but the shared experience of a generation did not. this record is another one for the ages, an excellent timestamp which, with its 36 minutes long, hits swift and straight to the heart. there isn't anything bad I could say about such an excellent musical experience and yes, I believe Maps is the definitive millennial song. yes above whichever one you can mention.
weird and not thaaaat catchy but catchy at times alright, closing track is great
I’ve always been aware of their existence but wasn’t aware of how good they’re. This was excellent.
Not bad but totally overstated
6 (SIX) Costello albums!! WTF?? consider this another protest vote.
this was enjoyable although I don't know if I had to listen to it before dying
No. Did not enjoy this at all. It’s lame.
Funk AF!! great sound
It has variations and it’s short so you can’t come tired of it as easily. But it’s just ok I guess.
Meh… I’m in a streak of meh albums atm
This one is no longer on the list, but is a great album, obviously the work of a teenager but a truly gifted one. I do note the contradictions in the lyrics but some of these tracks are great just for the final form of music they’re as a whole. Fuck me Pumps and mainly, Help Yourself are songs for the ages. I bought this on vinyl from Europe just to get that song, and I will love it for the rest of my days and miss Amy and that side of her which she did not show that often every time I listen to it… I was going to give it 4 stars for it being so uneven, but I just love Help Yourself that much.
This totally grew on me, it’s a beautiful album
I started to listen to the spotify version and was like 10 minutes in when I started to totally hate it. I did not give up. I learned on wikipedia that the original album has a different tracklist so I searched for it. I did not hate it as much but I did. It's fucking dated and very meh. feels like a pro tools library of outdated sounds.
Feels longer than 50 minutes, I don’t think I will be listening to this again. Not bad tho.
A bit cringe but not that much. Quite dated. Some good moments too tho
Has some very good tracks but the album drags for quite a while…
I can see it totally working in the club or at a festival, but as a record it drags
Lupe was supposed to become a superstar, but he just didn’t. I guess his stuff was a bit too sophisticated. This is a good album although a bit long as all early 2000’s hip hop releases.
Great music, not all of it, the album is a bit long but its quite good nevertheless
Haven't listened to this in full for decades but I'm totally familiar with it was commonly in rotation at my home when I was a kid. I remember not liking it as much as other music my parents listened to, but I did not disliked it neither. It was a bit scary at times and a bit Disneyly at others. at least for me. Today it brought that familiar and vague sensation of those half remembered days. It is quite the album!
quite cheesy and cliché but its also quite fun
A non English album! Make a wish!
Interesting, I guess I did need to listen to this before I died
Not what I expected. I really enjoyed this one
Am I missing something? This is bland and boring af
Good record. Great sound at times. I can see where vampire weekend got the idea of white African music lol
Nice although I don’t think it has that lasting impression feature lol
I listened to this back I. 2017 and then forgot about it. Good record and has great moments but it is quite forgettable. I don’t think it will be on the list long
The album sounds bleak in light of what French electronica was a the time and, the highs it would reach subsequently. Having said that, it closes quite strong and that Sometimes track is a stone cold classic.
not sure why is this the 2017 choice for the list but it is a good album
Quite boring actually. Big Sur is a good song
Nice album.
As everyone here, I loathed the intro of the first track and then eased into it. did not hate it but i don't think I'll ever listen to this again.
Legendary album.
Weird but actually quite good.
I would usually agree with the points made by the top review but this is an extraordinary recording and during the music you can’t even tell it’s live. I guess the sung tracks are a bit weak but I’m just glad I got to listen to this. It’s great.
Yeah that free form guitar track is shit and kinda ruins the mood. The rest is ok although looong and not cringe free
This is just not the album for which Taylor should be on this list. That distinction goes to Folklore. She has that great album, a couple of “good but not as good as everyone says” albums and a bunch of very forgettable records. This one falls into the second category, it’s long and not as inspired as Folklore. Having said all that, Champagne Problems is easily the greatest song she’s ever written. A single album from the best 12 songs of that 2020 Taylor era, with Champagne Problems as the lead single would have already earned the full respect of everyone of us who are still waiting for her to unleash her full potential.
Red morning light is one of my faves from back in the day, the album version of California Waiting is very very rough and the album is good overall although I can see why it isn’t featured on the list anymore
Ever since my formative years I’ve held the belief that Queen is a singles-only band. This album is a great example of that.
Good this is pure shit!! It’s all what a nightmare album could be: long, cheesy, dumb, and with awful lyrics. Glad to see that the overall rate confirms all of these despite that clownish first review.
It’s not getting 1 star solely due Jump
No. I’m not doing this to myself. 3 track in and I’m hating it
Glorious album. My vinyl copy is warped 😞
Dated. Influential and groundbreaking but dated. Interesting document of an era and I guess I did needed to listen to it before dying, but won't be listening again.
Good but I think I could have gone without listening to it before I died
I can hear the capabilities and inventive but to me this sounds like Korn. It’s the singing that alienates me
Yeah nah
When I started the record immediately thought “I’m not in the mood for this kind of record” but then I was.
I didn’t like that midi Doughie houser production. The guy is a criminal
Not bad, but I don’t think it’s very memorable
Decided: I don’t like the pixies. Can’t keep lying to to world and myself just because I like the hits. They suck.
Well that was quite impressive. I really enjoyed it.
It drags
well... no.
I finished it in all its length without any skip. I actually liked it!!
Gigantic classic, but I’m getting too old for this. Got to see them live last year, it was an enormous blast, but at my age, I was back in the VIP bar sipping on some cocktail and overpriced beer before opting out and heading to see The Cure. Chemical Brothers sound was louder even from the other stage. Wish I could relive the blast like back in the days instead of being a bit annoyed by it
good one, but I have a problem with Jacks music and it is that its quickly tiring
No more merit than being produced by Rick Rubin.
I enjoyed it, I understand its problems and the problematic singer but I totally enjoy it
People wtf?!! The third KB album and it sucks just like the other two. Maybe if she wasn’t experimenting in the 80’s she would have achieved something. But I mean. Cmon!
Well, that was just beautiful. My relationship with Beach House is mainly live music. I’ve seen them 3 times and each time the moment destroyed me. They are that good. Is this really their only album on the list?
I dreaded the album when I saw the cover and the year… I thought it was gonna be another new wave shitty album, boy was I wrong lol. Y totally enjoyed this although she drops the ball from that dumb cigarette song and on. Anyway, good music for most of the record (not the cheesy sax tho) and excellent voice.
Totally and utterly meh.
Good one
I did enjoy this one!
Where to begin!! this album, as all of Muse's music up to that point, where in my daily rotation back when you could rip your own CD's and upload them to your ipod... I remember that our first reaction (mine, and my friends) to the first single was: this is like Muse by Britney Spears producers. We meant it in a positive way but I guess that (as Muse itself) did not age well. Now, Muse had a good career start, but the way they went for, from this point on, makes them one of the most overrated and down bad bands of our generation. I saw them live back in 2007 and the show was excellent. They do not miss a note... but that matches them to the likes of Coldplay and that's it. And then the downfall: sometime around those days my mom said to me something like "that person cannot sing, he breathes horribly between the lines!!" and, even as I dismissed my mom, I could not stop hearing it from then on. It's horrible, and distractant, why does he do that? that "aaaaahhhgg" is in all of their grandiloquent songs, and thats most of them. Since then, I've had the opportunity to see them live free or at a festival at least twice, but its always a hard pass. I won't get into the shit music they do nowadays. This album has a good production but it's glossy and annoying. I did enjoy their subsequent album a bit more but not that much. That "Soldiers Poem" song is beautiful and the breathing is almost absent too.
Not bad but boring
I enjoyed this mainly because the volume in my headphones was really low. The reverb and distortion are not enjoyable. Nevertheless, this is better than must of that new wave shit this list is full of.
It’s good but goes on forever and is totally overstated
Not bad but totally dated.
Energetic and entertaining.
A bit mid but not bad at all
Nah it really sank in the second half, it was only 32 minutes and felt like a life time
I totally like their sound, even if there is nothing to special to it. the couple of mega hits at the beginning of the album really peak it so it drags a bit. maybe with a different track listing. I did not remember that 17 song... bruh
Jazz!! not only jazz but old jazz!! not only old jazz but a 38 minute long fast and straigth to the hearth jazz album!
good album not 80's at all. I'm reading Hooker has much better albums though! not in the list apparently.
By mistake I ended up listening to it twice so at first I found it long and repetitive but it’s a cool album on second though
I remember back in those days everyone acted like The XX was the best thing that had happened in a generation and I just couldn’t see it. 15 years after I still don’t get the hype, they have their moments and the album is too short to generate any negative feelings but it’s just so uneventful for the most part.
Excellent album. Excellent time 2012.
I really loved this sound back in the day. I also believe I've heard this one in full at least once although I don't remember when. I'm also convinced I heard them live at some point but don't remember when either. I think that summarizes the album: good, but quite forgettable.
Hotel California, the song, is a timeless classic. Hotel California, the album, is an unnecessary drag.
Well, for once I didn’t totally hated the cliche metal album, it was fast and short so it was ok. I won’t be listening again but it actually helped me though the last part of bike training lol
Damn this one is hard!! a totally great find this late in the list. I really like it!
Really cool album. I knew many of the tracks but not all of it. The record has a lot of good ideas and sounds but, as all of the records from the time, is a bit long.
Recording is good. The album starts quite strong but if fades into it's blown up production and grandiloquent angle. too long too.
Beautiful recording and a beautiful record overall.
Feels longer than 50 minutes, I don’t think I will be listening to this again. Not bad tho.
Music is great. it's a cool album.
Interesting but so tiring. I dislike the cultural appropriation.
Annoying as fuck. Also: oH iM sO wEiRd bEcAuSe I liKE tHe rEsIdeNTs!🤡
Another one which feels so much longer than it is in reality. I didn't hate it.
Unnecessarily long but not by that much. I really enjoyed it. It was a nice surprise to listen to Corona half way through.
Stone cold classic. Why did metal abandoned this and embraced the clownish incel style it has today?
Sweet and melancholic. didn't feel as long as it is.
Deliberately cringe. wow.
It's good and its enjoyable. I think it's anachronic tho
back in the free YouTube days, I was once listening to the title track (I've have always loved it), when my brother pointed out to me that there was this heartbreaking story in the comment section from a dad who had lost his daughter to suicide, having found her whilst this song was on repeat on her CD player... Before reading that, I always thought about the song as a glorious and optimistic way to celebrate us being floating in space and having love as our ultimate tool to experience the universe. guess the words: "All I want in life's a little bit of love To take the pain away Getting strong today A giant step each day" have a much more tragic interpretation for other people. guess I should feel thankful about that. The album is quite ok, a bit chaotic but energetic and meaningful, but we all know that it is the title track which makes it a glorious listen and makes it one for the ages. Can't believe we almost had to forget about the song due the money grabbing spirit of the Elvis State.
Weird album, ngl, but the music is good. the toy story vibes are funny lol
Imagine if this album had been recorded with the technology and technics used during the loudness war of the 90's. I mean, we don't have to imagine, there is an Oasis cover that does it. cool album
sounds like an Enya alternate project. It's quite enjoyable although I don't know about the hearing before dying part.
Quitew boring but the music is ok. also, an 85 album without those awful synths is always a win
Guess I would've loved it like 15 years ago. its not bad but long and aimless
Totally enjoyable. How many versions of "the girls from Ipanema" are there on this list?
Well, I don't hate it, and its shortness is a plus. It's quite dated but has its moments and I can see myself enjoying it in a club if I was born earlier and well, maybe white.
Good to a degree. Maybe a bit uneventful tho
"Why did no one told me this was a Soul album?" is the reaction of this 50yo youtuber who had an "Old man listens to..." series in which he would spin an unknown (to him) record and react to it. The series has some very memorable moments and him reacting to 21 is certainly one of them. By the time Someone Like You ends, Sam (that's his name) struggles to recover his broken voice while saying that, he, being a happily married man can totally see a moment in his life when that song would have destroyed him. "Sad bastard music" he calls it lol. I first heard 21 back in 2011 via illegal download like every other functional millennial back then. The quality of the files in that late bootleg era was quite good so it was quite enjoyable. The record to me starts a bit slow, but by the time it reaches "Don't You Remember" is one hit to the soul after the other. Her voice is just incredible and yes, Someone Like You is a song for the ages: being one of the saddest songs of the century, it offers hope and confort in the idea that she WILL find someone. Once you see how the song connects with people (Sams reaction or Glastonbury 2016 to mention a couple) you cannot deny how deep and straight up human the song is. Nowadays the record has been taken out from the list, first in favor of 25 and then of 30. Both takes just ridiculous, as those albums may be superior in production and maybe maturity but will never match the soulfulness of this one. This one is Adele's ultimate triumph.
Boooooooring. Also, its has a shady background (and cover)
Another great Bowie album. another 5. Man did this guy could make music. Life On Mars is just beautiful.
cheesy and annoying
Even though I don’t think I’m listening to this with full attention, it’s a good album. Will listen again
M.I.A. used to go hard af. cool album but a bit too dense. Additional star for paper planes.
Has some good moments and some very annoying ones as well.
Sooooo 80's. just horrible production.
Not bad but wont be listening again
The rock songs are good. The New Wave ones are not.
I hate his voice but the record is ok...
Definition of coolness.
Music is good but the execution is cringe.
No. simply no. This is shit.
A bit swampy, too long although I hear the geniality in it. My sweet lord is one of my all time faves. Growing up there were many formative records given to me by my parents. This was not one of them for som reason.
80’s Kravitz is not as bad as thought it would be
Good times back in 2013... always love for synthpop without 80's production. Many of these tracks have been on my usual rotation ever since its release. I've also see them live, although I don't remember it that well... as I said, good times.
Cool record. I have an amazing reissue of this on vinyl
Nah this is dumb.
Not totally insufferably 80’s but it is and is also too long. The first track is a classic
Sounds a bit like Joan Manuel Serrat. Wonder if there is a connection... catched a few good moments but its not very good.
I've never heard this record before. Damn what a find!! this hits hard!! and yeah! those dynamics!!
"Who the fuck is Arcade Fire?" ...was the trending topic the night The Suburbs defeated the likes of Eminem and Katy Perry for album of the Year back in 2011, event which closed the Indie era of music and consecrated the band commercially. The suburbs is an ode to the millennial coming of age and a beautiful recognition of the shared experience of a generation, even if you were not from Canada or Texas, it is quite universal in its topics and feels. I had already finished college by the time it came out and was in the process of getting my degree and finding my first job, so the nostalgia in this hit me hard, even more when thinking about their ride from 2004 niche triumph to their explosion in 2010, it was like we had all made it. All the songs of this album, which at the time, I still downloaded illegally from Limewire like all my music back then, all have a deep shared meaning for many of us, it may have weak links like modern man or month of May, and it may also be very long, but it is a brilliant album, a total evolution in their music from their previous (brilliant as well) albums: The title song is beautiful and full of purpose, Half Light I is so evocative and heartful, Deep Blue so ad hoc with the closing titles of the movie "Boyhood", Culture War so prophetic (even if it’s not in the normal album)… But the true timeless piece of the album is, (and I think this is quite unanimous) Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains). It is just gloriously beautiful, even the name is quite gigantic, it says it all about the alienation and the terrible and insatiable urban sprawl and how we all tried to survive it in our youth and will try to survive the rest of our lives. 15 years later I can safely say, it’s one of the best songs I’ve heard in my entire life, and live, it is just something else. How is it that this album is now out of the current list? That’s just crazy but this list keeps disappointing.
Never heard this one but I definitely do have a soft spot for post punk. Post punk made music survive the 80's.
It is good. Sounds a bit dated and has lots of the cliches of the time but it’s a good timestamp too.
Wow this is so uneventful and boring
Production is great, rapping is excellent, message is timeless, misogyny is dated af.
Frenetic and Frantic, this is a great album. TMV are huge live too. Was gonna grant it 4 stars as it is a tiresome work, but the beautiful Televators (a favorite of mine ever since it came out) jumps the full album for the fifth one.
Beautiful recording. Owning all, the songs, his style, his old voice, everything. excellent album.
No doubt it’s a good album, even a great one, but it gets annoying at various times
Definitely better than the other Big Star album on the list but still quite boring.
Competent, and also different from 1990 rock but totally meh...
"you know what the world needs? a two minute synth keyboard intro" W T F.
sweet and fast
It’s a good album and I do approve that hobbit comment
Large, great, amazing... what an album. this is cohesion people. Stone cold classic.
A bit boring but the music is not bad. The album ends quite fast so there you have it.
Steadily good across its 44 minutes. Not filled with hits but an excellent album nevertheless
Cool album but too long. The sax is good.
Quite good and catchy
I totally enjoy old country to be honest.
I don't condone guitar-jerking metal, but this actually starts pretty strong although it becomes more and more cringe, and, the lows of hair metal should be noted as Van Halen's fault.
Totally fun, and the singles where huge back in the day. its unapologetically cheesy as it embraces all of the clichés the band members felt were unfairly erased by the grunge era.
Dated shit.
So much cringe on this list!!!
Weird but enjoyable.
looong, but actually could be better than Back to basics. Beautiful is a true 00's classic.
Why is this list full of cliche mid music?
My ex was Xtina’s #1 fan and always put up this album as the evidence of her quality. She sings quite good, but the ideas are not so and the album is loooooong. 1 additional star for her
This was cheesy af... guess I had to be there but bruh...
Yes this is long, abrasive and weird, but post punk is the reason we even had music at the end of the dreadful 80's at all... I quite hated "First Issue" but this is something else! it should be 4 stars but that baseline is insane.
Some soulful soul alright. good one.
It starts with a barricade of hits, carefully even if industrially crafted, but the thing is that, for a close to an hour record, the genius pop seems to completely fade byt the 4th track leaving the listener with only half decent songs for the rest of the album... it was ok in 1999 a time sadly more remembered in this case for the public and her environment mistreatment of Britney. Baby One More Time the track is timeless, but the true gem from this album is Sometimes. Weird times.
has some fun moments but its cheesy as fuck and it has no business clocking an hour and a half.
I'm inching now towards the finish of the list, I now have more than 1001 albums rated, so this is the final Stevie album in here... well, I don't wanna seem like an uncultured swine seeing the incredible high regard everyone holds him on in here, but he is just not for me, my previous rates attest it. I can hear the talent and the soul, of course, but like, this one for example sounds like parody at various times, maybe I just don't have enough context, I know... well for the closing half of the album, this is going out with 4 stars. Hope to someday meet Stevie again with a renewed perspective.
Cannot believe this is not one of the albums out of the list by now. It really is nothing. It could be 2 stars but being it so irrelevant it gets
It was really going really well and then I guess the drugs hit the bands and it all became just cringe.
I feel like I should have known this album from back in the day but I don't... maybe I did waste my youth
Seeing the very bad rates, I guess I'm in a contrarian streak because I liked it. I mean, for me grateful dead was bad dad country rock but this album was nothing like that, so yeah, I liked it.
Good and varied music.
Good one. A bit long but good.
I guess I could’ve like it at some point in my youth. I don’t now tho.
A 36 minutes long album shouldn’t have so much “failed stuff”. It has some good moments, but annoying the audience just for the sake of it is always a dumb and cheap choice.
Good bars although it feels dated. Us this still on the current list?
Fast and straight to the point. Good one.
Can’t relate
What Latin music sounds to gringos.
This one goes hard works notably well and I can’t believe the use of sax went so downhill after this. I also can’t believe it is averaging less than 3 stars being that most of the reviews are favorable. I’ll rate it 5 stars just for that
People are really hating it! well, its not good but it has its moments. as many albums on the list, it could benefit from being half an hour shorter but truth is, I didn't hate it
A bit entertaining but not something I would listen to again
Up to track 6, this feels not bad but long af. can't believe I'm only like 25 minutes in