All Hope Is Gone
SlipknotMy instinct here was to get through it and move on, but surprise myself to totally vibing out to Slipknot. You live and learn.
My instinct here was to get through it and move on, but surprise myself to totally vibing out to Slipknot. You live and learn.
Started hating it, listened to second half waiting late at night for a no-show bus - very atmospheric would reccomend
Catching up on last 3 days - Hendrix made me appreciate why people bang on about him so much (he's on another level), Hookworms transported me to a cool electronic plane of smooth, but damned if this isn't the album of the 3 that I'll be playing again and again on repeat. Banging.
Another place, another time - to be honest too tied up with work and business to really get the most out of Mariah’s beautiful whistling voice but undoubtedly she is God
Silly lyrics ('I'm all lost in the supermarket'), hardcore lyrics ('he who fucks nuns will later join the church') and noise making ('lalalalalal hurhr huhriuaeh rsafhjd') all just as rockin'.
Surprise Shrek track! Scary cover! Joyously moody throughout
2nd Talking Heads album on day 4??? I must have done something right in a past life. Poetry smashed over smooth funky beats, top tier
Improv jazz, super impressive but not riveting for me
Chilled and deep, probs would have meant a lot to me as a troubled young boy
Moved into a flat to this
Loud, noise, rockin'
Knew Dan the Automator from the Booksmart soundtrack but no idea his background was this cooooooll. Jumpscare gynaecology exam halfway through
Catching up on last 3 days - Hendrix made me appreciate why people bang on about him so much (he's on another level), Hookworms transported me to a cool electronic plane of smooth, but damned if this isn't the album of the 3 that I'll be playing again and again on repeat. Banging.
Oh god my aloof uni peers were right
Deep Blue Sea! He’s real! Rapping about milk and cereal my fave
Reminds me of my dad’s pub band (compliment)
Yet another 'oh I get the fuss now' album
The kind of music that people who are really into music like (slightly vague, lots of loops, high pitched voice ‘woo’ing over it’s own modulated feedback) - am aspiring to the be the kind of person who can properly differentiate between tracks
Prefer their older stuff, still banging
Listened to this stuck at a train station
My instinct here was to get through it and move on, but surprise myself to totally vibing out to Slipknot. You live and learn.
Bought an old copy of The Magic Roundabout board game to this album. Pretty radical.
Recognised more of this than I expected - good one Police
Another place, another time - to be honest too tied up with work and business to really get the most out of Mariah’s beautiful whistling voice but undoubtedly she is God
Yet another one that I can't believe has passed me by until now given how iconic it is - worth the rep
Fun jingles
My favourite part was the bit where he screamed 'I'm a monkeeeeeyy' because I love monkeys
Secrets: Openly available to listen to Three: Track 5 The Final Sound: Followed by 4 more songs Seventeen Seconds: 4 minutes long This album is full of lies but really good
Cosmic Americana. Sick.
Rigged lights to this
Had a pub lunch to this
Sorted Pokemon cards to this
Did the dishes to this
Screwed in wooden stage floor to this
Lostened to this whilst washing loads of dishes
This was rad
Fuck this was so good - love his full accent thing going on
Yet another ‘I now understand the hype’ list
Really odd listening to this after knowing the film soundtrack so well. Still some banging tracks, don't see how anyone could possibly make sense of this version but fun nonetheless
Listened to this in my in-laws house just chilling on the sofa.
Long and jazzy
Incredible work, perhaps not the best one to sit and listen to whilst totally sedentary, very long and very mosh inducing
Alright, actually
Listened to this staring syraight ahead whilst moving backwards on a train. Sesame Street samples a highlight
Hello old faithful
Like riding in my parents car agaib
Catching up on several albums in a row it’s easy to get distracted but this hits you like a freight train
Surprise rage from Randy
Wikis on other albums often have things like 'they wrote too many verses and struggled knowing which ones to cut out.' Bob Dylan has avoided this problem by never ever cutting out a verse.
Wasn’t sure I liked this but then gnome
All covers, all good ones
Never listened to the newer stuff before, good work Dave
Sounds super different to the last Beck album that came up on this (but I am no Beck expert), deffo coming back for more now
Rocked my world way harder than I expected soft electronic to ever do - after a couple of these types(ish) of albums I can confirm the only way to listen is to be stuck on a train with volume up and thoughts a-wanderin’
banging start to end
Good funky hour or so, can see why he's such a legend but not one that's FULLY hooked me yet. Can see it growing.
I never think I'm all that much into rap (I have several friends who know every detail of every rapper's lives and who has guested on whose albums and the whole infrastructure of it all) then occasionally one like this hits and it's going on loop for the next month
Took a while but then got into the overpowered electro-rock - listened to ‘Waiting for the Night’ whilst waiting at a trains station at night and woo howdy
Enjoyed, can’t remember any of it already
Sent me into a trance with it’s 27 minute track - not sure it’s for me but love the audacity and enjoyed it over a pint as I’m sure is best
There’s one funny lyric containing several slurs in a row (about girls being lesbians because they’re not interested and then seeing some people he’s not a fan of) that has me guffawing every listen. Otherwise goes hard love it
Nice walking jams, need to think about properly sitting down to listen to these as I’m sure it became background gumpf to just mulling over the day’s plans
Bag Lady
Changes a surprise banger liked the rest loved that
Not Garbage
Incredible voice, yet another artist I mainly knew from general culture rather than their music until now. Lovely work
feel like this is another one of those albums I'm not 'supposed' to like, but it jammed and I get the appeal
A classic rock type of thing that I’m not always enamoured with, but tasty licks
Never heard this before, but if I had it would have been on a tape in my mum’s car
3 albums in one. Three while LPs. Reaally? Some good songs in there
I AM a shining star!!
Relaxing, forgettable but Julio is in the Muppets (2011) so….
Sex songs
He loves saying lyrics twice in a row
I DO want to rule the world! How did they know? Good tuneage xx
Lots of hate in the reviews here - not sure it warrants a best of all time placement, but nice and relaxing. More Byrds ahead it seems
Incredible, and live!! Not normally as big a fan of live albums, but this is great
Orangutang man! my favourite was the one about a banana split
Sad, liked that he opens with a summary of the Seventh Seal
Loved certain bits of this, sure it would be amazing experience to space out to live, but for a novice Hawkwind listener it’s a hell of a lot to get through
Every song sounds fairly the same, lucky thing that song is banging
Sad, haunting voice- a but jarring hearing such recognisable songs as Cash covers but if you can get over it then it’s great
Listened up to where the original show ended (Mood Indigo, so longer than the first release but not the full 2 hour 1999 release either) and have to say it was incredible. For others unversed in jazz i can fully recommend this as an undeniably perfect intro
So…. Relaxing…
I give everything 5 but this deserves it
Love the music, some of the ‘liveness’ is great but I can’t help agreeing wanting either a polished studio version (which we have ofc for the songs) or an unedited, unfiltered recording with all the booing etc. Hard to feel significant when what makes it significant is edited away
Loved some bits, bored by most
He really can do whatever he wants, legend
wtf was with that creepy kid? Otherwise solid relaxing game music
Mmmm grungy - took me back to playing Rock Band on the wii
Found this whole thing very silly (I love) and good party nonsense (more love) - a good lesson in why it’s sometimes better to not have any contextual knowledge of the “artist”
Really wanted to like this in order to feel like I had a rogue opinion. Unfortunately everyone is right
I get it now
West Side Story jumpscare - good throughout, 1st track legendary
Chef makes 39 seconds of dialogue last 8 minutes
Love when he shouts 'ordeeeerrr!'
Man that guy can bellow
I liked the bit about hanging out with sheep in succulent pastures xx
One of the best albums yet -
Maybe someone with a better knowledge of audio could explain to me, why this live album from 1963 sounded so damn clean and sweet to listen to compared to so much later recording studio stuff??? There's probably an explanation and better words to describe it, but this blew me away with sound quality. Also with the music.
To quote another review's quote of Angus Young: "I'm sick to death of people saying we've made 11 albums that sound exactly the same. In fact, we've made 12 albums that sound exactly the same."
Cool, was on the tube so maybe need to go again but good fun
Is it me or are most Ye albums about a variety of things? Including his penis, sure, but this feels like an exclusive topic on this album
Moody goth electric depression
Some of the songs felt extremely long, but I am EXTREMELY down for the fake band concept and there’s some major bangers in there
Grew up knowing Flava Flav as the television personality - glad this project can remind me that many reality tv stars were people once
Monkey song, 10/10
As a fan of mental films which make outrageous choices I am a certified SUCKER for all things Tommy - rest of it also good fun, though the talking bits were so quiet I could not hear them all that well- glad they were having fun though xx
Started hating it, listened to second half waiting late at night for a no-show bus - very atmospheric would reccomend
Love it when the dads are right - also never forget when Ian Brown played a copper in the This Is England '86 fight scene
Gorgeous early morning listening
Aw, man, this slaps! Extra pints for the insane noises during Isn’t She Lovely and the sheer audacity of Coolio to be annoyed at Weird Al for Amish Paradise
Some remarkably great bits and some remarkably dull bits - the singles great, and overall enjoyed the energy it was giving, but dance music maybe you have to be in the right space
Behind on this project so listening on December 29th, baby! Still great - so many compilation albums that are essentially just all these songs. Thanks Phil for doing it first
Lots of reviews calling it the local improv theatre of music - jokes on you, I LIKE local improv theatre! Some hits and some misses, but overall really into the sad storytelling meanderings
Partway through he starts saying ‘nyum’ a lot - immense comeback of the phrase in the final track
Had a big REM phase when younger - lovely xx
Am sure very impressive, but experimental jazz just washes over me and I couldn’t say it did much for me
Slick licks! Tasty vocals! Rad! Enjoyed that it starts as rock and by the very end was this weird hypnotic electro stuff
Good vibes all round - making love til the cops knock a very funny concept
Now behind on other albums this is so long, BUT bold move to basically do 2 solo albums, and full of corkers
Shelter From The Storm is the final track in Sam Steiner's excellent and moving play 'You Stupid Darkness!' so it's a win from me xx
man this was full on - lots of songs that sound like they should be on tik tok with guys in Joker make-up lip syncing about their lack of gfs or something
I enjoyed myself
Good vibes, too uneducated to speak much to the genre fusion stuff but had a good time - weirdly got a big soft spot for ending on a massive drum solo that only comes through your left ear
Am I allowed to say I enjoyed this? Other reviewers all hate it lol Down with Clapton, up with noodling
Goes down easy, vibes vibes vibes
I AM THE LIZARD QUEEEN preservation society
Always down for the Beatles, this one I had on record back when I owned like 3 so is etched deeply into my brain - nice to come back to, like visiting home
I thought this was total rubbish, but then in the track 'Sometimes' he says 'Sometimes a rich man won't have a dollar/And all a poor man has is greed' and then pauses, and then says 'woah' at his own mind-blowing thought
Absolutely incredible - no notes
Oooooohhhhh eeeeee aaaaäǎeee
Feel very cool ambling down the street to this
Opening track was the credits music in the first Twilight film so obviously top tier
Glad I’m not the only one to immediately think of Tenacious D - weird growing up with and knowing deeply the parody of something, then only experiencing the real deal at age 29. Totally skews the experience - feel similarly about Flight of the Conchords and a lot of folk music
Rod loves to say ‘oh baby’
Fine - I’ve loved all Fleetwood Mac til this point, so will give another chance - one of the many that became kind of background noise Am starting to think one should actually sit and listen properly rather than just in commutes lol
Very tough listen. Loads of people at school were obsessed, but I’m starting to think they were more really into the idea of liking Slipknot than they were into Slipknot. I ate up System of a Down about the same time, so maybe that’s me sated for screaming nu-metal for a lifetime
Think I’m largely too happy for this