Street Signs
OzomatliExcellent. Loved the entire album. Listened to it the entire day, and started diving into their other work.
Excellent. Loved the entire album. Listened to it the entire day, and started diving into their other work.
I question why this was even made. What the hell was that parade song?
I will say there were a couple of catchy songs. However, mostly this album sounded like something I could make if i wrapped my head in tin foil and went into my garage to fuck with all the miscellaneous shit that I’m storing for no reason. I’d give it three stars, but I now have anxiety with all the shit I have to clear out in my garage which almost brought it to a one…. But I’m still pro tin foil so it gets two!
I’m not too familiar with Peter Gabriel’s work. I did assume this album had the majority of what I knew, and I was right. But mostly this is meh for me. I do question how the hell sledgehammer came out it ‘86, I was born in ‘87 and that music video remains prominent in my childhood memory.
Flawless Victory
Didn’t like this a bit. Hard to listen to it all when it kept putting me to sleep.
This was fine, but I don’t understand the hype. I ended the album fell rather underwhelmed by it all together.
Not my favorite album by them, but a winner nonetheless.
Excellent. Loved the entire album. Listened to it the entire day, and started diving into their other work.
Ray of light is such a catchy song, and I love it. The rest of the album fails to deliver though. I liked some aspects of what Madonna was trying to do, but it fell flat for me.
I question why this was even made. What the hell was that parade song?
This felt disjointed, and still quite bland. I think Paul was trying too hard to pretend he was not trying. He should have saved his energy, and skipped making this.
Finally a band I know! I’ve seen them perform this same exact album. They only perform every Tuesday at the Blue Ball. Don’t know the Blue Ball? It’s the only bar in the city that still allows smoking, and where you have a 1/3 chance of food poisoning when you order a bowl of pretzels. I’d rather order 3 bowls of pretzels from the Blue Ball than listen to this again. I’d have a lesser chance of getting sick.
I respect Nirvana, and will give all the accolades they deserve. This is not my sound, and I will never choose to go back to it. But you can’t deny there is something great about what they were doing.
Great album, even if it was a little long winded. Hoe the hell did Coolio get into the album though? I was so confused
Let me just say this first. I really can’t stand live albums. A live album always drips of pretentiousness, with self doubt sewed in between each song. As if they need to hear their fans cheering them on to give their work any credibility. With that being said this album is apparently not so live as they dubbed the shit out of it. Makes me think if they performed on SNL they would have lip synced a la Ashlee Simpson. Ashlee at least had “vocal cord inflammation”. What is Lizzy’s excuse for needing to dub their “Live” album? So my thoughts left are “WTF”. This might be the fakest album I’ve ever heard. Every song felt like an eternity to get through. This should be removed off this list immediately.
Until now I really only knew their big hits and I was neutral at best with those. Overall, I enjoyed this album though. More than I thought I was going to. This is a high 3 for me, but I’m giving it a 4 for exceeding my expectations.
This was different. While I will never feel the need to revisit this, it was a good change of pace.
I know this is 1001 albums to listen to before you die. Well, I’d rather die listening to only 1000 of these albums, than to listen to this album in its entirety. A big NOPE for me.
I was apprehensive at first, but slowly got into this. So many red flags from the first track screaming “DANGER: this is not something you will like”. But then it lingered. His vocals that originally sounded tortured spinned into something very harmonic and peaceful. The melody seemed boring, but then became exciting. I’m surprised with the rating I’m giving it, but I’m happy I found this.
The music was fine background noise. I didnt mind the music, but the album itself was so unnecessary. This could have been reduced by three hours, and would still be too long. If the album is going to take me 4 hours to finish it needs to change my life. This didn’t do it.
I enjoyed this well enough. It didn’t grip me enough to want to revisit it, or explore more from R.E.M. this was a perfectly neutral 3.
This album sounds like something I would listen to if I was gearing up for a fun day at the renaissance festival, or a few rounds of frisbee golf. Thankfully, I’m not the type of person to either of those things. So, this album failed to resonate with me.
Finally an album I’m familiar with. This is an interesting one for me. I had a weird Beck phase when I was younger. So, the nostalgia alone wants me to rate this high. I am reminded that I don’t like all of his work though. When Beck can show restraint he knocks it out of the park. When he doesn’t, I feel I’m getting whiplash. Then the anxiety comes in as I don’t know what to expect on the next track. Hell even on the same track you might be surprised how the song ends. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it becomes irritating. Overall the good outweighs the bad.
This was a good listen. Well put together. The were a few tracks I saved to my library. I’d be interested to hear more by The Kinks, but probably not going out of my way to do so.
What’s good enough for the Queen is good enough for me. I’d like more like this.
So yes, there is one song on this album that is vaguely familiar. But does that song really hold so much weight that album is worth listening to? No. This was mediocre at best. Didn’t hate it enough to give it a 1. So it will get a 2 for not resonating with me at all. Which is almost worse than a 1. At least a 1 can produce negative feelings from me.
The songs were too short. They felt like they were building up to something, but failed to reach their climax. Leaving me with blue balls on several occasions. And, yet the album in its entirety was way too long. It outstayed its welcome. I wanted a pump and dump, not a long term commitment.
As a retail worker, I’m considering this hateful I am receiving this album on Xmas day. Outside of the holiday I might be more forgiving, and give this a shot. I didn’t go through 2 months of cheerful, joyful noise pollution to have it intercept my one day of peace.
I’m rather indifferent by this. Mostly bored. Didn’t draw my attention. Should’ve know when it started with a 16 minute instrumental track.
I’m quite high on this. Nothing was gripping or exciting to listen to. But the album alone was very pleasant and easy to listen through. Background music done well.
This is a refreshing surprise. An actually upbeat album on this list? I was having an angry day at work today, and listening to this lightened my mood slightly. My employees thank the Go-Gos for this magical delight.
I can see every pretentious poser in my high school raving about how this album was so great, and influential. It’s not. It’s garbage. Trash. Was this band even successful at sucking? Never heard of them before now, and this will simply be the most forgotten album I listen to on this list. They suck so much I won’t even remember how much they suck. I’m thankful that they suck that much at least.
This was fine.
At first impression I thought I would hate this. After a few songs I was surprised I didn’t hate it, it seemed ok. But as I got deeper into the album I found I lost all my grace with this. It became as grating and mundane as I thought it would. I can see why they never took off.
This was an excellent listen. I remember some of these songs playing when I was young, but this is the first time I listened to this as an adult. Well worth the revisit.
I can see why Janis dropped these losers and went for a solo career. There was way too much busyness that didn’t gel with her distinctive voice.
A good listen, but the entire album felt a little basic for Elton. Putting Tiny Dancer first track in the album didn’t do this album any justice either. Nothing else felt like it could rise to the same greatness of that song. I come away being rather neutral on this specific album.
This mostly sounded like music the goblins from the labyrinth would make if they didn’t have any direction from David Bowie. Didn’t love this, but surprisingly I didn’t hate this either. I will never repeat this though, so…
This was a fun one. Kinda mesmerizing in a way. I felt like I entered a portal into her world. The entire album was very fluid, but each track was very distinct in its own way.
I’m pretty sure this is something my brother listened to in high school in between blink 182 and linkin park. He wouldn’t listen to the full cd though. Just the five songs that were also over polluted on radio. Probably still does listen to this album actually. I cringed through this entire album.
I don’t really get this. It was fine, but rather boring. I didn’t hate it. Not worth a second listen though. Sidenote: Sultans of swing is the dumbest fucking song I’ve ever heard. I’d give it a 2 for the album, but that song alone deserves a 1
This album has a lot of good ideas, and i overall like the sound of most of this album. It falls a little short though. I kept waiting for the album to really take off, and it didn’t. Just stayed stagnant.
I obviously know many of these songs, and the songs alone are great. Even if they were an over concentrated at the time of their release. This just isn’t my vibe. The album itself I grew tired of. The sad love ballads is fine, but I don’t need an entire album of it.
I actually kinda liked this. It was an easy listen, and had some fun moments. A couple duds. I wasn’t bored though.
This album benefited by popping up on the weekend. I listened to it several times this weekend. Right off the first listen I loved the first half. I was unsure about the second part of this album at first due to it being mostly instrumental. But further listens to it I really grew to appreciate it more than the first half.
So they had one song on this album that was remotely good. That song itself I was questioning why it wasn’t ending when it should have. It just lingered annoyingly. The rest of the album was boring, and uninspired.
A fine listen. A little too twangy for me, but I guess that makes sense for the album. Not something I will revisit. Didn’t hate it though.
Loved this. There were a couple of duds that will hold me back from giving it a 5. I did appreciate how every song felt like it had its own mood. Lots of fun. I will revisit this.
I enjoyed the overall sound. I did find myself bored with this half way through though. I wont be surprised if I forgot this album existed by the end of the week. It failed to leave any sort of impression on me.
Wow, never listened to The Doors. And now that I have I can say full heartedly “They suck”. Many of the songs were long winded, and all were such a bore. I did try to listen to it a second time, just in case I was just in the wrong mood for my first listen. Nope that shit sucked worse than the first time.
Like she is Aretha. That alone warrants a high score. Every song is great. I don’t think that I can give it a 5 though. Just cause I doubt I will be adding this album to my regular play list. I still would consider this a high 4.
I’m sure this is good. I’m sure that there are people who love this sort of music. I just don’t really care to waste my time listening to this. Not for me.
I was concerned when I saw this pop up for today. I have never had any interest in listening through a James addiction album. I’m surprised I didn’t hate this more. In no way am I saying this was worth my time. I was just surprised this doesn’t fall into the 1 category. This album isn’t unlistenable, but it’s not really an enjoyable experience.
I never understood the hype of Johnny Cash. This album doesn’t change my opinion either. I don’t really need to hear his underwhelming versions of what are already underwhelming songs.
There was some good stuff here. Didn’t change my world. I was happy to have this though after this weeks poor showing of albums. Getting a 4 as this is above average on the listening scale. I am interested but in hearing more from them.
I don’t think Jazz is for me. Given it enough tries now to say this with confidence. I’d be cool with never hearing a trumpet ever again. I don’t even know if a trumpet was featured in this album though… There was definitely a horn of some sort featured in this… I’d be cool with blocking all horns from music now on.
This was certainly a choice to have this as one of 1001 albums you need to hear before you die. I really don’t think anyone needs to hear this. I did find this at least a ridiculously hilarious choice. I kept thinking it would be funny if someone stole my phone while I was walking around the city listening to this. The thief would be so confused with what I was listening to. That hypothetical situation made me delighted. And for that alone I’m going to remain neutral on this.
I thought this was rather good. Not something I would listen to all the time. But this had enough depth and complexity to keep me interested throughout the album. Good background music when I’m in the kitchen
Is this what good jazz is? It’s better than the rest of the jazz albums popping up these past couple weeks. It still tests my patience. It got old real quick. I’m going to be generous here because I found the first song rather favorable.
I can appreciate what they did for their first track. The rest of the album didn’t offend me either. Not really my music though. A little too shouty. A little too much electric guitar.
I thought this album was going to be very easy to get through with it only being 35 minutes long. It was not as Tracy’s message in this album will sit with me a long while. This really is not my vibe, as it’s too sad for me to want to repeat this very often. But the powerful songwriting, and the relevance of the albums subject material even today makes this higher than my preferred listening experience.
For fucks sake. This sucked. I will not be going back to the chicken shack.
This took me a little bit to get into. By the second half I was drawn it. On my second listen I felt similarly. I’m leaning towards this is mostly all good. Didn’t quite hit the mark to get 5 stars from me.
Want one? No thanks. I want none of this.