I will say there were a couple of catchy songs. However, mostly this album sounded like something I could make if i wrapped my head in tin foil and went into my garage to fuck with all the miscellaneous shit that I’m storing for no reason. I’d give it three stars, but I now have anxiety with all the shit I have to clear out in my garage which almost brought it to a one…. But I’m still pro tin foil so it gets two!
I’m not too familiar with Peter Gabriel’s work. I did assume this album had the majority of what I knew, and I was right. But mostly this is meh for me. I do question how the hell sledgehammer came out it ‘86, I was born in ‘87 and that music video remains prominent in my childhood memory.
Flawless Victory
Didn’t like this a bit. Hard to listen to it all when it kept putting me to sleep.
This was fine, but I don’t understand the hype. I ended the album fell rather underwhelmed by it all together.
Not my favorite album by them, but a winner nonetheless.
Excellent. Loved the entire album. Listened to it the entire day, and started diving into their other work.
Ray of light is such a catchy song, and I love it. The rest of the album fails to deliver though. I liked some aspects of what Madonna was trying to do, but it fell flat for me.
I question why this was even made. What the hell was that parade song?
This felt disjointed, and still quite bland. I think Paul was trying too hard to pretend he was not trying. He should have saved his energy, and skipped making this.
Finally a band I know! I’ve seen them perform this same exact album. They only perform every Tuesday at the Blue Ball. Don’t know the Blue Ball? It’s the only bar in the city that still allows smoking, and where you have a 1/3 chance of food poisoning when you order a bowl of pretzels. I’d rather order 3 bowls of pretzels from the Blue Ball than listen to this again. I’d have a lesser chance of getting sick.
I respect Nirvana, and will give all the accolades they deserve. This is not my sound, and I will never choose to go back to it. But you can’t deny there is something great about what they were doing.
Great album, even if it was a little long winded. Hoe the hell did Coolio get into the album though? I was so confused
Let me just say this first. I really can’t stand live albums. A live album always drips of pretentiousness, with self doubt sewed in between each song. As if they need to hear their fans cheering them on to give their work any credibility. With that being said this album is apparently not so live as they dubbed the shit out of it. Makes me think if they performed on SNL they would have lip synced a la Ashlee Simpson. Ashlee at least had “vocal cord inflammation”. What is Lizzy’s excuse for needing to dub their “Live” album? So my thoughts left are “WTF”. This might be the fakest album I’ve ever heard. Every song felt like an eternity to get through. This should be removed off this list immediately.
Until now I really only knew their big hits and I was neutral at best with those. Overall, I enjoyed this album though. More than I thought I was going to. This is a high 3 for me, but I’m giving it a 4 for exceeding my expectations.
This was different. While I will never feel the need to revisit this, it was a good change of pace.