The Stranger
Billy JoelAll the jams. Lots of depth here.
All the jams. Lots of depth here.
Preferred the slower jams on this one (After Supper, Splanky) - had no idea this dude existed!
Yikes. I skipped almost every song on this album hoping that the next one would not suck, but was continually let down. There are so many albums that are probably not on this list that should be and this garbage made it?? Shame.
I didn’t find anything interesting about this. Was this the same song for 2 hours?
I don't think I've ever listened to this record straight through, so was excited for the opportunity. It did not disappoint (like the previous two records we had to slog through). Highlights: the mention of "compact disc" on track 1, Genocide - what an absolute banger. This is technically 4.5 stars because I really don't enjoy Dexter's voice but I appreciate how this record made music like this more accessible to the general public.
The first track on this album is a 5 (I Wanna Destroy You). I do think this band was probably the first of its kind to inspire music like Nada Surf / any kind of college indie - was a cool listen as I didn’t know these guys existed.
Once again had no idea this dude existed - good listen. The flow is a little slow / basic for me, but I get what this has probably done for the future of rap and it's a nice album to chill to in the morning. Highlights include: "Da Bichez" and the chill overall vibe (Yo! MTV Raps, anyone?)
His voice - how??? So many jams on this. Heck yeah.
Really not into the Pet Shop Boys [woof]. This one was tough to get through - I honestly do not know how music like this is still a thing. Help. I kind of want to go back and give Rufus more stars after having to deal with this lollll.
Boring. Sounds like it should have been a thing way before 2008.
1st song is epic - so much to unpack. This really is a quintessential metal album: musically, it's all there - fast stuff, breakdowns, insane guitar work, legit (but maybe not great) vocals, group yells.
aka baby makin’ music. Good listen!
Respect Iron Maiden but this album as a whole is pretty meh.
I really liked this. I think you definitely need to be in a certain vibe to listen to it though.
No notes.
Everyone knows that AC/DC only has one song and they just change the lyrics to make an album, right? There’s so much more potential here but they came up short on this one.
There was a reason I never got into Belle & Sebastian - this album is pretty meh and kind of boring.
Not terrible, no real stand-outs on this one, though. Very glad I now know Dusty is not a boy..
A live album?? Ugh. I really hope there’s another Johnny Cash album that I can award more stars to ‘cause I don’t have the patience to deal with a live albums…
Solid. Was waiting for this one!
A fun listen. I dub thee ‘Happier Morrissey’.
This David Bowie album just wasn’t for me.
Joni Mitchell is not for me. (This seems to be a theme haha)
I had never listened to this album in its entirety, so this was fun (and good).
There is nothing wrong with the Beach Boys.
Brian Eno is a legend. This album does not disappoint.
This album was not what I expected at all, having never listened to a whole Talking Heads album at once, but this thing is a real banger.
All the jams. While I fully understood that Freebird is an epic song, listening to it in this context really solidified that.
I was really hoping a Joy Division album would make it on here. This band really paved the way for a lot of bands and basically the whole post-punk/post-hardcore movement in the '80s. Very good album.
I don't think I'm on enough drugs to enjoy this in its full capacity... Lyrics from 'A Very Cellular Song' (which is THIRTEEN MINUTES LONG, by the way): "Nebulous nearnesses cry to me at this timeless moment someone dear to me | Wants me near, makes me high, I can hear vibrations fly | through mangoes, pomegranates, and planes all the same | When it reaches me and teaches me to sigh" ............ wtf?? Is that a harpsichord??? A kazoo?? A recorder?? it does seem like everyone on the cover of this album is participating in the music here.
Yesss. Love this band.
The beginning of this album is very good; but, the 2nd half of this album is basically flawless.
This was....fine.
okay now that I've been transported back to high school soccer bus rides to away games, there are some real bangers on this album but also some really slow/weird jams.
Knowing nothing about this artist, I assumed this was a reggae album and boy was I unpleasantly surprised when whatever the heck this is started blaring out of my office speaker. Oof. Sorry Jah Wobble, but you can't call yourself that and produce this trash.
Musically, this was solid...just not my thing.
Influential. Beautiful. No notes.
Okay the thumbnail of this album here and on the Apple Music site are different.... but similarly .... interesting. Kicking it off with "THE WORLD IS MY OYSTER" is a fun move, but like....what on Earth is this? ....shooting stars never stop, even when they reach the top, y'all. WOAH - you have to listen to 13+ min of "welcome to the pleasuredome" before you get to have the realization that this is the RELAX...DON'T DO IT... band. hahaha. turning it around.
Well this started off especially strong, but became increasingly difficult to get through after the first jam.
Not my favorite David Bowie's David Bowie nonetheless.
Didn't know this was the 'Feelin' Alright'' band! Decent album.
Glad I waited until a rainy day to listen to this one. Really solid album; can see how this influenced *a lot* of folk/indie music.
I'm just...not that into Neil Young. Especially the boring kind of Neil Young that is on this album...
I've been waiting for this album :)
Was pleasantly surprised by this one. I haven’t spent a lot of time listening to the Beatles so had a very narrow expectation of this. This album is very well-rounded - would listen again.
I am struggling to rate this one. Overall, this is a really good album, but I'm just not into it. I am, however, into a lot of bands that were very clearly influenced by this one, so I feel like I need to give them some more credit.
What a gem. I think all 5 of these stars are nostalgia-related, but whatever, this album is still great. When I was in middle school, I had to pick a biography to read for a book report and much to my surprise, my local library had one on Alanis Morissette. I don't doubt that I had the coolest book in the class hahaha.
I don’t like this band and this album did not change that.
Ugh this dude…
No notes.
This is just bad. The lyrics are terrible (honestly how many times can one man say 'fuck' on a record? This gem did make me laugh, though: "If I say "fuck" two more times / That's forty-six "fuck"s in this fucked up rhyme"). The music is also very bad. I hope this record is on here just to let other people know what they should not sound like.
I had never truly listened to Liz Phair until this album popped up here and I was very glad to have had this opportunity.
at least it was only 40 minutes long...
This was fine. Classic album, classic band. Nothing super special about it.
Please, no more live albums.... like this band is good but I don't want to listen to a 15min long drum solo then random banter about how everything in the monitor needs to be louder.
This is probably not the worst Neil Young record but I just can't with this guy. 1 extra star 'cause I know he's got more that are not this "good".
I had no idea what I was listening to after a while and definitely did a check to make sure it was still this album.... haha
I enjoyed this but nothing really stood out to me. I would *love* to hear Lake Street Dive cover "What More Can I Say?". Oooof.
This was fine.
This definitely isn't "the" Cure album, but man this band is a vibe. I've been having a good time throwing it back to this era/style today - glad to have this one on the list :)
Can’t knock the Boss!
This is fine.
Wow. I had no idea how talented this woman is.
This is... fine. Nothing is really standing out to me.
I refuse to listen to this. Bah humbug!
All the bangers. I didn't realize how folky Rod Stewart is. Great album, start to finish.
Is there a better jam than Man in the Mirror??? ooof. What a legend. Solid record.
For some reason I expected this to be way better, but it's still a very solid album!
What’s with the marathon length of this? I struggled to get through more than 30 seconds of each song on this album...
Really fun record.
This album is quite underwhelming. At one point, I didn't even notice it was still on! It gives off some serious Band of Horses snooze-fest vibes.
So many jams. I know ZZ top from the *absolutely wild* stuff my dad would listen to while working on his motorcycles, so I honestly had no idea he had songs that were not completely from outerspace. Every single song on this record is a banger.
Prince is a legend.
This is the highest rating I will ever give a live album.... B.B. King is a legend. This would be 5 stars if it wasn’t live.
More Rod Stewart? This album was good, but I liked Every Picture Tells a Story a lot more.
This album is highlighting why I thought doing this whole 1001 albums thing would be fun/informative - e.g., Pastime Paradise - how have I never heard this song? Why is the only version I know of it sung by Coolio? Does anyone make original music anymore??? SO MANY QUESTIONS. Anyway, Sir Duke is probably #1 song of all time, don't @ me. The reason this is getting 4 stars and not 5 is because why on earth is this not only a 2xLP, but a 2xLP *with a bonus side*?? There are too many songs that I skipped that should not have been included on here to make it a 5. Sorry, Stevie. All the jams though, no doubt.
Listening to Neil Young sing is a bit like eating cilantro—it’s definitely not for everyone. His voice? A unique blend of a haunted harmonica and a yodeling ghost. This is the second Neil Young album so far, and I have to ask: is 'no one sounds like him' supposed to be a compliment? Because I can confirm—no one should sound like him. That said, I get it, kinda. The songs have heart, and the lyrics clearly mean something to him (though deciphering them can feel like a treasure hunt in an emotional minefield). Tracks like 'Only Love Can Break Your Heart' made me pause, maybe even feel things. But then, the next track would pull me back into Neil’s falsetto vortex of existential whining.
Meh. I really don't like this band.
I really liked this. Also, for this to come directly following a Doors album is really comical for me (I *hate* the way the Doors use the organ in their jams) - this album really showcases what you *should* be doing with an organ in this style of music. Good listen.
Another epically long album, but this one holds up. Almost all of these songs are great. Solid record.
Okay. I don't hate this one as much as all the other Neil Young albums thus far (three?? already?? please no more...). This one does not showcase his nails-on-a-chalkboard voice as much as the others.
I honestly did not know what to expect and could not be more confused by the journey this album took me on. Pt. 1 was pleasant. Pt. sounded like GWAR and Enya had a baby?? This is so weird. I did not have the patience for all the extra tracks on the 50th (!) anniversary edition...
This is so good. No notes.
This was really great. Love & Affection was a definite highlight. It also sounds like Dave Matthews is very influenced by Joan Armatrading... but how would I know that (hahahah).
A live album that did not seem as such! Incredible voice. Good jams.
This was fine.
Solid 3.6, so I guess I'll round up.
Solid, but we all knew that.
Locally known as A Band of Bees, I remember being obsessed with a more recent album of theirs we got at the radio station. This album covers it all - so eclectic and yet put together. Solid. Really like this band.
I mean, I know King Crimson are weird, but this just doesn't do it for me. Probably need to be on drugs? I dunno...
Super chill; really liked this one.
This is an album I already have in heavy rotation and man is it a good one. Favorites include First of the Gang to Die, Irish Blood / English Heart, and Let Me Kiss You; but they're all legit.
Solid record; these dudes truly did something original with their sound. Glad I got to listen to the whole thing via this journey!
This was really fun but very repetitive. Still was nice to listen to when I was cranking out meeting minutes on a rainy Friday afternoon...
Not for me.
This is...fine? I don't abhor it but I'd probably not listen to this willingly again.
I’ve been to more U2 shows than I care to admit (don’t ask), and still have to say that this band is boring AF. Meh amount of stars.
Again??? This album is better than the one yesterday but still boring..
I didn't love this.
Black Hole Sun and Spoonman are definite highlights that I was obsessed with in probably middle school? The rest of the album is pretty meh.
Um. This is bizarre. I feel like this is something you would hear as background noise for a modern art museum installation. Interesting for sure, but really hard to get through. Was hopeful this was a death metal/punk album due to the cover art alone :-D
This was okay. I cannot imagine listening to this after a break-up though...ooof this guy only writes sad songs about loving some hot babe who doesn't return the favor (or can't).
No notes.
This is legit giving me anxiety. I hate it.
This was okay.
I've always been obsessed with Heavy Metal Drummer. Solid album.
Not bad but nothing really stood out to me.