Isaac HayesWow! A special treat. Forgot about this album - As a kid, I loved the Oscar winning title track, and the album holds up with nice, smooth R&B/Jazz. nice . Man this is one "Mother-f*cking albu... WATCH YOUR MOUTH!!!"
Wow! A special treat. Forgot about this album - As a kid, I loved the Oscar winning title track, and the album holds up with nice, smooth R&B/Jazz. nice . Man this is one "Mother-f*cking albu... WATCH YOUR MOUTH!!!"
,,, I don't know.. missing something here... sounds like every other indie guy moping about something....
nice hearing jerry Live, Short album! All the hits.
Great album - maybe? I had it on at work, listing to I, but... cannot recall a single song or tune.
... wow... I know some B-Boy fans may be ga-ga over this, but I thought it is a hot mess. The vocals and melodies are there, but man-o-man I can't un-hear this. Don't lump what Brian was trying to create here.... 2 only because he threw in a "Good Vibrations" redo,
5 star. Seminal classic
wonderful smooth classic album. Great listen
Great selection of American standards done as only Willie can do, Was not a big fan of Old Red, but this one is worth a listen.
Nothing special -all songs sound alike. Has that 90s feel... nothing stands out
Wow. Part 1 you've all hesrd before, - mixes thing up but them, no need to add the names of the instruments as then are added. Really impacts the flow. Pt2 much better,,, until the groans come in. Them he starts the Sailor's hornpipe early. Forget the final track. Not sure what he was aiming for. Great skills and accomplishment.
Not bad - the American sound/vocals almost reminds me of a neo-punk band. Prefer the original over the covers. Will not listen to again tho,,,
A nice gentle listen. Good old school soul.An album not disappointed to hear. Worthy of list
WOW - Fantastic early Pre RESPECT Aretha. A treasure Thanks for bringing it to our attention
never gave this a real listen back in the day. Actually, better than I imagined. Some songs reminded me of Joan Jett and the Blackhearts with pure rock
Nice smooth Mello. Good to hear some other songs besides their hits (Mr. Soul).
My man! Jimi is legendary. Although a fan, Ive not heard all of his albums so this was a treat. Amazed how many artists tried to keep the songs under 3:30 minutes. A shame. Good stuff here
Great OG music. Starts off Fab, gets a little tired about 3/4 in, but representative of the Boys. I did not latch onto them when they first came out (thought gimmick) but I became a fan later on.
Enjoyable - not their most popular but man, they do have talent. Voices like angels!
Never heard the entire album before, just played the cr out of "Been Caught Stealing" which is always been. fav. Surprisingly good all around. Def 90s but nothing wrong with that!
I understand the relevance of this album - it moved theneedlw back in the day. However, I was never a big fan. Although some real good classics, and songs thatI had not heard which were decent, I am still not overly impressed.
Not my genre- better than expected
An amazing first album - Big time Steely Dan Fan, and Donald Fagen's still relevant today (RIP Mr. Becker)/ So much artistry and unique style. Do yourself a favor and listen 2x if this is a new album to you. Finally , a second 5 rated album!
its odd hearing albums you heard for ever growing yup and thought they were IT - with ears 40+ years older. Some hits became/are American Rock classics.. but overall, I have to drop it down a peg. 3/5. Boss is still The Boss
I actual do not mind Dana Electronica, when it is done well and hoping. Tight has too many longer, slower songs that I would not use the Dance genre. Not bad - decent musical arrangement. Can't believe they have 2 discs...
nice hearing jerry Live, Short album! All the hits.
MEH.. You go right to "Waterfalls" aft listen through the first few song... "Take Our Time" not bad... like early Janet Jackson.
Solid. A nice cool, fun listen, Lots of classics you have her about. I was surprised to find 'Jump Into The Fire" was his song - ["Goodfella" fans will instantly recognize this!]
Eh... If I like French, I would appreciate it more. Tone and jazz rifts are OK. I know there is some challenges to plot lines
Not bad at all, Lots of stuff going on
Finally! A Beatles Album! Album 27 on my queue. A true classic - and nice to hear their first true Lennon/McCartney major effort. Lots of hits you know and love. Good to hear some lesser knowns (when I get home) . I forgot how short these albums were - 33 minutes for 13 songs?! Video clip at the end a nice bonus! Enjoy
harmless, gentle back ground music with a folks-country - blue grass vibe, remind me of some good, small groups (Like "Friends of Dean Martinez"); had it on at work as mild background and was nice.
Surprisingly good. One or two clunkers, but got my feet tappin' and head a-noddin! Less vocal sampling would make it better
well.. I never listened to an entire Madonna album before - not bad! Good songs away from the main hits, although some just feel like filler.
This is what \"listening to albums\" was all about. There are no throw-away cuts on this gem. it is great top to bottom. Even the fee ones that did not become hits or get heavy play on the radio are solid. Plus, the album has my personal Fav Jimi song - \"Are You Experienced\" - The Best! Like Jimi or not, one cannot take away form his genius and mastery and skill - above and beyond and one of the best. A joy to listen to over and over... watch the added footage - 2x. Amazing insight~ I know there are \"5s\" but this IS a 5 by far!
Nothing exceptional here.
33/1001 - another classic, transformative album in rock history. For novice listeners, a few chestnuts you will enjoy and have heard before. Admittedly, first time of rme to hear album all the way through but a good listen. Lou always had an instantly recognized voice! Don't ignore lyrics. Thanks!
Do not skip - play it through 0 and listen. Big Band like only Basie can do, The orchestra is tight - and some come off as if played in a small intimate setting. A pleasure. Will save to my account
Not worth 2 full discs. Bailed on it
Not bad. Surprisingly long of ra 1979 album. Classics are always good
Radiohead it’s always a great lesson. Whether it’s the earlier stuff or their leaders. This is new Kid A but it’s enjoyable and if you have not heard it, please listen.
A pure historic classic.
#41. Classic album for my college days. Still good. miss The Police...
wonderful album, So much more besides 'Respect". Enjoy!
sweet melodious tunes fro a velvet throat
Brings me back to my college days… I remember the album well. There are some classic, gems on this, that you will all recognize. There’s some other good stuff on the album, but you’ll remember why the hits are the hits
Poignant lyrics, but just not doing it for me
I find this overrated. I know, at the time is was very influential and unique, but now ... s'ok. I'd give it a 3.5, but I am going to round down
Truly enjoyable! Neil and Cray Horse rock and the album is an example of why he remains a true Rock icon. Sit back and enjoy!
Love hearing this again. In the late 70's Elvis got lumped in the whole "New Wave" category (not fair) and he set up a new style of music. Sweet
surprised they filled two discs. I was not familiar with their work. OK, but nothing stands out for me.
Wow. I know early Rap... but man, it is unlistenable to me! Sorry
Always a fan of Radiohead. Great for fans although not their best - but still good.
#52. A whole lot of guitar strum and noise. could not really discern one song from the other
Harmless, pleasant fun. Listening is like hanging out in a nice field on a warm sunny day, with flowers and drinking mead. some of the chants and vocals are Medieval
#54/1001. Ok - I get the significance of this album in music history, and totally respect it. However, it just doesn't do it for me
55/1001/. Man, I tried... I had to jump around from one bad 007 theme to another. Is this a serious album? Ute does have a talented voice... but - I cannot see how a producer didn't just say "What. Stop. Go Home"
Another classic. Pre Crazy Horse so it's sure golden Neil. Always love "Don't Let It Bring You Down" and for novice listeners, the "non" hits are great. Enjoy!
well... just another of those countless 80's New Wave albums from groups that really did not have legs. Not bad, but nothing jumps out. I'm listening and am like"... they sort of remind me of..." sometimes INXS, sometimes Oingo Boingo...
Gotta love Willie - even if you don't like \"country\" - there are musical icons and legends for a reason. Give it a listen, even if just for\"Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain\"
Mixed. Heady mid/late 80's fare - you hear a lot of other influences from and in these songs. Enough with the medieval minstral tones!!!
60/1001 - A landmark album - wonderful lyrics and musician. enjoy!
Standard 70's rock in its's prime - with. lot of competition for air time back then. Classics Hits got air time and will be instantly recognizable ( "walk this way" and "sweet emotion" - standards associated) to Aerosmith to any casual listener. Other songs follow suit... can't push my rating to a 4 - - really a 3.5
#62. Wow! A very pleasant surprise! Cannot believe this 50 years old! Most of the album sounds like current Indy musicians! Bonus tracks are good - like the twang guitars and concertinas
Wow! What a powerhouse album! Starts kicking with \"Custard Pie\" and doesn't let up ) Kashmir, The Wonton Song, etc. Bought this album when it first came out [cool album sleeves you don't get with CDs or downloads] To me this is one of their best albums - better than Houses of the Holy (since this is a double) and Led Zeppelin. Enjoy!!!
real pure \"post punk/wave\" album - no way you listen too this for the first time and realize it is 1978, such an influential album. I enjoyed. Classic Beatles cover!!!!
Nice classic album. The hits stand up and the whole album still has legs.
well... I just listened to this 30 minute ago 0- and cannot remember anything from it. Nt sure why they included remixes of songs. I was a heavy listener of New Wave when it came out - - do not recall ever hearing these tunes except some kicks taken by Duran Duran,
Almost a greatest hits! You recognize most songs on this album, and the ones that you haven’t heard often enough you should enjoy. I rated a four, only because to me, it seems to be very overplayed, and they’ve done much better before and after. But still… A classic
Not sure where this lays in a genre. Pretty advanced of r1977 - would not call it Punk, but surprisingly pretty good
69. An angel - melodic voice, die covers and originals. A staple and enjoyable when you want some nice mellow sounds. Worth the listen
Pretty tight, though must of the beats and music sounds pretty similar. I think she's a better actress than rapper - although she was instrumental to music, Not my style
Ok… love Queen. Did not know this album. May be a treasure for hard cores
Omg! A true 5! This was one of the very first albums actually, a track, that I ever bought. That was truly a rock album. Classic early zeppelin with the wonderful, blues background. Really hard to beat. Give it a listen.
Eh. I was not impressed
Ok, Was not for me
a holiday classic. You get what you expect! Fun
nice live album. Old Dylan for those who enjoy.
#77 As a Roxy Music fan I enjoyed the album, lots of early 70's influenced (i.e. Lou Reed) but form me "Avalon" remain their gold standard.
I know they have a great following, but did nothing for me,
Second Steely Dan album - another classic. They remain a leader in album rock history. Enjoy!
Outstanding! I cannot add the accolades that already exist of the album - it was a seminal work of the Beatles and you can hear how the selection of songs hint at the upcoming event demise of the group as each Beatle really flexes their independent styles ( Ringo's "Don't Pass Me By" is an example). I had this as a vinyl album in my youth and loved all 4 sides (maybe side 4 was a little less liked)
Fun listen! To hear other songs besides 'Green Onions" which everyone knows but probably not the title!
did not attempt
Nice way-back album. A lot of old biscuits I never heard, which countered the often played Hits. Worth a listen
really good! - Elvis hitting his prime before he gets distracted.
eh. Starts off well, then fades
Hidden treat. Heard of the Twins - could not recall, but enjoyed this none the less, It gets a 4 as a hidden gem no. 88 on my quest
wow - I tried I really did. Love Peter Gabriel solo ("So") but this... once I got past the title cut (the best by far and only hit)... it let me.
Excellent! Their best since "Making Movies" and probably their Best overall. Chick full oof hits, but actually some of the other (Especially "Why Worry") are Soooo overlooked! Sit back and enjoy. Knofler was genius one this
Surpised - never listened to an entire a Mariah Carey album - she has an amazing voice and very talented. Unfortunately, the sounds sort of all sounded similar... not bad but nothin stood out. I bet album cover added to sales number...
Really insightful and exciting.. for1978. Some are OK . "Religion" - sounds like rap without the catchy music
- Meh. I am aware of the importance of this album in music's growth, but it just doesn't do much for me. Love the energy and this came out at the right time to revitalize the 'rock" music industry (and energy).
WOW~ What a treat!!!! I know ... some of us throw 5s around but this IS one of the are that earns it. Thats's why it's in the Global top 10. I may be jaded, I am a big Floyd fan 0 even saw this on their initial tour in 1979 at Nassau Colosseum in LI, but still a tour de force! Thank you !
Wonderful gem of an album. Soulful as they come. A nice listen.
Um.. no thanks. Never caught on to the incessant screaming at the top of ones lungs - maybe to drown out the lack of creativity?
1984? You kidding me, right? Damn, I'm old. Total hit factory for Bruce; well written music that is hard to beat for pure American Rock n' Roll! Can't miss, track 1 - 12. I'm a little Bruce'd out, but if you are not familiar - please listen!
98. OK - good alt rock. not bad,,,
surprisingly, not bad. Decent enough electronica, with just enough melodic changes to keep it interesting
My 100th! Cool! Sublime. My favorite Yes album. \"Fragile\" has the greater hits, but this is a much better listen and tight. Deluxe edition is great. Sit back, toke up if you like, and enjoy.
A great ride! Love Bowie - first time I listened to the entire record.
Well.. I tried. Ok - I read the description on how it is a critical success, but the 150,000 sales says it all. Ive heard worse. Sounds like some later Lou Reed,,,at least vocally.
enjoyable Bowie. Does he really have a bad album? "Sound and Vision" remains one my favorite Bowie songs
As good as expected!
well, I guess I'm 25 years too late to appreciate this album. M&M Fans - did this age well? I don't know... I guess of the time it was ground breaking, but I'm not hearing anything special.
wow! Nice Irish music - you may not be familiar, but I think you may enjoy. The Pogues rock!
Nice voice - good melodies - late 80's movie background vibe
Yes - I recall the release in 2016, and it was a sad day. Bowie was a creative genius, not necessarily loved or appreciated by many, but he was not afraid to try new things and present how he felt. I recall when this came out, I listened a few times, but did not give it a solid try - I think the title cut :BlackStar" turned me off. However, years later as I list to this, I have a newfound respect. Take the "swan song" out of the equation and just enjoy. I find it interesting that the final track "I Can't Give Everything Back" that turns out to be his last recorded track. is so sad, poignant, and personal = . A farewell song that now climbs to the top as one of my favorite Bowie song.
Hit after hit. No clunkers here!
never heard of them at all. Surprisingly. not awful.. some clunkers, but overall if you are trying to listen to all of the albums, there are much worse.
weird -I've had 4 Bowie albums so close - 101 - ZiGGY....103 LOW, 108 BLACKSTAR and 111 this one - and this falls in line with the others. Always a fan. More poilshed for me vs. Ziggy. A good listen.
A defeeinte let down from their previous release 'Rumors". "Sara" and 'Tusk" are whaat you know and will enjoy.; the rest just gets muddled. Also - producer has some odd choices of play list - lead with your strengths; a tepid intro to the album.
Cat Steven as you know how, Hits a'plenty - beautiful music and voice.
wow! rocking from top to bottom! Brings me back to days drinking 8-packs of Bud down by 16th street park...
BB is BB and the King of blues rock. Nice live album He and Lucille wail.
OK -he is no Nick Drake, but not bad. Pretty talented production and stylin' for 1973 "I'd Rather Be The Devil" opening riff was very close to Pink Floyd's "Run Like Hell". Hmmm
We want the Funk! We want the Funk!!! Yes - true fun funkadelic sound! Give it a listen -
Wow! Never listen to this and 25 years later it is fresh and fun! Great album!
Nice k.d. not her hit album but some gems here. If you are a fan, you will enjoy.
Influential album in music history, OK - I'm not a hip hop fan but I respect the work.
great voice - wonderful lyrics. not my style but glad to hear it
early 60s rock n roll. For fans which I am not one. Some of the extra outtakes were ...ok...
Classic Rock album - a fixture of the airways in the 70s onward. Heard everything except "Seagull" and "Th Way I choose" which are real good --- they should have gotten more air time.
Wow! Songs are all so... non-different! American Sex Pistols? I doubt it
5. pure and simple. No explanation needed. If you do not think so, move on.... seek help. Why even listen to this list? Greatest album of all time. Only took me until #125.
n 80's standard. Good Sound - noted for Pretty in Pink. I am a Furs Fan, but not their greatest
Long. OK. not impressed
A;num where Bowoe takes off the glitz and plays some rock songs. Am occasions cover. Fame and title track are hits. 1st time hearing the entire album, Pretty good
Fanastic! Pulled me into Radiohead after my first listen, 10 years after release. Excellent top to bottom~ true classic
... I tried. Maybe if O heard when it came out, I would appreciate it more, but does nothing to me. And it's a double album? .. I cherry-picked some of the songs other said check out, and they all sounded the same. No way near comparison to Cure or Smiths...
Amazing! How I missed this in 88 is a wonder. The Dear Gid is the hit, but the other tines are wonderful.
First time listen all the way through, not bad. Very "new" when debuted but only enjoy the hit"Where it's at" and "Ramshackle. I like his later albums "Sea Change" and " Guero" a bit more - but for anyone he is a creative genius!
good all around album. you know some hits.. really nice. Sonata at end was a special treat
could not find album to listen, so - too bad!
definitely new to me. Not bad - ok listen. I guess you need a lot of albums to come up with 1,001....
smooth and warm. OK
This brings me back - - a great album that although some songs are played out, they still remain hopping 30+ years later. Michael first reply big album, and I think better than "Thriller". Enjoy
S'pk. not my bag. Common is better as an actor
listened through al this just to hear the last song, which is the only one I know? Pass
a great mix of jazz, funk and hop. A treat and well done!
A niece peaceful album of relaxing and light meditative tunes. Peaceful And the lyrics - -Wow! SO deep and insightful!
S'ok. Brought me back a bit. Nice to listen to.
Fight the Power. Fight the Powers that be
For Beach Boys fans.. who love the hopping beats of the sand and fun,,, move on. I never head of this album, and now I know why. Heavy, deep, and political. Not that the message is bad, it actually still rings through 50 years later - it's just...not The Beach Boys. Like listening to Black Sabbath singing Silly Love Songs.
Ooooh .. she looks straight ahead not at me! An amazing historic album! this is a wonderful album and a classic - bringing in boss nova to Americans! Astrid's amazing sultry voice can stop anyone in her tracks. Getz's best work, (follow up album is all excellent) and Joao Gilberto is amazing! you will enjoy!
wow. Like other reviewer, pleasant surprise. Had not heard of the group or the album before, but there is a lot of good stuff here - lofty and hoppin'. You cven hear strains that have bee sampled from them but still - one of those happy finds
... wow... I know some B-Boy fans may be ga-ga over this, but I thought it is a hot mess. The vocals and melodies are there, but man-o-man I can't un-hear this. Don't lump what Brian was trying to create here.... 2 only because he threw in a "Good Vibrations" redo,
don't know what to say - some of it is surprising gold (Miles, The Sweetest Embrace) other songs are crap. Overall, needs a couple of listens 0 there is room creativity here.
#150. I don't knowall of Neil's work, but he always remained an eclectic songwriter . This was new to my ears - and glad to hear it. Wonderful lyric and acoustic guitars. "Ambulance Blues" poignant song. It may be fn bias but give it a 4
Pretty good' especially as a punk genre group. With I paid more attention to them when they first came out. Funny, the fast paced energy, they play like they hav to get the song out as fast as possible or die!
although there is much debate if anyone reds this review, but for me, this is my favorite Dylan album, and what I consider his beat. Fro top to bottom, all great tunes - *"Tangled up in Blue" remains my favorite). Sit back and enjoy!
I have heard of Hugh and spree of his music - first time listening through an entire album. Very pleased! Great sound and rhythm. A treat. One of the rare "fonds" of the list so far (#153)
a lot of creativity. For Zappa fans. Too much too soon
could not listen. If link doesn't work, not my prob
An old fav from its release. The band's debut and best... I listen to ti from time to time and can never just give it s solo play. I'm biased, but it has a nice beat from top to bottom. Came out in "New Wave" era but that is so unfair - much more, Listen to the great percussion.
Ok - Not my bag, but can see the talent and scope of energy in the Musi world
Like some, I though this was BRYAN Adams, alas, not... Eh. OK - nothing stands out - your typical coffee house acoustic sets. He could be playing in a bar, or live on a street corner and maybe you'd throw him mom loose change.
Good Old Muddy - to play some real soulful blues!
not my bag - but sounded alright. At least I have a better understanding(?) of heavy metal
nice rocking album - especially great at work when you are trying to focus on some tough numbers crunching or mundane tasks... seriously. Hard not to foot tap or head bob along. Great find and listen. I know electronica is not for all, but I enjoyed multiple listens
Ok - nothing stood out
OK - nice lyrics and a voice - but nothing knocked me out. Saying that , still a solid listen
ughhh! more high itched screaming. Pass
Very surprised. actually not that bad at all. Has some ballads Stories and good country. Won't listen again, but was OK
Nice covers - real good album.
Pleasant and nice sound
- - wow - what trash. Open mind or not - the quality is garbage. It's as if it was produced of self satisfaction to say \" Yo - I did a record, bitch!\" Move on... Only good thing is all of the songs are short.
pretty good. "Personal Jesus" my fav DM song
blah blah noise
The Children have spoken. Good intro album to a creative techno band. I enjoyed!
More angry angry music. Good sound, not bad at all.
Good stuff!
Lady sings - or rather, velvet flows from her voice and wraps around you . A beautiful selection some favorites and some not so much, which makes them jams. Arrangement is sublime. Worth the listen
OK - but not my jam
A 3 begrudgingly.. because no 2.5 rating. Was going through this - OK first 10 songs or so, but... what? ... this is a double disc? Geez.. not worth the time commitment. sorry
Seminal album from the Boyz. has a few real surprises. Glad I took a listen.
Not familiar with his early stuff, but the talent shines! A lot of R&B - Miss you, Prince!
Meh. I really liked the first song, but then some of that creativity and sampling disappeared and I heard a lot of sameness. There is a lot of talent there but not for me.
nah.. tried. Couldn't
Sok. Nothing special
Nice album - timeless - plays as well now as art did 40+ years ago. There a some hits you will know, but not needed to enjoy the songs - range from pop to r&B and some good funk
I am partial to The Smith's although I did not listem to them much when they came out (odd...) Anyway - a good album with their more polished recordings
Awesome. my #187. Interesting since I just listened to Songs in the Key of Life at #185 so good comparison. His early work is very funny and special. Unique and a joy!
A real treat! She shows her artistic prowess with a haunting voice. I know, so much is made about here"quirkiness" but she is a talent musician. Sit back and enjoy the ride!
Would have been better if only electronica - lyrics out of place
A surprise -you will know the title cut, but the rest is pretty good late 70's jazz!
fun rom of the 80's!
Hard to not be able to give this a 5 - it is a classic - but it's weird when almost all the songs are hit.
Meh. Nothing moving. Wispy gentle emo solo
A cool album. Never heard it all the way through before- pretty good. Does not natch "Breakfast in America" but has hits that you will enjoy ("Bloody Well Right" and "Dreamer")
Intersting album. Knew nothing about the group, but it is a pretty good album. Worth a listen. One of those "surprises" you find along the way on this journey of 1,001. (#196 for me)
Did you ever hear of this guy? LOL! A lot of the major hit attributed to the King. "Blue Sued Shoes", "Tutti Frutti". The ones I enjoyed were the slower ballads (" I Love You Because") - old school country
Man - I forgot how good this album is, and Crazy Horse! Really classic Neil rocking it out. Read the notes on Apple Music on the song history. Always loved "Powderfinger" (not sure why it never gets its due). Listened over and over and over..
eminal first album. Good all around, although I thin Sandinista is better.
I like the Cure, overall, but nothing really wowed me here. except - it was my 200th album
Never listened to this - great rock. Accessible and real tunes. A treat!
Odd - that nothing stood out, but that is not to say it is bad at all - a good selection of fun, late 80's rock. Give it a spin
a seminal classic. I enjoyed although was not. fan of Grunge Rock at the time.
First time listening - Sort of southwest country rock - hold school. pretty good. However, most of the songs sound similar... with the steel guitar twang and weepy lyrics.
yeah, yeah , yeah - - living on a prayer!
Actually pretty good dance club beats - fast and pumping! Would listen again
You'll recognize some nuggets. Overall pretty good soul album - I would not call it "Disco" but still a fun listenable dance mix.
A classic. Early REM. I saw them before famous in New Brunswick NJ in the 80s playing local pubs. Solid
Classic Old School Frank! A real treat of suave and cool. If you were not a fan, this is one you really should listen to... especially "I've Got You Under my Skin" and "Old Devil Moon"
If you love Funk, or new to the genre, this is a good intro, although late 70's slant. Parliament is always a treat
I don't know about all the haters - I always loved this album when it came out! Especially, since prey I never heard of Cheap Trick. Rock gold from a band that is Still playing!
Carlos rocks. A must listen to - you know the hits, but the rest is great as well. Only complaint - - 37 minutes!
I've always enjoyed Siouxsie. New to me, but enjoyable
Oh Boy - what fun! From track 1 straight on. You know most of these songs right off - never thought to look up the album, but here it is! Can't believe this is over 60 years old - - -
Plodding. Early efforts.
Beatls are awesome. A lot of kids to this album and all the new tech applied to this - so it has a place I history. As I listen to it now (and grew up when it wa out - and the Beatles are still playing) it has some fiun and artistry. I can hear the beginnings of changes to the band yet to come... enjoy !!
An amazing iconic album - proud b raking of its time and solidified Prince's place in Rock/pop. A joy.. even if it is heavy 80's beat. You can dance to this, even if you don't - your feet will tap. (Miss you, Jody!)
Nick Cave is so intense! You have to be in the mood or proper state of mind, to listen and fully enjoy - - I wasn't this time.
I always admired EJ. He has a vast library and an awesome lyricist. His early work always seems to touch a personal level with him. This is ore Captain Fantastic where he begins to really embrace a new bold approach. Worth many listens
Classics from the man in black! Good sets, and amazing quality for a jail house live recording.
Nice that it is 2 hours. I came upon Moby way after he came out, and really like his work. Like Brian Eno. I enjoyed
#225. Interesting. I know Ethan have this listed as electronic, but that is not accurate, although it is hard to categorize. Dummy is a lot of everything - Mellow jazz, soulful vocals that pull you into the realm. Pretty cool. One of those Surprise Finds. Will listen again for sure
OMG - I can't believe someone was able to f*ck up EDM! This just drones.. tried real hard to listen through it start to end... nothing memorable
1984 Music mainstay - a good listen and doesn't seem it is 40+ years! Still fresh!
No way... this is 50+ almost 60 years old? Man. Well, this is nit may favorite Dylan album (Blood on the tracks) but definitely his most famous and what started his legend. Props push it from a 4 to 5
Ok - 80's rock. A classic - good and historic, but played out for me.
Great album - maybe? I had it on at work, listing to I, but... cannot recall a single song or tune.
Nice music and great voice. 1st time listening to Lorde - not my style but there is some great work here
Love Mary Neil Young - it is a classic standard. Has its share of hits and awesome harmonies.
smooth mellow songs - - sound the same - like I'm at a coffee house. Real good if you are in the mood. Can be use as a soundtrack to any 21st century indie romcom.
Eh. S'ok
Never heard this start to finish- lotsa hits! Enjoy
Hit after hit. This is the album you all know but didn't know the name. S'OK.
One of those surprise finds. Never heard of the group, album, or any songs.. but really quite good. Good all around rock/psych/jam band.
good metal. Old school. didn't need the LIVE redo
What can I say... this has always been one of my favorites since it came out! A fun romp with some great bass. "All of My Heart" - sublime! Listen to this one often.
Not my bag but pretty goo. Common is a great actor, too.
Classic powerhouse album. A good listen,
Uuhh. Lightened up, Nina
Wonderful enjoyable album. Great voice and lyrics. Don't let "country western" turn you off = this is a listen!
Trying to get past "Come on Eileen" and went down a different path. Doesn't sound the same, which is not meant as an insult. Found little resemblance. Good mix
not for me; plain and simple. Screaming and yelling and blaring. I get it
not bad... but had to give it a couple of listens to actually hear it - - know what I mean?
Wonderful harmonies - enjoyable. Not my fave but pretty good as they try to bridge folk n "rock" or at least, be more mainstream.
Oh god..TheCure on speed… without talent
Nice early Stones, well not early, but when they were still playing R&B and great guitar. 1st time listening through - solid. Awesome album artwork though!
Not a fan,,,, not sure what they were going for
Cool title - but music was just OK. Coffee house music. Heavy Joni influence that just doesn't catch.
Big Fan of The Who. Great album to hear the alternate takes of My Generation and The Kids Are Aright.. but there is a lot of old nuggets that, frankly, I'm surprised that they spent their young time doing covers of these Oldies. The instrumental of My Generation is awesome - enjoy Moon's attacking of the skins. However, overall the songs are just OK. It's like listening to the first Beatles album. You hear the talent. and can't wait for them to mature into true artists.
Not my jam, although I can understand his poetic prowess.
Well.nit by genre, but better than expected… not total head banging and actually had lyrics!
Maybe good but could not listen. Oh well
Not my bag.. Creative and artistic - - but.. nah
Never heard of the group but knew some wonted ("Nature's Way") and a good listen of those that like CSN&Y since they play some parts in the album.
Dreamy ad etherial. I like Bjork - she always gets lumped in with "weird" music, but this is pretty good.
Prog Rock cornerstone. You're gonna love or hate it. Yeah - some do go on.. but to truly enjoy - toke up you fave bud and enjoy the trip I did when this came out back in the day (yeah...I'm old... and toked at an early age)
Oh god... make it end! it gets a star for something I probably missed... I just couldn't
Bee Gees are an interesting group - their vocals and harmonies and sopranos are just so cool. Choice of songs remain dated - but this was a fun album.
Pretty much OK - would have like it if it went more towards Eno, but nice background.
,,, I don't know.. missing something here... sounds like every other indie guy moping about something....
Yardbirds had such a great talented band, it's just that they have to be stuck playing 60's influence to older rock - would love if they could just jump up to 20 years later. Over Under Sideways Down- is the awesome, iconic hit from this album. Don't let the 3stars seem a negative - it's just some of the tunes don't make it for me.
OMG - I guess I missed the email in 2006 that said \"if you want to be in the Cool Club, you have to kitten to Arctic Monkeys\". Damn! well,I never heard of them, nor heard of any of these songs. Didn't miss much - not one stands out worth re-liteing to. I see the band has above average ratings this site, but, you got me~
Always love Tom! He may bot be for everyone, but his voice and music ability is awesome!
Music not bd - mix of rock and unbar and grunge. Karen O is the only reason to listen to this. There are some gems, (Modern Romance, Rich). Worth a listen m. A high 3+ or 4-
I’m surprised I’m giving this egg for, I never heard of him and wasn’t sure what to expect especially from 30+ your old album. However, I was pleasantly surprised. What a mix, not just whiny acoustic work actually very good and excellent songs. Good job.
Was hoping for more from them. An OK electronic album
first Nick Cave I heard I liked. Good stuff
Always a fan - ambitions album - hits a-plenty, but also great to hear some less heard songs.
A true classic. Never listened to entire album before, and this is pretty solid.
Pop Pop Pop! How lovely - fun New Wave nugget!
I try to listen to these bands Iv never heard before with open ears, but rarely do I find anything that I say"Oooh! This is new!" Here's another indistinguishable band..
Wow - it has ben awhile - have this in vinyl when t came out - they were going to be the 'Next NEW Super band\" (per the late, great Scott Muni, WNEW FM, 1982). Holds up petty good. Surprised. A strong 3.5
I am not really a Bruce fan.. he seems overplayed and over rated. I grew up in NJ, while he became "BRUCE" - there was some growing pains, but I gave to say, this is a really rounded album. The lyrics are still personal and deep, good music, and great sax from The Big Man. regrets that I have to give it a 5. Credit fue.
I started this journey Sith the first album being "Blue" and at 279 - I get met with another great Joni. Such a treat! you really hear how she is such a poet and musician - cent understand how one can be so blessed with talent! Awesome!
Never heard of Beth - too bad. Could've been listening to her for years. Nice
really hard to not give this a 5 for number of reasons. One of the greatest and deserves top 3 placement (although Dark Side is the Best). If you have lived under a rock for all these years, you are about to listen to a treat!
OK Great voice - unique - too bad he got killed. a less
One of my Favs when it came out. Chock full of hits - too bad they never really tour, and Ric is dead, so... that's it. Love the song mix in You're all got Tonight mix to Bye, Bye Love (my fav on the album) to Moving in Stereo 1 point for its place in history
First time listening - pretty good transitional album of early 90's as rock tried to figure out what to be.
... OK I guess. A lot of noise of noise sake
OK REM. Hits you know, nice tunes... yawn
Surprisingly good. Nice background zen music. Try iy out!
Lucky find. I know the group lately, nit early stuff, and this is pretty good. Nice job!
NIce live album - a real amazing orchestra!
could not listen - link no good. Get to together!
yeah -I am old enough to remember the TV show - which was the best, when I was 5... the music is not that clever - pretty easy...Sounds like they spent about 1 hour making. Cannot believe that Jimi Hendrix opens for them on a concert tour. No shit.
A good fun Aerosmith album - they never seem to ag - - sound wise. Looks,,, well,,,, I guess it is one of their better. but I was never a fan
Grew up on hard rock - in the 70's -- 80's. Never had this album, but it was a classic and holds up. I don't know why, but I'm going up to 4 based upon product value and its place in rock lore.
I don't know what the F this is supposed to be. Early Rock Opera? If so - needs some major help. To include its description with Tommy, the Who, Beatles, Pink Floyd - is not cool. Move on!
interesting - - but nothing stands out
I know... I know... but it's a guilty pleasure. Their most popular album with hits galore. Unless you just came out from under a rock, you will recognize these hits.
surprisingly not that bad. Never heard of them - but the beat is good, nice effects and mixing, especially of r1990. Won't listen gain, but really was pretty creative.
This is a great, hidden gem IMHO. I bought this vinyl when it came out, and did not really know her work - although she did sing on some Stones classics like \"Gimme Shelter\" - [that's her singing Rape! Murder!]. Glad to give it another listen. Get past the raspy voice - it's character!
What a beautiful voice! As if a mockingbird could speak English! Amazing!!!! Just not my bag. I bump up to push to 3 for voice alone.
Always a Queen fan. Great rock. A lot of energy
Not a fan
She is a truly gifted artist. I never heard whole album, there are sometimes that are overplayed and ... ugh.. bit overall pretty impressive. Just don't get hooked on drugs and pass out! I've waffled back and forth ... but will lean towards the 4
If I cannot get a link to listen to this, I cannot rate it. Sorry Khaled. I'll give you +1 so I feel I am not being a dick
It starts so strong, but fades off. No wonder I never listened that much to the second side of the album...
wow. another virgin listen.. (never heard of them). I found it surprisingly good! gave a second listen. "Make My Mind\" had me doing a couple of listens.
-I wonder where she would be now if she didn't die of an overdose? Probably dead...but still could have had some more great, honest, music. a shame. Too damn young!
Never heard the entire album, but it really does rock. Surprised how goos it actually is. Blackmore is god! His "Highway Star" solo makes the album!
Nope. could not get my head into this.
Wonder why they added lyrics? They aren't helpful. This album contains all the songs used in any action movie, whether there are chase seems, spying stuff, detail thefts, or cover B-roll footage. Can be used in Rio, Russia, Europe, USA, and Caribbean Island locales. Really. Think \"Italian Fast and Furious Job with the Transporter and Ronin at a Las Vegas Ocean Eleven Caper"
not my bag but alright. Real good melodies, not abrasive... just nothing special to take away from the listening experience
Great Early solo work, Transitional as he searches for his voice.
really good old time country. Surprised. Never heard. of them. Pleasant. 313/1000
Papa--- and a bunch of nuggets and good covers! nice - surprising political songs, too.
Wow - never owned this or listened to it fresh, and sorry I did not. A great album. I always thought it would be "Punky" or radical for radical-sake. bit it is a well done album. Easy to see how it influenced so may other artists. well done!
Surprised they made this a movie.. and then a Play.. music is real prime Who. A lot of gems not usually heard on radio. Being a Who fan pushes it up a notch, but nit their best. Still, a very impressive endeavor. Go Pete and Moon!!!
Ok - who doesn't like Ray Charles? Some good stuff.. but stalls as a rare double album.
not as bad as I expected. electronica + hip hop + Hiphopnica
OMG - WTF were they thinking? No winder you know none of these songs, or were familiar with this - it's pretty bad, and I consider myself a fan of the Brothers Gibb. Robin was smart to leave over this...
Harken back to a time when rock was rock... Traffic was always a great guitar band, Ok stuff
WAR - real nice mix of Soul and R&B. A treat. Poor Frisco Kid, he was a friend of mine
actually better than the 3 rating - - but not a 4
surprise - never heard of the but the mix was good.
First Swift album I ever listed to... and I guess I am a Swiftie! This works - maybe because it's not that "Pop-y". Nice music and lyrics work.
Another unknown find that works for me.
Eh. Better than I expected. Not Ozzie screaming and yelling.
Early gems for any classic Beatles fan! Mostly covers but the seeds are sown here.
Nope Started off fine with 1st song... than crashed.
"Birdland" starts it off - and then the jazz flows to "Havana". Didn't realize this was Weather report. A decent album. Will repeat listen
Good album of some nuggets and newer covers. Not his best but if you are a fan, enjoy! Poignant that his last track, "We'll Meet Again" is the last song he ever recorded.
A great creative effort from both Eno (a personal fav) and Byrne. Sounds like influenced from Laurie Anderson (Who IS an Artist with a capital A. I hope her albums made the list - especially "Mr. Heartbreak" since when you consider some of the crap I had to listen too...)
A classic. Not a big Nirvana fan, but Kurt is awesome, and they sound better acoustic.
good remix of th Stooges. No middle ground - love or hate them,
I don't know - - -2.5? but gonna go 2. I hear the quality but just not connecting
A blur.. nothing stood out
great stripes! Jack White really keeps Rock N Roll alive!
wow - you can hear how some of these songs would surely be Beatles classics "Maybe I'm Amazed," "Every Morning" "Junk". Gems, Love this album.
This was ground breaking album in 1978 when it came out 0 and it still holds up. Give it a listen. There are a few hits you will know and the rest are pretty good.
Eh. Not bad for someone do not know, but will not listen again , and probably, will totally forget once album is over. Yep. Sure did, Who is this?
my era music. The hits are there and enjoyable, rest of album pretty good too.
Fantastic album - holds up 50 + yrs. Great work with Beck and the band.
Bob is chill/ Legend remains his best - this pretty good.
I'm a big prog rock fan anfd love Yes. Fragile and Close to the Edge are better
Just not feeling it. I enjoy oldie time C&W butt for some reason she is just grinding on me... .
ok early rock and roll.
Swell blues by the master! Well worth the listen,
This is a great album - the beginning as they branch away from covers and really get into finding the Beatles sound. I think Revolver is there nest tightest creative album, but this is right there.
Wow = never heard the whole album until today, and what a gem. Besides the hits and seminal classics (Roadhouse Blues) there are some great tunes - - "Indian Summer" stands out as my new fumed diamond in the rough
Im a Neil fan - love his stuff. This one was new to me had not heard it - - don't feel I missed anything all these years.
This is the album that put Billy on the map. I know, his early stuff has its moments, but this back with his follow up "52nd Street", were seminal works of this fame and success. Good job!
well... it' better than you think . Yes, 54+ years old but there are seeds sown upon for future singing duets. pleasantly surprising
I thought I liked Sparks. pretty good - I didn't realize they had som many albums. The positive is that the album is timeless 0 in regards to not sounding 50 years old. Not bad
Wow - really not that bad. Not sure if I would say they are electronica, but birth a back ground listen
Bitter Sweet Symphony That's it
Oh man. Tom Waits has very little room of middle ground. Love or hat . I personally love his style, poetry and artistry. This album, although not my personal favorite, is a great encompassing album. Give it a listen...And for those newbies he is not effecting his voice - this IS Tom.
Merle sounds the same here in 1967 as his last album... wow. Sad and lonely lyrics, as if he's a fugitive...
DAmn - Getz rocks! put him with Gilberto and a match in heaven. Don't know Jazz/Samba? Listen to this!
Great songwriter and singer
First time listen - really good! I never listened to his solo stuff until the 80's release, and he is a talent. A lot of covers, which he rocks. Never heard \"Old Man River\" with such power (even if you are not familiar with the song from the 1920s)/ Even his over of Led Zeppelins' You Shook Me (I know ... that version is cover as well) ... wait - actually, they may have covered Beck on that one.... Hmmm
LaGrange. Other stuff ok. If you like southern rock - don't pass it up
After Title cut, which is the best, its just Ok...
1. If they cannot provide links,I am not going to try and search it
A great album, one I wore out on my 8-track player. Great but not their Best (Led Zeppelin 1, Houses of the Holy are better) A lot of great stuff - Levee, Misty, Black Dog are top...Stairway is one of the most overplayed songs out there.
Wow - intense debut album stands up 18 years later, Never heard complete, but listened repeatedly today. Sorry I failed to notice years ago. You can hear so many who have been influenced by her - - Applause!
#365 - 1 year... and this is what I get? Geez. Not my musical genre at all
#366 - leap year. Well, second bad link in a row. Heard \"Lean On Me\", which was a blatant rip off of \"Money Money\" Actually band sounded better than expected so get 1 extra star
surprising. the first track came on and I was like "damn - my third crappy album in a row" but then it kicked in with some real, pumping music! Real club dance electronica beat! Hot! Where's the Molly at?! Close to a 4... but all tunes almost sound the same...(which is not a bad thing) Scratch that - listened a 2nd time -there are distinct difference *(truth be told, was I'm a meeting the first listen) they get the 4!
Ok I guess. Not my bag, but I know this is a groundbreaking album.... sort of...
David always surprises me with his voice. Warm and gentle. A nice album for any CSN fan
wow. It's not fair at all to use Bjork in any comparison to Joanna. This is just.... just
First time of album. All good (although I deduct a star for Murder Mystery). Velvety tones by Lou. can't believe this is '69
UgH. Oh God! Is there a greater. more self-important, overated muslin out there?!?!? Damn that a tool. sorry - not. a. fan.
it was ok. Vocals over electronica are a no go for me
One of my faves/. Stripes really clicking in gear, before they split
I guess this is good. I wasn't in the mood for hard rock, but it is pretty decent.
Genius he was. This is an enjoyable album, with lots of classics, and Ray's music and arrangements.
nice mellow album of late 60's folk rock. Really decent, but not feeling it.
One of the top Rock Albums in History! Plays like a Greatest Hits. Starting with \"Baba O'Reilly\" (NOT WONT GET FOOLED AGAIN!) through to perfect booked of \"Won't Get Fooled Again\" with amazing drums from Moon ( and not just the solo. Listen.) Enjoy.
can't rate albums ai cannot listen to.
I like Roxy, but this is their early work, before they became "cool" later on in the 80s.
S'ok. Didn't think you can get a whole album side doing. cover of BoDiddly. Original stuff not as good
So , sometimes you stumble in some that you say"eh.. this is gonna suck" and then it's a pleasant surprise. Like this one. I know, it may be cheesy, but some of the classics still hold up, or at least for us Boomers that are pretty good.
surprisingly good punk, at least you can hear the lyrics.
- nope -
NIce Steve, Glad I listened, had not before. He is such a talent~
.. I always liked ELP - based upon their amazing musical abilities. Few artists of that time were so technically and classically trained that is almost a waste of their talent to do Prog Rock. ELP has a lot of love them or leave them fan base. I'm closer to love due to respect. Saying that, this album just doesn't equal their studio work,
eh ok
Title cut i'Ray ofLight" ios great Madonna - as she has matured but still has a different creative voice. Surprised I really enjoyed this. It is more of a dance album than pop.
nice jazz and early Herbie solo work.
Classic trend setting album. Love it and I am not a hip hop guy.
one of my favs from back in the day. (although I enjoy the EP better). A tremendous loud Flash in the pan, but left an indelible mark on our culture in the mid-late 80's
actually ok. alternative tock with a dash of punk
The epitome of southern "hard" rock - really exemplary. Better than their follow up album, 'Most of Us Are Dead"
I see its rated high - - -it was OK, I feel I may have needed to give it a couple of listens, but just couldn't.
I like 10CC but found this boring and un-inspiring. Trivia note: I understand the 10CC represents the average amount of male ejaculation at climax.
not my nag. double album too.
Not their pop hits but still good sound
Without hesitation, one of my top 5 albums of all times. Serious. It is Pink Floyd ash their truly musically best. Amazing. Get wept away with "Shine on you Crazy Diamond parts 6 - 9?" its a 10 not a 5. Darkside is also top but more so for the production and creativity; I prefer this to Darkside.
Meh. middle of the road, not bad, but didn't grab me
not my bag. 'tho, easy hip hop is pretty OG
Not his best but still good Jacko
Surprisingly good. May listen again.
fun lovely voices, but nothing really sticks. For fans of CW and the voices
Just some early pinkish rock
Goodrock! Jack always puts out full rffort
It’s more tha a feeling that this rock n roll band will be smoking for a long time!
You’re kidding, right?
Rock. Ok first time ever listening, will be last
Boooooring. Two rap albums in a row
First time. Pretty good early techno/new wave. I enjoyed.
Fun and snazzy! don't need to know Tito to enjoy!
Early legit non-bootleg albums, A joy!
Starts strong with 'Victoria"... and then you see why that is the only song that is familiar. Kinks were instrumental, so for fans and historians, give it a listen. Ray and Dave actually play like they don't hate each other...
Early Pop superstardom. Ok. [whatever happened to that cute girl on the cover? Man did her life spiral.]
I heard if them, wasn't familiar with the group. Ok, my life not impacted by listening to them ...
Huh, Second Kinks in 4 days [no.418 and 415\ and in a ting of 2s and 3a - bore ass albums.Doesn't break the trend, however this is much mire poppy and upbeat - early Kinks as they try to find their voice. Surprises within, Sunny Afternoon pushes it to a 3
this was some good background music. worth a listen although tw days later nothing sticks with me..
so surprise is did not hear this ban d over the past 40 years... but my life was mot impacted wither way.was pretty good.
Nope. Next?
hard fun rock n'roll! Sammy who? Finally, something breaking the recent skid of 8 of 10 albums with 1-3 ratings. I miss Roth..
Wow! A special treat. Forgot about this album - As a kid, I loved the Oscar winning title track, and the album holds up with nice, smooth R&B/Jazz. nice . Man this is one "Mother-f*cking albu... WATCH YOUR MOUTH!!!"
A solid rock album, sort strong with Immigrant Song, and has som other hits and nuggets (Since I've been Loving You , That's the Way) but of rme not one of their better works (See LedZepplin, Houses of the Holy, physical Graffiti)
Omg! Get fuckin real!! You gotta fight!you gotta be ill in’1
New to me - no prior knowledge - was an OK listen
no. 429... I listened t them back in the day. The The was good, but before iTunes, I needed a few songs before I would shell out the money for an album, so, only know the 1 hit from this. Not a bad slice of 80's music. One of those that need the/5 - 3.5
Not being into Hip Hop genre at all, this Old School stuff was pretty good. Glad to give it a listen (did not convert me, though)
Wow. She has suck great lineage from Jiao and Astrud. Great mud for all. perfect of work or play or need some good mellow Bossa Nova to scratch the itch.
short and classic Cash
Not my bag but some great history. Enjoyed it,
Yawn. I know, I know,,,, historic, but still dull and overplayed. Can't believe bands were allowed to sell an album that ran only 34 minutes! What a gyp!
Love me some Tom Wait - especially live and intimate!
good classsic poetic rock
Pure soul. Man, I dare you too try to not have this elevate your mood after "Shinnin Star". I listen to this genre and compare to what is excitable by today's standard, [i.e. hip hop, pop] and am like... "Why?" Do your ears and soul a favor and listen
can not listen. Dead link. Sorry Fats
Turns out to be like a greatest hits. 50 years... wow. Makes me feel old.. recall listening to this n my 8-track. Good, classic Calif Rock
Elis was pretty good.
Obvious why he is so revered as a poet and songsmith. The Canadian Dylan
HIs best work. Top to bottom. really good to hear all the tunes especially with favorites. Enjoy
Wow - I love it when you land on something you would never think about listening, and turns out to be a nice, special album This is one such. Really enjoyed the combo as they play well off each other!
I tried and bailed. Should have stayed with the Byrds,
lovely voice! Hits and misses but the covers are dead on!
Well, I do't know where to rte this. Never head of then or any songs, but it Is actually a pretty good rock album, especially by today's standard. They have more of a modern feel than 1980. Maybe if this was re-released, they would garner a whole are audience. Unless they are all dead...
well,,, You gotta like Kraftwerk to listen to this and enjoy. I am... eh. The hit "The Model"... did not impress
enjoyed the album. I knew a song or two from them, did not realize they have been together o long. good indie album fully accessible
Ok I guess. A lot of soulful mourning and moaning.
Interesting Never heard their stuff or of the, Am I better off? no. totally forgettable once I hit enter and send this review. - poppy, moody, mellow, with a hint of r&b..
fun album. listened to twice. Good stuff
He gets better as he ages, good stuff. I know he's been around of ranges. but never a lot of play in US, so all of his stuff is relatively new to me. Good to hear the album that has some of these songs I know
Influential? I guess.. but all music influences others. Hard pass. Never heard of them back in the day or today.
Love the Smiths. Album hits the spot when you need some emo rock
Gee... a live album! in French!! C'est bon... non
Miles may have not of fathered Cool, but he was there at the baptism. Nice early, if not tame, Miles
WTF? Are they trying to mess with us? I am confident I can find alt least 10 other albums, crappier than this but are more deserving to be on the 1,001 list. Was this pick won in a raffle? From a dart blindfolded-ly thrown at a list on the wall? It's a lazy pick.
Surprsingly, not bad. Did not have high expectations, but better than I thought.
Hah! F**king Aqualung! Sitting in the alley with friends ,drinking cheap wine and smoking bad pot.. good all days of youth! How many of you all thought Jethro Tull was the lead singer?!
Relly quite good.
Whew. This was not easy. Had peaks and valleys. more valleys... Capt Beefheart was ahead of their time, but when their time caught uo with them, that still did not help.
seminal album for heavy metal rock, but I just don't get it... the nuances are lost on me A lot of similar songs which are maybe just quicken or slowed down ... "Welcome Home" breaks the mold. "Orion" tried, but then the band remembered what they were there for and reverted back to slash and burn!
Pop pop pop! Good stuff, has a nice voice, but not as good as his collaborative work with Andy Samburg. This is no "Dick in A Box" It's a 3 but not a bad 3.
He has such a large collections of hits, this is almost a greater album. Pure 70s gold.Even the clunkers are better than others
One of those rare "finds" from this list. Never heard of the XX and they were pretty good. Independent, alt rock, that mixes it up. Well worth litem.
I don't know. nothing to look at here. Move on
This is more like pre-punk than Pop. Not bad for a virgin esteem but nothing stands out for me. Punk fans may enjoy
influential to many pro rock bands but not THE starter. I only enjoyed what I have heard of r50 years. Maybe with a blunt or some mesc...
She has such a beautiful voice. Nice early CW.
wow - a rare gift - not really hip hop, as more Chill music. I enjoyed.
This started out pretty good. read a lot of buzz on it... but then... disc 2... nd then ... disc 3. Yawn.
Seminal album - must if you have never listened.