New Wave
The AuteursI've had enough britpop for one lifetime tysm
I've had enough britpop for one lifetime tysm
The kimono, divorced housewife energy of this album is unmatched.
They should call this Fire, Fire & Fire.
Bada mama jama california! three stars and now Imma put it on you bing bong california!
Very Nick Drake coded.
Flute. Finally flute and rock
Grunge! Metal! Recognized a few songs, and listened to the whole thing.
Love this freakin album. One of the all timers.
What a voice! Classics on here.
Dre is a master. What a debut. This dude hit em with so much energy right off the bat. Crazy.
One of my all-time faves. A jazz great! This album feels like genius.
Fun lil blog era sound. Pitchfork is shaking!
High school. A classic. Wake me up when september comes.
Super fun! The Kinks!
Pretty jazzy
Super funky instrumentals. Really enjoyed this. Good writing music, party background tunes.
Really interesting historical country rock artifact! Not for me :)
One of the greatest guitar albums ever created. Cat is a legend.
The best Stones album. Classic. Can't believe how many bangers they had on this one.
incredible production. smooth as all get out.
Incredible folk. Really appreciate now how beautiful the songwriting is.
Not much of a reggae guy
Cool to hear jazzy early Amy.
Can I give something more than five stars. Just the best.
Best tango I ever heard.
Love Sunday Bloody Sunday. A heavy record for sure.
Super fun. Bops upon bops.
Was ok
Rap rock is not my thing. Scooby snacks is fun.
every song is from a different album and yet... it makes sense. What a way to go out. The Seinfeld of albums.
Interesting! Had never dived into Dion.
Killer single from this record. very pleasant indie pop.
All killer no filler
Love bowie
Crazy how relevant and great this still sounds. 2000s rock! What a time to be alive!
punk. got it.
Fun but not for me.
This album is responsible for 90% of the good music after it. Man Chic and Niles really put their whole hook-ussy into this one.
The origins of prog rock. Weird sounds, hitting keys, guitar riffs, it's all here. First track is a banger. Kanye heard it too.
Best selling album by a girl group! Just launches right into CREEP. Damn. Have never listened to the whole album... but the hits on this are bangers for ever.
Really fun. An epic album with great tunes.
An absolute all-timer. What a freakin album.
Classic. Feels really Lennony
Incredible album. Otis is amazing. Each song is great.
Classic. Love those jangly tunes
Love Zappa
Jimmy is 2/2
Love this album. Incredible stuff from Sly.
Richard Thompson's origin story. What a time to be alive.
Absolute classic. Fascinating follow up to sgt peppers
Really fun.
Metal and fun!
Kraftwerk walked so Daft could run. Fun
RIP Shane. Great listen
Love Ghost.
Love this album. Poetry in melodic motion.
Must be hard to hate each other when your voices sound like this together.
Taylor's best? A collection of killer pop songs.
Smooth, funky, slightly forgetable.
"You Don't Own Me" for every perfume commercial in the early 2020s
Sadly these lyrics will be relevant until the American Empire sinks into the sea. Until then, RATM rules.
What were you doing if you weren't listening to this walking around NYC, interning, sweating through a collared shirt. Pairs nicely with Aziz Anasari's bit from "Invite Them Up" about trying to spit game at MIA. A very Millennial 4/5!
The enlightenment. The Algonquin round table. How did these dudes all find each other? How did they create a super group of people they just knew? Why are some places epicenters of creativity? HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN. Wu-Tang Forever.
Off with your head, baby. Dance till ur dead, baby.
Fun 80s britpop.
The album that launched a thousand bands/albums
Bowie + songwriting + Lou. Gold.
I love this dude. Love this album.
What more is there to say. An all-timer.
David Lynch-ass album!
New to Brit pop but Jarvis always brings it.
Hell yeah.
The vibes are immaculate
Cause you can, you won't, and you don't stop.
When I was 18 I worked in a snack bar at my local country club, serving rich kids french fries. I only had one source of entertainment for 12 hours of fry slinging - a classic rock radio station. Apparently I have listened to this album hundreds of times, but I never knew that. 3/5 - reminds me of fries.
I fucking love this album. Wore it out. Thought this dude was going to be the biggest musician on the planet. An epic story. Great production. Grime/Drill before we all fell in love with it. This would have destroyed on TikTok. Maybe it still will.
Love any album that feels like it defines the sound of a band. This album just feels like the most Talking Heads album ever.
Love the SOUNDS in this album. Pure uncut Waits.
Pretty fun indie rock from the late mid 2000s. Feels like I would have heard this from behind a door as a roommate is sparkin one.
Rick and the boys made a super fun record.
One of the better Debut albums ever. The soaring vocals and beautiful oddity. I love her. She's so weird. And I love her.
This feels like Springsteen-core but nothing feels as memorable as his other singles and classics. Might have to re-listen.
Black Crowes walked so the Black Keys could run.
Pleasant but forgettable.
Every song sounds the same. Of course I listened to it twice.
Punk classic.
Bowie before Ziggy, but the pieces are all there. Some of his best songs. Life on Mars is an all-timer, epic piece of songwriting. Loved Queen Bitch and The Bewlay Bros as well.
Fun and jazzy!
Reminds me of being in college again. Feels significant as a marker of a time when blog bands really ran the world.
The first grime record I ever listened to. Historically interesting.
I loved this album growing up. Always wanted to be an old guy in NY sitting with my best friend on a bench. My mom had a soft spot for S+G so I listened to them a lot as a kid.
Incredible idea for a live album. Beautifully recorded. Bad ass as hell to sing about murder to murderers. "How does that grab you Bob."
Fun, funky, and danceable. Had never heard of them.
this album got the yams
Clearly influential. Not for me!
A classic. A true album.
Upbeat, fun, delish!
Very Nick Drake coded.
It's ok. I understand that it's cool.
Love tightrope of course. But this whole album is lovely.
Harmonies for days. California dreamin' will always belong to Chungking Express. Now to take a read about this lil band as i take a big sip of coffee...
Like listening to James Bond.
Love Len. Not my fave, but still a classic
Perfect pop. Eurovisions finest do it again!
This is Em's masterpiece. It's challenging and horrifying at times, but I'd rather the violence be in the music. To see how Em has gone from the American nightmare to a Dad who shows up to lions games. The arc of life is long.
Beautiful and haunting. Just how i like it.
Really fun! Missed these dudes when they first came out.
This is just so freaking charming and well done. Amazing what a guitar can do.
just a freaking 10/10 album. One of my all-timers and puts Radiohead into the god level.
Right about now, rating this a three now brother.
Def some hits here. But not super into Aerosmith.
Reminds me of college. A slight album, but underrated because Q is so good.
Loved them when I was a kid. Love this now!
College with a capital C. Still thrashes.
it;s fine
Fine. But why did I need to hear it before I die?
Had no idea Michael Franti did anything besides not wear shoes.
A classic. Cinematic. Just never really got into U2 tho
This combo will always be hilarious. How did these two get together?
My uncle loves Rush. I just learned a lot about my uncle.
Mild pop. Goes in the Australian/UK list
It was fine
An absolute millennial classic. Amazing when satire also slaps.
Think I may have heard this first song somewhere... oh yeah, in every single Martin Scorsese movie for the last 50 years!
Fun! McCartney might not be the king of pop, but he's like a duke.
This rips.
Good old fashioned country from an actual criminal like it should be.
Folking folky folks.
Van is one of our great live performers. Nice to hear him at the top of his game before the rest of life occurred.
We can hate on Joel all we want. But this album is undeniable.
Young Bjork was bringing it!
I wish Courtney Love still made music and I wish they let her be in movies.
Nothing will ever top, "My hat is like a shark's fin."
Bada mama jama california! three stars and now Imma put it on you bing bong california!
Every song on this album is a monster. Alanis never topped it. But has any singer songwriter ever topped it?
This is so freakin charming... I mean, dark and TWISTED. The DEVIL BABY!
Meh. Lobby jazz.
Enjoyed this as work music. Didn't need to hear this before my death.
Jazzy Joni is the best Joni
Dusty has been on here twice! Does she need a biopic? Why don't we know more about Dusty Springfield?
Didn't quite capture me.
Shout out to the old heads.
One of my faves. Perfect baroque pop.
Should be considered one of the greatest bands of all-time. Will need a biopic for people to realize how amazing they truly were/are.
Beautiful, dark. Kind of haunting?
A perfect album for sex and listening but also sex.
This is a no skips classic. Wes Anderson core for sure. Must also be crazy to put together a masterpiece like this and have people shrug. Glad they got their due.
Not a big priest guy, but this is fun.
You know how Drake and Kendrick are creating diss tracks? Now imagine if you wrote one about a whole government and they came and burned down ur house. What a bad ass
Listened to it in my car in the year of our lord 2005. It's that iconic.
Pretty skippable.
I mean... what are we doing here. The fiviest of fives.
Tom Sawyer will always be an epic needle drop. The rest of this - meh.
His voice is so beautiful. The angelic pop baroqueness of it all. Want One is better, but Want Two has so many beautiful moments.
SLAYER. Sounds the same to my untrained ear, but there's some good stuff here. As usual, mystified by Rick Rubin.
Absolute banger. Love her.
Almost too funky. And this has to be one of the best album covers of all-time.
I get it, but I don't need to, you know?
Diet Stooges! Someone should make a doc.
Very glam and bowie and fun.
Incredible live album from one of the worst guys who ever lived! Just a truly terrible man! 0/5 person! Do not need to be reminded that he once lived and died, before I died!
Whenever I listen to any Talking Heads album I think about this story: “He (David Byrne)’s a genuine eccentric,” says Eno. “He’s always been exactly like that, and I’ve seen him remain like that in quite extreme situations. For instance, we were mugged together once in New York. It was quite frightening; we were mugged by 14 people. My enduring memory is of David being dragged off into the bushes, saying ‘Uh-oh!’ That’s absolutely true; it was like a cartoon scene. - Brian Eno
This is why this list and project is amazing. Never would have heard this. Loved it.
A classic.
The king.
Not her best, but super fun.
I love that this is Queen at their nerdy, mythical, progrock-y. It's incredible that this is the same band that came up with all their more pop-focused stuff. Like how is this the same band that wrote, "Best Friend?" Listening to this makes me want to spray paint a medusa with huge boobs on the side of a van. And I love that.
PROG. ROCK. These freakin nerds. Good for them.
It's interesting how commercials, years of needle drops in film and tv, all of it can degrade the full experience of an album. I've never listened to a Sinatra album all the way through, from start to finish. His voice, the arrangements. It's all gorgeous.
Absolute banger. One of the greatest songwriters alive.
Legend. Release music right up till the end.
Walked so Lenny Kravitz could run.
Had never heard this! A weird miss in my disco. Very 80s production. Prince is all over this record.
I wonder if this is how we'll think of Imagine Dragons in 20 years.
Every band should have to prove their chops with an unplugged album. Really shows off the songwriting, the craft, that went into each of these songs. Beautiful stuff.
I need a Curtis Mayfield documentary now. Influential, one of our great artists, but largely forgotten. Love him. He needs a terrible biopic starring Donald Glover. Bring the man to the people!
How many bands has Neil Young been in?
Ehh, not my thing.
College classic. Still feels like every trailer ever had these songs.
Still a banger.
Just can't take the journey, man.
A really fascinating album due to it's context, Dennis' issues, and the Beach Boys dark past in general. Bet Charlie loved this one.
Soothing. Nice. Sort of boring.
I like the Janis solo stuff, surprisingly. But man, take a lil piece will always be her great banger.
I mean, the most 5s an album can get. Modern classic.
pretty gnarly
I've had enough britpop for one lifetime tysm
Might be a reason no one has discovered this. Pretty interesting tho.
Buckingham said he didn't want to sound like Rumors... so they made a bad version of Rumors.
For all the indie rock, early 2000s albums I have consumed, Arcade Fire never really captured me the way Sufjan or Vampire Weekend did. Not sure why. This album is really enjoyable and plays well with suburban decay... but like - Bo Burnham did it better on INSIDE.
My friend used to go to this guy's bar in NYC. For that he deserves at least 3 stars.
The kimono, divorced housewife energy of this album is unmatched.
This powered Vh1 for at least 5 years. Felt like I got up every morning in high school and this album was playing. Itunes and the early 2000s. Can't deny it tho. Like all U2 work I don't really connect with it... but I can't deny that it works.
Dylan knew what he was doing when he put together these dudes.
Part of Stevie's historic run. Every song rules.
This is where I need to mention that Karen Carpenter is an incredible drummer. Also this first song started as a jingle for a bank commercial. You gotta be pretty hard up for a hit if ur swiping from a bank commercial.
Shine on you crazy diamonds.
Song 2 overtook this album, but it's nice to finally hear some decent britpop on a list that has waaayyyyy to much britpop. Also crazy to think of the artistic impact of Damon when most people in the states wouldn't even look at him twice.
Fela is one of those foundational artists who impacted so much music I have heard... hearing him is like listening to the rosetta stone.
Incredible soul pop album. Mark Ronson really cooked, and Amy of course.
Zappa on fire.
The Stones were not really into ladies for this one.
Crazy to think this is one of the albums of my teen years, that Coldplay is a band that will be associated with my youth. This is probably their best work. Clocks, the Scientist... just all time pop songs. Weird to think that Coldplay was at one point one of the biggest rock bands in the world.
Pretty fun.
Yeah, this is my shit.
I love what Neil Young is about. I just don't dig the music.
Would listen to Nile Rogers fall into his guitar in the night. This freakin rules.
IT'S A BOY MS WALKER, IT'S A BOYYYYYY! An all-timer. Probably the best album with a song about a sketchy uncle.
Great single. Okay album.
Really fun!
Some hits but I’m just not into them.
Love Jack White. Very generous to add this album to 1001.
That's some damn fine Jazz Samba.
These bongos, do indeed, rock.
Instrumental post rock that screams "ignore me and write emails." I love it.
This sure is Rod Stewart.
bing dinga donga california! gotta gotta gotta get three stars now!
intense and brutal. And yet, some of these are bops?
College dorm room rap at it's finest. You know this one was rocking in the volvo.
Never quite able to make it there with the xx. They're cool... but something is missing.
Dark Dylan is the best Dylan.
I will return to the chicken shack again.
How did I not give this all the stars?
They walked so Zepp could run.
I have always been fascinated by Robbie Williams as a US person. He is not famous here... his songs are not that popular. I suppose he's like a UK Justin Timberlake with a harder edge? Angels is a VH1 late 90s CVS ballad and Let Me Entertain You feels like Freddie would have loved it. Everything else? Totally fine!
Every Tom Waits album should be called "Bone Machine."
A classic but now all I can think of is baby oil. :(
True and funky.
Appreciate what they did and do. YEAAHH BOIIII
Thank you for inventing shoegaze. Nice to listen in Oct.
Len is the GOAT.
Peaceful and vibey and cool. A nice find.
back in prison AGAIN! JK, this is good.
Not a big country guy. Dwight is a big country guy!
I'm tired.
Gene, not familiar with ur game and I am still not.
let meee innn nowww and it can beeee niceeeeee
A classic's classic.
One of my all time faves. And dropping in fall? Makes me think of peaceful New England fall days, writing, and wishing I could play the guitar.
A heavyweight who doesn't get enough shine. This album rips.
A million coffee shops have ruined this music for me. It's beautiful, but I just can't hear it anymore.
Not my fave Van, but important.
I can't help myself. I fucking love this album. An all-timer, over the top, insane, piano rocker. Meatloaf lived in my hometown for awhile. He coached the girls softball team. They called him "Coach Loaf." 5/5 stars.
Gave it a RadioHead 4 even though it's a 5 probs.
Really interesting. A fun find and a weird story behind it.
I know this is the record store guys fave Springsteen. I can recognize the kill. Big Springsteen is my fave. This is nice tho.
just one of the coolest ideas for a band ever!
A classic Bowie moment!
Has to be the greatest busker --> superstar story of all-time?
Gets a three for being Jeff Buckley's dad.
A JOY to listen to!
At the top of his game. What a nut job. A soulful nut job.
fun and flutey.
fun, natural fun!
ehh not feeling it. Weird brit moment.
Never got into them. Interesting.
the kings of punk
get the led out!
Sly is always an instant green.
the groove IS in the heart
Reminds me of childhood. A classic of the mop top era.
I respect the classic rock of it all.
not sure what this is all about ;)
Sounds more modern than I would have thought... weirdly not 80s?
This is what we call that writing music.
This is what I would be if I was a cowboy. Just four part harmonies with my boys, posing, and singing lil story songs.
Ray is getting 5s. Hope he shows up again.
Like the Doors but boring.
So inventive and world building. She should have worked with Enya.
Never been a big britpop guy, but these songs can't be denied. This must have hit so hard in the 90s.
Crazy that this is a debut album. But as the Dude says, "Fuck the fucking Eagles, man."
Somethings are just unimpeachable. A cannon event. There's something for everyone. A reason we have lived with it for so long. Funny that it's paired up with Wizard of Oz, another lifelong classic that will never not work on some level.
They should call this Fire, Fire & Fire.
This album is exactly the type of album you release if your sister is the biggest artist in the world. Strange, beautiful, indie soul.
Incredible for a band to come back from losing their lead singer.
The best version of "woke up this morning" blues.
Overexposed... and yet somehow ten years old and a classic. This will be the Enya of our generation, and I mean that specifically because it was a CD that was purchased by legions of moms. A starbucks CD released in a post starbuck CD world.
Surprised by the variety and depth of this album.
pure devocity
The Cure has always been a mystery to me. A hole in my pop culture knowledge. This album is moody, lush, gorgeous. It has hits and unexplored depths. This is what makes this project so much fun.
Pretty unimpeachable debut and guitar sound.
This was fine. Then I read about Koffi. And it wasn't fine anymore.
You better believe this fucker rocked my powder blue volvo speakers all through high school. Last great rock band? White Stripes fuckin rule. Justice for Meg.
First track is a banger of course. It's so fun to discover bands like this. Really fun, original rock.
Really fun discovery. Exactly what I love about this website and working through the 1,000
I'm fresh off the HBO Yacht Rock Dock so this really hit.
A masterpiece in Stevie's incredible 70s run. The man was connected to something deeper than we'll ever know. It just flows out of this album. The most 5/5 of all time.
I wonder what makes folks switch from Prog to pop. Genesis really shifted as a group.
Crazy to think this is the lady from Portlandia. She rips!
A staple of rock music that will never die.
An incredible industry turn around for Aretha and a crucial moment for the cross over from gospel to R&B. Amazing to think she had 9 albums before she hit with this one. A one-of-one voice.
This list is in the grips of 80s britpop
You know that thing where the thing sounds like the parody version of the thing? This is that thing.
The ultimate dad rock jazz nerd classic rock album. These freakin nerds.
Why do I feel like I need to ride in a fan boat NOW?
Run to the hills is an all-timer. This freakin rules. Also isn't Bruce Dickinson the name of Chris Walken in the cowbell sketch?
Solid mix of rock genres that feels ahead of it's time. Can't believe this came out in 1980
I read one review that said "less good Coldplay" and I can't shake it.
This freakin rules. Crazy to think that the guy who wrote "Hello it's me" produced this. It sounds awesome, has so much energy, and you can feel the impact. Crazy that this album cover could come out now and still be"controversial."
The final OutKast moment. The cool thing is to tell you how Speakerboxxx is the better of the two. They're both great. A modern classic.
Good album, but I'm starting to think Blur created this website and wrote this book.
"I loved itttttt" - Longlegs
Guess I'm a jilted generation, cause this is for me.
Hard to separate the myth from the music, but it's still a classic.
This feels like the hipster Bowie pick... but like all Bowie it's still super fun.
A lot of the reviews here argue against LIVE album inclusion, which I get. BUT - this really showcases how talented and insane The Who really were. Drums and bass all over the place, but the melodies and musicianship are amazing. Some of their classics feel fresh in this setting. A great idea to follow up Tommy with this.
Who else found out about Anita Baker from the secret music video Zach Galifinakis made for "You Bring Me Joy" on his LIVE AT THE PURPLE ONION DVD? Just me? okay. Cool cool cool. What a freakin voice.
Stone cold classic. I listened to this over and over again as a kid. Day in the life might be the best conceptual pop song ever written. And this is the grand daddy of all concept albums.
An absolute gem of an opener. Diminishing returns after that, but still a great soulful album.
Surprising album in some ways. It has a monster hit on it, but besides that it's a very 70s version of the Tempations. Some doo wop, but a lot of R&B and more social commentary than I expect from them. Not in the classic five period. Interesting find!
For years I have wondered why I'm not a U2 guy... I think it's because it's all pretty self serious in a way that i find alienating. And I'm as dramatic of a twat as the next fella. I know this album is well made. I connect with that... but the music itself sort of leaves me cold. I am sure hearing One for the first time felt really special. But now it just feels like wallpaper.
The rare case where the nepo baby is better.
Funky and weird!
Hanoi sort of rocks?
Great band name. I recognize the one song. Sort of vanilla.
Less Radiohead is still pretty good radiohead
Like st Vincent but boring?
sorry. I will die before I listen to this.
Before he was a Law & Order all-star the man made hard ass music and metal. He'll always be a god.
Odd inclusion to this list, but Jailbreak live must have HIT. Good on ya Irish lads.
A foundational artist. You can see everything that came after in this record.
super punk. Lil too punk for me.
a lot going on here.
it's a no for me dawg. I'm flagging.
An absolute classic.
Just not really a post punk girlie
Never realized Like a Prayer had that first riff?
Even the best Brit pop is too much brit pop
Hit em with the reverse Elvis. Ray is the GOAT