Aug 30 2022
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Blonde On Blonde
Bob Dylan
It definitely wasn't bad, but wasn't quite the type of music I prefer to listen to. Some songs went on a bit long for me, but I understand why they were as long as they were. My favourite songs were Just Like a Woman and Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine).
Aug 31 2022
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Modern Life Is Rubbish
This was really close to the kind of music I like to listen to, but none of the songs really grabbed me. Not a bad album. My favourite song was For Tomorrow.
Sep 01 2022
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John Prine
John Prine
While the music wasn't exactly what I'm into, I appreciate the topics this album tackles. I definitely understand why people would really like this album. My favourite song was Hello in There.
Sep 02 2022
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If You're Feeling Sinister
Belle & Sebastian
I really enjoyed this album's sound and tone. I liked every single song on the album. I also like the singer's voice quite a bit, but I could understand why others might not. My favourite songs were probably Me and the Major and The Stars of Track and Field.
Sep 03 2022
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Celebrity Skin
A lot of the songs on this album sounded the same to me. Some songs had interesting parts, but the way they progressed wasn't interesting to me and was often predictable. The beginning of the album left me underwhelmed for the most part, but I think the album got a little better towards the end. My favourite songs were Northern Star and Hits so Hard.
Sep 03 2022
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Lost In The Dream
The War On Drugs
This album got better as it went on. I liked its sound, but none of the songs jumped out at me. My favourite song was probably Lost in the Dream, but, again, nothing jumped out at me particularly.
Sep 04 2022
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My Generation
The Who
I enjoyed this album quite a bit. My favourite song was The Kids are Alright, but I liked a lot of the songs off of this album.
Sep 05 2022
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The Fat Of The Land
The Prodigy
I completely understand why this album is on here, but it is hard to sit down and listen to. Definitely meant to be dance music. My favourite song with Breathe.
Sep 06 2022
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Nothing's Shocking
Jane's Addiction
I really enjoyed the sound and atmosphere of this album. I'm not sure what else to say about it except that it's good. My favourite songs were probably Thank You Boys and Summertime Rolls, but it's kind of hard to choose.
Sep 07 2022
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Stevie Wonder
I liked this album a lot. I don't really know what else to say about it. It makes me excited to listen to more Stevie Wonder. My favourite songs were probably Visions and Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing.
Sep 08 2022
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Teenage Head
Flamin' Groovies
While this is usually compared to The Rolling Stones, I think this album manages to have a unique sound. It could definitely benefit from a remaster. My favourite song was City Lights.
Sep 09 2022
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KE*A*H** (Psalm 69)
This is not my cup of tea by far. I understand why it's on here, and I am glad that people can enjoy it, but it's just not for me. My favourite song was probably Hero, but I didn't like any of them very much.
Sep 10 2022
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The Queen Is Dead
The Smiths
Even if Morrissey isn't a great person, so I've heard, I enjoy his voice. I didn't expect to like this album quite as much as I did, since I'm not incredibly familiar with The Smiths, but I was pleasantly surprised. My favourite songs were Frankly, Mr Shankly, The Boy with the Thorn in His Side, and There is a Light that Never Goes Out, but I liked everything off the album.
Sep 11 2022
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The Sensual World
Kate Bush
This wasn't what I was expecting the album to sound like going into it, but it's okay. I like some of the themes and ideas that the songs tackle. The problem is I like these ideas more than I like the sound of the song. My favourite song was This Woman's Work. Almost every other song kind of sounded the same.
Sep 12 2022
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Germfree Adolescents
X-Ray Spex
This was an interesting album, sound wise This sounds very 80's despite being released in the 70's. I like the singer's voice for the most part, but it can be a tiny bit grating at some points. My favourite songs were I Can't Do Anything, Highly Inflammable, and Warrior in Woolworths.
Sep 13 2022
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Shake Your Money Maker
The Black Crowes
I don't have much to say about this album. The songs were inoffensive. Not bad, but not amazing either. My favourite song was Twice as Hard.
Sep 14 2022
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Sweetheart Of The Rodeo
The Byrds
Definitely not the worst country music I've ever heard, but I wouldn't go out of my way to listen to it. I think the singer's voice was soothing. My favourite song was probably Pretty Polly, but nothing particularly stood out to me.
Sep 15 2022
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In It For The Money
This album had an intriguing sound, and definitely picked up right at the end. My favourite songs were Hollow Little Reign, Sometimes I Make You Sad, and You Can See Me.
Sep 16 2022
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Wish You Were Here
Pink Floyd
I enjoyed this more that I thought I was going to. I've been told Pink Floyd is just noise, but it was enjoyable noise. My favourite song was Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 1-5).
Sep 17 2022
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Who's Next
The Who
I respect this album, and it does have some good songs, but I found it to be a little boring to listen to. My favourite song was Going Mobile.
Sep 18 2022
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Car Wheels On A Gravel Road
Lucinda Williams
When I saw this album was country, I had low expectations, but this actually wasn't bad. A lot of the songs felt very long, despite only being four minutes or so in length, but it wasn't necessarily in a bad way. My favourite song was Joy.
Sep 19 2022
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Live Through This
I did not have high hopes for this album after listening to Celebrity Skin, but I actually really enjoyed this album. It's more of the sound I was hoping for. I loved Courtney Love's vocals in this album. The lyrics and themes were pretty depressing, but that's part of what I liked about it. While it wasn't my favourite song, I loved the way that Rock Star started and ended, and it was a great way to finish the album. My favourite songs were I Think That I Would Die, Jennifer's Body, and Doll Parts.
Sep 20 2022
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Exit Planet Dust
The Chemical Brothers
I like other Chemical Brothers songs, so I was hoping I'd like this album more than I did. Not bad, but nothing really stuck out to me. My favourite song was One Too Many Mornings.
Sep 21 2022
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Speakerboxxx/The Love Below
I liked some of the songs off of Speakerboxxx, but I didn't think much of it. Not that it was bad, just not my thing. I probably would have given Speakerboxxx a three by itself. However, I really liked The Love Below. The interludes in The Love Below usually made me laugh and we're enjoyable to listen to. My favourite songs were My Favorite Things, Prototype, and She Lives In My Lap.
Sep 22 2022
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New Forms
Roni Size
I was a little scared of this album going into it, but it's actually alright. The problem is the average song length is 6 minutes, making this album over two hours long. I like a lot of the beats, but they didn't need to be six minutes long. It's a slog to get through. My favourite song was Brown Paper Bag.
Sep 23 2022
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Eli And The Thirteenth Confession
Laura Nyro
I didn't expect to like this album as much as I did, but I'm a sucker for piano. The songs blend together sometimes, but I still enjoy all of them. My favourite songs were Timer and Once It Was Alright Now (Farmer Joe).
Sep 24 2022
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Bridge Over Troubled Water
Simon & Garfunkel
I thought I'd be giving this album a 5 going into it, but it's sadly not the case. It was still really good though. Some of the songs just didn't grab my attention. The songs that did catch my attention, however, were amazing. My favourite songs were El Condor Pasa, Cecilia, and So Long, Frank Lloyd Wright.
Sep 25 2022
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Let Love Rule
Lenny Kravitz
I liked this album. I found that his voice could be a little grating at times when it begins to sound scratchy. The actual songs and instrumentation were pretty good though. Overall, this seems to be a strong debut album. My favourite songs were Let Love Rule and Does Anybody Out There Even Care.
Sep 26 2022
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I think this album was pretty much what I expected. I'm glad to listen to more R.E.M. and see what their sound is like beyond the hits. I enjoyed the album. My favourite song is The One I Love.
Sep 27 2022
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Heaven Or Las Vegas
Cocteau Twins
I went into the album thinking I was gonna end up giving it a 2 or a 3, but oh my God, was I wrong. I absolutely love the sound of this album. I think having headphones on definitely helps this album. My only critic for the album would probably be that I wish the sound varied ever so slightly more from each song, but even so, I still loved this album. The 90's are truly becoming my more divisive decade. My favourite song was probably I Wear Your Ring, but it's hard to choose.
Sep 28 2022
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Van Halen
Van Halen
I haven't listened to almost any albums that are important to these genres because it's not my thing, so I didn't expect to like this. This was a really fun listen though. There's definitely some iconic songs on here. The guitar really shines through. It's crazy to think that this came out in 1978. My favourite songs were I'm the One and Little Dreamer.
Sep 29 2022
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Joni Mitchell
This album was kind of boring to me. Basically every song is one note. They don't sound bad, but they don't do much to keep my attention. But this was alright. my favourite song was Song for Sharon.
Sep 30 2022
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Penthouse And Pavement
Heaven 17
I like the sound of this album a lot. Not every song did something I liked, but it was still interesting to hear. The themes in this album were definitely interesting. My favourite song was Play to Win.
Oct 01 2022
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Ill Communication
Beastie Boys
I'm unsure how to feel about this album. Some of the back beats on this album are pretty good, but my issue is that I end up enjoying the back beats more than the rap. But then, on the instrumental pieces, I find myself a bit bored. I'm sure the raps are lyrically impressive, but they generally don't stand out to me. I know Sabotage is the big song off of this album, but I don't really care for it. Still, this album definitely has a lot of interesting sounds. It's rather eclectic. It makes me a bit sad that I got this Beastie Boys album before any others, because I won't get to see how their music evolved to this. I doubt it, but maybe I'd like a different album of theirs more. Maybe I just don't understand Beastie Boys. My favourite song was Get It Together.
Oct 02 2022
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All Mod Cons
The Jam
There were elements of every song that I liked, but it wasn't exactly what I wanted. I liked the album about as much as I thought I would. Wasn't bad, but wasn't especially notable to me. My favourite song was probably Mr Clean, but no one song particularly jumped out at me.
Oct 03 2022
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Tangerine Dream
This was certainly an interesting album. I imagine it was impressive compared to everything else at the time. I don't think it's really my thing though. My favourite song was Phaedra.
Oct 04 2022
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Music in Exile
Songhoy Blues
This was okay. I thought I was gonna dislike it because it's blues, but it wasn't bad. Can't remember what anything sounds like though. My favourite song was Irganda.
Oct 05 2022
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Arcade Fire
I feel like part of why this album means so much to people is because they grew up with it, but I didn't have that experience. I have no prior experience with this band going into this. I'm not fond of the singer's voice, which is something I rarely find myself saying. It's not bad or anything, but sometimes it takes me a little out of the music. His voice kind of reminds me of the singer of Modest Mouse, but if you took away his unique way of singing. A couple songs on this album were good. Most didn't really resonate with me. Some songs kind of feel like they're aimed at teenagers, which is probably what seems to make it a popular coming of age album. Doesn't do much for me though. Maybe I just don't get indie music from this era. By the last song, I was just waiting for the album to end. My favourite song was Neighborhood #2 (Laika).
Oct 06 2022
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Raw Power
The Stooges
This album kind of felt like it went in one ear and out the other. I'm sure it was really impressive at the time, considering it was 1973. But, for me, it doesn't really make an impression, except for some of the vocals and guitar. My favourite song was I Need Somebody.
Oct 07 2022
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I expected to like this album going into it, but I was surprised by how much I liked it. I don't have much experience with Beck's music, but I'm glad to say I enjoyed this album. The music often takes unexpected turns that leave me pleasantly surprised. My favourite song was Ramshackle.
Oct 08 2022
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Teen Dream
Beach House
I didn't expect much going in, but this was nice. Probably my favourite album from the 2010's that I've gotten so far. I do wish some of the songs were shorter, but it was pretty good overall. My favourite songs were Used to Be and Lover of Mine.
Oct 09 2022
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Arc Of A Diver
Steve Winwood
I was scared of this album because it was labelled country, but I ended liking it quite a bit. It starts out pretty strong. It kinda loses me towards the end of the album. I did not like Dust very much compared to everything else, and it's a bit hard to overlook that when there are only seven songs on the album and it's almost seven minutes long. I was gonna give it a 4, but I'm going to barely give it a 3 instead. My favourite song was Second Hand Woman.
Oct 10 2022
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My Aim Is True
Elvis Costello
I went into this with low expectations, but I liked it quite a bit more than I thought I was going to. I'm not usually too into rock and roll and rockabilly stuff, but this album manages to make it sound a little more interesting. I'm pleasantly surprised. I was gonna give this a 3, but I ended up liking it enough that I'm gonna give it a 4. My favourite songs were Alison and I'm Not Angry.
Oct 11 2022
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Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
As a big Beatles fan, I actually look over Sgt. Pepper a lot because there's other albums of theirs I prefer. But upon listening to it, I realise enjoy this album quite a bit as well. I was gonna give it a 5 no matter what, but listening to it all together in one sitting made me respect it me. My favourite songs were She's Leaving Home, Within You Without You, and Lovely Rita.
Oct 12 2022
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This album was definitely better than the other Blur album I got. This one felt like it was leaning further away from being Britpop, and that's a good thing for me. It's funny, for someone who likes Gorillaz quite a bit, Blur doesn't seem to click with me as easily. I guess they are different, but still. Most of the songs on this album are okay, with a few duds and a few standouts. My issue is that nothing really stands out to me besides the first two or three songs. I didn't enjoy the album enough to give it a higher rating. My favourite songs were Beetlebum and Song 2.
Oct 13 2022
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Dire Straits
Dire Straits
I've heard Sultans of Swing before, but nothing else, so I was kind of interested when everything else on the record sounded like. This album was very solid. The guitar on here is enjoyable. Sometimes the things he does with his voice reminds me of Bob Dylan. I didn't like it enough to give it a 5, but it's still really good. My favourite songs were Sultans of Swings, Down to the Waterline, and Wild West End.
Oct 14 2022
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My Bloody Valentine
I like the sound of this album. I wish the songs were a bit more different from each other, or that they were shorter. They all kinda blend together for me. I'm hoping that maybe I'll like one of their other albums more. This one was still an enjoyable listen. My favourite song was Only Shallow.
Oct 15 2022
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Morrison Hotel
The Doors
The songs on this album felt a lot longer than 2-4 minutes a pop. They weren't bad, but a lot of them barely stuck out to me. Still, I really enjoyed a few of the songs on here. I'm hoping I'll like some other The Doors albums more. My favourite songs were Blue Sunday, Queen of the Highway, and Indian Summer.
Oct 16 2022
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MTV Unplugged In New York
I've come to really like Nirvana in the past few years. I enjoy every single song off of this album, and I knew right away it'd be getting a 5. My favourite songs are probably About A Girl, The Man Who Sold the World, and Lake of Fire, but it's really hard to choose.
Oct 17 2022
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Achtung Baby
I don't have much experience with U2. I like a few of their songs, but I've made no effort to seek out more U2. This was okay. Some songs did nothing for me, but there were a few songs I enjoyed. I wonder if I'll end up liking Joshua Tree more or less than this. My favourite songs were probably So Cruel and Mysterious Ways.
Oct 18 2022
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We Are Family
Sister Sledge
A lot of these songs had interesting things going on in them. I just wish some of them were shorter, or that they progressed further. Still, not bad. My favourite songs were He's the Greatest Dancer and We Are Family.
Oct 19 2022
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Close To The Edge
I already know I like prog rock, so I was excited for this album. It was a joy to listen to. It's nice listening to more Yes. I don't like it enough for 5 stars, but it's pretty close. My favourite song was Siberian Khatru.
Oct 20 2022
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Scott 2
Scott Walker
I'm surprised that this one has such a low rating. I think it's pretty good. He has an impressive voice, and the orchestration is great. I am a sucker for strings. My favourite songs were Next, The Amorous Humphrey Plugg, and The Girls and The Dogs.
Oct 21 2022
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Kings Of The Wild Frontier
Adam & The Ants
Adam Ant's music is pretty close to something I'd like, but there's only a few of his songs that seem to grab my interest. This album was alright, and I did like a few songs off of it, but, again, most of the songs were almost something I'd like, but not quite. Maybe I'd like another album of his more. My favourite songs were Los Rancheros and Don't Be Square (Be There).
Oct 22 2022
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Rum Sodomy & The Lash
The Pogues
When I first saw this album title and the cover, I didn't expect it to actually sound like shanty music, so that was a bit of a surprise. I don't think I'm as into the shanty music as some people seem to be, but it sure is unique. This album might have gotten a higher rating if it was shorter, because the novelty wears off somewhat fast and then the album just sounds boring. It's not awful, but not my things, really. I'm okay with one shanty, but not eighteen. My favourite song was I'm a Man You Don't Meet Every Day.
Oct 23 2022
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Fisherman's Blues
The Waterboys
I don't think music like this is really for me. That being said, it was alright. There were a few pretty good songs on here. But this sound gets a bit old after 13 songs. My favourite songs were We Will Not Be Lovers and World Party.
Oct 24 2022
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Elvis Is Back
Elvis Presley
This album was alright. Maybe a little boring, but I still enjoyed it. It's funny that I got a little sick of every song being about romance, because I usually don't mind that. Anyway, not bad. Elvis might just not be quite up my alley. My favourite song was Dirty, Dirty Feeling.
Oct 25 2022
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White Ladder
David Gray
I don't have much background knowledge about this album, but it's 90's pop, so I wasn't expecting to like it very much. I wasn't wrong with that assumption. I don't understand why every song is at least 4 minutes or longer. They don't really need to be. I also don't much care for his voice. The instrumentation isn't bad, and it'd be accurate to say it's my favourite part of the album, but it still doesn't make me like the songs very much. The music isn't offensively bad or anything, but it sure did go in one ear and out the other. It's interesting that there's a cover of a Soft Cell song, but it's inferior to the original. Also, I know the Soft Cell version is already five minutes long, but there was really no reason to extend this cover to be nine minutes long. I was glad to be done with this. My favourite song was My Oh My.
Oct 26 2022
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Def Leppard
This was okay. Every song was about one or two minutes longer than it needed to be. There's some good stuff on here though. I'm hoping I'll like Pyromania more when I listen to it. My favourite song is probably Love Bites.
Oct 27 2022
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Olympia 64
Jacques Brel
I didn't mind this album. Unlike some people, I don't care that it's in another language and that doesn't detract from my experience with it. I hoped that I'd like this album a bit more, but the songs kinda blended together and didn't do too much to catch my attention. Also, as a side note, some of the clapping is really grating with headphones. My favourite song was probably Les Toros Avec Final, but barely any of the songs stuck out to me.
Oct 28 2022
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Happy Mondays
I wasn't expecting to dislike listening to this album, but I did. It picks up a bit around the second half of the album, but it's still not great. It's just slightly better than the first few songs. The songs are pretty boring and unsatisfying to listen to. They don't really change that much over the course of their duration. Some songs have something going for them, but, again, they don't develop. I actually didn't mind the singer's voice that much, but it doesn't do anything all that notable in any of these songs. My favourite song was Bring A Friend.
Oct 29 2022
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Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables
Dead Kennedys
I knew only a few Dead Kennedys songs before I listened to this album, all of which are on here, but I enjoyed what I had heard. I wasn't sure what expect of this album, given that punk is kind of hit-or-miss with me, but I thought it was good. The album has a nice energy to it. The songs manage to differentiate themselves from one another. I also like this singer's voice quite a bit. This a very solid punk album. My favourite song was California Uber Alles.
Oct 30 2022
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I didn't like the first few songs, but the rest of the album is better. Still, I didn't like it enough to give it a higher rating. There were elements of something I liked in this album. I thought the little phone interludes were cute. My favourite song was Normal Girl.
Oct 31 2022
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Hot Buttered Soul
Isaac Hayes
This album was better than I expected it to be. I was scared by the track lengths, but I really liked listening to this album. I do agree with others that the intro to By The Time I Get To Phoenix is longer than it needed to be. It's weird to hear his voice, because I'm so used to him voicing Chef on South Park, but I got past that pretty quickly. He definitely has a nice, soothing voice. It's perfect for this style of music. To think that this was 1969 is crazy. My favourite song was Walk On By.
Nov 01 2022
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Moon Safari
I have not had the best luck with electronica albums on here, so this was a much needed change of pace. The songs may be a little longer than they really need to be sometimes, but at least they're not consistently seven minutes long like other 90's electronica. The songs are enjoyable and they sound interesting, progressing just enough to keep my interest throughout the song. My favourite songs were Sexy Boy and You Make it Easy.
Nov 02 2022
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Buffalo Springfield Again
Buffalo Springfield
I liked this more than I thought I would, but it's getting a 3, as I was expecting to give it a two. I'd say I generally preferred the songs that were a bit softer. You can kind of tell that this is a historically important album just by listening to it, at least in my opinion. Still, didn't impress me enough to get a higher rating. My favourite songs were Expecting to Fly, Broken Arrow, and Hung Upside Down.
Nov 03 2022
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The The
I was scared to listen to this album at first, mainly because of the cover, which is silly. I was also a little scared because of the reviews. I should have known I would like it when I saw the genres though. I didn't like it enough to give it 5 stars, but I really like it for what it is. It definitely has a distinct sound. My favourite song was Heartland.
Nov 04 2022
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Stephen Stills
This was pretty close to getting a 2, but it still consistently had things that I liked. It felt very long. Not much to say. Most of it wasn't my thing. My favourite song was It Doesn't Matter.
Nov 05 2022
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Michael Jackson
I knew this would be a 5 when I got it, as I enjoy a lot of songs off of here already. I liked the songs that I hadn't heard before a lot, which I kind of didn't expect. Great album! My favourite songs were The Girl Is Mine, Baby Be Mine, and The Lady in My Life.
Nov 06 2022
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Paris 1919
John Cale
I wasn't sure what to expect going into this album, but it was pretty good. Every song started in a way that had me hooked and interested in what was to come. I like his voice too. It kinda reminds me of Morten Harket's voice. It wasn't perfect, but this was a good album. My favourite song was Graham Greene.
Nov 07 2022
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Talking Book
Stevie Wonder
This generator has shown me that I actually really enjoy Stevie Wonder's music. I don't know what else to say about this album other than that it's good. My favourite songs were probably Maybe Your Baby, Blame it on the Sun, and Superstition. Lot's of good stuff on here.
Nov 08 2022
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System Of A Down
System Of A Down
I don't like metal very much, but System Of A Down has always been different. I really like System Of A Down, but I hadn't heard their first album before, so I was excited to listen to it. Luckily, it still has the same quality that I like about their later music. I absolutely love the singer's voice, and that still holds true in this album. My favourite song was Suggestions.
Nov 09 2022
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The Band
The Band
I don't really know what to say about this album. It has a cool sound. I enjoyed it. I don't think there's really anything wrong with the album, but I don't like it enough to give it a higher rating. My favourite song is Across The Great Divide.
Nov 10 2022
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Appetite For Destruction
Guns N' Roses
I wasn't expecting much going in, because I don't think I like this type of music very much, but this was a very solid album, especially for a debut album. Axl Rose's singing range is very impressive. Going from his voice in Welcome To The Jungle to his voice in It's So Easy was jarring, obviously in a good way. I know it's a very mainstream song, but I've always had a soft spot for Sweet Child O' Mine. But, overall, solid album. My favourite songs were It's So Easy and Sweet Child O' Mine.
Nov 11 2022
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Disraeli Gears
The first four songs were really good and caught me by surprise. The rest of the album was alright, but not as good as these beginning songs. Still, I liked this album more than I thought I might. My favourite songs were Sunshine Of Your Love, Strange Brew, and World of Pain.
Nov 12 2022
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Urban Hymns
The Verve
This album was absolutely awful to get through. Everything was boring. When a song did have potential, it was ruined because the song went on for five minutes without changing. I know people like Bitter Sweet Symphony, but I find it grating. Not a fun use of 75 minutes of my life. I'm glad people can enjoy this, but I don't understand. My favourite song was Sonnet.
Nov 13 2022
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Either Or
Elliott Smith
I've wanted to listen to Elliott Smith's music for a while now, so I was excited when I got this album. I expected to like it, and I definitely did. I like the overall feeling and tone of this album. My favourite song was Between the Bars.
Nov 14 2022
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Histoire De Melody Nelson
Serge Gainsbourg
This isn't a very interesting album to me. I found the first and last song to be particularly boring. I don't mind the music, but it's just not for me. My favourite song was Ballede de Melody Nelson.
Nov 15 2022
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Franz Ferdinand
Franz Ferdinand
I already liked Take Me Out, but I wasn't sure if I'd like everything else when I got this album. The first few songs had me hesitant, but I started really enjoying this album by the time I got to the end. I didn't love everything, but there were quite a few great songs on here. My favourite songs were probably Take Me Out, The Dark of the Matinee, and Darts of Pleasure, but it was surprisingly hard to choose.
Nov 16 2022
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Winter In America
Gil Scott-Heron
It is criminal that this album is not on any streaming services. This is an awesome album. I'd love to have it on vinyl. I was jamming the entire time. I went into this album expecting to give it a 4 because of its genres, but came out eager to give it a 5. My favourite songs were Rivers of My Fathers, A Very Precious Time, and The Bottle.
Nov 17 2022
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Born In The U.S.A.
Bruce Springsteen
I don't think I'll like Springsteen's other albums very much if this is his most accessible one. I didn't think anything of more than half the songs on this album. His voice can be a little grating, especially in Born in the U.S.A. I didn't expect to like this album much, but there were actually a few songs on here that I liked. My favourite song was Cover Me.
Nov 18 2022
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The B-52's
I had heard Rock Lobster before, as I'm sure everyone has, but I never thought too much of it. Upon relistening to it, I loved it. This album is a ton of fun. I found that I was bopping my head and tapping my foot for the whole thing. I totally get why a lot of people give this album a low score, because it has a pretty unique sound, especially in the vocals. I, personally, love the unique sound this album brings. I'm a sucker for people with distinctive singing voices like this. I didn't expect to be giving this album such a high score, but here we are. My favourite songs were Dance This Mess Around and Rock Lobster.
Nov 19 2022
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The Beach Boys Today!
The Beach Boys
When I listened to the first few songs, I was worried this album might be a bit boring. The second half of the album is pretty great though. The instrumentation really comes through in this half, and it does more interesting things. I liked everything on this second half. Also, it's insane that The Beach Boys were already on their eighth studio album by 1965, when their debut was only in 1962. My favourite songs were Please Let Me Wonder and She Knows Me Too Well.
Nov 20 2022
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The Rising
Bruce Springsteen
I had just gotten another Bruce Springsteen album a few days before this one. I thought that one was okay, but most of it wasn't my thing, so when I got this, I was not excited. I was right to not be excited, because I very much disliked listening to this. The whole time I was listening, I was waiting for it to be over. It made me envy the people who are okay rating an album after listening to two or three songs. This album kind of all sounds the same, and you pretty much know what to expect from the album after the first song. A few songs have a little bit of a different sound, but that doesn't make up for the sound of the rest of the album. The worst part was that this album is that it's 72 minutes long. I was excited that it was finally over. I'm glad some people can enjoy this music and the meaning behind the lyrics, even if I can't. I just don't get it. I guess my favourite song was Worlds Apart, but I don't really want to listen to anything from this album again.
Nov 21 2022
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Mj Cole
This was actually a bit better than I was expecting. Not amazing, but better than a lot of the other electronica albums I have listened to. The songs actually manage to be interesting and aren't way too long. My favourite songs were Rough Out Here, Hold On To Me, and Free My Mind.
Nov 22 2022
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Carole King
This album has quite a few good songs on it and it's a solid album all together. I'm a sucker for music like this, and I do enjoy her voice. My favourite songs were So Far Away, Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? and It's Too Late.
Nov 23 2022
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Orbital 2
This was alright. I actually didn't mind listening to this, despite me not having a good track record with electronica on this website. There's just something about it that sounds a little different to me. The intro was interesting. Some of the songs on here could probably stand to be shorter though. My favourite song was Planet of the Shapes.
Nov 24 2022
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Arthur (Or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire)
The Kinks
I've heard of the Kinks before, but I haven't gone out of my way to listen to any of their music. I wasn't sure what to expect. I was surprised by how much I liked this album. I'm gonna be looking forward to the other Kinks albums on this list now. My favourite songs were She's Bought a Hat Like Princess Marina, Australia, and Drivin'.
Nov 25 2022
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Pet Shop Boys
I know that this isn't anything special for a lot of people, but I loved this. I've heard a few Pet Shop Boys songs before and I really like those, so I was excited for this album. Rightly so, apparently, because I'm giving this album a high rating. It may be generic or cheesy to some, but it's very up my alley. I'm not gonna act like it's anything more than what it is. Still, it's getting a 5. I like his voice; it's kind of soft. It can be a little whiny at points, but I don't really mind that here. It's pretty hard to pick favourite songs, but I believe my favourite songs are Liberation, Can You Forgive Her?, and Young Offender.
Nov 26 2022
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I had heard a couple songs off of the album before, so I was interested to see what else this album had on it. I was surprised that most of the songs did not have vocals, as most of the songs I knew did have vocals. Still, it was pretty good. My favourite song was DVNO.
Nov 27 2022
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The Real Thing
Faith No More
I wasn't sure what to expect. This was okay. Not a ton stuck out to me from this album. I wonder if I'd like some of Mike Patton's other projects more. This wasn't bad, but, again, didn't stand out to me much. My favourite songs were Falling to Pieces and Edge of the World.
Nov 28 2022
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Bone Machine
Tom Waits
I've seen people say that you either love or hate Tom Waits' music, but I'm pretty in the middle, at least regarding this album. I know one or two Tom Waits songs, but this is my first time listening to an album of his. It was nice. I'd say that a lot of the songs could stand to be shorter, but that is the curse of singer-songwriter albums; you write so many verses in an attempt to tell a story that the song has to be at least four and a half minutes long, minimum. Still, even if a lot of them were long, the songs weren't bad. There are some very interesting sounds present in these songs. Anyway, this serves as an interesting entry point into his music. I hope I enjoy some of his other albums even more. My favourite songs were Dirt In The Ground and I Don't Want To Grow Up.
Nov 29 2022
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Marcus Garvey
Burning Spear
This is about what I expected the album to be like. The songs blend together for me, but they still sound good. I don't really have much to say about it. My favourite song was probably Tradition.
Nov 30 2022
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When I saw that this album was shoegaze, I got excited. But I was kind of disappointed when I was listening to it. Nothing really stuck out to me, and I didn't get the same feeling I get from other shoegaze albums on this list. It's not bad, but not what I was hoping for. My favourite song was probably Paralyzed.
Dec 01 2022
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Tellin’ Stories
The Charlatans
This was unremarkable. I forgot what every song sounded like after it was over. Not really sure why it's on the list. Wasn't awful, but wasn't really good either. My favourite song was Rob's Theme I guess, but nothing really stood out.
Dec 02 2022
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Hail To the Thief
I thought I would end up liking this album more, as I've had some interest in listening to Radiohead for a long time, but I feel that I'm missing something here. Maybe I'd like their older albums more than this one. I think it picked up with the last five or so songs, but I was kind of bored before that. Nothing really grabbed my attention. My favourite songs were 2 + 2 = 5 and A Punch Up At a Wedding.
Dec 03 2022
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Armed Forces
Elvis Costello & The Attractions
I thought the first few songs were a bit boring and I was worried I'd like this less than the Elvis Costello album I reviewed. But, after those songs, the album picks up. It was good overall. Like my last album by him, it just barely gets a 4. My favourite songs were Busy Bodies and Sunday's Best.
Dec 04 2022
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Vento De Maio
Elis Regina
This album was awesome! I'm sad that it's not on my streaming service. When I saw that this was samba and jazz, I knew I was gonna end up liking it. My favourite songs were Aprendendo a Jogar, O Medo de Amar é o Medo de Ser Livre, and Calcanhar de Aquiles.
Dec 05 2022
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Einstürzende Neubauten
I was almost 100% sure this was getting a one the moment I saw it. I already knew what it was, and I didn't think it would come for me so soon. This is the kind of music that makes me feel like I'm dying. There were multiple times I thought my smoke alarm was going off during this album, but no, that was just how the song sounded. I could not bare to listen to this with headphones. It did help to drown out the other people in my house though, and I appreciate that. I understand how this was influential for industrial music, but I find that I'm not the biggest fan of industrial music. I hope these guys had a lot of fun making this album, because it sounds like they did. My favourite songs were Vorm Krieg and Rohrbombe.
Dec 06 2022
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Rage Against The Machine
Rage Against The Machine
Before this, I only knew a few of the famous Rage Against The Machine songs. This album was amazing. The only reason I can't bring myself to give it a 5 is because it doesn't change much tone-wise throughout the album; the songs begin to blend together. Even so, this was great, and I think it's perfect for what it is. The music is awesome, and I love the guitar on this album. The lyrics are very potent and they are still rather relevant today. I also enjoyed the vocal performance on this album. My favourite songs were probably Killing In The Name, Fistful of Steel, and Township Rebellion.
Dec 07 2022
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Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret
Soft Cell
This sure was a non-stop erotic cabaret. I didn't expect it to be so erotic in nature, but it's right there in the name, so that's on me. But yeah, this album was pretty good. It definitely took some risks. Naming a song "Sex Dwarf", for instance, is a risk. Still, I enjoyed it. The music was solid throughout; there wasn't really a lull. None of songs were absolutely amazing besides maybe Tainted Love, so I can't give a higher score, but still good. My favourite song was Tainted Love.
Dec 08 2022
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Live At The Star Club, Hamburg
Jerry Lee Lewis
There was definitely an energy to this album. Besides that though, none of the songs especially stood out to me. There are a few songs I like in here, but there's better versions of them out there that I prefer. Good performance, but it's not getting any higher than a 3. My favourite song was probably Good Golly, Miss Molly.
Dec 09 2022
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Music From The Penguin Cafe
Penguin Cafe Orchestra
I was pretty confused about what this was when I first got it, but I ended up liking it a lot. As I've said before, I like orchestral music, so this album is pretty up my alley. It's an odd one, but I like that. My favourite songs were Zopf: From The Colonies, Zopf: Coronation, and The Sound of Someone You Love Who's Going Away and It Doesn't Matter.
Dec 10 2022
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Yay, another Radiohead album less than a week after my first one. I definitely liked this one more than my previous one, Hail to the Thief. The first three songs didn't do much for me, but it was pretty good after that. I'm hoping I'll like that other Radiohead albums on this list even more. My favourite songs were Knives Out and Morning Bell/Amnesiac.
Dec 11 2022
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Quiet Life
This album was pretty good. I'm glad it's on here, because I've wanted to listen to it. I wish some of the songs were a bit shorter or that they'd change up a little more, but it was still nice. I'm surprised this album has such a low rating. My favourite songs were Quiet Life, Halloween, and A Foreign Place.
Dec 12 2022
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Master Of Puppets
I've never been a huge fan of Metallica, but I've also never gone out of my way to listen to any of their music. As expected, there is some pretty impressive guitar on this album. I wish a few of the songs sounded a bit more varied. I just can't bring myself to give it a 4. Even so, there was some enjoyable music on this record. My favourite song was Master of Puppets.
Dec 13 2022
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Electric Warrior
T. Rex
I've had a vague interest in T. Rex for a while now, so I'm happy to finally give an album of theirs a listen. I expected to like it, and I did. I was jamming for most of it. I don't like it enough to give it a 5, but it's still a really good album. I wonder if I'd like their other albums. My favourite song was Planet Queen.
Dec 14 2022
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Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin
I definitely respect what this did for music, and the fact that this is 1969 is amazing. It's a bit too bluesy for me, and many of the songs are a bit too long. Still, there's some jams on this album. It starts out very strong. Unlike some people, I don't really mind Robert Plant's voice. This record just didn't truly connect with me, except for a few songs. Maybe I'll like some of their other albums on here more. My favourite songs were Babe I'm Gonna Leave You and Dazed and Confused.
Dec 15 2022
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Moving Pictures
I was so excited to see that I finally got this album. I love Rush, but I somehow haven't sat down and listened to this album before. It was great. I know some people are bothered by it, but I love Geddy Lee's voice. I adore prog rock, so I'm excited to see what other prog albums are on this list. I'm sad that there isn't more Rush on this list than just the two albums, but I understand why. My favourite songs are YYZ and Limelight.
Dec 16 2022
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I feel bad giving this a two, but all the songs blended together and it got boring. Despite being very short, each song didn't feel like two minutes. Maybe I'd like a different Ramones album more. My favourite song was Blitzkrieg Bop.
Dec 17 2022
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I was waiting for this album to be over for most of its run time. I felt like blowing my brains out while listening to this. That feeling wasn't really related to the fact that I was listening to this album, but it sure didn't help. It wasn't bad, but it was boring. The first two songs were okay, but there's not much going on after that. My favourite song was Earlybird.
Dec 18 2022
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This Nation’s Saving Grace
The Fall
Most of these songs felt like I was listening to the post-punk equivalent of a hippie jam band. I don't dislike the sounds going on, but it all felt rather aimless. If there were choruses, I rarely ever picked up on them. I usually like weird music like this, but there wasn't much for me to latch onto. Any time a song started with something promising, it was lost rather quickly. It felt very long too. So far, I've really liked the post-punk albums I've gotten, but this album is an outlier. I'm glad some people enjoy this, but I clearly don't get it. My favourite song was Petty (thief) Lout.
Dec 19 2022
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Time Out Of Mind
Bob Dylan
Oh boy, a 72 minute Bob Dylan album from 1997. Wasn't initially thrilled to listened to this one, mostly because of the length. I saw some people mentioning that his voice was more gravelly, but wow, I was not expecting it to sound quite like it does. If I didn't already know it was Bob Dylan, I don't know that I'd be able to guess that it's him. I kind of prefer his younger voice, oddly enough. I know some of the songs deal with darker topics, but I feel that sometimes the blues-y sound doesn't accompany that very well. Ending with a 17 minute song is a kicker... It perfectly shows my problem with some of the singer-songwriter genre: you write so many words and not enough music, resulting in a long, repetitive song. It was driving me insane. Probably would have given it a 3 if the album was shorter. My favourite song was Cold Irons Bound.
Dec 20 2022
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Queens of the Stone Age
Queens of the Stone Age
I like what I've heard of Queens of The Stone Age and I also like Josh Homme's performance on Them Crooked Vultures' only album, so I expected to like this album, but it was kind of boring. Every song felt longer than it actually was. Maybe if this was a different Queens of the Stone Age album, I'd like it more. I liked the idea behind You Can't Quit Me Baby, but it's too long. My favourite song is You Would Know.
Dec 21 2022
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Cocteau Twins
I loved Heaven or Las Vegas when this generator assigned it to me, so I was pretty excited for this album. It's crazy to me that they had this sound in 1984. I'm so used to shoegaze being an early 90's thing. Not every song is something catches my attention, and it's not as good as Heaven or Las Vegas, but it's still solid. The singer's voice really fits for this type of music. I wonder if I'd like other albums from this band. My favourite songs were Lorelie and Pandora (For Cindy).
Dec 22 2022
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A Seat at the Table
This is more like what I want from modern music on this list. It's not super pop-y, and I really enjoy that. Plus, I love the electronic and soul influences. I wish the songs differed a little more, but this was still a cool listen. The interludes were interesting. I may be learning that I like interludes in albums. My favourite song was Where Do We Go.
Dec 23 2022
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White Light / White Heat
The Velvet Underground
This sure was something. Very experimental. I've had an interest in The Velvet Underground, so it was nice listening to this. Not what I expected, but decent. I still enjoy John Cale's voice quite a bit. The Gift was a nice little story. I could definitely understand why people wouldn't like this, as sometimes it became a bit much for me. But, I liked enough about it to give it a 3. My favourite song was Lady Godiva's Operation.
Dec 24 2022
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A Hard Day's Night
I know a lot of people prefer their later stuff, but I love basically every Beatles album. This is the stuff I grew up on. I probably know every single lyric in this album. I don't even have listen to the album to know I'm giving it a 5 star, but I gave it another listen for fun. I must say, it was a very fun record to revisit. There's a nice energy to it. My favourite songs are probably I'll Be Back, I'm Happy Just To Dance With You, and If I Fell, but it's hard to pick favourites.
Dec 25 2022
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Jazz Samba
Stan Getz
It's jazz and it's samba. Of course it's getting a high rating from me. I really enjoyed it, but I didn't love it enough to give it a five. I kinda wish it had more energy. Still, a fun and lovely listen. Pretty solid album. My favourite song was E Luxo So.
Dec 26 2022
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A Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spector
Various Artists
Okay, first off, almost every review for this album is from December, usually on or after the 25th. The generator must save this as a Christmas gift every year or something, which would make sense. Fine by me! I don't hate Christmas music like some people do. I like some of it very much. This album was alright. Didn't particularly stand out to me, but I liked it. It's nice. It had a few of my favourite Christmas songs on it, and a couple that I hadn't ever heard before. My favourite songs were Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Here Comes Santa Claus, and Sleigh Ride.
Dec 27 2022
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Paul Simon
I went in figuring I would like this album, and I did. I'm realising that I like Paul Simon's voice. I enjoyed myself throughout the album. It wasn't amazing or anything, but it had an energy that I liked. Still very solid. There was also a few interesting themes throughout the album. I wonder If I'll like other albums of his. My favourite songs were You Can Call Me Al and Gumboots.
Dec 28 2022
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Kimono My House
Oh my gosh, what a perfect (albeit late) Christmas gift! My significant other got assigned this album a few months ago, and we've both been in love with Sparks every since! I adore Russell's voice, so much so that he's one of my favourite vocalists, and Ron's songwriting is amazing and witty, which really shines through on this record. The instrumentation on this is perfect to me. I'm sad that this doesn't have a higher rating, but I do understand that this might not sound good to some people. To me, however, this is a flawless album. It is banger after banger. It might even be my new favourite album, I love it so much. I'm also sad that Sparks doesn't have any more albums on here, but at least they have this one It's incredibly difficult to pick favourites on this album when every song is so amazing, but I'd say my favourite songs were Hasta Manana, Monsieur, Falling In Love With Myself Again, and Equator.
Dec 29 2022
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Fela Kuti
There's obviously talent here, but this was kinda long and kinda boring to listen to for me. I mean, the average song length is, like, ten minutes and the shortest song on here is seven minutes long. There is a 16 minute song on here that is just a drum solo, which I think is a bonus track, but I listened to it, so I'm gonna complain about it. Not really my thing, but I respect it. Kind of shocking that I didn't like it that much, considering it's funk and soul, but there wasn't much energy in this music, so I guess it didn't connect with me. My favourite song was Ye Ye De Smell.
Dec 30 2022
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Liege And Lief
Fairport Convention
This was kind of boring for me. It wasn't bad, but I was waiting for it to end the whole time. It was a bit too folky for my tastes. Don't really know what else to say. My favourite song was Matty Groves.
Dec 31 2022
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David Bowie
Wow, what a fun first Bowie album for this generator to assign me. Hey, I'm just glad it finally gave me one. I really like the jazzy influences happening in this album. It sure is depressing though. Still, a lot of the music was pretty good. This is a fitting final album. My favourite songs were Blackstar, I Can't Give Everything Away, and Dollar Days.
Jan 01 2023
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The Black Saint And The Sinner Lady
Charles Mingus
What can I say? I like jazz. This was rather enjoyable, which is about what I expected myself to think. It's perfect to just sit back, close your eyes, and listen to. My favourite songs were Track B - Duete Solo Dancers and Track C - Group Dancers.
Jan 02 2023
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Electric Music For The Mind And Body
Country Joe & The Fish
I was initially not excited for an album by a band named "Country Joe and The Fish", but this album was actually really good. Even when it was just instrumental pieces, I was entertained, which can't be said for many psychedelic rock albums. It's very close to a five stars, but I just didn't love it enough to give it such a rating. Even so, there were quite a few really good songs on here, especially right at the end of the album, and was nothing I didn't like. Grace gave me chills, which a song has never really done to me before. It's an amazing song. My favourite songs were Grace, The Masked Marauder, and Bass Strings.
Jan 03 2023
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Little Simz
I expected to give this a 2, but I quite enjoyed this. I haven't had a good track record with modern music, so this was a nice surprise. I liked the themes of the album, and I actually enjoyed the beats, which I usually don't in modern rap songs. I was also impressed by the flow. Overall, solid album. My favourite song was Wounds.
Jan 04 2023
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Sonic Youth
I already knew Kool Thing, so I was vaguely excited for this album. It was good. I like both of the vocalists, but especially the female vocalist. Their voices really fit this type of music. I preferred the songs that didn't have long instrumental breaks, but those weren't bad either. My favourite songs were Kool Thing, My Friend Goo, and Disappearer.
Jan 05 2023
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British Steel
Judas Priest
Didn't really know what to expect going in, but this was pretty good. It went harder than I expected it to. It's closer to the type of metal I like than some other metal albums on here. I think the opening song is a great way to introduce the album. Didn't really like United, but everything else was good. My favourite songs were The Rage and Breaking the Law.
Jan 06 2023
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Deserter's Songs
Mercury Rev
This was pretty good. The songs were somewhat varied and there was not a song I disliked. Both of the singers' voices were a tad bit grating, but I got used to it after a while. It kind of fits the tone of the album. My favourite song was Endlessly.
Jan 07 2023
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Jeff Beck
I'm not super into guitar or anything, but I'd definitely recommend this to anyone that is. The guitar shines on here. Still, I didn't like it enough to give it a 4. Still good though. My favourite song was Greensleeves (Instrumental).
Jan 08 2023
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Marquee Moon
I didn't really know what to expect from this. I liked the album cover, and I had seen it before at a few record stores, but didn't buy it. I really wish I had bought a copy though, because this album is awesome. It has a nice feeling and atmosphere to it that's hard to explain. I like the singer's performance. I'm a sucker for voices like his. It sort of reminds me of Jack White's voice. I was initially scared of the run time of the titular Marquee Moon, but I enjoyed every second of that ten minutes. This is an easy five stars for me. My favourite songs were Venus, Marquee Moon, and Torn Curtain.
Jan 09 2023
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Clube Da Esquina
Milton Nascimento
This was more enjoyable than I expected, and I think it's a bit impressive for the time. I didn't love it quite enough for a 5 star, but maybe it'd get such a rating upon relistening to it. Awesome album, glad I got to listen to it. My favourite songs were Paisagem Da Janela and Um Girassol Da Cor Do Seu Cabelo.
Jan 10 2023
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This was a really good album! I love jazz, obviously, and this was some energetic jazz. You can't listen to this album without getting the urge to dance, or at least move your body in some way. My favourite song was Kenya, but all the songs were all pretty good.
Jan 11 2023
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The Jesus And Mary Chain
A bit more nothing than I was hoping for. A pretty perfect three. My favourite song was About You.
Jan 12 2023
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Bruce Springsteen
Why did they blow up the chicken man's house. That's so rude. That lyric was probably my favourite part of the album. This is pretty different from Born in the U.S.A., but I didn't much care for this. It was pretty boring and it all sounded the same. I'm getting this sneaking suspicion that I don't care for Bruce Springsteen's music. Just glad it's over. My favourite song was State Trooper.
Jan 13 2023
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Done By The Forces Of Nature
Jungle Brothers
It's okay, but doesn't do much for me. There's nothing wrong with it though. I just have nothing to say. My favourite song was Doin' Our Own Dang.
Jan 14 2023
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George Michael
I expected to give this a 4, but I didn't think it'd be as close to a 5 as it is for me. I don't think I can give it a 5, but it's pretty dang close. Certainly an interesting experience in terms of lyrics. A lot of bops on here. My favourite songs were Hand to Mouth, Kissing a Fool, and Monkey.
Jan 15 2023
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Sound Affects
The Jam
I already got All Mod Cons a while ago, and that was okay. This one is okay too, but I like what's going on here more than on All Mod Cons. The music is definitely more interesting, but I don't like it enough to give it a 4. My favourite song was Monday.
Jan 16 2023
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Definitely Maybe
I love the Beatles, and a lot of Beatles fans seem to like Oasis, but it just isn't quite there for me. I do not like Britpop very much, so I didn't really expect to like Oasis. Also, I already knew I hated their most popular song. Still, this wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, as I half expected to give it a 1, but it didn't do much for me. It felt very long and I was glad when it ended. My favourite song was Married with Children, I guess.
Jan 17 2023
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Straight Outta Compton
I have respect for it, but I just can't give it a higher rating. I get a feeling I would like the songs this album is sampling more than the actual songs on the album. Some of the lyrics were pretty sexist too. Hip hop might just not be my thing.
Jan 18 2023
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Bryter Layter
Nick Drake
I liked this. I'm glad he has at least one more album on the list, and I'm excited to listen to it. His voice is nice. It was a very relaxing listen. Not really sure what else to say. My favourite song was probably Hazey Jane I, but it's hard to pick.
Jan 19 2023
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Live 1966 (The Royal Albert Hall Concert)
Bob Dylan
This was probably the best experience I've had with a Bob Dylan album on this list so far. After listening to Time Out of Mind, it's nice to go back to how he used to sing. Quite a few songs were longer than they needed to be, in my opinion. I got bored at some points. This has a nice energy to it though. My favourite songs were Tell Me, Momma, Baby, Let Me Follow You Down, and Ballad of a Thin Man.
Jan 20 2023
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Here Come The Warm Jets
Brian Eno
I had a little experience with this album, as my partner got it and really liked a few songs off of it, so I was pretty sure I was gonna like it. Even so, it blew me away. It's saying something to make an album that still sounds like nothing you've heard despite being fifty years old. This was awesome. My favourite songs were The Paw Paw Negro Blowtorch, Cindy Tells Me, and Some Of Them Are Old.
Jan 21 2023
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Catch A Fire
Bob Marley & The Wailers
I would probably give most reggae albums a 2 star nowadays, but this was more enjoyable than a lot of reggae I hear. There's something more musically interesting happening in a lot of these songs that makes it a more engaging listen. Didn't like it quite enough for a 4, but it was still good. My favourite song was High Tide or Low Tide.
Jan 22 2023
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Gunfighter Ballads And Trail Songs
Marty Robbins
My man is out here killing everyone. I knew Big Iron already, but this album was about what I expected. It was alright. If you know what one song off of this album sounds like, you can probably guess what everything else sounds like. Still, it's decent. My favourite song was Big Iron.
Jan 23 2023
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The Village Green Preservation Society
The Kinks
I think this album really picked towards the end of the album, but it was good overall. I don't think I like this album as much as Arthur, but it's a pretty close competition. I guess this just solidifies that I like the Kinks, and I'm excited for their other albums on the list. My favourite songs were probably Sitting By the Riverside, People Take Pictures of Each Other, and Wicked Annabella, but it's hard to choose.
Jan 24 2023
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I knew this was going to get a 5 when it popped up. It's safe to say I really like Nirvana's music. I didn't really think much of Smells Like Teen Spirit before relistening to it today, but it's pretty good. I think there's definitely better Nirvana songs though. I knew most of these songs already, with the only truly unfamiliar one being Stay Away. I'm unsure if I will like In Utero more than this album, but I guess we'll see when I get it. The last song on this album is an interesting way to end the album, but it really does fit for Nirvana. It's hard to pick favourites, but I'd say my favourite songs were Come As You Are, Lounge Act, and On A Plain.
Jan 25 2023
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Van Halen
You know, I went into this expecting to like this less than their self titled album, but I forgot how many hits are on here, and most of the songs that aren't hits are still good. I like this album even more, which is why I'm giving it a 5. It just goes so hard. I'm glad to learn that I like Van Halen quite a bit. My favourite songs were Hot for Teacher and Drop Dead Legs.
Jan 26 2023
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New Boots And Panties
Ian Dury
I knew one song by Ian Dury before listening, so I had a little bit of an idea of what I was getting myself into. I knew it was gonna be kind of weird, and it certainly was. There were some parts I liked, and some parts that were a bit much for me. This seems like something I'd like more upon revisiting. For now, it's getting a three. My favourite songs were Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll, My Old Man, and Billericay Dickie.
Jan 27 2023
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Water From An Ancient Well
Abdullah Ibrahim
I mean, it's jazz, so I like it, but this album just didn't really grab me. There's nothing wrong with it, but I don't see any reason to come back to it. My favourite song was Water From An Ancient Well.
Jan 28 2023
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Deja Vu
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Not quite what I expected this to sound like, but that's a good thing. I figured I wasn't going to like anything here, but it was pretty good. I think it's a little too folky at parts, which draws me out of it, but oh well. There were a couple songs on here that I already knew but didn't know who the song was by, so that was interesting. I liked each of the singers' voices and their harmonies together. The harmonies reminded me a bit of Yes. My favourite songs were Carry On and Deja Vu.
Jan 29 2023
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Gris Gris
Dr. John
This was an interesting album. It started out a little boring, but it picked up around the third song. I don't like it enough to give it a four, but it wasn't bad. My favourite song was Mama Roux.
Jan 30 2023
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I think this is better than a lot of pop music I hear on the radio, but it's still nothing special to me. I do like a lot of the instrumentation and themes. Her voice can get grating at times. I think the album cover is probably the best thing about this album. I wouldn't seek it out, but I'd be fine with this playing on the radio. My favourite song is Writer in the Dark.
Jan 31 2023
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The xx
I was hoping to like this one, but this was pretty boring to me. I was just waiting for it to be over. It wasn't offensive, but I wasn't interested in basically anything that was happening. I guess my favourite song was Fantasy, but everything blended together.
Feb 01 2023
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Court And Spark
Joni Mitchell
I was hoping that I would like this more than Hejira, and I did. I always see this at record stores, so now I finally know that I like this enough to buy it. A few of the songs were close to something I like, but just barely not there. Most songs were pretty good. My favourite songs were Help Me, Twisted, and Car on a Hill.
Feb 02 2023
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The Visitors
My partner has listened to all of ABBA's discography and didn't seem to think too much of this album compared to their other albums, so my expectations weren't super high. I expected to give it a 3 or a 4, but I really enjoyed almost every song on this album. Other than the first song, I liked everything. Some of the themes are interesting and I appreciate the tonal shifts on the album. I assume I'm going to give their other album on here a 5 as well, but I guess we'll see. My favourite songs were Head Over Heels, The Day Before You Came, and Under Attack.
Feb 03 2023
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Bat Out Of Hell
Meat Loaf
I knew one song off of this album, and the rest of this album is pretty similar to that song, that is to say it's pretty good. I probably should have expected that. The instrumentation is very enjoyable and Meat Loaf did a great job on the vocals. The songs feel like they belong on the same album and carry the same energy, but manage to be distinct. This was a great listen. My favourite song was Paradise by the Dashboard Light.
Feb 04 2023
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The Clash
The Clash
This was boring. I don't understand punk music like this because the whole albums sounds the same. I don't even know what to say. My favourite song was Remote Control, I guess.
Feb 05 2023
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Francis Albert Sinatra & Antonio Carlos Jobim
Frank Sinatra
It's bossa nova, so I knew it was gonna get a high score from me. I think Sinatra's smooth voice fits with the music pretty well. The instrumentation was great and I loved listening to this album. It's was nice music to just relax and jam to. There were quite a few good songs on here, but some of them were a bit too slow and without change for me, so I feel I can't give it a 5. My favourite songs were The Girl From Ipanema, Change Partners, and Baubles, Bangles and Beads.
Feb 06 2023
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Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
Wu-Tang Clan
I expected a two, but I liked this album a bit more than some of the other rap albums I've gotten. Not entirely sure why. Perhaps I like the sampling more? I also appreciate that it isn't an hour long. My favourite song was Can It Be All So Simple.
Feb 07 2023
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It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back
Public Enemy
While I can't justify giving this a 4, this was one of the more enjoyable hip hop albums I've gotten so far. Close to a 4, but not quite there for me. I'm excited to see how their other albums are. I'm hoping one of those will be a 4 star. This album was a bit too long for me. I like Chuck D's voice, so that made the raps on here pretty enjoyable. I appreciate the messages that are present. Also, that last song was an awesome way to close out the album. My favourite songs were Party For Your Right to Fight, Bring The Noise, and Show 'Em Whatcha Got.
Feb 08 2023
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Space Ritual
God, was I relieved when this was over. It's really hard to motivate myself to listen to longer albums like this. That being said, it was okay. The music kinda felt like it was going in one ear and out the other, only grabbing my attention a few times during the duration of the album. It's an impressive album though, and good on anyone who enjoys this. I liked the interlude/introductions that some of the songs had. My favourite song was probably Down Through The Night, but barely anything stood out.
Feb 09 2023
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A Grand Don't Come For Free
The Streets
I don't get this album at all. I'm glad some people like this album, but the whole thing felt off to me. A lot of the music was grating and annoying and his singing didn't make it any better. Every song pissed me off at some point. I totally get why this has the rating it does. I guess my favourite song was Dry Your Eyes because it pissed me off the least.
Feb 10 2023
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Songs For Swingin' Lovers!
Frank Sinatra
This generator has shown me that I like Sinatra a little bit more than I thought I did. His albums have been pleasant little listens so far. I don't know if I like this one more than the other Sinatra album I got. It was kind of weird to hear Anything Goes, because it made me realize how much I like Cole Porter's version. I missed that nasally voice. Sinatra still did a great job, of course. My favourite songs were I've Got You Under My Skin and You Made Me Feel So Young.
Feb 11 2023
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Joan Armatrading
Joan Armatrading
This had elements of something I would like, but a lot of it sounded a bit too, I don't know, generic for me? There were definitely interesting parts, but they were bogged down by stuff that was just okay. It was frustrating to hear. Some of the guitar work was nice. Her voice can do some nice things as well. I wish the piano was used a bit more on here. Regardless, I could see the appeal of this. My favourite song was Water With The Wine.
Feb 12 2023
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Never Mind The Bollocks, Here’s The Sex Pistols
Sex Pistols
I don't think I like punk music very much. I just usually find it very boring, and this album kind of fits that. There were some parts that were able to hold my attention, but also some parts that I didn't really care about. Sometimes the vocals reminded me of the Dead Kennedys albums the generator gave me a while ago, which was probably what I liked most about this album. This kind of just makes me want to listen to that album instead. I guess punk doesn't click with me most of the time. My favourite song was Anarchy in the U.K.
Feb 13 2023
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(Pronounced 'Leh-'Nérd 'Skin-'Nérd)
Lynyrd Skynyrd
This was okay. Some enjoyable parts, but some of songs went on a bit too long for me. Definitely not bad, but not something I see the need to come back to. My favourite song was Gimme Three Steps, I guess?
Feb 14 2023
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The Boatman's Call
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
I liked how naked and melancholy this album sounded. The songs were kind of long, but they were still good. He has a few other albums on here, so I hope I like them as much as this one. My favourite song was Where Do We Go Now But Nowhere?
Feb 15 2023
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Kind Of Blue
Miles Davis
It's harmless background music to me. Not really anything grabbing my attention, but it's a nice, relaxing listen. My favourite song was So What.
Feb 16 2023
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Ocean Rain
Echo And The Bunnymen
This is a pretty solid album. Maybe it'd get a 5 if I ever chose to relisten to it. I think this is probably an essential new wave album, as it showcases the genre very well. I wonder if I'd like another album by this band. My favourite songs were The Killing Moon, The Yo Yo Man, and Silver.
Feb 17 2023
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Machine Gun Etiquette
The Damned
I enjoyed this more than a lot of the punk albums I've gotten, but it's not quite there for me. Just didn't fully catch my attention. I enjoyed the more varied sound. I feel like I blinked and the album was half way over, then the second half dragged a little. That's a problem I have with punk. That rebellious sound loses its punch 14 songs in. My favourite song was Plan 9 Channel 7.
Feb 18 2023
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The Downward Spiral
Nine Inch Nails
As I have learned from this list, I do not have much fondness for industrial music. I don't really think this is a horrible album. If you like this style of music, I'm sure it's great. But I really, really did not enjoy listening to it. Had to have the volume pretty low the whole time for the sake of my hearing. I kind of like the depressing nature of it, but there's other albums I like more that can make me depressed. I guess I'm glad that this album exists though, because without it, we would not have the Johnny Cash cover of Hurt, which I quite like. My favourite song would be Hurt, I guess? I didn't like any of the songs on here and I don't see myself seeking any of them out again.
Feb 19 2023
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Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge
Can't say I expected to hear a harmonica on a grunge album. This was okay. I like the sound and the atmosphere, but not much stuck with me. Overall, a nice listen. My favourite songs were Pokin' Around and Check-Out Time.
Feb 20 2023
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Tago Mago
Man, what a weird album. It's funny how it's 70 some minutes long, but it's only got 7 songs on it. I got tired of it pretty quickly, and those very long songs really cemented this as a 2 star for me. I'm just glad it's over with. My favourite song was Mushroom.
Feb 21 2023
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With how high my grunge score is, I expected to like this album more than I did. Perhaps I really just like Nirvana? I'll have to see what I think of some of the other big grunge albums still on here. A few songs piqued my interest a little here and there, but I didn't like anything on here nearly as much as Black Hole Sun. I was hoping I'd like this album more than I did. Oh well, I suppose. My favourite song was Black Hole Sun. Shocker, I know.
Feb 22 2023
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Joni Mitchell
I finally understand all the hype for this album. It's really good! I believe I only have one Joni Mitchell album left on this generator, so that's cool. I'm assuming this one will be my favourite though. The instrumentation is very pretty and remains interesting despite usually being rather calm, which I always appreciate in an album. Her impressive voice also gets a chance to shine here. I wasn't absolutely crazy about it, so I can't push myself to give it a 5, but it's a very high 4. My favourite song was California.
Feb 23 2023
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Dolly Parton
It's fine. Didn't do much for me though. I guess some of the harmonies were nice. Could definitely be worse. My favourite song was Telling Me Lies.
Feb 24 2023
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The Undertones
My problem with punk albums is that they all sound the same for the entire runtime, generally. This isn't an exception, but I do like the sound a bit more than other punk albums. It started to drag in the second half. Do all punk singers sing like that? In a lot of the punk albums I've gotten, the singer's voice is shaky. I like it, but it's odd that it's a trend. I didn't really care about this album. My favourite song was See That Girl, I guess.
Feb 25 2023
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This is probably a light four, but still a four. There's a reason this has a better score than a lot of the other 90's electronica albums. These are actual songs and not just noise. They may be a bit repetitive, but that's just the way electronica is, I guess. I liked the downer tone. I felt like I should have been depressed and smoking a cigarette while listening to this. I also liked the quality of the singer's voice. My favourite song was Sour Times.
Feb 26 2023
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The Gershwin Songbook
Ella Fitzgerald
Disclaimer: I didn't finish the album. It's so long... I listened to a good amount of it though, and I feel confident rating it. It's good. I like this kind of music, even if it doesn't always grab me. My favourite songs were That Certain Feeling and The Great American Folk Song.
Feb 27 2023
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I might have not been in quite the right mood for this, but it was still good. Definitely more musically interesting than some hip hop on this list. I could see this potentially being a 4 star album upon relistening. I think my favourite song was Real People.
Feb 28 2023
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Fleetwood Mac
This was a bit of an odd bunch of songs. Interesting though. I didn't think much of a lot of the album, to be honest. I assume I'll like Rumours more. My favourite song was Save Me a Place.
Mar 01 2023
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Goodbye And Hello
Tim Buckley
Wow, what a voice! Some of the things he does with his voice genuinely took me by surprise. I always liked the album cover for this one, but I wasn't sure if I'd like the music due to its low score on here and the genres, but this is some pretty good stuff. It's just shy of receiving a 5 from me. I'm excited for his other albums on here now. It's a shame he passed away so young. He obviously had talent. My favourite songs were Carnival Song, Pleasant Street, and Hallucinations.
Mar 02 2023
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This album was fine, but the length really started to bother me after a couple songs. Electronica is almost always way too long, which sucks if the song sounds good. I probably should have given some of my other 90's electronica albums a 2 as well. Anyway, my favourite song was probably Timeless, but it is long-winded.
Mar 03 2023
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The Dreaming
Kate Bush
I thought I knew what to expect from Kate Bush after being assigned The Sensual World a few months back, but I was wrong. This was better than that one, to me, which may be controversial given the low rating on this one. It was really great though. I loved the tone of the album. One or two parts were a bit too much for me, as is the case with most albums that are so experimental, but this came very close to a five star. Maybe I like Kate Bush more than I thought? My favourite songs were All The Love, Pull Out The Pin, and There Goes A Tenner.
Mar 04 2023
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Come Away With Me
Norah Jones
It's jazzy, so it was always going to get a decent score. I definitely liked the jazzy parts more than the parts that leaned more towards a folky, country sound. Still, pretty good. Perhaps a light 4, but still a 4. My favourite song was I've Got To See You Again.
Mar 05 2023
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Sex Packets
Digital Underground
This is a hard album to rate. It's definitely an interesting and unique concept for an album. And I like some of the beats. The problem is sometimes I'm kind of a prude, and listening to an entire album about objectifying women and having sex is not exactly my idea of fun. It was a bit uncomfortable to listen to. Even so, the album did make me laugh a few times. I can't say I truly disliked my time with it, but I don't have any urge to relisten to this. My favourite song was Sex Packets.
Mar 06 2023
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Toys In The Attic
I used to not think much of Aerosmith, but I dislike them more and more over time. This album has been in my album backlog on here for a while, so I listened to Pump first, which was just... overall not very good... I'd say Aerosmith can make decent music, as they have a lot of iconic guitar riffs and such, but as someone that kind of pays attention to lyrics, a lot of the times they're gross, which just makes me see the band and their music as sleazy. I know, I'm a prude, but I don't want to listen to song after song about how Steven Tyler fucks. I'm sure there's songs about things other than sex, but it really doesn't feel like it. That being said, Tyler's voice was better on this than on Pump, so I guess that was good. Well, maybe not so much on the higher parts of the last track, where he sounds like a dying cat, but generally it's alright. The guitar was good, and served as a highlight of the album. Some of the songs went on too long and began to bore me, which isn't uncommon for Aerosmith songs to do. The album is definitely better than Pump was, but I still don't really care. My favourite song was Adam's Apple, I guess. I don't know.
Mar 07 2023
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ZZ Top
I don't know, man. There's some interesting stuff, but I didn't really care by the end. I don't think it's a bad album, but I personally found it kind of boring. My favourite song was Legs.
Mar 08 2023
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Django Django
Django Django
It started out hopeful, but I kinda got bored after a few songs. It's definitely an interesting sound though. I wish the songs had more aim. My favourite song was Hail Bop.
Mar 09 2023
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Fever Ray
Fever Ray
This was okay. Not bad, but not a standout either. Some songs could definitely be shorter, as is constantly the case with electronica, but this is better than a lot of electronica albums I've gotten. I think the first half was stronger than the second half. My favourite song was If I Had A Heart.
Mar 10 2023
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Belle & Sebastian
It's nice to have gotten this album sooner rather than later. I don't think this is as good as If You're Feeling Sinister, but it was still very good. Still has a similar feeling that I enjoyed. I'd say maybe a few of the songs should have been a little shorter, but that's fine. They were still enjoyable. My favourite songs were Expectations, Electric Renaissance, and I Could Be Dreaming.
Mar 11 2023
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Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
This is a bit of an odd album. It had some bits that could be part of something I like, but they ultimately aren't utilized the way I want them to be. I enjoyed the atmospheric droning. Some of the songs were boring though. My favourite song was Heavy Metal Drummer.
Mar 12 2023
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My partner didn't like this album very much, but I think it's quite alright. Definitely has an interesting style to it. Nice and short too. I will say, the first twenty seconds of the album are probably the best part of the whole thing. My favourite song was Time With You.
Mar 13 2023
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The Dark Side Of The Moon
Pink Floyd
A very enjoyable listen. This would be a nice album to put on and chill out with. The transitions are pretty cool. I'm beginning to like Pink Floyd more. My favourite song was Brain Damage.
Mar 14 2023
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Coat Of Many Colors
Dolly Parton
This is a pretty light three, but I just can't give it a two. I don't really like country, but this is tolerable. I was more interested in the lyrics than the music a lot of the time. There's certainly some interesting stories going on in these songs. My favourite song was Traveling Man.
Mar 15 2023
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The Last Broadcast
There's something here, I think, but I have no urge to come back to any of these songs. Probably good if you like indie rock, but I've never been too crazy about indie music from the early 2000's. Saw a lot of comparisons to Coldplay, but I'm not very experienced with Coldplay, so. I like the Coldplay songs I have heard more than this album though. It felt like it dragged on, but that feeling might have been more because of me than the music. My favourite song was M62 Song.
Mar 16 2023
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American Pie
Don McLean
I kind of expected for there to be a couple hits on here, and then the rest would be boring, but I enjoyed a lot of the songs. I'm glad that this was better than expected. My favourite songs were Vincent, The Grave, and Babylon.
Mar 17 2023
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In A Silent Way
Miles Davis
I'm not really sure if I like this more than Kind of Blue or not, but both were nice. I really liked the titular track. It felt very nostalgic and home-y. It was a nice tune to return to. I was a bit bored at time, but oh well. My favourite song was In A Silent Way.
Mar 18 2023
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Ready To Die
The Notorious B.I.G.
I liked the concept of the album and liked how the first song established the album and how the final song wrapped it up. His flow is rather nice to listen to. I don't really like hip hop, but there were still things to like here. Some of the album was gross. I don't really need to listen to him having sex for a minute and a half. There were things that were off putting, such as that and some of the lyrics. It's a lighter three. My favourite song was Juicy.
Mar 19 2023
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Forever Changes
This feels really close to being something I would quite enjoy, but something is missing for me. Just wasn't able to fully grab my attention. Still, not bad. It was a pleasant enough listen. My favourite song was Alone Again Or, I guess, but nothing really stood out to me.
Mar 20 2023
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The Healer
John Lee Hooker
I guess I'm not a huge fan of blues. The first song was fine, but every other song started to piss me off. Those last three songs were especially bad. He's just loosely playing the guitar while he stutters the same thing over and over. It was really frustrating to listen to. Just say what you're trying to say, please. The songs don't really do anything over their duration either. I would say the guest musicians helped, and I guess they did a little bit, but it was still bad. My favourite song was The Healer.
Mar 21 2023
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The ArchAndroid
Janelle Monáe
I knew I was probably going to end up liking this, given that it is compared to many musical artists that I like, but damn, there's a lot of bangers on here. This album does not let you rest until the album is already half way over. This was awesome. I think the last couple songs lost me a little bit, but the rest of the album was so good that it doesn't really matter. Those last songs may grow on me with time. It is really hard to pick favourites, as it always is with 5 star albums, but I think my favourite songs were Locked Inside and Oh, Maker.
Mar 22 2023
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The Shamen
Not as bad as I was worried it would be, as I didn't mind most of the songs that had words, but an hour of this was too much. Was considering a 3 at the beginning, but I stopped caring a few songs in. Better than some electronica I've had to listen to, but I'd still never willingly listen to it. My favourite song was Possible Worlds
Mar 23 2023
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Tea for the Tillerman
Cat Stevens
The first few songs had me worried, but it picked up pretty fast. Not much of note here for me, but an enjoyable, relaxed listen. My favourite song was Wild World.
Mar 24 2023
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Group Sex
Circle Jerks
You know, while I don't like punk albums, this does at least address one of my issues with the genre, which is that, while they're usually shorter than other albums, they're still long enough that I get bored and it loses its punch. That's not really the case with a 15 minute album. I still think every song sounds the same, but at least it's short and sweet. Still, I would never come back to this and I didn't really care about any of the songs. My favourite song was Group Sex.
Mar 25 2023
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Jeff Buckley
He is definitely his dad's kid, that's for sure. The similarities are very present in the music, mainly in his voice and style of singing. I just got a Tim Buckley album not very long ago and I loved it, so I figured I would like this album if they were similar at all. This was absolutely amazing. I had high expectations, but I was caught off guard by just how much I liked this. I just sat there in awe for about a minute when the album started. What can I say, I like it when men whine and moan when they sing. He had an amazing voice, and he showed it off prominently in this album. Absolute shame he passed away so young. It is very hard to pick favourite songs when basically everything is a banger, but I'd say my favourite songs were Dream Brother, Lilac Wine, and Forget Her.
Mar 26 2023
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Safe As Milk
Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band
I expected to either hate or love this album, but it was pretty down the middle for me. A few things I disliked, quite a few a like, but a lot of it didn't catch my attention. I wonder what I'll think of the other album on here. My favourite song was I'm Glad.
Mar 27 2023
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Chemtrails Over The Country Club
Lana Del Rey
Surely there must have been a better pick from her than this, right? I mean, I get that they have to sell the book by putting modern albums in there even if they don't deserve it, but there has to be something better from her. I don't really know anything about Lana Del Ray, as a disclaimer, but I know people want one of her other albums on here instead. Also, I'm not really a production snob, but I've noticed that the production on most of the popular modern albums I've gotten bothers me. It bothered me on Melodrama and 1989 and it's bothering me here. Don't know if I'd like the music more with different production, but something of note. Overall, I just don't usually like modern music for some reason. Anyway, tangent over. This is okay. Her vocals on the first song had me scared for the whole album, but it wasn't that bad. I guess it was nice that it was pretty mellow, and I think it got a bit better towards the end. Forgettable album though. My favourite song was Dark But Just A Game.
Mar 28 2023
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Channel Orange
Frank Ocean
I figured this would get the rating it is getting, if not higher. Pretty close to a four, but not quite there. It wasn't bad, but many songs just didn't do much to stick with me. Still better than a lot of modern music I hear. Didn't expect to have a song called Forrest Gump on here, but it was an interesting framing device. My favourite songs were Pink Matter and Pyramids.
Mar 29 2023
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Sea Change
It brings me a heavy heart to give this such a low rating. I loved Odelay when I heard it a few months ago, so I expected to quite like this one, but this album was nothing to me. Everything sounded the same. It was a low energy album, which I did like the tone of generally, but nothing made an impression on me. I get why the album is sad, but I just don't find it interesting to listen to. I guess my favourite song was Paper Tiger.
Mar 30 2023
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The Stone Roses
The Stone Roses
I was hoping that this would grab me more than it did. I feel like I'm missing something here. My favourite song was Bye Bye Bad Man.
Mar 31 2023
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Pearl Jam
Sadly, nothing new to me on this album stood out to me. Maybe I was distracted. I probably liked it more than the Soundgarden album I got, but it's still a three. Perhaps I don't like grunge that much, and I actually just like Nirvana? I don't know. My favourite song was Even Flow.
Apr 01 2023
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American IV: The Man Comes Around
Johnny Cash
It went on a little long, in my opinion, but I liked the tone. I'm not sure how I feel about the sudden backing vocals on a few of the tracks. I do think it fits with the last track rather well, though. I like how stripped down it is and the subject matter of a lot of the songs. Hurt is really good. I guess my issues would be the length and some of the songs just didn't hit for me. At some points his voice begun to bother me a little as well, but I respect the album. My favourite songs were Hurt, I Hung My Head, and We'll Meet Again.
Apr 02 2023
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Only Built 4 Cuban Linx
This album wasn't great... I liked the beats and sometimes the flow, but every some is, like, three minutes longer than it needs to be. Also don't really like half of the songs starting with a minute of talking. My favourite song was Heaven and Hell.
Apr 03 2023
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White Light
Gene Clark
This was pretty nothing to me. Inoffensive, but nothing memorable. My favourite song was One in a Hundred.
Apr 04 2023
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The Lexicon Of Love
I like his voice and I like the bass lines, but I feel like something here just isn't drawing me in. I understand why their hit is their hit, though the rest of the album is still good. My favourite song was The Look of Love (Pt. 1)
Apr 05 2023
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I didn't dislike this as much as I had suspected I would, but it did wear on me over the course of the album. It was a bit too horny for me. My favourite song was Diggin' On You.
Apr 06 2023
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Nighthawks At The Diner
Tom Waits
One of my lighter threes, I think. I would consider a two because of the length, but I enjoyed the album despite it being around 75 minutes long. I think it's a pretty cool concept for an album. My favourite part of the album was when he made car noises, but my favourite song was Spart Parts I.
Apr 07 2023
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Seventh Tree
Good enough that I considered giving it a 4, but ultimately there wasn't enough grabbing me here to give it that rating. My favourite song was Happiness.
Apr 08 2023
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Figure 8
Elliott Smith
The first few songs had me a tad worried, but I think it picked up a bit after that. It was a pleasant listen. I don't know how it compares to Either/Or for me, since I listened to that one quite a while ago, but both albums are good. My favourite song was Everything Means Nothing To Me.
Apr 09 2023
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A Wizard, A True Star
Todd Rundgren
I liked the beginning half more than the second half, but both were good. I preferred the weirdness of the first half though. My favourite songs were Just Another Onionhead/Da Da Dali, Zen Archer, and You Don't Have to Camp Around.
Apr 10 2023
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Go Girl Crazy
The Dictators
This was more standable than a lot of other punk albums I've gotten, probably because it's also rock rather than being pure punk. I'm glad that I somewhat like this album because I like the energy of the album cover. It wasn't amazing or anything, but decent. The ending is cute. I like the kind of weird energy that this has. My favourite song was Back to Africa.
Apr 11 2023
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Inspiration Information
Shuggie Otis
Nice and short. Pretty relaxing too. I was a little sad that there weren't more vocals on this album, because his voice is nice. The instrumentals were nice though. My favourite song was Inspiration Information.
Apr 12 2023
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Depeche Mode
This album sure did have a few hits on. The songs that weren't hits were usually kind of nothing though. It was okay. Some good and some not notable. I might like one of their other albums more than this one. My favourite songs were Personal Jesus and Policy of Truth.
Apr 13 2023
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Solid Air
John Martyn
When my partner got this album, they were very vocal about their hatred for the way this man sings, and I kinda get what they mean. My man needs to enunciate, at least on the first song. The music was decent though. Nice and mellow. My favourite song was Solid Air.
Apr 14 2023
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This album is fucking gross lol. When I picture Aerosmith in my head, sleaze is a word that comes to mind, and this album didn't really help to destroy that connection. I mean, one of the lines was something like "I hear you're so tight your lovin' squeaks", which is... eww... Some of the lyrics make it sound like the girls he's referring to are rather young, which makes sense if he was also a teenager or in his early twenties or something, but I think he was like 41 at the time that this came out, so eww again. There were some interesting parts, but then it would go into the usual rock sound, which I totally expected. It wasn't so bad that it deserves a 1, as a lot of it is too nothing to make me mad, but it got kind of close to a 1 at times. I guess my favourite song was What It Takes? I guess? I don't really care about anything on here.
Apr 15 2023
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Taylor Swift
I'm sorry, women. I thought I might end up appreciating her music a bit more, but this just solidified that I do not like Taylor Swift. I found this to be pretty boring and grating on the ears. I don't even have much to say about it. It just made me groan. I guess my favourite song was Black Space, but none of them were good, in my opinion.
Apr 16 2023
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Since I Left You
The Avalanches
This was a pretty awesome listen. I could see it being a 5 upon a relisten, but for now it's a strong four. I would love to pick up a CD of this. The songs flowed very seamlessly into each other, though the effect is kind of lost since I listened on a streaming service with ads. Still pretty cool though! My favourite songs were Electricity, Tonight May Have To Last Me All My Life, and Frontier Psychiatrist, but favourites are hard to chose.
Apr 17 2023
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Dr. Octagonecologyst
Dr. Octagon
Jesus, this album is gross. Don't really want to hear about a gynecologyst making sexual advances towards his patients... The music isn't really that good either. It's not absolute horrible, like many of my other 1 stars, but there's nothing interesting happening, and the flow isn't much to write home about for a majority of the album. Some of the sounds present on the album aren't pleasant on the ears. The scratches can be nice, I suppose. I guess the most notable thing about this album is how horny it can get, but it gets a bit uncomfortable. The humour didn't make me laugh, so that probably affected my enjoyment of this album. If I had a quarter for every time I heard the words "butt crack" and "rectum" on this album, I'd have a decent amount of quarters on my hands. I'm just glad it's over. Not a good way to have spent an hour of my life. My favourite song was Blue Flowers, but I didn't really like anything on here.
Apr 18 2023
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Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Most of this album was pretty mid. I was hoping for a little more. My favourite song was American Girl.
Apr 19 2023
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I'm a bit conflicted on this one. It's certainly one of the better, more interesting electronica albums I've gotten. But, as with every 90's electronica album, it's way too long... A 15 minute song and a 12 minute song back to back right at the end? It really makes you work to finish the album. It was kind of hard to get through due to it's length alone. Probably would be a 3 star if it wasn't 75 minutes long. I probably would have given their other album a 2 nowadays as well. My favourite song was Philosophy by Numbers.
Apr 20 2023
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Aimee Mann
More generic than I was hoping. There are traces of something more unique and interesting in the music, but this album fails to truly give it the time to shine. A song would usually start out in an intriguing way, and then nothing would come of it, which was frustrating. The music that was present wasn't bad, but the peeks of more interesting music just makes me frustrated that the whole album doesn't have that sound. My favourite song was Jacob Marley's Chain.
Apr 21 2023
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Gang Of Four
For an album that is only 40 minutes long, it felt pretty long. Still, a bit more enjoyable than I expected. I don't really like punk, so the punk influence isn't helping it for me. My favourite song was Damaged Goods.
Apr 22 2023
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Lupe Fiasco's Food & Liquor
Lupe Fiasco
This one was an interesting one. It was pretty long, but I didn't really begin to feel that until the last couple songs, mainly the outro. I liked the beats more than I expected to and I quite liked the flow. The songs had interesting ideas that made me like the album more than a usual rap album. The outro was, while long, a cool idea and funny at times as well. It was basically movie credits, but for an album. I'd say it's a light four, but that's pretty good considering I don't really like rap. My favourite songs were American Terrorist and Kick, Push.
Apr 23 2023
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Ragged Glory
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Oh my god. I knew I wasn't going to like this very much due to the length and the year, but I did not expect it to be this bad. His singing is awful. I usually don't mind his voice, but it sounds so bad here. These songs are super long for no reason. It's just 10 minutes of the same thing over and over. There's no reason for the songs to be so long. It's aggravating. I don't really understand why this is on here. Some of the songs really pissed me off. My favourite song would be White Line I guess because it's the shortest song.
Apr 24 2023
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The Grand Tour
George Jones
The length was a nice change of pace, but I'm not crazy about country music. This is definitely more standable than more modern country music, though. It kind of reminds me of what I've heard by Conway Twitty, at least in some of the songs. Inoffensive, but kind of boring for me. My favourite song was The Weatherman.
Apr 25 2023
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Abbey Road
A pretty obvious 5 from me. I really adore the medley, and the songs on the A side are very good as well. Probably not my favourite Beatles album, but still a great album. My favourite songs were Because, She Came In Through The Bathroom Window, and Sun King.
Apr 26 2023
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The Atomic Mr Basie
Count Basie & His Orchestra
This is a pretty strong 3. It's enjoyable enough. I probably don't have a good ear for jazz like this; it all sounds like background music to me. But it's good background music. My favourite song was Whirly-Bird.
Apr 27 2023
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The Human League
I'm sad that Don't You Want Me ended up being the best song on the album. This was perfectly fine, but I found myself hoping that most of the songs would do something more. My favourite song was Don't You Want Me.
Apr 28 2023
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Pet Shop Boys
I quite liked this album, but I am shocked that I'm not giving it a 5. I gave Very a 5, but I just didn't love this one enough to give it a 5. I wonder how Behaviour will fare. Still a lot of good stuff on here though. My favourite songs were It's a Sin, What Have I Done to Deserve This?, and Rent.
Apr 29 2023
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White Blood Cells
The White Stripes
About what I expected from this album. I like the hits a lot, and there were some other stand outs on the album as well. Pretty good. My favourite songs were Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground, Fell in Love With a Girl, and I Think I Smell a Rat.
Apr 30 2023
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L.A. Woman
The Doors
I think I liked Morrison Hotel more, but I still liked pieces here and there. I like some of the instrumentation on here, but I wasn't really into a lot of the songs. My favourite song was Love Her Madly.
May 01 2023
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Want Two
Rufus Wainwright
I only knew him for Hallelujah, so I didn't expect to love this album so much. It's pretty low energy for most of the album, but it still manages to entertain me. It was one of those albums where I could lay on my bed, close my eyes, put it on and enjoy. I was entranced by the first song, and that feeling remained throughout the album. Memphis Skyline is a rather sweet song lyrically. Similarly, many songs on this album stood out because of their subject matter. It's hard to pick favourites, but I believe my favourite songs were This Love Affair, Angus Dei, and Memphis Skyline.
May 02 2023
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Rain Dogs
Tom Waits
It was a nice listen. Sometimes I lost interest, and sometimes his voice was a bit much for me, but I still liked it. A solid three. My favourite song was Hang Your Head Down.
May 03 2023
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Grizzly Bear
It was a pretty perfect three. It was almost something I quite liked, but it never quite did enough for me. I liked his voice. Not much else of note. My favourite song was About Face.
May 04 2023
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The Slim Shady LP
This type of humour really isn't my thing, which made this album annoying, especially considering the length. The sexism and the shock humour got under my skin. The only reason it's a two is that the beats and the flow aren't bad. They're even good at times, and I think his voice is decent, but I can't fully enjoy any of the songs because they're trying too hard to sound badass and edgy. I didn't hate everything about it, so I can't justify giving it a one, but it was on thin ice. Not excited for his other album. My favourite song was My Name Is.
May 05 2023
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Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo
I didn't get to listen to this with earbuds because one of my ears is plugged, so that might have affected my enjoyment of the album, unfortunately. I wish it did a little more, I guess. I think it kind of improved in this area by the end though. Pretty high three, but I can't give it a four. My favourite song was Come Back Jonee.
May 06 2023
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Def Leppard
I think I enjoyed this more than Hysteria. That being said, I did lose a bit of interest over the course of the album. Some songs are a bit too similar to each other. I like two songs on here, and the rest aren't bad, but I am indifferent to them. My favourite song was Rock of Ages.
May 07 2023
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Raising Hell
It's a low three, but it barely avoided a two. A lot of it was boring to me, but there were a few stand outs. I didn't like Walk This Way, but I don't like the original song, so it's kinda set up for failure for me. I don't mind the verses of the song, but Steven Tyler's part... why does he sound like he's dying... Anyway, I'm not super into Hip Hop, so I wasn't going to love this or anything. There's kinda some emptiness in the beats and they were boring. I respect it, but it's not my cup of tea. My favourite song was You Be Illin'.
May 08 2023
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It, uh, sure is something. I guess I didn't necessarily mind the vocals, if you exclude that blood-curdling screaming in Frankie Teardrop... If every song were like that, this would be getting a 1. Would you believe that the lyrics to that song were improvised? It's pretty obvious if you listen to how straightforward they are. Not the most fun listen at 1 A.M. Would probably be a good Halloween album with how haunting some of the music can be. I didn't hate it, so I can't give it a 1, but I didn't really like how structureless the songs felt. It feels like they just came up with an electronic loop and had Alan Vega sing whatever on top of it. I kind of like his voice, so I guess it's fine, but sometimes I'd lose focus out of boredom. Definitely interesting though, even if I never have any drive to listen to it again. My favourite song was Cheree.
May 09 2023
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I liked this one more than the other two Blur albums. It felt more interesting and I liked more of the songs. It's a lighter four. My favourite songs were Girls and Boys and Tracy Jacks.
May 10 2023
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Mothership Connection
It's a cool album. Some of the songs were a bit too long or repetitive, but it was still an enjoyable experience. Very close to a 4, but just not there. I respect it though. My favourite songs were Unfunky UFO and Handcuffs.
May 11 2023
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69 Love Songs
The Magnetic Fields
Boy, this was long! At least most of the songs were short. This was an interesting collection of songs. Some were pretty good, but most were just alright to me. Enjoyable, but I'm not going to come back to a lot of songs from the album. My favourite songs were Absolutely Cuckoo, No One Will Ever Love You, and I Can't Touch You Anymore.
May 12 2023
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On The Beach
Neil Young
It got a little boring, but it was pleasant enough. I was hoping to like it a little more. Oh well. I liked the overall tone of the album, but a lot of the songs didn't grab my attention. My favourite song was Revolution Blues.
May 13 2023
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The Specials
The Specials
It was enjoyable enough. I don't really know what else to say. I'd say this is a perfect three. My favourite song was Monkey Man, I think.
May 14 2023
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Punishing Kiss
Ute Lemper
This is one of the lowest rated albums on the generator? It's pretty good, at least for me. The last song kind of dragged, and it's what I was worried the whole album was going to sound like before I started it, but everything else was fun. It's interesting to see who worked on which songs. My favourite songs were Split and Punishing Kiss.
May 15 2023
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Miriam Makeba
Miriam Makeba
This was a fun little album. A lot of the songs were very pleasant, and the slower songs were nice as well. I was worried this would be a 3 star, but I'm happy to give it a 4. My favourite songs were The Retreat Song (Jikele Maweni) and One More Dance.
May 16 2023
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I enjoyed the vibe of this one and the music was good as well. I liked her voice. I think it fits pretty well for this style of music. Some of the instrumentation was pretty cool too and kept my attention. My favourite songs were Queer, As Heaven Is Wide, and Stupid Girl.
May 17 2023
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Dog Man Star
I'd say it's a light four, but I liked it. Not much here that's catchy, but it's still good. It made me pretty depressed, so that's cool. I'll give it credit for that. Because of this, it might be hard to come back to, but when I do, I know I'll still enjoy it. My favourite song was We Are The Pigs, I think. It's hard to chose.
May 18 2023
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Roger the Engineer
The Yardbirds
I thought this was nothing, sadly. A bit to rock and roll for me. Some songs had cool parts, but it wasn't enough for me to give it a three. My favourite song was Over Under Sideways Down.
May 19 2023
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At Mister Kelly's
Sarah Vaughan
I'm not crazy about live albums, but this one had a little charm. I like her voice and maybe I'll check out more of her stuff after listening to this. I'm not obsessed with anything on here, but it's a nice listen. My favourite song was September in the Rain.
May 20 2023
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Van Morrison
I don't really like his voice. There's something weird about it to me. This album was boring. I don't get Van Morrison. Oh well. Not excited to listen to more of him for this list. My favourite song was Moondance.
May 21 2023
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Duck Rock
Malcolm McLaren
This was an interesting listen. Not exactly what I expected, which made it better, in this case. It was fun and I enjoyed the radio bits. A high three. I liked a few of the songs, and it was nice to listen to, but I can't see myself coming back to it at the moment. My opinion of it may change over time though. My favourite songs were Double Dutch and Merengue.
May 22 2023
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I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You
Aretha Franklin
She had an excellent voice. I've been curious about this album, so I'm glad I finally got it. It was a pleasant thirty minutes for sure. My favourite song was Respect.
May 23 2023
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Remain In Light
Talking Heads
It slowed down in the second half, but the first half was pretty solid. It's probably a lighter four because of that second half, but oh well. I'm more excited for their other albums. My favourite song was Once in a Lifetime.
May 24 2023
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Scissor Sisters
Scissor Sisters
Cool, I got an album that was missing! I didn't expect it to be so electronic, as I didn't read the genres before listening, but it was cool. This was pretty good. A couple songs I disliked, but I think I quite enjoyed the sound overall. I definitely have more interest in this band than I did before. My favourite songs were Laura and Comfortably Numb.
May 25 2023
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Surf's Up
The Beach Boys
It's good, but a bit different for Beach Boys. There's less of an emphasis on vocals for most of the album. It takes a little bit of getting used to. It almost feels like it shouldn't be by The Beach Boys. But, despite that, I still liked it. I honestly wished that more of the album was vocally led, as that's something that I enjoy about the Beach Boy's earlier music, but I'm okay with the end product. My favourite song was Surf's Up.
May 26 2023
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The Age Of The Understatement
The Last Shadow Puppets
I was worried that this would be slow and boring, but it wasn't. It was a nice surprise. I think I may need another listen sometime later to fully form my opinion, but as it stands right now, it's pretty good. I would have even considered a 5 star if more of the songs had hooked me just a tad bit more. Way better than expected. My favourite song was My Mistakes Were Made For You.
May 27 2023
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Deep Purple In Rock
Deep Purple
This was better than I expected. I wasn't very excited for it, but I liked it. The organ was pretty neat. Some of the songs felt kind of prog-like, which is a big appeal to me. I wasn't crazy about any of the songs in particular, but this was solid. My favourite song was Child in Time.
May 28 2023
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I Am a Bird Now
Antony and the Johnsons
It's odd, when Anohni sang on Want Two, which was where I first heard of her, I didn't mind her voice, but I find it bothering me here. It's not bad or anything, but I find myself wishing her voice was a bit higher in this album, because I think it would fit the music better. Just a little nitpick of mine, I guess. The guest vocalists helped with this though, and I found it bothering me less as the album went on. A lot of this album was a bit too mellow for me. Maybe I just wasn't in the right mood or something. I was hoping to like the album a bit more. I do like the themes and the instrumentation in this album and, again, the guest musicians helped, but I can't give it a higher rating. I think my likes and dislikes balance this album at a three. My favourite song was What Can I Do? I think that Rufus and Anohni's voices compliment each other well.
May 29 2023
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American Idiot
Green Day
Dude, the Johnny Test theme song!!! I'm kidding, obviously. It's funny how similar they are, though. Was not excited for this one. Don't have the nostalgia for it that a lot of people have. I also don't really like his voice. I don't really know what to feel about this. It could have been worse. I'm sure that there's some important themes in this album, but I can't really focus on them. There were parts I dare say were okay, and I didn't absolutely hate my time with it like I suspected I might, but I got pretty annoyed and tired of it by the end... I'm left feeling empty. I expected to come out of this experience angry, but there's nothing. I guess my favourite song was Give Me Novacaine/She's a Rebel. but even that song annoyed me at parts.
May 30 2023
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What's Going On
Marvin Gaye
Very mellow and enjoyable. It would be a great record to put on and relax to. I'm excited for his other albums. My favourite songs were What's Happening Brother, Save the Children, and Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology).
May 31 2023
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Tom Waits
I can't see myself listening to this album again, at least not anytime soon, but it's neat. I don't really have much to say about it. My favourite song was Underground.
Jun 01 2023
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Live / Dead
Grateful Dead
Man, that first song had me kind of hopeful that maybe the rest of album would be decent, but nope, not really. Overall, pretty boring album. Glad it's over with. My favourite song was Dark Star.
Jun 02 2023
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Songs From A Room
Leonard Cohen
Finally, my first Leonard Cohen album. I quite liked the atmosphere of this album, and I liked how bare it sounded. Nothing was too long either, which was nice. I'm excited for his other albums. My favourite songs were The Partisan and Story of Isaac.
Jun 03 2023
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It was alright. A lot of the songs didn't truly hit for me, but there were a few good ones, and I liked the interludes. The songs I didn't like weren't bad songs, they just didn't grab me and they got a bit repetitive. It's a bit long too. My favourite songs were Ms. Jackson, B.O.B., and Toilet Tisha.
Jun 04 2023
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The White Album
Yay, more Beatles! I don't think I've actually ever listened to this one all the way through in one sitting, so that was nice. There's a few songs on here I'm not really crazy about, but given that it's so long, I'll give it a pass. I've also never listened to Revolution 9 all the way through before now, so that was something. There's a lot of really good stuff on here. I'm a sucker for the more acoustic stuff. It's a pretty obvious 5 for me. My favourite song was Revolution 9. Just kidding, I'm not insane. My favourite songs were Mother Nature's Son, Honey Pie, and Don't Pass Me By.
Jun 05 2023
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Fear and Whiskey
I really wasn't sure what to make of this even as I was listening to it. The vocals aren't very good, and the music kind of felt like too many things were going on. It didn't sound very good, and I couldn't process what I was listening to a lot of the time. A little annoying, but not bad enough for a 1. My favourite song was Psycho Cupid - Danceband on the Edge of Time.
Jun 06 2023
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Time Out
The Dave Brubeck Quartet
It's nice to listen to and makes good background music, but I wasn't crazy about it or anything. Not very much to say about it. My favourite song was Blue Rondo à la Turk.
Jun 07 2023
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Kid A
It was alright. It was nice and ambient, but not something I'll be dying to come back to. I think my favourite song was Kid A? It's kinda hard to tell them apart mentally.
Jun 08 2023
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In Utero
Finally! I've been waiting to get this album on here to actually listen to it all the way through. Out of the albums of theirs that are actually on the list, this might be my least favourite of the three? Maybe? That being said, still a five! It took longer for some of the tracks that aren't the hits to grow on me, but I still enjoy them. I've probably said this in previous reviews, but I love the grittiness of his voice. It perfectly fits the anger and angst of the music. The album can be a bit abrasive at times, but I think part of Nirvana's appeal is that their music can be abrasive in a satisfying way. I guess I'm done with the Nirvana albums on here, which is kind of sad to be done less than 300 albums into this thing, but it's been nice listening to them, so I won't complain. My favourite song was Francis Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle.
Jun 09 2023
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Selected Ambient Works 85-92
Aphex Twin
It's alright. A bit boring at points, but enjoyable as well. It was probably impressive at the time, and it still sounds pretty clean now. It's longer than I'd like it to be, but oh well. My favourite song was probably Pulsewidth, if I remember correctly.
Jun 10 2023
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The Velvet Underground & Nico
The Velvet Underground
The Velvet Underground seems to be a group that makes albums that I'm not crazy about, yet I still look back at listening to fondly. At least, that was my experience with this and White Light/White Heat. The songs that I like make me ignore the boring parts. But then, I remember the amount of time I spent during this album waiting for a boring song to end. I wouldn't say I'm super into either of the albums I've heard, but I do think they're cool and I understand why their albums are so acclaimed. I assume that I will grow to like the songs I do like more and this will become a 4 in my eyes, but only time will tell. My favourite songs were Sunday Morning, Femme Fatale, and Venus in Furs.
Jun 11 2023
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Bee Gees
Boy, this was a conflicting experience. That first song had me pretty hyped for the rest of the album. But, after that, none of songs truly grabbed me. Most of the songs would have one or two parts I liked, but then parts I didn't care about. Every now and then I would get a little bit of a Beatles vibe. The voices were goofy sometimes, but that wasn't really a deal breaker for me. I liked the vocals a good chunk of the time. I'm kinda disappointed by this album, but it could have been worse. I guess I'll see what I think of Odessa when I get it. My favourite song was How Can You Mend A Broken Heart.
Jun 12 2023
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Is This It
The Strokes
I knew it'd be getting a five, because I know and like every song on here except for one, which is still decent. I don't know what else to say besides this album goes hard. My favourite songs were probably When It Started, Trying Your Luck, and Is This It, but it's hard to choose!
Jun 13 2023
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Queen II
About as good as I expected, which is pretty good! I'd say the second half is stronger, but both are very enjoyable. I've always meant to listen to more Queen, so this was nice. My favourite songs were The Fairy Feller's Master Stroke, Nevermore, and The March of the Black Queen.
Jun 14 2023
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My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
Kanye West
I didn't really care about this. Some beats were alright, but some were annoying. His flow didn't really catch my attention very often. Not very excited for the other two albums on the list. My favourite song was Devil in a New Dress.
Jun 15 2023
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John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band
John Lennon
I listened to this one a month or two ago out of curiosity, but I think I enjoyed it a little more upon relistening. There's a couple songs I don't really care about, but there's good stuff on here too. Sometimes his voice gets a bit too gruff when he's yelling, but it's not that big of a deal since it only happens a couple times. I love the haunting moments on here, like the beginning of the first song and the entirety of the last song. Wish there was a tad bit more of it. My favourite songs were Love, My Mummy's Dead, and Hold On.
Jun 16 2023
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The Pleasure Principle
Gary Numan
I like the overall tone of the album and I quite like his voice, but I wish there was less droning. There's a decent bit in a lot of songs where it feels like nothing is happening, which sucks, because I do like the sound of this album, but sometimes the songs get a little boring. It wasn't a rare occurrence that I would sit there and wait for a song to do something. I think Cars does the best job of avoiding this, which is probably why the song is so big. On a side note, I recognized M.E. instantly but couldn't figure out how I knew it, but I learned it's sampled in a Basement Jaxx song. Just a neat little discovery. My favourite songs were Metal, M.E., and Cars.
Jun 17 2023
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Rock 'N Soul
Solomon Burke
It was fine enough, just boring. It's a high 2. I don't care enough about it to give it a 3. My favourite song was Just Out Of Reach, I guess.
Jun 18 2023
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The Rise & Fall
I'm mad that this isn't on my streaming service, because I quite like it. I was expecting every song to sound like Our House, but I was wrong. Everything sounds weird, and I like that. My favourite songs were Our House, Primrose Hill and Tiptoes.
Jun 19 2023
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Younger Than Yesterday
The Byrds
This was quite enjoyable. I think it lost a little steam towards the end, but there's some cool stuff on here. Definitely better than the other Byrds album I got on here. My favourite song was Thoughts and Words.
Jun 20 2023
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John Lennon
I never got to fully listen to this one all the way through, so this is a nice opportunity. Also, I got Plastic Ono Band like five days ago, so I got both Lennon albums super close together. Neat, I suppose! I'm gonna end up running out of Beatles things to look forward to on here soon. This isn't the Beatles solo album that I was most excited for, but I forgot how many songs on here are great. It's easy to think of the overplayed titular track and dismiss it, but there's some lovely stuff that I kick myself for forgetting about. It's really close to a five, but I just don't love enough of the songs to feel like I should give it that rating. Perhaps upon a relisten I would consider a 5, but not at the moment. My favourite songs were Oh My Love, How Do You Sleep?, and How?
Jun 21 2023
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Broken English
Marianne Faithfull
It's, um, definitely an interesting album... didn't sound exactly like I pictured, but I also thought this album was older than it actually was, so that definitely played a part in that. If the vocalist was different, I could see myself liking this more. Last song was a bit too long for me. I don't even know what else to say. It kinda just happened. My favourite song was Broken English, I think? Can't remember what anything sounds like.
Jun 22 2023
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Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
This was a long one, but I had to take a break to eat in the middle, so the length didn't affect me as much as it likely could have. I mean, it's cool, and I totally understand why people would like it, but I don't care about it very much. Not to say that it's bad or boring, but it's not something I would seek out again. My favourite song Spell, I think. The tracks blend together for me.
Jun 23 2023
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Stephen Stills
Stephen Stills
I like the cover because it has that little giraffe thing on it. I love him. Anyway, I didn't think much of this album. It's nice enough, but it was kind of nothing to me. Some interesting pieces here and there, but not enough there to keep me invested. It's not bad, but I can't give it a higher score. I guess my favourite song would be Cherokee, but I struggle to remember what any of the songs sound like.
Jun 24 2023
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(What's The Story) Morning Glory
Ah, one of the albums I was dreading... I probably expressed this before in my other Oasis album review, which maybe should have given a 1, but I'm not crazy about Oasis being constantly compared to the Beatles. I feel like Oasis tries way too hard to sound like and reference The Beatles, which makes the comparison feel very manufactured, and despite this, I still don't care about their music. There are countless artists inspired by the Beatles that made better music. If you like this, good for you. It should be said that I really just don't like Britpop that much, so even one of the biggest Britpop albums isn't going to do much for me. I think that this is a tad bit better that Definitely Maybe, but still not great. There are little parts here and there that are enjoyable, but there's not enough of them. If they have a good part, they ignore it for something boring. These songs are also a bit too long. I don't know, man. I really don't understand what made Oasis such hot shit at the time. It probably sounds like I hate this album, but I just see nothing special in it. My favourite song was the second Untitled track.
Jun 25 2023
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Buena Vista Social Club
Buena Vista Social Club
It was good. A solid three. Maybe I'd give it a four with a re-listen. Don't really have much to write about it. My favourite song was Chan Chan, I think.
Jun 26 2023
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Pretzel Logic
Steely Dan
I've been curious about what I'd think of Steely Dan, so I was happy to get this. It's not exactly what I expected. It's okay, and there were parts I liked, but not enough for me to give it 4 stars. Not really that much to say about it. I'm hoping I'll like one of their other albums on here more. I do have 3 more, after all. My favourite song was East St. Louis Toodle-Oo.
Jun 27 2023
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I'm usually a prude, but I do have to admit I enjoy the presentation of this album. It's pretty openly sexual, but it's more in a fun way than a threatening way, at least from what I picked up. The music was pretty good too. My issue was the length. If these songs were shorter, I could see this being a 4, but it's hard to ignore the very long songs that bog the album down for me towards the middle. I'm not sure if I'll like either of the Prince albums more, but I'd say this was a nice introduction. My favourite song was All the Critics Love U in New York.
Jun 28 2023
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Sweet Baby James
James Taylor
This is barely a 3. If it leaned a bit more into the country sound, it would be a 2. It wasn't much to me, but it was a decent enough listen. I guess my favourite song was Oh Baby, Don't You Loose Your Lip On Me.
Jun 29 2023
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Songs The Lord Taught Us
The Cramps
I don't like punk, and I don't really like the whole rock 'n' roll/rockabilly thing, so this album was really boring for me. Felt like nothing was going on in the songs, and despite most song being only around 3 minutes, they felt so long. I can't say I expected a cover of Fever on here. But yeah, not great. I kind of like the album cover though. My favourite song was What's Behind The Mask.
Jun 30 2023
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Caetano Veloso
Caetano Veloso
I expected this to be a 4 star based on the genre, and it looks like I was right. It's a nice album, and there's a few standouts on here that I really like. I know some people dislike albums that aren't in English, but I'm not one of those people. I actually quite enjoy the change. His voice makes the language sound soft and pleasing to the ear. I'd quite like to have this on vinyl. My favourite songs were Tropicália, Onde Andaras, and Superbacana.
Jul 01 2023
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Bringing It All Back Home
Bob Dylan
I like this one more than the other one I listened to recently. The music was nice and I didn't find myself bored. Nothing special to me, but good. My favourite song was Mr. Tambourine Man.
Jul 02 2023
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Suzanne Vega
Suzanne Vega
This was an interesting listen. I feel like if there was a little something more there, I would enjoy this a lot. I still liked it, but I probably won't ever go out of my way to listen to this again. My favourite song was Neighborhood Girls.
Jul 03 2023
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Too Rye Ay
Dexys Midnight Runners
This was a strong album. I think the second half lost me a little bit until the end. but I still liked those songs. The transitions were cool. The album felt very coherent; no song felt out of place. The first three songs were a great introduction to the album. I figured that Come On Eileen would be at the beginning, but it's a fun closing track. Kinda close to being a 5 star, but not quite there. Still great. My favourite songs were Come On Eileen and The Celtic Soul Brothers.
Jul 04 2023
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The album begins to sound a little samey by the end, but it still manages to make the songs have their individual take on that sound. It's pretty good. I even enjoyed the long song. My favourite songs were More Than a Feeling, Peace of Mind, and Smokin'.
Jul 05 2023
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D.O.A. the Third and Final Report of Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle
I am left feeling conflicted, which is not something I expected to say about an album that is such an easy 1 for most people. Some of the songs, if you can truly call them that, had this haunting sound that I liked. I wouldn't listen to it as music, of course. But still, when I did find something I liked in some of the album, it's hard to then give it a 1 star. I guess it gets a 2. I never would have seen that coming. My favourite "songs" were Weeping, Hamburger Lady, and Hometime.
Jul 06 2023
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Felt Mountain
I liked this more than the other one I got. Not that that one was bad or anything, but I dig the vibe more on this one. My favourite song was Paper Bag, I think.
Jul 07 2023
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At Fillmore East
The Allman Brothers Band
This album is criminally boring. Anything interesting is buried in 20 minute songs that do nothing for most of their duration. This probably would have been a 2 if it wasn't 70 minutes long. I don't get it. Also, the end of the album was very anticlimactic. I guess my favourite song was Stormy Monday, but I don't want to listen to any of these again.
Jul 08 2023
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Parsley, Sage, Rosemary And Thyme
Simon & Garfunkel
It was certainly a nice listen. Some of songs started to sound a bit similar by the end, but oh well. I don't know if I prefer Bridge Over Troubled Water to this, but I probably do. A lighter four, but still a four. My favourite song was Homeward Bound.
Jul 09 2023
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If I Could Only Remember My Name
David Crosby
This was pretty boring. I mean, it kind of sounds like something I would like. It has nice harmonies, and the instruments are rather pleasant for a good amount of the album, but it's just so boring. Songs do not change, even if they are eight minutes long. Even the short songs don't stand out to me. It just feels like something is missing here. Thank God it was short. My favourite song was probably Traction in the Rain.
Jul 10 2023
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The Marshall Mathers LP
I liked this more than the Slim Shady LP, but not by much. More standable songs in here, but it's way too long and I'm still not crazy about the lyrical content. I'm just not much of an Eminem guy. My favourite song was probably Stan.
Jul 11 2023
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Unknown Pleasures
Joy Division
I don't really even know what to feel here. Maybe it was something on my end, but I left this album feeling empty. It felt like some songs would go on forever, despite only being a few minutes long, like time wasn't moving properly. I just had a weird feeling the whole time I was listening. I feel like the album didn't click for me. I mean, I understand why it would be cool for the time and why people would like it, but I didn't particularly enjoy it. That sucks, because I do want to like it. I assume I'll listen to it again when I'm older and finally understand it. My favourite song was Disorder.
Jul 12 2023
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I knew I wouldn't like this, because I know I don't like grime, but this was obnoxious. The beats are laughably bad and the rapping was usually annoying. The interludes/skits also annoyed me, especially because they are attached to the ends of the songs for no reason. I don't get this album at all. My favourite song was Man.
Jul 13 2023
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The Hour Of Bewilderbeast
Badly Drawn Boy
This was a bit of a mixed bag. I got worried at the start that this album would annoy me, but I think it picked up as it went. When a lot of the songs started, I would be interested, then I would lose interest. It didn't always happen, but it made me sad when it did. Still, there's a few nice songs on here, and the atmosphere here is an enjoyable one. My favourite songs were Disillusion, Magic in the Air, and Epitaph.
Jul 14 2023
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Man, this was boring. Interesting things here and there, but the album is overall not notable. I remembered the singer's voice being more annoying, but I guess I misremembered the one song I knew on here. My favourite songs were Lose Control and Goldfinger, but nothing was very appealing to me.
Jul 15 2023
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Fiona Apple
Man, if every song wasn't five minutes long, this would probably be a 4. I wish this album was a bit more concise, because I like what's going on here, but then it goes on way too long. I liked the piano and her voice was alright. My favourite song was The First Taste.
Jul 16 2023
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This Is Fats Domino
Fats Domino
Kinda basic now given it's age, but it's pleasant enough. I liked a few of the songs, and I liked the vibe. Not much to say though. My favourite song was Blueberry Hill.
Jul 17 2023
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Sound of Silver
LCD Soundsystem
I was pretty hopeful for this album, but I have been disappointed. I couldn't really get into any of the songs and I don't really like the vocals in this album. Maybe I could get used to that voice, but it bothered me. I'm still cautiously optimistic for their other album on here. I guess my favourite song was Watch the Tapes, but I didn't especially like any of these songs.
Jul 18 2023
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Strangeways, Here We Come
The Smiths
This is four for now, but I could easily see myself growing more fond of the tracks on here over time and wanting to give it a five. This was a pretty consistent album; I can't think of one song that wasn't at least enjoyable. My favourite songs were Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before and A Rush and a Push and the Land Is Ours.
Jul 19 2023
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The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan
I mean, it's fine. Not much of a singer-songwriter guy, so it's at a disadvantage with me. It's odd how his voice isn't so distinct yet. It kinda just sounds normal, which I'm unsure if that's a plus or not. I'm kinda used to his voice now. Anyway, none of the songs really caught my attention. My favourite song would be Girl from the North Country.
Jul 20 2023
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Ágætis Byrjun
Sigur Rós
I think it's a bit long, as I did end up getting a bit bored by the end. At some point it just turned into droning noise to me. I would be interested to follow with an English translation though. The vocals were usually soothing, even if I couldn't understand them. I think this needs a relisten in the future, but as it stands now, I'll give it a three. I think my favourite songs were Intro and Hjartao hamast (bamm bamm bamm), but it got hard to keep track of the songs.
Jul 21 2023
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Electric Ladyland
Jimi Hendrix
I liked it more than I expected. Hendrix has never clicked with me, but I've never listened to a whole album of his, so this helped me discover that I quite like his music. I liked the first half more than the second, but it was pleasant the whole way through. My favourite songs were Little Miss Strange and Have You Ever Been To Electric Ladyland.
Jul 22 2023
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Black Holes and Revelations
I figured I'd like this album since I like a decent amount of songs on it, and I liked basically everything. I probably like Showbiz more than this one, given that it's the only other Muse album I've listened to all the way, but this one is still pretty good. It's a five from me. My favourite songs were Glorious and City of Delusion.
Jul 23 2023
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Opus Dei
For an album labelled as metal on here, I didn't expect something like this. It's weird. I didn't even really know what to think about it. Perhaps this needs a relisten, but I don't want to relisten to it, so it will stay at a 2. My favourite song was Geburt Einer Nation, I guess?
Jul 24 2023
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In Our Heads
Hot Chip
It was alright. Some parts I liked, but not a lot of the album grabbed my attention. Not a lot to say. I liked the vocals. My favourite songs were Don't Deny Your Heart and Now There Is Nothing.
Jul 25 2023
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All Things Must Pass
George Harrison
Yay, finally! It was pretty good. I'd say I liked everything except the jams. I really don't like jam sessions. It was pretty long, but the fatigue didn't set in until those last few tracks. My favourite songs were My Sweet Lord, Wah Wah, and Art of Dying.
Jul 26 2023
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Black Monk Time
The Monks
I have respect for having achieved a sound like this in 1966, but it's not my type of music. A few tiny parts here and there were something I'd like, but they are not the focus in this album. My favourite song was Boys Are Boys and Girls Are Choice.
Jul 27 2023
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Heavy Weather
Weather Report
It's goofy, and my partner hated listening to it, but I didn't mind it. Boring at points, but enjoyable at others. I'd say I liked the second half less than the first. A light 3. My favourite song was Birdland.
Jul 28 2023
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Napalm Death
Oh man. I knew I wasn't going to like this, and, surprise surprise, I didn't like it. After listening to the first half I didn't know how it could get worse, but the second half is even worse than the first. The vocalists on the second half do an even worse, yet more hilarious, job than those on the first half. The 1 second song was funny. I laughed a few times during the album, but I don't really want to listen to it again. Respect, but no thanks. My favourite song was You Suffer.
Jul 29 2023
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That's The Way Of The World
Earth, Wind & Fire
I was a bit worried that this would end up being boring, but there's some cool songs on here. I'm glad I ended up enjoying it. Maybe I should listen to more by them. My favourite song was Happy Feelin'.
Jul 30 2023
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Fela Kuti
I gotta give it some respect, but I didn't think much listening to it. It was very short, which was nice. I liked this more than his other album I got on here. My favorite song was Zombie.
Jul 31 2023
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Songs In The Key Of Life
Stevie Wonder
Wow, this one was long, but still great. Some of the songs were pretty long, but still very enjoyable. I was worried the length would bog the album down, but it really didn't. I don't there's much here that I can say that I didn't say in my other two reviews. Only one Stevie Wonder album left for me on here! I'm excited for that. My favourite songs were Sir Duke, Pastime Paradise, and Ngiculela - Es una historia - I Am Singing.
Aug 01 2023
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...And Justice For All
I think I liked Master of Puppets a little more, but both were pretty good. I like Hetfield's voice, it's satisfying to hear. I don't think I like metal that much, but this is solid. My favourite song was One.
Aug 02 2023
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The Stranger
Billy Joel
It was really good. Super close to being a 5, but just not quite there. Perhaps it would be a 5 with some re-listens. There's some quite good songs on here. My favourite songs were Get It Right the First Time and Movin' Out (Anthony's Song).
Aug 03 2023
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Live At The Witch Trials
The Fall
I was not excited for this after my experience with their other album on here, but oh my god, this was rough to get through. It's borderline unlistenable to me at points. It made me a bit angry and I was relieved to be done with it. If you told me you liked this album, I'd be worried about you. I would generally say it gets a tad bit better in the second half, but that's really just a shift from being annoying to being nothing. That last song being so long was torture though. So close to done, yet so far... My favourite song was Underground Medecin, I guess.
Aug 04 2023
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Steve McQueen
Prefab Sprout
I'd say this is a bit of a weird album. It continuously found ways to catch me off guard and surprise me. The background vocals were always a nice touch. I quite liked it. My favourite song was Horsin' Around.
Aug 05 2023
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Liquid Swords
Rap isn't really my thing, so this didn't do much for me. It's fine, but boring. Some of the spoken parts were interesting. I guess my favourite song was Liquid Swords, but I don't remember what anything sounds like.
Aug 06 2023
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Tom Tom Club
Tom Tom Club
I was excited for this album and was hoping to like it a bit more. The highs were pretty high, but some songs were just boring. Still, I'm glad I finally listened to it, given how iconic it is. I'm content with my time with it, and it's defintely worth a listen for the good stuff on here. My favourite songs were Genius of Love, Lorelei, and Wordy Rappinghood.
Aug 07 2023
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The Sensational Alex Harvey Band
It's weird, but not really in the way that I like. Couldn't decide if I dislike the singers voice or not, but it did irritate me at points. Didn't expect a cover of Next to be on here, so that's neat. I don't know, I just didn't care about anything happening and I was waiting for it to be over. My favourite part of the album was the last two minutes, and I'm sad that it's stuck in a seven minute track. I guess my favourite song would have to be Next.
Aug 08 2023
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Hounds Of Love
Kate Bush
This was good, as I expected it to be. The atmosphere of the music and the story and themes are great and really made the album for me. I'm not sure if I like it more than The Dreaming? I probably do. I think I've gotten all of Kate Bush's albums now, so that's cool. I'm glad I listened to them. My favourite song was Running Up That Hill.
Aug 09 2023
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Janis Joplin
I didn't really care about this album. I do think she has talent, but this style of music just doesn't do much for me. I do think the album cover is nice though. My favourite song was Buried Alive in the Blues.
Aug 10 2023
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Real Life
I couldn't even really tell you what I just listened to, and I mean that in a good way. I think it sounds cool for the time, and it felt super long, but not really in a bad way. Sometimes the vocals were really good, and I loved those moments and wished they happened more frequently. Regardless, the vocals fit the music well. I think it needs a relisten for me to fully comprehend it, so hopefully I'll come back to it sooner rather than later. My favourite song was The Great Beautician In The Sky.
Aug 11 2023
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Oracular Spectacular
It was cool. I didn't really love any of the singles, but there's some tracks on the album I thought were cool. I like the overall sound and will seek out their other albums eventually. My favourite song was The Youth.
Aug 12 2023
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Surfer Rosa
I really liked the atmosphere of this one. I was more excited for Doolittle, but I'm glad I got this one. It's nice to know some more Pixies songs. Man, writing reviews is hard. My favourite song was Where Is My Mind?
Aug 13 2023
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I liked this more than I expected. There were some nice beats. Still not really into hip hop, so it's only a three, but it was still good. My favourite song was Memory Lane (Sittin' in da Park).
Aug 14 2023
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Cee-Lo Green... Is The Soul Machine
Cee Lo Green
It definitely varies in quality on here. Nothing was amazing or anything, moreso the songs ranged from kinda annoying to listenable. There was nothing that I would seek out again. Not the worst two in the world, but a two nonetheless. The length, man... My favourite song was Childz Play.
Aug 15 2023
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Ace of Spades
It's basically the same thing for thirty some minutes. Some of the lyrics are gross. I don't mind Ace of Spades, but I'll probably like it less now because I listened to the whole album. Not great. My favourite song is Ace of Spades.
Aug 16 2023
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Alien Lanes
Guided By Voices
I don't even really know what to think of this. Some of it was good, some of it was just noise. It's a cool album though. I'll put it at a three. My favourite songs were Game of Pricks and Always Crush Me.
Aug 17 2023
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Devotional Songs
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
This was alright. It kind of all sounded the same, but it sounded decent, so I'm okay with it. Just glad it wasn't longer. My favourite song was maybe Haq ali ali haq? I had a lot of trouble keeping track of which song was which.
Aug 18 2023
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Another Music In A Different Kitchen
I was vaguely excited for this album because I like a song by them, and it was pretty good! Surprising, given my track record with pink music. I quite liked the vocals on this, and the music avoided some of the issues I usually have with punk. My favourite song was probably Fast Cars.
Aug 19 2023
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Michael Jackson
This definitely has a different sound than Thriller, which I like in some of the songs, but I generally prefer the style of Thriller. Still some good songs, but I am indifferent to too many of them to give this a four. My favourite songs were Leave Me Alone and Smooth Criminal.
Aug 20 2023
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Station To Station
David Bowie
I know most of these songs already, but those songs are bangers and the ones I didn't know were alright. It's a lighter five, but when four of the six tracks are amazing, it's hard to deny it that score. My favourite song was Stay.
Aug 21 2023
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Isn't Anything
My Bloody Valentine
I was initially confused why this album has a low rating and Loveless has a good rating, but now having listened to both, I kinda get it. They're a bit different, and this one seems less accessible. I don't really get it, but maybe I just wasn't in the right mood. The parts that lean a bit towards rock weren't my favourite, especially that first song, but it was all kinda boring. I guess my favourite song was Several Girls Galore?
Aug 22 2023
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New Order
The vocals were a bit rough from time to time, especially in that last song, but it was still good. I quite liked the music and the feel of it. I could see myself liking it more over time, but it'd probably stay a four. Cool listen though. My favourite songs were Sooner Than You Think, The Perfect Kiss, and Sub-Culture.
Aug 23 2023
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Apocalypse Dudes
I wish I could say this album was turbo-tastic, but I sadly don't think it earned that title. The beginning had me interested, but then it just became punk rock, and I kinda lost interest. I don't know, I like the aesthetic of punk, but I just don't really care. I liked this one a little bit more because it had more rock, but it's barely a 3. My favourite song The Age of Pamparius.
Aug 24 2023
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Electric Prunes
The Electric Prunes
I was hopeful with the first three songs, but then I kinda lost interest. Still some good parts, but a lot of it is not stuff I will come back to. There's some cool elements in this album though. My favourite songs were Onie and Bangles.
Aug 25 2023
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Raw Like Sushi
Neneh Cherry
This was weird. Wouldn't really call it boring like a two star, so I guess it's a 2.5, which sadly rounds to a 3. Some of the lyrics were weird, either because of how dated it sounds or just how blunt they are. There were many times a lyric caught my attention, but it was never a good thing. Music itself wasn't too bad, but not very memorable. My favourite song was Buffalo Stance.
Aug 26 2023
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Get Behind Me Satan
The White Stripes
I'd say if some of the songs on here weren't so strong, then this would be a three. It's a light four. Some of the music I didn't care about, but I liked enough on here to barely give it a 4. Some of songs sounded a bit similar to each other. In conclusion, I have a couple issues with the album, but it's still good. My favourite songs were Blue Orchid and My Doorbell.
Aug 27 2023
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At San Quentin
Johnny Cash
It was a fun listen to. I actually recognized some of the songs on this one, so that was neat. I like the energy. My favourite song was I Walk The Line.
Aug 28 2023
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Penance Soiree
The Icarus Line
I didn't mind the first half and thought it would be a solid three, but the second half kinda dipped in quality in my opinion. It became more unlistenable and less interesting. A low three. I think my favourite song was On The Last, but I honestly had some trouble telling the songs apart.
Aug 29 2023
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At Folsom Prison
Johnny Cash
I literally just got At San Quentin, and I listened to this album with my partner about two days ago, so this was a funny one to get. I'm just gonna review this one off of memory rather than listening to it again. I liked the energy of the album quite a bit. It sounds like all the other Johnny Cash I've heard, so if you like that, this is a fun way to experience that sound. I think my favourite song was Dirty Old Egg-Sucking Dog, but it's hard to remember after a day or two.
Aug 30 2023
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Exile In Guyville
Liz Phair
Well, it's about what I expected. It's alright. Good enough, but nothing I'd really seek out again. My favourite song was Canary.
Aug 31 2023
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Peter Gabriel
Peter Gabriel
I was hoping to like this one a bit more! I'd say it's a strong three. There were many parts I liked, but not enough for me to love any of the songs. I'm more hopeful for his other solo stuff, and the Genesis stuff that is one here. My favourite song was Excuse Me.
Sep 01 2023
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Seventeen Seconds
The Cure
I did listen to this in the car as a disclaimer, which may have affected my enjoyment a tiny bit. I liked some songs, but some felt like they had some empty space and went on too long. I'm more excited for the other albums on here by them. My favourite song was M.
Sep 02 2023
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Let It Bleed
The Rolling Stones
It's not terrible, but I don't really care about it. Gimme Shelter is okay, but it never really clicked with me, and a lot of it was kind of boring. Maybe would've been cool at the time? There's some decent parts, which is the only reason it's getting a low 3 instead of a solid two. Could very easily be a two one day, but I don't want to ignore the fact that I did like some parts and the entire thing wasn't boring, just some of it. I didn't get around to this one for a bit and listened to my albums out of order and I got Exile on Main Street a week after this one, which was worse than this. Bleh. I don't think I like Rolling Stones too much. My favourite song was Gimme Shelter.
Sep 03 2023
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School's Out
Alice Cooper
I was hoping to like this album more, but I already knew the best songs off of it, in my opinion. It's okay, but nothing special. Alma Mater is definitely a highlight and I was waiting eagerly to listen to it the entire duration of the album. I'd say it leans too much into kinda basic rock for me at points. Glad I listened to it though. My favourite song was Alma Mater.
Sep 04 2023
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It's fine. Didn't hate it, but I don't see myself ever coming back to it. It's a strong 2, but I just didn't like it enough for a low three. The length doesn't really help either. My favourite song was Partition.
Sep 05 2023
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Jethro Tull
I could see this growing on me with time. There's some solid tracks on here, and I like the little interludes throughout the album. There's other prog albums that I would listen to before this, but it's still good. My favourite song was Aqualung.
Sep 06 2023
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They Were Wrong, So We Drowned
It's not that bad. I understand why people might hate it, but I also understand why people could like it. I liked the singer's voice and some of the music had an interesting sound, but it's not exactly something I want to listen to again. I think my favourite song was They Don't Want Your Corn - They Want Your Kids, but it was a bit hard to differentiate the songs for me.
Sep 07 2023
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Cloud Nine
The Temptations
It's alright. Some good songs, but some boring as well. Was hoping to like it more, but oh well. My favourite song was Hey Girl.
Sep 08 2023
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Led Zeppelin III
Led Zeppelin
I'm not crazy about Led Zeppelin, but there's some nice songs on here. Nothing bad on it really, just some boring stuff. Nothing truly grabbed my attention besides Immigrant Song, but I know that one pretty well at this point. But still, a decent album. My favourite song was Immigrant Song.
Sep 09 2023
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Exile On Main Street
The Rolling Stones
This was super boring and super long. I don't really have anything to say, just glad it's done. My favourite song would be Sweet Virginia, I guess, but I still didn't like it.
Sep 10 2023
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Basket of Light
I liked it more than I expected to. A lot of it kind of sounds like Ren Faire music, but that's not necessarily a negative for me. The vocalists are both pretty great, and I liked what felt like the more experimental tracks on the album. My favourite songs were Light Flight and Train Song.
Sep 11 2023
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The Jesus And Mary Chain
It's a weak 3, but it's pleasant enough. This was more interesting than Darklands, but I probably ended up liking it less. Some parts didn't sound great or ended up being boring, but I didn't dislike it. My favourite song was Just Like Honey.
Sep 12 2023
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Only By The Night
Kings of Leon
This was pretty boring. Had one okay song and the rest wasn't much of anything. His voice kind of annoyed me as well. Maybe one of the other ones will be better. My favourite song was Sex on Fire.
Sep 13 2023
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Like Water For Chocolate
2.5 - The length is a doozy, but it's alright. I think I like Be more, but it's been quite a while since I listened to Be, so I don't know. I like a couple songs on here, but I don't find most of it to be memorable. Not bad, just not really my thing.
Sep 14 2023
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Sheet Music
Pretty damn close to a five. It's weird in a way that I like. I'll probably love these songs more with time. The vocals are nice as well. I'm not very good at writing reviews. My favourite songs were Somewhere in Hollywood, Clockwork Creep, and The Sacro-Iliac.
Sep 15 2023
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There's A Riot Goin' On
Sly & The Family Stone
Man, I was hoping to like this, but I was bored most of the time. It felt like nothing was happening for a lot of it. The only time my interest would pique was whenever the female vocalist sang. I respect it, but not my thing. My favourite song was Runnin' Away.
Sep 16 2023
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Music From Big Pink
The Band
It had its moments here and there that granted it a three, barely, but some of it was boring. The vocals also got to be a bit much at points. I guess I preferred the other one. My favourite song was This Wheel's on Fire.
Sep 17 2023
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Central Reservation
Beth Orton
It's a pretty perfect three, because I like it, but not enough to really care about it. There's not really anything I dislike here, but there's not enough that I like to make it a four. It's perfectly okay. My favourite song was Stars All Seem To Weep.
Sep 18 2023
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Vauxhall And I
It was good. Still not crazy about him as a person, but I have to admit I like his stuff. Nothing too boring, but some songs stuck out more than others. Solid three overall. I guess I'm more excited for his other albums now. My favourite song was Lifeguard Sleeping, Girl Drowning.
Sep 19 2023
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Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not
Arctic Monkeys
3 - I can see myself liking this more in the future, but as it stands, I'm comfortable with a 3. It can feel a bit repetitive, and only, like, one or two songs stood out from the bunch to me. But yeah, I'm sure it'll click when I revisit it eventually.
Sep 20 2023
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Follow The Leader
1 - Woof... This is a slog to get through. If it was shorter, I would've given it a higher score because it's more boring than it is aggravating, but I got very tired of this over the duration of the album. I don't even care about the hit, so no silver lining here.
Sep 21 2023
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Rubber Soul
This one used to be my favourite Beatles album as a kid, and that might still be true. It's hard to pick a favourite. The harmonies are quite good on this one, which is probably a big part of why kid me liked it so much. Not quite into the weird stuff yet, but there are still hints of what's to come. I like early and later Beatles quite a lot, but the middle period might be my favourite era because of how it balances the sounds of the eras it's sandwiched between. I love most of the songs on here, with the only exception being The Word. My favourite songs, though it's really hard to pick, would be Michelle, You Won't See Me, and If I Needed Someone.
Sep 22 2023
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DJ Shadow
It's interesting. Was kinda boring in the beginning and it had me worried, but there's some cool stuff on here. Despite the length, it went by kind of fast, so I guess that's something. My favourite song was Stem/Long Stem (Medley).
Sep 23 2023
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The Offspring
This was pretty boring, which makes complete sense given my track record with punk music. Offspring is fine, but I wouldn't go out of my way to listen to them. My favourite song was Self Esteem.
Sep 24 2023
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My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts
Brian Eno
If there's one word for this, it's boring. You can hear aspects of both of their styles peeking through, but I'm just not crazy about how ambient it was. Oh well. The original album cover is kinda cool. My favourite song was Help Me Somebody.
Sep 25 2023
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Honky Tonk Heroes
Waylon Jennings
At least it was short. Damn was it boring. I mean, I prefer this sort of country more than modern country, but I still don't want to listen to it. My favourite song was Ain't No God in Mexico.
Sep 26 2023
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Jack White
I imagine it'll grow on me a little over time, and it's a low 4, but it's still good. I quite like Jack White. An issue with his music, however, is that I'm not crazy about blues, so sometimes his music is too bluesy for me, but other times, he can pull off blues in a way I can enjoy. This issue is still present on this album, but I don't mind it on a lot of the tracks. Most of the tracks here are good. My favourite song was Freedom at 21.
Sep 27 2023
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Steely Dan
Wasn't sure what I'd think, but this sounded kinda cool. I prefer the sound this album has compared to the other Steely Dan album I got. It's a lighter four, but I still enjoyed it. My favourite song was Peg.
Sep 28 2023
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The Idiot
Iggy Pop
I was a bit hopeful for this album, but I knew I probably wasn't gonna be crazy about it. I like the overall dissonant sound of the album, but it's pretty boring. China Girl is good, but it's hard to fully appreciate this one when I like the Bowie version a lot more. A few of the songs are pretty long too, which is part of what made this album a bit of a drag. Perhaps it'd be a three if there were more short tracks rather than having a seven minute and an eight minute song on here. Oh well. My favourite song was China Girl.
Sep 29 2023
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Beach Samba
Astrud Gilberto
This was pretty chill and I really enjoyed it. Her voice is nice and soothing. Pretty close to a five, but just not quite there for me. My favorite song was My Foolish Heart.
Sep 30 2023
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She's So Unusual
Cyndi Lauper
I liked this one quite a bit. Her voice could be a bit much for me at times, but I still enjoyed it most of the time. The hits were good, and some of the deeper cuts were pretty good too, so it's a pretty solid four. My favourite songs were All Through The Night and Time After Time.
Oct 01 2023
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Now I Got Worry
The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
Starting an album with screaming is a bold choice, and not one I like very much since I had my earbud volume way too high. As someone who doesn't really like punk or blues, this album was definitely not made for me. Don't hate it, but I'm gonna forget about it pretty quickly. My favourite song was Love All Of Me, I guess.
Oct 02 2023
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The Wildest!
Louis Prima
This one was pretty good. A lighter 4, but still a 4. It had a fun energy to it that I enjoyed. It may have gotten old if it was longer, but it was only thirty minutes, so it avoids that pitfall. I liked the smoothness of Keely Smith's voice paired with the roughness of Prima's. My partner didn't like this album very much, but I guess I see something in it that they don't. My favourite song was Just a Gigolo.
Oct 03 2023
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Bitches Brew
Miles Davis
I gotta respect it, but man, this was unlistenable to me. Probably cool if you like jazz more than me, but as it is, I disliked it. I don't think it's the worst album I've heard, but it's gotta get a one. The length was awful... My favourite song was maybe Miles Runs The Voodoo Down? No idea. All of it was just noise to me, so...
Oct 04 2023
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The United States Of America
The United States Of America
This is a really cool album. I don't even really know what to say about, but it's a nice experience. I would definitely recommend this one to anyone that likes quirkier music. I could understand why people might not like it, but I'm sad this has such a low rating on here. Oh well, I guess. My favourite song was Stranded in Time.
Oct 05 2023
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Out of Step
Minor Threat
I don't like punk, so hardcore punk like this, I rather dislike it. Thank God it's short. I'll put it at a two, but a light two. I guess my favourite song was Betray? Couldn't really tell them apart.
Oct 06 2023
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It sure is R.E.M. Not bad, but not amazing or anything. There's good parts, but sometimes it's boring. My favourite song was Orange Crush.
Oct 07 2023
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Country Life
Roxy Music
It's barely a 4. First half all sounded the same, though it did still sound decent. Second half was an improvement. Not amazing, but good. My favourite song was Bitter Sweet.
Oct 08 2023
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Millions Now Living Will Never Die
I was never expecting to like this album, but it's actually kinda cool sounding. Sometimes it was boring, but I found myself enjoying it a decent amount of the time. I think my favourite song was Glass Museum.
Oct 09 2023
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Manu Chao
2 - These songs blended together a lot and it was a pretty dull listen.
Oct 10 2023
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The Who Sell Out
The Who
It was alright. Looking back on my other two Who albums, I don't think much of them. They would both probably be light three's now. This is the best one, but it's only a three. I think it's a nice in between of what I've heard from the band. I think my favourite songs were Sunrise and Odorono.
Oct 11 2023
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Madman Across The Water
Elton John
It's a low three, as some of it was kinda boring, but pieces here and there were good and Tiny Dancer is good. If that song wasn't on here, it'd probably be a two. I hope I like some of his other albums more. My favourite song was Tiny Dancer.
Oct 12 2023
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3.5 - There's some pretty good tracks on here. Even the ones that are the best are still good. There are a few tracks that don't quite grab my attention and sometimes they're even boring, but I'd say the good stuff outweighs that enough for a 3.5. I quite like the songs where they get kind of weird with the beat at times, like The Phone Call and Tattooed Love Boys.
Oct 13 2023
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Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Despite being long, I didn't feel the length very much. The songs I liked already were good, but everything else was pretty forgettable. Maybe it could've been stronger if it was a tad trimmed down? I don't know. My favourite song was Breaking the Girl.
Oct 14 2023
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The Man Who
2- A little bit of a mixed bag for me, but overall an okay experience, albeit an unmemorable one. I kinda like the vocals. If only they were tied to more interesting music. I don't really know that this is an album you should listen to before you die, but maybe Travis is (or was) a bigger deal in the U.K. or something? I don't know. This album just doesn't seem that important to me.
Oct 15 2023
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All Hail the Queen
Queen Latifah
3 - This was definitely one of my preferred listens when it comes to this era of hip hop. The beats were interesting enough to keep my attention. It's a bit bloated, though, and loses me towards the end. Still, not bad.
Oct 16 2023
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Black Sabbath
This was cool. It's definitely a notable sound for 1970. I already knew I liked the popular stuff, but some of the deeper cuts were nice as well. Not my highest 4, but a 4. My favourite song was War Pigs.
Oct 17 2023
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Queen Of Denmark
John Grant
This was good. I knew I liked a few songs on it already, and everything else was solid. There's some cool themes present in the album that are interesting to see. I might look into some of his other stuff. My favourite songs were Jesus Hates Faggots and Caramel.
Oct 18 2023
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Mama Said Knock You Out
LL Cool J
1.5 - Ehh... Not really for me. Some of the lyrics are laughable, creepy, or annoying because they get repeated over and over. This album is generally pretty repetitive when it could definitely be trimmed down. No wonder it's over an hour long. I thought I liked the hit, but I guess I don't, so there wasn't even anything to combat the fatigue from the other boring tracks. Whatever.
Oct 19 2023
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Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
The Smashing Pumpkins
3 - This was a pretty long one. There's some tracks that stand out to me, but I honestly don't remember a good number of them. I can't imagine going back and relistening to this due to the length, though I definitely appreciate the songs I do like.
Oct 20 2023
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A couple songs on here are pretty good, but the rest of it isn't anything special. Probably more excited for the other one on here. 21 is on here, right? I can't remember. Anyway, her voice is nice, even if the music can be kind of nothing. My favourite song was Million Years Ago.
Oct 21 2023
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Sonic Youth
This was interesting, and would perhaps require a re-listen to get a better grasp on it. I like the atmosphere and wish I had listened to it in a quieter environment so I could better immerse myself in the album. My favourite song was Shadow of a Doubt.
Oct 22 2023
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Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes
TV On The Radio
Blehhh. This album was exhausting to get through and it annoyed me by the end of it. The vocals were grating and the music was nothing. It's a low two. Really hope the other one is better. I guess my favourite song was The Wrong Way, but I didn't like any of them.
Oct 23 2023
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Stan Getz
It was a very soft and calm album, which made it a rather pleasant listen. The vocals are great too, their voices are nice and fit the music perfectly. It's short and sweet, which I always appreciate. My favourite song was The Girl From Ipanema.
Oct 25 2023
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Imperial Bedroom
Elvis Costello & The Attractions
2.5 - I mean, it's better than some of his other albums, but still nothing special to me at the moment. Maybe I could see myself liking this more upon relisten, but I say that very hesitantly.
Oct 26 2023
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Born To Be With You
Most of this is freaking boring. It should really be a 2, but I'm making it a low three because there were a couple songs I liked. Giving it a two when I liked some of it seems unfair, so it's basically getting a 2.5. My favourite song was Only You Know.
Oct 27 2023
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Greetings From L.A.
Tim Buckley
Yay, more Tim Buckley! This is definitely a very sexual album, which tends to turn me off, but it was fine here. I kinda wish that this album had more short songs rather than a few long ones. I would have like the 6-7 minute long songs more if they were shorter. A lot of them felt like the last two minutes were nothing. Still, this was alright. I like his voice, for the most part. I prefer how it sounded in Goodbye and Hello, where it was consistently higher, but you can still hear remnants of that here and there. I do like the songs on here, even if I wish they were more concise sometimes. I don't love it, and I was more excited for Happy Sad than this, but I'm just happy that I got another album of his. My favourite songs were Make It Right and Sweet Surrender.
Oct 28 2023
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Birth Of The Cool
Miles Davis
I think I have all the Miles Davis albums on here now, unless I'm forgetting one, which is very possible. There's nothing really new to say. I respect him, but it's not really my thing. It's a light three. I think my favourite song was Move.
Oct 29 2023
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Bee Gees
Wow, I feel the exact same way about this album as I do the other Bee Gees album I got. There are traces of something good. There are parts I quite like, but no one song is devoid of something boring. A lot of this album is just boring. Close to being something I like, but not there. This album started out really, really boring and I was worried I'd dislike this one more than Trafalgar, but it picked up after awhile and I'd say they're about even now. I think if I liked their voices more, i would maybe enjoy the music more, but there's just something about the vocals that doesn't do it for me. A low three. My favourite song was Melody Fair.
Oct 30 2023
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Hot Fuss
The Killers
It's a lower four, but I still gotta give it a four. Probably would've been a little more up my alley in middle school or high school, but I still like some songs off of this. I jam with the iconic ones. I enjoyed a good chunk of the album, but the last couple songs kind of lost me, with the last one actually annoying me a bit. But I still think it's good overall. My favourite songs were Mr. Brightside and Somebody Told Me.
Oct 31 2023
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1.5 - Way too long and boring in the modern age. But maybe house just isn't my thing?
Nov 01 2023
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Physical Graffiti
Led Zeppelin
Man, this was boring. My least favourite Led Zeppelin album so far. The length doesn't really help it, and there wasn't anything too amazing on here. I mean, Kashmir is good, even if it is a bit longer than I remember, but that's kinda it, in my opinion. I don't know man, I just don't get Led Zeppelin. It's odd, I'd figure that I should like them because of the whiny way Robert Plant sings, as I usually like listening to men whine on albums, but I guess I just don't like the music enough to care. My favourite song was Kashmir.
Nov 02 2023
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Merriweather Post Pavilion
Animal Collective
It's neat! A few songs were boring, but most of them were at least interesting. My favourite songs were Bluish and Summertime Clothes.
Nov 03 2023
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Brian Wilson
Listening to this makes me sad that it didn't get made back in the sixties, because this sounds so cool and I have to wonder how it would have been received. I'm just glad it got made eventually. It's a lovely album and I really like all the motifs that tie every song together. Everything flows together seamlessly and it's very pleasing. Plus, some songs have extra parts in these versions, which I assume were originally cut, so it's cool to see their inclusions. I'll have to listen to the original demos at some point. My favourite songs were probably Heroes and Villains and Surf's Up.
Nov 04 2023
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Take Me Apart
2 - Was hoping to like this, but this wasn't anything special. It was way too slow for me and it felt like nothing was happening.
Nov 05 2023
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Eternally Yours
The Saints
Hey, a punk album getting over a 2 is pretty rare from me. Some of the riffs were good and I liked the vocalists' voices. Definitely one of the better punk albums I've gotten, but, sadly, only good enough for a 3. My favourite songs were Memories Are Made of This and No, Your Product.
Nov 06 2023
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Dusty In Memphis
Dusty Springfield
She has a nice voice, and most of it was pretty good. Sometimes it was boring, but I think the good parts are good enough for the album to be a light four. My favourite song was The Windmills of Your Mind.
Nov 07 2023
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Red Dirt Girl
Emmylou Harris
It's fine, I guess, but it's long and boring. Plus, I'm not crazy about country music anyway, though I've definitely heard worse. Don't really know if this needs to be on the list. It's something I'll definitely forget that I listened to. My favourite song was J'ai fait tout.
Nov 08 2023
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Mariah Carey
2 - It's fine. Boring, but fine. I expected to be annoyed, but it just went in one ear and out the other. At times, I could appreciate it, but these times were very scarce. I'll probably just forget about this one in time.
Nov 09 2023
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The Notorious Byrd Brothers
The Byrds
I feel like this leaned a bit more into the folk rock stuff rather than psychedelic, which isn't exactly what I wanted. I mean, there's psychedelic stuff present, but nothing as good as the peaks of Younger Than Yesterday. I have two left, which I'm looking forward too since they're older. My favourite songs were Draft Morning and Tribal Gathering.
Nov 10 2023
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Mermaid Avenue
Billy Bragg
The story behind the album is kinda interesting, but I don't really care about the music. I thought it might be worse, so I guess I'm glad it's only a two. Not the worst country I've heard, but I've also heard better. My favourite song was California Stars.
Nov 11 2023
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Honky Tonk Masquerade
Joe Ely
Kinda boring country. Definitely better than some country, but nothing I would say I liked. First song had me a little hopeful, but the rest wasn't as good. My favourite song was Cornbread Moon.
Nov 12 2023
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The Poet
Bobby Womack
I only knew one song by him, which I quite like, so I was hopeful that I would like it, and I did! It has a nice energy and I'm excited to look through some of his other stuff for something I might like even more. My favourite songs were Secrets and Stand Up.
Nov 13 2023
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The Psychedelic Sounds of the 13th Floor Elevators
The 13th Floor Elevators
It was alright. Not too noteworthy, but not bad. Was kinda hoping to like it more. Oh well. My favourite song was Don't Fall Down.
Nov 14 2023
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S.F. Sorrow
The Pretty Things
I don't really have the words to write a good review, as I'm tired, but this album is pretty cool. It has a somewhat dark sound and the concept is neat. There's a few stand out songs that made the listen very enjoyable and I expect the other tracks to grow on me over time. My favourite song was Bracelets of Fingers.
Nov 15 2023
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The Last Of The True Believers
Nanci Griffith
Blehh, country is so god damn boring and annoying. No more please... Obviously some country is good, but this album is nothing to me. I was just waiting for it to be over. My favourite song was The Last of the True Believers, I guess.
Nov 16 2023
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Born To Run
Bruce Springsteen
Meh. A lighter three. It's not bad, but I don't really care. It's more varied than I expected, which was nice. I liked the piano, but it kinda made me wanna listen to some piano rock instead. I'm just not really into Bruce Springsteen. My favourite song was Night, I think.
Nov 17 2023
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Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Elton John
I felt that it started off pretty strong, but there was some tracks that were pretty nothing to me. Probably could have been trimmed down? Oh well. I liked it more than the other Elton John album I got, so that's good. My favourite song was Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.
Nov 18 2023
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G. Love And Special Sauce
G. Love & Special Sauce
1 - I couldn't understand a word this dude was saying because he can't sing for shit, but I felt like this album was sexually harassing me.
Nov 19 2023
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Rising Above Bedlam
Jah Wobble's Invaders Of The Heart
It was alright, but got kinda boring over the course of the album. Some of the songs were too long. I don't hate it, but it's something I'll probably forget about. My favourite song was Visions of You.
Nov 20 2023
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Screaming Trees
When it started, I thought it would be alright, but man, this really dragged. I mean, there's some good parts, but none of the songs fully grabbed me and most of it was boring. My favourite song was Halo of Ashes.
Nov 21 2023
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Jagged Little Pill
Alanis Morissette
2 - I always found Ironic to be annoying, but I don't mind Head Over Feet. I wasn't expecting much from the album. It would probably be a 1.5 if Head Over Feet wasn't on here. I don't hate it, but it was a tad annoying here and there. Also, two of the same track on here wasn't great and I didn't really like the attached bonus track either. Meh.
Nov 22 2023
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Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots
The Flaming Lips
This was good, I'm giving it a light four. I didn't love it, but I quite liked a few of the tracks and I didn't often find myself bored, which I appreciate when many albums on here bore me. This will probably grow on me over time. My favourite song was Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots.
Nov 24 2023
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m b v
My Bloody Valentine
It was on track for a light four, because I quite liked the feeling the album was creating, but it got fumbled in the end, so only a 3. But, I expected to not like this one very much, so I guess it did slightly better than I expected. My favourite song was Who Sees You, I think. I have trouble telling them apart from memory.
Nov 25 2023
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Wild Gift
Thought it might be a punk album that I actually kinda like at the start, but nope. It was boring and felt long despite being short. I liked the vocals kinda, but I still find the music boring, so. My favourite song was The Once Over Twice.
Nov 26 2023
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A Girl Called Dusty
Dusty Springfield
3 - It's kinda crazy that a white British lady can sing so soulfully like this. I liked a few of the songs, and the rest was nice background music. Not a very memorable record, having only a couple standouts, but that's fine.
Nov 27 2023
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At Budokan
Cheap Trick
2.5 - I Want You To Want Me is, of course, classic, and the version of Surrender isn't awful, but I'd probably just listen to the studio version. The rest of the album was pretty nothing to me.
Nov 29 2023
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#1 Record
Big Star
Most of this was pretty good. A few songs were not exactly what I wanted from the album, but the others songs were strong. Thirteen is, like, a perfect song, so I definitely appreciate the album more because of that one song. I'm excited to listen to their other albums! My favourite song was Thirteen.
Nov 30 2023
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Astral Weeks
Van Morrison
This was soooo bad. I couldn't finish it, and I'm usually very good about sticking through an entire album so I can properly rate it. His voice was awful and didn't match with the music at all. I was so happy to turn it off. I guess my favourite song was Sweet Thing, but they are all awful.
Dec 01 2023
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Giant Steps
The Boo Radleys
This is one of those albums that I ended not really knowing what to think. It's eclectic, which meant there were some elements I disliked and some I liked, which leaves me conflicted. I think it got better as it went on, so I'm gonna give it a three. My favourite song was I've Lost The Reason, I think.
Dec 02 2023
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New Wave
The Auteurs
This is barely a four, but still just slightly too good for a three. I liked the first half, but the second half kinda lost me, which made this a little hard to rate. Don't really have much to say about it. My favourite song was Show Girl.
Dec 03 2023
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Grievous Angel
Gram Parsons
It's fine, but it's just boring country music. Maybe one or two of the songs I would have liked if they were a different genre. My favourite song was Brass Buttons.
Dec 05 2023
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Lady Soul
Aretha Franklin
She has a great voice and the music is pretty good. I don't have a lot to say, but my experience with this album was a very pleasant one. My favourite song was Groovin'.
Dec 06 2023
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I’ve Got a Tiger By the Tail
Buck Owens
It sure was country. Some of it I didn't mind, but there were a few moments that annoyed me. It's whatever. Not the worst country I've heard, but not the best. My favourite song was Act Naturally, but I of course prefer the Beatles version.
Dec 07 2023
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Melody A.M.
2.5 - It's not bad, but not entirely up my alley. It's chill, and I can appreciate that. Maybe a relisten would be beneficial?
Dec 08 2023
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This was another case where I was left unsure what to think of what I listened to. The sound was more varied than I expected and it was pretty cool. I liked it, and maybe I'd like it more over time? This would be an album that requires a relisten from me. My favourite song was probably Passion of Lovers.
Dec 09 2023
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Everything Must Go
Manic Street Preachers
3 - It feels a tad odd starting with this one rather than Holy Bible, but this is just how things shook out. That second song really is the best one, but everything else is fine. I don't have a ton to say about it. I hope I like Holy Bible more.
Dec 10 2023
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1.5 - I'd really rather listen to Portishead or something if I want Trip Hop. The atmosphere of this just isn't one I like and it's pretty boring to listen to.
Dec 11 2023
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Lam Toro
Baaba Maal
1.5 - I feel bad, but I really didn't like this album. This type of music is just really not for me, which is okay. It's not made for me.
Dec 12 2023
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Hotel California
2 - Boy, this was rough. The first two songs are good. The rest was soooo damn boring. It was all so sappy and limp, I hated it. I understand maybe one or two sappy songs, but the rest of the album after the first two songs is like that. It was aggravating. I didn't get to listen to the last couple minutes of the last song during my listening session, but I highly doubt those couple minutes would affect my rating, so I'm not gonna bother finishing it. Could have been a 2.5 or maybe even a 3, but the majority of this album sucked ass, so I'm leaving it at a 2. Better than the other Eagles album I listened to, but not by much.
Dec 13 2023
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OK Computer
It's alright. A pretty solid album with some good stuff on it. I'll give it the same light four I give every Radiohead album, or at least most of them. It's good, but not exactly what I want. My favourite songs were Karma Police, No Surprises, and Subterranean Homesick Alien. Shocking, I know.
Dec 15 2023
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Soft Machine
3.5 - This is definitely an odd album. The first few minutes of the first track had me scared, but it's actually kinda good. That third song was definitely the standout here. I can appreciate the mix of jazz and prog. This makes me pretty optimistic for the Robert Wyatt albums that are in the 1001 albums list.
Dec 16 2023
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Black Flag
Man, this was a conflicted listen for me. I liked bits and pieces, but punk is really not for me. It's repetitive and drags, despite being short. But a few songs were good, and I liked some of the guitar work quite a bit. It's a low three, but I'm gonna give it the three. My favourite songs were TV Party and Life of Pain.
Dec 17 2023
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Willie Nelson
3 - I know it is standards and country, but it leaned farther into the standards than I expected it to, which is probably a good thing for me because country is boring. But yeah, this was more enjoyable than I expected. Some of these songs are done way better by other artists, which makes the covers boring, but oh well.
Dec 19 2023
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Crime Of The Century
It's alright. Some good parts, but also some parts that drag. My favourite song was probably Dreamer, but nothing really stood out to me.
Dec 20 2023
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Cosmo's Factory
Creedence Clearwater Revival
It was fine. Some good songs, but I found myself bored for some of the album. It's a low three. My favourite song was Up Around the Bend.
Dec 21 2023
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Chocolate Starfish And The Hot Dog Flavored Water
Limp Bizkit
I listened to this a couple months ago because my partner got it on the generator, and I did not like it. It's not the absolute worst thing I've listened to, but it got on my nerves and the length made it even worse. That last song with the three minutes of laughing was annoying. And did it really need two versions of Rollin'? My favourite song was maybe Hot Dog or My Generation? I didn't relisten to it, so I can't remember.
Dec 24 2023
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Pictures At An Exhibition
Emerson, Lake & Palmer
2 - There were bits here and there that I kind of liked, but a lot of it was just boring. I usually like prog, but this? Meh.
Dec 25 2023
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Midnight Ride
Paul Revere & The Raiders
Perfectly mid, I'd say. It's a bit boring, but it's not bad. There's enough there to be slightly entertaining, but not enough to be memorable. My favourite song was There She Goes.
Dec 26 2023
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I Should Coco
The highs are this album are really really good, but there's enough boring songs on here that keep it at a four rather than a five, sadly. Maybe it'd be a five given some more time. My favourite songs were She's So Loose and Caught By The Fuzz.
Dec 27 2023
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Your New Favourite Band
The Hives
1.5 - I don't understand why this compilation is on the 1001 albums rather than an album, but there's probably a reason that The Hives aren't an album band. Why even bother putting a compilation on there if you can't find an actual album by them that's good enough? Just choose a different band! As you can probably tell, I didn't like this. It was so, so repetitive, and it wasn't even that long, but it felt like it went on forever. It was basically like listening to the same song on loop for thirty minutes. And basically every song follows the pattern of chanting the song name in the chorus, which was so aggravating when I caught on to the pattern. It feels so lazy. Really not my type of thing.
Dec 28 2023
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Brutal Youth
Elvis Costello
1 - I expected this to just be boring, but damn, this wasn't very good. It was pretty annoying. I can't even really explain why I think it's bad, it just sounds bad. At best, it's boring, but a lot of songs are just aggravatingly mediocre and aimless. I don't know why this is on the 1001 albums list, especially when there's already so much Costello on there.
Dec 31 2023
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Lady In Satin
Billie Holiday
2.5 - If this album was like thirty minutes long, it'd definitely be getting a better score, but it's really repetitive at its full length. I got pretty bored before the album was over.
Jan 01 2024
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Sufjan Stevens
Man, I hoping to like this album more, but it wasn't anything special for me. Maybe I just wasn't listening close enough, or maybe the length was getting to me, but I found myself bored some of the time. There were definitely good parts, and I'd overall call the album good, but I was left not feeling much by the end. My favourite song was John Wayne Gacy, Jr.
Jan 02 2024
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Faust IV
1.5 - I thought that this was gonna be a really rough listen based on the first song, but there are more song-like songs on the album that balance it out to a 1.5 for me. They aren't exactly my cup of tea, but they have tiny moments of things I would enjoy. It's just not enough compared to the things I didn't like. I'm not really sure if I like krautrock or not? I guess I have to listen to more to really know.
Jan 03 2024
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The Coral
The Coral
2 - I'm writing this, like, a week after listening to the album, and I just remember it being boring. It could do things I like for a few seconds, and would become boring again. It never kept my attention long enough to consider giving it a 2.5. The vocals were annoying, from what I remember. Not really sure why this is in the 1001 albums you must listen to before you die? I mean, it sounds more like something from a decade later than something from 2002, so maybe that has something to do with it? Overall, forgettable.
Jan 04 2024
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1.5 - I feel bad giving it such a low rating, but it's super repetitive, so even if I did like a song, I would usually end up being sick of it by the end of the track. It got to be a bit annoying.
Jan 05 2024
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Mr. Tambourine Man
The Byrds
Man, The Byrds are pretty damn boring. I like some songs on one album, and everything else I've listened to by them has been nothing. I'm probably just not super into folk a lot of the time. My favourite song was Mr. Tambourine Man.
Jan 06 2024
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Blood, Sweat & Tears
Blood, Sweat & Tears
2 - I honestly expected folk stuff when I went into this album, but that isn't really what we have here. Despite surprising me with its contents, I still remember almost nothing from this listen. Perhaps I see potential for something I could quite like, but as it is, I don't really care.
Jan 07 2024
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Heartattack And Vine
Tom Waits
1.5 - This has gotta be my least favourite Waits album I've heard so far. It's kind of like Nighthawks at the Diner, but that blues-y influence is a killer, man. Oh well.
Jan 08 2024
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The Bones Of What You Believe
2 - Nothing here really impressed me. I genuinely can't tell if I've heard some of these songs before or if they just sound like something I would have heard on the radio at some point? I think I don't really like production like this, which made it harder to enjoy the music. It had moments that I could enjoy, but nothing amazing. I wasn't crazy about the vocals either, especially the male vocals. I don't know, just not for me.
Jan 09 2024
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Talking With the Taxman About Poetry
Billy Bragg
1.5 - Oh my God, he is SO British. I found his voice to be really, really annoying and I just couldn't get past it. Maybe I'd like this music more if there were a different vocalist, but not by much. I was glad to be done with it.
Jan 11 2024
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The Divine Comedy
3 - I wasn't crazy about this one, sadly. I listened to A Short Album About Love maybe a year ago and liked it, so I figured this would be good too, but I didn't like it nearly as much. I'm not really sure why. I guess this one feels less lush to me? There's just something different. Also, while I don't usually care about the lyrics, some of them felt a bit questionable. That's probably the point, but it kinda made me a little uncomfortable at points. Oh well, it's not a big deal.
Jan 12 2024
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american dream
LCD Soundsystem
3 - I went in expecting a repeat of Sound of Silver, which I did not really like, but I was surprised that I didn't mind it. I liked the 80's vibe it was giving off and I found his voice more enjoyable this time around. It might have been because I was busy, but I didn't even really mind the lengths of the songs. I could see this rubbing off on me eventually and getting a higher score.
Jan 13 2024
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Basement Jaxx
3 - I know a few of the songs off of here already, but sadly, none of the deep cuts are as good as those songs. It's got a interesting sound throughout, which is part of why I like the songs I do so much. Maybe I'll like Rooty more, but Basement Jaxx might just be more a singles band for me than an album band.
Jan 14 2024
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Sometimes I Wish We Were An Eagle
Bill Callahan
3 - I honestly don't remember a lot about this album, but I do really like a song on here and I remember most of the album being nice enough. I might not go out of my way to listen to it again, but it was a nice experience.
Jan 15 2024
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Selling England By The Pound
4 - It's a pretty solid album with a few standout tracks. I don't really have a lot to say about it besides that it's good. Writing reviews is hard. I should probably listen to more Genesis, and more prog in general.
Jan 16 2024
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Don't Stand Me Down
Dexys Midnight Runners
1.5 - Man, this felt like a slog to get through. I'm glad I didn't end up listening to this one first. I would have been so confused. This album does have alright moments, but they just feel like things that Too-Rye-Ay did better. There's a lot of talking and it overall just isn't fun to listen to. I don't really understand why this has a more positive critical reception now, but I guess I'm glad that people can see something enjoyable in it. I just don't understand how.
Jan 17 2024
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4 - I knew quite a few of the songs off of here already thanks to my partner. The songs that I ended up saving are very solid and I appreciated the vocals more this time around. I'd say I liked it better than Surfer Rosa, but not enough so for this one to get into the 4.5 range. I could definitely see it getting there with a relisten or two though.
Jan 18 2024
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3 - I was debating between a 3.5 and a 3, but I decided on a three because I know the album is good, but it's not entirely my thing. I don't see myself going back to listen to any of the deeper cuts, even if they're alright. It was nice and short.
Jan 19 2024
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Ghostface Killah
1.5 - I'm a bit conflicted on this. As a disclaimer, I am way outside of my comfort zone, as I hardly ever listen to rap unless it's for the 1001 albums list. I did listen to Enter the Wu-Tang forever ago and thought it was kinda good, but none of their solo efforts that I've listened to have been as good. The beats here are fine. I could see some of them being used well by rappers that I do like, but I don't really care about the way they're used here. I didn't appreciate the misogyny in some of the tracks. It rubs me the wrong way, but I fully expected it to be there. Some of the subject matters on this album overall were questionable, from what I gleamed, which is why it's getting such a low rating. I'm not one to usually comb through lyrics, but they're hard to ignore in rap a lot of the time. I promise, I can like rap, but this isn't exactly what I'm looking for. Oh, also, the skit about threatening to beat a kid felt weird. Like, I get that maybe it's funny that the kid is cursing at him, but him threatening to beat what I assume to be someone else's child is crazy. I don't really get why that'd be funny, but I usually don't get rap skits anyway. But yeah, really not what I'd usually listen to, and I don't know almost anything about Wu-Tang Clan or the members, so I don't really have any knowledge of the influence or importance of this record.
Jan 21 2024
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Different Class
3.5 - I quite like a few of the tracks on here, and some of the other tracks have moments that I like, but I didn't care about the rest of the album. My partner gave this album a perfect 5, so they're probably not gonna be happy about this. It's a pretty horny album, which tends to miss for me and leave me feeling a tad uncomfortable. He has a nice voice, so he can kind of pull it off, but when it's most of the album, well, I guess I got tired of it over the course of an hour. But it's not bad or anything, I think it's solid, just a case where I'm probably not going to seek out the deep cuts again any time soon.
Jan 23 2024
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What's That Noise?
2 - This one isn't on streaming services. Yay... I was a bit confused by the track listing, but it turns out this album has a slightly different UK and US release, so I stuck with the original UK one. It was kinda boring and dated. It has a kinda cool sound to it, but it's not really my thing. I'm glad it was only around 40 minutes.
Jan 24 2024
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The White Stripes
3 - I'm inconsistent at rating White Stripes. I'm guessing that their sound just hits different at different times? I actually had to slightly move down my ratings for their other albums on this list on Rate Your Music because I definitely rated them too high at the time compared to how I remember them. They feel like a group where I kinda have to revisit them again, perhaps in order, so I can actually get a concrete opinion on these albums. Anyway, the two hits I know are good, and everything else is perfectly fine, just not to hold my attention past my required listening.
Jan 25 2024
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Hunky Dory
David Bowie
3.5 - I actually listened to this in 10th grade while working on a project for my creative writing class. I remember it being alright, but I was sad that I wasn't crazy about any of the deeper cuts. I was probably distracted while listening to it, so I thought it might be better this time around. I do appreciate some of the tracks more, but I am still a little bummed that I didn't like anything as much as the hits. The hits are amazing, though.
Jan 26 2024
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Cafe Bleu
The Style Council
1.5 - What the hell did I even listen to? The first part is about what I expected: cafe music, fittingly. And the last few songs sounded similar to Dexy's, which makes some sense. But, uh, what's with the hip hop part? Why??? I don't know, a lot of this album just didn't feel like there was any genuine emotion behind it. It was pretty sterile and it was not a very cohesive album. What an odd album.
Jan 29 2024
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The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn
Pink Floyd
2 - I knew this was gonna sound different than their famous stuff, as I've heard some of this before, but damn, this was out there. It had good moments here and there, but the majority of it felt aimless and started to grate on me. Bike was funny though.
Jan 30 2024
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2 - I literally have no thoughts about this one. I already don't remember what any of the songs sound like. So, I guess I'd call it boring.
Jan 31 2024
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1.5 - I sort of like the obligatory Kiss songs that everyone knows. I don't seek them out, but I'm fine hearing them. I expected this album to go harder, but the sappy songs that just totally killed it for me. My tolerance for ballads weakens with age. Even the tracks that are more rock-heavy are freaking boring. I thought maybe I'd end up liking this more than my partner did, but this is worse than I expected and I now understand their pain. How can a song called Rock 'N' Roll Party be so painfully boring?
Feb 02 2024
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Led Zeppelin IV
Led Zeppelin
3.5 - Probably the highest score a Led Zeppelin album is gonna get out of me. Three of the songs on here are very good, and since that's almost half of the album, I'm gonna give it the 3.5.
Feb 03 2024
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Ali Farka Touré
2 - I'm really not a blues guy, so I can't really get into it.
Feb 04 2024
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Blood On The Tracks
Bob Dylan
2 - This album felt like it dragged on and on. I was this close to giving it a 1.5. Perhaps I would if I had to listen to it again. I don't remember anything about it except for how bored it made me.
Feb 05 2024
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Ritual De Lo Habitual
Jane's Addiction
2.5 - This wasn't as good as Nothing's Shocking, but it was alright. A lot of the songs were just too long-winded to hit. Maybe if the tracks were shorter it'd be better. As it is, It's kinda boring and struggled to keep my attention the whole time.
Feb 06 2024
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The Undertones
The Undertones
2.5 - I like the singer's voice, but it suffers from the same problems as most of the punk albums I listen to do. The ending was nice, and the bonus songs were better, but I'm going off of the initial release's track listing, so. Better than some punk I listen to, but this album doesn't stand out too much.
Feb 08 2024
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Sisters Of Mercy
2 - Man, this was just boring. Maybe I'm just not that into gothic rock.
Feb 09 2024
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A Night At The Opera
4 - I really like a decent chunk of the songs on here. I do have this one on vinyl and never got around to the b-side, so it's nice to finally finish it. The songs that I didn't know didn't really catch my attention, but they were still good. A lot of the tracks flow into each other seamlessly, which is always cool. I'm glad I got around to it.
Feb 10 2024
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Fred Neil
Fred Neil
2 - Wow, I didn't really care about anything going on here. But folk is pretty hit or miss for me, so I wouldn't pay too much attention to what I think. It kinda reminds me of Tim Buckley here and there, but that doesn't make me care any more.
Feb 13 2024
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The Modern Dance
Pere Ubu
2 - Man, I was kinda hopeful for this album because of the genres and my own curiosity, but this was boring. I wasn't crazy about the vocals either. I was more excited for their second album than this one, but not so much now. I guess I finally know what I think of Pere Ubu.
Feb 14 2024
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Wild Wood
Paul Weller
1.5 - You're on thin fucking ice, Paul.
Feb 15 2024
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Lou Reed
3 - I liked the two hits, and while the deeper cuts didn't grab me, I wouldn't call them bad. I'm just probably not gonna bother to seek them out again.
Feb 16 2024
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Live At The Regal
B.B. King
2.5 - I can feel the passion and talent in this. He puts on a good performance, but live albums usually aren't my thing, and it's not the type of music I usually listen to, so I feel that a 2.5 is the best I can give it.
Feb 17 2024
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The Blueprint
2 - I've never been crazy about the snippets of Jay-Z I've heard, and that assessment stands upon listening to this. I don't know, there just wasn't much to grab my interest. I seem to gravitate more towards abstract hip hop than other types of hip hop, so.
Feb 18 2024
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1.5 - I don't like punk, so I knew I wasn't gonna like this. His voice is really not the type that I prefer and I don't find it very pleasurable to listen to. It's not even short, like most punk albums. I'll definitely forget about this album.
Feb 19 2024
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4 - I really like the songs that I like off of this album. The transitions between tracks are awesome and flow very well, which is something I always like. The reason I'm leaving it at a 4 is because I don't care much about the tracks I don't have saved. They're not bad, just probably not songs I'll come back to unless I'm listening to the whole album. But, overall, it's a great album and I like the concept. The album's presentation is top notch.
Feb 20 2024
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Scream, Dracula, Scream
Rocket From The Crypt
1 - I found this album very annoying and it dragged on and on despite being, like, the shortest album I've listened to today. It just felt like the same song over and over... Nothing here for me to like. It's lucky it's not getting a .5.
Feb 21 2024
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Grant Lee Buffalo
3 - I really like a couple songs on here, Fuzzy and Stars 'n' Stripes, so I'm disappointed that I didn't much care for the rest of the album. The vocals on those two songs are great. Oh well, I'm glad I enjoyed something off of it.
Feb 22 2024
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2.5 - It was fine? Admittedly, I'm writing this days after actually listening to the album, and I remember almost nothing. I think I kind of liked the first songs and the vibe it set up, but everything else was whatever. Another forgettable album.
Feb 23 2024
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Joan Baez
Joan Baez
3.5 - This could easily get bumped up to a solid 4 with a relisten. Her voice is great and I actually found myself interested in the stories these songs told. It's a solemn and pretty album. Oh, that closing track is pretty awesome too.
Feb 24 2024
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Odessey And Oracle
The Zombies
4.5 - I originally had this at a four on RYM, but I relistened to it after getting it on here and ended up bumping it up to a 4.5. Some songs took a little growing, but a lot of them have nice hooks that I appreciate more the second time around. There's still a few songs I don't like as much, so it's not getting a perfect five, but there's a lot of solid tracks on here. I'd say it is a tad repetitive tonally, but there are a few darker sounding songs that help break it up a little. Butcher's Tale is probably my favourite at the moment, as it has a bit of a darker sound than everything else and it left quite an impression on me the first time I heard it. I'm glad I came back to this one.
Feb 25 2024
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The Beau Brummels
2.5 - This has some nice and pretty moments here and there, but no entire song stuck out to me. Pretty forgettable, but it was a nice, quick 20 something minutes.
Feb 26 2024
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Let's Get It On
Marvin Gaye
4 - I knew it'd be a horny album, and I got about what I expected. I can be a prude, but this didn't rub me the wrong way. A lot of the songs are good and even the tracks I didn't like as much are still solid. It's very cohesive. All I have left on the 1001 list is Here, My Dear now, which is the one I'm more hesitant about, but I'm still hopeful. Gaye hasn't disappointed yet.
Feb 27 2024
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Curtis Mayfield
3.5 - Wow, this was a nice listen that I can definitely see growing on me with time. I enjoyed the way that the concept of this album was portrayed, and it's nice that I don't have to watch the movie to really understand what's going on in the story of these songs. As always, I'm bad at putting my thoughts into words, haha.
Feb 28 2024
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4.5 - It's pretty close to a 5, as a lot of the songs on here are bangers, but there's just a track or two that I don't love enough for a 5 to feel right. They're not bad, they just don't hit as hard and that's hard to ignore when there's only six tracks. I trust that it'll grow on me enough to be a perfect 5 eventually. This is a hot take apparently, but I think the album cover is cool.
Feb 29 2024
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Welcome To The Pleasuredome
Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 - Some of the earlier songs annoyed me, like Relax, but some other songs were alright, so I feel that it balances out to a 2 star rating. At the end of the day, it's just not a very memorable listen for me. I was admittedly a bit distracted listening to it at points, so maybe it'll need a relisten at some point.
Mar 01 2024
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If I Should Fall From Grace With God
The Pogues
2 - Wasn't my thing with their other album on the list, still isn't my thing now. I mean, if you like this genre of music, I'm sure this is great. I remember this album being a bit odd and varied, which at least makes it a bit more memorable than the other one.
Mar 02 2024
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Emperor Tomato Ketchup
3 - I was really hoping to like this. I was even expecting for it to get something close to a 5 because I like other music that is considered similar to Stereolab. But alas, it was not meant to be. It was much more repetitive than I expected. Every song sounded pretty similar to me. It wasn't bad, but there was only one song that I cared about. Oh well...
Mar 03 2024
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Fun House
The Stooges
2 - I struggle to call it boring, even though I didn't really care about it. It's definitely noisy, to an almost upsetting degree at times, so it was probably pretty cool for the time. Just not really my thing.
Mar 04 2024
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Nilsson Schmilsson
Harry Nilsson
2.5 - The name is funny. I knew one song off of this, The Moonbeam Song, which I love, so I was expecting to quite like this album, but it was just okay. The Moonbeam Song and Without You are pretty good, but some of the other songs actually irritated me, like Coconut and Jump Into the Fire. I wasn't impressed by the beginning of the album either. They honestly kind of sounded like worse Billy Joel... It made me surprised that the good songs on here are so good when everything else is so meh. I'll Never Leave You was alright, but not as good as the best songs. Usually I'd give it a solid three since it has multiple songs I like, but the songs I didn't like bog it down enough that I'm giving it a 2.5.
Mar 05 2024
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Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)
2.5 - The hit is obviously good. The rest of the songs range from alright to boring. A lot of them are too long and repetitive for their own good. Some of the other songs are good, but the length makes them just okay.
Mar 06 2024
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The Genius Of Ray Charles
Ray Charles
3 - I got a little tired of the album by the end, but it's short enough that that's not too big of an issue. Admittedly, I'm struggling to say much about it, looking back on the album. I did like that it took more of a somber tone in the second half.
Mar 07 2024
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Pelican West
Haircut 100
4 - I don't know if I just got bored over the course of the album, or if the album is just repetitive, or if it just fumbles the B-side a little, but I really, really liked the first half and thought the last half was alright. Those songs didn't grab my attention as much, but maybe the tracks were just too similar for me. Perhaps a couple songs could have been cut to make it a bit more concise? I don't know. Anyway, that first half is very good and they really nail the sound they're going for. I was jamming along for a lot of it. I was worried that this would be something that I wouldn't remember listening to, but luckily, that's not the case. The overall vibe of the album is fun and light, which I love. My only real complaint with the album is that it feels a bit long-winded since they don't change up the sound very much. This was a pleasant surprise!
Mar 08 2024
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461 Ocean Boulevard
Eric Clapton
1.5 - Meh. Very boring. Blues rock is a genre that I never care much about.
Mar 09 2024
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Rust In Peace
3 - I was hoping that I would end up liking this one a lot, but the deep cuts weren't anything special. I really, really like Holy Wars and Hangar 18, and Tornado of Souls is cool, but I already don't remember the rest of the album. Oh well.
Mar 10 2024
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2 - It's boring and a bit repetitive, as I was worried it might be. Anything I enjoyed got repeated so many times that I didn't care anymore. Not much else to say. I'll probably forget that I listened to it.
Mar 12 2024
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John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers
1.5 - This was annoying. I don't like blues very much and this certainly wasn't an exception. The lyrics were the usual stuff that I literally don't care about. Just more sad white boy blues...
Mar 13 2024
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New Gold Dream (81/82/83/84)
Simple Minds
2.5 - I'd say it was fine, though a bit unmemorable. There was a track or two that I sort of liked, but they all blend together now.
Mar 14 2024
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Robert Wyatt
2 - I'm really unsure how to feel about this album. It's not like I'm conflicted, it felt like it just kinda happened, I guess? It's not one of those albums I would dunk on for being boring, but I just didn't find myself caring about anything going on. It had this slightly 90s feeling that I didn't really dig either. I'm hopeful for Rock Bottom when I listen to it, but yeah, this one didn't do much for me.
Mar 15 2024
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The Köln Concert
Keith Jarrett
1.5 - Man, if this were shorter, I could probably give this a higher score, but as it is, I wasn't a fan. It was very long. I mean, the first song was almost half an hour long. That's pretty crazy and I don't remember it changing very much over that duration, but maybe I just wasn't paying very much attention. Sometimes he'd make weird noises during the tracks too, which I didn't really enjoy hearing. The moaning felt weird. That seems to just be a thing he's known to do, upon further research. I won't hold it against him too much. Anyway, I ended up a bit annoyed by the end of this, thus the rating. Not really for me.
Mar 16 2024
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Crossing the Red Sea With the Adverts
The Adverts
2 - Another punk album that I'll forget about with time. First song sounded alright, and then the whole album kinda sounded like that... I have the same issues with it that I have with most punk albums.
Mar 17 2024
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The World is a Ghetto
2 - I got kinda bored over the course of the album, but it isn't bad or anything.
Mar 18 2024
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Buenas Noches From A Lonely Room
Dwight Yoakam
what's blud yapping about
Mar 21 2024
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Fifth Dimension
The Byrds
2 - The Byrds seem to get more and more boring every time I listen to one of their albums... Nothing much to say. None of the lyrics were very interesting, except maybe I Come and Stand at Every Door, which they didn't write. That song also sounded like it wasn't dark enough for the lyrical content. I know it was 1966, so music generally didn't sound that dark yet, but it didn't hit when presented in this way. It just felt weird. Music was also generally pretty boring and not really my thing. I quite like one Byrds album and that's it, I guess. Oh well.
Mar 24 2024
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2 - I get why this has the cult following that it does, and it has the potential to be something I quite like, but I ended up just being bored a lot of the time. The tracks are pretty long and they don't really change that much throughout their run time. I also wasn't crazy about the vocals, especially when he started actually singing. It's cool that this album clicks for so many people, because obviously a lot of people see something special in it. I also didn't find it scary or unnerving like a lot of people, but I listened to this during the day, so maybe it'd be a different story at night. I didn't think I'd love this album anyway, based on the genres.
Mar 25 2024
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Scott 4
Scott Walker
3.5 - While I think I might prefer Scott 2 to this one, that could definitely change if some of these tracks grow on me. They're both pretty good, but in slightly different ways.
Mar 26 2024
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k.d. lang
3 - You know, the first time I saw this album cover, I was like, "that's a cute guy". But now I know that that's a cute lady! Lang has a great voice, and it oddly lends itself to even the most country of songs of this record. I do appreciate when this album steers away from the country sound, but I don't mind when it returns to it. I'm excited to listen to Ingenue and hear that amazing voice again.
Mar 27 2024
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The Cars
The Cars
3 - When I was younger, I saw the amount of hits off of this album and assumed this album would be amazing, kinda like a Thriller situation, but to a lesser degree. But, while there are a couple hits off of here that I like, I don't love them or anything, at least not as much as I used to, and everything else is just whatever to me. It all fits together as one cohesive album, but I got bored with some of the deep cuts. I don't like The Cars as much as I thought I would at a younger age, but I'm fine with that. I've found music much more up my alley since then.
Mar 30 2024
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The Good, The Bad & The Queen
The Good, The Bad & The Queen
2 - I thought I would like this album based on the way it started, but nothing happens in it. There's alright parts, but the music doesn't do anything with any momentum that it may have had. I don't really see why this is one of the 1001 albums I have to listen to. Just put Demon Days on the list, man.
Apr 01 2024
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Axis: Bold As Love
Jimi Hendrix
3 - I didn't like it as much as Electric Ladyland, but it's a cool and technically impressive album. I don't really have much to say about it though.
Apr 03 2024
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Meat Is Murder
The Smiths
3.5 - It's not quite as good the other two I've listened to, as the middle section lost my attention a bit, but I still liked it.
Apr 05 2024
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Tragic Songs of Life
The Louvin Brothers
1 - This a pretty short album, but by the end of that thirty-some minutes, I was glad it was over. It's annoyingly repetitive and I don't really care about the tragic stories going on in these songs. Man, your brother's girlfriend didn't want to marry you after your brother died? Damn, that sucks, dude. What a terrible person she must be. Obviously the songs are old, and they didn't even write most of them, but I feel no pity for these white boys. These lyrics just aren't really something I can connect to, which doesn't help the album's case. I also don't really like country, so I was never going to like this very much. If I want close harmony, I'd really rather listen to the Everly Brothers because their voices are much more appealing to me the those of The Louvin Brothers. Side note: Ira seems like an asshole, huh?
Apr 06 2024
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Alexander 'Skip' Spence
1.5 - Damn, this was boring. Sometimes his voice was okay at best, but other times it was annoying. It's been a while since I actually listened to this at the time of writing, but the only word that comes to mind is boring.
Apr 07 2024
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Led Zeppelin II
Led Zeppelin
2.5 - I'd say this one is more consistently good than the first album, but there was nothing that grabbed me like the best tracks on Led Zeppelin I. Even those good songs are a bit long... I don't think Led Zeppelin will ever fully click for me, but I like some of their songs. While a couple songs on this album were better than the rest of the track list, I still don't really care about them, thus the rating.
Apr 08 2024
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Being There
1.5 - I already didn't care about the good Wilco album, or at least the only one I ever hear about, so I wasn't excited for this one. Maybe a 2 would be okay if the album was much shorter, but damn, this one is long and really fizzles out what little it had by the end. Some songs were okay and/or had little parts that I liked, but a lot of it was boring or nothing.
Apr 09 2024
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Yank Crime
Drive Like Jehu
3 - I want to like this more, but I tend to get bored with post-hardcore, and I did find myself losing focus towards the middle with this. First song was pretty good. I really liked the vocals here. He does the screaming and shouting very well. Again, I wish I liked this more. I still think it's a pretty cool album.
Apr 11 2024
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Something Else By The Kinks
The Kinks
4 - The album name is cute. A solid album by The Kinks, as expected. I was impressed by a couple songs on here, mainly Waterloo Sunset and Lazy Old Sun, but the other songs I liked were very good too. Even the songs I didn't like as much are pleasant. I'd put it above Arthur and below Village Green Preservation Society.
Apr 12 2024
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Feast of Wire
2 - It's been a couple days since I listened to this album and I don't really remember my thoughts. It didn't interest me too much.
Apr 13 2024
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Back In Black
1.5 - Man, if I'm gonna listen to hard rock, this is NOT gonna be my first choice. I don't like the hits, I don't like his voice, and the deep cuts are so nothing. I mean, it's definitely earlier than I thought it was, and it sounds pretty clean, but while this may be ahead of the curve for hard rock, I struggle to care in 2024.
Apr 14 2024
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Dear Science
TV On The Radio
1.5 - I thought this one was gonna be better than their other album, and I think it sounds a little different if I remember correctly, but it still pisses me off. I really don't like the vocals. It's pretty boring too, which gets annoying after fifty minutes. There were some songs I actively disliked parts of. It's not one of the worst albums of all time, but damn, did I not enjoy my time with it.
Apr 15 2024
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Foo Fighters
Foo Fighters
4 - I don't love some of the Foo Fighters hits I've heard, and Everlong was never good enough that I felt I needed to seek out more of their stuff. But there's a Nirvana song called Marigold that I really, really like. I was surprised to find out later that that song is only Grohl. And this album is only him. And I was like, "Oh, maybe I'll actually like this Foo Fighters album". And, of course, I do! The string of hits at the beginning isn't my favourite, but I quite liked the deeper cuts here. Exhausted is a great closer. I'm not sure if I should even listen to another album from Foo Fighters, because I fear it won't be much like this. If nothing else, I'm just glad this one exists.
Apr 16 2024
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Foxbase Alpha
Saint Etienne
2.5 - This could maybe be a three? But I'm gonna leave it at a 2.5 because, while I didn't mind the songs that weren't the hit, they aren't super memorable to me. I wish everything was as special as that hit, but alas, it's not.
Apr 17 2024
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Teenage Fanclub
2 - I was hoping to like this, but it was kind of nothing. Not bad, but I didn't really find anything here to grasp onto.
Apr 18 2024
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The Rolling Stones
The Rolling Stones
1.5 - The Rolling Stones had a very dull start, apparently. This felt like the same song over and over again, and I didn't like it the first time. I really didn't like it the twelfth time around. I'm not a big fan of blues or The Rolling Stones. Is this really an album I must listen to before I die? I feel like this one wasn't quite as essential to have as some of their other albums...
Apr 20 2024
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Apple Venus Volume 1
3 - I didn't like this as much as Skylarking, but I still liked it and it may grow on me a bit with time. It's pretty, from what I remember.
Apr 21 2024
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The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter
The Incredible String Band
2 - Okay, at first, I didn't really get why this was so low rated on here. I thought people were just being dramatic. I had even listened to snippets and thought, "well, that's not too bad. I kinda like it, even." But, uh, this sort of annoyed me at points, and I actively listen to annoying music, so I can't imagine how the average person would react to this. It's not all bad, but any moments I care about drowned out by the moments I don't like. There's just not enough here to hook me and help me get past the oddities of this album. If I only listened to one song off of this record, it'd probably be more forgiving towards it, but having to listen to the whole album wore me down and left me dying for it to finally finish.
Apr 22 2024
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Myths Of The Near Future
2 - Only one song on here managed to make me stop and go, "Hey, that's kinda weird". Everything else was boring stereotypical music from the 2000s, which I don't love.
Apr 23 2024
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Nick Of Time
Bonnie Raitt
1 - It's blues, so I'm bound to not like it, and like it I do not. It feels very of its time in an aggravating way. What an annoying album.
Apr 24 2024
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Red Hot Chili Peppers
2.5 - Everything that wasn't Scar Tissue was kinda boring. Some of the songs had parts that would bring me back, but there is a lot of nothing in here.
Apr 25 2024
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Hot Shots II
The Beta Band
2 - My partner and I were discussing this album and decided that it sounds like if Jack Johnson was trying to be Beck. It's a really boring album. Like, I would tell people to just go actually listen to Beck. I don't really get why this album is one I gotta listen to before I die, but it did get removed in later versions of the book, so I guess they figured that out too. Also, this band had another album on the list, also removed. Why? Were they really big in England or something? Anyway, I don't see this album doing anything new or inventive. It's just boring.
Apr 26 2024
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The Message
Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five
3 - What an odd album. I don't know how silly it's supposed to be, but it made me giggle a couple times. It has a pretty fun feeling to it. I was bobbing my head the whole album.
Apr 27 2024
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Purple Rain
3 - I like Prince a bit more than I thought and there were a few songs on here that I didn't know were Prince, so that was neat. My issue with 1999 was the length of the songs, which wasn't an issue here. I maybe liked some of the songs more on 1999, but this is the more consistent and solid album of the two.
Apr 29 2024
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Vincebus Eruptum
Blue Cheer
2 - Boring. It's just not really the kind of music I like.
May 01 2024
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With The Beatles
4 - This one felt a bit harder to rate than some other Beatles albums. It's got a mix of absolute bangers and just decent stuff. Nothing bad, but there's definitely a couple songs I don't care as much about. Still a solid album. I am an early Beatles apologist, so I don't mind their early albums nearly as much as some people. The songs are definitely simpler, but I still think they're pleasant.
May 02 2024
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NEU! 75
2 - It's kinda just boring? Not as scary as some other Krautrock I've listened to, but there wasn't anything that I really liked.
May 03 2024
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First Band On The Moon
The Cardigans
4 - There are quite a few good songs on here. The rest is good enough that it's a solid four. Was hoping for a 5 or 4.5, but it was still pretty good.
May 04 2024
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Murder Ballads
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
2.5 - It's not my favourite, but I'd say it's solid and the concept is interesting to some extent.
May 05 2024
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Viva Hate
3 - Suedehead is a good hit. There are a few songs that are almost as good, but they just didn't do enough for me to care more about them. Sometimes it got a bit boring, and it's not as good as The Smiths albums I've listened to, but it's not bad. It's got some good songs, but nothing that's a must listen besides Suedehead.
May 06 2024
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Beauty And The Beat
The Go-Go's
3 - For me, the obvious stand out is Our Lips Are Sealed, with We Got The Beat still being a classic, but lesser in my opinion. The rest kinda just feels like filler, but I was surprised by the sound that Automatic brought to the album. Those hits are carrying this rating, and Automatic solidifies it as a three.
May 07 2024
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The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars
David Bowie
4 - Yay! This is super duper close to a 4.5, but the tracks that don't click with me as much, I have to keep those in mind too. I love some of the tracks on here and it was nice revisiting them, as I haven't heard them in awhile.
May 08 2024
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Copper Blue
1 - Ew. This album is so annoying. A lot of the time, the chorus would be very repetitive and they'd repeat it over and over until the song ended. Also, some of the songs follow the structure of just repeating the title as the chorus, which is something I hate to hear in multiple songs in an album. I actively hated some of these songs.
May 09 2024
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Youssou N'Dour
2 - I don't really remember anything about the album, if I'm being honest. It kinda went in one ear and out the other.
May 10 2024
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Soul Mining
The The
3 - I liked Infected slightly more. It kind of had more of a city vibe to it, though that could be attributed to the album cover. This one felt like it had good moments, but also a few moments were I was not fully into it. His voice is interesting too, I don't remember it being like that, but I haven't listened to anything by The The in at least a year.
May 11 2024
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16 Lovers Lane
The Go-Betweens
2.5 - I wouldn't say anything here is very of-note to me, but it's pleasant enough. It'd be alright background music, although I'll never go out of my way to listen to it.
May 12 2024
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The Soft Bulletin
The Flaming Lips
3 - There's some good tracks on here. I like the first few songs as well as some of the instrumental tracks. I was hoping to like it a bit more, but oh well, it's still good.
May 13 2024
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Sail Away
Randy Newman
2 - I don't remember much from listening this album. Maybe a 2 is a bit low, but oh well. Don't care enough to bump it up.
May 16 2024
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Tuesday Night Music Club
Sheryl Crow
1 - The hit is okay, but everything else was sooo aggravating and repetitive. It should show how much I disliked the rest of the album if I don't even hate the hit and I still gave it a 1. Is this really an album I need to listen to before I die? Why?
May 17 2024
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Young Americans
David Bowie
4 - I was always a tad worried about this album, because I only know three of the tracks, and one of them I don't really like, that being Across the Universe. But some of the deeper cuts were actually pretty good, I'm happy to say. Across the Universe isn't awful, it just does the thing that I don't like covers doing where the vocals, timing wise, are lagging behind. I get why people do it, but it's always bothered me. But yeah, not quite as bad as I remember. The album definitely has more of a soul feeling to it than I anticipated, but maybe I should've expected that given the two singles? I never really thought about it. It was still pretty solid. I'm always happy to listen to more Bowie.
May 18 2024
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Snoop Dogg
2.5 - I thought I'd be bored with this, but the beats were pretty good, so that made it a more enjoyable listen. Lyrical content isn't my favourite, but whatever. It's hip hop from the 90's, I expect it to be sexist. But yeah, liked it a little more than expected, but it's nothing I'd come back to.
May 19 2024
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Larks' Tongues In Aspic
King Crimson
3.5 - Definitely a bit more avant-garde than I remember In The Court of The Crimson King being. A couple parts are kinda hard to listen to, especially with how loud they can get, but I quite liked other parts.
May 20 2024
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Brothers In Arms
Dire Straits
3 - This is an interesting album. There's a lot going on. Bro, the average song length on this record might be about even with the prog album I listened to before this, which is crazy. I didn't listen to the trimmed down original vinyl release, obviously, but I kinda wish I did. A lot of the tracks don't need to be almost 8 minutes long. Some of the tracks kinda have a guitar focus, the obvious example being Money for Nothing, but a lot of them don't, which is odd? It kind of adds to the 80's feel of the album, which isn't exactly a positive. I like Knopfler's vocals, which is strange considering his voice isn't typically the type I latch on to, but there's something satisfying about hearing him sing. When listening to Money for Nothing and Walk of Life back to back, I didn't really expect the whole rest of the album to slow down so much. I was kinda hoping for a little more energy, but, again, maybe I would've been fine with it if these deep cuts weren't so freaking long. As a side note that I couldn't really fit anywhere else, I didn't like So Far Away. Overall, it's a mixed bag of an album, and there's still some good songwriting present, especially in the hits I like, but I'd say the 80's sound here isn't exactly my thing and the deep cuts generally aren't too special.
May 21 2024
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Post Orgasmic Chill
Skunk Anansie
2 - I was interested at the start, but this album was pretty all over the place, and there wasn't much I cared about. The vocals were nice, but none of the songs were my thing, so. It's certainly something, but it's something I'll forget about.
May 24 2024
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There's No Place Like America Today
Curtis Mayfield
3 - The album cover is a clever one. I really wanted to give this a 3.5 or something, but after the first song, I just wasn't very hooked on anything. I mean, I remember vaguely liking quite a few of the tracks, but I can't really justify a higher rating to myself.
May 25 2024
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The Seldom Seen Kid
1 - Oh my God, this album... It's so repetitive and bland and annoying. If there was even a spec of it that I liked, they made sure to repeat it for 6 minutes so I hated it. Just listen to Radiohead or something.
May 26 2024
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Fulfillingness' First Finale
Stevie Wonder
4 - Not as good as the other three of his albums I've listened to, but there's definitely still some good tracks on here.
May 27 2024
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The Who
2 - After listening to this, I'm just left not caring. It wasn't my least favourite Who album, and it certainly wasn't my favourite. It's just nothing.
May 28 2024
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Ryan Adams
1 - When the first song started, I thought maybe it wouldn't be so bad, but bleh!!!! It's boring and tonally repetitive and long. And that last song, which might have been my least favourite, was such a downer way to end an album. It ends with a whimper, but I guess it wasn't that good of an album anyway, so who cares. I just don't care about country, for the most part, and this album isn't one of the exceptions to that statement. I am not excited to listen to his other album on the list.
May 30 2024
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3 - This album does not have the sound that I picture when I think of U2, but that's kind of a plus. I always liked Sunday Bloody Sunday more than any other U2 song I've heard, so I suspected this album would be different. Nothing is as good as that song, but it's alright. Probably gonna end up being my favourite album of theirs.
May 31 2024
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Another Green World
Brian Eno
4 - I was worried that, since this is more ambient than Here Come the Warm Jets, I wouldn't like it nearly as much, but this is still really good. It's got this sad feeling behind it that I really liked. It can be atmospheric, but it's also got some vocals here and there to pique my interest again. I could see myself liking this one even more with a relisten in the future.
Jun 01 2024
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Picture Book
Simply Red
2 - This was whatever. Some moments were alright, and others had me groaning, so I'd say it balances out to a 2.
Jun 02 2024
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Ogden's Nut Gone Flake
Small Faces
1.5 - I thought maybe I'd like it because it's psychedelic rock, but this was boring and annoying.
Jun 04 2024
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Dub Housing
Pere Ubu
1.5 - This... I dwelled on for a while. I probably should've just relistened to it, but man did I not want to listen to it again. I really dislike the vocals on here. His voice is upsetting, which is probably the point, given what their music sounds like, but it's not my thing. It just constantly sounds like he's off key. Gahhh! But yeah, my cat was not very happy that I was listening to this. I could definitely see this being something I grow fonder of as time goes on and I get used to it, but for now, I'm scared of it :)
Jun 05 2024
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Paul McCartney
3 - It's okay, really. Some good songs, but not enough for a higher rating. I could see this getting a higher rating in the future from me, if the deep cuts that slightly piqued my interest end up growing on me, but only time will tell.
Jun 06 2024
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Superfuzz Bigmuff
2 - There was nothing here to really grab me, so a lot of it ended up sounding like boring noise to me. There's not really a spark there, at least not that I could hear.
Jun 07 2024
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A Rush Of Blood To The Head
2 - Whatever. That's all I can really say.
Jun 11 2024
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La Revancha Del Tango
Gotan Project
4 - This was a nice, chill album. It changed up just enough that I didn't get bored of it. I do think the first half was stronger than the other half, but that's not to say it got bad or anything. Honestly, it might of just been me getting a little tired of the album, since it is about an hour long. It could be a more concise album, but as it is, I still like it.
Jun 13 2024
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Haut de gamme / Koweït, rive gauche
Koffi Olomide
1 - This sounds like if you went to a nice island resort and they were playing a basic island music CD, but the CD got stuck looping track one and no one fixed it for like an hour. You sit there, going crazy. If I had to listen to it again, it'd probably give it a .5. I'm glad some people like this kind of music, but man, it drives me crazy...
Jun 17 2024
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Get Rich Or Die Tryin'
50 Cent
1.5 - Over an hour?! I mean, it's to be expected, but it's only really carried by the hit, which I don't even like, so it feels like forever. And, you know, I don't exactly love Eminem, so his involvement doesn't really change anything for me. I don't see this as an album I have to listen to before I die. This is an album that feels like you're supposed to listen to it for the hit(s?) and nothing else. I could give it a 1, but it's not one of the worst albums ever, so it sits at a 1.5.
Jun 18 2024
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Fear Of Music
Talking Heads
3.5 - I expect this to be a little bit of a grower, hopefully. There's a few good tracks, but I had the same issues with it that I had with Remain in Light. It's just not as funky as I'd like it to be. But I think I'll like it more as time goes on, because that's kinda what's happening with Remain in Light for me. I'm more excited to listen to an earlier Talking Heads album, because I think I'll like it more.
Jun 19 2024
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Planet Rock: The Album
Afrika Bambaataa
2 - All I really have to say is that I found it boring.
Jun 20 2024
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Elephant Mountain
The Youngbloods
2.5 - It was a pleasant listen, and it made for nice background music, but it's not something I'll probably seek out again.
Jun 21 2024
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I See You
The xx
1.5 - Bleh! I don't remember if this is a better or worse score that what I gave their other album, but it's so freaking boring. The vocals are nothing. Why in the world is this an album I should listen to before I die? I kind of get their other one, even if it wasn't anything special imo, but two? Why?
Oct 27 2024
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Peter Gabriel 3
Peter Gabriel
3 - I'm excited to relisten to this one in the future. It feels like an album that will benefit from a second go. I did quite like some of the songs, though I think there was a bit of a lull somewhere in the album. But yeah, it's good.
Oct 29 2024
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The Police
3 - What an odd album. The hits are strong and I still like them, and there's some interesting variety on here. Some tracks miss, but it at least makes it more interesting to listen to.
Nov 03 2024
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Alice In Chains
3 - I did quite like the hits, but the deeper cuts were kind of boring.
Nov 08 2024
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Happy Sad
Tim Buckley
3 - I've listened to quite a few of Buckley's albums now, and this is one of the ones I like more. While I really like Happy Sad, the rest of his albums... Not so much. This is a little bit of an in between, I suppose. There's a song or two on here that I think are good, which is why it's getting a 3, albeit a light one, but the rest of the songs are kinda boring to me. Maybe it'll grow on me like Goodbye and Hello did, but I don't think it'll be by much. But hey, I'm just glad that I enjoyed parts of it.
Nov 15 2024
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Before And After Science
Brian Eno
3 - The two songs that I regularly listen to from this album are pretty strong tracks, and they ended carrying the album for me. That's not to say that the remaining tracks are bad, because I remember liking some of them, but I'll probably only ever come back to those two songs.
Nov 16 2024
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Band On The Run
Paul McCartney and Wings
4 - I'd say the b-side isn't very strong besides the closer, but a lot of the songs on here are pretty good. It's not the strongest 4 in the world, but the songs that I did end up liking help carry that score.
Nov 17 2024
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4.5 - It's not the strongest five star album, obviously, but this has a lot of perfect songs on it. My issue with it is that the few songs that don't land are pretty mid and keep the album from being as strong as it could be. But, besides those, it's some great Europop. Definitely my favourite of their albums and probably the strongest they have.
Nov 19 2024
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From Elvis In Memphis
Elvis Presley
2 - Meh, everything felt kinda same-y and I'm not a big fan of the hit.
Nov 22 2024
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Off The Wall
Michael Jackson
Nov 23 2024
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Vol. 4
Black Sabbath
Dec 01 2024
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Face to Face
The Kinks
4 - This is a lighter four than the others. Maybe I'd like this more than Arthur? IDK, I haven't listened to that one in a long time so I don't know how my opinion may differ now. Even if it's not my favourite, there's still some good songs on here. I mean, I did still give it a four, after all. I'd say none of the tracks are as strong as the strongest tracks on the other Kinks albums on here, at least for the time being. I may end up changing my mind with relistens. There's a bit of a lull in the middle if I remember correctly, but oh well. I still liked my time with it. It's better than a lot of stuff on this list.
Dec 02 2024
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Destroy Rock & Roll
2 - It's certainly not the most boring two star I've ever listened to. There are some interesting things going on here. My issue with the album was that, when I did find a track to be more interesting than usual on here, it either got boring over the course of the song or there was a part that annoyed me. A lot of the tracks were just boring or not notable to me.
Dec 03 2024
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Ellington at Newport
Duke Ellington
2 - I don't think it's bad, it's just something I don't really care about. Maybe it could get a higher rating if I was in the right mood, but all this is for me is nice enough background music at best, or just boring at worst.
Dec 06 2024
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Fire Of Love
The Gun Club
Dec 15 2024
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Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Dec 21 2024
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Dec 23 2024
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Highway to Hell
Dec 25 2024
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The Only Ones
The Only Ones
Jan 05 2025
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All Hope Is Gone
Jan 06 2025
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Tanto Tempo
Bebel Gilberto
Jan 09 2025
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Metal Box
Public Image Ltd.
Jan 14 2025
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Two Dancers
Wild Beasts
Jan 26 2025
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Feb 10 2025
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Feb 17 2025
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Rejoicing In The Hands
Devendra Banhart