The College Dropout
Kanye WestHard pass. No streaming revenue for bigots.
Hard pass. No streaming revenue for bigots.
Music for baby making!
Surprise gem
Funky, trippy, just plain fun!
I'm glad that's over. I don't do nearly enough coke to enjoy Butt Rock. I'll take AC/DC or Black Sabbath any day before G&R.
When someone said "let your freak flag fly", Captain Beefheart understood the assignment. This is what The Kinks would have sounded like if they made a conscious decision to avoid commercial success. It's also kind of what your "creepy but not in a good way" uncle sounds like in your nightmares. That said, the guitars are fuzzy in just the right places and jangley in just the right way. 4/10.
Like a delicious three-ingredient stew, Nirvana are masters of doing a lot with very little. Every song has an iconic hook and takes me on a journey from calm to LET'S GO over and over again. I've been quoting lines from Serve the Servants and Heart Shaped Box for nearly thirty years. In Utero holds up.
I have very mixed feelings. Parts of this album (e.g., Mothers Talk) are too "Rick Astley" for me to enjoy unironically. Other parts are too sappy for me to take seriously (e.g., I Believe). On the other hand, Everybody Wants To Rule The World is deservedly eternal and the opening to Head Over Heels (also, closing notes to Broken) make me feel like I'm heading out on an amazing adventure. Shout is also a banger. The 80's synth-pop vibe is something I had to grow to appreciate; I have to get past ingrained bias against traditional wood and metal instruments. That said, I've listened to it four times today and have zero regrets. 4/5.
I just want to know how much of Richard Hawley's own funds went to recording and publishing this album? I've listened to it three times today and the repetition has not helped it any. Though it may have been innovative 40 years earlier in 2005 this music has nothing to offer. Even worse -- though #metoo came many years later -- by the time this album was recorded lines like "you belong to me, you belong to me" should have been a distant and unfortunate memory. Born Under a Bad Sign makes me wonder if Hawley is just trolling the blues-influenced British rockers who came before (waaaay before) him. The album's silver lining is some nice slide guitar on tracks like Darlin' Wait for Me. Unfortunately, the lining gilds a piece of dry toast.
TIL that Muddy Waters' given name is McKinley Morganfield. Huh! Difficult to put aside my deeply ingrained feelings for this music enough to give it an objective listen. I was shocked to discover that it was recorded in 1977 and not 1950. I don't know how to critique this. Every track puts my entire nervous system in sympathetic resonance (this is a good thing). I'm going to put it on again.
Female singer-songwriter? Yep. William likes it. Not a lot of variation in her sound but it's a sound I can grove to all day.
This album strikes a perfect rock/punk/pop balance for me. Melodic but also grungy, like Nirvana filtered through some happymaking drugs. Aptly titled Soma is a standout, makes me want to jump back and forth with a grin on my face. And Last Nite is one of those songs that puts my awe up to 11 with how much they do with so little.
My aural palette isn't sophisticated enough to distinguish any particular Bossa Nova song from The Girl from Ipanema. That said, I always love the grove. This album could play on repeat in every elevator and supermarket for the rest of time and I'd be happy.
I dig the tunes but can't handle Morrissey. An instrumental version of this album would be the shit. Or maybe just someone else to do the singing.
I recognize the immense talent and production value but . . . the Beach Boys I like are the hit singles. When they aren't singing about surfing they're singing about who-fucking-cares.
I am here for everything Michael Kiwanuka does. The way he uses percussion to build energy, his haunting voice, it's all gold.
Barf. These are the worst Bond theme songs by far. The movie soundtrack background music is great but that Scott guy needs to shut the fuck up.
I can't truly forgive the way they pronounce "migraine" but that only slightly diminishes my enjoyment of this album. Gang of Four rocks hard without trying to do too much. I love how the instruments make space for each other, bouncing back and forth in a head bobbing polyrhythm.
Impossible to separate this music from where it sits so deeply in my marrow. CSN harmonies are those against which I judge all others. Almost Cut My Hair, Teach Your Children, Helpless, Woodstock, and Our House are songs I've been humming while I do the dishes for the last few decades.
Oh my! Funky when he wants to be, soulful when he wants to be, highest highs and most excellent grooves. Shuggie Otis doesn't blow my socks off but there's nothin' in here I don't love.
The perfect album for living in student housing.
Peak '60s. This is the music my parents got high to while my grandparents downstairs worried about the fate of the next generation. I love it even if the \"electric jug\" is waaaaay overused.
Big love for Fleet harmonies. This album has been in heavy evening rotation for years.
Heck yes. Weird hippy Americana jazz stuff is my jam.
What a delightful surprise! 80s is generally not my genre but The The is distinct.
No thanks.
Perfect time capsule.
Super fun.
OMG I fucking love this album.
Punk is not my genre but I didn't hate this.
It's okay. I like the folk stuff much better than the light jazz.
She has a beautiful voice. If I were into disco I'd give this another listen.
B-list 90s rock. The first track is fire but on the whole Beck does it better.
I was turned off by the cover art but this album is fire! Stress is too stressful but the rest are perfect for work or play.
Well that was weird! Psychedelic rock is my jam but most of this album is too far out even for me.
I like the joy and the funky groove. Generally not my style though.
White boy blues, sure. But The Spy? Indian Summer? I'd never have lost my virginity without this album.
I'm glad that's over. I don't do nearly enough coke to enjoy Butt Rock. I'll take AC/DC or Black Sabbath any day before G&R.
There's nothing wrong with music for WASPs. Very smooth.
Solid but I'd prefer his Black Album any day. I don't know what nearly every track needs a big name guest. Tracks with Big Boi and Beyonce stand out but the whole project is tainted by collabs with Eminem and Lenny Kravitz.
Surprisingly delightful!
So good. As fun as it is insightful. Their call and response style is timeless.
He does one thing but he does it spectacularly well and I'm here for every minute.
60s psychedelic pop is my jam
I like prog rock but this album is a bit to frantic for my taste.
That Shanti song can fuck right off to cultural appropriation hell but the rest of the album is solid. Not music I love but it all has a perfectly nice groove, perfect for focusing on work. Don't pay too much attention to some of the silly pop lyrics though.
Solid rock but this pedophilia lyrics are a major turn off.
Hard pass. No streaming revenue for bigots.
Aptly named!
Two thumbs up
His best work post Beatles. A little too self important but how could that much fame not go to one's head?
A delightful surprise!
I know this album well but haven't given it a thorough listen in a while. This time I noticed the variety. S&G harmonies are the through line but no two tracks are similar.
From when heavy metal was cool.
A masterpiece like this doesn't come along very often.
I need to listen to more Aimee Mann.
Just right for a certain mood.
Very synth.
A master at the height of her game.
Super classic. I put this on when my father in law visits.
Fucking terrible!
Too smooth.
Weird is good
I hadn't listened to this in far too long.
Meh. Sabbath did it better.
Delightful surprise.
This album is in my blood.
Classic. No notes.
Sorry I missed this. Fucking legendary album. Even the goats love it.
Music for baby making!
Redemption album
Tear down the walls!
Pretty funky
I, for one, welcome any and all Black planets.
How did I not know this album!?! Classic hip-hop yes, please!
Didn't know I needed this.
It grows on you
Are you kidding me?!?
Hard to imagine listening to this when I could listen to Leonard Cohen. Good though.
Time capsule. Cool but not really my thing.
Chef's kiss.
Yeah . . . naw.
Yeah, I sang along with a group of stoned tourists in an Amsterdam hostel lounge. I'm not proud.
An oldie but a goodie.
This is an album I wish I'd been more familiar with. Better late than never!
First track almost made me throw up but the rest of it is solid
Yeah, solid 90s rock. That last track tho
Best of the best.
Love it
Fucking rocks
Pure fire.
All the funk
Not what I usually listen to, but certainly not bad. Peaceful.
Rest in Power, Amy.
Love it. But can't figure out which Mates of State song they sampled.
Best, cover, ever.
That first track took me on a journey
Funky but overproduced for my taste.
This really brings me back. Super serotonin boost.
Low key good.
Not a lot of variety track to track but groove density is off the charts.
Can't top Janelle.
Oh yeah
All Nico all day please.
In the world of jazz this is the album with which I'm most familiar, because when CD players were new it was one of the first CD my dad got.
I like Graham Parsons, I like this.
I love Lou but this isn't his best work.
I forgot how much I like Pavement.
Some cringeworthy, outdated themes but I do love me some old school hip hop.
Good not great
I heard it enough as a teenager. Didn't need to relive.
So silly. Classic.
Not an album I was familiar with. So Boss!
Glad I don't have to listen to*that* again. Yuck.
Good, and it prompted me to hit the archives for Rush's first album. Good choice.
Shut your mouth!
Good groove for working.
Not my style
More Kuti is just what I needed.
Good? I dunno. Sonically interesting but hard to groove to.
I feel like I should enjoy Kendrick but maybe I'm just too stupid.
Best listened to in a dark room.
Oh boy. They're so much fun.
I wanted to like this more than I ended up liking it.
I own this on VINYL! Thanks, Dad!
It slaps.
Hilariously, I had to listen to this on repeat before I came to appreciate it.
I'm a sucker for proto punk.
Oh yeah super special 80's
fuck out of here this shit is without merit
Are you kidding me? Fundamental.
Glad that's over. Not for Williams.
Calm and sincere. Right up my alley.
I want to go to bed with that voice.
Moody AF.
It rocks but nothing earth shattering.
Nice groove but I don't think it really holds up.
Oh yeah! Not at all what I was expecting. I could grove to these organ licks all day.
Would have really enjoyed this more if it were just instrumental.
I'm more familiar with their later work. This has all the talent but less silly.
Too much super. Not enough grass.
Solid. I like their silly computer stuff better but they're titans of the genre regardless.
I mostly love Neil.
Not my era of pop but Prince is truly a king.
Psychedelic folk by some of the greatest. Love it.
Gods of folk.
This music is pure serotonin cut with a healthy dose of "as a white cis male is it okay for me to listen to this?"
Oh come on. My childhood!
A little uneven
Oye, como va?
Nothing groundbreaking. Solid background music.
No one can stop us now.
Hard pass. No streaming revenue for bigots.
From which so much has grown.
So shouty!
I dig bossa Nova but am not well versed enough to appreciate.
OMG thank you for reminding me of how awesome Calexico are.
Cohen is wonderful . . . but this album is a little too 80s.
The Original Queen
Are you kidding me?
Very 90s! Much nostalgia.
I'm not punk enough to love the Kennedys. California Uber Alles speaks to me though.
It slaps
The guitar and synth mix with Iggy's vocals is gold.
No surprise that their first album is generic British psychedelic pop of the era. Trippy!
Oh hell yeah what a cool discovery.
Always solid.
It rocks.
I'm not a huge Neil fan but this is his best and it rocks. Also, he's a great person.
I like some of it but can't enjoy the rougher avant garde noise because I'm old.
Music for knocking boots.
One of my favorites going way back to a cassette mix-tape gifted by my good friend Adrian. <3
The funk soul brother? The funk's so rubber? The funko grubber?
From what I read, Costello is a great song writer. I dunno. Too Gen X for me I guess.
Crank it up!
Wow. I had heard some Faust but didn't really know what they were all about.
All the synth pop one could want.
Chronically underrated . . . But this early stuff IDK.
Spectacular. Quintessential West African Blues.
Cringe. It should be up my alley because I like camp rock (Rocky Horror?) but this is too tryhard and kinda gross.
So good. I'm going to listen to it again right now. And again tomorrow.
I'm not a Sinatra fan but I am a bossa nova fan! Too much girl from ipanema though.
What a groove!
Yeah, I dig techno.
Cool. Maybe too cool for me.
Fun party music. Not totally my jam.
I'll take all the samba.
Too much alt, not enough rock.
Too much butt, not enough rock.
I'm either far too immature to appreciate this or far to mature to to appreciate this. Either way . . . get off my lawn.
Criminally underrated.
Formative, for me.
I'm glad I revisited this. Fucking magnum opus.
Just ok.
I think I like The Residents but I'm not sure I'm cool enough to like The Residents.
Not all my style but I recognize the genius.
I miss Amy and hope she found happiness.
Cool. Maybe too cool for me.
I was going to say that this is some pretty bland pastiche . . . but then I read that it was recorded 40 years ago and holy fuck this was ahead of its time!
So great but still overrated. :)
I wish I could have been there (but not incarcerated)
Too gen x
Music for crying. Showcases her incredible voice. Not what I need on a sunny day though.
I prolly need to listen a few more times and more carefully to fully appreciate it.
Strangely wonderful.
Smokin' hot
OG rockers. History may not see them fondly but without a doubt, the music rocks.
I like the uptempo stuff better, but all synth is good synth.
I should probably appreciate Rod more.
Reminds me of college. This album is top 20 in the pantheon of left-country.
I hate the fuckin' Eagles!
That photo cracks me up. Great album for cruising on a sunny day.
Goddess. I wish I'd been aware enough to appreciate Phair in the early 90s.
Feels like a 1980s movie soundtrack.
I'm not a pop punk devotee but this album stands out.
They should have quit while they were ahead.
Not as cool as Liz Phair.
Super talent but the album doesn't hold up. Couldn't get through it.
I wasn't familiar with Masekela. He fits right in with Fela Kuti. Sweet, sweet groves.
Warm feelings
I miss the early 90s. :)
I stan Marc Bolan.
The best kind of throw back.
I love Neil Young and I love some of his music but I only like lots of it.
Ahead of their time but behind our time!
Solid cocaine rock.
IMHO this is the overproduced period of classic rock. Winwood is talented but I'd rather listen to Blind Faith any day.
I always want more Crosby.
So Smithy! I hadn't previously listened to this album. It's great!
Oh yeah!
I wish I could have seen him live.
Feels like it was 1986 but it was 1979? Trendsetters.
Replacement level rock.
Fun but dated.
Pure good vibes
Cool but not memorable.
Spectacular. 10/10 will be replacement for Rimworld soundtrack.
The sound of my youth. Thanks, Mom!
A little too 70s but not in the good way if you know what I mean.
Trying too hard. Talented but not my jam.
Oh fuck yeah. Jack outdylans dylan all over the place. Muy autentico.
The hits stand out starkly but despite some clunkers, Bowie can do no wrong.
Very interesting! Not my fave, but I liked it!
Yes, I am experienced. I have been experienced.
Eh. It's ok.
Not as good as I remembered from car rides with my dad.
Spooky! Not a huge serotonin generator but I love that she's doing what she wants.
My kind of alt rock. And it spurred me to listen to a bunch of other music from the era. Pure nostalgia bliss.
I'd say it's perfect but I listened back to back with the new release where he re-recorded the album doing a duet with his younger self and . . . they're both pretty amazing.
Proto jam band is good.
RIGHT up my alley! Afro Caribbean music is the best.
Yeah kinda 80s I think? Probably should have listened more closely.
Yess. This is the spare, haunting Cohen I came for.
Cash Rules Everything Around Me.
I didn't grow up with an appreciation for The Boss and still don't quite understand his popularity but I can certainly enjoy his talent and most of his music. The title track was the first song I played for either of my children, because, duh.
The futuristic sound of the 60's, and of psychedelic latin america, is my jam.
Kinda all over the place but . . . very much not bad!
I'll never be a diehard Boss fan but I do like this music.
An iconic part of my childhood, however, Green Day doesn't do it for me.
I'm not sure how to classify this but it's not great.
I don't know what I love about The Velvet Underground but there's something they're doing right.
Top shelf pop.
The harmonies of my youth. How the fuck does someone come up with Suite: Judy Blue Eyes?!? CSN drip with talent.
They're trying too hard. Not my energy level.
Scott-Heron's strength is as a poet. The music on this album is a little too mild for me. On his strength as a poet, however, 10/10.
Some of this is a rough listen. I'm glad to have moved beyond youthful anger.
I think these guys are good but I don't have the ear to appreciate it.
Decent, classic rock.
Genre making
It doesn't get more classic than this.
So prog!
Not all disco sucks!
I know almost every word.
The apex of metal.
I was really only familiar with their work on Saturday Night Fever. The Bee Gees were talented! I love the variety.
Cool funky grooves but also some unwelcome crooning.
This is my disco.
It holds up alright. Some definite bangers in there.
Indy rock needs to be special to shine. This was just okay.
Never too much girl rock. Crow isn't my all time fave but I'd listen again.
I think I like this but it didn't really stick.
Classic beats.
He is as free as he is wheelin'. Early Dylan is the best Dylan.
I like these guys. They're even better with Lucius though!
The music didn't grab me at first but by the end I was bopping my head. It also sent me on a happy rabbit hole of early grunge. The Muses were pioneers!
All of Joni's albums belong in the top 1001. The Hissing of Summer Lawns isn't my favorite of hers but I definitely pull it out once in a while.
Major rock milestone.
Calm indy on a wet Monday morning fuck yeah.
Juvenile lyrics, solid blues!
Oozing talent.
Some good songs but on the whole not my cup of tea.
Okay, I guess.
Roots funk!
I really wasn't looking forward to this but it was much, much better than I had expected. Not as good as the album art, not as good as Sabbath, but so much better (IMO) than the metal that came later.
Glam is glam!
I was looking forward to this and then let down. I guess I'm just not a Pet Shop boy.
What a treat! This sent me down a rabbit hole of discovery. The Penguin Cafe Orchestra is perfect for almost any mood.
Dude's got chops.
This isn't my favorite Kinks album but they're always underrated.
I probably need to listen a few more times to really appreciate it.
I'm a big fan of M.I.A. as an artist. She has a style all her own and has produced some massive bangers. Her personal stance against vaccination is nauseating though.
It's a sound I like.
I also want to paint it black.
Haven't analyzed the lyrics but the beats are perfect for working on a rainy morning.
Reminds me of Prince, and also a little Red Hot Chili Peppers. Mostly the voice.
Reminds me of Forest Gump.
Good music, just not my style.
I love bilingual Beck but for a very white guy he leans a little too heavy into it on this one. Still love his grooves though.
I like Metallica's music much more than I like Metallica. This album in particular stands out.
Talent, juvenile talent. Even in high school I could tell that Eminem is a toolbag.
Clapton is a creep but I can't not sing along.
It's not always a sound I want but on the right day The Cardigans slap. Also, Iron Man!
Not many big hits but Queen is always Killer.
There are no guilty pleasures but I do like this more than I want to.
Weird and wonderful!
I love this album with 4/5 of my heart.
One of the greats.
A huge and welcome departure from his earlier albums. Melancholy provides a beautiful counterpoint to the party music he's known for.
It rocks. But like, not enough.
None of my favorite Thompson songs are on this album (Beeswing, 1952 Vincent) but it's still fun. The variety of styles and harmonies are really beautiful.
Ry Cooder is great but next to Toure it's a hat on a hat. These guys are amazing.
Trippy throwback.
R.E.M. is a little too Gen X for my tastes but they're pretty fun.
Not every track hits as hard as Tom Sawyer but holy shit that song (prog) rocks.
Not entirely my cup of tea but I do like the strangeness.
Weird in a way I'm not cool enough to appreciate.
Fucking rock. Hard, rock.
Fun but also boring? Don't hate me.
I'm not sure that anyone ever rocked harder or has since. Every track is gold, with variety, charm and punch.
This guy is so cool.
Funky, trippy, just plain fun!
I listened to Peter Gabriel some when I was a kid but never took him seriously. This album seriously rocks though. The dude is underrated.
Gatorade has been around for a long time! I can't hate on Paul Simon, the dude is great. But for the most part I prefer his work with Garfunkel.
I don't hate this but I don't get it either. If I want metal I'd rather listen to Sabbath.
Ick. Not for me. Cool if you like it, but I don't get it.
Easy listening for what it is. He was certainly talented but also the very definition of overrated. I'm with Public Enemy on this one.
Cool cringe before cringe was cool. Love these weirdos.
Does what it says on the tin. Nothing too memorable but good for studying/working.
This brings me back. I was introduced to The Thrills by an English woman I met when we both started school in Santa Cruz. It's not that far.
It's alright. A little light.
I'd have to listen a few more times to give it a fair shake.
Worse than I expected. He should stick to Leonard Cohen covers.
The ur groove.
Sebadoh stands out not for being particularly good, but for being a pioneer.
I didn't know that Genesis had an album to rival Thick as a Brick! Prog rock rock opera is my jam!
This has not aged well.
This is why Eminem should never have been a musician.
I listened a couple times. It didn't stick with me but I enjoyed the energy.
I'll listen to anything Brazilian.
I'd line dance to this.
In one ear and out the other. Nothing to complain about though.
One of my favorite albums of all time.
These guys are too cool for me. Fun covers though!
I guess he was a prophet. Some of his hooks are soooo good. "If you don't know, now you know" is a favorite phrase of mine. On the whole though . . . pretty dated.
Not a standout album for me but she's very good.
I thought I was familiar and was ready for disappointment. But actually I find that it has aged well!
Foundational music. Would have liked to see more credit to the artists they covered though.
Cool for back in the day but doesn't do anything for me today.
These guys are great and I don't just say that because I keep bees.
Good energy!
Willie is so smooth. He can sing me to sleep any day of the week.
These guys are so cool.
Surprise gem
What a beautiful nerd.
I wish Morrison wasn't such a lame troll. I really enjoy his music.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Pure synth bliss
Waaaaaay ahead of his time.
Not sure about this. The 80s production values are not my production values.
My kind of indy.
I didn't know this album and now I think it's my favorite (of his).
Are you kidding me? For me it's top 3 of all time.
If this played at actual airports air travel would be much less stressful.
I'm always down for trip hop and Massive Attack are pioneers. Given the choice though I'd rather listen to Mezzanine.
I liked Metallica a lot more before my prefrontal cortex finished developing. Since then it's . . . less.
Just the right amount of sad makes me happy. Rest in power, Elliott.
I did not know that she's British!
Dreamy beats over Spanish revolution. More, please.
The original muzak.
This album didn't rock my world but I enjoyed it enough to listen to it again back to back.
Best boom boom bap.
The album cover and music are incongruous. The music verges on lounge but it slaps so I had to listen a few times through.
I had to enjoy Mother Russia ironically because fuck that nationalist bullshit.
It's a time capsule!
Another time capsule. Fine, but doesn't hold up.
Their earlier work was less innovative but we're talking about the start of the nine most creative years in art history so . . . no notes.
It's dated but . . . the beats are fire.
Post punk in the early 80? I dunno but these guys are silly in a good way.
I'm not well-versed enough to truly appreciate this music but I love it to death.
I'm not the biggest U2 fan but I respect their politics and innovation.
A little more avant garde than I would typically enjoy on an afternoon but some of the drum lines and piano really stand out.
I've heard Babylon a million times but wasn't familiar with the rest of his sound. It's okay.
Cool but too smooth.
It doesn't have the hits of their other albums but Bossanova is solid.
This album has been a good friend in my hardest days. I miss you George.
The softest of soft rock. So tepid they deserve kudos for the audacity.
The buttiest of butt rock. Glad I don't have to listen to that again.
I grooved to this all day long. Wish I could understand the language.
I love these guys. So twee!
Best Zappa. I'm a little pimp.
Too cool for me. (?!?) I like indy rock but Arcade Fire is a bit much.
Cool, but I'd rather just listen to Guthrie, Dylan, and Parsons.
Underrated one-hit wonder.
It's like Violent Femmes before Violent Femmes!
"Fun Powder". LOL.
So jammy.
So good! The production is 2nd to none.
Dark, very dark. I'm not sad enough to enjoy this right now but I bet it's just right for some people.
Drawling Indy is great.
These guys are real, real good.
She way great from the jump and has only improved since.
Good for bland.
Canadian Radiohead!
smooth and funky.
Cool, I guess? Industrial doesn't do it for me. Maybe for a horror videogame soundtrack but not for casual listening.
I will trip hop all day.
Scrappy hippies are my kind of wannabee cowboys.
I dunno. Would rather listen to their soul and reggae influences.
Bragg is a treasure. His sound isn't what I want every day but the way he carries forward the folk vision makes my heart sing.
Verges on camp.
Too cute but also super talented.
I liked this more than I should. Won't come back to it, but he has his charm.
Nice beeps and boops but doesn't leave an impression.
Fucking awful. Shame on Cheech Marin (but not too much. He's a really good guy.) for participating.
All stars.
Way better than I was expecting. Butt rock doesn't all suck.
Good but I didn't give it a thouough listen. Will give it another shot.
Hell to the yes. Earle is a cornerstone.
I got excited when I saw Black but then realized that Keys is not Puma. It's actually a fantastic album though.
The right music for a sad day. I hope you don't often feel like listening to it.
Metal is not my thing. I'm sure they're talented but not sure why anyone enjoys this.
I got it on vinyl!
Iconic and revolutionary. There's no one like David Byrne.
I love Emmylou. I wish she did more originals. She's done some iconic covers but also didn't have much to add to, for example, the Beatles original work. Bluebird Wine is a banger though.
Feels very dated but it's a good vibe.
Nico really made the velvet underground special.
At first I didn't know what to think but this album is great.
Cool but I'd rather listen to The Beatles.
I like the Stones when they're more bluesy.
Great but it's got nothing on their previous album. I like most of these songs better on the 1993 live album.
Kinda cringe!
Better with every listen.
I'd listen to this again. These guys are cool. Like Steve McQueen.
Dearly Beloved, RIP Prince.
What it says on the tin. Not bad.
The Queen stands above all.
Kinda not my thing but I owned the CD back in the day and these guys are talented. Rooster is a banger.
Queen Turner has so much fun. I love her covers.
I like mellow Radiohead but I like heavy Radiohead even better.
Always a pleasure. Q is qing.
I'd listen to this with the windows down any day.
Fucking awful.
Peak synth pop.
I loved this. Radical women being radical. More please.
Cool but not memorable.
Ok for what it is. Bono is a little too earnest for my taste.
So silly. I love these hippies.
Raw pop to my veins.
He goes hard. I might appreciate this more with a few more close listenings but the first blush didn't grab me.
Deserves more listening. Not sure what mood I need to be in though.
I prefer Are You Experienced and Axis but all three are all time top 100 rock albums.
I like The Dead but they pretty much define "overrated".
Very 90s. I like.
They scratch a certain itch but left me wanting something else I couldn't quite put my finger on.
Kinda fun but I didn't get into it.
I don't know why I can never keep James Taylor and Jackson Brown straight in my head. They're both great but this album in particular is special to me.
Maybe Pavement is as good as they're supposed to be. I can't tell.
It's fine. If I were more into EDM I'd probably love it.
Like Tom Waits, Björk is an acquired taste. Her voice makes me feel good though.
Goofy hippies all day.
Really great. I had previously known her only for her collaboration with Beck on No Expectations.
I forgot what kind of music Prodigy makes and was dreading this one. The cover looks metal but the music was groovy.
Hilarious that he has to ask for the listener not to be prejudiced. I tried but sorry George, your music is lame.
Girl punk all day!
Not his best work but not (very much not) his worst!
Some people enjoy butt rock. I am not one of them! I do like to, ironically, say "pour some sugar on me in the name of love" though. That's fun.
Raw indy. Kinda depressing.
I had to give it a few listens to appreciate it. And it hold up!
There's a reason why this album sold a bazillion copies. Carol King makes me, in particular, feel like a natural woman.
Nerds! <3
More butt rock. I suppose Van Halen gets credit for being so influential but I just don't understand.
Oh dang these guys are cool.
Eh. Ok.
Super fun synths.
U2 doesn't grease my wheels and the album title is . . . I don't get it. Some solid tracks on this one though.
Not my kind of dance music but she gets props for being an innovator and an icon.
The band name does not hold up in 2024. As time passes I'm less and less okay with casual use of the S-word (not that it should be taboo, just that it should be reserved for discussion of the tragic act itself). That said, I really liked this album. The last couple tracks don't really fit but the first several are bangers.
I like this take on British island-influenced rock.
Hilarious folk pastiche. Beautiful.
You like him or you love him . . . I guess? I can hang.
I can enjoy most pop music but sometimes wonder a little too much about how rough the industry seems to be. I wouldn't want to be a pop star.
Noise rock isn't my thing but this album is much more listenable than I was anticipating.
Always welcome to rock my world.
Cool but didn't grab my attention (while my attention was distracted with work).
I can punk to this.
R.E.M. is cool but a little too Gen X for me.
Are you kidding me! Platinum quality.
So cool to listen to such an influential sound. Glad they got some credit from Nirvana but probably deserve more.
Better than every Bond soundtrack by a mile.
Kinda cool? I heard some grooves but they were lost in the noise.
Is this 80s synth pop? I think so. I like it but it's not my go to.
I don't think I'd ever listened to the whole album. I was optimistic but it failed to deliver.
Feels like pastiche. No bad but I can't take it seriously.
Waaaaaay ahead of his time. I was blown away when I first heard this album in the early 2000s to learn that it wasn't recently recorded. Fucking incredible.
Pioneers. Everyone needs to hear this.
Reeeeeeeeeally uneven. This was a group looking for an identity. I appreciate variety but not this variety.
Delightfully weird.
Sunday is a great song and important piece of history. Otherwise I'm sorry to say they're horribly overrated.
How did this get made? I'd like to talk to someone who enjoys listening to Scott Walker croon. I don't get it.
I appreciate sentiment more than the delivery vehicle. Too punk for me, sorry.
Is this a joke? Comedy is in their name so maybe the whole thing is supposed to be satire? It's like the soundtrack to a musical that I do not want to see. My ears feel dirty.
Traffic deserves to sit in the pantheon of British rock with The Who and the Beatles.
Pioneering I suppose but I prefer the genuine psychedelic rock that came before and the darker synth pop that came later.
These guys are cool. Deserves a 2nd listen.
I've never loved Radiohead but I've often enjoyed them.
Just the right amount of camp. And it's about an engineer? Fuck yeah.
Good but bizarrely overrated. How did this sell so many albums?
Peak 80s kitsch.
The electric music blends perfectly into the old folk songs.
Wow. This was an experience. I don't think I'll listen again but it wasn't bad at all.
I would have loved this in high school. Not much imagination though. They rock, don't get me wrong, but in the most derivative way possible.
Time machine
Forever in my heart
This album holds a special place in my heart ever since my mom gifted a CD to me out of the blue many years ago. Silly hippy shit!
Really not sure how this made the list.
Listened to it this morning and can recall that it rocked but . . . that's it.
Holy shit this was different than I was expecting and a real treat. Very calming!
I like emo but this radiohead rip off is a bit much.
If the Nirvana available isn't enough Nirvana, Dinosaur Jr.
So crazy that this groundbreaking album came so late in their productive career.
Retro upon retro. Don't ask me why but this is the kind of Christian shit I can enjoy.
So much cooler than I was expecting.
I listen to it and then I listen to it again. I've got this one on vinyl twice don't ask me why.
Heroes of my childhood. Not my favorite album but they're all good.
Too try hard.
Super cool grooves.
Ugh. For some super talented musicians this is mostly trash. The early 60s were . . . a time.
Hilarious time capsule.
I hear he's really great but haven't yet come to appreciate Lamar. I'll continue to try.
I don't have the cultural background or language to really get this but I enjoyed listening to it.
I've loved this ever since a friend of mine wrote it in the sand.
I was apprehensive but pleasantly surprised.
Not my cup of tea but I could stomach it.
Why anyone would listen to this in a world where we have Rage Against the Machine boggles my mind. If you like LB and you aren't an angry teenager I'm sorry.
Bizarre christian stuff I don't get it. Also, if you're going to cover the Velvet Underground do something interesting.
Glad to hear that they did more than red, red wine.
Without all the makeup and costumes KISS has got . . . not a lot.
Hokey and earnest but good.
Elevator music, but great elevator music.
Hidden gem! Not groundbreaking but what they do they do well.
Mostly not my style but too cool not to love.
Frickin' great.
From when Country wasn't pop.
That voice.
Cool but not cool enough.
Too Gen X for me by far. I've got nothing against Costello but Tom Petty's whining is more tolerable.
Chronically underrated.
I feel like I should have enjoyed this more but it didn't speak to me.
Rock me to sleep, Steve.
Coldplay are cool but not, like, very cool.
I like hippie rock but this doesn't bring anything interesting.
McCartney is one of the greatest song writers of his generation but should have quit while he was ahead.
Essential listening. Pairs well with Public Enemy. Franti is _my_ hero.
Easy listening? Yeah.
Spectacular music from a truly flawed source.
Truly awful.
Okay, kinda cool.
I just love this so much.
Sounds like they had fun making it.
Who dis? :)
I know that a ton of people like being yelled at. I'm not one of them.
Pretty cool but not my style.
Not as bad as I expected.
Popular country was good before it sucked.
Not for me.
I like the gospel more than the soul.
For a super group they're more meh then super. Black Hole Sun is a good song.
Not totally my style but I like freaky kid music.
What a delight. I love her creativity.
I listened to it twice and nothing stuck. I enjoyed but couldn't get into it.
Cool but I wish it was bluegrass.
Gives me John Lennon vibes. Love it.
Crazy fun.
Thought I would hate it but ended up listening several times!
So good I don't know if I need to listen to anything else ever again.
Just the right amount of gen x.
He's an icon for a reason.
So good I own it on vinyl! Best pluckin' around.
Perfectly fine but don't tell my wife I think Bruce is severely overrated.
Nothing wrong with the music but it's a huge letdown after the cover.
I really like his music. Too bad he turned into a grumpy right wing asshole.
Her voice and guitar are pure honey. This album is legendary for a reason.
Big meh.
Hell yeah. Perfect for every chill moment.
Sounds of the 90s!
Goofy cool
I do not understand why anyone wants to make music like this. I won't call it bad. I've no doubt that everyone involved is extremely talented. And I suppose they made a bunch of money so perhaps that's enough. But neither the music nor the lyrics have anything interesting to say and the listening experience is the very definition of "meh".
Not necessarily my cup of tea but definitely pioneering.
A keystone album.
I'm a Honky Tonk Hero.
Classic Björk!
Cool back then. Kitch now.
Nothing compares to her.
Very cool but didn't need the continuous mixes.
Great indy in the same vein as the Flaming Lips.
Best memory of this album was a friend's birthday last year at a burlesque show and as soon as the first echoy "clack ck ck ck ck" hit I knew I was in for a good dance.
I did not know that he got his start making Christian music. This is really awful stuff.
Kinda cool. It's got that Talking Heads feel.
I really enjoyed this. They have a good diversity of sound, sometimes like Oasis and sometimes not.
What did I just listen to? I'm down with German opera but would need to listen more closely to really follow what was going on.
Fine? I like the song with Lil Kim.
I like quirky.
This is peak Boss. I'm less of a fan of his big sound with the full band. Nebraska shows off his songwriting.
Wilco can't be rated high enough. They're so talented.
Didn't know what to expect. Didn't hate it at all!
I wanted to get it on before listening to this album but now I want to get it on even more.
As I am neither a Beevis nor a Butthead this is not my cup of tea.
Listening to this makes me feel cool.
I'm not a huge REM fan. They're cool though.
Waaaaaay past his prime.
My favorite Brazilian psychedelic rock.
Frickin' love this.
There's more to the 80s than The Cure.
Passing me by is a favorite. My daughter asked if we were listening to Hamilton. SMH.
Such a silly dude. I love it.
I'm probably prejudiced against him. On first listen this album is inoffensive.
Super inconsistent. What is the goal here?
Horrible man but I love the music.
Not the Beatles.
Ugh. 1997 had so much better music.
They rock the hardest.
The Bee Gees are so weird!
. . . fine. This era of British rock is okay.
This man can do no wrong. I listened to it twice. Sweet butter.
Really cool. I gotta give this a few more listens.
Love these weird dudes
Sometimes I like to listen to sad music but this is a flavor of angry-sad that I don't understand. If it makes some people happy, that's great.
Like it don't love it.
Puts me right back in my dorm room.
Love the pride she has in herself. It makes me feel good about myself.
So many amazing songs. One of the best albums across all genre.
Not my nostalgia.
Christ what an asshole. I listened to this a hundred times in my teens. Wish I knew then what I know now.
Not really my cup of tea. Too watery.
Probably revolutionary for its time. I don't hate it.
Cool, maybe too cool for me.
So great. Makes me miss Kris Kristofferson.
More Oasis rock. I do like The Verve but don't miss that era.
I can't not like strange 70s rock.