Back half better than first half
Probably would like it with another couple listens. The instrumentals are good
Fun blues BB king sounds great the whole way through
Awesome South African music, such a good singer and the songs are beautiful
Disappointed. It’s Queen, but they get so much better on the next albums. Great musicians but the songs just aren’t as strong
Probably was pretty cool in 60s, but now sounds really dated. Janis kinda sounds like Marge Simpson on a lot of this. Sometimes it works though, but mostly this isn't a great record. I'd stick to the singles
Not really my thing. Production is cool and some interesting songs, most of the lyrics aren’t relatable for me
Great from t
Pretty bad and really stupid. Production is cool, but can't get over the terrible lyrics
It was alright. Not a big metallica fan in general. The riffs become monotonous after a while. Master of Puppets is still a classic song though
Really good singing and playing here just not my usual music genre.
Singles are great. Album is very good. This was way better than I remember when it first came out. He’s had even better records and this one gets overlooked, but it stands on its own. Jack white is so good at creating his own little electric blues rock fantasy world on his albums
Probably was cool in the 60s. Not very good sound and pretty run of the mill blues rock. Janis sounds like Marge Simpson sometimes.
Great album. Great storytelling. Great vocals, dynamic even when constrained
Great album. Opener is great. Beautiful ones is great. Darling Nicki is what I imagined every prince song to sound like. Side 2 to this record is even better. Only criticism is that sometimes the synths sound a little too ghostbusters, but ghostbusters kinda rules so whatever. I like princes shrieking on some of the tracks here, so good. Purple rain alone would have made this album worth listening to
Good: synths tasty, hits hit, good 80s Bad: some of the sins are long and kinda boring