Rock 'N Soul
Solomon Burkelovely soulful voice , but bit lacking in variety across a whole album .
lovely soulful voice , but bit lacking in variety across a whole album .
Absolutely fantastic . Epic and gentle in equal amounts. 5
part relaxing , part cheese . 3
listened to this a million times when i was a young'un. Still sounds good ( but a bit one-note). But I don't have an albums worth of teen pseudo anger these days. Fondly remember singing this in high pitch voices in the Mill.
never heard this, not sure how its going to go... *few songs later* realise i know all these songs from the muppet show! It's a perfectly 'fine' covers album, but wouldn't listen to it again. It's gentle safe music for coffee shops and xmas movies.
never listened to the non-album tracks before ( the big 'hits' are good, but heard them so many times they've become white noise, particularly Samba Pa Ti) . Standout track was Se a Cabo, so for that it's getting a 3, with the option of upgrading the album as a while as i continue to give it more of a chance.
Great album, can't believe I've never heard it before! Easier to separate into in two discs, since it's hard going in one continuous listen.
Unless it’s the song from Crazy Taxi , Offspring can Smash Off .
It's a great funk album, strong opener and closer but slightly unmemorable in the middle.
It's a hard listen, very cinematic, some really great tunes but i wasn't in the right mood to give it a proper go ( early morning dog walk! ) . I will listen to it again though since it might be better than my initial impressions
NIce live sound and quite relaxing, but not my cup of tea.
I really like a lot of The Beta Band's other albums & EP;s, but this one has never done it for me. It's slightly too long, not very memorable, and just not as good as their other really impressive stuff.
A literal album of two halves. The Love below is amazing, weird, intricate, silly and catchy at different moments. The Speakerboxxx is a bit more traditional plodding hip hop of the time. Five stars for Andre 3000, 2 stars for Big Boi. But I'm going to ignore spreakerboxx for the rating.
i got into this album in about 1989 back when i realised so many of my favourite hip hop samples were on this ! Still love it , funky and soulful .
Not my thing for a full album listen overall, but i do love Autopsy , and Who Knows Where the Time Goes is full of sad memories for me.
no thank you Mr Park
It's classic rock, and plenty of big hitters, but just kinda boring and plain for me.
love this so much , lots of energy and incredible playing..
…haven’t listened to this whole album for about twenty years , it was my least favourite pulp album back then , and still is . The four big epic clever pop hits are amazing classics, but the rest of the album bores me !
hawaiii and dum diddle can be skipped , rest of the album is solid gold 70s pop !
it’s not awful but just plain indie , i’m sure others would love this but i’d never be compelled to listen to it again .
a short, mostly gentle listen, not my favourite of theirs but still nice . assuming the big singles are bolted on to this edition ?
I used to listen to this a lot, but it doesn't seem as good as i remember as a full album. There's 4 really, really great singles and the rest is a bit forgettable.
This is a lot of fun! listened to it twice in a row ( skipped Beth both times) . A lot better than i expected.
Another album i used to listen to , now it feels like being told off by an angry lecturer who isn’t Chuck D. His heart is in the right place though , and I still like the production even if it is of it’s time .
never listened to this before, it’s not what i was expecting ( in a good way ) . Really hypnotic and compelling. I will be listening to this more from now on
familiar with this one , while i don’t hold led zep in as high a regard as some , it’s a mostly solid classic ocking album .
The occasional utterly amazing track mixed up with way too many oki-ish songs . I quite liked it when i was younger , but not my thing anymore as a full album .
Not fundamentally bad music, just not my thing.
Bit too long to sustain a whole album, suffers from use the garage/2 step beat with out variation. Two absolute gems on here though ( sincere & crazy love).
Just a bit saccharine for me, there's way better country albums out there.
Riders on the storm is great, the rest of the album would be better as aminstrumental.
Absolutely awesome mash of funky soulful rock . The cover used to scare me as a kid :D
i do like his voice , but i get nothing from this at alll .
In my top ten of my most listened to albums. Amazing from beginning to end.
It's mostly good, with one standout title track. Always thought the rest of it felt underbaked though.
I think if i'd heard it at the time of release i would have liked it. The production is a bit thin sounding for an album that wants to be big, but the songs are well written . I'd prefer to listen to earlier XTC albums or Tears for Fears.
Fantastic album from beginning to end , difficult shoes for Femi to fill - but he slams it :)
Undeniably a classic hip hop album, although it came out just as was losing interest in hip hop so I only got into it years later . Production and samples are excellent, the vocals really iconic. Wouldn't choose to listen to often these days, but wouldn't complain if it came up on random !
Remember buying this off the strength of one track i'd heard on late night radio just before it came out ( the one with the same Nas sample ) . Aside from the slight hip hop elements, it's a laid-back jazzy album with several standout tunes, and an amazing voice throughout. Not perfect, but that's for the next album.
Double Live album by Van morrison ? Yikes … Band are very good , but his voice is so grating . Thankfully, I can easily not listen to this again.
I remember giving this a listen when it came out , and taped around three of the tracks (!) , returned the LP the next day . listening to it now, it's of its time, bit too long.
My least listened to Pink Floyd album. Don't enjoy the rock-opera of it all, particularly amplified on the second disc, but there are couple of incredibly good tracks scattered around in there. Standout track - Comfortably numb.
Outstanding, funky and jazzy with a message . Not often that i feel an album is too short, but i could happily have another discs worth.
Deserved-classic synthy 70s masterpiece . Lovely memories of listening to this on big headphones sat next to the record player as a kid, even though at that time i didn't get the themes of grief and sadness at the time, just enjoyed the stereo synth effects!
I remember it as amazing, but on re-listen 30 years later , i'm finding it to be three really great rock tracks, the rest is a bit whiney and dull. Standout track - Last goodbye.
It’s fine , hard edged but slightly soulless hip hop Lack of musical variation brings it down.
Song 2 and Beetlebum are solid gold. I never liked the album that much at the time and on re-listen it still doesn't quite deliver. There's much better Blur out there!
It's got plenty of energy, but this one’s not for me.
It a bit jangly samey most of the way through, with the exception of the excellent heavier tracks. Not bad, just won't listen to it again.
lvery fuzzy noise based rock
The big hits are fshort twee rock n roll numbers , but realistically i'd never choose to listen to any of it.
Tedious noodling blues-rock. The second half of Layla is good though.
Lovely, soothing, beautifully sung and produced pop song, with Just a couple of skippable songs. Standout tracks: Close to you & the surprisingly funky Another song.
Quite interesting, but for the most part, doesn't do it for me. Love the cover though. Best track Ole Mullholland.
conflicted on this ! Is it good or do i just know it ? It’s a great /awful example of angsty 90s pop. Some great singles ( except iIronic ) . Couldn’t recommend to everyone though .
Undeniably amazing, energetic all time great album .
grreat stuff , maybe a couple of fillers. very fond memories of getting this lp for my birthday !
Incredible for the time and undoubtedly influential guitars , but i just don’t like jimi’s vocals ! best track foxy lady .
Starts strong , 80s electronic pop with very funky bass , slightly fizzles half way though . Five stars for side one though .
Take out the interludes and a few of the middle tracks , and you’ve got an interesting , unusual album . 4 stars with a few edits !
overlong live album . no thank you.
Not my cup of tea really.
Simple plodding country .
Love this album, very gentle and relaxing.
Feels like the same song over and over.
First track is great , but the rest is just ok . I actually prefer the bonus tracks, which weren’t really n the original release !
Great memories of buying and listening to this . Some of the lyrics don't hold up , and the ‘getting high ‘ themes get tedious after a while. But! The production really keeps it afloat . Black sunday is a lot better.
Beautiful but melancholy album. Wouldn't listen to it all the time, but it is very good. Standout tracks Lonesome Tears, Round the bend.
Very nostalgic album. First side is strong ( except for 'parklife' which still feels like a novelty record) . Second side has a quite a few dips but finishes on the incredible 'This is a low '.
Some 5 star belters on here, but also some absolute filler.
A live album … but wait ! It’s amazing !
Initially benefits from some good 70s production , but after the first 4 or 5 tracks it reverts to a homogenous traditional reggae sound.
Beautiful voice, some properly dazzling tracks, but occasionally a little twee.
Haven’t listened to this for years , sounds of the time , but still a good album with just a few tracks holding it back .
Great to hear Metal in its infancy , still finding its feet , but pretty good overall . dreadful lyrics though . Paranoid is way better.
It’s got energy but just can’t take another live album … Sam cooke is great but I wouldn’t realistically listen to this ever again.
it’s fine , but ultimately quite dull . ‘Money for nothing’ still good though .
beautiful orchestration on the first track , But the rest of the album doesn’t interest me at all .
Hucknall prejudice aside , this is surprisingly good . Shame everything that followed was MOR background music. best tracks - Holding back the years & money
haven’t listened to this since it came out . it’s inoffensive and largely bland , with a couple of singalong singles.
Utterly brilliant, laidback groove. Couple this with their EP Premier Symptomes and you’ve got one of my favourite fictional double albums .
Never listened to the whole album before . First four tracks are very good, anthem pop rock songs , but the rest wanders off a bit, pretty much repeating the feel of the first four tracks.
Too folk rocky for my tastes. Quite enjoyed some of the jazzier moments, but they never got adventurous enough .
The excellently arranged orchestra and witty lyrics don't quite add up to a must-listen, but it is good. Best tracks "everybody knows' & "somehow" 'Casanova' is a sbetter album.
a great album that took me about 10 years to appreciate , Maybe a bit inaccessible an introduction to kate bush though .
Iconic album cover , but although it's fun to see were they came from, i’m not a fan of the early Beatles . Too many covers , standard rock n roll. Give it a couple of years boys, you’ll get there .
He’s a technically talented rapper , but aside from a couple of tracks the beats & production in this album are so weak, almost amateur sounding ! The lyrics are mostly angry teenager level of sophistication.
it’s fine but not really inclined to listen to it again .
first time hearing this - can’t believe i missed it when it came out!
Plenty of 5 star tracks on here, just a few slightly middling songs in the middle let it down. But mostly great. Best tracks - Lullaby & Same deep water as you .
It's perfectly listenable, but hardly essential.
I just don’t get why this is a classic album ? It’s so plain and anonymous.
Several great singles swamped by too many meandering album tracks. I thought i liked jimi hendrix , but I think i actually like the greatest hits.
Nice to have something a bit more contemporary ( only ten years old !). Plenty of good uplifting synth pop songs, perhaps a bit too long an album though . Definitely good enough to make me check out their other albums :) 3.5, nearly 4.
Absolutely love this album .
fairly good beats , surprisingly poppy at times …. but the lyrics - so dated and one-note.
good to listen to the odd track here and there , but after an hour this album gets repetitive.
lovely soulful voice , but bit lacking in variety across a whole album .
not her absolute best album but it’s very beautiful and interesting. just not immediately accessible, 3 or 4
1 you had to be there ??
Powerful voice sadly paired with mostly plain songs .
Great album , plenty of interesting and crunchy songs . Doesn’t quite hit all the way through as i remembered it though. 3.5
I've heard this so much it feels like white noise now. There are some really excellent tracks in the middle, but i'd never choose to listen to the whole album. 2.5
I thought i'd like it, but i found the first half too droney to listen to. Best track 'If I am' 2
Annoying voice , dreadful songs. couldn’t get into it
A bunch of classic rocking tunes in the first half, followed by a few fillers but ends strong. Really good fun for the most part. Mainly, i just want to drive the Eliminator Coupe. 3.5
Amazing song after amazing song. A rare double album that doesn't get outstay it's welcome (maybe skip 'Isn't she lovely; though ) . Absolute five stars.
An album i have no knowledge of - pretty good on first listen , similar vibe to the Stranglers, going to give it another go. first five tracks - great, but less keen on the more punky mid tracks and the cover of goldfinger !
Not a fan of pre mid 60s Stones . but still a few great tracks , just not enough for a whole album best track - under my thumb 2.5
It’s got two great and fully formed songs , the rest feels like screechy and sparse demos to me. best track: seven nation army 2
not really my style of rap, more attitude than substance .
plenty of funky grooves here, wouldn't listen to the whole thing in one session though. the bonus breakbeat tracks are well worth checking out too. 3.5
nice to have some contemporary bowie to listen to, just a shame that it's only kind of ok. best track Lazarus. 2
Not really my thing , but the title track and ‘when september ends’ are decent pop punk songs . rest of it is formulaic and dated.
Amazing jazz which gets better as you get older , not the best place to start if you’re looking to get into miles davis though . 5
The Smiths passed me by when they were around, so i don't have any real teenage nostalgia for the songs. The album is absolutely fine, but not noticeably incredible. best track - Bigmouth.
I prefer mid 70s Springsteen , but this album is still quite good if a bit dated by the drum sounds! I'd choose about 5 of the 12 tracks to listen to more often and leave the rest . Best track- I'm on fire. 3
For some reason I thought this would be good in Spiritualised way, but it wasn't. 1
remember this being good, haven't listened to it for years! Still pretty good, interesting samples and beats. Doesn't have enough for a whole classic album, but otherwise plenty of choice tracks scattered in there. 3.5
Too bland for my tastes . never going to listen to it again on purpose . best track- the cover of tears of rage 1
Don’t listen to it often , so it’s a nice surprise to be reminded how good it is 5
love J5 , and this is a quite good one, with a comforting old school feel . Their first and best album is awesome , so i’ll dig out that record! 3.5
never liked wu tang, always felt the martial arts samples were carrying this album's notoriety. Variable lyric quality and often awful delivery, occasionally good beats. 1
Not nearly as good as Low. First side of songs are ok ( Heroes is the standout obvs) . I prefer the more experimental instrumental side. 2.8
Lovely, relaxing and cozy. ( Except pleasure machine & feeling groovy which don't fit well on this album ) 4
Don’t mind REM but never been keen on this album . three great songs and the rest washes over me. 2.5
2 some good fun songs , but wouldn’t listen to the whole album again
i kind of like parts of it . The tracks with more vocal samples work better , and the others feel like unfinished sketches/ demos. 2.5
fairly nice poppy noise rock that gets repetitive and indistinct too quickly . 2.7
I love this album from beginning to end . 5
2 best track : tattooed love boys.
decent enough, but ultimately redundant live album .
exceptional strong five star opener and closers, sadly filled with other songs i’ll never listen to again .
No issue with prog rock , but i find this mostly uninteresting and really don’t like the singers voice .
Almost skipped this, I assumed i knew what it was all about . Pleasantly surprised by some very funky 80s fun pop. Glad i listened to it. 3.5
2 best track - waiting in vain
hypnotic and one of my favourites 5
It's very nice improvised piano , has an interesting backstory, but i wouldn't listen to it often. 3.5
No idea why this particular elvis costello album is on this list. Plain and pedestrian. 1
great beats , interesting concept , horrible lyrics .
uninteresting , inoffensive . 1
While it’s not Air’s best it’s a mesmerising soundtrack to a very depressing film . 3.5
Howdy , I’ll never listen to this again . Yeee haaaaw. ! 1
some super smooth tracks here, haven't listened to it for decades! probably a bit 80s plastic jazz sounding these days, but i quite enjoyed it. 3.5
I'm always happy to give prog rock a listen, but this is awful. would have liked the cover as a Transformer when i was a kid though. 1
Not that keen on Queen's first few albums. Killer queen is great, but the rest feels like it is still being worked on.
This is an odd one. best track ab/7a sounds like it was made yesterday.
stil not quite there ,but these boys are getting better . 3
It’d be better as a shorter album , the production is joyfully way over the top , but this album is great . 5 stars if you chop out about 7 tracks. 4
I think I sort of liked this album in the 90s, but it's not aged well and certainly not an albums worth of listening. 2 best track - Epic, obviously.
Along with the Low end theory, this is one of the all time greats. 5
Heart and message is in the right place, but not that interesting to listen to. 2
Love this album 5
wouldn't listen often , but glad i did. . Doesn't outstay its welcome and a surprising amount of energy for the blues. 3
Nope. 1
no idea why i never bothered to listen this album before , although i did like the first one . it’s good , more of the dramatic ‘ want one ‘ style . 3
it's fine, general purpose hipster rock i suppose. wouldn't listen to again. 1.5
lots of songs that all kind of sound the same . Im sure there’s some better elvis costello out there, but i don't know what it is yet. 1.5
perfectly inoffensive mainstream slightly jazz. Not bad but not essential listening. 2 and a bit.
Absolutely fantastic . Epic and gentle in equal amounts. 5
really inventive, groovy and quirky . 5
the album is pretty much the same song on repeat , but plenty of screeching fun. 4
gave it a fair try, found it quite tedious. 2
sounds like a dreadful amateur dramatics revue. 1
great production , but absolutely awful person who probably should have got help a long time ago . 1
i loved this album at the time , but realistically it’s a bit sonically repetitive these days . some classics songs on there though
still sounds remarkably contemporary, but i don’t like the vocals ! 2
never listened to this before , i like neil young’s voice and the tone of the guitar . not all great , but mostly. best track by far - down by the river 3
A mixed bag of really good soul and really plain modern rnb. 2.5 best tracks sweet life & crack rock.
love paul simon solo and quite a bit when he's with garfunkel , but never really loved this album despite it having some very popular big hits. 3
A solid classic with big Trevor Horn production. Can't lose! 5
very much of its time, still listenable with plenty of great tracks. 3.5
Not nearly as good as i remember it. American pie cover is awful , ‘Music’ is incredible . everything in between these two tracks is middling . 2 overall , but 5 for the Music .
5 stars when you select 12 or so tracks , but no need for a colossal box set up on this list. 3 or 5 stars depending on how you listen to it !
not bad, but would rather listen to the originals if i needed to. 2.5
the sound of childhood nostalgia . plenty of fantastically good singles here, but the sound doesn’t sustain a whole album . 3
Beck's output gets better as he ages, but this is still an early one . Not much else sounded like this back then, although i can see how new listeners would be nonplussed. best tracks: jack ass , new pollution. 3.5
great samples & beats, but embarrassingly aged lyrics. Used to love it , but it's horribly outdated now. truly, truly AWFUL cover. 2.5
A favourite of mine, positive lyrics and top beats, but admittedly a few too many dodgy tracks. 3.5
My least favourite radiohead album. 1
It's an iconic album of course, but i wouldn't listen to it again voluntarily. 2 or 4
phenomenally good first half , then dips into more traditional soul . 4
part relaxing , part cheese . 3
it’s really good , wouldn’t t listen to it often since it’s quite bleak . 3 their first two albums would get 5 stars though.
fine, but samey.
tedious .
thunder road and born to run are the stand out tracks by miles. the rest is good too , not quite as exhilarating. 4
lovely vocals , but boring songs. . bring on the drum and bass !
mostly amazing once you get into it ( took me years! ) , but two tracks are totally skippable. 4
i love pet shop boys right up to this album, and there are a few good tracks here , but too many cheesy hi-nrg ones. 2
2.8 best track - immigrant song , by miles
wasnt in the mood for it, didn’t enjoy it , felt like a dated hard grunge pastiche 1
I really love the title song , there’s some good stuff across the album . going to listen to this a bit more see if it grows on me .
fast car obviously the big stand out, and whilst the album is lovely to listen to on the surface , the lyrics can be a downer. clearly a great album , but not what i want to hear right now . 3.4
didn't like this much when it came out, and listening to it today most of the lyrics are outdated, but the anger still shines through where it counts. 2.5
great relaxed vibe , a few questionable lyric choices , but largely positive. maybe 4 songs too long? 3.5
noisy in a good way , wont listen again for a while . 3
not for me. 1.5
5 This, paired with Breakfast In America, is so good.
its ok, not a patch on later Talking Heads albums though. 2.8
I was hoping to like it but found half of it unlistenable. 2 for the album, 5 for effort and sounding nothing like much else of the time .
No more Bob Dylan please . 5 out of 100
good, but not as engaging as i thought it would be.
better than bob dylan , but only a little bit. 2
best track by miles - there she goes. Otherwise perfectly fine but wouldn't listen again , which is surprising since i really loved Ghosteen .