Let's Stay Together
Al GreenThis was a good, relaxed listen. Let's stay together (pulp fiction) and how can you mend a broken heart stood out. Went back and relistened to last track too.
This was a good, relaxed listen. Let's stay together (pulp fiction) and how can you mend a broken heart stood out. Went back and relistened to last track too.
Very good start, not so familiar with the last songs. Funky disco sound was good
This was a funny one, I enjoyed the first album more. Although the Andre 3000 side had more familiar tracks on it overall was a little experimental for me. Didn't enjoy the jazz tracks or the norah jones stuff. Pleasantly surprised by the big boi side. Killer mike and Jay z were good too
Street life was class, the rest didn't grab me but did feel like accessible jazz. May give it another go at some point
Enjoyed this. New album for me, a bit different stevie wonder, slower tempo. Really enjoyed heaven is 10 zillion light years away
Need more time to listen fully
Quite liked this and surprised it has passed me by in the early 2010s. Mixed pop, folk and Country sounds. Lyrics I thought were interesting and quite humorous at times. Will probably listen again
Difficult to know how different/new it was for the time. Recognised a few more songs here than I expected
Struggle with jazz overall. Not sure I'd listen to this again
Banger, start to finish. Good techno funk, with catchy beats. Loved it, very nostalgic album
Bit strange, some classical riffs and a simon and garfunkel cover. Talented musicians for sure, album felt a bit all over the place- maybe what prog rock is supposed to be?
Really enjoyed this. Brighton rock was a great opener and in the lap of the gods at the end felt like a prelude to bohemian rhapsody on a later album. Enjoyed misfire and the thrash of stone cold crazy, incredible talent
Really enjoyed this overall. Some timeless classics and others I enjoyed that I hadn't heard before like neighbourhood threat for example. Really enjoyed the whole thing and will listen again
Necer heard The Fall. Pretty uninspiring stuff. Got as far as Mother Sister then gave up
Never heard of this or The Soft Boys but enjoyed it. Lyrics were a bit strange but melodic and interesting. Will listen again
Pervasive album, feels a bit overhyped to me.
Not for me
Wouldnt normally listen to missy elliott. Some catchy tunes, quite a few collaborations. Overall good listen
Enjoyed this.
Mixed bag for me. Quite a unique sound, narcos vibes, interesting but unlikely to listen again.
Not for me. Inclusions like the Lear jet song add nothing, poor covers too
No doubt an important rap album. Let me Ride, lyrical gangland were track highlights. Subject matter not something I can identify with and can be hard to listen to. Skits also felt quite infantile. Production was very good
Light hearted 80s. Big guitar + synthetic.
Kids loved it
Really good. Directors cut included a few more tracks, will definitely listen again
Couple of big hits but found it a bit bland overall
Enjoyed start to finish. Not sure I get the whole alien coming to earth concept storyline but as a piece of work seemed well structured and interesting
Bit strange, gave up half way through.
Only half songs on spotify
Thought I would enjoy this more than I did. Quite samey throughout and not particularly interesting
I liked the live recording. Album was enjoyable bluesey rock.
Pretty meh easy listening rock. Not something I'll go to again, found it bland and boring. I wouldn't say I hate the eagles but this did nothing to convince me to give them more of a listen
While better than the byrds I found this pretty bland and forgettable
Very enjoyable listen. Highlight tracks - I know it's over, there is a light that never goes out.
Another good album. Highlight tracks nowhere fast and I want the one I can't have
Good for what it was. Kids enjoyed it
Better than last tom waits album. Won't listen again but interesting, felt a little like a soundtrack or theatrical performance. Odd instruments and a self produced sound
More punky than o expected. Good listen
I thoroughly enjoyed this. Slower than what I expected for EWF Also am I imagining it or is 1:15s into Africano the drum solo sampled on the I'm a celebrity theme tune??
This was very 90s teen movie, i think the standout song being a cover says it all. Not my taste
Very dull, each song totally indistinguishable from the next
Very of the era, I see the similarities with fleet foxes and arcade fire. Good musicality
I agree purple rain is a better album but I really enjoyed the wide range of instruments and styles on the go here. 80s &90s rock sounds, ballads (the cross), bit of hip hop (housequake), soul stuff. Truly talented man. Feels like he was making a bit of a statement with it all
Decent stuff, quite musical and enjoyable overall
Weird, quirky. Enjoyed it. Heaven, and Life During Wartime were the stand out tunes for me
Very raw, simple and haunting.
Not for me
I've been listening to the wu tang all day today and gone down a rabbit hole of recent reviews of the album at 30 year anniversary. Album itself is gritty, dense and snappy lyrics with interesting samples, I very much enjoyed it
Didn't really enjoy this. Interesting clash of styles (a bit world music, hip hop, reggaeton, others) but won't be listening again
Great album. Excellent Sunday morning. Would say a couple of the songs seemed a bit long at the start but I guess that's what the roller disco demands
Couple of classics, mostly felt like background music. Did enjoy it though
A talent for sure. Definitely shock factor involved and pretty juvenile at times but overall a good listen
Didn't like limp bizkit back then still don't like them now. Obviously were socially important part of youth culture for Americans but wouldn't say they aged very well
I have never listened to pink Floyd. This feels a level above the other prog rock we have listened to on here. Quite experimental and big compositions. Still not convinced on prog rock or that I'll listen too much after this.
Caveat that British/english folk rock isn't my thing, and was concerned about comparisons to the the byrds but I quite enjoyed this. Lead singer sandy dennys voice quite haunting and melancholic.
Didn't get a lot from this
I liked it. Very nostalgic, early uni album. I forgot how many songs I liked on it. Production and samples top notch. Going for a second listen
Pretty rowdy and brutal stuff. I think the second half was better. In all likelihood will never listen to this again
Was never to my taste but certainly a definitive album.
Meta version of country bands I don't particularly enjoy
No doubt there is musicality here but its a style of music that I can't appreciate
Possibly my favourite album reviewed here so far. Lucky enough to see J5 in Edinburgh back in 2004, and this was as fresh now as it was then: beats, lyrics, breaks and production. A classic
I found it all over the place. Not bad but strange, I guess the legacy of something unfinished and the earlier context. The Wikipedia entries were useful backstory. Mrs o'learys cow was very strange.
I think it's held up pretty well for being 20 years old. I wasn't a huge fan at the time but this sounded pretty good
Not a great listen
I found this very listenable and like Nick, nice background country music. Some good covers and this was a nice take on some I didn't know he'd recorded. Decent 3.5/5
This was a good, relaxed listen. Let's stay together (pulp fiction) and how can you mend a broken heart stood out. Went back and relistened to last track too.
I quite liked the guitar sound but the overall package wasn't for me
I'm filing this with the other weird 60s psychedelic curios. At least only 33 minutes long. I kinda liked jump sturdy
New artist for me and really enjoyed. I like a bit of jazz rap so will listen to more of this!
I think I've only ever heard this in parts but really enjoyed it
Did not find this very intersting at all. Recognised the first song but gave up just over half way through
Second best selling album of all time (at one point) and 25x platinum. Its quite the accolade. I can understand the appeal, sped up blues style with big solos and brash performance. Good entertaining music but not particularly interesting to me. Decent listen
I enjoyed this. Not as strong and rounded as parklife but had a wide range of sounds and great blur writing and tempo
With a name like grateful dead I expected something other than soft country rock
Just back on this album now. Never heard of jorge Ben but I'm a fan, wish I understood a bit of Portuguese though! Good voice, funky tunes.
This is dross
Good Sunday morning funk. 1st song is 10 minutes of guitar solo. Last song is 10 minutes of experimental freestyle/weirdness with lots of drums and sound effects (lions, cows, aeroplanes and cuckoo clocks) Think I preferred the first half
I can see why younger me liked this. Not so much these days; listenable but not particularly interesting
Sombre and melancholic, fine but unlikely to listen again
Although not bad felt a bit flat and nondescript
Preferred what came after song 1. Not really my thing though
While I started enjoying this, it didn't hold my attention and ended up as background music. Very talented though
Pretty dreadful. Sounded like the backstreet boys
I feel Billy's music/voice isn't for me but appreciate he has something to say. I don't normally listen to close to lyrics but did for this one
Overall good listen. Clean production, punchy and raw lyrics, distinctive voices throughout. Express yourself is a classic
I'm sure my dad went to see him in Belfast in the 70s/early 80s and said Jerry was out his nut, came on late then eventually passed out and got carried off. For as far as live albums go this was good, high energy coherent, short too.
I found the vocals quite bland and album overall not that memorable
Smoke on the water, others were non descript dad rock
Shoegaze isn't for me but this felt like it was more about sound effects than anything else.
Based on the short album wiki and rock opera comment I wasn't expecting much, took a couple of songs to warm up to and tailed off to the end, but thought the middle third was quite interesting
I enjoyed this and wpuldve been a fan in the 90s. I actually didn't mind the ropey production as it seemed to play to the slightly post punk sound. Short songs, overall good listen
Good listen, very cool. Hard to differentiate the songs but seemed more about the rhythm and sound than anything else.
Blinding lights is a cracking tune. I think this is one of these albums that is influential more than anything else. Skinner bridged garage and hip hop styles and talked about the mundanity of british life at a time that we had Keane and Katie Melua sitting at number 1 for weeks at a time. It likely paved the way for a lot of what came later- grime, dubstep etc.
Enjoyed this at first then fell away. All felt a bit filler background music
Hard to argue that it's 2 classics either end of a load of middle of the road stones stuff
This was fine, 21 songs in 35 minutes. Kept my interest for the most part
Didn't know it but I'd heard it before. Felt the album was pretty creative and although very 80s, plenty felt ahead of its time. Strong start, bit weird in the middle but overall good listen
I didn't massively enjoy it. I did about 4 songs then went back and listened to Kate bush again
I tried to listen to this critically and objectively but just ended up singing along
Prefer the black cherry album electronic sound although this was interesting
Good album. Meanders a lot but quite interesting. Unlikely to listen again
Too much drums for me. Every breath you take was the highlight. Mother was an awful song
There is something about neil young albums that seems to make them greater than the sum of the parts. Not a great singing voice, slow folksy guitar brought together with great lyrics. I hadn't heard this album but really enjoyed it. 5 stars from me. Highlights were See the sky about to rain, On the Beach.
A bit long, a bit dull. Album felt a bit all over the place
I did about half and got bored.
I only know the Nina simone classics we all do, so interested to hear a full album. This was a good listen (in the car, sunny day), amazing voice, nice piano and guitar. very little to complain about
This has good associations for me. I remember downloading it from the uni halls FTP and also it was on a lot at the bouldering wall. Feels like it's aged pretty well
Quite liked this
Not what I thought Ryan Adams sounded like. All felt a bit bland
I enjoyed it. Rock the house probably my favourite track. Singles are good, the rest quite forgettable. Probably cultural significance a big part here. For me later gorillaz a lot better listening. The two remixes at the end are better than the originals
Pretty bland stuff
Enjoyed this. Must rewatch harold and maude
I heard some hendrix and black sabbath sounds in this.
More upbeat than I was expecting. Highlight tracks were nude and house of cards (which were more slow radiohead i was expecting). Saying that I'm not sure I'll ever sit and listen to radiohead.The strokes came on after and I much prefered that
This was better than the MIA we had before, possibly weather having an effect on how I'm reviewing it. Felt the back half picked up a bit. Not sold on M.I.A generally
I quite liked this. Can imagine it would be good live. On balance i think i peferred the songs with the male vocalist. Wish Fulfilment and Purr were my highlights
Bland and whiny
Good Saturday morning listen. Respect, Do Right Woman, Do Right Man were my highlights
Not my cup of tea but not bad
This aged well. A bit long but didn't feel bloated
Not one I'll be revisiting. I reckon they recorded it in one sitting, there's more then a few dud notes at the end of toonerville trolley
Found this a bit repetitive and bland. Listened in the car and was told to turn it off 'this is awful, why is this on your list?'
I liked it, solid stuff but not as strong as Mellon Collie. It started well and perhaps tailed off a little. Not much to complain about though, think I'll listen to more smashing pumpkins
Other than alright had never heard any of these before. More punk sounding than I expected but unremarkable for me.
Surprised by how much I enjoyed this. This is the sort of album I want to discover on this
Melodic but struggled to engage with it
Early Kanye was great. Nice 70s sound too, enjoyed it
Very good start, not so familiar with the last songs. Funky disco sound was good
Background folk, didn't grab me
Higher quality folk than previous albums on here. Meandering, nice, but not really for me
Felt like a bit of a novelty, interesting enough
Less pop sounding than I was expecting. Quite enjoyed it
This was a funny one, I enjoyed the first album more. Although the Andre 3000 side had more familiar tracks on it overall was a little experimental for me. Didn't enjoy the jazz tracks or the norah jones stuff. Pleasantly surprised by the big boi side. Killer mike and Jay z were good too
We had it on in the car, whole family enjoyed it, good covers well produced. Spotify also played a bunch of other country stuff afterwards (hank williams etc.) and it didn't compare
I quite liked this, good guitar riffs, but at 1 hour 30 mins it was too long. Not sure there was a need for the live versions
I didn't know this smiths album much but thought it was really good. More melodic than other smiths, good johnny Marr sound
Fine for what it was but not sure why this is a noteworthy album
Couldn't get on board with this, appreciated the weirdness but that wore off around the middle and overall a bit too much falsetto and humming
Preferred their older stuff
Not peak Bowie for me. Good listen though
Street life was class, the rest didn't grab me but did feel like accessible jazz. May give it another go at some point
For me it sounds like real sam cooke, rather than how the studio albums were recorded- probably so they appealed more to a white america. Excellent album
I did 3 songs and felt I had it covered. Not for me
Yeah this was a poor man's REM meets oasis. Bland
Listened to half, but it blended into the background
I was reading Robert Plant was influenced by this album. Let's just say it's a good job jimmy page played the guitar and not the harpsichord
Just went down a lunchtime rabbithole reading about Mexican Americans love of Morrissey. Album was better than expected. First of the gang was the standout
I lost all interest during It Was A Pleasure Then. The droning was too much
I had always written björk off as too arty/out there/high brow for my taste. Not sure if this album is reflective overall but it was good. Several songs caught me by surprise in a good way
Title track was very good. The rest of the album sounded a little samey, perhaps too much pipe organ for my taste when it is an instrumental album.
A simple desultory philippic (Dylan one?) was the best here. Feeling groovy my least favourite. Needed more from the spice rack
Man in the mirror is my favourite example of the truck drivers gear shift. 5 stars
Not a metallica fan. However, good rock with some classics mixed in. Got a bit repetitive but didnt lose me. Kids reckon this is 5/5 😂
I remember this album being everywhere when i was in australia in 2010. I wouldn't say it was anything special but fond memories of a place and time. Plenty of recognisable songs
Broody synths and not overly poppy. I liked this and think I'll enjoy more with more listens. Strangelove is a banger.
The production is awful. I'm not enjoying it. 28 songs in 41 minutes just feels too abrupt
Totally fine restaurant music
I really liked Mote. Quite enjoyed the sound overall. Likely will give it another go sometime
Not sure that i fully appreciate instrumental albums but I quite liked the sound of the sitar. Covers were interesting introduction. By the end it was psychedelic sounds. It lost me at The Ocean. This is a very 1001 albums album. A curiosity
I think I reached This Love Affair and realised I wasn't enjoying at all.
Very 90s
Country music my dad would listen to
Speedway was a great final track on this album.
I've missed most of the albums over the past week but got back in via this one. Good sound, not what I know of the beach boys. Disney girls, till I die were the songs I particularly enjoyed
I had 2 goes at this, one yesterday when I was half listening in the car and I found it agitating. Had another go this morning sitting at the airport. It's weird but funky and dramatic. Not sure how I feel about it
Strong finish some duds in the middle, overall enjoyed it
This was good, fun stuff. There are not enough guitar solos these days
I really enjoyed this, a few duds but overall a good boozy folk punk sesh
Knightrider did it better
I am not a big fan of modern hip hop (noted this is 12 years old now). An American colleague recommended it as an entry point. I never really went beyond this album to understand it's influence but I like it. After a few listens I feel my appreciation for it grew
Still scarily relevant message 30 years on. Good listen
The penultimate track is a real low point, the rest I thought was nice and worth the listen. Unlikely to relisten however
No sympathy is a great song, the rest is a good vibe but nothing special
Long and bland
Funky samples, not bad
I did quite like it. Over and Over, Mansion on the Hill were great. A few duds (Farmers daughter). Production is a bit garage band and vocals aren't everyone's cup of tea but that's the essence of Neil Young.
Also liked it. I only really knew Ocean Rain album, and this is as good. Good album cover too
Very smooth
Persevered after the second song, which was absolute shlite. A bit too arty for me
I've never listened to Ryan Adams before (had a flatmate who was a big fan, and that was enough to make me avoid altogether). Bland 2000s soft rock. Hints of van morrison.
Had bever heard any Jethro tull before. Surprisingly enjoyable warlock rock. Maybe more folky than the prog rock we get on here normally.
Maybe the mood I was in but couldn't get past the first song. Rotten
Thelonious Monk is the character in the film American fiction. Soundtrack is similar sound. This album was good, creative and interesting in a relaxed way. Will have another listen later
Not sure why this is an album I need to hear before I die. Every song sounded pretty samey, nothing special
This is what I want from 1001 albums. Weird orchestral stuff I'd never listen to otherwise. Good artwork. Some of the zopf stuff in the middle wasn't so much my cup of tea but picked up in the last 4-5 songs
Enjoyed the production, live drums and general relaxed sound. Passin' me by is a great track. Solid 3
I've never listened to ABBA intentionally and wouldn't say the generally peppy eurokitsch sound is my bag. However this impressed me. Perhaps a little dull at points but there were some huge pop songs in here and if you told me it was greatest hits I would have believed you. Composition and musicality is top tier.
Agree. It seemed pretty thrown together. Loungey jazz for the most part was pretty forgetful. The hip hop track seemed to kick off the B side which for me was the side of more interest but at the same time not very good (simply red/housemartins bargain bin)
Getting strong radiohead vibes from this one, solid listen
This was pretty enjoyable. I had imagined a trudge through nondescript country songs but was more composed than that. Clear and clean production. In the ghetto followed by suspicious minds was the highlight. Elvis is a specific sound and I think to that end I had decided I didn't like elvis sound/wrote this off before listening. Even still I thought it was good and pleasantly surprised
I expected this to be earlier than 87, mustve sounded a bit generic even then. Didn't do much for me at all
This was really good. Always aware of Portishead but never listened. I think something about the name made me think they were a metal band. Anyway, will have another listen to this soon.
Strong voice, relaxed country. Decent
I thought it was interesting in parts, but a totally mixed bag. Feels a bit in-between genres and got tedious.
I had this on in the car but not sure what to make. It was really pleasant background, slow and meandering. I wasn't listening too hard for lyrics. Saying all that it did feel a bit thin on reflection. Need a second listen
I seem to only listen to reggae when barbecuing in the summer. It's very much a time and place thing for me. Foggy scottish evening -2deg doesn't cut it
Today, I learned kid rock grew up on an extensive property with orchard and horses. His dad owned multiple car dealerships
Not terrible but not great either
I found it catchy and decent as a one off listen but leaning a bit too far to novelty.
3 songs in- underwhelming and a bit dull. When does it get started?
Less familiar to me than other bowie. Sound and vision really strong single, album tailed off a little in the back half.
Always had great admiration for sinead O'connor but hadn't listened to her albums. Very impressed with this. The singles were all good, emperor's new clothes more upbeat than I expected. Nothing compares is excellent. Tragic how she was treated for calling out abuse in stark contrast to some of the questionable others in this 1001 list
Pleasant enough Americana but couldn't tell you a thing about it now other than i liked the strings and sounded a bit like a soundtrack to a slow, sepia-tinged indie film
Some bangers up front. Pretty weak otherwise, lyrically poor
US release had Paint it black, huge miss not having this on UK version (a point deduction on its own). Out of time was good. Otherwise pretty repetitive
Sounds like Neil diamond on drugs
Bluesey rolling stones style- nothing special. Picked up towards the end, shaking all over and louie louie were decent enough. Middle of the road otherwise
Is this glam punk? A bit of fun, I enjoyed it
When this started I thought it was crap. By 3rd song (I think I'm in love) I had completely changed. Cop shoot cop at the end was very good. One of the better psychedelic albums we've had in my view. Album cover is top tier too
Tedious dross
This was good in parts. A bit 90s daft punk - hypnotise, sometimes, jaques were decent. Couldn't get onbaord with disco to disco. Didn't listen to disc 2.
Some good songs but a full album of Tina is a bit much
I found this one oddly comforting. Great voice, enjoyed it
Couldn't finish this. Like the white stripes minus any charisma
Peter Gabriel has a very distinctive voice that grates on me
Never heard it. Thought it was unremarkable but a decent listen, quite relaxing
Nice album. Good 90s, heaven or las Vegas was the best song for me. Album had a hint of cranberries sound to it
About half way through, it seems a bit the strokes and sonic youth. Decent grunge
was nice in a nostalgic mid 90s sort of way but ultimately this was characterised by lovefool. Without that song it would be nice but unremarkable
Great voices. Traditional old country is probably my preferred style of the genre
Listwnd in 2 sittings. Enjoyed overall good energy distinctive sound and not too polished
If it wasn't for the strings this may have been a 2 star
The skits and mafia theme were a bit naff, but tracks were excellent. Production and flow was class. Guillotine/swordz, verbal intercourse with Nas, wu gambinos, heaven & hell 👌
Good voice but for me just fine overall. Enjoyed some of the country that spotify played afterwards more...
Excellent guitars and sound. If you told me this was 2000s indie I'd absolutely believe it.